Newspaper Page Text
fl! ' IAILY JOL'UNAL ..fJLES cuf ' 1 .i;, . ;. .. ho.t (Ii:i0' li;','! ;!i1, .. ita·lr ll lu. |"ki w"l"~ ... . . . . I ;.. 1, . ' ter I ll (' , . ...... .... .. ' 2, 1u . Speari .'l I'A I .i.- m1 'n1. 1y., \ h ut-yi ni, u t Frindav :t . a To n u ,Iri. n ,r a.,i tuna' *' ly- .n.4 Ti .r 'lfyl a' a. 1.a O ffice rpe w r... ... .. .... .. .. " " , o Ltf l tlc o ..v a. . ...... .................. ' I . . ' . orney order ( , ! ... : e Ip us %' , I -- -- ',r • I o tr. t. It, .tle x ... ........... ...... .... :.. 1. E rea- Fre lu . .. .... I ,)A v i g. bJght....... .. . ... .. . A, ".. LV." AVL 1.1 . '' 15 1. 1 >. -t'. No. 2. 4tlant it o I . ............... ....:..' A. M. d 1.. } xpre'. Fm.,F a.......................... A. M. S II l atight......... .. ..... ........ ..:l'n . M. Ueipgat to (t'ougrei.........Thor . If. arter, Hlctrlt gover m.f... .. .....................k F \1' luteI fe,.r., becrlary ............. ........... ...... A. \ aIktr. Ilcl..r n 1Ywurer..... . . ........ ...1'reen Preuu.rrl ~r lll, Il,·llely Auditor .. ...t..s. . -ivan, IHeena C(;if .usice...... -.......... It. N.B RaL. Ii..kerta ('ifepiv, IrtfWoll slsociate Justice,...........-.....j. 1 : . C , h. bttrreor Genera ............Hen. H. ctrlunc, Helena, (mpsrintendeni of Public ht..* rtrztjrr......... ........» ..................A. C`. Logan,. Itellll: C. 11. JýIanh·I..........................Geur. Iririit , L,1't* Collector 1. A. Irntr',aI Keverire...... fart . -I. t Al 8tigter 1' K. Laud ( t.p ..... .(. rv-..r Milpe. City Recuiver t'. .s. Lit d (l it..·A' tin 14!!1, MII.b (.Cy ,U'ST OFFIC(EICF. Counellttan *.................. ............. . R. NI:AI'et.,i' Merbier of th fluut e -oI........... rr i r .i. Jo . Sherif * Ti. . I-. Tfi aur r .........................................Ti. .. L. Ireto TrIurer ........ ., .... ..............t'. I. ?', r i.l Cl erk and rohrnd r............ _l.. 1. -c L mury Attor uty . ...S(.L t ·~at.l 1> t.,r A0 of PrIS t... .....».............1.!St. T( ".v alt/ bouI eor ................ ...W. .\. 1layri-,r1tI C eroneor............ .........................I. J. Tiin..ul eIresyur ..... ................. . r. IS. I!arl-..i G~roper......... . ................._I.% I.,.ih .'.c't.. ounaty Pi this iece............. ..r.I. Mr.. kNt (oprgntaI~ei.................... , Ir e.'.,! i. aorbl.e .. .... ............1. I. N',-te (147 Atto~nni........... .W.A. ( . A. 11. 1 zImIark......s,, Mttl.F.- ( IT TOWN-41111' r ........................... If. I ard. CORP'ORA'I ION OF Sl ILE.E CII I. Mayor.. ................ ........... ........ It ,..I(1 ClerkL....... .... . ,.,.r I-.rl Trevurcr .... ...··.. . It. It \r' , Chile of Plarn. Polfrce 'nrgtrate................. W. If. iiu. First \'V ird-It. .I. .w, (all. Seitoul W1Ar '-j. 4 . i'.i24A, in. loin-" Hat it. LOCAL ITEMS. Dr. Jlurleigh bits returned to Hlfcena. Mrs. WL. Ftreee ,petnt i;unday in Forsyt h. E. . Lelonard, <It Rosebud, w*'s in town Sunday. R. C. Ri'hiowld went to (ilendive Munday night. Full blood Eugll'.l pug dogs for sale. Apply at this .fTlfe. * M. Hendri.-on tnatd E. (ialxtlde are il town fronm (;lenolive. C. McDauielv, stock ageut of the Manitoba road, is in town. Humph Hood returned yes'erday from a trip to Livingatoo. All of Bullard'. wines are guaran teed strictly pure. Prices low. J. R. Barrett t' registered at the Macqueen house fron Missourl. Per-lan Kid In wldle.' low shoe.. Try them. C. B. Tow:nIt & Co. * Robert D,yle, fronm above Hadie, lI town. He iay' things are dry up bil way. Matt Ryan and Malt Hyanu .r. are ln the city, the gursts of Mr. Jepp Byan. The Home Land & Live Stock Co. will load seventeen cars of stock from Falloon to-day. Orders for sixty double-deck care have been received at the depot for the hblpment of sheep. Will Miner ie back from Rosebud, where for the past few weeks he has been actnic es night operator. Whe Baby was sick, we gave her Castes, Wb ru was a Child, she cred tor Csora, 1im be became Miss, she clung to Castar, Wba she bad ChldUe, she pgae thesm Cawtesa Judge J. V. Strevell bhas gone u to Helenas to appear at the trial of several of he cases n the supreme court. Iyou are thlrsty or want a ood oler o to the Park st. Oper House saloon, whee eobnny Coegrli Is on deck. ' 'he arleoads of Washington Terl Itoy Mewm passed through the town Irtester, an rote for eastern mar kes. F. M. Kreldlir uad the two daughb tam of 0pt. Kreldler left for Olendive yesi~t on the east bound peaseg-. Predueod fhem the lustive and muterl (oeg jules of CaUlbraeuls , easblaed wih the medlidal vtre o plfa. lutwr to be meet beseedl tos huAm system, ates gently, on the kldrns.3*, liver nu"I I..\vt I-, 11, Waulk C )ji it'.llR·-1 1llll )C·lIVI~ nun h".l i- .. Iri :'I t~ i .r *,i .1"114u 1 Ir. t . d r. rý. phz I... wi h111 1,1... I Iv ' : I . r':!- : i. Itt-li trout th"is Pr~ ifn , -'r thI *' ii the- (Iir~ t-'l Ye it t $3l i .n hl p.rr .II t.. III-'return at RYlrllll l rti.- li hu Tw..cnty earr- o~f tllt(·k were unloaded at the. -tock yards. ye-.te-d;e for fe.4d utid wreir, thiis Igi;u t ly poeint hit't~."".ij hI' ýII~n ated M~i ntrtzviII. cit l;',te~.t "r t. *'*'i:z ittid wsterjcl' -to "k. VIcreu.' I1"0".- I re"' ii c "",ri ,r~ dTed li It- ...IaP. clit Ar, ecc.nda ffr rii 't"Iue uic ktiot i1i L t . - 1 hjd a fe-" rdn !c _:'' utad "t"-' l *Ie'J. hurl.C ( n .t c hr 1c.r A. C. L "e+"t Welcjsai ye-Itr tl.v to Lirry 't".t, d. '.I r. atl' .lriý. l xtch.-lhr wr itI I~'(tv I' h*n ,ireri: 1t.'c- h-, the " Ierk :t" I .. ?elcoj1tccu iac.a.-." c t;. jMI. arr~ived fr',mz JcIc.hIikrr ~an'1 tcilt k to lIIu-c-Ic.e *'')en 1k" eI. (IV. J~ti %e¶. nth.. oiI tile- ieeo.gut" river 'ti te r t.l ""a of- ait Ut 6N .oot iii Tongue r'vcr. Al 'the crnuIlt r. aniru were caerr"in og atc-r onf yte-LteV(a. Pie~rre %Vtheauik Ii'~ t' I~I:nenrc'd tie -clijIJle-Ut of beef caite I, the- flrtdt train tie Ie-eIn' l'fie Ic-cf l are r~ *t'u e-' to hacvi' beenill eII c"tc-IIt I t tiditlCon. I, tWie Wade. who w,, the bright artricular ,tar of mne of Maguirt's New York Theatri.irl c ,rnpaniet, a y .ur or two ago, ia doing the northern M[.Mtana circuit with her own 0c9n pany. There was a horse race yesterday on Park street between borses ridden by Mr. Ketchum and a young man in the employ of lihbtn & Jordun. The race was for $23 and the distance A10 yards. It was won by Ketchum. It ia repolrted that J. C. Callahan hs Ieun offered and accepted the p, sliiont of is-ue clerk at the Crow ai.ency. In this c'lineetion it la also stattd that "('all: IllI .tay in the P'ark until the chul-e ot the Meaionr and then go to the agency. Broadwater's new hotel at 'hA Hot lSprins nucar Helena bad a narrow ee. cape fron tire on Friday I..t. A icen ulne blaze got a good dtart in the bare ment, but the a:.ny of workmen at hand succeeded In smothering It tne. fore any extensive dsnege was dote. Joe Scott ws a paveuger on No. 2 yesterda3 as far ri Howard station on his return from Nevada. He brought with him .Ix trainloads of cattle to be turned out on the Northern Castle Co 's range on Tongue river. Mr. Soot was met at Howard by his ranbch manager, Joe Cox,0with whom he prt oeeded to the ranch. Oneof the cattle trains met with an accident near Liv. Il.geton through the weaenolog of a small bridge. Two cars went througb and a number of cattle were killed or injured. Speclal sale on goods you need dur ing July and August. Tbhis is our hot sseeou aud we are prepared to give Ibargains on goods used only at this season at very low prices; you all know we never advertise a speoialty unless we have it; you remember the bargain we gave you in ladies vests (25c) last week; we have a few left at the same price. Our bargain table shows a line of flounoingl $1.50, 61.75, $2.00, $2.50 to $.00, exactly half prien. A few beaded cape. equally cheap. Challns, lawns and bmtet as last weeks priees at Las Hmaasmsao'. e a. ItapeaomS Outlet. T of a perst l met mere isjtlea t its eumere thea is es the eag r eeerse. ismef the hovels is m heIMt e the erism . * cemastptiea mesaruiy aernas the emessael at tc bile. Imped. sad diardges diusete, amPadpeeas i tbe etmesstles. Tihe nlt sad uamlse Uve. it is .Ml th meost paial. Ibastie sad eSl.ll as meedhlas Iosi as to IUsWetis Nmber Mitas, suetl is mewr then p shabh lhst its emnerelp esy us a per sam usd emed Ife I ismaletiest sal rest is Ilariey due to g pge~detelly Ilvelt S. all msaislal estmlabe. trnem wish a tmesmeq she Is shemsule, . sM silie em hIdus tahl, amoe so he ter hsam to Saiqoemm " with HoeotaWs smoswb Uheo, w!,lcb am ari ll. i ii i~ , ; t tit 111- ttiltt4e. The w. lk. hbort o't . .rn I '.rt. tl s, it1 , trt zigh La I I1s. li"t 1'vi urfilI (ý ;11'lý'. 1, 1 V ,1 1: I h"· -2 it I'., s ,.·, 4" ' in rc*v I is hi y , I ,, an l; " .. ,a IA pn ~ ~ i .,f isa -. .'it e t " r .'~Ia, silsa'.'1"r , I5'T a'. ,'s1 '4ak tr "''al1 . .s r''a -s' .. i "lr k 1,(.:.1 p 111 A. A . i · 5 . I 1." 1i ". ". , . cA- ! ts-1 . Lia'ij ''I. ,I i'.ai-r ,j s Ii 11, goos lotict of 'ity E!ection. N, tice is hereby giv:en that on THURSDAY, JULY 25th, i-9g I SPECIAL ELECTION will be Held In M1.Ls City for the following Munmctp.l Officer: ho 1li:m Ior W Id Wl T,, fill the unexpired ierm of J. C. Callahan, Resigned. Which Liecti n will open It b o'clock it, tie murnin; and cn tinu, 'l' a., till 6 ,,'l,,ck in the alternoon ,of thlc me d:,\i. Du. notice ,,f tl:e polling ,ilae and Judges in I Clerks f Election will be given. By order of th". Cit\ Council. S. GOxDON, Cit', Clerk. Dat.-,l *lu..- ,w.,!, '--,. L C^mbines the Juia. of the Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritiou, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human vsysem. forming the ONLY PER. FECT kEMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDHEYS, LIVER AND BO._LS -AND TO Cleanse al System Effectually, - S TAT - PURE BLOOD. REFRESHING BLEEP. HEALTH and STRBNGTH laturally follow. Every one is using i and all are del;ghted with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Maaw factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO,. SAu Fa uscaco, CAL. LmUnS.L&a. [v. New Yeeas. A SPECIFIO FOR m.m MIl, Mua UK, -0u tlflh~uE mi ----m uluaS." m. mm ýUfrA l rr mw aa. w ýNlw" ý. 6 R E 'DrPRICf calw IDeOI ,AKIN0 I 6. COWD$RI Mop PE I fr t I ' + r. , . " -n unre 1 r h e ..f r' c " a t "c".:t+ . . I~im.e rAlum. j': I'nc.%~I).:ici u F1. .I BAK ING .Wtc.,dE.::.fcr GO.:. . i Nw r . Ci ca . L S.u °RICE BAKING POWDER CO.. Now vork. Chicago. $t. Louts. MARKET REPORTS Fturnih.d pc Itrau&.irmburi A ýuia UH*kcl. II le iL .- hI. FI -Ii.-h i) I sI . l t ,~t-, Ir in I. . 4. I...4 lihef ste:tlak, p r jipiirn PM cents S , . " " .. i' " I,, , ,,t -,,.J................ I " Fre-h ash, p.r ouund ....1r' 1J cents Malt F ..I ". " .....1,, ') 12 Iitol. tI.(1. I: ulich l tttpr. (I.r Iomiiat...'(' :;:, cents "I: .-t -rvi . 'r.u 1 ry " ..r(,, " F! " -ih I 1g -, I.r &',*:.. . 1%' . z " The Johnstonl Hoffor A coiattt tl lt atmatlhrillnliug tucoat ott the w 't fI II attla ..aul itheir ilipall i g raleat. t tat a.' jaahi. *l4ri '. ' mii...o tat t le r. a u"1. of l, 'it tate ,r e l re.atl t *trut lorn of o Ilauwa, l:aeturlca, alurtlica, Itowaer and Thousands of Human Lives, Ilnn-ren ling ra'ne. of aKtc'y. d:ruptton ot fanu t~i« . r...,H, if I r-td on,. lattlr4'rlckerl ttui. t:' tl . a.: t er frantc is effri. to -.reI a :',U: af. «. ,t'f tic %It a , i i h ri In tog .e. of heraoic d.vJ· .Irr,. scWctIw from th: I a.,, " of death. : &'1"I tIvaco b fiv r ; rea fa ".9ft ' ..r.:gc' of fur aicr' rI t Icu lilr ricdiut. No .tuh picture of hl',rrvr. ' i- . 'r a..i)r, ai':utteV l -rdatU. women d c'ii al 1it' I cIl uwlan tt w r" *wvpt Into e!er* Full) I lltaIta-.tieul " ti \l'N ild &enea or lth (at.-at a( aleuaiaty. E\ EH1'Ithltal W A VI$ Ti1ll Itt 4,K. A IiO)NANZA FOtl AG I ?4TS. I*rtnke wb'e the iron Is hot: Thi is the only ralatble a'id uao.t autbentic editioa pulllt bad. Nearly '' part'. Aftsan are wellIng frUm Teo to Fitly copies ,t day and coining niola. Act quick and sent for (ircitiara i'd term, free, tt. torni cure it lmtaatlv. aend 30 ('rclat for complete can-aceug oulfi and nmui choice of terrltory. Addrens THE HISTORY COMPANY, 723 Murket St. tnu Fraal"ac a, Val. ALFRED WARD, Pr( The Bear Ideal Raor, for Gabeeme Eie'rrvtIi g First Clan. Mlu:,u H...:m:. Cadl Ruotti., Ililliarda and a Bar, at Cked lw e lie . aOceia Liquora. dIapeused it the taet olf iar-kl.t." DON'T FAIL TO CALL. Corner if Fitth and Mlai Streets Mile. City HIITH & lAYIES' MODELo& o-GROCERY We make a speoealty of Fie Fnily roin, Keep nothnlg but the beet and freebhrt SIn everyy line and are oonfldent "of pIhein the utmnt eatimw "ectlou to our patrons. IVE OSA CALL. DUNLAP HATS I be fl. ot In the World is the olat Watch ur the pr.e1 on a new La* voloe of me's shoes to be opeoed In 0 B. TOWIER I .0 MILES CITY IRON AND e PUNIP WORKS --2:/ ':_-::, B. ULLIAN, Proprietor J. M. BUCKER, Consulting Engineer. TRAHERN PUMPS 1:'' ..:..'ort STOCK PUMPS .. ".e"I ° i*.:' ' i tal~dd R I ir TlO a ('m PROSPECTNG TOOLS ;":::' " HATS, CAPS -AND- STRAW GOODS 16 Qb-:- Cho Hs, The Credioor Hats. Ilrillv Glov, Gloves of All Kil. IORDON & FERG.UON. Ueeugmrse nd Jdbbrs No, 216: 2186, s., 20. AT FOURTB IT. St. Pau8t Minn. j'teond fr our Lithograph cu graving of new styles. GENERAL * AGENCY --OF THE Loauslan GREAT FALLS, MONT. The Monthly Drawing for July, Capital Prise, $800.000 Ocours July 16th. TICgrTs suin-.uIez V1818. Address by ordinar letter contain Ing money om leaed by epress companies. ezanuge, draft or posal note, or for tickets. circulars and all nlabrmatloo, JOHN RENNRI, Great Falls, Moat Address rirtered letter eontul i currency to First National Bank, all. . T. OATTLI BTOOK N ITHERN pACIFn RAILROAD T 1DIRECT LIN' EL'IWEU SAINT PAUL fNNEAPOLIS, Or DULUTU IdaWho. thlmisu ,o l erriwr, And a!! Pofolts ,o Minnesota, Da'<ota. Montar, OREGON,. Brli tish tl4nuhia,, I'uet tiould id ALASKA. NO (FAINGE OF CABS BETWEEN ST. PAU, and PORTLANL. On Ant C':u of Tltkes. EMIGPANT SLEEPERS FREE 'T'e Only All IRa. Litje to toe YELLOWSTONE PALB Expzrc.a TraI111 aj .t t wuic are arttae, a PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPEII AND ELEuAUT DIMING OARS. ror r, . Lha to Tiue, hatu,. ae. 0 , w. S. FE.L ".n : Prasetr. Al - ..a.- V SBRIG2HT -AS L C New DOLar The St, Paul Globe The GLOBE is The Chief Paperet it: a Northwest. and is necogold TI rngh,,ut the Coultry" as the One t ,slt;t of that Great Wonderland of ita }'uture Iyitm between the Ilisilssllpp wlhver and the tRocky Mountaluns, wh;cli Minnesota *nd the Ijakotasagm the center. Its complete success mi phenomenal growth during the pa f.,ur years hIave attracted the attenfle ot the reading world. and all Ib eunmlge L,.i",ed when it is said the GL( BE fl a 1-.,I will be better and rreater than ewe. Iouirluin this non-partisan peruo.oiso (; L.LbE will address itself to the lIib. *.t- of thle wide e.ctlon it reIrCbele ' thout regtrr to party or factlM, thque or clan. Wit*'h improved and O rivaled mechanical and iews faelldttUg :t will presullt. in compact and readlah form. the doliugs of the world with sa i.ccuraey as to fit it for a text booe IS the schools of the commonwealths. The scenes and Inoedepts of the a. ministration of Gen. ITrrison W ilb t rightly and graphically desert a. d his policy fairly and freely detaled 3, Mali, Peetag*. PM. One as . a ta Tear. Manths DAILT .......... ... 0 00 DAILY and J'I'DAy..I.00 , 00 6s1 DAY .............. 2.O0 1.00 WEEKLY.......... 1.00 .0 Send Poetal ote. Mosoy Odder r flt mred tter. Addrem L. PIaul, MI BIRKLE & TRUSCOTT wigol-alr anIdt RetaiI desfle in -CN7fl'E VA IhY GROCERIES New gKood coutstatly arriving M/ EVERYTHING FR H. We bhadle tle linrgeat anmd tm varied aa&.ortm~t of In the city. We respectfully solicit an luerwmO patronage. pledging o4AlnrtlW i 0'S the beat eatntloo. a o LIFE RENEW I ,. II •.i,,