Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY JOURNAL MITABLIAufl 1881. AVILEZ CITY. NONTANA Yb. dttqTwi YasAw.ohu JOURNAL is ast' mpiouibls br any 3( $be opi a sON ream .1 lw oImtpomdms. 3M~o fm b~m by Sime to all asun.4Iol TOa YMUUOVUY JOUDIAL W~uASzM 0o. b as "Quest to do all sis b a ow be lqdS maisi 14ga smor i.s $am r pogw of Ceter wan ftd &ad wu~b~w a bes bus bye as 60"m04 =1 "m3 Tax 13LL0W15033 JOUISAL 49owd .im wills beaavu. elb. iplem two=;&wri;;D; W4s, mig~4 by &M. pub bhur w ru l ss smaw. Wednesday, February 6, 1880. WTi state of Nebraska will vote at the nest general election on the ques tion of high versus prohibition. IN tbhee days of rapid and eaourate transmission of news it seems strange that the facts relative to the death of Prince Rudolph, of Austria, should be unknown sad the reports so widely at variance. Whether murder, suielde or death a' the hands of an adversary Ina duel it seem to be a well so knawledged faet that Rudolph bhad, under the unwritten social law, for felted his right to live, and it matters little as to the manner of his taking oft. AT the resent muniecipal electlon held at Livingston the total vote oast was 477. In view of the fact that the them embryo oity polled at the No vember election nearly or quite 300 voted more, the student of contempor ameou history is led into speculation as to what has become of the missing 0r,. Did they flee from the wrath to come of municipal government or did tie enterprlsitn repeater so excel him Felf In November last as to roll up a .otitious 800? Or still another theory; were they Park tourists who avalled themselves of the elective franchise re grdless of existing provisions as to residenoe. There is an explanation comlng somewhere. MONTANA and other northern buy er are already on the range in New Mexico inspecting the herds and umsak ing contraests for early summer deliv era. In fact It is patent that New Mextee now tands facile prinoeps in the quality and condition of its steer product for maturing purposes. Our steers are sought for becaun they are In good form, the breeding is well up. their health is always prime and ier mits them to be taken anywhere without the least danger to other cat. tie and for the further more satisfao tory reason that the buyer has gener ally made a good profit In handllng them-either as a speculation or in maturing them for the shambles. There was closed a contract this week is Lee Vegas whereby William E. Hawks, president of the Soda Springs, Idaho, aend the Plymouth Rock Cattle company, of Red Rok., Montana, be. came the owner of all the steers owned by the El Capitam Cattle company and the Lea Cattle company, of Lincoln sounty, from two-year.olds and up. wards, amounting to between 5,000 and 6,000 head. They are to be deliv ered at the railway by the middle of May. The prices paid are not stated, but are said to have been better than say steers have sold for on the ranue here n the past two years.-Stuck Grower, Las Veras. Worms fto Birds. "There are a good many men is Brooklyn who make a living at catcl lng meal worms and selli ng them toot trade," said the proprietor of a Fulto, street bird store to an Eagle reporter "There is a man who has furnishei me with those worms for the past five years. Step this way ad I will show you how they come to us." The reporter followed tle bird dealer into a back room, where on a shelf stood a row of small tin boxes. The dealer took down one and opened the lid. The can was half full of small crustaceous worms of yellow and brown color. They measured about an eighth of an inch in thickness and an inch and a half in length. "These boxes," said the proprietor "hold about a thousand worms and cost at this time of the year $1 per box Most of the meal worm are caught in the big grain warehouses on the river bant, m flour mills and old feed stores." "How much does a worm catcher arn in his peculiar vocation"r' "A good man at the busines can make from to $10 per week. They e*b them with their hands or un a sive. A eat many worms ma m co emad in t omot rear. Moek Seds and nearl all birds bile ra very Patial to than. tsy ea . It is said that war m. u eating ad to a lbs bses. The old l old is to he in = r among the as theO aý.ob othe a . wool by wigk ish was cheeha did weds sad furious do not com into tim order ot life; sad the wosan of con w oshold storm len a whirl. W urh, th house,caerg s noas of repwoaebes ead Ob a she went, would foreltr nto h'held as true geatle ad, ao ealtir what her or Iaherited positon, would be by b usblit egsion to jd ranks oT the'es inlnlMiiy Ijar ma m: redeemably unrefined. But the race survives, though the manifesations be di5erent, and the scold of the cucking stool the shrew of the street, is to be found in the dis contented, the otherwise minded, the persistently nagging, the constitution ally depreciatory, the willful makers of unnecessary crosses, which, after having made them, they bear with many sighs and audible groens; the general putters to right from a higher moral platform than that inhabited by the common sense people of the world. All of these may be women of gentle bearing, refined speech, perfect man ners but they are none the less sur vival of the earlier coarser type their origin as certain as that of the pet lap dog, or as the canine teeth in man, whic point back to a time when natural implements were all the race possessed and nmanufactured tools were tot.-London Queen. EVI'ERY I6T I SCIATCIED ulltil the skin was raw. Body covered with scales llke spots of mortar. Cured by the Cuticura Remedies. I am going to toll you of the extraordlnary change your CUTICUKA REM3ED.1 pIrform•4 on me About the let of April last I notieod some red pimples like coming out all over my body, hut tboughtnuthing of it undisome time lateroe,when it began to look like spots of mortar spotted on, and which came of in Iyens, accompoaied with itching. I would scratch every nlght until I was raw. and them the next night tho soales, being formed meanwhile, were scratched el agaIn. In vain did I oonmult all the doetoris a the country. but without aid. After giving up all hopes of re covery, I happened to see a advltiAsment in Ihe aewme ar shout your CuTCoaa aAsuDlu, and prld thee from my druggslt, and obtained ilmotdimmmediate relie. I bga to notices that the scaly eruptions gradu lly -+t odf oad die splare on~ by oee, and hbre e fully oued. I de tm disese thirteen menthe before I began sklng the Cvolc.Ua RlMDnnm, and in fear or Lve w eks was entirely cured. My diseu was eemas lnd peeriessi. I recommended the CUrt CUrA RNDIolES to all in my vicinity, and I know of a great many who have taken them, and thank me for the knowledge of them, especially mothers who have sealy eruptions o their heeds sad bodies. I aennot epoes in weeds the thanks to you for what the CUTICU.A RIanDls have been to me. My bdy was covered with scales, and was an awful spectaleo to behold. Nlow my skil is as nalce and clear as a baby's. SGiO. COTEY, Merrill, Wis. Sept. 21, 1887. Feb. 7, 188.-Not a treo whatsoever of the daisese from which I sufreed has shown itsell since my cure. GEO. COTUY. We cannot to Justiec to the esteem in which CUTrtcot, the great bktn Cure, and CvUTIcaA SoAP, ns exquisite Skin Beautiier, preptsed from it, amn CUTICURA RSsoLVwNT, the new blood Puri ier, are hold by the theousands upon thou.nds wh se lives have been made hapy by the cure of agonising. humiliating, itkhing. saly and pimply dlsease of the skin, scalp and blood, wi b loes of hair. Sold everywhere. Price. CrcTICUa, 500. o . , 25c.: RrsOLVz.T. $1. Prepared by the IOTTrca DUoo AND CHeSICAL Co., Boton, Mass. ltPBed for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, :0 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. -PIiPLE4. blsak-beads, red, rough, chapped and 1 oily skin prevented by CuracURA "OAP. U FElINE rIlls And Weakne instantly relieved by the ('utleur Anti-Pain Plaster, a fi s Perect Antidole to Pain. Inflammation and ne. A new, nstantaneous and infallt ble pain-killing plater. 25 cete. Drs. REEVES & BUNTON. The Old Roelias speialast e of man ywars per loon treat with wvnderful soems all LUNG, THROAT, CANCERS, PILUE, FITULA, RUPTURE, cured without pain or kindersane to business. Teits all forms of Throat Lung, Nerve sad Blood disuses. all Chronic diee and Deform. tie far in advaneo of any iolstiuea in this esun try. Those who contomplate going to Hot npriage fortreatment of any Private or Blood Dislase ean be cured for one-third the cost at oar Private Dis S Si Bthistreatmentapurelovelycom h.sLM I ploxion, tre fr rom sailownes freckles, blackheads, oruption. etc., Brilliant Eyes and perfect health can be had. gj That "tired" feeling and all female wenk ,ews or maily cured. Blating Headaches, Nor yous Prostration, General DIebllli, Mlsplsoness, Iepresluor and Indigestion. Ovarlan troubles, In. lamation and Uhkeratoo. Falling and Displace tments, tplnna weaknes, Kidney complaints and Chao of Life, Consult the old Doctor. EY AND EAR Acute or Chronic Infla. LRur umatlion of the yalids or Globe and far or near sightedness, Invesion ofthe Lids scrofulous Eyes. Ulceration Ilfammations, Abene. llemneas of Visior. of one or both eyes, and Tutoors of LI,' SUIndnmation of the Ear. Ulceration or CaGtrrh. Internal or exterual Deafness. or paralysis singin or ro·ar'n nosel Thickened Drum etc. l lll Uf Dtlifty Spermtlorrhea, ·rsulnal UIVUW rI,aoes. Night Emissions, Loss of Vital loweer. lplesness. i eepondency, Loss of Memory. Confusion om f ldea. Blurs beforeotie eyes, IAssitude. Languor, ;l.oomles. Depresston of ,pirits. Aversion to socIety, easily Disconraged Lack oft'onfdence. Dull, Listlem, Unfit for study or business, and finds lif a burdeon, safely per rmaenrly and privatel cured. BLO D I DIseasessyphll-a diseae meet hoer bIn its reu eradioated without the es of mercury. aerofi sp, Esielas, Fever sores Head and Bone, syphbilitle sore Throat. ad Month sad Tongu, Glandular Eaisargoent of the Ne k,. RhematIsm. COtar, ete. Persmaenty Cnd when others have failed. HUl l.AI Kidne and leddes tr bles 1NW Yg Weak larsk burantgUdre,uFro g.nea o ernansu . Urine nigh olored e milky sedlan.. ao st~ald u Gl.t, tCyst-i. e-e Aes a.$ d. ch8ma senom e. ItI E le d peam 018 E W eneral saatN t et the usual eogam, ,.. wat eso made or -m ,whether feeks imerndent habte of e'ag and habit in matun en olr Yemesa asdto the uesual hab w . tIly eas.4 8ed.1 _ .. d estrig egaddem tald | M ebo reaten to atth led by her empate s. iS d M me n , b~r. at taees n·,pm,. ede os W. 4.4 Op C ep QiWrcnPk)hw ll'ge ggeh~i NONTAMA SHORT UIE, When traveling every one should ena lider well the questias of ecmnom, ealmort, ty and speed, these question being of the same importance in a journey of an hour as in one of sveral days' rid An examination of the map will convince anyone that this is the most direct route to and from ll the principal pointa i Cotn- - St.. u ra and N or Jaei N. £'& Dakot and Ytmans. Our eopapmena and time ar excellent. Our rates are the lowet, but this fact is something which speaks for itsell Definite Afigre and nmap can be obtained by applying to any Agent ofitt3 Company, or the Geo. eral Pamenger Agent. f the following are a few of the Priadpal Points reached via this Line: t. ('LOt'D, PALC C(Nrr' , Foaauo Ft,., rfRoomI.T.N, bT. \'INCrt, lihIrU-1nsuo AYA~ss\'II.LE. MORRIs APPLETON AN BHcI'n:l:i , Ml xx*l MINE._WAIATN·s ow AiA , DIEEN, LI.LEND.ALT, WAIIPIETON, YAiOO, 'IRAND ~uRK.4, (iP.4PON, DEvII LAxz I.,rrTINE.AU AND ]31 RlD. DAKOTA; GLAU < .',v, I.1\vm ( r. I t' .: N.1-.r), Asmxxmsorm-. F'. J1sn,. GlaT j .k1.4,, HLnA AN ,I Trr, N."rANX ; WVIrIPrcr, MA.ueItni &.N) ALL 1'A!'- IC ,' COAST 'OINTI. Parties s.ekin'; farme or business koa* tiols will Idl unusual opportunities :i both on this line in Northern Dakotaand Montan, also in Minnesota wherethe Company has for sale at low prices and on favorable te, ms 2(.00,000 aces of ex. cellent farming, razi ': and timber lands For Iape and otherinformation addz 5, BooxwALTR C. 11. WARRE, LMe O*sIsioner, Gen'I Pare. Ag' Br. "4AUL, xIN. A. LXMv., W. 8. Asamwm, I.l 'S h'~IT'arWmrN WIr lW Uoeof, ~ wwoftl law au-u. 83 kusiuw, .T. A NIlTECTS & IIILIEIE UEdl t of SBlMto Amrkui. A mecoms. Use a contoat·e eolord IrrpUc pItU of ou .urr and ety r d e or l a bt lm. amelms euro rav.g Mai fn plM uad .tamtojUa for t Ie of emebacontemplat ddln. Price Um year. PA I obe. *n B,' Prons A" hav e ovae SUMlp,,lo. for A-,m- F ror. atla ateDnt. Seed for B ool. Corro. p Ndeme rtltly coonWdetal. TRADE MARKS. In es- youlr mu i not rmstertd the Pra ea OBM, *ar to MNW s Co- ad pe-u itmmrate proteloU. 9Srd for IambooLk COrYIIIGHTBtr boo .to eLar. s Se. 4glakl proaomd. Addmm EMUNN & CO.. PtUems ldlemrs. GOMsuAL Orvcu : BM aoADWAT. . T. - -- .. . ...- , + THE MARSH OF PROGRESS! On LATEST IEIHPOVENITS I Ash sotir=U tT ~ O r rw w en reemn na rmi ' wh t s wt< 1 awir'iiu I.· Woo ne ed.. Ne iiel moss enui naim ; ·Yam.7 end piles stmgm plal as t e miLs iuo ta06 i1 spilou with shoelb sT mame ba " poa is a y i h s am b sot i1 tam. ,onn ooullabml~ybs bis& whisk they asks hvgrpeeiD Ji ES MAS' mEMS rlEARS t3 SH8OD *45110 XCELLED IN CANNOT AIOL STYL UE IWM «"W TO uc ý DURADILITY *T'4 sAUN "s- SATISFY linT. 1FA f ~tArj ~ 7 ea s Pfe pe1aw výS q.v i jio.Semhchoayaf vereag ýwee ea elýy E o pc In our ie e e lbs Imieg nlaac s d th ·UIae jJIb t 1a, waeaow whor tawilsi ag r hhoeble hml b . /yý.soe jo~b~w Scato( 1 ..ll r Ishr .nb e mail a he aft m aupagma "Tinsa as : p h s th y shY . s ° ecastth, wholss ae Te . ý lbsC um qu as Ispp that "thebwu i , r 0cwhq ý 11e ibi su sjgi r ee lcsw o entwrt smc s JAinEEAWroe in Mid toss shoUM. r shimwlgtb hrMd, u veuow rei Drum staWpb asth .Mn"~~~~~~~~h sofl o aD7o".gMraawahevenn sim~nieo fs tM o.s' o twh~ýýa..r soth is aetuzre'sa cueaU' f mr Danot l]whdoeb ak y aoru u have cog h, da y whil, we awe spy ii yoni(jsa v. d e e etail Kim aq tho sole a our shorn helms te eave o ar , so 1y .aa 4 to p Mr j7wv " hotar IL· t~uh rshq ·Irrlu C (JO., 41 Lincoln St., Boston, lass. For IMAN I ,* For BEAST I;, is~lani . /A '4 ,,=. Unlei * iWTANUlHED I1??. JAM UNILLN CO, mwaDaUiOBa OF1 TM linneapolis Sheepskin Tmanc , zzm'WUnrmTsrMOUTALLoW m a ----. - earr BMW 1 FUSC A ML *in~'naf^y ne nui (mkftfnr .';JBSB·aEtlL __*? Ka?" Great English Remedy I& , Murray's Specific. A guarsateed core for ial aervous dioea.s, oech as Week Memory, I ase of hBrl Power, Htlorls Headake, Pals I toe Mack Nerve. Prostration, Weak. aeu , Lueerrham, Culver . .e~sak l Leasttdo, emlunal Weak. n. trees.. lme and guonal lees of pewer f taetnamrlve Orgar; tL either tez eassed by ludiesetlem erever es . e n, and whih .ltlB.iel lead to Proematre Od Age, I3a.slty and .DeOu mptio u 1.00 Slheo elr l boe or 1.00. imu ",* mae by maili on eeipt of pries. lul tNo ewery applhuat. tOcuseaeltsoe. Forevery O6.I0 older rgeelved we send six bees. with a writte, guarantee to srtefd theLmeas If our plciloe does not aetas cure. ft; .ing 4ddrme II com uunialostio the me muas taoeturer., 1HEMURRAY MEDICIIe1CO Kansas Oy, 41WN.M. P ' RCHEN & CO., S bole,.le and Betail Agents, Heless. Most Dr. IlabliK & t'o., Fro.t the Llebig World l)ipenuary and International hurgical In stitute, Kansas (liy, Mo., and Ban Fra. elnro. (al, willl have offtcer at Windsor Hotel. BIutte (ity. Mont March 0Oth to 30th, 1589. at .(rand C(entral Hotel. Ana condo, March 3let, at Pacilei Hotel, Main at., Heleaa, April Iot ta7th, 1989. DR. LIEDIG & CO. The European amdedl W i and speclal surpeone and Physicalns of the Iehig World Dispeasary and lnternational S.agiul Iastitute. The surgi cal branch give spedial attention to deformities of vor kinad udshll di. place menat ro - quinrlg apf plassoes for curvlaure of 0 M iamiD t I t torted liusbs " , / orarms sue. " Icessfully tr sted b \ our new Vol tale and agasoti'e apphaneos o " ediesl briuch devotes sp clal attention to all Chronic, Complicatee, Private and Wasting Diseaecs, resutingl from badly treated cases of acute or special nature, or from Indiscretions of youth, brangng on Slpermatorrhtes. eminall Wsknei snad an unnatural drain from the body abich unt irminee the constitution-also Debility. I, csy. Lou of Vitality or Manhood, which result from excess of maturity. The reason so many are not cured of the above comp ainta Is owing to a complication called Pso. tstorrhba, which our treatment alone can cure. Varicocele. wormy veins in crotum, Ntricture, blood and ski. 'mpuritles oteedily cared. acute private troub'rs safely, confidenti llr iad quickly cured. Catarrh of the muruous membraneof the head or bladder sucessfeully treated; also throat and lung dielases. Vnemale complatnts and all d.licate. complicated diseesi of women, carefully treated byour ew method whereby none of the usual physical ellso nations are required. ills. pIlscemIIuls of the Uterus and all sps cial complainta peculiar to females, succes.llll reated. All laguage spoken and written. Write In your own lilnguage. The most p'owerful ELECTRIC BELTd free to patients. tcll ,n or address Liebig World Dispensary. 4tt( Gerary it., Man Fsancmisoo. Cal, r lnfar and Ohildrn, T'u Os' ii Oaen-, !T itr y rt N. Y. SOMETHIG 0 F IITEREST FOR YOU TO READ! Having had a very succeustl fall trade and nearly sold out our entire,Fall Purchase of 8uit ings, we purchased an entire new line of Winter Suits at EXI TREMELY LOW FIGURES We' shall be pleased to give our trade the advantage of these BARGAINS. If you are ia need of a nice, nobby suit, the best materi and fnish, give us a call. We are oonvinoed that yQi will find exactly what you are looking fbr L ORSCHL & BO., THE COMMERCIAL LEADINI BLOCK. CLOTHIERS I, ORSCHEL & BROTHER, lholesale Wts LiAm ad Cim Hpeolal atteatilos esldI to 6ar temU ve line of BOTTLED WINES, WISKIES, BRANDIES, ' PO1S TH' HOLIDAYITRAD., . SIhnlls K eII 81