Newspaper Page Text
LA.tern o~ii l t .. .... " ... ........ ..: n. n :I WI-1.1. cavil r ..r."+ .... .......... .. ............n.(o . p .n. Lg',ttqji :: I `~t"( &IIPa ' v .Moda- Itdl4' .. Friday Ut ' a u:. Tongav' river wall tc'ne ..Iondaay n d '1:m. Olbee op ti ........ ................. ... ........ " u Olpce eC ... ........... ......................... ......... .,. w.1 Money order dowci ................. . ....I iI Rº`tatrq clove ............................. ........ u:. Jso. %ICAIlj.ASI,. M N. ~orlherii I'riOr Tinie Table. LtAVK HLLY CITY GOING WLbT. $o. I. Pacirte Ezpr e ..........................iiis P. M II. lspres· Freight .............. ............ t N, X.w Iv5. Freight .......................................A::5 . M LEAVE II.LE CITY "(.(DIG EAIT No. 2. Atiiutk it Expres... ........ ..:I A. M. 16. Expreu Freight ..........................b ., A. M. 11 Freigbt ................. ................. u._ ::in P. M. Gllrllsti ,tllUrc lr FEDERAL DI RECTORY. Mlelglte to Congress ........Tho. H. rarter. Helen, Go.rlor........................... VB . Y lWhite Heleina .-IaretU'ry............................ A. Walker. Helerna 'iluunr......... ................ (reem Preumtt, JHelen Audtoer.......................Ja. J 'illvan, Helena C.bhl Jostlee.... ................ .. Blake Helena. (tephen LeWulte ALeciate Justies.............. M. I. Lidlle! SThos. C. IBach. bnveyor eneral.............ln. H. Greene, Heler. Ia=perlntedeon of Public Instruction............ .................................. A. C. I .an, Helena C. U. Marshal............... eo...... ee. Irvne, Butte O)ileetor U. '. Inlteral Revenue...Jamw.s Shielsu RegI.ter U a. Land OMee.....A. (rover, Mllesl('ty ·aiveur U. . Land U:ktee.A brase tiall, Mialea City 'OU\T ' OFFI('ER . Councilman ..................... ......... . . Midltton MeYtslenof the House................ r I.o ln Rea berl ..................................... .......T o: . iI. Irvine tauusurer.............................. .1. It. MerrHI Clerk and Recorder ......................... ... . . I. r _Leputy iekrk of Diisrict ('ourt.Jam.e MrcFarliat Fudge of Prbae....................... F. M. '-chwairta ounty Attorney.............. ........... A. Itr!e.:! , Aw essor...... ......................... . J. Th' ri:ll. aln etrveyor.... .......................... t. P. II. Ilarniab , Cerer.................. ............oci. larett ou lty Physlclan .......................... r. I:. ',. k~,!d 'uperlntendent of ehuols........1 .M A lu ia (: y Publle Adtainl*trator................. .. .....J. II. i Ware 1.. A. 11utTleas etimmnisslon.. .......................... W, . W..Alertoi I (i.t, t le.t's .ILE- ('ITY TOW.N>IIP. t f Wu. Irkle lusateo of the. Penc ............ ...... . ýrNea!. Co stables ............................... . f en. CORPkATION i. M.IL-E, ('rT1. Mayor.. .... . ........... I . Ite, City Attorney.......... .... W. A. iur''lgh. Clerk........ ............ ...... r ln reasurer ...... .... .......... ...... ... . I t c ' Chire ,t P, lf ...... . ... . .... Por te .M arl-ti ate ........ ... .. ... It. I1. P stra 4 W1ard--1. A' .re. I I m.a*, . l~ flecoII l Vr i --.I. t', , ,.,,A .an". l~outi, Jlalh. LOCAL IT EMS. Joe Scott IN In toWn. J. H. Srnitb 1" up trouti E;kIiud.vt S. G. }1.t ikfi" 'i) in fra' z t Cii ktul C.\'.V..tders·gln i. iiv Irma O CplIke City. r'. F, Rtay. ot Mziuutapsdi- 1+ In towlt. D)elegate ('artr Ier I*.t £jj4I1 for Helena. Pb. B 'at'- 'ekellrate i lager beer at Bullard'". " J. H. Maxon, of S. Lou'-. aarivlJ last nlbgt. H. J. Lippola, of the N-N II up from Fallon. J. H. Page, of St .gut 1S, Ne-l., 1s at the Mat I t '"u J. R. Isalrett, of iZetHtfa , Mo., is at the Mac,'ueeb. IMeltn' b.tllarilraal utdruleiiar for 81 per .uit at C. H. Tow.ri. & C(' .'. " H. (C. Hithlt'uiud rettrat I a * ' a.I, l' -t uight it r, a trip I 4;.l nds;av. T. J. Porter Il-t yeaterday on u short vlrit to h'i fosuler home inll .uutheiu Ohio. F. M. Bourne, of the firm of IBourne & Neate, we" it town ayesterdaIty, Iov log up ron hi' !land. Col. MAlone e&td Alex Preuatt re trUe i ''",t uttght Ironu the eastern portion of the county. If you are thirsty or want a good cigar go to the Park at. Opera House satoon, where Johnny Cosgrlf Is on deck. ' George W. llIcowb, ,,om fifty milus up Tougue river, hs, made fiaul proofon hi's hou.,mtead cl"ilr before Major Grover. Lt. Col. Snyder, torterly Major of the 5ith n'anotty, Is on leave at I *td tog, Pa. Col. Snyder hr* been pat-. tioned at Fort Lyon, ClI. Thob. Youngman, heretofore , ,n neo.c withb Wallop A Watuey, bha purobaed the Kelly ploe near twnu tad will tke possesslon to-day. Mim OJams leot for Rpokand yestes. day. A'ter slitflog a few days there eik will visit at Bushford, Minn., and will then prosesd to bher home ln Iowa. Wam rh w*a sick, we gave br CGanrls, wWhmw s hild, she otuod for Cssuds, Wku biumas N, she duag to wror Wham W he ski gav taem Caieli Kr. WMU.N Psasook was .antoi IM letirday to Mks OCr Leai @& I uM m of Lo . bide'ds sod, Mr. 9II jwlIg. Tb. anmoy wsa us Iin by $. hrnuorore. Kr. Lenslng. I- tort nat. oI the L UJ - (put fit. "fill i . a IiII ill Cal eititl yoitun tiiI'Iu. 'I' I2ICNAIU b. 'lTrtur gon,;r itu I ftbiu. i'i I tlu \ aI(' li:. flit r'* i* i t l t p(t-hi.. t 1..,-4 1 jiIt* "1, \ n r- i. 19 I~ I B tII $fjrulliv" It.e i-luhf; -be wl1" mc c1sl1"url fib the cprhiug~ by Jurlre $'ro,.i Itt11 11 hifel-.1u0 fl'at tir vltau %IjI &rreittlv r t*iiur her health. Lu~t. A gle.hI twatc1h C1Hei r IIi Ie "hO1 l ao :t Iio,t with a cat'- Itehti %I the Ie . will re at r.uti i rewhrd heal th e retforn of thue atbave. JA',. McCMANNt. Elmer Crwford. who bar been irtairgir~g a L~orie outfit at Signal Butte, Iak., ranic to Mifter City ver t-r(Iuy Wutfrerllg from hen'irrrtiie. He wrs ilaced wider a pbyslcian's c*rce. Col. A. (i. MeAut-laud, brother to ".u atiti A. I). MaAui.-Enid, of this city, ma+ II1I town y""-t·:~ jhy pitying hI- ki i ii tl-it. Cl. MacAu-land is ii-o4 ning 11w l'uet'e Fir." arwe' Co. MIlr-lh.l i ylurd g't eeiiots on ?t*.5 u. ntul e. r ''nip aI h stx.d boy tranleM+ y.-.' .rtdiy who lad 5WeuIIIu lat."d it t ,u vevar sa'eday. He sue e''a1 'i Isa siioev*1 g thian 'in, sand by snigtstf..ii they3 had ii lWne tleir sev er..l ways. .\a d ~ wit- raw V.-i I1 Milts v"Ity y"' .i*-1,.y. -taLlty t hat a rbjl. niaiein 42u i t. zi I of r"'the Itv the sev'es"ge"d I -i: 1.05505i- tach i ud eat t. tie, reaaive II, h I VAsii.e yt-t.Cetlay. II there 1s i light Iaunted satrl brisst ~y.d 3eU:ICz leady 1.1.t give-s to trifling \ Zr ¶ It. hdilsr t lula gizzasrd, wltlin a.iet u( tii- Itt-rlit,.t au 5,a cVtrrt,4;Jl; t tit tiumtar- it, !,' t' t!o hIs a -.t. I?5 I-ii :oidra is- I . lix s67, Jieleses. I': ," t 1. ".. Iýnst V. S.",ty Il, w~u- In .'-ll oir J. Mr. K"lle-3 '04 i..nttse, s51y2 the~ roach i." Is ) a1 ere 5 Iin WXent, 44) aeres o! which Is hrokaan u; and under (eultiv~atiI'. 111x. Y( 'sgsian lbe.ught out all the crolas asid stcck oIn tbh reaiiiij Sul i Vili resle u few blood.dd horseea. l4otlee* to Ta.payeL .. Notice is hereby given that all prop. erty I' t- must e rtrarntd to me properly verified Iefuoe the first day of August, 1I-89, or in all essed where such lists are not so returned by that date I will,proceed to list the property oi iltfrmal ioln Sand belief and add I wernty ip r t'ut thereto as provided by law. T. J. TIiuomos, * Aywesrsr Ior Ct,oter ('a'unty. While the ' Io of J. \V. Cole, better kuot s ienc ie Colu, wad stanldi~ng thstened to plict at the railroad ta tilo yest.erdty afternoon,s uete Ioys In 1,l+ jumped up on the waston arnd tbt hors.+s flight, broke the hitchingl stiap and raa away. They were re cdatured, but not until they hrd broken one of the front wb, -. of the wagon by turning t,, hi- ,, : iund a corner. Uncle Cole dltloe;t he will switch any hO,\*b h'" 'tches on his terme bereafier. To the L.lrtur, o the Seondu Watl J . I s lej City, Mont I hereby give r.ut'ce tIht tbe follow. Ing nolu''Ia', lo hit been reti.arly made as required by law: TAX PAYER'' TICKE r. Fur A ldernmit, Second Ward, to ftl long term vacancy, MAIA'OIM G. MAPI F'S. omf'* '. 8. GOKIrnN, * ('it" Clerk. RaIIllord Jlttlnag. Rev. Nutting li,4 moved into the relsdence fuorerly ocupled by Mr. Westervelt. Frank Dunulgan relieves "Rabe" lmith s mesuweerger at the telegraph oqftre t')day. Axtal Aundtaoo's track gang are here with three boarding car, help Iln to replace the track the slide. A telegraph hmee been opened at Horton, mest the lilde, and be Johbnon, lately staioned atBig Kour, Bert Beker, hermely elerk oM Bapt. Fina, wee Io a fla ya , leaving for Weudilve yest*Id Mr a low days vlttt. A e bIll gam. to htake p between the vaIt.y imd flb.try iess at Fort Kegh Kmaday , The pam e . I- 1--. 3. s.Uliavu, lor the ast I:r -ea I semmmest bs e s le weg a . * Cl, Imktis-1lghbtr 5t g wu..-r.. heI i' :1 Lke char -. .f the Red Ji)dIe -.-Vl4 11uuider P. Cummings, to~tuer r. .ti In :a lar here. MI. Liuiilr t, ''I." oS'r of nith aa:itriclt,,i~ att ..t '~eytia b~udI Billings, taker elf .+r:." o 2·~ diatri."t, between (dng v"e at, F'',rr-\ r; , to-day. .sup:t. F. H. Mnr-hi avid [Fad Ma~t'r 1.. (' *r'g al, 'a~tr.~ ilx the e13 yQ-vterdaie Iaupk at Ic.* l, iit,,. atak .u lid- to reialauce tIe tlrack at the .iII.r. cars, o' feet il Ieglftli, waett gait to dwy. Ttr*·te ca, y ar se·lh caacl,ul ofl Illi. II thle Idtert Ituproved I'ulllrua ii Itufl~rot' Pal'''o cHwrr. T 1 .I· " I.".' Ia ure remedy when ukkt is to court siiterillai and izi'Ite death. Tike Iaiualltau Nerviu'. At Drug Slots. Reject all the fiery touiia s ad *a)p* tiwera, aiud cllul to %hr warlital NorvlUle. Cured me oft I:ltilepey. Hive gained 37 pttulld., aad have not bhd a fit for 4 dear.. W~ALTER GRAHAM, 'I yrablll, Disk. tint a PLgfamy-Auaiun a Giant. We are aptl to retard a £ws I ailment muchb a wewuull IowO pig .y, uiplruaat of aspl'ect mand 'ratkul itidee, but lucapable of ' riuus mis L.iel. W1e Igaaore lh. fiat that it grows prodi (loutd?. strenglheul tir p r'portion an3 bvgets evil progeny. A it of 1idigeal'laa, a bight tillioua at lack, aenlatlua of ulzemt maid Aangu.r when the yauamm sh:.uld have I'avu baa I by recenIt a rp, ua.aecuuu able nervou.eass, inactivity of the kid nrev or blaider-whi at vie (algae lut the precut aimol uba iotte a. t .era L I bodily diaturaea'ice In olt her of t(Lia a ov eluergencla., common sene siad enperierec unite In adlcatraig Huoetter', -tuwlacb litten ar the elel TrrtvulliT Par Iulearly· h rlaid its Uv.'i a lru.nUt when the hlam lour, vwniong, rhllllnuba dowel te bjack, and fireiphnewe that Irecede a mualaral at:ackl, Fainl. teal thetmaelu'. izsajiaut rheuruetamo gruw. Iliac.. Don' slneiuci a., rSo "ii I conslipallon aon debility, ý.A ~,.'MLK-11. wili a 1.-ome iVu aatl .,ureooda ar.. 011 to the 111i a-vale amid Ictali (rnil1. atari a~t nliailil rn io our i.ue. Eicl ose .i-ceul stump. C'ge t;te dam'. I', rai. ilemt ,,,atim, .J. No - [INl' a-,-w, r. d. a (vat' c i ., FCI!. 'J l .e'lltitt -, eI I. "F:[ t F .S'"It; t' (·U (,'II I,_ o6s UIA1~h Nolict of City Election. Notice is hereby given that on THURSDAY, JULY 25th, Es8g a SPECIAL ELECTION will be Held in Miles City for the following Municipal Officer: In hans for oEmc Wai, To fill the unexpired termrof J. C. Callahtn, Resigned. Which eiecti n will open at b o'clock to the morning aind con. tinue olii'n till 6 o'clock in the atternoon (if the wcme day. Du: notice of tihe polling place and Judges and Clerks of Election will be given. By order of the Cit' Council. S. GORDON, City Clerk. Dated June asth, S9ag. I/ Combines thJaic of the Dlw 7p of Cellioraia, ao latiw sad astziti', With the medic Inl vetuu of plants kaow~ to be most beaeelalto the Ihuman ýeistwa, foming the ONLY PERA FECT REMEDY to ict usstl prompd eOr the KIDUT LIR ! l 11O BI crL~t EffmII1 PURR ULOOD. 3PUUSISNGN sI*EP. HEALYM w"n StEENOT CAZI*&U1 SYrUP CI.~ ulddr LI "W.~~ L Laala~i w r `7ý Attlwua ma PIR R9 ,0,0 ' 10 11,~ INRCCREAM p inOWDEK EXRU r~ltP~F~n R.RIRII ''I h'y the t'iitei titates r.overnment Endoned by the heasd ot the Great rniyer'it ngPdrde ;tcnanA mna lno Au.P.PiesDlcosFa"oig''l'ih F-ý,d Analvats. gs the Stron set Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cr ' '~T3lh I wi, tr doei nt;, cnll~tai Aninioni:. ILincorAtuim. lIt. PRicca Jklicioua Flae'rinic .r - :.. -~ i:ls, \ .C l nu, Oraugv, Aluui,,m!. ! oe,, ctc.,d' Huae n tah 'iPisuu,uaUilsorCh~rnkw:, PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. Now York. Chicago. it. Louis, MARKET REPORTS Furmmih..d py lummal,..hurg t Van Gailka. I)..lehIs, I.II, aumdl Mlgud 31Mt,., I'ruduc.c Ii.e., Elc. MEATSI. lecf tsteuk, per Ix~uud...('(e,i24 cents Crn.-ut beef, 'u .+4 Fr. 1I rk, " ' ... 1 F h Durki, ... 11.(415 1 e I't-, per 1.... . '................ 1; 41 Fr(--hl r'1-Lr, I-."r 1..nII ..... 15ý-4 lb cents E',~trrn "~r-utu4 ry. " ..I~i(i _' " Fir-h eg Cb'-, t-lr it, 2.1 .. l (4:.)j Ify n adiorr't r t n wthfeeut lt Sora4 ait all I eli.4etfol rtio I lI alth ways wamr Ite al it a Peerketel 'eeee.. It is aernowiedgmd me the wolet r .ef,,rt1etl. ti teelt wearitig mand ILOM StnIlah geueleeeae.', mhce tu de in the world. Don't Spoil . ;ur Feet by:j:r:j:r:j: :[:j:r:j:f: Wearing Small Shoes. Thee Iurt & 1reckarrl ehoc coror no mor, than may other fine ahto. though nos. approach it ia vaIne. All stylea in flert-msle, Raid welt and lurt. well; ale. ,o o' ara Yuu~the. f not soad by 0our dealer aeld his natu. and address to tackar d& ktou , ur pa-ard T!1 TaTAl IAIl ALFRED WARD, Prop. The BeaR Ieal Resort for GCfit1eeD Vier~tiing Firxt Clani'. J iu M N .uuv rb" hIli1:id the biar and will lot- iraid tot st't till HP o etxtWxy frieund. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. Cor.*r 9faiztb ,me Maim.u U:reets .lles Cty DUNLAP HATS I he fn est In the World In the lat.l 'look and colors. Watch for the prloes on a new l* voie.C of mea's Ioes to be opened In a few day.. .. ........ 0 B. TOWERS & (0o 81ITH &IIAYnES' MODELi -iGROCERY We make a spelptwi of FenPnillyGrm~ui kalwm ul G 1ý l trYýrr am we wý.r Qrmrrm. .ý. MIL I8 CITY IR O'N AD PUMP WORKS --LE:LE::L ·%:--'A~7 B. UILUN., Proprietor J. 1. CKCLEK, Consulting Engiineer. TRAHERN PUMPS' Ki.':;"'o. STOCK PUMPS.... , N .4;4,, .4t"°""'* RUBBER H o S eL t. oIh.e,,,rc Rtndlrd r ,olBir Huse Ga. P lSPECTNG TOOLSl ::: ',:.'.t"t HATS, CAPS -ANl- STRAW GOODS The Creedmoor Has. Dripa Glom GomsW of ,elli mt LORDONI FERGUSON. No, 216 218, s2l, 1AUT rO.Zl? I T. 8t. Paun Minn. I .tuod f..r ,.ur Lithut ralh cu wKravlng of new styles. GENERAL- AGENCY I -OF Till Louisiana State GREAT FALLS, MONT. Th. Monthly DowIuh bAUrI' r Owu t Cm U Gug loat. BIRKIE & TRUSCOIT W lr ".Ie~r ale rul l kale te tilrr . n (Y E C 1 FulYLY GEE., irIKZ New~ jvm'I- ClumE u t *i '. :lug and EVERYTHING F kH. We hiundle tiht lnre.~t and rod variwmd amnrln)ibhI of Tcwuco, lIn 0 ul In tl.Z city. We rm'qestfully "..ticlt SD s LfDcu patrounuge. iedglng ourselve to giti the l,.." ,404ft'efe "n .. The Johnstaon Horro A comwte(aoud thrilling ameount of $ awfgul loud. sad tirlr appullg e, 'ouiatnaag graphic d., *rlptiom, of the ha rible rush o uwatrr tin great deatruedjem of Houses, factori.., s It uueaie, tout a.mi Thousands of Himan Lives, Ierart-rendig scenes of afet t" disruptins of fern lie., aePauatiou of loved on, . 41ic-.triekee aol Sirudes and their frantic iro t to eaeepr. a lr l. h.e fant. lgetner 'ith thrtit t tale. of boobs deeds, narrow eve" from I b pals of death; tracatful havoc fir tIr, dread! I suferings of see vivuri; robbing the victima. ,,o such pictuie boerro was rver before witnuted--men, .0mm and cbIirr'n by thmaazId, were wept aute oit 11i17 without a it omont'a waraIr a Fully Illustrated with rsid Sterru. of the Great Calamity. E~VERBIOIfDY WASIS THIS 110K. A IIONAZA V*ON AGLTi'S. 'trite whl, the iron to hot' This is the She rtatle so.t most authentic edition publirsll. Nearl!y : page.. Agatal at. elling irom Tllt Fitly copies u day and coating In.?v. Act qii and send tot circulan aid Itrermsre, r. e cure it instantly. aend St fPmni,. for coMae (fltairug outft and anme hoicet of tfrrlh l. Address THE HISTORY COMPANY, ;2:2 Miark~t~ t. tSar. Franeo,0aL BANKERS Soadot, Groom, Ztoio.I N K Ouly %15c uts per Piut or ONEP k UL LAR pcir (isllwu tent FabIoct to your approval. (airia ia~i, I;.ulanteeel or no C ip GUIGNON INK CO. 6OG Cook ATeI ue. Mt 'Kb w IileCilr& &sprh1 Stage Uns, WEABE & THORN3URgEI't Daiy Stag . 61 jDEADWOOD AR) -.e iU~IA;I# * GM.r m" -ý M wa.