Newspaper Page Text
(i i 1 I ' I r " iAl IV . ( 1 Ie. '. :II M .e). , itl .1 , I I f " rK.y..1 e6, I' g .ry T 1%rilwnIF; I'. I I w TA 1. Ic. . 1 T I A. Ii 'i.' rI . * i . 1.' I '' I\. ... I.A'' No. 2. 1:..:. I . ,. Ift. } iIr !. . ..r ii e ei i . : t. . 1 r I. .i. f!i!1 :' i in tblegkate II) (1Jor I, ...... '!'v,, II (''lt. r, lir'Ien (ioyera r........ .. . ....... ... I'. W hne i lit n . dec e ftary............... .......1.. A. W1elke'r. II, lei Tle surer...... ..................I rcenv I'rote I. li, :ena £uditt r ...............................:..,h ` Is An, itu lle tle Chief Justice......».. .......ll N. I5ae II..., (tepb""n IIWolle Associate Justicis.................. ee. V. Idihil Shol. ('. Htach. e r General. .......I.enJ. H. (ireen, Hclena 1 ateadent of Puelie Inst ro tion....... ......................».. .....A. If. Louran, llelle.ea U. N. Marshal..........................Gee. Ir inee. lilet lOllesor U. B. Internal itev eue...... Jaetne vhi.dp Segliter U P. Laud Offiee.....A. .rover. Miles (ity seeslyer U. 0. Land O(li(ce..Airae t ill, Mle, lily .OU\T" OFFI('EtR Councilmnan.................... R. Middletot Menters of the House..... ....; B. H. Jeite .larlB.......... ............... ....T .e.. I1. Irre ., Treasurer................................... '. i.H. M ..trill Clerk ani Re. ,ree.r................... I.. ('. I)eputy lerk eol I tltrire't rt..Jun,,. 'e [real.,. Padeof Prolate .................. . 'I. -e I.MNil CountyAlttoreeey.... ............a e :. rreiý!i AnemeSe r.......... .. ...... .... ... . J. TlI,.Iy.. . Orwr eyor.y ....... .................... I I. i I (prorvert....................... ..I r~t- I. r t. tCounty :hyteri .. .................. i. . h... a.. K I 4mperintende"ree ` eoi.e. .....1ý' I.e o e ,"v Pu bih 4lmuiunetrator.. ......... .....I. I.' t, l l.. 1. Ii '..are I .4.t.atlonert...................-5 Ii. 1\'. .Ilve'tn e,. N feeit,', MiflY.Y< ('lk 1TY TN'\-111'. IuaUses of the Peace ................. 1 rkI, cM .ay.o r ........ ...............j f I .. . it RPy RATION (IF M'F. cc 1e. M ayo r...... ........ . .. ............ ....t ... I, ,I City Attorne y.... . . . ... . ..11. .1 i.' ,a h. `r Clerk... ..0 lr .... .... .. . .. ... ...i. H \ 1 I Chief of 'I'e., ........... Police NIags-tiate.... ....... .. ...t'. I. }:., A .f!!'41' First l eard- ll. '.? rr. . I'bt,..II 4econ:I WNr i 1' " e rII,!. Loc. Hach.. L~OCAL. ITEMS, Iient Ilolt tv a r urn ýº S "Ip to Wt'., V r. Toini t(j,,;,..t lFr-~ tIº, 'i " uIjel Full itou l 1: t. I " e d't ,- f., 14)11. Apply ýt tl is º.tl ý., T. N. I~reva * '' f l'iu-+iir Ft ", N. 1'. r iv< I t All of Itulhlr lM "V i, a- t~n r~a' 'reri texed atlt l1"i pure r. l'iiue. I aw'. t4. 1 'lit Iilf IWtl * *lr",''P n .d i-rri I ut ti' Mz ^eju U. At the 'il-ere- M' 'uriV'4 uall thilr hat*t will bet jail-r riI".r -jaie at c it t"i J. ý'.t' IC tf "" iii " , " Iii' ' * tf) I ireI Helecei ' ,v. If 'U I'u ti.~ -Iv 'r .. ,I .2 I . goto tili ' Irk ''i' . iI ir .1 II. .1 I. ' V .' t..* \i D't yýi wal :t 2 ii abc Illat w.i w."'1r? (;. 1. 'i'w'l "w & Co. have gut ttiirn! 'T'he~y are teuat, tis! Win. Utay, a g..ul.I..r. timirdete~d Jain Ga; ;her, a 0wu o: the.'ern prof .00, In a icarnib ig hor e in Phi' paburg. Johnuy CoagrIt'Itat. ettrted up thee OperaI If4otIe aohosn, whe~re he WjI" be pseased to ace hius Iiradt. and the p~ub ''c generally. Jack Johlnisou and ý%'alt AldersutJ, who have beeun awuay oni a cattle j~t'r ebrdl"q for the Crow agecey,have reti' 'u. I 'W . Prof. Bic lit'. justt i'ceivt 1 a quan t'ty of tmpnput 1 ýanly WIint " * 1" Bella it $1.'( JO r ln i'1 ' t L &I. 'I'II' 4 Itt a splendid u mineu.r cutrl' al. anti I ptt Ity Is guaa'. 'ut.t i. " 0. F. B'.c e y terduty a. ru' ".1 u ii 'lt' Lttr, Mr'. bicOurk, wla. ' 'a1 F . -r bk g, W . T.. uatiing that that wn I be i Jn t b. o di 'troyed by fire. Our 88 ;ucii fitu I 1:a r Lawns worth 15i at * ; (:Iir'II. woirth " 12~o it 7o thini week±i (b., ,K aidte. and comnpare - 3U are tine Li 1 Challtt ). W hie. goof.., 20 , 'I per ceot discount at Lvr EutKNHIasu t4. Wbmkt tie sim ck, we as,. her ('agoili, Whim lWay a ChIdld, she cried for Camtasla, Whas.. became Mire she clual to caawh, Whim s. bd Chidna,~In savethese WiaeI Ptif. i. C ('.ay in, perhasl the most widely known Wining expert try toe west died in Warduer Junction s few days ago irm OJU!I inut resulting t eta Milain ,rom a sge. He Anrt ettr. i :1 at ,tlion to the m'uerrt belt 'if lI~ute, l r,.iIi ht 0 ' it Ilse E ,rl~nll i I. n l' " . It I. I; ' % " : I1 ,It , . u5..t ' ' . 1' i" Pl 't'' I ' 2 I . I' .1 , i r Ii ~ is s Ip ~( Ir - ii~i a~' 1.'" "..'ik.( ali-. t ,ihh i .~ iI,'rrr. iN ',,t (: ". {: .. Al I g i 'tI. . (1 *jI , p- r t. - f i , r r'r "' i rIMX1. t',n .. & nie 1.iIy lii r"p 1'tipi UIM'r :n -" 1.ý nl !e v.", d I___V hike U Il_ all lie f. ut',r . oi u I n . n .:ii"nMtr I,a"iiufuuu"I' ' tnliii hiij' that~ yr irdvty Irh.le,'ii L.'u.~whim want e.1 to ktuiiw why it w, ".:t~ lhii. utuui tli"t Ii 1 u i h." /1 m I.¶ I. O .4) - 5 *'." ",. tttIa V ~.1, ." {i 1.' I v ," nzu ur ,o Ni. . n lii l xl:Iur -a'.l' 1: il' I mr s f r : 1h' *ill.r1 ., Xliii t 11r 9.1"d $1 iiº' lit ."i' I-,u', ,.r. ii . I"" I. .""Y 1 h 11 ( ."'1sm- ta- "I, isAtwa. In' ea..o-mm.elt . trou ." . ustlin 1 .'1.r rh H i;"Lrr, of" u I.Sf .. r.e, nihn ,: a h pIwdr le of 3 dir. + tbe I.Pi 'ia.'uum , hu .ryat rr' thu'r ,."T.A« i ut .1 g1 out Wt tie II. of~ ' 1.ejiI I' ; - eh', Wid th""r' 'Fin' .18 Vi. h of" tip' Ii k y 0' a I iiiI-t-il tlle N 'LII11i U (Il li tl , etoi . , '["II gui ,nuI u.ttc by i 'el ns r uter off.-' 'la , twrl' a win ward of' $3C ho ! 1'1,"ýv TIa Wia ° . :lI4. r t 1. - 1 t t~ t t tu ý I * 4' U, 4.4 I i .I ~r Le 'v a'.r , 11 ilit ,ue, , i iug t' pie "" tIhIM nit I. I to w lug w~trohtltu v wIhoel "' t, D Thre Julohmu~wn Hororw. The l.pj.4uiliug horror at Jobn.,Iown I lah)I4 kwt iftiy wlullion of Americamn people. Itld tihUsanudm of livee have :beeD Ia't.t~ ":l auuliloti. of property ile e t)tu'el . 'I'I'I. 4i+, hovo'411d yul'ltulDl, the had ýYret, -t *9' IMI '41 ) ret (d. 't'he I, l.+ of II le :. ud 111 InS of it' prulnwrly,aud '- iiie thrilinug "w~ildeute curpama any It tliuig kLOWU liU niodi'ro tiweu. I I lj,uu~uudu of prople d, v' u a clear, "graphic anal . " ?ua~" hic. "ry of this g1411 . C .T 001144l known Ill the It' "Iou , of I'c Ihitloul or the world for ernst, .,os. '1'1e ilii.tniry eutulpaKy of ' 17't Market , . Fran~i , C', n 'tvej J ." latsuo,-', III boo)k formi, a trnm ple: h' " "aý' of the Johust ºwn flood, II e'y Illtustrated r id ItUpleto lIq newrly 6r00 page t. The ha Ik will be ;h mold ""ough s vents. *ee adveujme r, meet I) I 'other column for agents, to twhom moat liberal terms are nffered. SA Loaurtous OMB. Perbhps the flout county clerk's otite in the . ~o,: '* that poc +sed by County Cleok L. C. Dear. Slnce the old ome, of the c 'mnly olerk and the probata JudK'. room were thrown in' one the ofoe hr' become airy and ýmrn dious. It bas two doors open 'g upon the lall. one leading In Ugi spar. ment from which *he em '* "uparatti by a 'unter, where e lbe brr'ne ' '' done s"Lh the ou' SIde rt world, and the other opens Iato the a Interior of the' notum, where the h ig rored few may sit of the leather at seated chairs, smoke cigarettes aid N dvI1* artesian ice water. There are tw'' I&1rg1C v.iult anlh a Ia Mf7r, I UI (I a ! .- *1 j 1, I'!.r t;.'in t **. 1 . II L * 80'II I 1 1111 ~ 1 ." 1 . 1' 1 :I .111 'ill 1' . 411 . ,f . 1 . I 1 1 II 4 1' 4 ' 111 - 1. 14.1 it - , ~ * , ' I j '- 1 * 1 I. i t)I.-'.1 I -. " I ,1 1 " I 1 1jg . 'I, i I 'I 1 111tu a f'1 1.: 41 , 1"h , I v It ii i ai'gs I. lxl It oll * a I4 :1 *is v.rv 1t., fIj 'e w I'I '-', uii 'ii Is I.e .te fl'' Ii Iaith. T t>'13 ler Mte~na i a t.l' k CtuiterI 1re mI' nttealtag i " reut dt, I of at t*r.I iot, wile tle fasaou' Tyler De1kI -a'nae Fim mtvle-s*-oitataue to grow In :uI!11 favir. IuiI ratied Catalogue (ret. / , gitmaitmihestf n *t'YrerUeI lt I'e~ t xsý, Julyi .,,. -Th ' I al t, 1 iii rtllp :1 oegIIr h 'if '' (r+II I Ital-v. H. .II w,'1l jI elli-ELI-eu 1:.:1 1'5i irk V. II 'It¶'- r ' Iii , ri i I(-v. Hl~ss~. }. (1' rci .," l "r.+I s' llcul ll ar shlvuiisrd r. IoIlIo t'-: :t'. d.', "traut, .3 m rp~uh' InesM 2 ýratte' t iut;. Nt. tui - 'uY" x itfrui ,if lrIlnl""t'ce,e." wsI , tisks~ti ,il 111,/ "~it"Y ',~5Ijiuti -''esu itiij +r ~ue~ld till ýlll'' I . Ni~w (tNl.I .t\-. .Ju:' "~. - t. i. o - ,'rt' ! JR . U I''." l* --,( lt'. IC i'1 l" r, wh . cr" -lg' I uk' . 1'k II. olt~ Ita ie'u J' will a- WI I{" .- h1 ot, rIV \. V., f1 I1"l' it I ,'atliv Ry 1 'r (OUL t" a i'-', al"" 1, *-II I iv stl rv. r11 ou slipari 'i*( g'i4 . JIII; kuiu Ii'' !~i(l 1,'dt Ie. .t u wllr 'I' iii. Hejla lA't li.e h .l'z.I 'ie. 1!1' 1 i u ' r u f I .".1 .Iio~iiii., " U I t I'-. 11Y 2kare j' I .'i.i 1tt u ' tia ov l ('"tl lII )al i t'ir1 We i tr i *v a I .v II o T (,:"rl-, ii. 1w Ii 'i ,h a' III O i ;tu* -* IItIrX' Iii4 *atl Ii. ''rat , of.1 t u''.II s I 1 .g~ Itl eve If he IOr 1"1 1 -" i I, IItt ' hi- .' 1111 1111 ts ra'. "t, Ii- tih ; I hot r ne. Ti ur * ~ "j * r" iii-'t.' em u ei I r i ,UI d Iii,- j,"ni r' ; 1 U It th~ez Itu re, kt'uw th. "k ,-"yC f aith U14-'At1 '.'*c tira t'iu - . )[s Vthtai P EItCV%1011 WATIOI %~'E0t'( ra., Jo '431 e .. ."p r 1 .1 I * 1 . C .C I 10 *'. .' 1 I' ioid t'i. 'led '~a, r 1tji CL lb a '.w .v. m f ta, . ," n , *'4 u , .p.c'hta. or ,in. s ,iI i ouia to ,Idl4'W' aid u'631. to 4' o 0o4 a . 1.. In .edl 0on 5"p IrS0 'o OL. o. Als vastao' '' , iv!:. bvmlghi°I u Iho"Il ., L .IIC w l/"I.1.ud l'ae the fIs.' .0 e "+, I, 'asr a di da toie 'cou^., thec dLi' s 0u. err.' a', en n1 SotC" fals. linmeria 0ed Is r. l ~.II a ," bore. puealbly mlatna'e 7. a,Ili a, ." .".e .s, "hidi tbIr I.'s lb till be I,".c.. ' a coiidldec. breed anon I l'u I)lni4.4,la of the supren~e ml' i~ihi foo ie'fs.. Ho..'ci `oe loiiaeb 11.' , It Is 'id' id well 4wfldt I, @1 '1. clse iu.. Beacklatu WE4 ', b'ad '.,,4d. the wOUY~inOISd other bad of cc of ra"'. ioI.''i. ass scb r' a" *dneryo r a r ,.a' b av Ou jee an.' I 'ii iuanl 0.51. 0iiu r r 'no Of lie r .. a.,, s !v~fl'.e by thisl ntg s' rai.YP, .4se. iII oid ooilpresmtling cuý' le valuable f,.~ dynit `alt, feebleoc 'a, I ir.OUa ei'', 003s1 ilialiot nlE .i1151 d' order., rbhui wo .aid ki'ney .oeplalmts. Male Help Wiltd. by esanp e to the wh uie.ole sad retail ºrale. Larg e~t aaamtifr is ear line. *rek wa 2.oemi stamp. Wages $3i j day. Permnweet poestlee. No poa. 151' anwewued. Yoney advanced for wages, ad yeethlane, teto CENTUNNItAI YaN'r'oj 0~(o, ."s. CINNlATI, O3t0. Yýooda ýsapaýýlýa 'Aosas Onc.'Aoýlax PMm 4'1 for PY1els lW. VRNAM p.PRicE 4fu NDELIeUS' .FLAYRM 34 IN AVORIN W~i ,ýsrEXTRACTS; P* E 't ri::r * MA E 7 "" t or^ t t v th* h.'id.,f 't C-r at ior i m -Rt tAIN 1 utPDt aC . t:, . Cl,- dhfhica t L ' t . "RICE BAKING POWDER CO.. Nsw York. Chicago. "t. Lours. Cým ines the juiw. of the Blue Figi c' Ca ifrliia, so laxative and ntutrzti us, " the mndtinal virtues of planes k;.'wn to be moot !eneficial to the ht. :n s' em. fcrming the ONLY PLR C'CT hi MEDV to act gently yet r c tly on the ýIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS -AND ?O Cleanse the System EffectuaIly, - SO THAT - PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH 'aturally f law. Eve one is using i .1 all are delghted wi h it. Ask your ruggiet fur SYRUP OF FIGS. Manma f:.ujt'et only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., iNA FaANIus u, CAL. "+ot rn...a. Kv .rw VotE.P i'' The Johlsow'lln ROIor 9 on. "g * . ", 1' " tog .4..,. *,f of I)ie 4 1 . 1 . "a 1.1 I ..". 11 "):1 "1^id 1ter 11 * rs- . I34 I a I . a 414 "" .4? hi * . j .4 I ' ( " t.1 Jrtt u. 1.t* . ""* . *n ow ,nia Thoucandu of Human Lives. 1I 1.0 .11 a . 1 .. . n r f'51 a n-.11 "1.. . ' ' f Vof ..) N i I." . I I. I 1u ' l: " . .1 - 1"9%. THE 1i!'. kY COMPANY, ;t 'lass 1' * (. %*.'& Isifli9 . s.jI. DUNLAP HATS 7 h1 fln. et in the World In the latest )lock and t colorn. Ii Ii it Vat'ih f.r fthe prli*..ait it nel ir* Is i 44 4te4 Ef lIen'~ Pt,. ti to~ be oned ,n 0 . B. TOWERS & Co I. . MARKET REPORTS I -0 '. Parnishid py flrnedesbraug Vanl thashes. De[ers. In Frwsh and IAlt M.e.s, Etc., Ete.J MEATS. Beef steak, per pound...1O()1 2eaos Roast beef, " ... 8(12 " Boiling beef, " " ... 7 " Corned beef, " ... " 6 " Mutton, " ...1 12j Veal, " ' ...l 15lA Fresh pork, ' " ... IA Salt4 pork, " " ..10 "12} Ramon, ' *...101 16 1Icee, per side.................. 6 VISE Frewbh fish, per puund....16(18 cents Halt Fisb. " " ...J1O(,124 e PKOD)CK. Ranch butter, per i xand.2O(SO cents Eastern rranery. " -.164 , Fresh eggs, per dosen....18®(2 i Odidren Cry *f PFdm A M MILES CITY IRO -N I AL PUMP WORKS I -/:/:/',:,:/ / ,: : :/ - i. 1LIBL1. i'roprietor J. 9. 11(1K Ell, foJIsulting Engiiieer. TRAHERN PUMPS " ý''ý,' t'' STOCK PUMPS f.,'I` RUBBER HOSa; a. ,'C: I PROSPECTNG TOOLS .:: ',i;. ýk1IITH &uIAY rEs' MODELfofs:. :.I-tý(fjf6 OC ERFY Ffite Fmnily G~ceries,, K , iie 'ult h u - u a l" ce4« t ý,-V iV I a It tii '.rKut GIVE US A CALL. IsIRKLE & TýUSCOTr 1V Ii Il~ tit td ' Ir itt "l r -lr in FAIIL GROCEMTES New a r t e ntIei( trutatly MrrivltiR and EVERYTHING FRESH. ýVe hai ie~ Iiw I "rre~t ~,nd Ueuitt varied tt tnrI Lwit of' Ln the city. We respectfully mollclt an $,r-o pairona~r pledglia, outs~eiye, tee K tb. beot a tist*Otlou. ALFREýD, WARD, Pit Everyt bg Plint Lb.. ligatc 1..s. (lad l...n, {III a .t .ºxYod with lb. ehlest Liquors, dispenagI bY lb. besl .1 "bw-b.gps." DON'T FAIL TO CALL. c.,m.reflhath mm M.i. by.t.t NIl.ooci ýIfrmA r t0! tgrs GENERAL. AGENOY -0 'J JlF Louisiana State Lottery. i'UrT n' I!! f. Ifu Capital Prize, 300,000 'II' Li Si01.i-- I ,'> C M l) ii ii: : r I" "tal I .JOHNk NNER, S;ti .I .1iSnt. r,ý lit-i r I a k,(jreaL M I. RATS, CAPS -AND- STRAW GOODS km t -:cit-; y Shp8 The Cr eeniioor Rays. DriviDl G1ovs, Glovle a: All Iik. CORDOE& FEIRGUSO. Mlauefseturers a.n JobbeMM N. 216 218, 22, E.ýST FOURTI /T. ýt P w I Mian. $ "..w Ir our Lithogrsaph !O _ýtvug of new stylrn. BANKERS Prepºarnd edal Scarlet, Ore*a Violet. W'sek. Oly .5 ceuts per Pilt or ONE k)UL LAR per Ghllou rent mubleet to your approval. St sar iºn n Earjntewrd or me (hirp GUIGNON INK CO., $NcICook t. , IN. **Me NOTIURN pAoIFIC RAILROAD THE DIRECT LINE BBS W8M SAINT PAUL INtEAPOLIS. Or OULITU IdaLu. Washn,,un Territay, And all Points in Minnesota, Dakota. lones, OREON, Iritisih Colmabis, Inget sed d ALASKA. NO CJANBN OF 0A*$ ST. PAUil. and PORTbl$b. Os An ms of TRabe EMIGRANT SLEEPERS VA The Only All Rail Line to TELLOWSTON P? kMpsee Tiaes Dew'. W dIsh -g PULLMAN PALACE aD A1WUT OMUMS i m U kt A