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TIlE DAILY YEILOWSTONE JOURNAL. VOLUME VII. No. 2:s MILES CITY, MONTANA, TUESDAY. JULY 23. z889. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURAAL The Oflreiel Plprr al 1 *.6, " ,nt .. Every Morning Except Mlcnday. Population of Miles City . . 3,000 Terms of Subscription; Y MJAIL, IJ AI,J l F . I'(AT4,lK I'All. ia0lly Editon, un 'o.r ...... ....... ......$. Dally Edition rli montI h............. ..... ;.. * Oaliy Edit ll. olr I , h .................. ........... I, TU CITY ptl' lCRIBt lt, (Arrier, Every Mlornig,, at .. enlets per w49 i, W\tiL.Y EITI,'N. YI.,(lW I 'AOIPk. Oe l Yoir ............................ ........ '. .M s M onths ................................ .................... 2111 Three M11nt b h .... . .. . ............. .....e.. ...... ... Advertising Rates. S [ . 1. . I! I- **- .- - - - - - ...... , ,l 1 t.00 10, 4.00 4010.00 14.001 20.00 ays..... ;.U0 4 00 7.00 11.00 10.00 18.00 2.00 Dys..-.. * w .00 4.00 14.00 16.00 21.00' 30.00 .'.Ie. . .JO 4.00 10.00 12.00 18.0i .001 100 weeks.. 7.I ; 0.00 12.00 0.00 24.00 .00 4.00 A 'ks... 400 12.0o 14.0 2.00 2.00 8M.oo0 o0.00 ,nath... - I0.6 14.00 1.0I0 2.00 .I00 4 r.00 06.00 " r,,a.. 12.00 1.00 .00 .00 00.00 M1.00 51.00 . 1.00 22.00 ..00 421.00 50.00 M0.MI00.0i M , I b... x.04 '.200.40.00 0.00 74.00100 0'lO.., .ut~ l .eases-Teoa M per lo tie tor .ee raer Wrieupe Sfteen osto per Ulie. Addreos P YIMICIA S. h. L , ItsDl, PP Y3ICIAN AND BURION.. O at w R. avage's drug teore. It-tf DL I. i. FSllH, L PusIIciAm, BUaseON AND OasiTurcIAX. ( d.Wuudarst and (ieburtahelftr.) Odloe at Sdrug toste, Mile. (ity, M. T. Co 5. WHITNEY, s.* Dsarr.T, MIlt etrest, over 8toekgrowers Natiolal Bank. Ill work gearanteed and at reasemable rate. R I.COR(X)RAN. SSenior Viterlaary urgeo 8th eavalry. Aldence Miles City. ('Clls attended day or llght. LVe orders at Savage's drug store Cor espeedeme prwmply an.vere C B- LEBCHER. M. D.. PhyJsiian andugeola. Oee mad residence over W hite E Y phant . 8 D. C. A. MAJOR. ('hremnc Rheumatism a pellity. Bar geon for N. P. II. . o(Jce t Wrlght's drug store CHL'CBKL. lamuel Clhurch (Epleripel) Palmer Ileluadeysat P.U0 a. . and 7:30 p. m. Wa. asbln reeter. SptU t Chsreh-Winl. . Weeks, acltng astor. Prsele snrve un4sy at It a. m. and I p m. b.le. sad PlreI r Meehtia, Wednesday at 7:4 p. . A eordJal fnvitation to all. Methedist Church-Servlcs iendsr, a1 i. a., :t3 p. . Prayer meeting Wedesday venng t4. P. Lewry. pastor. *·~Jsrterik m Churcb-srvice S8unday, 11 a. a., 1T:30 p.. T. C. Armatrosg, pestor. bmveh of Mared Heart, Cathollc-ervke Arent and third eudsy of the mweth. .Bigh Sat 10:30 . W. S nds scbopl a 2 p. a. tsps and Benediction at ,8. p. . FA 1an C. PAUWLYTI. A. O. H.-Dlvlsles No. 1 msne ant sad eesose _adae.-of sh moeath. K. of 3.--Meoe tre ena third Waedaday at To p. m, at Odd Follows' Hall F.1F . M.--Yellowstoe L.edg, 30. r. Ant athttd Wde4sedys. A. M.--tellowseto Chaplr. No. I, aseoad t ed a in sl setk month ST.-Demseue Uommadory,fosth Themr L "O. O. F.-C.ter Lodge. e. 18, every -eady at thedr bhll. L . .O. F.-Senti l EIsampmset, N. a, ares ad third Friday. 1. t P.-Crusader Lodge, No. 7, Thursday eveaae at Odd Fellows Bll. U. K. e A.-Mil. Citl Branch, eovryMhday at I.of L.-First amt third saturdays. ti. A. L--U. . r. Great Post, No. 1, arnt sad S.0.G. -tau of the Wst, No. p., evry -a (mCamp No. . N. ets EM n d el eah mouth at (ee Templan P. PAIKEI A. W. TO1rPI5( NORTHERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY Ptll l I TO NG Wes.anlt. of all Mob of ONJ a4d B3LSS GASTI N GS. SAIRNURD. KINNBkOTA RIE WI AlleRE " AUSLAND'S 33VOLVMIB, 1... n ." 1 enapese e. me ~i~i MoCINTIRE, I | Ik.e '4)'d ý'1,".inn%," rs v r tirth. Surn .' .,r. I . u" ,i n l.. , ] .*, I".., : 'r |l(ol gI]lt, tir:e de ., tl t ,;, I,. 1 \": lo !;1 m !1. ',ý Iti :tll "'1 I; t : . Vt t, I t :t ý al." w# t, th. *r. IV nlo " fl .r Y y t .-IfI P** "] . L, t; I.t fi . ,I kn t . :(0 1 , t ll - w Rhlin1' "..' it :"1'}iol.n " :avoritt , "l.s inl t, ,..ýl u.: t."V de hail{" ,o dh " Our Mid-Summer Clearance Sale i in Full Blast A -ST'EC(IAIL OFFE'II Ni TIlE COMIN \VlELi. ON TOWEIN To close out (.ldd .rid ,n ,-. If you d'J-.ire any od th-p. L..u I+, stel in Monday Iiorniiitg aed gel I rt chr.t C e. PII;C..Ll'a nd c AM lilit 1( refuf..t u 'r' n 1. I-.1 . to 5 1-3 '. We have adopte'd a our motto, "UNDIFItI'Y AND UNI)EREIL " - SOHN ADLMS L SON. , .COMMISSION -:-DEALERS -:IN: S UNION ST)CK YARDS. CHICAGO. - W Cierrespendte Solicited, Market drep.rtn Furnished. FIR ST NATIONAL BANK 01 S'~ I~Z,',. AOTSTA2m.A. THE OLDEST AID LABGST BAHI' I BIASTRN IOTAIA W. B. JORDAN, Prlddiet. 0. M. tILEr, Vi.. PrldeaLt E. B. WEIBIIO. Oeuhitr. N. B. WILEY, jisitant CGaber .INTERE8T PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MI ,E8 OIIT'Y. MON'I'. TE LAUBEST BANK IN EASTERN IONTAN1 NTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS W. . .TUesmI. ?rmamt, WK.. nPrXON, Vlo0. P.mlt. H. P. BATONWL Ouahe. C.L,1a3su.r,, Aitr. Gaib WILLIAM HARMON Wholesale and Retail, -uaicy and Stile GROCERIES Ranch and 8took Men1' 9upplies a Speolalty, Mlan and 81ixth trt - * - , - Miles City live Stock, Lias,IReal Ftat and Notary Plic aier t lo the lat adn Iga lab _PIl, nll AIoD ACCIDENT I'WSU NCE O 0'S LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY lon* Laneod on First Claus Security. COttl and shel ranohe, and Improved farms br slo st ba. usy terms of p eont. ula ** rol oe andll an ld resdence lots for sale hp; se.a lnds. , sd grsina In the No;an lue, r GATTLE FOR BAXuB muuwm crn . ti l OLD WOLF SPEAKS. He H-,rr~n,:uE Delegate Carter rnd Tells Him the I'heyennes Don't Want to Leave the Reservation. They Want their People at Pine RiJge, Dak., Brouht ti, the Reservatien in Montana. III:I.EGATI. CARTER'S TRIP. A. Very Phl.a·nt Though W..ary One, Net ting Go.xl AResults. Delegate Carter returned yesterday from hib trip to the Cheyenne agency and proceeded to Helena last night. He says he had a pleabant trip, e*x Soepting that it was awful tiresome; he had but an average of five bourn' sleep since he left Miles City. He ex. pree ed himself much setisfled with the requlte of the trip, however, as he had gathered a quantity of data, which gives him a clear insight into the mat ter of the complaint about the reserve toon. Delegate Carter Is unchangeord o the view he held before viitlne the reer vatlon, in that the Indians ought to be removed. The reservation em braces ierhaps .500,000 acres, and there are altogether about 880 Indians upon it. Three hundred and fifry of 4bes are on Tongue river and 610 on the Rosebud and its tributarrPs. On the Tongue river there are threb white men with their families and 23 white wttletrs altgether. On the Rosebud there are 15 white families, with 176 white settlers in toto. The white peo. ple have secured the choice of river bottom lands and as Its mpolibhle to raie crops on the lands except by Irri gatlon. thb. Indiana raise no crops and are entirely dependent uron govern ment rations. Mr. Carter says that all the vegeta t;on raised on the reservation by the Indians through cultivation this year could be hauled off in a two-horse team. They have an idea that if they raise an, fo.M for themselves the gov ernment will cease iluing their rations. While iu the misslon house on the rwervatlon, an Indian chief named Old Wolf came in and signifled his de. sire of making a speecb. Mr. Carter said be would be glad to have him do so, and througah Rev. Father Vandse Velden it was interpreted. He deliv ered a lengthy and impasionate bar rangue. He stated that be liked the faces of the white men before him, but that there were some white men on the reservation whom be didn't like. Some of them came around every now and then with a piece of paper and said it was from Washing ton and that t it called for a piece of land. He and hib people wanted to stay on the agency. They bhad all come from the Indian Territory. Some of his brothers were scouts for General Miles In '17 and they bad come up bhere from the Indian Terr. tory to join them. The sodiers met them and drove half his people to Pine Ridle and the balance kept on th reservatia. He wanted the people as Pine Ridge to coma here and live. His people didn't want to go baeek to the Indian Territory. When asked if he would net rather have a plea of land half a mile squpe which be eould own and cultivate than roam all over the roservation be said be would; bet Mr. Carter plae. no confdeance In the truth of his a ewer. Mr. Outer speok lt the bghest terms of the proprem beng made at the mlelon In the edoestio of the ludan obildreo. Many of them after a year's lstrretloo can read ead write sad speak the Isaguage. The mialos. ares are meab sunooed, however, by the squawOs, who.lrk are.ed the hmnes, nonUtlnally seklug hr as opportnalty to sreem their abldr.e mad spirlt them away. Maiy of the oblldren gt away fem tb agemey n this manner. Mr. Outer thlnlk If the l Indi are remo~pd Shey will be plated en the nrew rervaStna. sLL3D at UaUe3ltlS. 1Ms. rm.Rke . Lha.*. tS Yteam. Nlr Aluada, Most., t she L-t.-e Mioeasr river, on Wedlaesbdy alug the 7ITh, inst., lluhtulas ar the bese or Mr. 3d. Amteums, hlk aIIg Ms wih rib late. The ruast pamd thresah he p of the k ma a i tN s he wire ef haing mp asM whik Mr. Ar4mue* wes dIs Mt s a ,pper. Itsulk her g M tep eits a e dlea emd wep s i /a I erte1ue eslel / .er C tI s., h ., , , . l . .- t i.,lu y , E l..t Arml-t n ý. , er ie r' l t M tf) t -t n, . . -, . l ,y . 'e lbr t*i I - +t 1 h ,-. "t t, Ii- h1i( e, near A'zada. Th l e late of thi Itei hlb.rlr.. +I.i -+,, '"1i n: o I"/. ze iwith the .ere-tie'd lih. I :". t'i, l,-v df im yUJ A 'llldn t..lyn+r Nu1.,.. A !II5,e.i )Jutiti . A party mnde ul rf Johln Firtl.i-l. Mrs. Fairlield anid Minue B'rtha Fair field, Dr. ('orcor.ll, Pat Flaulgan undl Will Savage, laterly joir ed by Dr. Fish and Edward Arnold, -pent ye terday at Spr!ng C('ley. Taey en joyed the cool sbade and thL cooler pure Npring water, and d bd camp dinner, a part of wblhch was comptred of whatever wild fowl the law al. lows to be shot just now, which were duly shot. Latterly Mr. Fair field slew two rattlesakes, the bides of which are held as trophles of the occasion and will doubtless be proe seated to Judge Sconartz to-day to be puirbed. They reached home at sun down, much pleased with their day's exczursion. A Big Coaeera. W. A. Murphy, of the Murphy cat tle company, of Wyoming, wr inL town yeterday. The concern with which Mr. Murphy is connected is an extensive one. It Is at present run ning on their Wyoming range up wards of 24,i(0 cattle, all but 1,500 are steers. Lately it mold 28003 head from its ranch in Tom Green county, Tex., to the Stddard Cattle company, in Wyoming. It her a contract for the furnishing of 1.000.000 pounds of beef to Fort Belknap and 500,000 to Fort Peck. The eompany will ship 3,000 head from Miles City during the sea son, one train of which %.11 leave here on the 25th and one on the 2th. Mr. Murphy wre a welcomed guest among his friends in Miles City yes terday. SFrom Wemter rowae. Prot. Barb reolved a letter from blh frlend Senator Stewart yesterday in relation to the work of the senate committeeon Irrigation, which is ex* pected to be bern next month. Sena tor Stewart wrote from Sev Francisco under dte of be 17tb, and though not able to say what the movements of the committee would be, be asUured the Professor that be would do all in his power for Custer county, sad urged tbrt the fullrgt Informatlon poe sible bo at hand for the use of the committee. The letter has been at tended to by the commiionoers as heretofore stated in these columns and from the latest information reoelved from the committee there is no doubt but that they will make a stop here and enquire of iely into the situation. Leander Richardson. the editor of the New York Dramatic News and Sporting Age, who It one of the most widely known Journalists in the United States, has written a new novel ealled "Lord Duamersey," whbich shabout to be published by Jao. Delay, of New York. The book tells the story of a boeus English lord in New York, wher e he s petted, feted, and aueleted in his nefrlous sobemes by the toadies of soelet', until be sue areds in serrounding himself with aomplications that lead to bhi rain. This personage, though a rasal, ie as ploeky they make tbem, sad is a platoresque and brilliant Igure. Maurie Barrymfere, the well known and brilliant ltorsteur and actor, says of Mr. RIebardse's stor It is the bet, most powerful, and intensely dramato tale I have read in years, and it is abeolately orginal. * r Elk Ur A. a efh EdItr JioauALL lathe bilume of te e W i j.4aesedeowas YO UtIOed Ia studs sabt th proposud meteb pme o wo. bell whelb wa to hees se d eWeaIaubpd et thr s', The I.. ds,.admat tatus that te estb pele t dIpetSw wM thO ument t b pl-d Mr, lte msetum Wai ami that ahe WI o VII..Ot lak. It urSa. . I. pq3 IMOpah ors n r rb at Thih is a ass. The son MY bepu, whtq -as p M lat leap. wae w as as ps^ as Use ad asat ws he pyud1 bT iad thy athiS ?r e" ,IS s amd aLed tae - watiPksiis herse ft JU ''r hlisevr . thio s pmr Ewis sad I. « be1sy: MOSS thas wubsh~ hep aspri at w Uial,. ridsa eat e Ir e m ~hug rnvmI mk~· ~ lmY LYwrw fL · I r-' w 11 am MOT ---- ru I ",,l, , r t, ,t the-r hu| wou'l . ,i r t 4'u , h. 1r .", th- IrIuw ILlt full uui f,,r ; ,. al wlh ti1t Kid- , th: 1 .%[l|at ('y I , , ., i Al laim that il-, 1.i d honor, "The ( hlanmplonobip.'" O(): oF THlE KIni. Our lit, in -urL.Itr f,,brica in reaeb ilng it ) deered ,p !t. Throurb our r*,'uctiojn -ales tLey are going faster than we expcted. A\ gre mnlly who >yed a barganl and were oomlng next day to caech the price were dLsap pointed. Tbey didn't go begginog i Cue th)Aerr at prices offered. We r rxlng up our barain counters base new for the week. You all know habt it mnsn when w, speak through Tea JoL'aNa,. Call and me what we have o plce on center table to.more row. Lh z w e sYouBaG. ' what~ ~~~.o it men hnwe pa ho Beck to mtatuLas. Geol. Ja. 8. Briabln will, mone time next month, mauntw the com rrand at Fort Custer with the rank of Colonel of the let Cavalry, vine C.l. Dudley, retired by age. Genl. Brisbln ass, when atitlon'd at Fort Keogh years ago, a stalwart obemplon of .be Yellowstone Valley and we presume that on his return his pen and vole. will again b~ome active to the lnter eets of this country. (OmeiaL) At a spedial meeting of the City Council of Milre City, held on M.-. day evening, .uly 2nod, at 8 o'clo*t. p. m., the follow.og were appolnted judges and clerks of electlon, to seree at the special election for alderman of the second ward, on Thutsday, July 25th, 1889: Judges-L. J. Whitney, S. Basiashl, George Blanek, George Rhode, L. Johnson. Clerks-Carl Wcditakil, Fred Schmralle. The polls wilt be held at the vaeamt store In the Leighton & Jordan bloek, heretofore occupled by J. W. Waeis.. By order of the council. 8. Gonoir, City Clerk. coemrmana Coek Citr. Charley Anderson was ln town yes terday Just from Cooke via Cinnabar. Being lnterviewed as to tbe future of the camp, he said that p.ospeots wae most favorable for a railroad otlet withbln a year. Two parties of set veyos, comprising in all about My mer, are now In the ield prospeeual the approaeb to Cooke viai Red Lo and Clarke's Fork and he was In formed by the oblef of one of the pee ties that a thoroughly praetlmabh route had been found through ho canyon qf the Clirke's Frk. Co City, Mr. Anderson maid. was livey; may "new prospeets wee blag opened and a general feeling of emSa dense prevailed. Chief Egaser Kendrick, of the N. P. R. I hs, wL I quite a mining expert himself. was at Coobe City last week examinim she varoous mlnling properties, with a view. It was thought, of maklng ia investment. The outlet via Cla(nb.r was not so promisind, for the aem. that It neoessitatd action I y oamp. r a right of way through the rPb,. whleh will notbe easy to get. if Cooke City grows to be the that It is expected to, ens road l not se.Ms to do Its business ea n o Ci~nabar road will n .Iw i i s+K Rin Iyrwe~r W urraWIN, Jul yI-46 Oft. S º ovmtois radon tr dwvr m bil UM tslewta apprpdspbe f - worek ast tmr we wl, II Chin. AluM MbsuapgI thu the Uk 1 Sffi. Authumi, Ids; Chippes thyme. OF" thyme, Wb., aid pISS l isumet" river. thvyr of th NOWtAllO T thnme Is Xes~ d Ihub.s Ulse Jules of Chla uaalll with Ike mu/idla~l viluins a him M be rub Was*f kwars, y -' - bwrlruk r g r. elmd w scr WII~Yrw r