Newspaper Page Text
n '1 AIILYJ(OL1 NAI, Post tlf"!j1. I ý _ºn at *i4II N". '. r , .u'. " .......... Arc. 1'r d... 1. . n'.. . ~ ~ n r c..", '¶ "r c\Z' t j. 'Ir·e .."..r .... . I . .1. "1 r ;. -, t .... A.......... 'I Ftr,{I t n . .............. .. n.. SI.IIr . jtr Ir. rat.. ' Il 1' .. hxhn n.·. eII i-! ........ ...... .... !· · '. 01 > C!" 14111li .... .... ...... .... ..... ··. A:~ l. `1 Deus 1" t ..-. ······ ........7 ýru , 11 ' \ I r· 11 "l tUorlt ,ry*I A v. 'lYi,·* · rl .... ...I, r I * ..1. ,I, C xl.. u I. A r 1 Ilt L ýr ...... ..... .:' . · ·ý '· H . *1. ý1r, I. . .1. f ,\ I.. ·I ti. - u t i- I re-. I c -.. . . v.i,".t Tru 'tot. i. 1.11t. f~ t: .\ th. · j r't ;-t ·i· L· itil' ··Il:, :? r :t.~·\ puuy w ill el\'t Its plu r l itur .l *. t Ii eveU inlg at tht,. i,,-t. If you WNI4t a8n eIlegmtlt bea:ded wrap for a lt'w dolIu&r-, call at Le.. It:iet berg'. thi- wcel . The Jiugu.ville base ball club de feated the Helena club again oni Sun day by a score of 17 to 1. White dress patterns Ml. 32, $1.5I, $1.73 to $3.50. worth Ftxactly aga i the price at Lee I:isenhler's. * Capt. E. L. Neidringhaus, of thb Home Laud & Cattle C(o., haL returned frim a trip to the Canada line. Yesterday was a very warm day in Miles. The thernmmeter registered 90 degrees In the shade at no.ln. If you are thirsty or want a good cigar go to the Park at. Opera House aloun, where Johnny Cotgrlll is on deck. - Whbeg laby was sklk, we gave her OCatoria Whoea be was a Child, slu crred for Cuatola, Whu abs becme XM i., she hlung to Cae.orea, Whb she bad Chbldd, abe ve them Cased4 A. T. Campbell yesterday purchased the wool clip of Chris Ramme, amounting to 10,000 pounds. Mr. Campbell will go to Mingueville to day to ship It. ynrup of Flis. Produced from the laxative and outri. toas Juloe of Cailflrnla fp, combined with the medicinal virtues of plants knewn to be most benefolal to the human system, acts gently, on the J 4iivier · I. I tul g lr, ibj htrtu .l t l :u'i 'I.. 11 1 s rtrtflll li-1""II IIIg ciul'L Itt' 111', ft ·-I 1111,. nd i :r i ii, Itul' 111 nlrll u', t:"u' 11.. toil tcl i'r~c \r :.., I u l l l , I ' I I " ' % , 11 .l. . ' l 1",I J '11tlus 1' ...I II! I .. -t HI r1( t I ll, till I',.. I. 11 r lcr rl ilt- 10 I.11 vu, V 111 I 11-'l I It!t )III hi ts I fit, lr Jl!(H), and P., -i , 11t.... 1.u- just r.","""2 Vt.1 :l ,IU'ill I Iv . f irnl, It, hut v1 y % in~, r tleliti SII I *-.1 *t. r I:! - l o 4j4t 1 tI j 1. 11 f., . I n A \ I ;-, Ii "..- . 1 *1. I.. I 4l u , ,n1Ii " . ý TI i 4 j._~ * _111.,. 1, - ,, I 'I lý u1 n r , . 1''. ~ ··1 I: I 5I I. . 1 *'., I t ,: a. . ' I F. - - s':. a 1 'i-I'1 :no Ia t.' , I i . *i '1.' a: * I-a. t. . . . , I. . it I a' k' . ., .I a l At *.i. '111 .. " I: " .l :,- K i P Ilr ir l h n ;, -I , +, Ili -ill L un l s 1c ld k ;; l ,1'I fit v " Ii. I - :14 flvz t ý I .- - IIi .1i, u e tP l--I. (-,1 h ' jun't that ki di-iu a : ;II T ~ viI t il be i 'a t g 4e I *. a'iii 'Ilt IieIj - t'I In1/ 1a eaAio '.Tol'lede I N& 'u. -a, A. F. . A. M. at Ma~-oilie 11-411, Iili* j% VeritM day aevaiing at S 'clock~c for word Iin BY ilt ofd athej~ W. M. S. (I')RUOOS, " sec. OJutting.g AlonlK theI Itallr.d. Alex T''lini, well known by Miles ('ity peoplea.14 beh4en prohmoted fr'ri tli 4,,ula, to IOcnllhe I he at Spo kane Falls. WVi. Miner, formerly telegraph mnesePlger here*, leaves to-night for Rosebud to take the night position permanently. Irvin Bosworth, one of the well known Northern Pacific conductors, has became the ipesenteor of one of Miles City's renowned pug dogs. A large galvanized Iron oil tank, capable of holding 3. or 40 barrels of oil, has been received by the C'ontl uental Oil company and will be placed in position by their agent, Mr. E. J. Gregory, at this place. New live stock tariff, taking effbot July 10th, gives rates on Street's stable oars to Chlcago or Milwaukee $121.80; and taking efisot July 17th, on Street's stable ars to Stt. Paul and SMinneapolls at gA.40. Byrnes Bros. yesterday relsived a r, consignnent of semteeta ar of ,. ottle, 426 head, to rmae In this county. Three more trains Ibr the same party are to follow. This makes an aggregate of caran recelved to rl. date. Id P. Cummings, late road master on to the 8th district, Yellowetone divisioo, bh has been appointed by J. D. Finn, he superintendent of the Montaa dlylu. .L ( '1IW I"C *Iy. I tM3, It."A 'il Iatuw11 1: 1 11 . I.X- 1 `UI 11 I'. * 1111[1· i-it- r·I 'i-. ('Itl~ u. " u- ,1 1 Ines-;11 I 11. -~ !·... . . . . . I, 1 e .1... . .f I~ . . S.. . 1. ...: \ .I: 1 1'i. 1 .. '1' . . 11i11 I il ."I ,U I..i, I P 1111'1.1 ". 1.. 11.: I % .. . I , I * * ' In. I ' I · rt. " ·.: II . '. I , M 1 I. t .1.,1 ., rl.. .. · I . 1 r º.I ··" .. , Ic . ", - , . , I - ri 1 ' . 1 _ . .,1 -` . r~ a.' 1n2or I .. t C. :1[ r.. ! . 1Viiv t ecti r. %.::.t .t t~ rr I, .. t in. - c r. t t Du- n tice tf te p '.lng ., :tnd Ja ~'&3 -)I ClLrks f lilecti. will h e , fn. N, r i : C -i I). * 1G: * Comlnines the juic.: of the Blue ;Fig of Ca:fo.rnia, so laxative and nutritilus. vtlh the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human astem, forming the ONLY PER. FECT kEMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWEL~ -AND TO Cleansette System Effectually. - so TMAT 1 PURE BLOOD. ºr REFRESHING SLEEP, n HEALTH and 8TRENOTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and all are del ghted with it. Ask your druggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Manu. ý' factured only by the of CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.. AN raAMcIsrco. CAL. k, oAV tsVLLL Ky. 4Nsw YoVs. . V MARKET REPORTS Furnlsheld P IBrandenburg & Van tlhukeu. I)alte " In Fresh andl Malt Matts, IP'ednre, Ktc., IEtcJ M ATS. Beef steak, per pouind...10lf(1 centa Boast beef, " ... . 12 Boeilg beef, "7 " Corned beef, " ,... 8 a R Mutton, ...1 1 " Veal " " ..l.o 5 Fresh pork, " " 1 " Malt pork, , ..I.l 12j Blonu, " ...10 b 1 " Beer, per side ..... ........ " Fresh Fish, per pound.....5( l% cent. Balt Fb h, . . it P*ODUCCF.. Ranch butter, per pound.~ c o eunts Eastern creamnery. " .1 J Fresh smps, per doueo....l 2 " W;C~drenC~ry frjftdwr% i~ '' UJX1WEISHr PUl p'PRICEe CREAM pIPRIIC DBL aOS :I AKIN0 ScS awo 1e FLAURINI WEXRACTS~ rtrCE 9AKI~aJ PC"A DER CO, he.. York. C, cc. 5z. C' . t TIi ron~w I oro : .,I ..\ V 'V I 'I .11 '- cc: I., 1;G IG OCERt Y -r p *a t '4I Flee Fam iy Groceries, - ¾ II 3 11. 1 ' -i t t GIVE CUSA CALL. 3nR~aE & TRUSCOTI T Ili FAMILY GROCERIES N(- Lv -l &i t ii' ' I1rvi l. and EVERYTHING FRESH. We iianl(e theii nrgeitd and most I1 ti t eitt We rep-pecflully nlir·i1 an iurtrruace patrolunage. ;Jlý1KwdIn ourIewver to Rgtlo the IMIdl rYUj-::c'll iHýi DUNLAP HATS C I he fin-l eat In the I World In U the latest a1ook and e colors. Watch for the prioes on a new on. volce of men's shoes to be opened in a few days. ' . . . 0 B. TOWERS & Oo a p Cr artnMtrcrLt MILES CITY .PU-iP WOR KS i. ~~i' I ,. Pr-. ieo %)I ;OC# NOW` !RUBBFR W.St:.. PROSPEUfNG6TGLS' ATS, CAPS -ANSI)- STR W GOOOS kma~s~ hI:: -:- eei:: h s, The Crees moor Hats. .rixJcs ,11 All KiIAS. CICORDON FERCUSON. neufatur'rS ind Jebbesn N:,, 216 218. 221, EAST FOURT R ST. St. Paul - Minn. ".Leud fi.r our Lithbg'rap h eCu gravi ig of oew tytli.. GENERAL - AGENCY --01 TIIE- Louisiana State Lottery. (GREAT FALLS, MONT. Tue Monthly Drawing for August. Capital Prize, $300,000 Ocurs Aug' 18th. TICkT MIl--M CIMI. Address by ordinary letter oatWln- r ing money orders Issued by espress companies. ealange, draft or posta note, or for tliket.. olrsoule ud ll Inmormation, JOHN RENNI R. GOrest FasI, MoLt. Add res regatered lettersO neSIsla currenocy to First National Bank, Greamt all., M. T. CATTLE STOCK FOR BALE 3ge eekj in heU AteNard i 8Rward Live st-k ayI.? f ablo. hrmlng. Thisr Com Sass u teetd is 18AL r theI euah valle of .a.i oun r. r. r mo 0paid tbes t mas eas twidialime els_ ht al sin 1 Lan >4 eaoU a re peI deat IralI . I esuIrplas for the past two eaen k bhoauC sheeat 120 t e T eu rste. Little Reek. Ark. Sileann CrI for Pitch Ods BANKERS Scarlet, ; ea, Vloet, B *)! ;. : - - , ' !. -,.h N F vL_ '1 ; j" aI l.ail E g -,i-.ON' INK CO.. Miles City ý SearGfih Stage L.ine, ý . H. Prop CEADO IOD ii'I *i - ' 11 m ý' P" v.. ý:·~. uý, PIIPrý " ý,. .. .;; " j ." te. at `rlt I "1 LIFE RENEWER! - "01 il ameCC'E 3 - - . - IIIIA IIr.) rE ' -1 1 S .. C_,, 1 r Ftt.n Lc L 1 ). I ). I . fC ~~Y r ; &; Ir w . I.d I A In l1·~o: ~L · rLJ* JII·r·L·~( KýSUL' I I PAlhý IZTNQ1N jno. OR it's W Mlortt. e1 Mmdh. Ad Month mc .(TB CBIS1ý1 !111II ALFRED WARD, Pri kfflyt t lint tbs. E e ( si " lean lUI&tl ·ýMa Sw b wm au Uquan, dLaI ~ ' DON'T FAIL TO CLU. I V.vmr of ttb sd Em US&e ptS J MR wh "r . Ir A 30313e ,,lb. i Rý rumOLa a ur. busimm. " t.w u-i4...r l m.