Newspaper Page Text
I'.H DAILY JOURNAL aslLS (,TY. M.N'TANA. root 011c Redlatim. atsr, maIl clo .......... .........1. : a......... :, m. Wetern mail cloee........ ........ :0 p. m. oe open Sunday 12 I _pearfsh mail loses Monday, Wednutdayn and iday at 8 a. m. Tegue river mail clases ondays and Thura days at a. m. Oflaee opten-.. ......-.......... ..............8 a in. O ce clou.. ..........--. -. ......... .................. . a. Money order closea..........». .................4 m. Registry closes........... .............. .. b . m. JNO. MCAUIs.ND. P M. rthera aeifie Time Table. LIAVE MILES CITY GOING WIBT. 1o. 1. Pacifie Eapreus................_......11:21 r. U 13. Express Freight ..........................6:50 A.M 15. Freight............. ............. ........8:5 A. M LEATV MILaD CITY GOING EAST. Mo. 2. Atlantlenareua....... .......11:20A. . " 16. Expresm Freight ................ ....... ..5 . Y. * 14 Freight................. .................. 1:40 . N. Official irectm.. FEDERAL DIRECTORY. Detgate to Congress.......Jenapb R. Toole, Boleas Hoerer...-.. ..................P. H. Leslie. Helena esretary ...................... William B. Webb. Helena Treansunr ..........................Grsam Preutt, Heleon Auditor ........................Js. ~,llivan, Helena Chief Justaie ..... »........Mc4 'mnell. Helena (Stephen DeWolfe Associate Justlc ........... Y. . Liddell Theb. C. Bach. er Omnral..........Bej. H. Greene, Helena ultendent of Publie Instruction........... ...........................A. . L~gan, Helena U. M. arshal.......................I. S. Kelly, Helena lister U. 8. Internal revenue.....James Bhields U 8. Land Oee......A. Grover, Miles City feeiver U.S. Land OSce.Abran Hall, Mile City COUNTY OFFICERS. Ceoncilmon ................................ . .Middleton Meers of the House.............. E H. Jobson SLori...... . B....e..a Sberi.................... ...............Thos. H. Irvine Trusarer.................... .............C. R. Merrill Clrk d eoorder.......................... L. C. Dear "y 'lerk of District Court.James MeFatlane I of Prbas. e ...... .............. ... Y. M. Schwarts ounty Atterney............ ....... W. A. Barleigh Asssor.......... ......................T. J. Thompson tarvyeor................... .... P. H. Harrislw Oereoer..................................ouis Paette Couant Physician..........................Dr. R. G. Redd Suplntedent of ttcboole.........Miss Louisa Cooley ulic Administrator................ ....J. . Ware L. A. Hufman Oemmisioaer ............... G. W. Allerton Geo. Sacuts MILES CITY TOWNSHIP. I.stUe of the PeR ............. IA. MeNB I. C .estable....... ................. ... . Il. u n. CORPORATION OF MILES CITY M or.. ................................... .. eo. Sheet City Attorney ........... ......C. R. Middleton Clerk.............. . .................... ........... ... . Gorlon reesurer........... .........H. F. lBatchelor Chief of Police......................Frank C. Westervelt Police Magistate ......................Edmond Butler ALDERM N. FVint Ward-A. E. Flager, B. K. Holt. Second Ward-Cbhs Brown, W. H. Ballard. LOCAL ITEMS. Martial oocktails at the Club Saloon' C. Lesour, a Rosebud cattleman, is at the Maoquesn. Manhattan oocktails at the Club saloon. _ Ooo. Beidler, a brother of "X," Is poemnaster at the new town of Outh. rio, Oklahoma. No trouble to propare mixed drinks at the Club 8aloon. * Brother Fox, the squirt water oome. dlan, will be out front to-norrow with hie basenes for sprinkling the streets. Bullard has some fine old pert and sherry for family ore. Tully a Potter will give one of their old time soorale at the Rink on Tuee day night Tommy Sherwood will be la the orehestra with hise ti whistle. Cool and refreshing oda water with pare fruit syrups at Savage's. * Attorney Joha Fairleld bha returned bom Billings, where he performed great work as one of tha counsel on the victorious slde of the case of Strong. The big disoount on ladies shoes still open at C. B. Towers & Co. * W. H. Bennett, who bas been run-. ning the faro game in Louis Kint's e saloon for the pat month, left on Fri- e day night for Missoula, where he wow d called to attend to some business. He i leave the game here In oharge of an t asistant and will return himself early t in May. Mr. Bennett is a very ploas- t ant gentleman and hba made quite a number of friends while here. The latest novelty In summer bev erages, can be bad at tavage's A Washligton, D. C., paper of re cent date notes the Issue of a marriage loense to W. Ferdon, of Custer county, Montana, and Agnes M. Beach, of Washington As the gen tleman is undoubtedly our esteemed friend Wm. Ferdou, of Ferdon & Bid die, we hasten to extend oongratula tlons which we know will be joined in by every soquaintanoe of his in Mon. When BDaby ws sick, we gave her Catoria, Whb s was a Child, sbe cried tor Cmsrta, Whe db became MI., she olung to C'stoeri Whm ie Asd h LA m, s, gave thema oeeWt That tired fellng and lobs of appetite an Utrely overeome by Hood's Bar sapOrtll, the peculiar medicine. Try it sad see. CaU r W Distegmper. As exobaalg er that one of its patos has disovee4d a new ours for diltemper. He had a valuable olt so bad wish the disese that he thought It weld ertainly die. As a last r eatbo olt was plied In a ol.e Mget, a vsel ooetalnlng live onl MU i e ed sad turpentine sad sal phuuIItoal be mio . TiW Amo werealumost stifling, but the colt seemed to enjoy them. The next day he was treated in the same way. The animal at once began to recover and is no0w entirely well. Prof, Bach has just received a qua. tity of imported family wine, hilcb sells at $1.50 per gallon. 'l'This is a splendid summer cordial and its Ipur ity is guaranteed. * A Ball at the Sl.ction ouse. A number of young gentlemen, boarders at the section house, gave a ball last night to their young lady friend., at the building, at which quite a number were present. Music was furnished-a piano and viol so companiment-a-nd many dances were engaged in. After the dacing refreshments were served and a very plta,ant time wa. bad. Cardif Downed. A telegram was received by Red Ward yesterday from W. E. O,,odlno, manager of the Cardiff combination, announcling the defeat of the agile Patsy by the stalwart Beuega.blan pugilist, Jackson. The telegram was neoessarily brief and did aot go ifnto details, but was perfectly clear an to the statement that Cardiff had been done up, so that it was no draw, or doubtful conclusion. CL'.mgned to Jail. Three of the four festive bums, ar rested Tuesday night, were arraigned before Judge Butler yesterday morn ulug charged with vagrancy. They had no ezcue to offter for living, so the Judge said they bhad better live in jail, so he gave tbree of them $12.50 each-to serve out, and they were car rned away. The fourth man said he wa on his way west, so the judge permitted him to go upon signifying his willingness to travel. Notice. I beg leave to inform my patrons and the public generally that I have sold to Mr. Frank C. Westervelt, all of my interest in the Miles City Meat Market, and that I earnestly ass for him a continuance of the liberal pat ronage with wLiob I have been favored. Parties knowing themselves indebted to me in the meet market businees are requested to call at my grocery store and effect settlement as soon as possible. Wx. HARMON. Miles City, April 27th, 18%. Referring to the above notite I beg leave to announco that I have en gaged the servioes of Mr. Geo. ReIls to m er tothe wants and tastes of the people of Miles City and Fort Keogb, and wueld respe.t. fully Invite every one desirous of e ouring something ole sad poiatable In the market ane, to give me a sall. * FAmxx C. WsTsnvunT. RED LODOGE. Fa-- mad Famele C.ea.ralag the New Camp. W. H. Bullard, late alderman and for a long time past a citisen of Mile City, but now hailing from Red Lodge, Is in town for a day or two on business. Mr. Bullard reports the situation at Red Lodge as practially unohanged in the past two months. Everybody is waiting the movements of the town. site company before they loate and ereot buldings and of the railroad company before they embark oxten sively in any enterprise. Col. .eheets is now on the spot making a survey and plat for the townsite company and Mr. Bullard has the assurano of one in authority that the plat will be exhibited and lose sold In about ten days. The railroad company have been making occasional trips to the town for the past month In conneo tion with the work of theuonstruotlon train. They not have a oonstruetion train with steam shovel and 200 men engaged in the work of ballastiog the track, and it is expected that the road will be turned over to the operating department about the mame date that the townsite people will offer their lot, for sale via: In about ten days. The fulure of thbl little town is still wrapped in mystery and the subject of much guess work and prophesy among the local wise men. Any future that It may have beyond being a more coal camp, lies in the extension of the road through to Cooke City, and this seems to be ab solutely forbidden by the topographl esl and engineering difficulties that would have to be surmounted. ttill there are those who belloeving in the imposeble enthusiastically argue from that standpoint, and to them Red ledge Is the comlng metropolis of Kmt... Thousands of dollars are wasted an nuaUy In physlolana' fIe, when five or trs dollar expended on that unap prsohable oonquerer of disese, ta marstln Nervlne, would effect In every a a radicalo oure. $110. Cured my son of fits aftsr rpending $2,400 with other dootors. * J. W. THOrNTON. (Calborzo,Mi.u LOCAL ITIM8. Tbe 1maeb Dbleis Aehe. Thbe, if alewt m a steLU qmUe, eed a vltlM~db bib, plr thesla pM tM ahs ftwU 4 ades eemaUdiem. the "e611tal etl ssMUes td tUlsU tr It t- leme | gW 11100V - - hs madu IN Snme the moat hbrruslmag symptoms of dyspepsia. The bc~t carminative II Hotetter's itomlseb ii - ter. Frmore eective i iit thau carbonate if 0sou, I•agmneis or other alkarlie salts. These II.. SvarIah'y weaken the stom;ach without prolucllng permanenlt beneit. No m or woman chrom.i,. ally d) hpepic, anl clnleemquel rl , ln nos. Cane Ile lou po., +iloll of the full melsque of vigor all',|'td bI natiLre, Thercfore invigorate and regular lbi system, anl by to doing pr.teet it fronim wu.. !arll, rilPuili:on-m and other enri',u IImIladles. Mlal Help antleId. F LIA INi.'.W'ewishaw £ f, ow 1 , 'sellou r .g.ods by alipj h, toi e whI l-ale rll e till t i eat '. ar ,at Itau Ii rI In our :lie. Ent!ol e 2 e tol stl ula 'seVI'. l r day. lPeranetliu I,*iis ,lo. No p,. ta au'awered. Money lvani cc o hr ages, ad terti ,hl te " lTEANsIA. .IA''F's, I('., ( II . !NL'TI, Iilo, SCROFULA Is that Impurity of the blood which produces unsightly lumllps or swellings III the neck; which causes rnnllng sores on the anns, legs, or feet; t hile develops ulcers In the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindunes or deafness; which I, the orl,;In of implles, can. cerous growths, or "htunors;" whlch, fasten Ihg upon tile lungs, causes consumption and death. It is the ost anlcient of all diseases, and very few persons are entirely free from it. How Can ,, .C CURED Ily taking lodl's Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures It has accomplished has proven itself to be a potent and pecullar medhline for this disease. If you suffer from acrofula, try lHold's Sarsaparilla. 'Every spring my wife and children have been troutbled with scrofula, mny little boy. three years old, oeing a terrible sufferer. aIst spring lie was one mass of sores from bead to feet. We all took Hood's Sardaparlla, and all have been cured of the scrofula. My little boy is entirely free from sores. and all four of Iny children look bright and healthy." W. B. ATuZrTON, Passaic City, N. J. Hood's Sarsaparilla Boldbyall druggists 1 ; *cli for S. !'r.ypredlo.l y by C. I. IItOD/ CO., Apothear:a ., . 100 Doses One v SMITH & JIAYHIES' MODEL or - : r#GROCERY We make a specialty of Fine Family Groces, Keep nothing but the best and fr oheet in every line and are confident of giving the utmost satle toation to our patrons. GIVE USA CALL. EIGHTH ,Yshould dT..C co DAILY N ws becau.te , Ty fi will nod `V/f M/ppolet yolr ealeds It talkeL liate its tie fanmer sud wc, ua well as tlhe mer chaLt uad preoeiomal man. Evy famer can now have day rserta Imntead o ywe , ad at ittle more tha t Le o -timspriceo hiswekly. The mechaic can now s&ord both prce ad the time for his dm7 paer. The poor uc mow hememwll alooed r cur .eut afarem the rich. latelli. eace i wkhim the reach of all Tas Cascaoo Dsry News aeut aoe-pmta. fair tombody's paper. LamM-lts chculaloa Is msopod a day-over a mUlom a week--and k coas by manil a eta. a m both, four msethe Stco,-. c.r. a dv. lilels Citi& pearls1 Stags Line, WEARE A THORNBUIWH,Prop Dally stgs fr DEADWOOD 111 -:- INTEINEDIITE -:- ?OIIT$. wt . .I ,110.r q 11lkylT" ýrýq uaLaaa, M ( 'ý1Nt. For"" c.ýNMI a ( I .,l N rt./ .o. t A. T. If You Have oONWUMPTION. *RONOHITIS, SOROFULA, ' COUCH or COLD, THROAT AUOTIO, WASTING of /LISH, Or lm D eL. w m w. -M~d maid Anu s IV uIr S CII~r PURE OOD UVEROIL Paunaau w Sum. */ IU 1 1blwd. · I Y ld bV mU DiI UUl SUM i nthb LtI .t o.a.ima aa SlMWu-MU w.O m. lrLly -'mm- rn-r s-r_ PRIC Ej OAKIN Em ~ mini m ,lInT a sed by the nilted States Government Endosed by the heads of the Great tniversities and Public Food Analysts, as the btron est Purest and most Healthful Dr. Price's Cream BakinlPowder does notcontain Ammonia, timeor Alum. IDr Price's Delicious Flavoring Ex tracts, anlla, Lemon, Orange, Almmond Rose, etc., do notcontain Poisonous Oils or Chemicalb. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., Now Vork. Chicago. St. Louta. I. SILVERMAN, SALES AGENT FOR WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, PHILADELPHIA. ~0 )Iring i*C(.;'n d NI,' (E0(Iab / grncyfjor Eastern AlonftrIr. J ami ,now pre !laj to IA( (rd(i rM frur C('LOTHIN'i , eithelr ready~ ,nla( or MAD l": To (I RI)ER. RI'#JNv'(, 'in( £1s LA IFIGEST (LOTHII.& HOIf SE in N( U(nit( d .ShItaul, I can Iuf, ty g.vaiviiiac to ,av pamronm )irrf( ct rati fatction in the fiujin of tIh i, cord( is My siipiipdem ifclftife (all the lat est noaelo,'i in ;cntM' ucar tor .%PIRN(; and .S '.MJIEH R and our custom mad( gqrtnents aric put Up in a style sseonil o nonr-. Tcrhe fll).r I qau( ale to give'you will save you from 20 ;to. 25 tier cene undetlcr an~y rohirg horsre or agenc~ in theterritory. As Jyfuarmantl e all wrork my itrrlloni uwill Ihate the primilkge of thorough 'J'(icinlation bIufore accepting or0, (. I. SILVERMAN, Sale. Agent for iomo w11b WANAMAKER & BROWN. W. E. SAVAGE, Drug Store. ALFRED WARD, Prop. ThBea Il R t fore Gelel ETrliking First ('Cl.. Muie Room. Card Roos., Rlli.rds and a fat, .a.drLd with the chotewt Liquors, daisr,.d by the b ot "bar-keeps." DON'T FAIL TO CALL. Cerme r R uxtb ad Mal.a Streets Mli City IMPORTANT I For all Information and clreular re Iprding tbe LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY OF NEW ORLEANS. Address JOHN RENNER, Great Falls, M. T. Tickets for Sale and Prizes Cashed. SOME 0ad I -_ I-Dunlap'*r pring Style Hats. 9-A large A o.rtuert of Mom's Underwer Mhlrte. Hoslery, Tes la the latest pas terns and styles. S-The Monaurh $1.ti White shirt nlmde After the syle of a rstom-made shirt and well worth $2.00. 4-New styles LImneo Collar aad Cutb. Ladies' Blouses. fThese are the preperly shaped MISeS nmare p In large aort-mentf S**I lammels. <et them fer er wiverea a"d easrls sra tIhey will nev *r kinda fr 1rthe lld lem I drt. 0' B. TOWERS 0 Fl WEN 1 s LY! AAA^ JLII 81LJi ' ^ ^BB^^ I' * *^**HM^ *'~ BIRKLE & TRUSCOTT Wholesale and Retail dealers In -CHOICE FkIY DROCEIIS New goods oontantly arrlving and EVEYNTUING FMESI. We handle the Irlgret and met varied amo "twent of In the city. We respeaotflly soloit as lucresso patronagepledging ourselves to tlvt the best ealsfctldoo. MILEs CITY IRON "ID PUMP WORKS B. ILA,#J, Irpietr Jo I. IIJcIIeL 134. m ?I auzOk$w "IO tf from the diary of tIoee-. L-ts, eomamwreljd - OTE , bilune- men mO other hias rvealed: That the Wieemda Central bhas " unqualified emdoremenr ot all, That the Wioasoma Central hu the most popular line berween anapola, St. Pawl and Milw and Chica That the Wisconsin Central is daft adding to its adinilt a-. Ula rees, - nized Pnllmta linte ( twe.l,, IMi.e polao, St. Paul and Milwaukee sad Chicao; That the Wisconsina Cetral touebse the most prominent olntlta Ip Wge. cousin. and that it ia. more impert ant busines centers on ise tbroogh line than any other railwar in the Northwest; That the Wisconsin Central hts. nias an enviable relut,,tln w ith II. pare lese Diulg Car Service; That tbF Wisconsin Central rut's fart trains on wtjch all sa-tew of aiºses gers are carried withi commniodltoa and distinct a.lonlul,idation for all; That the Wisconsin Central has r-pre sentativts di.tribiuted throuutrhot the country, who will .he·* fully give any I.normation that inuy be desired and that its termntial Aieat .re. perially itrtructed to !e k after the comfort of rasentwers a .ho iao he routed via itl line. For detailed informarino, apply bt your nearest Ticket Ageut or to repe tntative. of the road. W-. S. MELLEN, JAMES a Bt&KIr, .enerm; MmnaY r As e.. 'hi erT A.i. Gol. Pa-r. A Tki At. MIL.WAUEE, Wit P H. ANiSO, Ca.anh -,a P..a..r g. I arI" .. ls .. tIne!k MnoIErbu. 4 a ' *BRIGHT. -AS A- New Dollar I The St. Paul Gloe The GLOBE Is The Chief Paper . the " Northwest. and is Reeoghate Throughout the Country as the One b pun* -t of that Great Wonderland of t future lying between the Mlsused, o River and the Rocky Mountain, ad which Minnesota and the Dakotasu the center. Its complete succese I phenomenal growth during the pI four years have attracted the atten of the reading world. and all is mamli - hended when It s said the GI.01O I W 18. will be better and greater than er Durlngths non-partlsan periud f (;~LO)B wi address Itself to the Isom eats of the wide sectioe t represelt without regard to party or factll clique or elan. With improved asn r rivaled meebhateal sad news tadilil It will plrsel ti eumpeet and m form. the dotge of th orld Witsht accuracy s t It for a tet booth. the schols of th eommonwealtbs. The se sea d aI lsidet of d the I minsraatem e OGee. Harrison will be sbrtibU a end dm e secr t his pole det d DAILY ............. .. K.j . DAILY i D, . MA .M Seed ee., hIfts sedis _ ermew- en a~ senam--L~e' Saa( a£ I wa M NORTHIJ PALM RAILROAD f=U DIUCT IWU 3Zl WNW SAINT PAIL, MiNhfAPILS IMaho. Waa~tm Tntvl. AM S·U Mate a Minnemota, Dilm, MtI&& OREOU, ALAAKA. NO euIxe of ST. PAIM- d PO Go Anmm o Iefhb" EMIGPANT SLEWFE Tbn OrnI U SO Use ft FK1W bM~a I--ajI!