Newspaper Page Text
'FlH IAILY JOURNAL aLB6' scITF, MoNTANA. test l1e _Iegalatleiu. n ra mail close............................... r:t . m. Westernl mal cloe......... .............8:00 p. nm. (4eS open Sunday 12 1 Sagarfish mall e!oes Mondays, Wedntaday. and Friday at 8 a. m. TLague river mail closes Mondays and Thurs days t 4 a. m. O Jas opel........................... . .......... . m. Ofoe cio..a. ........... .... .......... ........ ... . to. Moaey order clovea............-................ 4 nm. Registry cloee....................................... . m. JNo. McAvILAND, P M. gerthern Facile Time Table. LEAVI MILU CITY GOING WEST. Me. 1. Paeilc Elpresa.............. ......... 11:2 . N 1i Expres Freight .......................6:50 A., 1. Freight.....................................8:25 A. M LATVI MILa CITY 0OINm IAST. Me. 2. Atlantie ELzpre .. ............ 11:~I A. X. " 16. Rxpress Freight.......................8 S. A. M. 14 Freight .................................... 1:40 r, M. Official ir ctry. FEDERAL DIRECTORY. Ieseto tCCOenga..... Jeoeph E. Tool, Helena Goeuer ............. . PR. L.ello. Heles essetoary........................William B. Webb, Helena Tsmmrsa er.......................... Gre. PreItt, HBelea Audtisr........................ Js. SullivaU , Helena Chief Jteetlo.................Me't mnell. Helena IAephen DeWolf Assoeulate Jnsetices................ M. J. Liddell Thee. C. Bachb. Ik r Ueaeral..........Bej. H. Greene, Helena steedent of Publie Instruction ..... ........... ..................A. C. Iogam, Helena 0. BI. Masnha......................... 8. Kelly, Helena Golleetor U. 8. Internal Revene....Jamee Shields eaIter U L. lad OBoe.....A. Grever, Mile. City Reldvyer U.8. Lead Oee..Abram gall, Miles City DOUNTT OFFICIRB. Ceeolimas........................C. R. Middlten fI. H. Jehue. Mmbers of the Rose ......a......... .riJr . Re Iherll .......... .............. ..........Thee.. Irvine Tweasu er..................................... . Merrill Clark ad oeer...................................L. C. Dear Dety Mlork of District Court.ames MeFarlaue I ePFrebase...... ...........F....... M. Schwarts y Atlter y............. ..........W. A. Barleigh Aaesor............ .....................T... . J. Thompson uareyr........................... P. H. Harrison Cermeer. ou.... Payette suanty Physiciaen ........................Dr. k. G. Redd Sperintepdent of Heools.........Mias Louisa Cooley Publie Administrator................J. H. Ware (L. A. Huflmau uommimiosoes........................... (. W. Ailerton I Ieo. Sebeeta MILEB CITY T(WNSHIP. IUstea of the Peace .......... ..... . Mireal. (' . Thuruc n Coastablee................. ..... (. T n CORPORATION OF MILES CITh. Mayor.... .................. .......... G o. Se beet City Attorney.............................. . . R. Middleton Clerk............ . ............. ...... . . ,Urdon Treasurer ...... ............... ......... H. F. Batchelor Chief of Police ...................Frank C. Police Magistrate.......... ......Edmond Buler ALDERMeXN. First Ward-A. E. Y!ager. B. K. Holt. Second War --Chas Hrewn. W. H. Ballard. LOCAL ITEMS. Martini cocktails at the Club Saloon' Sam O'Connel', of Ashlaud, hag re returned from Billings. Manhattan cocktails at the Club taloon. s Henry Wick, wife and obhild, from Youngstoo, Ohio, are registered at the Macqueen. No trouble to prepare mixed drinks at the Club Saloon. W. C. McJaqwell and W. G. Steward, Tongue river stock men, are at the Manjueen. Bllard has some fine old port and sherry for fam'ly use. * H. F. Batchelor, cashier of the Btock Orowers' baak, has returned from a trip to Helema. The big discount on ladies shoee still open at C. B. Towers Co. * B. F. Fleming elosed fifteen wolf hides before Judge 8Shwartz yester day, had them punched and received a certificate for $O. Peculiar In medicinal merit and wonderful cures-Hood's taresparilla. Now is the time to take it, for now it will do the most rood. The mayorof 8pearfish. D. T., in the person of M. C. Conners, a promi nentstockman of the Powder river country, is at the Macqueen. L. C. Currier, the Yellowstone fer ryman who lost his boat last summer, has purohased the Comatook ferrylong outfit end is now fxing it up for the season's work. Prof, Bach has just received a quan tity of imported family wine, whlch sells at $1.50 per gallon. This is a splendid summer cordisl and its pur. ity is guaranteed. * Wlbs Baby was Mek, we gav, her Catorda, Wh1s 9 e was a Child, she crfed for Castorl, When. * beesme Mis, she clung to Caatotia, WbLn sM had childrom, a* spga then C0e0r1i Hon. C. W. Hoffban, of Bozeeman, quartermaster general, with the rank of brigadlergenerl, on Gov. Leslie's tff, has sent in hl resignation to Gov. B. F. White. A. T. Campbell, the well knows frnitture man, returned home from as eastern trip last night. Mr. Camp bell was eald to his parents' bome to Wiseonsln, by a telegram annonu tpg the serious Ilies of his mother. She bhai ow reoovered to sucb an ex test that she will get well. Sagh a la I the Jourual, the floor f the sherlff's ofMe is ner oovered with haosne linoleum and reswnt a net appearanoe. This asqiltion wre brougbh about by a . In the JOURNAL whibh spoke of S h4 howlling and desolate appearaooe (s"I oiece, auJ the orying demand A s was for a floor coveritg. Upon -: ut.eogtb ot this the oasty sam. S~ '. ld u were sought qt . .e Al ' , " being influenced somewhat by the ef fuslob referred to, relented largely add granted the much craved boon, so that an order for oil cloth was given, and the evering for the floor procured. Chua. Larsen had " cousin named Mary Christianson on her way from Coriltiana, Norway, to Miles City, on the Ill-fated steamship Denmark. He bha not beard of her since she left in the whlr, and does not know how shabe fared in the disaster. Thousands of dollars are wasted an nually In physiclans' fees, when tive or ten dollars expended on that unap proachable conquerer of disease, a* maratine Nervilne, would effect in every case a radical cure. $150. Cured my son of fits after spending $2,400 with other doctors. * J. W. TiOlNTON. Ciaiborne,Mles. Regular oonclave of Damascus onm mandery, Knllght Templar, will be held Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock p. m., the 26th lnst. Work, Red Cross. All members are requested to be in attendance. Sojourning Sir Knights cordially invited. E. A. KREIDLER, " Eminent Commander. The Reno Gazette learns that many cattle are dying in the vicinity of Iron Point for the want of water and feed. The long continued dry weather has made water so scaroe that the poor, famishing brutes gather about the lit tie water that the nearly dry springs afford, and finally give up the rustle for feed and lii down and die, Ranch men in that section are driving their stock out of the country, and what are not dr;ven away ere offered for sale at $~ per head. K. ofr P. Crusader lodge No. 7, K. of P., will meet in special wctation Thursday eve ning, April Work in the 2no rauk. LEE EISEBI."( C. L. MiRRxII., C.C. sec. Petit ,Jurors. ''he following out of town jurors have been summoned to appear and serve at the term of court to be held next month: Robert Doyle, John Blakely and Corry Wilson, Eureka valley: 8, It. Beater, near Hathaway; Dave Heater, E. 8. Beeman and Henri Van Hal, Rosebud; 8am Boa worth, Forsyth; R. R. Woodbury and J. D. 'uy, Peas Bottom. bhe following contract bhave been awarded by the quartermatter general in St. Paul: FOR FORT KEOGH. To I. P. Baker, 500,000 !bs of oats at 61.18 per 100 lbe, and 50,000 pounds of bran at 83n per 100 ,lbs; Paul MeCor mlok, 85,000 Ibs of oate at $1.19 per 100 lbe, and 150.000 lbs of corn at $1.20 per 100 lbs; to W. B. Jordan. 690 toes of bay at 12.50 per too; to E. L. Booth, 600 tons of anthracite coal at 614.16 per too; to James Kenney, 500 tons of Ilignte coal at $2.59 per ton; to J. E. McWilllams, 12 tons of bituminous coal at 818.95 per ton. A BUU.BRED MILES NEARER. Moatame Cattlmem Warn a Daketa Wail. seid to Esxted It. Lte One Hunemed MUle Closer to Melarna. A petition has been in oirculation among the cattlemen of the city, pray. ing the authorities of the Fremont & Elkhorn railroad to extend their line from Whitewood creek, the same creek that Deadwood is on, through SpearAsh to Belle Fourehoe river, Dak., a distanoe of about 100 miles. This would be i great benefit to cattlemen of Powder river, and theb upper waters of Tongue river and Clear oreek, who would drive their cattle over the line and blip them hy that route to the great railr'nd. on their way to the eastern markets. The petition, whicb bore a large number of names, behas been fot warded to K. E. Morehouse, at Mission \'alley, Ia., manager of the road. Lvery One .Wan Itemned. The crew and passengers of the steamship Denmark, which was up- poaed to have been lost with all on board on It paseage to New York, have been rescued and are safe,thoubg tile ship was abandoned. There were upwards of 710 souis on board the Tee sel. They were resmued on March a, by the steamship Mislouri, bound from London to Baltimore. Shb didn't have accnmodatioun suffielent for all of those on the Denmark, so she set a part of her cargo afloat and thus made room. A prt of the crew and pai seogers were landed on the A )r - island&, who found their way to lpain, and the balance of them were taken to Philadelphia. The caue of the condition of the Denmak was due to a bursting of the steam pipe and a breaklng of the sheft. The englne(r was Inftautly klled by the aecident, ;1id the ship badly damaged. A num b~ - ol thb Iplumengers on the fated ship were bound to the western part of the I'jlltd rlstdi, sad .evtral were on their wua tI' relativtl in Mile( City. I i. . o. i ( Custer Lodg', No. 13, I. (. . F, Swill meet In special memilon on Friday, SAptril Itb, Im.uoummpeoration of the .^uYk ». * -: :'. 71st analveraury of the order. All Odd Fellow. in god tsanding are nor. dially oInvited to, atlend at Odd Fel lows' Hall. CHAS. W. SE1)pE, * See. LOCAL ITEMS. In Town andol Hai lett rbho .ee. s of ilternus;tc.n 10 ihioiu) retlitter' ge.ruin lte an1 Rear evil frull. l ropulous ward, of large citie 1 d ,,w a " ':ll *. i1t a I'd i their -uhurbs .:agrlant , ruTIken to: b;reed it. T'here iL a' uoic. a re ..ra y all l means U l pre .entiUo. Its name' 4uwli.a I hitter,, which is, withluttl: ierienture, the mtot potent antidote in el,1trIete to the malarlal ..rue. Fuori fied with this incomparable, saving specific, miasmatti c Iluenree n'Iv he encountered with absolute iimpunity. lisordlers of the storlach. Ilver sad bowel., begotten by wla-ma-talnted aster, or ann other caue., lsuccumb to the ienee@ cent corrective nlamed, and rheumtihc. kidnev and bladder treahles are surely rewuovsle ly its u. t when it is given a persist nt trial. Male Help Wanted. IRALIIMN-We wish a few men to sell our geode by sample to the wh3le.sle ad retail tra to. Larg. Pet manuf'rs in our ioe. Enelose 2-cent stamp. Wages It per day. Permianent posit ion. No po tal, asewered. Money advanced for wageI, ad vertisin,,etc. 'Ea. Tt.ENIAL MAN'r',, (Co. t.'n CINV ATI, OHIO. Peculiar Peculiar In combination, proportion, and preparation of ingredient, Hood's .arsaapa. rills lossesses the curative value of tili best known rernme-{. di s of ti.: vegetab le l S kiit ingdn.::. Peculiar in its strengthl and econom, lu dI'. Sar-aparulla i the only tiaidiciire of VAliLh emu truly be said. "One IIuurlred Dses ():.e P,:, Par." Peculiar Ili Its rue.dnclzial mierits, II .i SArsaparlla seconilihb s cures h.t t I;.to p; Ba rsapari ha t';,.I the title of "The greatest blood ptirfler ev% diveovvered." Peculiar fIt Its "good Ii. +r, at hrn' "-tlhere is inui of Hlood's BaIa parilta sold In L,.well tI:han of ll bIlood lurltlers. Prduli. r In Its pheLonmei.;! rc-dof C lar s hE) r Ot Iiet*ar eari h erer att..inid so ral'llty nor bhed r"" steadfastly the Ca nfldcb!,e of all elas-s of l.eopii. Peculiar lIe ti.e l'rjaw-w'I k wbne' it represel:t', IF.'1 4 S rrý:1ý:il.a C'>"'7" 1111)e 3q!l the :,osi '!' who; in o Wei. re.a~ To Itself wih1 ~ r.te" eIn, Iir , Lrr i liv Hood's Sarsaparilla n'3 D o.1 T , ' p T n . ,: 109 Doses One Dollar Combines the Jalce of the luee lps of California, so lazative end natriuous, with the mnedicinal virtues of plants knowu to be most beneicial to the human system, forming the ONLY PER. FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the IIDIRTI, LITER LID BOTEI -AMD . Cleanse a System Effutaflly - ea. ,_a - PURE BLOOD. REPRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENOTH Naterally follow. Every one is uing It and all are delghted with it. Ask your drugist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Man - factared only by the CALIFORIA FIG SYRUP CO. $ * CAE. Idems.IL v. Maw Yea., N. ' " U *R a SIDNY 3.. tn EUM . b mi A TIsaO , siA't oo S TOMAh - tSh b . ,rn umi bym b sy 6 i.r w~in .. ma o mw ee SM1 ITl , H A lT It W MODELbmi :- GROCERY We nrlake . speriilty of Fine Family rtocrns, Keep nothble but the bet and freshect io ever lie snad are oonfldent of (lvtl the utumol mattes. Isotlon to our patrson. IVE USA CALL. Nldrm Cry for PiterW CaHie »(. ..&! pRPRIC CREAM fl.FE SAKINGI Fned by the itked Mates Government. Rdorsed by the heads of the Great rniversities and Public Food Analysts, as the Stronlet Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price' Cream Bakin does not contain Ammonia, LimeorAlum. Dr. Price's Delicious Plavoring E tracts. anilla, Lemon, Orange, Almond. Rose, etc.,do notcontain Poisonous Oils or Chemical. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., New York. Chicgo. st. Louis. I. SILVERMAN, SALES AGENT FOR WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, PHILADELPHIA. I/NI.;I Iv atlid '1h, al1 ' acncrjnefo, FJkuten fonfu,,u. J (I iii r 1,"fl - h~I ia"rl ( "nl'r grr for (Zj()TjfJ.Y(,;, sifle, reatly made o,' MAfIA/ TGj (I[{/I//.'. ll'Jr~,,VlN, / (i/, . LA R~I(';AW (LTIII.W; Hal i W n f/h ' ti'e~ 'tll , I ((ij x(/ li gn~i (ei~eii# l0 piI ) iafi~uuJ. J.. r/i cf tbqfixpi(./,(,ni((I hn# fillin W O h/ii'u c"11d r.. .lq iunp' n c all lch te of n O'' fi/., qi ;/( n ii' q 'or I A n v,,id .1 1 :1I.1II"j; (i, ido jiii ,J mad qa/iiIfAVA B ati, i'l ou), dii a 7/i' 1/q,ir'. / (Ib (a(1,/eii- fi, . y,* w/ill ai'dl 1Qc //Ol *fe it -," '/ p( to flV I (iliany i"/0i,V/ i/ hdtxiE I (i'i " I genc fin the tier irwy. A". ;/~ra~r all' ,i),k nmy pifi nii will lac( te p ; i, i, y(4 g' h ~wuiyh I. SILVERMAN, E~alts Agent for Ofiea witb WANAMAKCER & BROWN. W. E. SAVAGE, Drug Store. SOME -9 1-Dualap's Spring b le Mats. Sl-A large Aseertmeat of Mom's Underwear rhit.a. Heslery. Ties la the latest pat. terem snd styles. 3-The Mesurch $1.i White Shirt waded After the style of a cuatem.madebhiLrt and well worth $i. 0. 4-New styles ALaeas Collan and Crab. Ladies' Blouses. The. are the properly shaped BDI.-- md.e up AI arge mossertmemat o VFaey laumeb. 0.t them fouryer wives, ..m sad moluueI a.d they will never fbeet the k.ades b lethe seid e fobret derived. O' B. TOWERS & Co. ALFRED WARD, Prop. neBe ei uI fýýr Gutle erthl..g Firnt thln. Masic Room. Card Rooms, Billiards sad a Bhar seked with the cho t Liquors, diapeind by tb best of "'bar-keeps. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. ef Ilth t ad Main Streets Mlle. C.I IMPORTANT ! For all Infoimation and ,irculare r gardhig the LOUISIANA STAT4 LOTTERY OF NEW ORLEANS. Address JOHN RENNER, Great Falls, M. 1 Tickets for Sale and Prizes Cahew SULT' " PATRC"IZINI Jno. Or is lutWam~ ^<ate .~ BIRKLE & TRUSCOTT Wholesale and Ret~al dealers In -CHO ICER- FMILY BOC -ES New goods constantly arriving and EVERrYTIMR Fes. We handle the laIgest sad ass varied areortaant of In the city. We respectfully solioit as lncreseso patronage,pledgln ourselves to Itie the best stlsthettlo. MILESB CITY IRON AnD PUMP WORKS i. 1. lmB, • lmn U SLn L wm - fEiansla Inumnammit n R Rica bcUirn" ntf Ih* - c - I I rIfe iCwr bend Lr. ~feel Rafe Iii rm~mmenmud 4rY b 0mg.,L W.k SMS4d b; I'MgISI W. K. Dam, A, MIL W. R. HA W, Agent. Cho*"~ cry for from S. diary of tbemd olts, eomruerelal trws... Ior, busluseai men san otheru has revealed: That the Wisconsi~ Central hias t unqDualifled ot all, That tI,, Wisconsin Central ha to4 the nmzet popular line wlween neapoli., St. Paul and MXilw o tuld Chicago; flThal t.. Wisconsin Central Is dopy a rli '. i' to it. dl(j llltlr - Ih. reegg L.eutl Pullman linr I. twv-rn M oi, t. Paul aud Milwaukee an I'hat the Wisconsin Central tooehe the most prominent points In Wi consin. and that it has more imprSt ant businu centers on hle through line than any other railway in lse Northwest; rhat the Wisconsin Central bhe made an enviabhle rei,uratImn with Its peat le Dhinul Or Service; rhat tr Wis.conin OCentral rune hast trains ou which all cia .es of lames gern are carried with commodoeus and distinct a eoumuum.dation for all; That the Wisconsin Central bha repre sentatives distrlbuted throughrbou the country, who will che.*- fully gIve any information that masy be desired and that its terminal Agents are spe.ially It structed to lo"k after the comfort of passenger who my he routed via its line. For detailed information, apply to your nearest Ticket Agent or to repe s.ntative. of the road. WM.Ie.r~rTr, JAME llA lAU, ieaeral Managr. Aet. 'iea-Fear..d TkAe LOUIS ECKSTUIN, Aimut. (enl. Per. .: Tk.. At. MILWAUKEE, WI F H. AXSON, .onrtiw.*. rm P'maMer Af. I Iol',t lock M WrsAPOLea. MIsN 4 BRIGHT. s Nw Dollar! The St. Paul Glohe The (ILOIE is The hief Papert tlht Northwest. and Is RecognlsM 'T'llroughlout the Country as the One mP lw'i,(1nt of that ireat Wonderlandl of the }t ture Ilying between the bli.-mlpini lveer and the Rocky Mouttins, ll. which Minnellota and the 1)akotUass the center. Its complete succe+s ard phelomenal growth during the ýag four years have attracted the attmenlf of tte readingl world. and all Is eomRIU hended when it is said the (1I.OBi/hr 1.i. will be better and greater than eew. DIuringlthls non-partisan periot' dh GLOBE will address Itself to the ti - ests of the wide section it represaete without regard to party or tacti. clique or clan. With Improved a a. rivaled mechanical and news feeMIml it will present. In compact and remdshl form, the doings of the world with U accuracy as to At it for a test bmak the schools of the commooweals. The scenes and IncIdents of 00 aLb ministratioa of Gen. Harrism wW o brighytl and gr. ehilly s ili, his pollcy fairly and tflatyd k, Ehl, i 1 DAILY and SUNDAT.. 100 I s SI.DAY .............. 10 U. S WEIELY ............ .LO0 ond twsl eoss` lolr Oer r an* Meld 1~. acdM LEWI S f I · - RAILROAD THE DEIBCT LMDrl tWI SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS. I Or gITI Idaho. WIshi Trritory. Aad All Pn1t t Minneota, I kots, Montana OREGON, itish Colmbia, hget lald u d ALASKA. NO CIANGE OF GilS BETWEEn ST. PAUL and PORTLANlL On Aa~ C(a of TickoM. EMIGRANT SLEEPERS FREE The Only All Rail Line to tri * TLLOWSTONE PiBl Expel Tra Dlla r DIy wten * tl 4rtv . *I PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPW AND CLEUAUT OIIMS OAMA. Nor fus tnforman en tSo Tim, Ma. a i Addns. ONea. S. FP.M Cit_ SHer 1 b Stage Lj.m g WEARE & THORNBURUBH,PI DaIy Sags _fr 7 DEADWOO00 " AW -:- XTRlll1TE -: fr Cry** Miler (s : Childr.. Cry r m u?,