Newspaper Page Text
B1H' DIAILY JOURNAL MILL! JlTY, M~,NT'ANA. fsat ofce kege~ tilee. aua aicl elas.... .....- ............. ..n:50 a. m. Wester mail uelme........-................8:00 p. n-. (Oeaeaoen nday 12 1 8paarab mall closes Monday, Wedntedaya and Fr day atI 8 a. m. Teague river nall elooa Mondays ad Thu. - o ps.a- ......-................................ a. an. O elo, ,............... ...........................J . In. NYo order clo.e.........p.. .......» ........ mIn. Sary clo...........................8 . m. Jio. MCAuLAxoD. P M. Mrthern Facile Time Table. LEAVE MILES CITY GOING wiaT. ke. 1. Pacllo Epr.........................11:29 P. r l. Ezprea Freight................» .........6 0 A. IL FLeight............................. 8:2 A. I LEAVE ,ILM CITY 0OIN0 BAST. Mo. . AtlantlcExnorae..-........... 11: A. M. "I i. epesp Frelghl..............-.. 66 A. . " 14 FPrtg.Lt................................J.:4M ,. K. Offiial Direetrv. FEDERAL DIRZCTORY. oLe to Ce .reu... ..] J,,.h To.le, Hl.ene .-. »..... »...... ..r, . JlABle. HelenJ g-_,.g.ary...... ........Willtha B. Webb. Helens 1ya~tenes «y ....................Grew Plts Helea AidMr...........................J. Ja.Ilina, Helena C~Me Jae ......... ... . w amell. Helena (tepben DeWolbf Asieelate Jastie ...... . . YJ. Liddell T Tbos. C. Bach. SGenerl ..... .Be, J. . Ge. Helenk - eatdent of Pulie nlstruction,........ ....... -..............A. C. Lopn, Helena U. Maedal.. .................. R. 8. Kelly, Helen. O ,smeer U. 6 Internal emue.....Jamens b .lelda -isner U 8. Land Oooe.....A. Grover, Mile City 3eielver U.s. Land Oee,.Abrau 8all, Mile. City 00UNT' OFFICERS. 0eudlm .............. .............- C R. Middiso eee of the ouse ......... . H . Johnso 1e.t............ ...... ... .......h~.bau. n. Irvine Dlep4 ty ;erk of District Coert.Jamee MePalame Pre...... ... ........... C. schwart L t hroau............. .. nnru At2er Ay...- .........~... W. A. Bnleigh aeser . ..... ......». ............... T. . Thompson - _ ......I...»........»..... P. H. Harrison .··.............................. aJel te Pa.t a P h ........................Dr. R. (;. Red 9 Ij e of hehoole.........Mas LIouisa Coley le iAminitrlrtor ................J. H. Wae L. A. Huhn.m m oeeen .................... . W. Aller Geo. Iebeets MILES CITY TOW3lMHIP. latieU of the Pee ........-.'" » " s •Mcee. Ce.aablee............................. J IR. Tburmn. 00RPORATION OF MILES CITY. atp ay.te..»y....................C. B. Middlelon CarLk... ................... ·............ . S. Gordon ........r...... .. ... ...... . F. Batehelor Chef of Pollee................Freak C. Westervelt Phlle Mafgitt ...e..........mnd.........Edmod Butler ALDKIMII. First Ward-A. L Flap, B. K. Holt. eed Ward- Chas .-rewa, W. L Ballarl. LOCAL ITEMS. V. White I. here from Omaha, Neb. A full lineof mixed palntat avage's C. H. Cook, of Ubhiago, is lo town. Maitlal ooekaLll at the Club Saloon' R. P. Vlvlon, of Bowsman. Is at Mar ,aueea. Manhattan ooktails at the Club -aloon. J. K. Sharp, of Brandenburt, Is a the Maegqeen. No trouble to prepare mixed drinks at the Club Saloon. * Whitelaw Reld, minister to Frane, --Iled yeterday. ChLumao mixed paints tl every keowu bsade at 8avage's. " J. B. Ksmptoa and Geo. Leadre, of Terry, ua at the Mecquses. Cool and renshlag soda wate with pun fnrut syrupe at Savage's. * Ogeat Tolto. Buadlam .onlte of the interior, is dangerously II. Mir Rose Collins departed for Ter ry to viit her mother yesterday. - The latest novelty In summer bev erge, n be bad at Savage's 5 . B. Freoeb, of Omaha, Neb., ar ri./d at the Maqueen last night. NoW Is the time to paint and the place to gt your paint is at Savage's.' The Brasillan parllamet was opened by the emperor yesterday. The big discount on ladles shoes till ope aet C. B. Tower & Co. * C. W. Anoerson Is In the city from Forsyth and stopping at the Maqueen. Take some of Bollard's pure Call lerala wine for the stomash's sake.l The volanoe of Volcano ts in alarm lag sit o erd opon. Sltreams o lava me pouring down the mountain ea the Pomeil side. Whm et rvu elk, we pav bhr (Oorfta Whm duse a Child, she ried for Ceatorl, Whas became Km, Mbe clung to CA.orts, Whim se h Chuidren dishe ve them Obtir Him Helen Phloney, of Auckley, Iow.a who hs been vialting her Sonad, C. S. Pulver, In Miles City, left leSt ight for the wewt. The eemptroller of the ouloeney haM eabotfled the Brown National bank of 8pokshe Fal's, to begin busl ng"e wish a plotal of 1100,000. Prof. Job Donaldson, who gave a s*pMrr(g d lbibon ere with P.tsy -,Ir ae, msed through oe No. 2 for MiOmapds yesterday morning. T"e LaU DoUliged. - Lmmfore- and as pwrMt blowins as^^p N 9 m ha aliano Is or ag favorite remedy. Ille pIleaein' to 'he eye and to the tate, gentle, yet effect ual in ating on the kidIte) , liver 9,d4 bcwe's. Two great enemies--Hood'sd arsapa rilla and impure blood. The latter Is utterly def ated by the peculiar mewll ole. The wtekly bank statement shows a reserve decret ,e of $3,004,000; specle, $9,703,00. The banks now bold $',572,000 In exces of the 25 per ce.nt rule. Recretary Tracy has awarded the Union Iron Works, of San Francisco, the contract for constructing the great armored coast defense vessel at a cost of $1,:28,000. Prof, Bich has Just received a quan tity of imported family wine, which sells at $1.50 per galluon. This Ia a *ileudid summer cordial and its pu' ity Is guaranteed. * Attorney-General J. B. Clayberg sl In town. He came down yesterday from Helena to argue a tax levy case sgalust the county before Judge Lid dell. The argument will be made this evennlog. During the conlinuance of target practice at Fort Keogh, dreg, parade, whicb ha. heretofore been a daily fea ture of garrison duty, is ourtailed to once a week, on Mondays. Target prartioe will continue for twomonths. Having purobaaed the Excelnior coal mine from Jos. Bateman we are now prepared to furnish th's coal on bhort notice. Leave orders at Birkle's or Miss Bateman's. Tioa. GIBus, CHAS. OXFORD, * M. K. SEELY. A regular meeting of U. 8. mrant Post No. 14, 0. A. R., will be held at post hall Tuesday evening the 7th lusr., at 8 o'clock. Business of im p,,rtanoe will be transacted. Com rades will be punctual in attendance. By order of E. A. KWDIILEIt, Post Commander. Miles City, Mont., May 7, 1889. " Fort Keogh was the scene of a very plteamat social occurrence yesterday in the serenade given to Col. and Mrs. Swalne, of the 22nd Infantry, by the full band immediately after dress pa rade In recognitlon of the thirty-third anniverary of there wedding. The onlonel is just recovering from a severe attack of erysipelas, but was well enough to be seated on the piazza of his quarter., whe wre in the company of Mrs. Swalne, and olees and ladies of the poet, he acknowledged the oom pllmeaLt. Two more Ocltws. J. 8. Coleman and George Landre were both naturalized by Judge Lid. dell yesterday, the irst severinl his allegiance to Great Britaln and the second his relationship with France. We Kaseked 'em Oat. The ball game played at Fort Keogh Sunday between the Fort Keogh's and the Miles City boys rulted to a soore of 1 to 16 in favor of iles City; the poe was a eles one and very skil fully played. Tale Is the firt tlns that the civilians pat the soldiers to flight. Auisab Waist. John McDonald desires o remind the people of Mile City that he Is pe. pared to fill all orders for arte.sia water and respectfully sollcits the pa tronage of all who desire to be prompt. ly and faithfully served. Leave aeders at Smith & Haynew' csore and you can depend on their reoeiving atten tLos. Death of Mr. Weaver. The elder Mr. Weaver, father of the Weaver boys, Cnbooe and Hugh, died Sunday mornolng at the ranch of the latter. He had lived a long time nla the oommunlty and waq a much re speetod Citlon. His death was the result of a protracted illness. The funeral was attended by a largn nau ber of eltisens. No Cases mr a isese. It I1 etated upon asthorlty that thre are now no oases of sarlet fever I the oty and thatb beyond theproper eerolso of oauton neessary to lnsure a prevetatIve no ese ur alarm ox lets. The ehlld of C. R. OrlIAlt, hero. tofern stated to have the fever, now proves to have bees allotd with oe other diomder not at aUl of a malignant eharaoter. A prominent drug lon t te lty seid be had been eopelnegd ag fr a tw deays ps a "run') on ertsllo aid sad isasulda d ther dslafeetants. It l very proper, w w ay, to pote rie tbmes vnivMMbe pinet e enemy whieb has net a yet hewn itedf very bad but there s so nause fo exeIlamest r fo my peeum laving tows. An )algae as * Alres Mr. B. F. ktihe , who lives at 1r iseloe, a towsn se m aslen M ILMUe Mbid rLt shois tibue ao. 1 I riln has I, re ample with plenty of preceding snow. The ground is In an I excellent ,oditiou d fo agrlJulture. Nearly 51,1 o) head of oattle, be btatee , have already gone up the trail fromn Texas by the way of Wyominbg, which are being dlltribluted shout Stoneville and the ' ,unty anjtfcet. Twenty-three w~AKoi*, coll'tirlt,g cnamlp outfitLn and f,od Ieave lsttrted ior W\Vudover whcrd they will eimploy nme antd conduct htrds up into Montana. He gtys that onl:itsz of this k:nd are going down all the time, and it Ih probable that man)y more have gone,. but this many has paused by he knows of. He ex pect lively times in his part of the Oouitl' this eea,ou. LOCAL ITEMS. Agony is Courted By person, who, attacked by a mild form of rbeu tnmtimm,nliHghet to .eek prumpt relilef. aubsequent torture is prr v. itd by as inmmediate resort to Hostetter' r-tornach Bitten. light exposure, an occasional daught, will beget this painful malady: where there e, a Iredlposition to it in the blood. It is not dilicrIlt to arrest tae trouble at the outset luwt well nigh imwlpoebeb to eradiete it when ma tured. No evidence to relation to this superb blood depurett is tmor,, positive than that which estabhlisei it., t.acy a a plroe ntive std remedy for rheumntiru, N.ot only is it thorough, but safe, which the vegetable and mineral poisoos, often taken as enrltire of the disease, are net. Besidesexpelling the rheunatie virus from the system, it overeorues fever and ague, billiousnes, constipatiln and dyspepsla. Male Help Wasted. RALllSMN-We wish a few omea to sell our ood by sample tr, the wh l.'e.e and retail trate. Larg. set wan·u'rs in our ine. Enclose " rest stamp. Wages 1i per day. Permanent positinn. No poe ta', answered. Money a lrancee for wages, ad. ertlain , etc. CI.NT.NIAL MIlr'ao Co., ,'n-. CINtATI, OHIO. OOD'S The lrtaoLc t ourutyIg the Mood am& mot be overmwn..t., ithout pure Wood you s eaJo" pgood hAeL. At this s.aso amerly . vr one nsds a gooe amoma is puriyr, wtalr, .o ad .arit. th blood, sad Hhed'. rIspaol is wort-y your l.admee. L uis peallar mn that it treagashm abnd hdls up he , eyin. ureuaet m, appeeat, tn m.s the dlipal , wh-e Ssradless die. lve is a tral. Ibood's lasparils Is m bra drgts. h0p by C. L eood " Co., Ia.ell, Mar. 100 Do. One Dollar DUNLAP HATS el o. flu eatIn l the World in the latest look and colors. Watch fur the prices on a nuw h1* voice of men's sno a to be opened In a few day.. " ........ O' B. TOWERS & Co. Combines the Juice of the Blue lFu o California, so lative and nutritious with the medicinal irtue of plants known to be most beneicil to the human vsstem, forming the ONLY PER. FECT REMEDY to act ently ye promptly on the KIDIETS, LIVER AND BOIEU -AND TO Cleanse te System Effltally, PURR BLOOD, REFPREHINO SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENOTH Watrally follow. ery one is aulg .ad Ull a de4* ld wit i Ask yow drggW for SYRUP OrF FI. Ua factsi" aly by td CALIORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, I"a Fmaucm, Cas. ISMWMUSA E. nmw tVe4 i Y FOR MEN i APWIII Y Y 110111 pi'PRICa 'AKIN9 Used b. the niLted ates Oo.ewmen RadoI by te heads of the Great i R cood Analyats, as the Strongest Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream k.i f Powder desnot contala Ammonia, tlmeor Alut. Dr. Price's Delicious Plavorin Ex. racts, vsnlal, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Rose, etc., do noteantaln Poisonous Oils or Chemicals. PRICE MAKING POWDER CO., New York. ohloego. st. LouIs. I. SILVERMAN, SALES AGENT FOR WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, PHILADELPHIA. -o Horing receirved the abore agency for Eastern Mon tafrl. JI c, nor pre Iwpapred to fake orders for CLOTJII.Gr, either ready ,made .,r MAD41)"' TO "ORDER. .Representing the LARGE'ST CLOTHING( Hot '. E in th., Unitdl States, Icon sofely guarantee to my patrons perfect atiNjctaaion le tl flinj,, vi thIrir orders. o1i samples include all the latest nove lti.c in yf nt,' wfar or S.PI'I.NG and . C'MMER aud our custom made garmeni.ts a~r p,.t It in an style seoond to none. The fgqures I am able to give you will avre you from 2O to 25 per cent under any clothing house or agency in the territory. As I g:arantee all work my patrons will have the privilege of thorough xramination before accepting order. I. SILVERMAN, ~ales Agent for Office with WANAMAKER & BROWN. W. t. SAVAGE, Drug Store. TI! WIT'1H ?iHAIM ALFRED WARD. Prop. TeBoi Mufliegr' fir Gaitluin Irerytir Pifrnt (Ialn. Musk lee... CMr lom. Rll4iIIdr med 1 sheke Ush tL. eho c. Uquors. ldh i W wbatburr "hme.s" DON'T FAIL TO CALL. Coae r ef tlk n wetrelo Mlle. CYllr , SIITB & HAYRES' MODELI -- ý96ROCERY We a speLaiaty of Fine FaaluylGruener Keep nothlo but Ibe beet and rCe .but In r trr99 Tskit d are confdeut Of gtvl shite ulm l~ gall. rt.M 1S4S10 ourt patron.. GIVE cSAC0ALL, LIFE RENEWER! S ad ti l p to alls8 ' SL cul on -116=1314 L31 Soll B TE s r ~ ~ ~ . ill IIr· · rl jior tot r etl Iah~· '~I r B BUSY b I ~ tan A IM Aol ~ E~1Lm j1· BIRKLE & TRUSCOTT Wholsale and Betfll dealre In ,-OROICE New goods ooateatly arriving and EVERrTIM EN. We handle the largest and moMs varied asortment of In th elty. We respect*lly solclt a Increasso patronage. pledging ourselve to gdiv the best estlfaotaeo. MILES CITY IRON AND PUMP WORKS 1 B. I.UI A, Prprietr J. I. BuIICu CWn hg. er. Thk .at barsu 1r1 1 m ±OEs 8r3r4 sIr srmncuur TsU 'tm a, a e aee aemf =SE=2'l. masse~mwwao*.I **** HATS, CAPS -AND- STRAW 600GDS The Creedoor Hats. Driingi Glori.s, GlovEs of All l. 1OBDON& FEBGUSOI. U..*.gieao..Ue.e wa... No, 216 218. £2r. EAST FOVNTB l. St. Pau i Mna. WlSend t.r tur ltbhogrspb - "ravlng of new styles. BANKERS Scsr " t O re. eEINK Piobt, I K Ealt (halv Z Irfgta per Piut or ONE LA R per "'Illon meat subject t1· your approval. Soi IM!iss mraat4cd or e chq GUIGNON INK CO, 66CIC*oAve . wLo.! Flm Chv& 3pMfi Stage Line, WEARE & THORNBURUHPurp DEADWOOD AD -:" tIIemmilI1 ":- nil, ~ ~i wn~~ w( JI.0 KU SUL's ý' .PATRý IZIN ao. Oil ~ . $atiU t e WON* FOUR NEW BTATUS. South babk45. Noeh Dakota. K6fml waablaraft On Petrusr 22. vIM, the rsldapt d.." tu balberewig South Daskota. North DaLkt, Yk tes.p. uad ashlmglon states of te UsmI.. Sotti D&Ix,,T.-1b* reat Paisrie UmWa .frhb tisrst. Pool, Minapols. 4k ise kealwas has 'Ir caiBn UI114 1echiDn 3 Aberdosa, Heron. Wsiterown, a" teams p W oto .o.b Dakotaviathe sit. Pault t. A '4spltobs Railway and psa esvgh Ig. sad Vistnempotls en route. NORTH. DAKOIT.A-Whes , i ms Xe Hard Soachb FIb Whom,; wham burds e" nirturso the most vigorous "4 hiatay on rarta; when single moumatss raal n ow. aun barley than motf sft at: as Id oese fertile prodras is rpsgb. them do tbVile;aborts Ike Title Mesat . ie IDevils Lake land dista laviteslo mr r to*euros Fro. bow & Nwiateft service to Fargo Ga b. OGre Inks, Sesttameud a"1 ell thes r MONTANA, ?IS GOLDEin.-Ttomufo oinosof pnelooagmeb;v wehh a Irop thA oe slo pe17am" a l"I:P "enotry pr ftiaheatinee atsInth;~ Is universl; wlaleb be te dobat - worm; a babor Winter SSmmiW .ias& f"o lb Pa.M..Te ed lie rir i -10916, 1J( ItsA ashhe3erws Seth oSeeem tem thgeg .mthaae It...! Ukft En t10 tle agith of acts". Item to swim. is timp--~E a Watter, ead Coal is sets; lum lb "Itts. an m Ime two land saw, "so I, - - mablin Vellor pIlateOsad abaft memo Utah to Ceit"Goole x~at6~ Kim, 1-e 1ua adm m 2 s. 4"rn ripe min ViaiC~r·~ IsrrL~ Assa3vIrr. us by