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TItE DAILY YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL. VOLUME VIII. No. a. MILES CITY, MONTANA, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER i3. 88g. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURINAL b.- owaeas sp.p *r CAvrr CuotW. Every Morning Except Monday. phLton of ilos Oity . . 3,000 Terms of Subscription; Y MAIL, IN ADY NCR, Pos.AGE PAID. Daly Edition, one year................ ... l0.00l D ly Edition. is month. ............ ......... ,.00 Daly Edltin,one month ............................. 1,O TO CITY SrUaCRISlS, Carrier, Every Moruing, at 2U cent. per wetr, WEsuL EurnloN. YLI.(W I'Arra. O u , Tor .................................................0o 301 Moths............................................ 2. rhlw Mouths ............. .................... ... I.00 Advertising Rates. - ; P . I if ii .s....... Leo 8 01 .0 4.00 10.01 14.0 10.0 Ds.-- A10, 4 o0 7.0 IL0 1.10 IS.0 I.00 Dayps..l.. U 1.00 , t0614.00 11.0 10: 11.01 3.0 L . ...00 4.0010.01 4.00 01LI00 4.S 8.0 eOs.... ;.00 10.00 .100 I70.04.1 12.5 .0M -ee-s.. 5 0012.00 14.00 2.00 f.0,# .0 .00 Meath .. 10.0 14.00 14.00,36.0 .10 41 0.M ' .nths..1200 12.0 L00 U .90 24.A00(. .0 0.m " 14.00',.00 3.00 42.00 5.00 0.S010 2. V'nfbe.. 1.3S .2.0040.00 0.00 74.0100 100 . ..eaM etiess-Ten ese per I.en for Usag-" rite-pw Iftees eat. per liu. Addnae PB VYICIANIL S J. LUONARD, M. D., byesleian sad Pur Ses of Cblesgo, hs ~lrated is MI s City Mar to ft -d at Wright's Drug tore. ýDieams 6.. Women and ( hbldun aspecialty. . L ,. 15D1, PBHSICIAN AND IURODON. 0 a t W E. 8Oege's drg tere. 12-1t DL I #S. FISH, D PETIMAN, U0A50NM AND OmastsacAM. (A Weadarut und (ieburtbshlhr.) Oe. at es ru sto re, Miles (ity, M. T. C. L WHITMEY, Wies MtIt, ever Steearwenlf Natinal Beak. II work Eeureasa ad mat noeasi a ria. QR OORWrIAN., • Alelr Vetletary sturgeesth avalp. RlMmes MIls OCity. Clls tteeded day or a l, leave ordes at Savage's drug stese * prmptly auwet C . L.KICHER. . D.. 0.asad rlAe ev rW h·bst. MUla * . C11YlRCRML Imhnseel Chteh (Eplqpel) Plmer a.-aer noSadep aM 9.30O a. t. med 7:W p. a. W, . mil mawr. Chli sebueh-Wi. K. Weeks, U ting.-. euu ervmiei a syat it a. i. pis i. Mnl N Iher isr Wedmeaday I:4 p. S. A eeduis Invittaht o all. athLeuie Chkhe-lervue s l, aL . im., . p.m. T. C. Armaeg, pntr. buheb od barred Heart, (atheie--lerwves egM gMt mad third ieaday, . the meeth. High ae s IJ.IO ,. Panda e keel atl p. m. VOeaa sa Bswedletiee. t ,H p. i. FATUa.C. PAVW LVm. - IOCINTIES. A. O. H.-Divtlioe No. I mewts ret amd emeed Seadepeamf h meath. L. e I.-Meeto Gret mad third Welmmeday. a TIO0 p. i., at Odd PFllows' Hall A.P .&A. M.--YllUowteme Ledge, Me. 1, Irst eld third Weldsedasyp. L A. M.-Yelloewtome Chapter, No. I, seeesd Ilb.eday In eekh mouth K. T.-Demama-eus OeiandeoryfOrth There ii. O. O. F.-C-.ter Ledge, No. 1. envry Meaday at their hall. L O0. F.-emtlmal Eaeaampmet, Me. A. ie d thrd Friday. K. tI P.-Crus.der lo Ie, No. 7, Thursday emiage at Odd rellows Hall. U. L et A.-Miles iiy Braneh, enry buday lt -el L,-First cad third etardays. V. A. R.-0. . Great Post, No. 14. Irat and O. T.--s the West, No. 24, every !G,, e .Oee Camp No. 4. Mts e It sad hUG .eadav et eech meaih at (Oeel Templsr 1. X. PARKER a. W. TOPPING NORTHERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY MPA l & MPPIG Mamla avlrs of all aaod of nIONl and BRASS CASTINGS. BRAINIRD. MINNE9OTA tIEDIGOR AKOKTk EcAUSLAND S GUNS. UAVOLVBU, AKMUNM¶oN qAB~L~UpUS~ YLbI &ain i qn u sW_ I. am d0 hb' There is a Man in Town Who is causing a great deal of talk. Everybody jumps on a man when he is down and this man is down, 'way down; and yet he is not sour or cynical. Folks look on him and say, "Full as usual," but he does not take it amiss, for in the sense they mean it he is full and he is low down, Full of businces, low down in prices and his name isMolntire. This fbll will see prices lower than any fall since the fall of man. Take your wlvilln; from your, r sox, And jiust hIof it ftir our bIhk. Leive the folk, who pick your Iu'cket, in the lurch. For we have the lhiarg t sto'k, And our pIries are Iw4d.rcm.k, And cannpetitors, we kncwk 'eum off the perch. Ilargdiully, a. Mclntire's Bazaar. Important to Ladies Who have children to dress for school. Call and se our remnant table this week. Having received our full line of New Dress Goods, we have made a thorough tour through our old stock and the result is that we picked out an ele gant line of Remnants Buitable for Sohool Dresses- Take a look at our school shoes. Lee Eisenberg. We never delay mail ordei.T. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, I.d,,S OITY. MONT. THB LAEST ANK IN WASTN IONTARI NTERE] T ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOWIT8 W. Z. gBIRIES. reidM t, WY. AZMOX. ViO* Preddiet .. F. BATOHELO, 0. L MBrIUIL. AS. Oaab FIR 5T NATIONAL 'BANK ol l zm 5 Cozzr,; 2zONT~rTA THE OLDEST AID LAGST BAHK"' I. JIMIll 10IIAA W. B. JORDAN, Prm.dat. O. M. MILES, Vice Preldet. R. . WEIIOL Ombhier. 3. B. WILEY, ,l...ipn Oashit. .INTERWST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. WILLIAM HARMON Wholesale and Retail, :Facy and Stale0 G RO C ER IES Ranch and Stock Men'u Supplies a Speoalty Main and Sixth Pt1,et .... * Miles Cty nve Stock, Loans, Peal Estate and Notary Public &mit for tke *omt d m sU rlab FIRE, IFE AND ACCIDENT INSUBANCE CO'S An the o lde t Ia m . LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY Money Loaned on FirntClar Security. Cattle and sheep rnohes, and improved farms 'or sale at a bargaiD with eusy terms of pament. Houeso to Rent ud Colleltion NMade.. Several oomfortbm and ommodious dwull houses and well looated busine and residenoe lots for sals eheap; also N. P. L. BCo.s lots sad lands, and grasine lands in the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. MNinma WNtWm, WMmit. 1a2 ai.smiu I l a..lhke, wn...wDs r. ,s a,',r , CATTCULE FOR SAliE WILUAIAM COURTENAY, MAIN STREET. TWO DEMOCRATS Who Claim the Suffrages of rue People on Diverse but Equally Questionable Grounds. Pat Killen Finds Hii .IMatch in Joe .cAuliffe at San Francisco. TOM IrVINE. Some Reaoonu Why be ohomld he DIefeted. In the vain endeavor to olslter up Tom I rvi ne's hope!e.s saus theCou rier of last evening devotes a column of not very valuable space to an argu ment that it is mnet desirable to .slect for the omee of sheriff a man who hue had a large experience as a detective and thief taker, and baving to its own satisfaction ettablished this theory it draws the curtain and Introduce. Tom Irvine a+ the man. Tom Irvine es a detective will certainly be a surprise to the people of Custer county. If be reto a lelegram or letter describing a fugitive criminal by pomplexlon. height and of hbr phys!cal peculiarities, or if he gets a postal card describing stolen horses by marks and brands be will no doubt keep bhi eye olen for eaob or either and possibly be as quick to recognize them if pesinng under his observation, as any other man, but no qulcker. In all our long acquaintoance with Tom we have never ye heard him accused of being a detective, or knew of his doing a job ia that line that a dorse, yes fifty other men in town could not do, and a for his so perlative excelleae as a thief eatcher, whatever qualflleatons be may have possessed in this line In times pest, it is well known to every resident of Miles City that with the one exeep. tioe of the train robbery a year or so ao, be has not been out of town on the trail of a eriminal for the poet three or four years. He has absolutely and entirely put this part of the busl nes In the ads of his deputies, anad when they were out of town and a necessity arose to end a man out on as errand of this kind he has spealily deputised Louis King or some other man. It will not do to argue Tom's aue before the people of Custer coun ty from tblh standpoint. The taxpay r know that bhe regards and seeks the ofoe solely as a soft snap. without any Intention of personally perform loi any of the duties attached to it save and except the laborious sets of signlng blh name to legal paeer. and reecipting for his quarterly warrants. Tolm IRa been in the secure enjoy nient of the emolumnents and perequl sites of the swhrifl's ofmce for a ppriod (cevul with the memory of the olde-t inhabitaint of Custer onunty. He probably easume4 the omee and 11r perequi.ite4 to be his by right of dis icovery, but thli claim the taxpiyelr of Custer county are now prepared to conttet. They know that the aggre gate sum re-eiveot from the county by Toml Irvlne during tihe long Ipewil that I.e hau served as sheriff is enough !o have enriclie I any man. and they have a right to feel that they have ui this re gard done enough for him. The Courier in a recent article extolling hint mentioned ma a repmarkable eir cunittane of his long uareer c sheriff. that his accounts bad been found cor rect. Ara matterof fact, the records of the county will show that many of his accounts were the subject of revis ion and correction by the board of commissioners, but even assuming that the Courier's statement wa true, is It any superlative credit to a sworn officer that his acoante were found correct, and is it any reaon why be should ask to be continued in office Indefinitely? We believe that we voce 'be Pentiment of a majority of the taxpaver of this county when we say that'Tom has been sheriff long enough. It is time for nim to step down and out. It wae In 1878, the Courier tells us, that be fastened ble octopus grip on the office, snooe when, with the one lnterval of two years, he has hung to It with a vigor that is ln no wise wakned by deelinin yarn. Nine years n the pet, and he now aek lor a m rea o the less for three year more. The Old Man of the Br who straddledgladbad's meek ad rode him nlgh unto death was so more ua ndleoWn them is Tom Irvine In he prls itof bli peranl end. We he hIt the Utie hi a lastar d wthe we s khae Shi rlible lead he mr; we .hre W bedm d M Med bktm it f a mpsei I e - peos t b M beigakm he is I Asud hM aesi, bh wMbs he s "gmg. pliwied in tbh1 rnel*,t you most elo rrniemher that by realrn of nine years esperieucue he im an aadplt in get tini every cent tout of the c.uonty that can by any ubherfuge or twisting of the law tw bsevr. d into his bfll as sberiff'"s f uand perequisitee, and those who enjoy bin good stories, cn aecertall by a very simple procesi of arithnetic that they are a very osutly amusement. The repub'lcans present for this office an unexceptionable con didate. and a-k for him the support of all thcoe who believe that Tom bha been .heriff long enough. NOMETHlIn u . eEER. A Richrb Man After a Poor O/ee. The callow scribe who is doing the biographical mkbtchcs of democratic candidates in the Courier, certainly failed t, submit his article on John Holt to the democratic cential com. mit'ee before publishing it. Had he done o it would never have appeared in the shape it did. but a. it haL been made public, we propose to diso, a point that will doubtless be of interest to the taxpayers. The Courier, spek ing of Mr. Holt, sys: His considerasle wealth enables him to give whatever bond may be nees ary in his office without appealing to any Individual or et of intlvidumls to h "me responsible to the county for him, thereby plaisln himself i.nder no obligations to them n hib official erpaeity. He can deposit certidfote check. for the amount of the penalty is neces ary. Thbe bond referred to ie in the neigh borbood of $123,000. In view of this fact sad the foregoing ºtatement of the Courier, the question naturally arlses: What does a man "of conald erable wealth" atlively engaged In a busnloes that necessltatre his absence from the city at least half of the year and who can, tI aecesary, put up $125,000 in certif'd checks, want of io omaie that is purely elerieal in i1w duties and legally pays at the outilde not more than $2.00 a year????? Is it reasonable to suppose that a man who has such regal command of money. and whose time is so occupied to larpe sad proftable dea,le,s msekn this eaes for the purpose of taking his place at the desk daily, and serv Ing the taxpayer. as th. law contem plates and requirel????? Thee are pertioent qeesstloe a. should receive the crefbt enoslders tion of every voter. It Is bed enough tbht Mr. Holt's ceadld~ey should In. dicate a contlnuance of the system of dolng work by deputy with which the county, and partleolarly this ngce,bas long been cursed, but It Is worse that It abould Indicate so openly that nrder certaIo conditlons the ,moe is worth more tbshan tbs law tpulates it shall be worth. We venture to say that there l4 no business hose oIn Moo. tana that could pecure Mr. Holt's eo tire time and busine4 ability fr twoce $2,500 a year, and yet if the sal ary of treasurer was $10,000 Instead of $2,500 a year. be could not he more sollcitous of being elected. Let the voters bear thls in mind on elect!on day. Pat Killel lsee d. SAN FRANCIsCO. Sept. 11.-At the Golden Gate Athletlc olub toalghbt, in a fight to a finlsh, Queeabury rule*, Joe McAnllfl, ezshalmpion hbtvy weight of tbe Pacifl c nast. gained a victory over Pat Killen, bheavy weight champion of the noeb. west, In seven rounds. The punishb met was ilgnot on both sides and mucb mtolebpent wee expressmed at IJe quick terminatiou. In the seveth romund MoAulltl rushed Killeo to the rupee and the latter went down still boldlne the ropee. In this positlon MoAuli gave him an upper out which set him to gera for ten sae ends uad the ight was awarded to Mo. Aollib, though Kills''s tlMoad edmmed a fbwl. MoAuellf tought at 0a pnad sand Killsea at IN. A OOOD NAI OOU,. CeagvesnminUl umet OC.. t *rew Yor, JolsL the Slest Mtjorty. NZw YOBK, Hept. lO.-Congrei mau Suoset Cox died at 8:30 o'clook tbis morning. The n*d ws quiet sad the dying nan brestbed his loat a pMaceo fully N If fhlllng lnto a Ulht slop. Mr. Cox, who bed amreely been away from her hsband's bedside for th pot two days sad sighrs, held his left bhad. while hbl old hiead D.gwl Tayle hld lothhe. He bad be sesnlom all day Ul aboat a quarer ofea hw r beh Atshe ea Dr. Lek wed wu lmsaMMdes at te teL lr. OW eeI" vitimUo wai aht the -hr etries vwheep aabMsed be P Wegl 'm thm . N maMesm .w g.esh 4 GA mEsm, "e ne s I dnk t bma bs a ft Learmk ___ thL gs whlo D. ~ Laram war talking to him, Cox made non,,. witty remark wbich completely ur.. t the doctor's dignity. Late in tb. aftirnoon trde~jrsmgs were ee.rt t'('eii's thre, sister,., two of whta eI~ v- le Zan~sville, Ohio, and the oth. r ao Ft. Louis. Col's zuphew, who is rpe.Ir. iotendent of tbe iImtijwe jala iem:;i tu'., was also te.ietrsi.hed for. D%. Lrw* wooud eald uIjr aezaudiae'e ra:at of delth Wa. beart fal urc and the cauo e pdritonlt s. 'l"-'tirateu. we-re went to the rrrgeant-kl.drgue of thr bouur of repreurntatlv.J,'e. J .e. m, and ti Speaiker Carliie.. We repudiate the alregtbeela That the ieuau oclc p~rty nFavor free trade.-Uearentlr P rm adopted at Auaaroda. THE bE'OCaARuC PASTY Ii A PREgE TARAD PARTY OK IT u % NOTHRIG. Heai watte,.... Is the LoaI.OavIJCelrl.F Jemlaml. Clear u Mud. Tbe Courier attempts io its last ssue to give instructions to the voter In re gard to the Aus relian -ye em sad as usual, whenever a de t oite mstate ment Is desired, a fat fahilure i. the re sult. We auk our reader. if asentence could be more cart fully framed to eon. fuse than thie: The names who you desire to vote, you will, with a lead pencil, which you will find in Ihe b wt b, plano a cross mark opposite, sad so you will oontiaue throughout the whole tieket. The remaluaer of the instructions are on a per with the above, but one specimen brick Is ene ugh. The con cluding paragiaph, horever, intimat iog so it does a lak of confidence iu the body of the article, is appended: The careful tending of tbe above will. we thik, enable the voter to get his ticket In the box, and in on doing vote for the men of his choice. Possibly, but we doubt it very much. We aver Ue fUll and aunIAmLed of sllver as of pid.-Tbe. Rem 1 DemaemFa 3tlferm of ime0. I RRICEom aDrD Tea º'/RCmlaIO OI TUW cOMPULOUst OInAGo OF aL VER DOLLARS.-PresMed Osern. Cewm A I.u his Amameu MeNssage a IS1. Whe Ow.. the m ta ALmes4 Who own the land ao the Unhtd 8tstml Why. the eitiss do, or should. would bet natural rey. Bt unfortunately itt is not alt so Sone of the best lads in th ouon are owned by ell.s leadIear 8,arly 000,000 aes of d ln ownJ by men who owe aDedmes to otLe . mets. To b,.msd tusm am 5Z 7950 are d hind uder tis diret control and mnageont of thirty foreign individuals or on There are 3,730,10 mased of l Mmaachuseus, so that the men tiing in other countries and owing ali. giance to other powers own ad enough to nmake about tean srets Mauachusettua-nmo than the wbhole of New iCEgland more land than some governments own to support a icing. The larget amount of lad owned by ay oneman or oorpomratlo is owned by a foreign corporation called the Hiolland Land eumpany. Talk about alien land holders in Ir and!l There ºi twice as much land owned ly aliens In the United 8tatus as there is ownled by Englishmen in Ieland. Think of it. More than 3S 00,ouW acres of land owned by me in Europe I-American Citizen. %... U omen's Staring EyeI We all know who Uudd niu.chief for idle hands to do, but nobody has ever aid anything about inquisitive brains or staring eyes. My friend. the in quisitive woman, is without exception the most objectionable creature of summer life: she opens her eyen in the morning with a determination to let them look at her neighbors. and when she close them at night she is certain LhAt they have stared so thUt they will in future recognie any gown. are ao quainted with the size of ihoe and glove worn by every woiman. know exctly who has wine for dinler and impertently glared at every human bing as if looking for the niMinft link. I never ee this specinmen that I don't want to get out my purs and offer her a nickel to put in the dlot that she may get an opera l;Iar.s to im prov her vsion. She itb l ilnest an elderly girl or a young Ima:rr~l wo man who has cuitivated ill tlmper as the expens of her husband, and who begrudge to the other women any of the pleasfu of life, from a vell fit ting hoe to a supper with u jolly par ty.-Denver Republican. A~erm Omalns. Prsident of the Board of Aldermen -The special committee appumntd * ineetigate the recent ir in the Ninthl ward will now re Aldermanm ayy (ehaisrmn) Well earr. we And that the S-«b g.r.on wu a very eh Ull 1wan w ft hbiarted an' eud a bin put at i - ank o' waher but for alsm bai which wdn'S wurw. k a ' m good at aU, an' the eommittee -. mind, oam, that hImwafer i b. at th' city be iab.seed at M wt. . I-our hours bkine *Vr7 b% Or ý_%P--h.