Newspaper Page Text
tCuontimmdfrom fm'% Ip g'' Wofl~icia it l8 vury &,;oldI A. 1l1111i1iwi, but not for ,nii." 8lut \.l c ha . iii the rolll~f C'urft'K 111,t IiA aI d HandvI' ini iili'.k; (':i.,~t :'u1 .\n'" 1 poery (alii I Ui, ii-i iuI> I -, inaaItilij; 11. i. 1.:.11,i I.* lnil: ,. "; r poetry t'I t1 1, I11 111 1:.; 1' :." ICI ,: haniti rI; '... 1v :1d "' 'V1.I/ IIV . oaL 'I :I 1er, IlIzt II· I I tI I II ': t . arc all "I rii .! %ti , 1I; l .. ". hore th Ili" .' .1 .llu~lIt 1I.1:.1 ber, but1 Ii i1 . r l I i 111 -1 1:" 1111 W" ('0l1'n1iniig, Ilavne ni' r ivhen lhe Opened lthe li:klt tl!'s of his. e"~lovIiieo on Bunker I liii, that rockinig Siiiali (oI theg Am~~erican reolut ion, bui *I t on lt tat day when. In t11. f:&iiouiis (iirni'tld will om., 1wu s.iovued hiii :itlectioti for the Christian ii t' ioii n at d en h ii zi d the ible. '1'he .I. ilueiwe anid tihi' learn ing that. have benCI on the other hide Came over* to our siidc. \\-Vicr is (Gib bon's bi.,t iii.i! i 'x- A liet l ~i lh(.%~ pierre., sw*ord' &'apturied for Godt. "There i'. unit lilc ulhat; give it Into'' so. also, istL it bee"cn with the juiC turn making~ of thu world. WVe are very alnxiotI. (li thisl day tI have th pI'uttilI. :iitl the pi :t~fiiim oiu the aide of Christitianiity; but %Wcy r()Vwiik the czzgiiver's knitfe and the 1i"t' 'a ii penil. The iiltitiiluailti g it and lO ik ltt Ilet111't tii rills. or 'xai*1cs the chi-e'lh tliiilal oiI and' ilht Lli(I beck to tell Is tif tue bIastl ltes, of lur cient ait: autui it i.i a fact uow, that man:"~ of tell, t s1H · rinc n iinr i - merely~l and jl~tiitiil that are to hA fiiuiid amnidst t!oc ItUIIIh irn ale butt lit to be 1ookt4I at *kiid tii,' ate 1I' iItll upj. How P a. :uil luuutt haivl fill. wln'nu, staidiitg, anutuu "t thosi.e inlpultltiet that mtarelliii lliihi hIr't the tiallI I, 1111 the JIB 'eltnetlts alII flit Ith tz l*t of C 'iiinthi, preacc~ll'" I -f tae phi's- :ultl hloly sie rof at~ li tkii jiul tianal talltly Illn Iat'il. \I iht iiI.t'.ivt tIt, : %4. It' Jer,.Viiui . ii t f he ii'-.I a iit . 1 t ; ai ofthe "~iI~tI ..1 eljiw; th- :i1o slpto Nctro (1, 1Iirtnlightcd. ba pikt 11n, z tir. the Sti ot'l lti'ilt the if of Iu'[tl 1Ii LIon g -.Ou R I tlt \tuncin .. Ii i,k t tiu, chantljxint of (2ltr : :'lu"'-lIiu altis packur eto . antdh Inu litis bIakt h t.\Iral aalievi'r btfort ii cic i of t tl' lgl of thoe aiour. Ila'tis ht Ill: ' iiitru mioe toisotier iis over ito kvj. 44s at the~iuI~pc "rtuixiof ofe Chrs:, mugid~i. The". tears start. anid lie gi uvW back to his room in thec Iotel, auid pt'ays G0,d for pI'eparetioaa for that day wheti. Shriveilinr like a i.aivtuhd .' 'roll, Thu ttnaiii,,u lhea(I, t ,,"thcr roll. THE Po)Wl:t OFi CHISTItiTAN ICTURES. Our Sunidai se:liool iv.% FlIalN'rY anid walls atre iuloirlnwl withI li(t' iie4 of wreck, (C'illiit (oil tie eru.,. ()]Ilthat we I1i.:hl , in our t~iii i*- . I tioot of the lm-'' r 'if I u'lii ::gi tlu O c l little k i I: 11 4I ~1 14'II I l -Ii 41 l lIII in rate (ii i . ill an Ill' l t 13i t'.: xi11. 1-4'1(1 iu. A ll4 One '14'. W1 fa,(I i~1' intl 1'. l I 400l of ie vl( \ * r Ii tli.;1 14, i'ii*' ii othan flly . d!IU'd : it ''it Iii The art (lIL~t.' -r414. iri 11 I.. 41.,1' n1" znzhriu t . \ iI A 1.I, 14 '. i utti 411 ', n watid ii' 144 ~Ii:.i4, I 1a t ; .i'1 i .! 14 j",, ma ighci t 01'.4i11t11'.r ' (4 11' :!.. wu!ii but T iiuiir l i, tii iili i 11.11. 11 ' 41 I Iii worku lil~y:,tote I11,1 ally hrl l.,.. ll il : 11 111" :1," 'it·l 1 , 11(). yearn a,7,, all 1111! Itl'"," t'tI- ( i t1 ..It aru to g. hir t.)IN:.(II lL! iIIh(tth I,(5Lk. 5(nlae.hlac( % II:ltt( rti (' (1 1i(,,l (I :11 flow till the I,i'4(tII S~ (,f t hat fraii11 gO toward Iho tli1 i4.eta tu1 ( all .. (),,,t (( the Iin( a 111111 iug ll 1I., " .11i ul wMr Iuilt f''r ht'd ( I'. pur pose odf lt1l sichtll., IlUllll I ;Let M and IiooLu. N~~v it (Io - *~1 III,'r hitt paiat Holy Ilables. I I .I I' ' tai0 VIu 'Jll (4111u whli il. III "·(lIifi:: i 'iri º diZrlPsa. lilit voice of (uI.1: I . .; Ir. thai mi$Iutiaiut 'i all voiac·'.. ,I I 1iU' ;.III)R of 1'arbiida will bing p, I : an Uae QuOes of Il lShebaii-jI VI . the v1*e men of the east t ht I ir i \I Il anmd hrnkinocnse. I look , ';hl fiu the buhntu uaa ier of our cities j1n1 rejoice g the prospect that their tact, tind in talent will after a while P be 'o, ht into the wrviee of (Geist. It WiLLbs one of thu unlghiug W1.1" It 11110!". I:: It iv ;IiLlm,:I, NI) LONGEfl. ,11. , , II i n' t I II I I .1 ( I ii' true, ". N III '" I I It '' 1 1 , 1 _ t II I 1 11 I "I' I Ii' it~ ~ ~~ I' 4431 't 14 tit441 I; ' a· hit~ ;1~114'(11~111 I.. I', ' .Vt'V 1 jul' . III, a44; 1,41 4 13i113 h,4vi Iot 111 . " :111.'Ii ,1ik 4' lilt ". II IL~I `,Ia tr.I)II l lIIa. I. ii l( 4'1 411(1 t StIeII''! I: . 41141 l .4o '.44 4.:)VE. ' (Ol lilt I.I III!' l 1111. ý,'1 ('Il ( I 1IV\\. : llI 1. 1l I :li 1 II I'I I'(' a il tl "II m , Jl. . I ." , ' I., ' hia:t I file ,i4 ' fulO4V I) t io(' :.11. IIil1 Ir ( ' a II U\. I~t; _.w tIl Walir cIIa-' , Io III' ell1h' 1hich thoý Wi~ld diho',i~v1 r kWtt y. Thlie g.iiiiii Inve~r of aniuals flnIus of aniu,.tlznclit. It i. .tiil t hat there arc niau 1" (xtm.Mril!Iaiv Ii i4 (ts, iln .Japani, but for real ette4litricity the praying nialit is ~is pulrtli I :ullOrig thicoi. Ile is tlius d "c rilttl by the hloii. IATkwh \\ iiigie1i1l. Who is c*i dlftlv etui:ile of notin; all the clewa wouldl call, and hl Iis Irl curllrallces~ would :nuuue lilt ftl all anleur; a& lar~. topl ho&xey vrc:tlwt,. Ii 't Citll t1t tile W~slas·ilnlr N ir ; 1t it .r 1 11-I ··1 out of dfaw i1lt2l, \ i it a Shiiii \ i'-t il the wrlut1n1 g pulace., 1ld'tl~ Int ii e(1, 4", 111(11 .ivc anll gvtrl. a"i1, if ii ta "rulitculll t putititt ue, , a ".,ir (f aI I t1 a 1. 4A) h11 Ild ha, as ra "iu "t nt414 tu_. Tf', when \lie is ºu 4 .1 ,t 11) Lc elaL· I to g*lc Ijit I, ,.1 I sto1t r do II, u4t11? I i, ituchi 1 ccli ii,,tt, aid u4t". a ltettch 1' i, it t\luc · tia irltazllg iuotj's hy it~ bteS lic. hll iiit fa~ ii up uipoa flH' liur to pIllu hlii I,, IliY l4lt 1.t 011CC jull utstr alon iithett.rte h es vliie 4 t, stgillg ithjtre lV: aIX jlurt!sti Ii s bld :lad fa lits teli1s itt~ Pu hel t. You iru~ hV(u CU nd lit atliarii Such a let lli~ rkll')t o b Iresitcd.'ll an to prduiy his leie is releasd k'uelently .ie rne heupus his ii a v st ijatoles.1the tumbl~es i11nto a jul po. from cu t hch ho hasu; tois rosudand liiatl wrings one wto Iceo ned. le s ta eitiprov hii oier, Ia.%tyhi ertinvestigations, 111Wit awkw~ard andu resitless', but douing ini jur~y to lie)olie. - Youtlis t)l'ut.iI~ul~ii. Italusmim *~Iha In Le.a~leni. The old lsiii~&n watll sf lbsi(lon, laid b~are l,\ the * x' I\ it;si.S fr 111the hE s'ssisll ' '. :IrII H'. 11114 i''^tiiig 1to allt 411111 .), :I III. ki't fiss'tI'sls' :Pre U11" C1a ' ii.. sI . ti LtSii .H! . 11:,'. r, . 11u S the (al t au ~ l1 i1't' :i'I I', 1. . 4 5 'iti a }1\'; SI . I. . *i~. ii r lI u1\ . \ I- [, I tN' ed t " \'11,11t! . I ~ut f u s1i dth III" I:t t ill IIIt I .: , II ~. I 1III I1 11 "I II. I t- 1's I'lll t1 40 U Ia I I t-s. 1 : \Isl' 1 . j I as' '.\ all i.t1 4ii- I' l'st tl - sat i.l! I -1 s -t ., \ II ' .I I - 1' I s);I 1.4 t e L:1Ird'' 1 .1' 5 5 1 ,1'1 ti. , 'Iitlid tef i lll' III t t '&'.fl I e l a - s e at r 1'15 'I I" ~ lA I , 1 1 ii 1.' .s . "Ii' ~11A, 1'11'. ''1~ Ii 1 ( i' ;,I1i r ' la. lul" 1 t heI tutu' . ,I ted ('155'4 h i s i i" n( 1Es~'.ltts istr I. nr Its ., -iti th 1' I. ( I~ af r the;L u'1111ich I 'ot 1'st:it chr, "it exeavao ed it i1, ete that a. !nr; cozlptel lact tion of thu wa ll and t.ho ancemnt towfn ditch may be discovered. THIRD Vi tnoaltd r'd ithe CMItAn I )AI t 1" lr b,;a e It's '(n In,(" ' a ,;'' /a * 'I here :.rc tw" P N T I eIn v r ClI tr I1,, -I ',.,ianl with " I (i trne,.. .1 party r.mea 'n.I ,I, ,c " " ,n!wah f the i' ' cnst ,Ile n in wvl', I 6*, ,fr" r1 .nith i H ,I, fs'hi, n. lhe S i , I nne y wh n Am ri, .n , ' t to i, here : a h, i pi""' ' n 1 1 , " , ,w an t i o m'' *", I. thecm the t uth, tr f ,,n h r y 1 :, r, :on lone t I -" a* .Ci - rnAj T e ii' AI, jt' tz A ,, N , ^ n,.,, If -tt'lt S i- 11Iin w.r k- l ' I' I * I ., ,ilI t " . Js' t n ,t tir' i earsessnes w i ti I., :.Ai .n . rp , * l..IEn tTy. .l. sIi rnlm4. 1rrik ,,h I ,y j i,gi ,'* W. E. lavalr, Agent. ahbdru Cr for Piter's Clorlm RpYAL b3C' a NI AKI U POWDER Absolutely Pure II I ".I ý'. . n . s lI 'In .f p a , I:'rn I I. l1 i .I II .I .111.1 .l ~ ·. , ý ,L I · ·. I I· 1 (.1·1;.1* 11i11*l;(l. 1 1 11 111 II 1lr 1 ...M I."" I.1 r.+r 1' I ALMOST AS PALAANL[ .. AS MILK. i .i ~~~Itc."' that tho most d Ii .t h cab take lt. Keusark.&b ass I-LFANI PRODU('EB. I'oersou gala rapidly wkile t&LLA. It. SCOTT'S ENIILSGIT Is ackn..wI '.1," hv 1 Inctan to b.". tb. FaM0e I and 11 il l r1. pf.r.l.a,r I .r " 1, L. If d (i'ONSj./'7fr . %l "If DIII." I.GIe rl: :.' I'Hll.l t. ll.# ' .* i Ph" lED'. I' 1ul5 (I 4u. I)E.L.To~t Scntt & Bowne ;Qt w YNt I l. 'I"I.i 1 Il It .%TIC.%4'TIIºN I 'ii,,· ll (d I . ill it. M* at lT '1 i .i, lit" "N Ii a I a l.1 NIt Ip I kl' anIk V. - I t" %4 . is . ai:'li, ~ t ,rhn" titil 4.1 e,' ih t, *.l r 4, lan. ic. l t t]ie A. .ad..maj eI M eep.lrNte U It.\ Iranm, Ill. FAIEII FOR TEITI. YEARK F4"1' Iiit''.:I.ii ~t it" - Drit lug., x1 I'I'~1111 se I'I ' ijjl'll of ii4 "We do hereby certify that wee.u;.rvl tsb. m.r tmnatemlent for all tb. Muutily andl euii.Asuual I rmwrlog of the Lnoulina 'Mate l~ottery l'utupal.e anid in gwi',n tnaaimia ans, control the drawinrs tbemuelece, and that the uacme are conducted with onboentyfairneus, and in good faith toward all par. tem, mod we auiorime I 0 Company to ume Ihth a rflfrak, with fac-emlliss of our sagnatures at. t:,ched In its advertisemmnst. Lorn uuthao uara, ttr ttr t r'_"md Ill.. s rI ianlar iu l!Fl .ty dl. lrp.iar- t Ira I I,. L1 , I.ll rla, LteLrt rat. wUt urilt I., -p ~it ni d .it iuur cl. hlt. r.. It M.11.' '11.1ýl A1. lit-, flui iraui \at. Rank. 1'IU4ftiI LA" *A \, Pre.. situic Net! flank 1. 11A.1'.111 IN, Pr.'. N. w Olrleart Nt fHank ('.t)I. hbIf %. Pre,,. tim., Natiotiaf Hitak. 6Ii.111 11u11'IILI' 11110 11C., At the Acaaewip of Music. New Orleans, Tussaal. 'up 16. 1N8. CAPITAL PRIZE $300,000. I IN ,I'Myw i j k, t- t 'I'.iiiUty I)uI,.trM I!:tlv- ;I Uill; EjuI Itr r ' 1 PI':IE (F ! I'............. I I'I:I% f: I F ll.,. u rl7 1 .......... ........ llr,.'r l 1 1 'I t . : 11' . " . r ....... ........... :+1 l li I fII l/.F: .I 1r . t... ......... '//1 . 4 2I 1.1....1 are.........-........... 1'.,w ~.I' ffI% r O1F li. ...r......... P., 1'nI%)I 14 :.u are ............. . fw '.ii I'H IZ F:` ')r' .;v 1:1rc...................... r, ywr j i. 1' ILL III' ý... ar. ...... ... ... . II.).Iv M AI't'K,*I~ rILIMII:ýPIZI !lotI I~rlr... of ý:..... air........ ................ .. :·I INMI Ilr" do .'I are...... I1i d '.1.r * rr...... .... ........ 1., 1 .9 d'". 1 l a rc..... :S'"1 :?,1';1 I'rirc. nluollnlillr to... .. t 1],".1 lo Ni, . -TIck.:. lri.uLtai I vjitaI In, * art- hot wItiled to terwlnafi f'rlrL.. .1GF1TS WANTED. Flog 'Flu, l:tit',i or alny fIirlier informat ion Ir -tntl. fit. I'tiIy ti the udleariltgn..tleaclary *It n.,,iioa it 'I.-icc. with Itate, 'oun y. * t rre aiA Ni t..r. )1.ire rapid returnm matil deli very will lie aý"urell Ity ]our enIcloiing al Kacelopr beauitig )uIrIIfl riaddresa, IMPORTANT. Audidte N. A. DAI'UIN. New Orleans, L.a.. or M. A. DAUPlHINst - VYallluagte, ID. C) Be orilnary I, ittr, ( ntaiuimilag MnNn.)' Ornier i.,.;yi lot, sill, ~l~r..,tt-.tplruse, Now York Ea* iclamtgc. Draft or jt..utaiI riuitt. Address nc'ristern Letters tilll nairing 4'urrcnar to 'isCyy (PIILY.LAN NATIONAL BANK. New Orleans. La. .I(E'MFN:lNtlhat the jisyboqtn of Prig.. ra 'il AIIA\t.I% SII HY FI)CK NATIONAI. tANiN stf New Orrleats, sid lb. Tikooa are eiVl ty tlb. Preaide Itt of an IneLitutiun. who.. rbarterttd riglilo are 9i.Iuituaei In lite bighet COurt.; tlnirre, tiemil of all imltatlous or ·nclllrnoul ý'hrrurrl LINI: ihOlI1. ll Iothrt. a of Ithe smiallest part or freltion of a Ticket I~t I:1 Bi Is In any DIrawlig. Aoylthlnlt ini our bait olleq for le.. tIan a Ioller le a swlndle. 4-ro 0 t9eg.aO AM ONTI H -aube mae i-*n tO qia i.-wv rktitgt..fu . Aita hr. Itrcrrd who can lurnslh a hiumsIi and give their w1h.e (tin. to tb. bueltncG, hlare momente te1la, proel. .tel.I neIloyed mIce. A few Yutnuie in Lawns usad cllire, 8 T JOUNltiZ4 & (0u., 1100 iii 'JiB.mond, SSi N. II-lwM tdte 7ar Sfld hbuineem eaperlef ewemwind about sefl 3n atamp fig p17 , a FOUR NEW STATES. mishIt iktDi uo, N.oth loi. I l .1,1,1 u ta uIi Ia II '.ii rn'l t .1 '. 1' 1 ' I 9s "9. 1 .,' 1 ' 21 9. .I ih'' : i ,, LH S %%. I iI ll .', L h. 1111i 1 ,t ;I .," 'o. II \l , i 1, 1i¼'\ ' I'9.' . II' 1 4, \ .I .i . *I i 1 r1'\ -.. I . . Il.ý'l 1 i r l *11 , ` ,1 I, \l,'I.I h, l, 'In 11 ..Ill.l \ ' '..! , , l " il\. t, l ",Y-.a l 1I t '.l~ ' I, 1 9 ' ' -.,t . 1119', 1 , 11u , I9 ·,1 . . !: l I ' I, 11, ' .I ', ,rI , 1 I h I . .I IaI . 1 1 : I" ' ~ , . ii1 ' ,, ,'1" --' r,'l ,:1,. Ili LE, I h i pl,,9 9 I9 . I'I. 9 .9'9 11 'I." - . ' :', .'lit.9i :, I, I h] I 1 1',ih . I.I r 1l 1 ,t4 *to 1 .1 .1 ,. l cIl 9- , 9llni:,l, ' "I,9 . : ,",.1 I, . lililI l' I .. 1I I19 IIi.,' h I ' .il ,I ,lll9, l '- .. 1 I n . I 1.\ 1hl1 I ,lll .. II,'» ii - I trl .rl lhe I:, l.'' ,.n' l r ,"h .I: | 1'II 9 I sii I ' l ,ls 1."hii. 1" 'i ." I.' I i ll ' l,1 9. ,1t t itie l h ri ir 19 IIII ' :t I'.. II- l.9 1 I '. 9: I rl l .1'6 i . .1 f I9,.)..I,9. I) 'll t mli 9 1;.l I'':'I Il~ir i .h tr ( 11I I I. l I9 I I II- . rii fl ,.h' " ;r, lfia-. ll.' ''i ll. i 9 1,9 Selt ii.I' 9' illli li.. llih ,i99r9949,III t, ,I , 9lh nl1 :.t' i .. 9 f9 ,Ii , I 99 9 I I ll h l- . ie I .l... . 19 li.9-9 9' 9 ' * l l r l e t' 999 I.9.1 r9 i 9 9 . 9999 I t llie.r 999. , 1f) 9lill 9 t 9 L9,1 . 1eti' 1 iiI o lrlI t - 9 stllfl, A i.' l, Ii. , -I ? Ile'.Ig l lh 'i'. 9 l Ibi ul .l. :h9 - 99I 911 9 9 99 'a 1*9 ran:l- u h e t hj . il l1a . r 91 a A 9 .99 - , a:,9999.a o fu l 999i1e . r . u. I. ' Ii.' 1 999999t 99l9t9 l Ili M .- 19 i I,9'. 91 .9 III.' I 991i 9.'. 199.9 9,99 9 9 l I l ti. "tl l i .i Itii - aiii l o" iill `, I 'io19 9 I ' o11I , Ir.9 I lg 1 ! rt. I 'llu t9-lid .999 r attll . ihI--" P.9,9lw a' it th'o'" .Ill \I' l ti u 'ih " r. I iltlla it it It i9I9 I iinrls r ftI. oll 999', h1ill 99 5t9 9l9, puhlt. 99 9 l i -. i t I i. l t i.' i i 9un 3r'l (99It' I r e Iol r 1le I'999, ll. Ilf I. m , ho rihf t t 1 i. "t1 u1 1 \N1i. ', t. .l iI- lli 'lt a a I. ael' x . P.the )-'.a Mi.d ly. "9. I .l. .% I t to (,las t hii.. I 'o as si r Ii ,' hit N O T E S i t I l Eh i ry II 1 t E Ir JIIjfl tr, 1.1. lt ' i'!n Irat' I h,, 'II-' Wisconsii Central Ii,,t flii lth.l tl44· \\ isconsin Central Im p *I ta% I4*r Il ,i.. 1141 Iii., I V.1.11 M im - neapuli , St. Paul :avid Milwaukee f! I..'I W is,"cn sli l Cen rarl in 11j1113 :I , ·Ilr l.! ý11- '"t· 11 1" 24" I '. :2- I2' 1 I~ 'I ~ b Pullman it u *Ir...,rMinne apois, St. 1aul x:1l hllwiukee uai.l Chlco gv; 1i"1 Ii I. Wisconsin Central t1.u.ah." r. l 1:1-"i I1 111uit1t11 Ln" h u t?. 1 II1 \\ I w it 1 rr1I. (11u ti' 11 11 I 'II. r- ""II 1'r t ill Itr liii, thanh :idy o~lthr r4IlVt.i3 III tit. r crthwest; TWO : I a" Wisconsin Central II n ilaal!. tut ,-tit\ iall." r.-I.UI;.tl."ll w ith if. lour 1.".'. Dining Car Servmce; Thasi tie, Wisconsin) Central rUtos fn't I ri II. II' t. 'tIoh I ah ii1114.4.44 of 1 I -I-t'Iu gt-i- ale earried with eonoi,a'le1to'ui etli d i.rti l'4rt Meonlmlxlatiou for all; That thet Wisconsin Central has relire 4012tit jy.r. dals riauled thrioUghotUt the I.4umlrary, who will cheierfully itiv* rany irlormation that may be( dt' ired Irnd thart Its terminarll Agent .re ' peel'ally it atructed to ltok after III. c(.4 4111 of (4Ja1enge r whlo may Iwe routedl va Its line. For detailed informaltion, apply to 1 your iuearea Ticket Agent or to repre aentallv.., of the road. WN. S. MILLENI, JAMES BARKER, (stotra; Ma r aY ink LOUIS ECKSTEAN, A..t. '.ea lI'..,. & Tt. Agt. MILWAUKEE, WIS F H.A SON, Norhtsrtll. I'a.*i.:er Agt. 1 ?Naoletle Iluuui Block MiN.NFA44,L1m. MjSY LIFE RENEWER! ý a Ilcum , haup`n Re ý s f curvent . r t.n o1- O_7 "1,r l y 71 I· It 1' II ?s. += it ,:it luN V 11Tx01g ' ~rc jr~ 1hU~U4IlI Fh ""- i -Y " .4 li Icr I ik Uj hlowr · I T' Rfu vrlet. l"nwrr e I urp d .. c Par": ,Ja bnLl ". dnd rrMl1 ..A Idrep Ij."10 te cIud Mwd:Jfled. A PO$I IYE ro 46T or FAT1110 A N· OD Ljd o r r r.' NERVOUS IESILI Y= CUEof Eoreog E,crua '"Oldc: an. HI ,A, II "le ·eN& * II l, %I 4, . 1I..e 4 1" I. Rtar, -1.' - WIh i. IS ' N .1 \ II 1 I , It'. 1 a* I I tlu f hullt / "ul It iu 41 r.s,." . &me I sk T..h4 rl we . '- .IIa U'Cet.& -," SMIA h.aP TOR M MM iY rill ltrrrrr. w ll f '.. ls Um I(Ir `t .I . h'iOVUD Uteu Inld blf cHp {i )o81Lelro c r y. ni .) IIK ail Old FI YLLIIU. u~~u rtru 'li el s~ httlUt 1 nrr Uu r l lous 0 ra l bChr bell. ý star iý MýW16a t..ý11r1`K'K - -1·[- The New History of Mexico. liv H. 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