Newspaper Page Text
THE DAIIY JOURNAL I*AsUIssan l RI. MILS' CITY. MONTANA. Thbe4tteref TnI YlLOLUWl.TN JOU.UAL I· Ie rspOSlae, for any at the optl U.w .r ut tersaSor tu ermaondontas. N.tiLe a hereby give to all co.arned that Tal yUilnLroNl JOURNAL PUBLISlMN CO. heda the co.traut to do all prla saU a-d. vtalMg. of wbwatver smaila a' to C.-e weematya.d a. also the dafusia e ealy pmlsar to al.ereeaty I. wateh servtces by pba1es esee lhe lly made. L[al moees pub"shed It arh papa. of Cster eunty. arte ·td ad weabri . as has m de l b toeetl m Tea YaTLLOWITOIe JOOasaL ma.s ibry a wrVite eIer iaed by the pub takr r besieasl massn'e. THEn ew Movernor ot Knasl bhas theb hornme market theory so had that he wants a prohibition of the sale of meats not subjected to local nlospeetio . on foot, In order to keep out the dress ed beef eupplle. In Pennsylvania there i* a stroni eff.rt for a similar law, and for hise tuther aurpose of suitli g a big rsl rod. If tbh onie market theory i so good, it shou'd prevent the introduction of mauufso tures from another state. oounty or town. The greatest attainable freedom in traffic is the best in the long run. E7. VENEZUELAN RABBIT TALES. si wag . Waum.'t Paseb - t- e Dr. A. Ernst, who has done much to increase the popular knowledge of Veneuelan ethnology, has collected a few pular taicr which are very in Son account of their Tupi and ih affinities. The tales are en -ted "Tio Tigr and Tio Oonejo (Uncle Tiger and Uncle Rabbit)," and all of them have for their subject the s.peiorty of cunning and craft over "Uncle Tiger had a field of splendid warmelon. He observed that some d rvisited his field at night and the melois; therefore he made a of a man of black wax and it in the field. At night Uncle came and saw the figure. 'What ae you doing there, you black manft Get away I' The figure did not ,ply. Then Uncle Rabbit went up to the blac man and boxed his ears; but his right hand stuck to the wax. 'Let go my hand or I'll box your other earl' cried he. When he did so his left hand alsostuck in the wax. Then knocked his head against the fore ad of the figure; his head stuck to iL Then he worked with his hind legs to get away; they also stuck to the wax, and Uncle Rabbit was t Early in the morning Uncle wcame, and when he saw Uncle be cried, 'Ohol have we gt tie thief ! Now I'll eat you!' '. ait a moment,' said Uncle Rabbit; 'set me ties and I will show you a pit in which two large deer have been aught. You had better eat those.' Umele Tiger thought, 'Two large deer me better than Uncle Rabbit,' and he -et him free. Uncle Rabbit led him to a deep pit, and sid, 'Stoop down and you will se the deer.' When Uncle Tiger did so, Uncle Rabbit s hed un from behind, and Uncle fell into the pit. Uncle Rabbit, ver, ran away as fast as his lege would carry him. Hers is another story: "Uncle Riah hit was very sad because he was so .all. Ie went to God and wanted' t bemadetaller. Godsaid, 'Iwilldo so; but first bring me a coral snake, a asp iwgrm and a calabash filled with w--s'rt ltears.' Uncle Rabbit started Shis juruney and arrived in a forest mers there were many snakes. Walk ing along there, he said, 'I bet there is room for him, I bet there is room for him I' A coral snake heard him and -sked what his speech meant. He re plied, 'The wasps may that there is not room enough for you in this calabash. and I bet that you can get in there.' 'We will see at once who as right,' said the snake, and crawled into the cala bash. When he was in it Uncle Rab bit at once put the stopper into the opening, and thus the snake was caught. Then he went on. and said: 'I bet thee is room for them, I bet there is room for them.' The wasps heard him. and asked what his speech meant. 'Oh!' said Uncle Rabbit, 'the msnake says there is not room enough for your swarm in this calabash, and I bet thrt all of you can get in there.' 'We will see at once who is right,' said the wanps. and cruwled into the calabash. When the whole swarm was in, Uncle Rabbit put the stopper into the open ing, and thus the wasps were caught. He next went to a villag',, anrd when near the huts he began to cry and Lament. Then all the women gathered, and asked thie cause of his grief. 'Oh I' akid Uncle lRabbit, 'why should I not cry and lament? The world is going to-be destroyed today and all of us will perish.' When the women heard this thIe began to cry wofully, and Uncle Rabit filled a calabash with their teas Then he returned to God. When the latter saw the three cala ashes with the snake, the wasps and te teas, he said, 'Uncle Rabbit, you re more cunning than any one else. Why do you want to be tallert .at s you wish it, I will at least make Ireslarsm . I ' Saying s, he pulld nley hae s meas a.nd sinr that dy hy haveremained long. "-8cienos. bh ti Tw c.Uo Awsra Abi vw~) t o bow ttd of ..lok an i werisS? omai r tb rrl 1 ui akd I-w the m-. wad~ r u + M r. by d1"r~ UO p.o.iNm a0 U II l u 'la aaomi s * 04 pbai *0l Slna 04)q JOJ s IsUo )a uJ41UnOS Ut £0U04 JO 30!1t1u1nb egnq a gisd Sogy uo rndoxo tmo *qi muo'mit sLip jammin pu s uuds pan gqoI pow 's~ep £uqus 'auwa Jnblbe a meg umuow Ja1tqM 'o1 m uflWj mWa SUqj .awm oqi rlw waoojq um e samanog paw ywo; si wopljau wU squQosuj an soaot pnoa o01133111 aqh 'luoi uo u naoJdl rtem g a;oq rud gaud eqi w wpanoo umqsag 315u puu wafln)u 'oUpJUU -IR aug 'so a3y p'I '° K1 "aaualag- '6Z 'I 01 I Pus gO'I O)T pauigqtuo s ooqgu guw'rala pus weallS OG u .aqmnu etp pas 'Slarmooadsaa R)i'I of I pas 9$S I 01 1 owoaq uo1000 11141 ut uoI)gW *ndod 0) sarafloO U! wuapnlw jo U01)UJ 041 'uoilisndmi00 041 mnwj populo -10 ws sqimjq *4l J Ijgnol o04 JO UuoISIrp OM) 041 UK ýIaa 1ads31 0og'i of 1 pas 6t 011 o 01 To u.sop uoiiuindod 01 s)Pflp 1S jo sUIJIU 04 s6u uq 614) pus papnl'! Si uonslsndod pro.oJoa 0tl 41106 04 1 oJ) iuot)Undtuo3 oqP $ul! -213W u! 134) IIJUWJ 01 JIW) £D rO! It "suotlao Bumtummr awql eqi a MM.) -op U pus 'Liuanoo e04 50 suotiltp I'1)uaO q)aON pas or) us[V q 1oN oqP l "sl*oogaa ogtiaoras ppus sa~al -100 opoq aoz pas 1ouo I saga Jo; uollwlndod tpta poaudmoo un gupnis jo .KqUmnU .1 Ut aSWorOU us %aoqu ECE ell 0 BI c0tE1. CZEl3A CA! II UCID. The most agentoeal, humiliating, itching, saet ,rea bursing Ecema. ue ca'red by te Cuteurl IoReedles, when aphysl U and all other remedes fallt. I have been aellcted slane last March with a skin disease the doctors called &.ms. My lace wa covered with sauS sa•d eere, sad the itching sad burning weae almost unbearsable. eeal year Ct TICUVA RMIDI s as highly recommenlOde ceecluded to give them a trial, usil the CUTI. CUa and CUTIrCUA S&o, enternally, sad RI sOLV.NT internally for four montbh. I edll my selfcured, In gratitude for which I make this pub lie statement. Mu. CLARA A. PREDERICK. .ead Breek. Conn. Esema Three Years Cured. CuticusA are the grteaestmedcllne" on earth. Had Lbh worst case of Sait Rheum in this country. My mother he it twenty years,sad an fat died froh it. I believe CVTICVnA woula have saved her. My arms, breast and head were covered for three years. which nothing relieved or cuaed until used the CDTICUaA RsoLvlaTr. J. W. ADAMS, Newark, 0. Ecemma on Baby Cured. My baby has been troubled with eaeoma on his face, neck, head, eas, and entire bod. Hlie was oeu m or ca, and we were obliged to tie his heads to prevent his scratching. I have spent dollars on remedies with no deet, but after uning Ose bhe CUTIcuRA and one cake of CaTICURA So.P, the child ie ontirely eased. I cannot thank yeou eough tao them. F. W. BROWN. 12 Mull St., brooklyn,. D., N. Y .1 SEceum on Hamds Cured. Two years and half ago Salt Rhi em broke out on my right hand. It appeared n white blisters, attended ty terriic tching, and gradually spread until it covered the entire back of the hand. The din'ase next appearbd on my left hand. I tried many remedies, but could ind no cure natil I ob taind the CU..RcUA it.uDIs. which efected a speedy and permanet cure. JAMBt P. KEARINEY. 4 Woeed Avene, Det ril. bld evnrywhere. Price. Cntlcea, tue.- sou , .e.; ReoLvnNTI. . p r.nd by the oTT.a Daet AND C uMICAL Co., Itu, asc. .SeP d for * Hew to Cure dkin Di.aeses" M page. 80 Illustrations, ad 100 testlnmoals. TSkind~ pnaa nd beasti 111113 WVIN L With Salt wau, dull. ahug, Ilk. er. all-em weteaU-, rseloed a. .me mimuto by Sh. CatCLeua Anti. Palm PlmuS... Telbust and aly phal.edrniag platS.. All druggeta. 25 ears. QMEED100R AUORY. EcAUSLAND 5 GUNS. REVOLVERS, AMMUNITION f evrydeeculptl se. The LAaemr STolc .f leevshau, . tilesn thP e Wt. WGainrnuthiah md Iepelrvof e1 ml klid Noitif dii.. sd warranted LIFE RENEWEP DI. mICE UI' le Us B.i~j1 ILTic eutd UpeeAory vo·nlJ dmnS"aPef~ry g(a "o the ldost P"I~W UI Ha tt7 in te rld Cun !*hwtbai 117f ?w.,u It.hillt - Pallin ath of P ahldm~i 1 n, Dun S h~arL gt·nuav am atisfaction In wo cur. of (ono#Fha anw no N. lot, i e It sod -ea" sale In reoomend ".lgIt to mualbl smm chiso O"G&r IN. PR I CY $I.". ift"12b 7 fld hir Drugglata. W. X. SavaKIe, Agent. JOHN CARTER'S Children Cry for Pfthr Ctrlda MONTANA SHORT l , N. hen trav'rlng every one should ea rider well the quation of eoamomy, comfort, e.ty and speed, these qustiom being of the mne lmportance in a oumfr of an hour as na one of several dqas' rid. An examinaton of the map will convinem anyone that this li the most direct erote to and from all the principal points in Ce n- I.ULra a n d 0 O PoUS Ner Dakota and Ymtana. Our epuipment and time a eaellent. Our ratee re the lowest, but this fact is something which epesks for itself. Definite flgure and ausps cm be obtained by applying ta any A gent of ta.. Company, or the (Ge. eral Pamenger Agent. The following are a few of the Principal Points reached via this Line: RT. CLOD, PAUCK CUrI, F(sfZ ]s FALL r'uto. roN, T. VIsNCKEt, IrT(INTaMo, p.\~,sLs\LLI, MORIS, APPLITON ANI lli:t( A' FsR1uo,Ma.xN,.* W'Arsa)wx AaLE IIU-, ELL.ENDALES , W AIII'ETOW., AYAO ;.KtND F:O.ji, URATON, D)EVIIs LAY;. Il rrINiAU AND BIFt ID,. DAKOTA; (LAIP cow 1) (.r. ®F n . vI K Ar), A.seNxxmozx, IT. Sr, GRUEAT YAL.a, HLENA ANs IDrt'nI, MONrrTAN.A; .i.';IProa, MtAxnoa&, An.u ALL 1'. i IC COAIT I'uNTe. Parties sf ekin g farmoe or business hlo. tions will lind unw;:ual opportunities ,,x both on this line in Northern Dakotaand Montana, al: in Minnesota wherethe Company has for sale at low prices and on favorable terms 2'00,000 ac.s of ex. oellent farming.grnzi:i;! and ti'mler i;.nds For ipse and t tih r ;nfornatii n addreei 5.BooxwALTUR, C(. : \"M: ST. 'IAUI4 MINN. L Xr , W. 8. Airuanm owhl Nmma m Ge-'ITmaoMa-, i3 WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE will b. mailed, securely wrapped to any ad. dress in the U.nitod Stater for three mouthy on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to pop maaturs, agents and clube. Sample oop!esmailed fee. Addros allordern RICHARD K. FOX. THE MARSH OF PROGRESS! OUR LATEST IPBROVE ENTB! C l t ife of Tr«4m," Uad If yohe ton -or ltajm * tueproved inM« i ur.o. n h. o to wou toe odf ad .O lteivl no* gauaino untls haLn or na s and pri iStampl plaInly the aole. Tear Wlr ill supply you with shoes m led if you i-nsat ule his deoli .o; If you do not i aamme PSHES' AMES MEARS 3 SHOE $4 SHOE S U ItXCELLED IN CANNOT FAIL YLE UNEUALLEN " TO ". AVDU31 I" SATISFY., .RFECTIw tH MostS O * , or.l .O htoo - bes the reat prr In our hbrach of Industry that werr Now able to afirm that the e lut' )4b e vIen ·re p rept equal to the sh<e .hoho nlyafew yetars were retailed &leight or te dollar. Urog w i ou w ll h70 onavn. that w do bot eaiwmic . Ow aft S oYld =u Shtlmornm. aMd aoe who Imtlte our syetm of bstm ae uabW k(oomt wton u In Mj fe nrr M produc.. Imour hw. erre the largest manr>ttn h th nnttdSShe o Iour traelIrn so w 'le ow lnt4 te sho retailers of the Peldo 0o M a Rocky ounaUIn ttegoa wrtle* hre es follows I ia more than satised wit the mrull of my p Ih1ave thus f0ar seeeded i plainU rail fu l1 to the hand of A No. dealer in .every pelut I bhae visitst * e ros o to ay. "Thl is a f. o r lf,,r us to sell sho In, ben.u most of the retailersrtn arp their ruto. t . i.r » outl.e the prt he th the hve eoot at wholesle. The ooUquems l. that Qt eosle who wear sh.rr aps .lis or seen Jollars a pair for shie whih are not worth as muc as our JA H IMEAN I' $3 asd i4 HOKE. Our shoe. with their very low retail pre staped on the soles <oevery pair are breaking l owO the lhhb price which have hitherto ruled the rtail market here and whn a retallrr uts a full ne of goods in his stk they at one begin to f lie hobut cake, so r(s Now. kind rea*r, Just stop and conmlder what the above stmnlfle no fareas a areooencerued. It amUrees you tlat It you te pon buying shore I ear-I no manufacturer' nniame r nad rrtail price stmp a the so .you annot tell what o are Iettnu and your retailer lI prob&bly maklg you pay double what our iboes have romt him. ow., cun you enf .d tIdo this while w*e nare airotlnt you br lstampl oar ame aud (the IM' retall price upon t t i.e .lof our shw Ifoure they leae our actory so that uannot be made to pmy more tor your bho tha they ar worth b aM* fire*--r cI|lbr rj l trha they *i rl»w h«N*Bllon (a *|1 yro uf e eat in a aod wr.teo aod by wl a prts JAMES MEANS & CO.. 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. For MAN I For BUSt i Nu4* u YurLinimentl SLTAULUUMED 151. minnapolio Sheaskin Tazn&2, P JD 13$P~l UI r fl-' Ginsen end Senses p..'. wwm &IUX5 IjI9 U&Uswor rh.r -O'II~~r -- IY 3r Great English Remedy ^. Murray's Specific. A guarsateed care for all nervous diasases, sucJ as Weak Memory, Lom of Bral1 Power Hysterl Headache, Pals In the lhack Nervous PraltratUnm, Weak, Univer. s al Laasttde.r emin4l. Weak ? @a I neem. Imotncy sad general owe or powel o tb(enoeralv Orgas;- In either F'e caused by lndiscrecol orover eaxe tio.,, snd wll. h altimately lead to PreI atiur Old Age, Inalnity and CousampiUom $1.00 abex orals bosl sor 4 8.00. 8eat '.eIs.ler. by mail on receip of prio . Pull lparticularlopamphlet, st free to every applicant. We Suareamee ie-ei s tocure ncaMoe Forevery S..00' with a wrtlter guarantee to reulnd the money if our specific doe mnot efectacure. ft.; sotlg. Addrees II eom nulcattions to the so manu fa.turers, 1HE MURRAY MRDI(CI'EC Kansas (itry, arH.M. PAtIIOHEN CO., t holesale -ad Retalt Agents, Helena. Mast hr i, i.i*l/ & i Fo ,u th.e I.i*bliK 1World lilt lP itw t i l id It e ail ti na l I ' II-I . l lII , ilttiCtu. ~IIIII.Ka-. ily, . Mo., and Nae Frlan ,·itcet. (I a . lli hate outi(eu. at llindlur ailetl. Ituite (1),i Mlont MatiIh 20th 1o :l1h. latI. .at trand i eitral ,otel, Ana tondal. Mlarch :itI. at Pacif IlcHotel Matin at ,elenlanl, April lIt to7th, IIi9. DR. LIEBIG & CO. ThI European medical stagt and special surgeons tnd I'htyl ltasi of the l.i-big World Disenaslry lild I lellnatlional burgical loltitute. The surgi cal branch alte tonl to deformlt le of ever kind and al! displac. ` o mentl re qulring ap pilancra for curvature of I *eiae,Dis tomned lim.Ia * or arms auc cesful Iy Itr atd by S, ournew Vol. 12 E Ftalc and o= Magneti' appllances .ilcai l~rpna devote. ap cel attenliou t.. all Chrotiic, t'otrllc:atld, Pria.te and Wasti. l Disea-s,. r sultinr front badly tr.tled caseo of acute or .pettal nature, ir fromn Indinrrotions of iouth. brOiEtgliI o0l pirlUatliorhee, he.lllIla uhak lesis ad n iunnlatlurl drain from the body SblIc 11i1 an. rineall h con+titul ion -also Debl ily. ltcay. I.tA of Vitally or Manhood. which res.ul Irolll crrels of maunrlty. The rsas.n it. m5ti y are on cured of the Islre c.. lp aints t1 ofs ag to a co~splication called P.o tat lorrsl, . whli II our trealtelt alone can cure. Vanrl t ale, worlmy veins llln rotum. Nrtctu', blo,,l alid at it. m1purti eef urctdilty eured. racte irivale troul'r. safely. cot'.llentlli and quickly Sured. c('tarlh oI tie m1ucuous membrane of the hels I or bit I I.r Ieentutll treated; alse throat :ld lung ditcaies. Feltllla nlliplaintal alIt all tdilicate.(omulicated dJi.ases of wolUPIen carefully tleated by our new method whereby none of the usual phrvtcal ir.tntnatiton. r. rCi Ired Ilis placs lu lrutt of the It, rus antl. cli .weiall complainta peculiar to femnles, sutce~+stlt'ls rested All Illguage, lsoken alt I writtenl. \\'rite nl your own lalnt gle The Imost poerful FI.E('TRI(' HELT+ fre to pattentl. I',,l te or a i. reas Lieb:g World Dispensary. 40I (c(ral bt.. tu FI lt .elclc. Cal. II axr Infants nd Chldren. ý. i it. T.,~~H~l~L. OMIETHIIG 0 IITEURST FOR YOU TO READ! Having had a very succemful fall trade and nearly sold out our entire Fall Purchase of Suit ings, we purchased an entire new line of Winter Suits at EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES We shall be pleased to give our trade th advantage of these BARGAINS. If you are In need of a nice, nobby suit, the best material and finish, give us a call. We are convinced that yeu will find exactly what you are looking for L ORSCL BRO.,, THE COMMERCIAL LEADIII BLOCK. CLOTHIERS I, ORSCHEL & BROTHERi olele iii iquplors ald Cigp 8pn aletion called to our entmenlve line o BOTTLED WINES, WHIISKI S, B"IES, I. FOR THU HIOIDAY TRADI ellvlsioltl est1a rI-U Y