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HE 1S NO PHONOGRAPH. "0 tMW Uar.ld M~eeh Bas Ma e no R. maikabi~i Memory. hen ex.-Justu'e Meech bas some shi t commiunicate to Mir. Meech he does not wish to hear re Ebd ~ verbatim atinapprropriate times g css the hbeds of the family go g 16r a ride, leaving instructions that isoisou no amcounL to lbe allowed f lave the house during their ab ia aunaold is only 7 years old, but an astonishing memory. He Sdbers everything tb.t interests u, and he wakes it his buts~inies to 6 Interested in whatever his gifted Ilia says. Unlike most of tbe mu - prodigies, he is no 'l'oiutruplhi bi mental apitaratils i. .segh lito things \%lic li ii kc his lOy, but nrceives uirnl!tifts"i in from umtaane jargo)I anid lilu~i',~ %%i lii binA 'inderstaiiding i"aniiot L~ctli 11le is a bright. healteyili l v. '.u+,i LI Ilitarl big ative 1itlu uii to I :. rt lunw evimitor front rhi I j~l11u lil' Iltlior shesh lbun in the jea.t. I nu'. Iutory Was ill ta , lto niiddlin. ?: I ii, lie 1.iitd by ýý..y of tr!n . 1 f_ ftut imgs lie i 'iM ' au It'dt ire tý ' i ',. t'vwl anied . E~reitl'. nianins. *%' hottOa'Ii -. w~o t i: *'.listjhine." ' ht a her son's au~mu':" " ~ t e. *"I.ugvt~e what'~" 'I'"1Tu, Iuke' of Orlewn,." What was the nameo of Josephline's dauurhttutur "Wh:at fatnous gnrhl r:ba w i:ti N po--uo at WVatcrlk ot llaroIcTM mental *Ilparatus had to h ave little time here. He trook a tarn shout the rot it and ttt;ith a run toiiugju l to the nue of hkis V.i-itor with Wclpftr r f t cxtory. " Maralul~hal he sid. "Can Iou ni .at soiuetlhitig .,-en ou have heard it once:' asked Ilar old's visitotr. "Illi trc." t. i ' the boy. jumping to the floor andi t, 'owitg ount huis chest. The vkisitor, uk a mueanu advantage. He quoted to the tot su' cting genuu the fit st very of a nu:,;a.:itiw lhove Ipom: The liut and the lupe t. 5.ethewr Ihat * L -Lt letter to nc1w It ta signed u insr a t~oI.Ien M jl'-. It is r. detl with a icuidtn k. The kw~.t wants inj.* out of ht.. -igt Th'iK j want, ;iw .,tUt of %..- v"2 Harold mrade' an tuiusticci'ef:il effort iS concl hIis. dhisgust aud hseguti Tb " king and t~he lope her .A lita hare sent to me; gii'nerJ with a gulden aomttlidng and seai" with a golden Ley The king wanta me out of hia kingdom And the Dome wants me out " vgoodncem. how I hate .oetry,'. A larold hbad to have a drink of water to take the taste out of his mouth. "What do you like, Harold "He likes history," said larold's ''lsmma. "For two vears hb read aothing but American history." "Why do you like American his Ir, slonld '' TM e boy seized a flag which stood hfed in one corner of the room and waved it patriotically from ram. parts improvised out of a haircioth ia, and answwered, with a clheer: *H*Hrrah! Because ther.'s war in it." Thb n the youngster, having marched atoud the rxom a number of times, glunged into the story of the battle of "gilob. and nothing could ,top him. Though he did not invariably use the emact words of the lustorjian. hi. phraseology had the genuine 'historiy al swing, and his voice and manner eainged according to whether the de mription was spirited or patlhetic. In ---ribing the heroic cf ort of Gen. Johnston to oonoead from his staff the ,a nature of his wound the little :.p wasa really iwmprelvc. I.ttle Harold Meech' knowkd(ge of the principal battles of the rebellion has proved embarrarsing to the man ager of one( or two panonuaua in C(i eago. The first time he saw the s-prewentation of the battle of Gettys burg he cast his eye over the expanse t cavasnn and detected at once the ab aece of al important detail. The lecturer looked the matter up and found that the boy was right. Harold inherita from hus mamma a good dnid of his interest in history. Not long ago Mr. Moeech pr d a paper on "Josephine and Her C'urt," at the request of a society of which he is . member. 8he reed the paper ad a few days afterward Harold mot bold of it. It was just in his Imie. ISe ead it through once or twice and with hlis mamma for an audience re ited it with tineeffect from beginning b end. Harold is commander-inchief of all &s boys in the neighborhood. Under his direction they riade the allys md fight all the famous battles of hs tery without miming an incident at ategic imporIem . In these battles it d tiseable that the forces under Narold invariably march on to vie --old has an intimate knowledge o.vel prominent man in American pti- -Chicgo Tribune. lb aEY+. ba too .1 Sb Learn gM~ti00 of reviling the -o of Wai the rroch army is spin dhsti d. A military OR tro Th g Tmp. has u: i t ifavor Of shis He 1oapp Ukiah ' dr i t) LI while t which hgl0 -. ild is t s atd al dwoi 6, - ter pteipr - huso ard wit She aI ubsi oro r with .rp wp ¶ne an tde , py e - of ti e t. obtala a malaery Of the -rr · pyCWu - tb) ~1Ydirr -riisd nilrod ae "ý;ý aps umd t e'Yo4 0OYAI i 4AKIN0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. This ,md Ipo we º. '.. vran A maiI velof p~urity.. strenwth anid ýýº..1ý ý"onlpr~tilioo wllh '.he t tll t ofl~r' (~ I w Ittt. IhorI wpjazlj' altliiti or phbo. phatlr powdeale. S.&. hily III haIiD. R''VAL BAK IM' f hL tC.. 15. Wall street Ni w" Y. rL. U P E('EIIEI' AT1TRACTIOnl ! OVER A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Iuisiana State Ittirv (' ompan. incorporated by tae legimlature in IA68. for Educaional aulld I 'hartabl, prpone, and it. "-an . hie made a part of the present r'tatt (Co litltituon in .' 9: by anl orerwhelming popular rote. Its. AMMOTH I)IAWIN.(: take plrce lemnl-Annuily.(June and lh.emblr.)and its GRANI) WINiLE NtI MBER DIAW IUt ltake place in each of the other tea months of 1te year. and a-e all drawn In ublic, at the Academ. of Music. New Or. less. La. FAlED FOR THWENT' LEAS For Integrity of its Drawing, and Praopt iayment , Prisea. "We do hereby certfty that we euperara the ar rangements for all the Monthly sad Memi-Ansual Drawings of the Louiimana tate lottery Compsay. and in porso. meao e Iad control the themselves, and that the same anre conduted with bonety, fairnoes, mad in good faith toward allp por ties, and we eutborino the Company to use this o.rncateo, with (fcsimilies of our signatare. at. tr hed in ats advertieement " temmateaeawre. We the maderin ed uanks and Dankeos will pay all Prims drawn ia The Lomisinma Ioaet Luetterle whieh ary be peenlted at our esmotee. R.M.WALMSLEY. Pire Louitias Nat. s.nk. PIER EZ LANAUX, Peas, at -an-k. A. bALDWIN, Prie. New Ore Not. uank CARL IRO N. res. UateM Natienl DaInk. Grand Monthly Drawing At the e Moeets. non Hiser. Tawas,. semy at. nN. CAPITL PRIZE $300,000. 1tO0.OM' Ticket. "t Twenty Dollar_ P(ach. Halves $10; Quarter $5; Tenthe t"; Twentieth. $1. ues or paism. I PRIZE OF gM.00.0 o .............. 83a0000 I PRIZE OF 100,000 ................ ...... 10,000 I PRIZE OP ,000 ................. 50.000 I PRIZE OF 26.000 I ... ...... 6,000 2 PRIZES F 10,000 are ............ ... 2,000 5 PRI OF m ............... 25.C00 2. PRIIZE OF 1,000 a ..... ... ... 2.0100 It) PnIZas OF 500 se ...... ........... o0,0o0 a00 PRIZE OF 300 ae ...... .. .- - 0,000 St) PKIZEd OF 200a ..................... 100.000 APPmOXIMATION Me: 100 Prisms of $M00 are.......................- 50,000 100 do 300 Mne............. ............... 000 100 do. 00 are ............................ 00 TERMINAL PaIna. 999 do. 100 are.... ..... .. 99,900 999 do. 10 are ................ 99.900 3.114 Prime, ameating s..o..... ... .. 1,0,;00 NorT-Ticket drawing ('Capital Prima an met entitled to terminal Prism. Feo t lb Ratee. or ay farther aformallo. de sired, write legibly to the uodoaignedclearly sat iag your reeidenes, with fat, (·nt. Ntest and Number. More rapid relurn mail deivery will be assured by your eneleiag as Envoeope beering your full addr, Mend POOTAL NOTES, Expreos Mesey Orders, or New York Eothaoge is ordBiay eitha. Cerreacy by Es.pres (at our eoxpse) .l M. A. I&PEIiLM. Now OwlOmm, La.. er U. A. DAlPEIN, Wahlmt.I.s, D. C. dI ma Ictncdr Lcttmru t. 331W OSULKANS NATIONAL SMAE .vw .w d , ;Its.It to h~ ~llltll~U~r New Otleae La.M~ 3=33355 tbg~n Sb....o IUGIMt of Pi 01 IUA3LANTE 3! /OV Nk. ATIONLh DANS ef q I. O .rhe ýd the Tims Ire mI e b h PrwIUe.5 e)1 Ma Iae OIAth. hr oeewe rh I u. Wu e a se hghest Day hale W·l rrrl-~ (~-.useY Sheveue mear of mU Inhsi. OrC urvm-:n u-.ehme: wereela flakeS 1 ED MV tin Ia eal~U Namm Now Ma Iu·llu~hr& Sprl StagsP S~urs, Daily Usae a DEADWOOD from the diary of tour.. ts i, commercial tra el. ere, busineas muen and others bas revealed: That the Wiscemsin Central has the unqualified end.rsemeut of all, That the Wiscosina Central has the atoet 1spular line between Min apolls, St. Paul and Milwatkeu and ObChicag1o; That the Wisconsin Central is daily adding to ith aduilsers ga the reoog nized Pullman loe between ian.e apoll, St. Paul and Kllwaukte, and Chicago; That the Wisconsin Central touchb the most promiunent points in Wis. ooulst, and that it bhas more hiport ant buanloau centers on its tbrough line than any other railway in the Northwest; Th'bat the Wisconsin Central hIa made an elinviable reputation with its peer. Ieg, Dining Car Service; That Ilt. Wisconsin Central runs fast trainl- ,ion wlhicl, ll t laS.e,. of paseno e, r. are 'arried wilth *inui'diousu antld itstinct atronrllmodtion for all; 'hIls thi, Wisconsin Central btu repre .enlltat ive dliiributed throurghout the country, who will cheerfully iv l any Illlorlllatll.l that may b tdlr".rd and that its ttrainsial Aients ,ri. .i.'je.ialn y it structi d to !otk af tr the comfo!rt of pa.4sengteI who may be routed via its line. For deta:let inforluation, apply to your nearlest 'Tieket Agent or to repre .-ntative of the road. WM. 8. MELLEN, JAMES BARKER, ilerra. V anategr A-.t.i l. I o'ser. A Tkt A~t LOUIS ECKSTEIN, A l.t Gen,. lI'P r..\ Tkt. Agt. MILWAUKEE, WIS. F. H. ANSON, \orlhiwee.,, Pao., er A t, 19 Nicollet (l ouse 1 , . k, M IN"t: ll , 11', ' HHAT ALa YOU i ati s }n ifel dull. laly' iuid, low-rpirted. lilt,· ei. and tInearnldy irn , h physy 'll&y and mentally; exljwrience a IeuiS (I fullneus or tIosttng after cainmg. or of "go, !eU" or ompdtrne of stoiuach In the morin ing. tongue coated, hitter (U* batd >o i moutbh Irregular appetite. diztin.M e. fI( beedacbe. blurred eye ailit," ftlo, i ng apeck before the eaye ner1oys Irtna'iauo or c . haughon. IrritituIlt of temp. r. hot fuaheN, alternating with chlll e}ctIla.itons, abar biting transient pains ftc re Ml thters, e.ld feet, drowsiness after mnius, .akefulue. of disturbed .nd unrefrrstjuie sktp. c.w.,cL..t. Indeuretbahle feeling of dnsd. or of AL pend. tnt anawitu? i ouln have all or any o, erubie r numhe" o thUoe symltom., you are uhlet inl froo that muoLt oun Ami iain wuadld-. BlllouL Dysplsha. or Torpi4 I.iaer,wo uovlme with Dylpelpsa or Indlgreslti . 'low woir, opin lot-d your diseane has beomoe, the n-_. the number ald dliverity of Isytp No matter what tagle It hIs yrach.d, lr. rlesew olden Medical iscovery wil sulbdue It If taken aculrdlng to direc. thos for a reasonable Iengthtof time. If nt oured. complcations multiply and Consump" th of the Luns. 8kin I)lear Ileart Disanr, Rheumatism, Kidey I)isea. or other grave mladies are quite liable to sct In and, sooner or later Induce a fatal termination. ,P. Ileree.s Goldel Medleil Dl-s e over acts p.werfulty upon the IlAer, man thlroul that great blnod-purtfring org.a cleanses the system of all blood-taints and 1. purtles. from cause arIsin. It is equally eskaclous In acting upon ths Kid neys and othr xrestory tro i e U ,, strengthenllin, and healing thi, r Aý gls-,ln ·nd nutritioo, nt,.ti .Ipdig n p with Ilesh and st It naarlal dastrl-c this wonderful . .0has gained gr"at eltrity In curing Fever and Ague. Cbills and ever, Dumb A kindred diseases. D.. Plereo's * il Medical le. OUR= ALL HUUORS fomj a commonrmea Bnt km to the went ScrofuL.. Saltm L urr.rrsa," Scaly or Roug Ski, In abort, all dlauaa caumed by had blood are conlquerd by this pofmticSari lu mad T04 n inmt:al mudl. lk b4m ad~~ ai6r~i odor ·c·M Itsbtt Jnt o ally sIt meal ,~ld3ote aay LI Tctt~r 3minar peiltw BoliN ( loigur . Sore B St. ulnag Sores and 8weWlom K ip-Johit leags. SWhite Swelllra. Gotr or Thick1 k sod Enlargd (lkLD6 Sed ten ash i WeMPa for a hrg Treatie, with olnrws' Pktkc5 Banl Dimas or te mal smoune tae on crofaulous Afseebla N R THE mow US ITHE UFE." Ner k) c r r c~ti d gooddds*1 ~O.Ibaro tt~'wib''Ab~d dUeaogla, a fair Iat, buoysl aprit i iiuthot and boiUl h mli w~bsegab CONSUMPTION, which Is Serefma KfhLe YLr and cored by remedy, If eo su b mulkr st oatog dee From Im mer "lott power over r~ lbad~~~~ when Ant of tosff4 of tothe I Pierae thought serleµ kbn ha an too rariotuiv for a medlicna which, l Is woaderful smm binatlon of toot, or tualga or blordeanmn, iUSlun j nutrlltve nntl n eot oar 3. ICIUSGI 101 Utiiin. but foear X Liver, Blood, and Langs For ekL 1M7 s.W9Itb . f ~a sLr044 ~ ko fr~i boook o CaamalUmL lo s /1 Mi h" is MILE8 OITY IRON PUMP WORKS B. UUIAI, Pipri'tr numM II U'rn yuuuup.wr ".buq :rear UMP IYo ..'0 .UhI~bOS&~i'JZeoo w i9I 1* mmrhsnmTSImp RAILROAD THE DIRECT LANE B31 WEED SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, Or DULUTH Idab. WahikYiu Territry, And all Pointa tu Minnesota, Di kota, Montana, OREGON, Britih 'ululm ia, Pugpt ound ;ant ALASKA. NO CHANGE OF CABS BETWEEN 'T. PAUl, and PORTLANL. O Au) (:Cls of Tickew. EMIGRANT SLEEPERS FREE hI tie ()O Jl All {:,l ,I n, to I se YELLOWSTONE PAR! Y.rpnr,. Taine LDall,, to whirb r~r atLte PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERr AND ELECOAAT DINING CARS. tor full tinormllou a s o1 lme. o I, rate.. OSaL S. FLEE. "'al Pauemew Lya SPla.. "i. :. the oldest and most popular erienttlle ad mechanieal paper pubhlihed and has the larseat irculatllon of any paper of its class in the world. Pilsy lllustrated. Hest class of Wood Einrav. lalg. Publs.hed weekly. Pond for specimen soýy. Price I a year. IFour month.' trial, l1. MUIN A CO., PtLaLesuas. W1 lroadway, N.T. A CllTECTS & SBILDIER Editi., of S e.tiut Awrsu. A reat success. Each Issue contains olosred lithographie plates of wountry and city reside. es or public buildings. Numerous egrevtIgg and fall plae and speclratlome for the is of rloll cna~L·U b4i ulldlal. Pru.1 BSaar, sec uas contemplate buildn . Pries PM eaqr, hae. hed owe oedeaee atrtan cePeetral. TRADE MARKS. In youar a wrlt at not rola th Pa eatOi, ya t lcmltoy u aepd COPYRIOHTS for bloks, charts, eot.. quickly proeoaed. Address UllHN & CO., P.iteat kllels s. O .rAL Or.CIr: tI ]MOADIAT. N. T. ýliý 11 ý1 \1.H e I,) RESULT' PATRr IZINO is.. O n s 3esw he Ue.M }. ýUý 4th b.M THE YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL, DAILY AND WEEKLY. THE OLDES' - PAPER IN THE YELLOWSTONE VALLEY. WEEKLY' Efltablishd 1%\i. DA.ILY Etabllhed 188?. Any subscriber to the YELLOWSTONE JOUR. NAL who wishes to subscribe to any other pubhlcation in the United States CAN DO SO THROUGH US At Publishers' rates. We can save you from ten to thirty pel cent. on your subscriptions to eastern magazines and newspapers A RENEWAL OF AN OLD SUBSCRIPTION Or the payment of a new one will entitle you to this privilege. BRANDS. We still continue to publish stock brands at the nominal rate of $5.00 PER YEAR For a single cut, with a copy of the WEEKLY YELO!SUiE JOeUAL AND LIVE STOCK REPORTER, Free fbr the first year. Our Weekly issue goes o Every Ranch in the County And offers the very BEST MBDIUM Ai the ADVERTISING of LOCAL BRANDS. JOB WORK. In this' artrmemt we are prepaire tp oute al a +s with promptnoe and In the And at prices hM e'Ocmnupare wth ss--,. Send in yOr Sad we will me to please yo. . Yellow Jlml .. ,, ··iss - 7.-.