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SPRtERVW THE FORESTS. Ahsa$ sUn... c.....mrms iY* D a.... ouOr Tter. -15 of the most important questions w which our national and slate res have to deal, and yet one is too generally neglected, is that the preservation of our forest. ndent of the fact that they add to the wealth of the nation at the rate d $700,000,000 annually or ten times iwsm than the output of all our gold r silver mines-which alone ought isuuoure for them proper asre-the icacnt conclusions reached by ad eatl~c men, to the effect that they de tdrnaans, to a peat extent, the climatic ami the hymenic conditions of our ,eamregulate the distribution af mthe character of both r tet and small water ways, cer the preservation of our tibered lands among the subjecta tha should receive the early, constant aml careful consideration of our legis lstors httona It is estimated by experts who have devoted much time and thought to the bquiry that at least '0 per cent, of the entire agricultural region of any eountry should remain permanently 6 forests. Twenty years ago it was amerted that the annual clearance of woodland throughout the United States amounted to 10,000,000 of acres, and that at this rate individual owners would ultimately be entirely stripped of their holdings. But it is not only the ax that is destructive to forests. Browsing animals and fires are suite as detrimental. To these injurious sgencies must be added the enterprise ag and conscienceless railroad cop tactor, who annually destroys 30,0Q0, 00t vigorous young trees in his quest Sor ties. Taking these and other ene mies of our forests into :.ccount, it will bsseen that but for the energetic ac lia of our national and state govern mants the terrible calimity of the en he sweeping away of the natural cov n of the soil woud be among the ble events of tie future-a disas imthat would, in half a century, re doe the greater part of the continent tI the oo ition of a desert incapable d supo ng main or beast. w supiormng mna. or ueast. Nor us this am reflight of the im "m"on. It at qy seem to the super fima' observer ti verge on the extray apnt to talk of a possible timber fam he in a coqrntry so new as ours, and - that was si lately reclaimed from he 'forest primeval;;" but it is an un imiable fact that we are cutting down wr trees far more rapidly than we are jhnting them, sad although our in hsitance of timber has been great, smob a policy steadfastly adhered to in he future can lead to but one result. b bring about a better state of thing, Sipublic sentiment oug r be created, and business men and brumere should be informed how in fsly their prosperity is bound up with the preservation of the wooded lmd. They should be made to under ramd that by the effect of the forests em the water courses the entire naviga tio., and much of the transportation, gteem of the country is regulated. assanfacturers are also largely de ýsmdat for the water supply for their ftories and mills on the wisdom that pesects the timber lands where them iaams take their rise and through which they flow. No proO table mill ig could be done where the water wnrse was a torrent during one-fourth dt the year and a dry bed for the re mainder of the season. d the year and a dry bed for the re mainder of the season. It is encouraging to note that the mbject is now receviug practical con s~srstion in many localities, and esecially this state and in Pennsyl iiam. The report of the New York Isrrstry commission, presented to the lggislature, contains many interesting tile and valuable suggestions; while s Agricultural society of Pennoyl weials actively engaged in spreading te fasts before the le. The estab ment of "schools of forestry," in ameordaace with th, plan that has 'wrked so admirably in Germany, is einestly rdoommended, together with der measures all tending to further *s end in view. On one point all au oi mties seem agreed-that it is un wise to hand the timber resources of a aountry over to private parties, leav ag them independent of all govern ment control. At one time this state owned every acre of the Adirondack region, but this noble domain was given away with a recklessness that is rearcely credible, and what it now possesses it has gained through tax ales, while its titles are thus of the rmost precarious character, the land speculators being engaged in a con t struggle to procure a cancella tian of the sale. The wholesale pur chase of forest lands from individual owners is urged by the commission, to remedy this state of thing, and to prevent the stock of timber in the stale from being too largely depleted. --rank Leslie's Newspaper. .v iz',iU i'AJ n rgusy utpU'LV:u. -Frank Leslie's Newspalwr. The beekme' Underllothing. Whcn tho duke and iluclhess of Eihnburgh went to Greece it Nas dis covered. on arving at Athens, that a trankcontaining certain indlisemnsable a-ticles of attirc, to wit: undircloth Sbelonging to the duchess had been li behini at Malta. A telegrarm ,r ding the said trunk to be uent by the nat day's steamer would have been Sih ebepest and readiest way of ob 1bf it, but the duke of lhEdburgh U.YI diupatched one of the vessels Shisquadron all the way to Malta oMag.g back the trunk acd its con L trip of her majesty's ship must t lavolved a cot to the tax payve - Mo hundreds of pounds. T'ha -Mat alto tt a scndalo ---o .dooTruth. uriationo Dr. O. J. Lod'.s x So the elctric deu tioan ac baen tred by K 8wtuto ftftes submitted to e wm inl.tatly precipitated; 6stbm pol of the electric ms& , w- a usmuftia near the surface ir otr pole being at tg4)iorianw cup usa fe* . i4 0 SAKlN POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder h ar varins. A mal velof purity, strength and whole somenes. More economical than th ordinary kinds. and cannot be sold ii competition with the multitude c low test, short weight, alum or phoo phate powders. Sold only in cani RoYAL BAKING POWDER Co., 10 Wall street New Ycrk. 1 UPIrnEOTD ATTrrI11n0! OVER A MILLION DISTRIBUTED leisisas State Lettery GýNpsy. Incorporated by .e Lqtlature In 1NS, for Educational sad Charitabl purse.s, sad its fras chins ad. a part of the present state Coanattutos Is 187f, by en erwhelmlag pepelar vet.. Ite MAMMOTH DRAWINOS take plaee Mem*Amannally, Jane and December.)and Its ORAND INOLE NU NBSB DIIAW INaB take plae. I. eaes of the other tea mouth. of tie year. sad n-* all draws I. the Acadomy .1 Mu..i. New Or. FilEm FOR TWIETY ITELS For I.tegrity of its Irawisp. ad Pr*$p Faymet .1 Prises. Attled .. follows: We do heseby erti4 that we s leperns the ar ramgemmes fM all l the Mnthly as s mi-Amnnal Drawl.g of the Lesisteme Stale Lettery (Compear. asd Ia peee mnes eed sad eeetrol the drawnl.e themelve, ad sms th sa eae endueted with hee , btruadd Iiba d . Ath tsward a1lle ties, asn ww easthrlomi Cempeny to mas thin ertlleess. with fneea.illlu of oat slgart at tsched sa Ie edwertlemmste." We the maden h lsaeek. sad will pap all Prises draw. !a The liulslenas lale LetterIs. which sap Se preegnied at sat seuaters. L.M.WALMsLrY, Prsi Lemeslea Nat. leak. PI3R33 LANAUX, Pr.. State Nat. Lak. A. BALDWIN. Pres. New Or~sea Nit. Aeak CARL LONN. Pres. Uslee Natleoal lank. Grand Monthly Drawing At the Amesp a el Nsts. lee Orcegen. TCeAdas mea7k St. IMA. c&PTA PRIZ $2fift filift at tM a elsu MUsts. IN Orfas. Tesedes, merek It. IlMS. CAPITAL PRIZE $300,000. 1110.000 Tickets 'it Twenty Dollar* each. Halves $10; Quarters $5; Tenth. $2; Twentieths $1. LIST M9 PaTUS.. 1 PRIZE O SIOS,00 is......_ ....... 5000.001 I PRIZE OF IU0,000 is................... 100,0(01 1 PRIZE OR Ml,000is . ......... 50.(1 I PRIZE UF N,0001a........_...... ,5001 2 PRISHS OF 10,000ure «........». 70,001 6 P2 IESB OP 6,000 ase................... 25,001 6 PRIERSt OF 1,000 ane........... 26.($t 100 Pu1ZE1i OF 600ksa.e. ........... 60,001 r100 0IZ'B OK 200arm.......«....»..... 00,00 500 PlIZE( OF 200 are.................... 100.001 APP.OIIUATNM PaISth: 100 Priaof @o 000 are.................. 50,001 100 do. 00 a»................... 30,001 100 d*. 200 are ................ . 20,001 TRM6I5AL PRIZM. 999 do. 100 arf................ 99,901 999 do. 100are...... ........... 9990( 3.134 Prises. amounting to.. ....... $1,03,o 0 hors-Ticketa drawlag 'apital Prisms are ae entitled to terminal Prisa. Foe t'lab Rates, or any further Information de sred. write legibly to tb. underuigaed,cesarly slat lig your reslusnee, with ('tat., County, Ntreet and Number. Nor. rapid return mail delivery will hi w p by yourenclosing an Emrelope bearing Mend POSTAL NOTER, Express Money Orders, or New York Ezebsage In ordimary letter Curreecy by Repress (at our eases) addresmed U. A. DAUPHIN. N ew Orlesas, La., a' 11. A. DAUPIIN, Waaimsgtea, D. t Addrua Eiiieri d Lti1trx to NEW ORLLANS NATIONAL SANK. Now Orisas.. La. "REMEMW ER that thM payment of Prim. is9'UARANTEb Dir POMU NATIONAL RANKS ef New Oriss.. sad the Thkets are signed by the PresIdeat e1f as Iasitutioe. whose shartorted rights ase ecogslasd ta lb. highest Oserta;, oear. .r all imilatioss e aaoumeoas .eb.m.. 0W14 IJOLLA II . the pries of the amallestpart arfrartie$ofaThleketi IUED NIY Ca in any Drawing. Aspthlag Is our nime dern fNr I.m than a Dollar l.a swledls FOR MEN ONLY! CURE ý, Wf11T Twrtarr; we eT tmIwULT '" PATR NG ' 3. Ce it's Rostauraoc 7 O UOv~jI d Noth 41% OWO LChIdm Cry imftsh .*Wggd NOBTIE pACMIF RAILROAD ITNN DIUOT LIII 3U W EN SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS. Or EULUTI ldsh. Iabhbuiitm Territmrp, A aU halas ta Minnesota, Di kota, Montan OREGON, he h ritish Clinbia, Phget hind i B. ALASKA. NO CIANGE OF CAW ST. PAUL and PORTLAN Om Aa es of Tlsek . EMIGRANT SLEEPERS FRI d r The Only All Rail Line to the YELLOWSTONE PAill mt Kipims TiMlat Dolly. t whM h ue, "tteb.s E PULLMAN FALACE SLEEPEP LND £LESAJT UINI6S cAls. er ll tasseaee.s e as ITi. h as . 2.1 11 N SkaSs. S. ý5I., t. 9?, I VlN eT. PAt?!. Y/lN wT. rapt. wiuu I. D9 100 100 100 100 MIN 100 i.' I. It. nd b. mu of It. Dig Uba hr91 umlygi-f~t sal W attbsfetlom le ih 1 f0 " ATI.u ere of (uu~j~rrhus .ad M r (ledt I pr scrba It.ed E m - M feel safe lIn reoaommen Atti1s Iug It wo all wbnne. A. J. $TOJE3,133., 01fº ODaesieIN PRICK 6a.M. Y.! wt old ý7 Dt~grtt 'W. E. davaic, AgentI W. E. tlsva. eAgenI. JOHN CARTER'S r4114 fl ~8inn 14f1e. ci. CqyI Pflr'Fbes Crsdai SUITAI AORT UE When baveliag every one should cou rider well the qmsions of economj comfort, asMy aad speed, these question being of the same importance in a journe of an hour iaii one of several days' ride An examination tithe map will oonvinc anyone that this is the most direct rout to and from al the principal points 1 Con- *TttuL *ra and AJN1'I uA z soolrAl .ALW Dakota and Y mtana. Our epuipmer and time are excellent Our ratee ar the lowest, but this fret Ls somethinl which epeaks for itaeIL Degnite figure and aups cam be obtained by applying I any Agent of tu4 Company, or the Gea era! Passenger Agent. The following are a few of the Princip Points reached via this Line: Ar. ('LOrD, PAUK Curnas, Fuaors FALL Cauoinro, br. Vaicicrr, Hrrentiao: PAYSaVILLZ, MoaRs* APxaro$ As Bu(Kg a1DGEMIXN".:ATURTowi ABap DElI, ELLENDALe, VAUPWION, 1ARG GRAND Foaxý, (uRAPTOW, DEVIIs LAX ByrrnNAU AND BuFenD, DAOTA; GILA cow DAws (FT. BwLENAP), AsanxniOIN Fr. bugrrow. G(sAT FALIS, HhIzIA Al Burrs, Mo~rrAs; WInxxrns, MAxn'se A I) ALL PACIrIk Co&bt 'oixsra. Parties seeking farms or business kc tions will find unusual opportunities'. both on this line in Northern Dakota ac Montana, also in Mianesota wherett Company has for sale at low prices ar on evorable terms 2,000,000 acres of e c&llentfarming,grazing andtimberland For Lisps and other information addrea J.BOOKwALTER, C. 11. WARUW, lead Gen't Par. Agi bT. AU+'L, MINN. A, MArviL, W. B. ALa vamnD, GOs'I Maass'. Gs.'lTrsoManag ~~'11$ I -< 1~J The treatment ct many thousands of caen of thous chroelo ý.eaknesse and dietrsina ailmenta peculiar `o fema'ea, at the lnvalids Hotel aid Surgical Insttute. Bufalo, N. Y. has salo ld a vags experience in nicely adait. log and bho oughly testing remedies for s cure of woman's peculiar maladkis. Br. Pieree's Favorite Freservptlea Is the outgrowth, or result, of this great ase vaiuable experience. Thousands of tetitao laIa, received from patients ant' from phy) clans who have tested It In the more aggea vated acd obstInate ase which had ble their skill, prove It to be the amost wonderlu renedy evert clued for the relief and cure od iofring wwo.wn. It ia 1ot recommended as s "u-u " but ua a most ,taerot SpeciAc fot woman's peculiar ailmefts. As i powerful lavigureters Heae, It imparts strength to e whole system and to the womb and Its apýt. stiea Ii particular. For overworked, worn -out.' run-down," debilitated teachers, Iresasnakers, seamstr"ws. "shop-girls," house keep rs. nursinr mothcrs, and t"cbile womne ren('nray, Dr. Phirce's Favorite P acritlek Is the greatst earthly boon, being unequalei asan appetishXag ordial and restorative tonic As a s.e i lug nd strracun i.lag mervene "*'avorite Prescripthon" is use alted amdIs linvaluable In dlalynrg and sub dultng nervous excItability, irrttablity, cx ha! stion, piiutrackor, hystersa, spasms six other dietreeing, nervous symptoms aC.ý ,nonly attendant upon functkmnal and organi, disease of the wc mab It Induces retresilnj sklep and I.lkIvee mental anxiety and de Pr. Pie-re's Favorite Preserlpselo Is a legliltmate medlclae, oarftutll compounded by an exrplenc'.d and sktllfu physlclar and adapted to f.aaim's dii~tatj organiasti.. It is purely l.getable in Itl uomposrioa and perfectly harmleta in its steels :u any coo ltion of the system. Foa morning slecknus, or nausea. fronr whatever twae arising, ^eak totmach. atdigitlon, dys ýs and kindred symptoms. Its usar, In sonal will prove very bemnefelal. "Favorite Prescription is a peel" ltie cure :,r the most complllsted and ob $lnate caIed of lvu*orrhea, v' .eeive flowing painful n 'n.Ir'mueon, unnaturnu suppneslona 1lapeus, or ft1:uf of the womu, weak I''ack fenale wit.miea, ants erni. t,, ctrovettulua bearln.-d "', sensatIons, chromdc arnnstioa infarnuow. . arnd ulhwration it the womb, in. 1satnatiii . 'iattn and tanda'nrewa in 1toartes !lt'oiiain ni I with "mtaterna. last." A. a regulator and prof nri.r of fune U uio net, 'a. it that crtitiol in rid of change trlni garuiaal. to womaahoxi ,l '"Ito o'-te Pro .. nptlnu" is a perfectly safe rmieial asoent, sod eta prdoeue only good ,e'its. It Ii orlally vff ttaciius and valuasi . in its elerat .when uak a lir thoes dbsorders and derange. m'nrs In i h int to that hater and rtaoet critical .eri'.'. onr'.vta at. "iThea (tlraie ,f '.t " "I avurlte Preserlpatos ++"a ten tijas n rnnu.n tion with the ut' of Dr. Pk re s Sold, n N, tk d Iisoaovery, andl .rmail leaative l'ie of lr. Pierce's Purrt' a* Pellts Itlittle flver Pills,, emiuri Iiver. Kidl.."y and Iladder diaaaes. 'rha. r combined ap. also rui!ovea blhtd *uititr. ani aollshs cnroilorius and ,arreiloits arhumors from t:.e ,' 4th. "IFavorie Preaerijtseea r is the outd nrdicine for women, sold by drorurrtas, ~un r a positive guarasstee, from the ine 'returera, that It will give satiataution In ev lau. or tumany will he refunded. Th t.' 'baa in'a. printed or. the ltA p anl faithfull carried out n;o y Laj7ggbottle. +10 Qaso l 1 qN Orf; MtIe fo isM. doa o a l'or l Illuastrated Trsatlson Die wsoo Womena 1110pesgaryppeenal eted)seeg.tes wats e Instamps. fleZ Mt A L WIsti Uhmw Mdiii ?amstm 'Wt N~af 1L. UIWAI*. L t V o L T/j T o eý ýl ./. sl . w l iu o ýVos£ Fxa . dui~ 11 wI AjQI*o i RUfIetU~LjI dmsrKusMidi. Aým., B",' TRAOI M .... 0ý N.i.L p1$dn. a i GrlduI THE YELLOSTONE JOURNAL A D AILY AND WEEKLY. THE OLDEST PAPER e I IN THE YELLOWSTONE VALLEY. I. "BYL W &l aabflhbed 1878. DIIL? 4tabl.iM 1M:. Any subscriber to the YELLOWSTONE JOUL NAL who wishes to subscribe to any other publication in the United States CAN DO SO THROUGH US At Publishers' rates. We can save you Soam ten to thirty per cent. on your subscriptions to eastern magazines and newupabers A RENEWAL OF AN OLD SUBSCRIflIOI Or the payment of a new one will entitle you to this privilege. e BRANDS. e 1 We still continue to publlah stock brands at the nominal rate of 4 $5.00 PER YEAR For a single cut, with a copy of the W EKu 1uuLOýSmUI( JoerIIIA AND LIVE STOCK REPORTER, Free tbr the first year. Our Weekly issue goes to Every Raidrin the County And ofbrs the very BEST MEDIUM fir the ADVERTISING of LOCAL BRANDS. r JOB WORK. In this departmemt we are prepared to - outs all orders with promptne5 and in the RIIIFZF STIZ OF TI 1I? And at prices. wll .olpare with times. 8end in orders aMd we will guuJ tee to please yo. Adress To r Joir1Pik. 6