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TiLE DAILY YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL. VOLUME VII. No. 27 MILE3 QITY, MONTANA, W i:DNES-AY. JULY '7. . PRIZ:CE I'IE CENTS THE DAILY JOI' TiRA t4 77 " I. / f."jfl~ /'/ 1" 0/I r, 1, p I *Ulj' 4, Every Morning Except M, nday, Populatio;l of Miles City . . 3,000 Term:, of Subscrirt u'i; a Y m.,1 - .. 1 ' ................. Daily . IKI - ~.l. ri t..a . ,, Dailycr... '..... Ili ................. ...... One Yr. ......................w . . fit M om it . ... .......... ......1 ......: · Advriirre tIiates. - ., k. y o "^t J rr - a. ? 2 C' c -. a7..... ! . .' ) 3 I.0.) 4 0+ 1 I.(v.J l1oJ 20.00 aiy..... . .. 1I , 7.-P ' I I.Lr9 13.l IM (U) 25.'.u -0Y. . '1 v 1) 13 i' 21 .') 3'I.( IIa 2. wt 1.-0i 14. 41 1 N. (0) 1 I ~~~~. .."Na '-. ."'I to er III,(- rur eaur h ,..I Nwiri-.j. ftitl,, i . jr Ihi. All-r. -a I'll\..11 \\. Dg. I ,t. Kf' . I k. Ee' ~. r. 1-t.`V i ~ ·i. ?Ii Hsui ii.,. -r -1 ,1 kr., Na lonal B~it, I1 ii 1.11 o n c , ý 1 11 4' 1 ,. , pl n'a t.,-w d1' rat, r u~o~~·~~1 i.t hr :!. - ___ 11____ *t' -' I_' 4' r ' 11 tr. ru(e od ,.- Mi",- ' jut. 1 ti 1, it ;:15 y C . 1.}.L'1 Ili l:. vi I, rl Kmwuanuel Pha iturr (i iv )I al) i'Itr 't --, Uac.*tndaya at f I.Ia. Air! J."41I a. I.iii .rata, . rector. Uipttat (lirirc-\\ tit. M. 11' 8Cifltr vator. Praibitit ! r tlaea MutraV at 1t a. mt, a1 . t., W . A cordial mitiltitiot to all. Methodist ('hutch-r.errtceii -itniay. It a. iit., :Au p. w. Prayer Iitetting vi~lneaday etcv~itlI :4.S. P. Lowry. pa~lor. t'rasbyttrian 'hnrirvh-JAernue P] i.nday, 11 a. Lt.., ?:S'j p. tu. T. C. Ar:ustrctrlg, pa·tur. i hurch ol =atrrst I1hart, I I ol!rcicrvt .. geery first tnt third -hltrl) oft i wont b. Wtithl Mar at I. ::,,, a. ii.. rutnity -t hb r at 2 p, i. Veapezi no d u~ediI tiot at a.1 . 1.. i. F ATHKat r t'Att EI.YN. t t1C 1 ETI f;h A. 0. H.-DUivtiun No. 1 Meets Enht and scond oadayrof each rootbh. K. of H.-Meete first and third Wednesdays at 7:40p. in., at 0.11 FIkelh.' IuIll A. F. &A. MW.-Yellow tonee Lodge, N o. M. , tlrt and th~rd Wadtiesdaye. R. A. M.-Vfliowrt,.ie Chapter, No. 5, second fbunday,in *JO i I moat a K. T.-I-luaeacu ,qI opanieryfourth I Thtre" 1. 0. 0. F.-('taster Lodge, No. 13, reey Voaday at their hail. 1. O. O. F.--stentinai Encarillpment, No, 6, dnll ant third~ Friday. K. of I.-Craaladrr IodIge, No. 7, ThuIrsday *Yaions at O1 F.llowa 1II11. C. K. of A.-)1 ilex city iranit, every w'inday at Lof L.-Firlt and thiir.I Sit tr lavy. 0. A. R.-t'. . 't1tt 1'.t, No. it, Bret and 1.0. .ý. T.--star of the W~e', No. .A. every Sl.of V.-.;: c"('."p No. I. M1e. t drt naln - ird Mon !ae, ot eacht mIouli, at laud 1TKll tar 1. N. PARKEK 1. W. TOkPI''N NORTHERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY PEARKE & TOPPING Mannlasfuenr of all I nda of IRON and BRASS I CASTINGS. BRAINERD, I NNL3OTA UIeEDROOR ARIORY UsAUSLAND'S GUNS. BZVOLVERS. AMMUNIT ION (OWUdasalpti i Th. LAau i * oC& e3gev, dbarI s RI~ U 13 the a t. W (s(mltbllI and Repaialg I .1 kin hldrCry .kPitch~rs Catati 1IcINTIRE S BAZAAR ý.,' .''ý "-1.1º,. 1. 111 " , k. '. K w ~ * 1'\ 1' .r I1,\ 4- . u I i I ; r l l " , LOWI[R PRiiC S ta !4r I lr f j. alt t Ir. I. ii . t 4l*r 4t,* . 4, t . I * '' 4i tin, a I 1~'* 'l . mud iiI i *r-. 'lhr.'i 1.-.r ,r -1.wl ':, l d anti 'r/"llll~l -h- -,"._~i Whr llcINTIRE'S BAZAAR JOHN ADAMS & SO`. W -COMISSION :-DEALERS -I, SrLIVE STCCK. _ [ION STQCK YARDS, CHICAIGO. W i'lI n lil '!li't ;r lt Illpl'rs Foriiishr 'il . FIR ST NATIONAL BANK OP 2V.CIL ES CIT T,. SACO17T dITl'ANA THE CLIEST AD 1FERGST BAK.' IN FASTERN MONTANA W. B. JORDAN, PreRident. 0. M. MILES, Vice President. F. B. WEIRICK, Cashier. H. B. WILEY, ~a:.istant Cashier .INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MILES CITY. MONT. THE LARGEST BANK IN EASTERB MONTANA NTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME,, DEPOSITS W. R. BTEBBINS. President, WM. HARMON, Vice President. H. F. BATCHELOR. Cashier. C.:L. MERRILL, Asst. Cbsh WILLIAM HARMON Wholesale and Retail, :Fancy and Stap1le GROCERIES Ranch and Stock Men's Supplies a Specialty, Main and Sixth Strqet . * * - - Miles City Ine Stock, Loans, Real Estate and Notary Public Agent for the oldest and m St relaable FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO'S And the oldest ent to town. LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY Money Loaned on First Class Security. Cattle and sheep re nches, and improved farms .or sale at a bargain with easy terms of payment. Houses to Beat and Collections Made. Several oomfortable and commodious dwelling houses and well located business and residence lots for sale cheap; also N. P. R. R. Co,s lots and lands, and grazing lands in the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. Montana, Western. Wyoming. :ezu and Eastern GATTLE FOR SALE In lots to suit purchsers. Also several chole bands of hee and Pennslvan "l Black Top," registered rams and Short Horn thoronuabted sad grade bulls for sale. WILLIAM COURTENAY, MAln STREET. Wants Famale Suffrage A t1"'.:1 1-1 t c r: t. to :i N t Rt. jar: en :ed. A Pure u I). .r Rec corner e t. be Est b>i c., with O'11 ers t l be A, . j t u tI'iii l Iiit U vr u 5t~ if 1'e 1 l' i " u i'rv, etiii. r4u1 .rv Ii.¼1t1'll -br oilrk i be a itifrtihi ltu i.: tit. llr I d nlb o y 14 cire 'ta' r* tr! I - .liht r."r njer II-wal al-kin;I that :ILn.. t tra tal :,." r Tc. "n of Iat.r t-k I t tr t-e, ih e ir e It l e-t at):1'rtr*. . i . \arli. t............ real t;,iv of thet~ N:+ Iuil It f~rm a--ui~t I'-n in regaiiI ! 1jn4 p vrIlriticiple inI civil vgovernhi.-Iut, in w ,Iih thti ttide wefntl are tijik tlit ni"irly aill the Ma~te Colictitult~ons i rfliln aeknowl &edgnients of Aniliuhty Cud, more or .e-.s clearly expiie-s-ld, I[ut the -a-ocla tion desiret .omethtnit w're definite. i The committee sUbmitrlted a proposl tinn fr the ewtal f ibhl ent of a bureau tf labor and the appoirrtent of a superintendent. A iprovl-lon that no officers except senators and rel:resen. tatives under the law of the new state should hold more than two years was adopted. MIolm 1hat44uht(llIy True. Two reports from the prinl.ipslo in tli. r. aIjt j'rest prieC f1gh: comp to us I fin n,(I i.H aI. (the Is t hat Kilrain -,~ri pe.-I Thre icr. 'IIolin~y is t in I:. I r!." - "r i'f a relporter, ani failed ": I· kii ii. t rr .ii of the frigihtful I44h+lndin'i I h"" I a-l received RIoIm 1:214"; t, : ".+l *i"k bjefore. Thle lii r -a · that on tie samtie dny at ti,' lag. metropolis, Su ]Iivan, while on i higih lonesomue, run sTriss Jatck-on the Australian, and his tatc vi'tliri. Sailur Brown in a saloon,, where, aift.i some word-, "Sully" promptly slug;eed the little fellow, bat, strauge to ray, overlooked the stalwart seuegamhl n, i and allowed himself to be led out be fore cleaning out the house as is his custom when in one of his playful niuod%. Following this luclden:, J. Lawrence and his cohorts started out in carriages to do the town, while Kilrain, flat broke, unshaven and snmeared with Indiana mud, borrowed twenty dollars from the Rev. Mr. Davies to assist him to Canada. Hard to Get at 'E . County Asseesor Thompson, who re. cently paid an offcial visit to the cat tie men on the Clow reservation, s.ays that the people there refuse to yield any information as to tho number of J·ttle they po.rws. They are silent on the subject and when asked the number of (mttie they own, say "find out what you can." The assessor has been "finding out what he can" with pretty good succe.s and be expects that when be comes to turn in his list, he will have nearly the number of cattle on It !hat are sustained 'on the ('row reserve. He says the cattle men propose to law on the queetlon of their liability to pay taxes as soon as an attempt is made to colleo, the money and It Is expleted that a lively fight will ensue. Sixteen were Killed. Leighton & Jordan have received an" luntallment of their stock which they purebased In Idaho. The balance Il be here in a few days. The lot which arrived is 14 ears, in all numbering400 head. They will be driven to the firm's rang 'nn Powder river. The rattle were brought from Amerloan Fall, Idaho, over the Utah Northera to Butte, thenoo over the Montana Central to B*elea, tbence over tbhe'. P. to thib place. Whilell trleulto. .1; . I V _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !:" - t 'w i - : ,. -. a *." t"r , 'tt ! 7 V . ' -ii ',h ar: uI . I · .. 'I ''W v - i K *. a~: ~ ,z'Ii·· t I ti arI 'frujr;r Th1. "Ii iu -n H:: . t .l 11. : i 1'1 n f",y 1 i' X gr.:1 ., 1 ..1 I !.. : L 'I *-! '' .:r Il'li&- 2.· '·· II t A.' 4. v \l..l-, I.(:: - 1 .\1llr:I r r-)lllI... 1". IC 1, '.1' 1: 1 +d 1 Iý.lý .t 1 ' , f IIII L . l1.. I .' " I1' jI. i! l1 by tlt' 'I 11 . .~ ~I f . 1 ! r.1 \r 1' . :I ". tV " IIk1ab.;'C. - T.1 dP- li.;/" a -ul Iriiitky when Pick ii to Imurt mult " azd juvir.* (Lath. Taike aiYIItI' tan rriyine. .1: L)rul giiit". RtJ4jt all tl lierv touikp atil ajpl 11-i'r ati~dlit 4"11 to IIIaftaribtf Nervu ei. Cured ruie if I*:pi p-y. Have gainjid 37 piundb, all! hlayV iint had a tlt for 4 years. \AL1I.i{. KiHAI[AM, 'c~lvh' idH.1k. --I - ODDS AND ENCS. The 1,a:anlt} of Cathcrine of flBusit, it is, c i kdi ell ihe ''fir. en ctes. rUn !" t . 1 lu r: 1 , 11 "%' ter onlyII. 1!1 I aThe if other t "I tfll I 1FI li n )-t"" -f ie ping th11.,1 ',lo 'ire nutn .'in (pe1 ;rtun*nti'. trhui ufl a a'iilroul , in aiI t - i .1uint't. rate of tiii'IV twnC Ihilc IVS r m:inute. thepr of : .it'* Iort h~eo~li, M. T1., hai~I.0 t:, ranm~e of t u mii&'rat~uc of :i'VIC Q I.C' earth. I.i4t-111101 mm iii liii . ,1 'I above, while rlecent I it r ,:1 1 (legs. eluow zero, a total rimý . of 1'i deity. Candor is thie seal ,f a kle minllld. the ornamenut and pride ,f nman, th[, sweetest charm of Wmalllal. tliQe :orl of rascals and ti' rarest Irtuo of sociability.-Ientzcl Steman. That action is beat which procures the greatest happiness for the greatest numbers. "I sayV Jenkins, can you tell a young chicken fromni an old onef' "Of course I can." "W\\ell, ho'.v t" "By the teeth." "Chickens don't have teeth." "So, but I have. "-Pick Me Up. Praise, to mean anything at all, must be sl,J)ntaimeous and plrinpted by real approval of character or admira tion of excellence; other- iseo it is as futile as a bubble that floats a moment in the air amid is gone forever. The twenty-third anniversary of the Protestanit C'lhia inland nmisionsin London brought out the fact that there are now 828 protestant misslon aries at wourk on those missions that the number of Chinese who had been baptized diarnllg the Fear ona profe. sioa of Protestant faith was 471, mak ing the inurdsr now in church fellow ship in connection with the missions 2,46i. The word "humidity" is the beacon light of the flannel shirt. Skeptics who have decried its ap,..artice as vulgar and undremy and maintained rigorously their allegiance to muslin and pique during the hott, t datys of the year, yield to the cotnu lciug in. Bluenno of the new phase -Clothier and .The ountry ot of the late Join i 4 ta aid, was remtiy Ily~ p~lla 4)P n PIO p8,8000, _'l) " -. "j.'. 1 . oL t Mr. T:. . 1:alone cost - , . . > ,,.:i '.. , a large t: . v built in .. : +. ..t ."wit, the " - 1i .,'. ,+ +ved. 1 . . . . ' i , :-.' : ., orld, - ., I. t - I , i1 ' - I" -1 , . . . . t o ,.." . ii to .- . . , '.1". 1 t ..' .: ten .r T ... in 1- : all tlhe t c'. .:,. . :tr co' dlill 5 . . 1. spi,,.,. while I , r1 1;1 . " ' I "I r to the iastest t. -. ,-.. t '-U. TheI nuLnber ,I ,Itt a . ,'ai . .,ahli.ihmtnts in Sis :d t1 lte 4 . :vmng em l' " L,t tia 14 if 'i' hti :t 1-. I, hands, t1. lt t. i ;1: i .. 1'.' l . "ta1 b,**.t g eP 1i1 i, t":, l.. l.+ ! " I+ . Iý, L l t ý. A Lul ; ,true. 21. ( .'. , Cite so I , t . W. ceMs as ..l ·'.'·x..:.;~:t. the 1 Sir 'a ', rt a ~ great 1. t . 1.:.t stand :i: u and S. 1 ;... ..rep. * . 1 r, to 1 r :. ide for -A , . L '.4 2: 2t. V entire : I~ :· ~Kcided 2 .... ~ . P 1*rnci *: . c f the mak * , .... * - . ,1 y the 1: I . active f ..:u".::u . ..:S.ut re aJ. Iite L ,j 01 I l l -t, u, lie Lai ~I'~! ,!·! ref t cA 1!.( .iw.·t intelligent u~. *uI hlra *i ta* p * I(,·il;.. ul party as W i , .il ir· , tLu2ll a second ar u. i It :'~r pr..2;:)ting the Itl. .. .., ' i, I or ,4*~ C .'f A Ampire.' Cnoe and 'Lryit. Many thints which semi mysterl ous, aldl er'.0 a o puzzle the wieat men. night ie. if thie calus&e aiid effect were unIIIrshtr(A. as easy if solultiO as t!;Ž( utltkicci in the fI ilowiug in. cii. t w I\i il ll is i'el;ate 1 of L; t fozi, the p1¶:t I.ltura1n; Lt. VQia d I.e enter talll a cii:ijiany of -tm;:ii, hed sav::,ts it d'ininir, at tlae Qoi:clution of '' h !.u &l they all wt e:it oat into the gardein It v'.at, a very Lot si 1liae's day. In the rcuter of time grIunLds there sto idl oIn a j. c'tal a Ialr·;e :ius gobe, %hllith uvia ' l the guatsrts (t.;Ipu;.ed to touch wi wth hi, Lant~d. wlizu to found, to his astouiiiiiuiet, that it w:as wa er on the b.iialav side thani on the side turned tut. .urnl the 'an. lie cuiuiiuicatell this diiccovcry to the otlir ,"1 t wiho at ouic.,1 l1rseed ed to tt ri:t' thie ttciincuit What could ill tile cause Ali m·iuatittd discussion iiiIsued, in the i.t: \e itf which c. I v iia gluable Iaw ci phiihCbics \\ as I'1L,.c . ecount fitr the at'a 'e i';IrIIIx. At ILngth our sc. Iti to air~cd that it must be h.O \ (IA i tc i 's' f ' t ' I t ti~il, m l iil~i'in .r t\iialithioi, or ýc.-ie uther Vi,,!i K- was, li ac". t. i, 4uite coil!',:, t1.. mm d, c~: 1'. _ 1. rt : l ener, sa: ,: 1:t,) : "It hiy the globe i, \vuir: , . , ?lv side than Iu the se tunrll t :ui' The it nt; rcdlied. "1it''aus~ 1in' t Dow I turuie It Imouid fIr feIar of Its tl'clP ',ilui w1i:11 the great Thieu."-Youth's SClnipaiien.. ilIs I'pew. Ini former tilues, when society If, nortd the natural ar aattected tlhea titicial, pastoral pe.ts and pltes.Id. picted such graceful, sayly dzesd shepherds and sheherdese u as never seen save in the Aoedl o dreamland. The "crase" att+ad its climax when the unfortu. ke queen of France impersonated a dairy maid and her husbll Louis XVI acted the a miller. The absurdity of the "t illustrated by a humorous quoted in "$tay Leaves of L ture." A London damsel whose ideas been Areadianised by the peru passorals, wandered into the Bel Is the hope of dscovering a live " To her delight, she encountered under a hawthorn hedge, with his by his sile and his crook in his and his sheep rnlidabout him if he were sitting to be china for a chimney ornament. But our banlt wanted the ' sable accompaniment of a reed, in ,rder thlt he might his solitudo with the chrns of Touched with pity at this pI and lapsing unconsciously into cal language, the city claimed: "Ah, gentle shepbew\. where' syour pipeI" " t it hom, ha'sItot a