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THE DAILY YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL VOLUME VII. No. 3. MILES CITY, MONTANA, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1888. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURN AL hea O- el-a lPuper of the tk r CowIrny. Every Morning Except Monday. Populatlon of Miles City . . 3,000 Terms of Subscription; BT MAIL, IN ADV Nc., PosTAGE PA:D. Daily Editlo., one year.. ............ .. ...... '11iy Edition. sil months........................ o;.! a11|7 Editlenone month.................... . 1, TO CITY It'BlnCIBIER, (Anter, Every Morning, at 2 cents per wr~c, WsnL.T EDITION. YELL.o PAPER. One Te.r.......................... ................t'. Six Months............. ......... .. .... -.............. Three Mo ths ..................... ................. : Advertising Rates. -- - - - - - .i i y, t. +'.,.N 1 u(.j, 4.i, d.001O.0 i4.o00 20.00 1 Lays ..... -I" 5.00 >LJ. 14.00 15.00 21.00 80.00 Ac,(. -.1 ,..J 6.00 10.00 16.00 1.00 .i.00( 86.00 necks... 7.W 10.00 12. 0 40.00 32.00 42.001 2 4.00 ',eeks... S.00'12.00 14.0 22.00 21.00 85.00r 60.00 Month..0. lOu 14.00 1.00 12.00 82.00 42.00 00.00 S toathsl..l2.00)'1.00...22l,4 .00 42.00 52.00 06.00 oearhs..41.00 22V.00 2.00 42.00 0.00 66.00 100.00 'fn.ths-..l 2.00t,2.0 40.00 0.00 74.00 10.00 160.00 sotaces-Ton cents per une for each Iuer SWrite-up. Afteen cents per line. Address THE YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL PUBLISBING COMPANY. JOURNAL BUILDING, MILES CITY. M. T. PRWNICIANls. LR. i(. E. I IDD, 1Y/ PHYSICIAN AND 8URGEON. Ois at W. E. davage's drug store. 12-tf B9 P'. FInH. PiralantitululaON AND OITarfIClaN. (Art, Wuudarst und I,eburtabelfer.) Oaice a avtag's drug storer, M!es ('sty, M. T. C P s. WHITNEY, Maia stret, over Stockgrowors National Bain All work guaranteed and at reasonablo rate. Ro ,COR'O'RA N, a bentr Veterinary ,urgeo th envalry. PIddeueCe Mile.s 'ly. ('Iale attended da:y i night. Leaveorders at: avage's drug tuore Cor espoldence prIpily ua Iwere C B- LEB('IIER. M. 1).. Phbysiclia andItgeOO. Oaeeand sridenceuoer White Elephant. Mail. 8 D C. A. . AJO)R, D 'hrueic Rheumatism a specialty. Bar ge~n for N. P. RL . Otce at Wright's drug toure SCt 'RCH A. aemanusl Church (Epie pal) Palmer t.--er leOlundaysat 9:30 in. and 7:'U p. ". Win astcll. reWtr. aptist Chureb--Wm. M. Woeks, acting pastor Pnaem la servies buaday at II a.. and 8 p in Paesse a Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 7:45 p n. A ceedial fnvttatiotn sll. Matheiat Churchb-" ees Sunday, 11 a. m. 1:L p. . Payer meeting Wednesday eveiong 1:45. P. Lowry. paster. teebyterias Church-darvice BSnday, 11 a. m. 7:30 p.. T. C. Armetrong, pastor. Chbmh of 8aeered Heart, Catbolle-.aerie snr y eat and third Suday o the month. Higl miar I10:llI.. U. SudayI schoal at 2 p. m VelpaSe and 1Baeiletion at ,30 p.m. FATluaC. PAUWILYN. HOCIETIm. A. O. i.-Div.le No. I smut It sad eeond eteh meath. I.-ees1 S I d4 tIlda Wedesdays at Tat . M Odd hl low Hall A.. . 1 IL--Yllawuee l.dg, Ni. Si, ia SA. M.-TeUoll**ae Chapr, No. ., oemd Tbamhi ula mh neat ST.-Daamm emmsandary,arth Tharbs 1O, 0. I.--.uter Lodp, No. 18, every M at thdir hall. L 0 . F.-mtisaal bteaapment, No. i, int * adthIrd 1idav. -. et PW.-aa l dge, No. 7, Thursday sOeUg at Odd Fellow Hall. C. L A.-Nile City Brane, every benday at t. et L-irst ad third aturdays. * A. L-U. S. Grant Post, N. 14, rst and I.O. . T.-d.r of the West, No. 24, every d ....OlO.O(M. Camp No. 4. Meets nst and Md Hers el ueh month at (ood Templara N. PARKES a. W. TOPPINM NORTHERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY PiER& MOPPING Mmib.slamre of all Ltnde of CAST'INGS. SeIl aD. MINNESTA iM N186 AWllRY EcAUSLAND'S 13 VOLVEfS, AMMUNITION .6.WiV~SStt~tI TbLALUUUYPtoC ofMawr SHW to 3 the got. apfIth^n swad Swl,'at of al. klad PAPER ~ SBIktL UveYLsM'~"C~f's ~' z. Mclntire's Bazaar, ('all attention to our iboe I)epartment. Ladles', MIAleen', Menos', Boys', Babies.' We 1 are, now prepared to meet any demand upoon .L. us for high or low grade Sboes or liippers . .-i Honest shoes at bed-rock prices. If you are tired of paying old-time price., call and see us. Don't .rno your money east for hboer. Mclntire's Bazaa, I),.play a largP lioe of I! ('thlli! this wr, k. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, ,]MI-IES OITY. MONT. THE LARGEST BANK IN EASTERN IONTANA INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS W. R. ITEBBINB . Pruident, WM. HARMON, Vice Preulit. H. P. BATOHELOR, Oashitr. C. L, MERRILL, Last. Gash FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE OLDEST ANND LARGST BANK I EASTERN IONTAIN W. B. JORDAN Presdent. O. d. MILES, Vice President. B. B. WEIICOK. Oshier. H. B. WILEY, 4ssistant Oauhir INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Live Stock, Loans, Real Estate and Notary Public Agent for the oldest and n at reliable FIRE, LIE AD ACCIDENT INSURANCE COS. And the a ent no toww. LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY Monev Loaned on First Class Seourity. Cattle and sheep ranches, and improved farms for sale at a bargain with euy terms of payment. Houses to Rent and Collections Made Several comfortable and commodious dwellinr heouse and well located business and residence lots for sale cheap; also N. P. R. R. Co.s lots and lands, and graini lands in the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. GAT'TLER FOR SAiE la lots to srit urchaser. l aL sel ehratl el eads ed sea euaaylvan "lack Top," registered reas n n Shot on thereS sad rade bulls for sale. WILLIAM COURTENAY, MAIN STREET. WILLIAM HARMON Wholesale and Retail, 4Faun and Staple? GROCERIES Banch and 8took Men'. Supplie a Speality. Mrn ai d Sixth Street - * Miles City WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT OOST For Thirty Days R. C. RICHMOND'S. ~-L - fITAfUSED IW. 'JAIL lgolj-AN& 0069 MinneapoliG Sheepskin Tanry, AND DT ALZRI IN zo=u, uZ : 3LT5, qI5,TOOL=TALZW Ginsenl and Sona Root. 1 P1L? P & ruF A SPEOXAM Nelh. C_-Sir Yesterday's Suicide. He Got Very Drunk and Soberedl up in a Despcndlent Fit. The Freight Car Thieves are all Corralleul; a Sli'k Pie, e of Business. 1IIOT OFF HIS HEAD. A Sheep H.rdeer C('olmunut. Suicide Seaa IIuthki.w' Sanch. A sheep herder named Charles Yl'rng committed suicide yesterday morning about 7 o'cuock at Hotchkis.' rantlh, about "! miles from Milen City. Yo'unrg hail been in Miles City for *ev. eral weeks out of emuployment, during which tim he he indulged in a protract ed spree. He had been employed to go to work on the ranch of H. R. Sel way, a sheep man :p Tongue river, and was on hi. way to the ranch. Ar riving at Hotchkius' ranch on Tuesday aight he stopped all night, and on yesterday morning rose and taking a double barrel gun went out in the yard to the wagon which was stand ng unblitched, and tying a piece of string to each of the triggers, he fasetened these to the wagon tongue, and bolding the gun in his bands, he pointed the muzzle to his face and lerked it toward him so as to tighten the cords and pull the triggers. Only one barrel was discharged by this motion, but that had the desired effect. It blew oftt the whole of his face and the top of hise head. Death was instaItaeous. No cause was assigned by the man for the deed, and it is supposed that the act was the result of despondency. He bad previously been employed by Geo. Myers and Mr. Snell, near Hath. away, and was about 50 years old. Justice of Peace Wm. Birkle will set out for the place this morning, to.act as coroner and officially determine the caure of the mans death. FIVE OF THEM RAG(;ED. The Freimht Car Thleve. sue all Rounded Ip and Their Booty toaeoreret. The thieves, who now prove to be five in number, who broke into the N. P. freight car as was mentioned in the JoURNAL of yesterday, have been ovebhauled and captured and most of their swag recovered. It seems that they tboarded the west bound freight at Miles City, and when above Forsyth, they'entered the end door of one of the merchandise ears by breaking rhe seal. They then commenoed to throw off freight. They were discovered by the train men who sought to naill up the ear and bold the thieves prisoaner. whom they Jumped off and made away. Upon tnformation by telegraph to Miles City, Sheriff Irvine organised a party and started In pursuit, but failed to And them, owing to a bellef thatthey had gone farther west. In stead of taking this route they out out across the country and made .br the Cheyenne Indian camp, near Fort Keogb, whete they proceeded to bart ter their booty to the indians. A number of the Indians bought shirts aLd boots, while the lquaws tought ribbons and silk remnants. H. C. Thompson, of the Fort, sezlsed on two of the men and the Indians delivered up all the stuff they bhad received from them. Thrte of the men came to town last night and were making their way to board the west bound peseuger when Deputy Sherlff Eph Davis tkok them In aharge, his arrest being made upon the suspicious cheracter of their actionr. The whole five are now in jail. The names of the men are James Droyer, Chris Campbell, GUo. Main, David Main and A. Beamy Yesterday a parly of Ch yenne soouts went out to see if they could recover any of the goods that were thrown out alone the track. A bag was found ooutelaing a quantity of goods, being cears in boxes, bottles of hair oil, packages of tobaoco, remnants of silk, and ribbon and boots. One of the men when arreted had on three of the stolen shirts and another had on two, besldes two of their own. Greeitcret is due H. U. Thompom, at the Fort, and his party of Inude, for the effolcent work they did in aM Iug the oounty offmoers to emptare ie thieves. It would seem that isn a an important instaoe as this It weeM be a grefur l mt on part l the . P. to reward these mea fr the p tPhe ave taken n thbe nrset,a K b1 not even assred that the ndilm will r cover back the m q t - d podes whieh they barteed r *e stolen goods they havc dWeMVYr p A eo *F*UW Oboe". toe star vt'eoem surugeon trom Farmers' C'reek town. b ip. Jackson county,la. Jlr.Slipper, an extensive stockman living there, bas 100 head of fattening cattle which he is feeding. But many of them,and in fact nearly all, have been affected with more feet, or "foot fowl," as it is called, which softens the hoofs. He aays that other years, during some wet seasons, when his cattle were kept in muddy yards, he experlenoed the same trouble with them. but was able to cure it alone in a snort sime. But this has been a dry season, and the trouble seems to he worse, and has be come too serious !or him to handle alone. His cattle are all good, three year-old steers, weighing an average of about twelvc, hundred pounds. But one of hil nenighbor- ba had any simI. lar disease in hi.s herdi, and that in a very slight degree Dr. Stalker, the state veterinary surLt-'.n, will make a caraful inves.tigalton of the dlrNee. Decibiolu in M.nlta., Land (ontortw. WAsHIINTOrN, April =2.-The fol. lowing Montana laLd contesta have been decided by the Interior depart ment: Dennis Hamel vs. United States, in favor of the latter. Anthony Dunlevy vs. James 8. Hill, in favor of the latter; Alfred Shaw vs. Narclse Besmomutte, in favor of the former; Chua. Kroft vs. Claude Barker, in favor of the former. Pruorers. It is very important in this age of vast material progress that a remedy be pleaing to the teste and to the eye, easily taken, ar -eptabl to the stom. ach and healthy in its nature and ef fects. Poesessing these qualities, Syrup of Figs is the one perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic known. Governor White, in confurilty with an act of congress, has issued his proclamation declaring Tuesday,April 30th, a national Holiday in commem. oration of the Inauguration of Wasb hinton as president. We would be plea'ed to know of man or woman who bas hewrr had Iheadache or been subject to constpation. As tfmseseem to be universal trouolee a little advice may be in order. Why should persoa ecram their stomachs with nauseating purgative pills, etc., which sicken aind debilitate when such a pleasant and1 sterling remedy as Prickley Ash B tters will act mildly and effectively ,on tile liver, kidney, stomach and bowels, and at the same. time tone up and strenghten the whole system, causing beadache,eonutipation and all such distressing evils to quick ly disappear. Why stty smae Mae a silamoa. Why is our hour divided into sixty minutes, each minute into sixty m. ds. etc.I Simply and solely because in Babylonia there existed, by the sid. of the decimal system of ntio n, another system, the sexgdzal1 which counted by sixties. Why th number should have been chosen, is clear enough, and it speaks well for the practical sense of those ancient Babylonian merchants. There is no number which has so many divisors as sixty. The Babylonian's divided the sun a daily journey into twenty four parasangs, or 720 stadia. Each parasung or hour was subdivided into sixty minutes. A parasang is about a German mile, and Babylonian as tronomers compared the progress made by the sun during one hour at the time of the equinox to the prog. re made by a good walker during the same time, both accomplishing one parang. The whole course of the sun during the twenty-four equinoc tial hours was fixed at twenty-four pamsangs or 720 stadia, or 36(0 de Ere This systiem was I anded on to the Greeku, and Hippaichus, the great philosopher, wholved about 150 BC., introduced the Babylonian hour into Europe. Ptolemy, who wrote about 150 A. D., and whose name still lives in that of tlh Ptolemaic system of aa tronomy gave till %%ider currency to the Babylonian way of reckoning time. It was carried along on the quiet stream of traditional knowledge through the ljddle Ae and, strange to say, it sailed down afely over the Niagara of the French revolution. For the Frech, when revolutionizing weihta, mm , ooins, and datea dan-ubjeotinf all to t decimal sys tem of rekoinl, waer iduced by mW uexplained motive to respect or elooks and watches, and allowed ou dida to remain sageima that LB abyoasak, ah hour o I xymiuta. He you - mh riMwodfu eoberms of the A how what we call know kd h td oIsult of an uanbr oh 4L a techinf descending Me. Normore than habus *M armu would nr"h iM b f the builders of the al M f lo, ad enable us to the founder of the a and to thank them Me they have done for ua.-tr Mller in Fort nightly Review. I Vhe r oe 29160 Oaes.. At a i Uidifea be T '. .7 i:11r, 4WW^ '^. varlous to, -, ..inerican aeer, and has a better realizil g sense of the fact that the elk resort to the moun tain fastnesses as their normal haunts, .while our antelope rarely quit the pllains Frou school days up, the American youth, by such means, gains a knowvledge of the forms of the mag niliceBIt rpreeintatives of the various faunm of his land, in comparison with which the illustrations Im the text book, although not to bealtogetherd. spised, are inadequate. Here the sculptor, artist and engrav er can, at their leisure, study the no. blest forms under the most advanta geous of circumstances. Leopards and pumas may be caught in the very act of a high noon siesta, or perchance in some short and fiery quarrel, showing all the lineaments of anger character istic of their race wLen aroused. Orni thologists may catch :'or their folios the trian-Ltory tints of tl e growing plu nlug of trogous and toucans as they dislpur themnelves in their large, airy cages, in a manner to Le achieved un der no other conditioni. It is here, again, tiut a thousand facts each year ar e b.. ught directly under the observation it the natural ist and specialist in eren- department of biology-nidification Li all its de tails among birds; all the data in oea nection with the breeding habitsa d mammals; and a volume of utnwrittm lore having reference toth litf his tories of our native reptiles andthir kin.-R W. Shufeldt, Y. D., inPopu lar Science Monthly. Evide.ty 3w Ow BaiLr. A pretty married woman living ear Americus, Gs., owns a cow that she thinks the world of. She milks the cow herself, as she does not want her spoiled by endless attention. Since the crops 'ave been gathered the cow has been runniug in the fields, sad the brush of her tail got filled with cockle burrs. One morning last week the lady went into the pen to milk, and while she was performing the duty, the cow switched her tail into the neatly done up hair on the lady's head. The burrs caught, and the lady dropped her pan of milk and began to entangle her hair. The opertion dis turbed the cow, and she began to prance. The lady grabbed the tail with both hands, and said: '0So wench I so wench 1" but the wench, not liking the grip, started in a trot around the pen. The lady rtled the household by her shriek, and a negro woman ran to her rescue, butshe had to return to the house for a pair of scissors. The cow was driven into a tall, her tail trimmed off and left sticking to the lady's head. She wet to the house, and it took her hbn the negro woman and the family uaill to o'clock that night to pick the buarr from her iead.-Atlanta American. A mNetvmr wug .ar. You will often meet men who, while supremely indifferent to the pran! problems of the age, an ver moa concerned about many problems d the remote future. Here,for instamee, is a dear old clergyman writing to me in much alarm over the question wha the churches will do when all the world is convrSed to'Christ It given me reat pleasure to reassure him oa this point. When the churches have coverted the world, they will di. cover that tb will have to bein all, aver sn d convert C. it task ts will require their very stons, for experience shows that it is much hearder to convert Chritias' ,han heathens. Itis because we ares busy holdin our own in Christendom, that we . r doing so ompartively lit [te today in heathen lands-4Wi Yark Tne.uuD How to sKwa CIa 0ftt& Cheap, hand made cigarettes form a delicious smoke, particularly if whils you are enjoying them you let your mind dwell m a pleasant reverie on their origin. To one who knows. this daily luxury of the cabman and waiter is redolent with associations, for whence aare been gathered the m terialas There is a three volume novl in every cigarette. What a plendil execise in Imagination it is to figur in ones mind who the smokers we who contrib ted each a ciLr end the remains of a ci faret, or tli emptyinps of a pipe or the nft dry and izzle till it wau read o t cigarette' Youth, beaus , u.k ion, old ute, vice and virtue ma n . have smokedl the tobacco in itsb A form. It must be hbihly plWat, » construct a group of uowy o. for aqquaintaiuces.-laodo4 Glol. A ?.Msdu tIWO. Brown-Wei, Jones have you - oeeded in 6ptring i Mr Sai. JM 66 exactly her hand, t It got t""aet thing to it c I got 0the migtt-e What they cal a "taltruam"as tol "r Dt a ar C-w IO ill MIXW A ==nbiiMcnuui nWadS hi hbe lbt ummr with Ua on amed iltoa Driautooth ruhe. ror the ox hiinmU while the lady fotowed a kin 3 F t( to the to FuU fed and pmraoao never unmYretsauid buu .4 but ask with Man. thb poor I i-qile are so bated wiictifliqnqb cbw fw tfor w cl~u~l·* V