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THE I)AILY JOURNAL K4TABLIH KI) 1881. tiII..F,ý CITY ..VINTANA Tbeeditoere Tallr YsLOWmET. JOOat.L is tat respeosibli for any f the epan e er uuertnae. of t, corres.oodoete. Netee is hereby give to all eo*serned that TrS YEL.OWsTOx. JeOCNAL PUBLSHINO Co. hae. the contrast to a. il prInstiL and ad ,e.titag, whatever matue chargeabie to Cu. re.oaty,aad i sle the dresigatb d and only paper itG r lensMy In w:eh servlces by publcatioln sbhe legally made. Legal n*ti. pub"ehed In hw pae" of Cunter esonty, are vl.d sad Sh bees delded by the *arts el IUi ¶ L.aaT Tll YaLLOWaTOui JoNuAL ugauxe Co., euas.W d b ay of the epleyes fsud ipwe r ethe, will a reegnland Usale. as. ld by s writMtm der siged by the pub lra e or beules. maageer. Saturday, February I 8, .18. A oloficil statement of the nation ailee composing the population of the Dominon in 1871 showed the fol lowini: French Canadians, 1,082,940; Irish, 8o80.000; $ootch, 550,'kl0; Oer asss, 230 OclO; Eglish, 70,(W): Ameri ease, 65,000. The English contingent has made no relative increase since that time. The Ameri.asc In Canada as probably as numerous as the English to-day. Ontarlo is the moat prosperous and growing of all the provineu, and yet a report of the beard of industry In that province a year ago showed that with an Imm1. gratlon of 208,000 and a natural lno eass of 34,000 the population has ely inooreased 146,000. The rest had allgoe to the state.. GAMBLING ON. THE RAIL. I -rge " am Leg by Poker Players - Wasters ame" PUSle Can. Pamengers on the Pullman can fom the east to this city report that unusualy big gambling games have been going on recently in west bound cars. It appears that as the moral New Yorkers and Bostonians approach the w ld west their ideas of what is right and proper take a back seat and the freedom of the Rockies and the meras gets into their hearts and re laze their hold on their Sunday school habits. Both on the Southern Pacific and the Santa Fe this spread of gam bling on the rail is noticeable and has been commented on quite severely by some of the passengers--those, of course, who do not gamble. "I was more than surprised by what I saw in the way of gamblin bn these cars." said one of these gentlemen re cently. "You may say that gambling goes on without stint in the Pullman coaches, and large sums of money are lost and won daily." "But don't the'Pullman people en force their rules?" was asked. "Oh, yes; the rules are just as strict as ever and just as rigidly enforced. so far as the Pullman company has any oSeial knowledge. I don't blame the company any, although it might look a little closer to its empiloyes. As I understaind it, the book of instructions presented to each Pullman conductor and porter is very explicit on this sub ject When a porter sees any gaun bling going on he is supposed to put a stop to it, referring to the rules of the company, just the same as lie would if a man were to pull out a pipe in the middle of a sleeping car and begin blowing big clouds of tobacco smoke. But hbe don' t always do it, and a few dollars in the way of a fee to let the gambler, alone in the enjoyment of their little fun acts with a magic effect sometimes, as you may be aware." "Is ther, any profesional gambling fong on?~" e, I am satisfied there is. A young blood from New York of the Barry Wall stripe told me last Sunday that on the trip out from the east he had lost .At,l0, and he was satisfied that he had been run against a profes sional poker player. The fellow, who is a big man, with a smooth face, cleaned him out of all the spare cash he had, and it was lucky for him that he couldn't et hold of any more ready money until he reachei Ban Fran cisco. lie told me of two others who had lot $1:.500 between them while playing with the same man. l am told that the big fellow has been w 'rking the Northern Pacific. He is up to all kinds of tricks. and can put up the cards so ai tt take all the cash on the train if he can get it on the table." "'Why. do they play with money on the table" w.a asked. "That was only a figure of speech. I should have told you that most of the playing was done with chips. Still, with a good sized limit, a good deal of money can pass from pocket to pocket during the night." This gentleman is only one of sev eral who have related what they saw on the palatial west bound trains re ng the practice of gambling. y a narist who contemplated a long winter sojourn in California with a little run down into Mexico, had to out short his stay on account of a soarcity of funds from this cause, and has got no nearer Mexico than Stock tim "To what extent is ambling prac ticed in the west bound Pullman came" was the question put by this reporter to many different raiload men of this dl. would not admit that such a thinas gambling in "Uncle Gec 's" as Georg OD M. Pullman's on wheels ar known among railroad fraternity, w m thought there might omme of the kind ' on and a ew 0la wSre n tt t was. Pul -ma Agent Meshes was sought, but e was not ia the j. "1'r heaven's ma, don't mention mr ams," aid one rsllrod armt; ".Sa what you ive arnmd aboalthis thg is all ten. Iwillrture tomy ths es is ore bPag ping on tin the Pslilms mohn than thr. Or wa bike . Wh, m of the ad hlre r blue sad -pr 's blek in e i from then sric out fora good a hiseme-moth·~ cant help it, Lthere can be no objee tion to playing cards and keeping count wit h iok'r chlluº, and that is all that it lpas·~s for in ute conscience of the well fed porter."--San Francisco Chronicle. A curious problem was presented to Pittsburg and Allegheny City when the use of natural gas became general in the twin cities It had been the custom of the householders to dispose of most of the garae and refuse by burning it in the kite en range. The use of fuel gas at once prohibited this. Not a wisp nor a single match stick can be tossed into a gas grate or range, much less even the smallest portion of vegetable matter. To meet this emer nency a garbage and refube cremation company was established, and a cre matory built. The company has its carts, which make rounds regularly. and householders who pay for the privilege have their refuse cans as re gularly in waiting. Their conteant are conveyed to the huge furnaces and speedily converted into another combination of particles.-Pittsburg Telegram. Fashion in France has taken a sen sible turn. Henceforth armorial crests and such things are to be banished from such ill suited places as letter paper, etc. but are to be embossed on women's dreses in colors over the heart During last year 6 430 miles of rail road were laid in the United 8tates. Eansas heAds the list of states with 523 miles of new track. EcMBurD Ar erl.T ieN ! U OVER A MILLION DISTRIBUTED 1Aisi is State Lttery Camapy. Iaeoporated by the LL gslatrure in 181 for Eullonal and Charitable purpes, and Its fran chir made a part of the present Oat. ComtltuIlon in 1179, by an overwhelaiug popular vote. Its MAMMOTH DRAWINDG take place MemI-Anmmally, (Juwo and December.) and its GRAND MINGLE NUMBER DRAW ING( take place i emah of the other t.n months of tIe year, and a* all drawn to bll, at the Acoaemy of Masic. New Or lens La. FAiED FOR TWEITY YEARS For lIterity of its Iraia , aid rom t aymet l prizes. Attested - follows: "We do horeby es tt that we oupervlse the ar ragem.ata for all the Mesthly sad 4el-Anunal Drswlop of the Letmisleas State Lottery Company. and in person muae and eatrol the drawtngf shmaslves, aet that the some ane onduet.d with hmeeeetyt aLrma dIn nd d ith toward ill par tie, and we stlori the Compay to / 1 this e.rtllerte with f-mllles of eur lilteres at tbched I Ia advertisemets." e"t~ Uemmm.e.e.r. We the madersllged Banks and Beaers will pay all Primes rw. a The mla/tana Usasse Loessrles wiLkh may be presetmoe at r euatn. L.R.WALKmLET, Pres Ieelem Nat. Beak. PIuMRE LANAUI. F e Na. BIauk A. IALD WIN, a. Nwr. ONw0. Nt. Bauk CARL IKO N. Pms. Un.le Natisal BlaLnk. Grand Monthly Drawing a the A"ase el eel Mee 0eesa, Tuefet. Februar 1t. MO. CAPITAL PRIZE $300,000. 100.000 Tiokaets t Twenty Dollars *ebh. Halves $10; Quarters$; Tenthb $2; Tweatieths $1. I PRIZE OF 0$00,000 I ... . ...... a0o.000 1 PRIZE OF 100,000 s .................. . 00.000 I PRIZE OF 50,000s .................... 50,000 1 PRIZE OF 2,000 i....... ..... 25,000 2 PRIZES OF o,000a r............... 24.00o SPRIZES; OF 5.000 are.................. 25.00) 25 PRI7.E OF 1,fl . are............ 2..100 un0 PrIZI.E OF 500 r............... I1,0110 d01ri I'RIZE Or 300are.............. 00,000 5110 PKlZEI OF 0an ...................... 100.000 APPROXIMATION PRISM: 100 Prlam of $01 are ............. ........... 50,000 100 do ,10 are........................... 30,111 u10 do. 21 are .............................. 2t,(1 TERMINAI. PRIZIU. 990J do. 11) ar... .. . .... 9,10 93WO do. l, are........... ... 99., 3.114 Prime., amounting to........ $l,'i%,'j)1 NorT-TicketL drawiig Capital Prises ma not entitled to terminal Primes. Faol (lub Rates, or any further information de sired, write legibly to the undereignedclearly stat ng your reeldence, with BMat. County. Mtreet and Num er. More rapid return mail delivery will he assured by our enclosing an Envelope hearing your full addre, Mead POSTAL NOTES. Expres Money Ordens, or New York Ezehsaae i. ordiary letter by Espress (st oer eaxsm ) addrssed n. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleeas. La.. or M. A. DAUPnIN, Wakiagea, D. U. Address eistered Letters bt NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK. NMw Otlesa,. La. MEMENBER that the sesmeat et Prism is; UAAANTEEbD 3I FOUi NATIONAL RANKS of New Orib.. nd the ?Tekota are signed by Ste Prident el m lustitut.e. wihe rerted right are eeled the highst 0uts; thoosewr, boewar of all lImtetsme or selnruoe aehems. ONE JDOLLAR SL the i oe .4k. nollet part or feetem tf a Tieket nED BdY U i any u litag ior nome eoleel Uor lees tkae " i a swW4 FOR MEN ONLY! KI!SULTI' F PATR( IZING ID@. a& ir's Rstauraa ChRdrun Cry for PWttcr's Cftodi Rheumatism and Neuralgia These twil diguaret caut unt Ad suffering. DocOs aldmlit that they are l dieult to cure soldo tihrp athe.l. Painel Celery c'ompound has per manlently cured the worst of rbrumnatltnl and neurnigla--so say IthtIe % ho have ued It. ",Having lwen trobled, wit h rheunlat lm at the kutee and foot for five yearts I was I almuit unable to get around. O? ILa. and was very often uonfined NO USI O'to my bed for works at a tlme. I used nly onre hb OWNER. tie of Paile's Celery ('coin poud. and was perfectly ilnrd. I can now Jump around, and tfeIl ts ivel) as a (my." FANK c'Aoli. E.unka, Nevadra. " Paine's It'.lert Compound Iihas .ien a tbod .and to ,: . Vo thi" past two e.irns I l.lhav 'auf ftrd wit fi ineuraila of thie heart. doctor aftier l .tog f lit i )itlro toe i. I' I.4% t aikeU Iearlv tour atltles of the Iibapullll' , illlht alm free fn,-n th,* o:niplatnL I f., ry Ie" ratefulI t you " (~4 tA. II. LEWs, Central VIllaKg. Ct. Paine's Celery Compound nut,,I I' t n,'r s ,"l ". r i ,'lll r1, i' N t' lr ul nl h.i llhtII Al 'of I ll IPI'.! dht'n I am Do1w Ill.Od of ihlumrnti troullh~k NAICI.I IliCT( IIlmiON. 0. (Cornish. N. II. Effects Lasting Cures. Paitnr1' .l , ry I Ilp ound has pirfolirmed many otherri l oa marlill.' u as thlwet.-. linple.o of !letertAs ew It. l y tddre... l'laN.atit ll take. dlos not (dit urb but lhs dllgestol,.i and .n111 re lV 1t g tAie: a ,l itha -au lake It. What'i the Il. of sult ,ring lunger with rlluliat'!tis or nerul.lua ' WuLZm. RICH Axlmos iil. I,'ropa Iturl-ni.tot it DIA OID0 DYES ;' ";,r " ',,,lp ýa. %,I, BABfES uf i" ' IºN IfM 1 O.d oe Hzid aý h.ri, L L2 eldpM and mot popular scalmthcaN Urs tal papr publised and haa the larwud ol f r any paps of its clas in the world. l.trt,,d. class, of Wood Barro a. Pableh.d we.kl. end fors `PiceN a year. Four month.' t l m 0., PU Iusius. Ml /roadwal , .[. A IIHITECTS & DhILDERl .E.ilk of Salatiuo Anrusu. V A grat suce..s. Each Lae contains colored Ithoaraphac plates of ouantry and city resldee. wa or pablice buildIn.. Nuameroma e.rsvlngs and full plans and apec lcatIon. for the see of luobi as contmnplate bulldlo. Price t 3.,0 a year t~ a .copy. MUNN AU CO ., PrLLlaUlrS. a be• sesr. have had ovir * IP ' eperience sad have made v..r Sappilcatlio for Amerloan and For. alga patent. Sed for Handbook. Comea. pead Mtrlctly coaudenltial. TRADE MARKS. In ase roar art Is not reistered In the Pat. =et Ofe. apply to M fmn £ Co. and procww amediate protetioc. Bad for iandbook. C.oPYIGH u for banka. obart, ape. te.. quitkly procured. Addrela E4M1 & CO., Patent Ieolretekra. GtmaAL OnesIc: Il DiaDwAT. N. T. THE MARCH OF PROGRESS! OUR LATEST IMPROVENETS I paontS e .V . r W el,ý , r I a1 a ,nd pal s O tI,.a5 the ar u wth sboep .a mpf. ýyce l.M. upon i sdofs m do Saot giga, sms. -t -.s J ooe s 7 late b W lag Iatr 'ori r apon which the imke a a rg'e t MEAunS' JasrMss ' 3 SHOE $4 saoE UN XCErD IN CANNOT rAIL UINEOOULL 5. TO '4 SlT NYD SATI SFY SnOil No MO Ts , S inr.FT. FAfisn iO ha eS bethe vo erna paaer or ou, r bea i o .b.luiy that wnow to . r* l ta m mes' I M koev r peo t eMa to teahoe aho yaf ew yl o were at ._l Sur tea .ied a willd o a wIwho l b it. ouredi we do aot ea o ete. O·n a te udhtlMes a m. our.u mtaotf lasmi age aioom wte Ita 4 f ,. . orw env whmo 1s now ýsin .shoe rd the ==04 oat atd Pdcha b._egics w'rium the follows: I ma thq. aiod wIa the resltsa. my ti. I have thu. r eme5eded to I al i a i e h adet 1o ' a 'deale5 ever penlt I arvtwe viltl He eo to , a S for us to ell botoa benaum e moat of thre rrtalersan r c. .rn"m a .ble the price. te shoes have ro, t at whole.)re. . e. is that the whbwer t re pill or tees al s pair for sboes which we mot worth as muh m our -A i . Our shoes with their vry low prk tam ped everyi we IhI dpaien prire whih hae hitherto ruled eta - a full b o. pods fn stack tflayO a c beta. to po e ot osw, so .n ,... .ou tk * It You po" .y. "I" beI rlag "" IU·uactunnt Mne orome rl pa I t St Mosean asot I whaat aou amr beWat endur retair r pra is maklag yo. wat y r have cot him. Nowa, canou a ord t hile we are pa s yoeua o Onmo sad the ale` retell prime ud tpe soles our shoes before they leav our atr so . mto made to pay o for yu r l ro.s the worth . " sat ýn w . : )· .·11,.." `,, apt. -r 0.,r r1acla S at. w los Itou sa.M CO., 41 Lincoln St. Boston, oss. h-r· r~r~ C~lpbL~'..1 For MAN! / For BEAST !;; ` Mustang inijmut 4- - UºTARUL WIK 1677. Jill XSUMY & 0o., Minneapolir Sheepskin Tanrs. E;', AND D7AL~IUI IN UliT$, TUUIWOOISALLOW @inwng md Seneca Rest. W1.1 " r' te ` r . IF UM A Great English Remedy ""' Murray's Specific. A iguerntleed cnre lur all nervous disa8er. svcb as W*rrk Melmury, I ma or braln Power, Hlyteria Headache, Palim n the teek 8IerveU premstrattl, Weak nus, LeuoorrhLm, UlJver. " ltitsal Lae.itude.r emiaal Weak S sewa. Imontenc, siod seneral iSsn of power of ta senurtive Orgams; n either t ei cawed by ltod creaos or over ess . lion, ad wh.lh ltl.mately lead to Premature Old Age. Inamity mad Conaumptionm 1.00 a bozoreia bo for $6.00. .ent by nmil on receipt of price. Full partieula Ires nauphet, sant free to every appllreat. W-e luorste Be.nes tocuroesnvue. Forevery l.600 order r clved we snd aii beie. with a writes guarantee to refund th( money if our speci. o does not *Sectacure. 4ftg. T.:isg, Address I coom unteations to the so nmanu fIrturer, I HE MURRAY MEDICItiE() Kanses City, 8MH M. Pt RCHEN d C(., I holeuasle and Retall Agents, Helpna. Mont Dr. Liebig L Co., PFrm the Lirbig World Itlap-nu.ry end International hurlgiea lht stltute. Kannau. lity, Mo., and Nan Fra, els.r.. ('al, will have oiewe 't Windsor Hotel,. untte ('iy. Most. Math 20th to :10th, 1l9 at (raud Central, t . rnmda, March .1.t. at Paroc- Hotel, Maiu at , Melena. April lat o'lIth, 18l9. DR. LIEBI & CO. The medlpil sta and special surgeons and Phyaicians of the LILebl World Dispeasry and lIntrnatiou&sl Surrial lmatituc. The surgi eal branch gives apetal attertion to deformities of every kind and a!! displace metN re alring ap q u rgII pliance, for -- acurvature of , tie spine. Hip Jins Siaeaee,Dis SI torned ir.obs I / orarms sc = cessfully Str ased b i our new Vol Stalc a nd - MasgnOl'et appitances * edieal breuch devtes sp clel attention to |all Chronic ('ompliesteO, Private and Westino iosea.em , resulting from badly treated caes of acute or special nature, or from indiscretions of youth., bringiUg on $permatorrhtee. Meminal Weakness and an ununaural drain from the hody a bich uno. rmines the coustitution-also Debility, tI Iay. Loas of Vitality or Manhood, which resul. from excess of malturity. The reason su man. are not cured of the shove colup ainte i. owing to a conplication called Pros tatorrbers, which our treatuielt alone can cure. Varicoele. wormy veans in Hcrotnm.Mtrrcture, bhlod and ndski impurle ee seedily cured, acute private troub't . safely. confidentialit and quickly ired. Catarrh ul tem murcous membrane of the ina I or bladder successIull treated; a'so throat and lung diseases. Female complaints and all delicale. omplicate4 dl.easee women. carefully treated by our new method whereby none of the usual physeal esarnslations are required. Die Ir rcmnIrtl of the Ut rm and il .p eciat complaints pyauliar to females, succesftjui rested. All inlguages JpokeO and written. H'rite in your own The most powerful ELECTRIC BELTI fre to patients. all ol oor address Liebig World Dispensary. 4U( Gerarv nt.. Man Fianci.o. Cal. for Infants and Children. ,,, Ii13. 00M U. I, Y. Wsa~u. C T*rn Cmram, Coumnn, 77u ney 3 , It. Y. SOMETIIHG 0F IITIRST FOR YOU TO READ! SHaving had a very succeui fail trade and sold out our entireFall Purchas e of Suit in's, wv e purchased an entire new line of Winter Suita at I EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES LI Weaving sha be very suc to essf oaur trade tand nearl soldvant ou these B ll Purchse of you are in need of a nice, nobby suit, the best material and fnish, give us a call. We are 00onvined that YOU will find exactly what you are looking for r L ORSCIL & BRO., THE COMMERCIAL LEADIUE CLOTHIERS BLOCK. I, ORSCHEL & BROTHER, Wholsale lins lia d Ci LWur Mpe aMlo Mtto. 0W6 o rsztwlne flm e of BOTTLED WINES, WHISKIES, BRANDIES, ,. g THE HOLIDAY TRAD.' i," ' uninoeihn1o aMt