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ears v ago I drove up to sta~s in the San Pedro valley in a. and the Mexicanl stock tend.'r had a hard timell in routndiilg Iup stage btock. His herd poniy had runi lntil. as th stood there unlder slhtle of a brl.Ih O'corrl, cov'etd foam and dust. with hisi belly up almost to hlia spine, and g tmccsioually as though it was hi, I felt sure I shlouhl d sete himl before 1 left the station. I was lr. ards told by the stage boss. in a I , Imtter of course way. in answer -a may iq uiry, that he had "pulled iugl all right; you an'at kill theue Smitters. and inow an le rfectly ipoi -e that '.iou ca'lllot. As a s.ddle animal sinlldl,. the Inco basI no 1superior. The "lope' iL terms which should never be up to tlhat motion ini ainy other ,f I have \watchedl a irdl of cow lIlnies Lwing dlriven\ over ie jariet, where the unduhltions f a 'ks ill the oo inlg throng w were A regular and easy as the rise anid ll ofr the waitery wave. . The fox tit, which is the habitual gait of aill lais6in llc, cowl 's anlld, lllndas, is eaily cultivated in him, anid lhis li.rht. tinapl1 I fruci at'cOliiliOdates itsl I .r..,l I t. flmht motion akitr I.t. ,itule1 tjLnidtr. uh Lori III. tDtikImiti'Ii I. not least, and Ilhat is his wo dtrful 111(1inrevjueuiss. Ile grave's Abe w4sttiul auidscape,e not lM~eau'.e h~e ineiindcs u otf the equiin ei~ i'l. but because le .Iiues of lire soil aind hias borne thit lhat and buirdeui anid the vicissutudi. of all thait pale u! roniat:unte which 1%11 ill eiug albout ti t~cstetr' bmiticir. A. we see himi hitched to th plow or the -agojii 1le Nficns a living len -t eit agust Ut iitariniiii:fl I uulgkt his ietl m" i tate h le "ill nlot lit- a Itiruje 1,1 Moor. the SO intaill 'manl atic tilt , :aqucru, ~,oughi :l ilhl-Toftrute f thei~reani~ti,.: weir her itage 4f gall ait hatl. Thle pouly ºuiit hue1: ly cuter the uctw u1awe. le iuiºt « ,aUr the collar of t new~ c~jlizatiin intld earlnl ihi oats by the sweait o hIls 'lank. There are so more woiirlds ft ih binm to conqjuer; twbwc nisit till 'ic gromnd.--lFrd aick Renuigjoii iii Clentury. Critkluni of Brieiue Men of 'cie'.e mai, as iniuviduals. M ilt, nialy *,rroib. Tha. IIyaV ftll b ielize the true dignlity o' their call kg; they umay be unduly swayed by varty spirit or by personal aims: they my be unuorthy ministers of the tlths which they deliver. But sci gmee. what is it but trutht And what is the scientific spirit but the spirit etows to truthl To all who are dmistisfied with the present currents If thought we would, therefore, say: "riticise men as much as you please. bhint out their errors, their failings, irlllectual and moral, with all need 1 severity. Hold up the standard which you think their lives and ht ought to be governed. Crit theories, too. Let nothing pren haobsllenged or unscrutinimed that are not satisfied is true. Let no mour of great names, no popularity eartain modes of thought, deter you baO expressming your diesent from ala you do not believe. Brtdo not put yourselves hopelessly b the wrong by attacking science, or abusing the scientilic spirit. You Sain nothing by it, but will n Iv daurken your understandins ad Mlut yourselvea out from thelight is ready to lighten every man 6t codhes into the world. Hicienc( ill abide. It has its rootsin theever asting rocks, and draws its aliment lmon univesual nature. The scientific 't will abide, admonishing ment of ersrom, and leading them into all lgthll. It is wise to be recowciled to dhb powers us these; even now while are in the way with them make u of aore, and find rest to your a_.l:"--W. I). Lo Sucur in Popular eieince Monthly. ( 'h.eue. mIeey. (.e phase in business life which is a:.. an uncommon one, and which aeqws that the world wags not a. bdly as it is mid to do, is the return ug tI tho merchants of "conscience monev." It very often comes under r notice. The last uc.uilion I ob. erved was the other day at Barr's, laen a well known Catholic clerg fman came up to Mr. FranM i, onm I was standing, and handed him r which a penitent of his had asked to mtoretoo arr's. Whether the mount the repentant creature re tiured had been taken in money or gpoda of course no one knew. and aUll so of course only the priest i -: the name of the person making atution. Not very long ago a wlow who had been very wealthy, k had been robbed of everything, Ssunrpried by a visit of a gentle a who had Iommrly known her nand. He handed her e00 which is mid had just come to him dinected Shis care to be delivered to her, I yaled "OC maclence mosey." r hve heard the story of the man Ssemat $20 anonymously to ashop with this laecoio note: "Here dir o smay, which I stole from I l it becaus my conuenceo *a it 'asws' again I will ° This phlosophi, penitent is a fair sample ind we aorora.-St. Ioui * . s aadfr m t e Mw the vamla fo te isd Mry iof of to a to ri cbe sa, bunqtUJ, o.Y13flj%- Joy uouj u .iow J.zJdo acIaargno. .aolp s A tIe' "1?At .dliflht JI3113 1(( )ga untnu oq I 011111 'LdtIoe)r' III ..I11CL1 ph/iltl ! 1100(1 alrinnuA )Ili rip pP"! P·'"!"'!)!-\ I'·'' Jalul span IILL. w sn~u I[ 'ajw);joIlU lltl q.º it fltulnl ' ~f10'SI> Jattllaly oqll pJJUHAV~t wUll *If( PUB .oja £.ltunlj.. PUC 'j()O0.1t Aj.tdjIJ.ld St umu 01(1 wqp I P ~t1nq J1¶ii 1 "l101 v Ij)J paljbU pui a0 1911/l ).WuJ a ($ pun unnn orq Jo uotjd UJwd (1(IP) : uIKAI8 'palqgY I 1 ¶V Ortvt el p1di 1xo[dI oor IlJUWJ pols oqtiou eno J·"( oum v a~d dlaq pIul ~('" .C.J IflhI.. ·v %.)XO .lOs JoJ I)0l1dJ1 .1( n1 .MIO.i113( ill0 A.UM SIt Ltol iiJoltt'j ,hi1Ioii ' IttUItJ JaI1UJ ?fJOlH I).1t, I: .'I 11 mp Vt 1' 1 j JIK flfl. PI''I JII 1,,):L(, 0l. ~ )!\\ ! 1,.' ~ .In 3-' X JII1 01 ,./.)J( M( nI i"'NIU ·U pll """1 04 tI(I(I UI th401 l (Ii i* (m.I POIIIIUJ.3 `IIU I.444 .ZIIl1. ( I I.t L)I! I1 da llPJ JO UOll .3.1(1X. UOUJA WOJa 11. 1qYhA l -1., n; Laa.. ) uI(JddL EVERY NIGHT I SCKITCHED I'ntil tlhe ktlu was raw, ItBol. ir,. reed ithll orale.e like spiesl of mor.rtar. t'ared I.l the Cuticura Keiedier.l I at goii, to tell vou of the extrardinaryc'hanrge your *'l T,tiA I:r asr.I t.erfirorlllOe' On me A.bout ther It of .\tril last I notl'ed some red pimple- lke ,cornug out all over my body, bhut IIlought utitthLn of it inl ,I *uleatire lL later on.when It hrten to lootk likt ]pots of ii-rtar spotoed on. anId whi h c I iflll il 1iers, atC-compnll ied with llchlng. I would icratbh every right until I eas Iril, anld then the next u]llt the .calle, being formed nmna,whi.e, ere etr:dtched oi again itn rain did I tr-nult .Il the doctor' in the cui',r. but wiIi out aid. Aftergiring up a:l hopes of re cover'.. Itapetned to a.e nan advertls met iat the IIn wipalwr aitut ,our I TICIRA It cEMEtt.l. aid purca e-d themn from tiy drugg.tI and obtain almost in tiedllte r herf. I began to n.tlce thait the sIa y eruptions gradually dropped off ad didr aplj*pr t one by one, and h:ve horn fully cured. I had the diiita:l thlirin Imiuith belfore I beganl aking Ihe (' TitCtI.t HesrEMEI:ts lld in four or Ove we k' war entirely tiured. My diuase was elzeni alnd plorlatll I rellommenlded tb* t rIT cUne RItbits to all to my vicinity, anrd I know of a great many who have iaken tllm, alnd thank tme for the knowledg.l of them. especially mothers who have sea;y erupllions on their beads and bodles. I caennot express lt words the thinks to you for what the Ct'nicrtl * i.lKtb, have beetl to me. yt boly was covered with scales. and I Vua as awful spectelrle to behold. Now my skin it as nice alid clear aa baby's. lEto. COTEY, Mer ull. Wis. Sept. L'. lP 7. Feb. IAM.-Not : trace whatsoever of the diseaee from which I tinered hai shown itself tsince ily cure. , EO. COTIY. Weeaillnot 1o justice to the esteem inI which (f'tTCUR i. the great -knlt ('ore, nlld ('UTICUIA utsA, an exquisite tkin taeutnder, prepiued from it, anrid C Tl UIA't. the mew Blood Pauri fler, are held by the thouanrds Ulponi thou ands wh -ee lires have been made hapyy by the cure of agoriling, humiliating, It, hing. acaly and pimply diseases of the skin, sealp and blood, wrl los of hair. Sold everywhere. Price. Ct'TIcu.a, 6.; ISOAr. sc.: RaeoLV r t., I . Prl d b the PuTTrrr DRUG A.N D CHuIt't Co., ,ato, Mas. WSead for "How re Cure ikim Ditaes.," 64 pages. 50 illtutrations, and 1l1 tlestieoIala. fl3 PLEd, black-head., red, togh, chapped ma oily skin kemned by ('USCU1Ak JA r. LrEIIIE PAID W And Wwkaa Iealu rtig elload º th C(ufeums Anti-Pd us Panaler, a SYert.t Antmdo. to laIn. Iniamuatlom and W .ha. A wee, lnataata..ou. and iia111 hi. psnikilhig plntar. 921 ojia. A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follows the use of .Syrup f Figs, as it eata gently on the KIDNEYS, LIVER V W BowExl Effectually Cleansing the Rystem when Vostive or lilis, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing NADITUAL OOX3?IPATIOX without weakening or irritating the or gans on which it acta. For aIl la e bsd Slt.O Iettlee by NAIuPA*.VUu 01OY? R3 ra OALXPOBJIA FIG SYRUP 00 Bal ..RClS.o. CAL, UnisUtu.s,Mr. 1nw TYe N. Y. SCOTTS EMtLSIJON OF PUt 0 IRl OIL HYPOPO»PHITZE Almost y Platebl as Milk so tha It S- be tae"k «lewttder utehde¶ wl by be« yeepkheu h meek mner hum mo wmWy & WI"'r RMUIAION i. a~shiw d b PnLatiee to be thb e Mul and eM p -In .I void war the mIdI asm - G OONWUMPTIONI, OOPULA, OIIIRAL DEBILITY WASTIM DISlAEl, EMAOIATION, OOLDSand onCROMNIO OOUS. The gresd rmny fur fImwpv Wl Wesing itn Chsdrin. AWd by aDLDr L a uC.r forP-itellsCWsiei 0 SAKlr4 POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder , :zr varns. A mlar. I velof purity, strength ad wIhh I somenes. More economical thaln the ordinary kind. and canonot he sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. .old only in can-. S4RYAL BAKtNO Po~WDER Co.. 1(05 Wall street New Ytrk. NOBTIERN pAcilPr RAILROAD TEE DIRECT LINE BE'I W EE1 SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, Or DULUTP Idaho, WahLki~wl Territory, And 11 Points In Minnesota, Di kota, Montana, OREGON, British C.Imbia, Puget Seund and ALASKA. NO IIANg OF CABS ST. PAUl and PORTLANI. Os Aa Cam E. Tisebk. EMIGRANT ?LEEPERS FREE The Only All Ral Line to the YELLOWSTONE PFA~ aplm Tiim.. DdlbI, to whLeb aottmlue PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPEIR ArD LESANIT DNINS OARS. rt 'eel ta uagas N as tlI.e. Rams. 1e. Mwas. S. PRU. am1'1 PMisW A. sr. ?Aws. I! P 13 WMGK1. The .OLICE GAZET T will be malled, securely wrapped to any ad dress in the United 8tate for three month on reselpt of ONI DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to poe maste, agents and elube. Sample cop!es mailed thee. Addresallordem RICHARD K. FOX. sl rasittf.tes a oU, ecur of Ionorra rd .ýT~a lag it to all mInea A. J. IJTO{70 J * W. L. vaglre, Agent JOHN CARTER'S kOTEl S lr.from the diary of tour. hi,. ru.imuerunIlI Iravel. ere, buie.,ll. neiCIn aIJid other. Ilit revealrd: Thau the, Wisconsin Central I,. th,. uniiliaitiil end rstwenit i ll, That tLit Wisconsin Central hils te-,la, the I1*'I t ,.pulsui Ile ler tlwseen MIln neapoll-, St. Paul aid Milwaukee and Chicago; That tile Wisconsin Central is dailh adding. to Il. adnllers aI the recog nized Pullman line Iwtween Minne anolis, St. Yaul and Milwaukee ruan Chicago; That the Wisconsin Central touches the most prominent points in Wia conain, and that it has more illp:lrt ant bulineescenters on Its through line than any other railway in the Northwest; That the Wisconsin Central has made an enviabhle reputtlion u itLl its peer. lc, Dining Car Service; That the Wisconsin Central rilmuns fast trains on wbiuh all .ilase.e of t naien gern are carried with e(', ..ellliouis and distinct accommodatiou for all; That Ihe Wisconsin Central has repre aestativea distributed throughout the country, who will cheerfully give any ilitnrnati, n that may be desired and that its terminal Agents t re specially itetructed to look after the comfort of ipwengers who may be routed via its line. For detailed information, apply to. Fi your neareet Ticket Agent or to repre Mentatives of the road. WE. 8. MELLEN, JAMES BARKER, ienert; Mancuer, An.t. Genl Parsr & Tkt Ag LOUIS ECKSTEIN, Asit. 4.eul. Pas.r. A T'l. Agit MILWAUKEE, WI8. F. H. ANSON. Northwestezi Parlencer AiI, 19 Nicullet loube BIL k, MIt V r a. . ns 1. MONTANA SHORT LINE When traveling every one ishuhl col aider well the questions of economy, comfort, safety and speed, thele questioni icing of the same importance in a journ:e) of an hour as in one of several days' ride. A.! examination of the map will convince anyone that this is the most direct route to and from all the principal points in C'en- STrMUL A ra' and lI*NN OU N'or ii'ri AN OITAO i in. !,'so- ylatw LwA t s, Inakota and Y9ntana. Our euilpmenl anti time are excellent. Our rater an the lowest, but this fact is something which speaks for itself. Definite figure and maps cmu be obtained by applying to any Agent of t,. Company, or the Gea. eral Passenger Agent. The following are a few of the Princpal Points reached via this Line: ST. CLOUD, a (r1 (KNrRz, Fxuots FALL rDCJKi.fUN, SjT. \ I\CMSZT, llut'7IuDoII, PAYNE-S'ILLE, MOaxI APPLETON AN BRAcKZNZUDOEr,MMIN.,*IAThtOWU Asus. DERV, }I.LENDALE, WAUj'ON, YAROO( I;LAND k'uaiu, Ciuarrou, DEvItS LALI, B rmNKAIA AND Rn'V RD. DAKOTA; (LU RoW 1)Aws ("UT. BLS NAP), AI3IN3INN, F?. bI,'iON. U(EA? 4ALA HEIiOA ANI Burra, MONrANA; VIzNIruo, MAsnom% AND ALL I'PAIWIL COAST IulTa. Parties ac eking farma or basinems ies tiona will Aind! tulusual opportunities u* both on this line in Northern Jiakotaand Montana, also in Minnesota where th Company has for sale at low pr'oni and on favorable ternms 2,400,000 acees of ex cellent farming, Qraz:;z and timber landa For usapa and otherinformtion addm JBOOKWALTRR, C. 11. WARREKW, lod Coummiui nT. GenI 'ar. LAg ST. SIAU4 MINN. .Muwm., . W.B. ALEAm ImJ aunman.. Om'1T'mfIr.Ma 4REEDIOOR AUORIT. EMcAUSLAND'S GUNS. RXVOLVERS. AM MUNITION *too"t" ar($ . Th L* 3,003 1 evyBu, Uhr Is M I. an umI. wmaupitlag rm/ f pvlf .6 L ble Neatl) "-seame Wm rm £ I .YJII m J% 4 lot rI T I fo I~~)Ra 011 Ihe ?TI omiUO ine Pop 1w ith Pub OI TII.~ W If. IS LouNo , Me..SA. iTe YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL DAILY AND WEEKLY. THE OLDEST' PAPER IN THE YELLOWSTONE VALLEY. WEf'kL Established Is. AILY Eatablished 18I Is____ Any subscriber to the YELLOWSTONE JOUR NAL who wishes to subscribe to any other publication in the , United States CAN DO SO THROUGH US At Publishers' rates We can save you from ten to thirty per cent. on your subscriptions to eastern magazines and newspapers A RENEWAL OF AN OLD SUBSCRmIPION Or the payment of a new one will entitle you to this privilege. BRANDS. We still continue to publish stock brands at the nominal rate of "$5.00 PER YEAR For a slngle out, with a opy of the LIVE STOCK REPORTER, Free for the first ye. Our Weekly irue goea to Every Ranch in the County And offbrs thV er BESTw MED oIUMb JOB WORK. In this departmemt we am p"aprd tbs--a oute all orders with prompn and in the BlaGI8 SI1S of TIE 1 AT And at plm $ Will l oopaSr with ta times. Snd ln ~p and we will $umU tee to pYlease nounaI Ta b' Jollral Fob. CL Yrlaa 01..