Newspaper Page Text
'l' 1 hAILYV J(JlIINAI. P111 Mirre Ih, En'at ton.*. Iast rern m ailll c iOsMe ....... . ......... .. .... I-,: ,I ( . I.. We.ter. l Imail chl e. ..... ......... ............. .*. ii p ll. S'lire Noi c utdlllllllv 12 1 'pearlish malt .'t.l. Mlona.v,., tWedlday l and Friday at I! . im. Tongue river maill cloi.e, .olldayt and Thi,-,. lays at N l. m. e oten a ............ .................... .... a. I.. O cllle ell.* .............. ........................ ....... . . 111 Money order rllce. ............ .................1 a1i. leglatry clo s ........... .................... .......... . 111. Jno. McA'Cl.tANn. F M. sortberm Parifi Time Table. LKTAV MILIS CITY M0uNO WET. No. I. Parlie Expre........................I:...U r. s 18. Elzpres* Freight........................ 'I6 £ X. i. Freight.......................................l:2! A. M LAVEY MII.E CITY il)lINO IAS o,. . AtlanticL Iorre.................. .:t1 A. N. " 16. Ipressl Freight......................... A. N. '* Freight................................. 1:4 . . Ulifrial birrertn. FEDERAL DIRLETORY. UDlagate to Congreel........ Ths, II. Carterr, elenst ieerneyr...........................B. F. White Helena Secretary .........................I.. A. Walker. Helena Tevsurer........ ................reeu Preuawt, Helenkl Auditr.........................Ja. ulllllan, Helena Cilef Jutlac.... ..... ..........II. N. Blake Helena ('tephen ieWolfr Ars late Jutlc ............... M. J. Lidell STheo. . Bach. . . or . e.neral............l~Ha j. H. (reene, Helena L.l toadest of Pubtlic Instruction........... .............................. A. C. . Lona, Helena OU. . Marshal.ý.........................eo. Irvine. Bulltt. tellector 11. A. Interinal Revenue.......James .hlelhly elgister O N. Land of11ce.....A. Grover, Nile (City Recevlrr P. I. Land ' tlae..Atlrain Hall, Mile (:liy .'OUNT' OFFICERP. Councll an ................................. (. R. Middluetuon MeIbenuf the liouse .............. I ,lt;l JIi dberifl ........ .................h........ .......Th . H. Irvulll Treasurer .......................................t. H. LMerrill Clerk and IRecorder ........................1. CI. Dear lDeputy .erk of Illstricl l' s M Fatlan udilgeof Prohl.... ..................... . M. <chlwarta .ounty Attorney........................... . A. Hllrlriih IArsesor........................................T. J. Thuomuln.on earveyor... .. ........................ P. H. Ilarri.on Coroer........................................... . Jilvrusage Cou.ty Physician .................. . r. R. . KItlil 4uperintdent of i. In.LIaCuolpy PublMe Administratur.........................J. II. Wa:r. (I.. A. IIHilanu ?emmissioner ...........................` 1:. W . Atleitmo I er. 'cheIts MILE' ('7 Y TI"*W."1111'. tice of the Pace..................... Win. . Iirtte SA. ThM rllV.J. J(Ma tableF ...... .. ... .. ............. .. an ('ORPORATION OF MILES CITI. Mayer................................. ....R. ... Redd City Attorney.......................W. A. .urlei.,h. r Olerk................. ......... . . , .or,l'un lre aurer...... ................................. . . W It.. Chelf of Pollee ................. .....I). N. I,ay!ord Police agitat........................................... II Ko. A LIIElllN. First Ward-H. Moran. Ed (C'lnlupll. Second War.l-1. '. Calle lan, uis Barli. LOCAL ITEMS. Patil R'me t '=-,ght. Smoke tha Phni,,x elitr. " Fall sty . ,of K-no hats atO)rsCIel's.' The rei..aIry showed 6'2N OnaUtu rys terday afterlnlll. Bdilar. has some fine old port and sherry for fam'ly use. * Jepp Ryan left f r hi~ ranch on the Musmelabell loat nihrt. Margery Dw to-nilht. Pasture withl running water. For terms apply to LKIOHTOx &JoDAN.* Several bhate were ht on the repre sentative rece, estetrdav. Birkle & Truecott were hayiog stook ear at the yards yesterday. Patti Roe to-niabt. Astle A McDonald have received two mew rige from St. Paul. Mrs. Sam Matthewsd parted for the east yesterday on a pleasure trip. Margery Daw to-night. (Go. Grin bet Lute Dear his mus tache tbat (arter would he elected. GOe. Cutler was In the city yeater. dif from bit reaeh on Tongue river. John Kostalak received word yeater. dy of the death of his brother at ,t. Paul. D. J. White left for the Bow ead Arrow ranch on north Sunday oreek yesterday. C. H. Coleman, eigar manufacturer of Milwaukte, arrived in town Wed sdasy night. Patti Rsa to.nlght. A bet on the election was made yes terday that Torn Carter would reoeive 3,o0O mjnrlity. Miles, Itrevell & Ulmer report the sale f a good many coal stove during this obilly snap. Louis Bachb reuived a carload of the Origal Budweiser beer yesterday, straight from St. Louis. Margery Daw to-night. hs aby w ak, we gave bhr Otorai , Wes sews a CthW, she arsd faor Oautia, Whim d became IU, Ih e lm o Caneris, Whims A hid emse ,egave oam oiuuorI Kr.Job. Worstpeter left fr Hiera, Dakoa, yeotrdal, to visit relatives and upead the wlnter li our siutertsate. A Oblee.o and Grand Trunk box Swas sees on the eat bound freight pteluer. Quite a way freem boe. SAMS WOB SALl. I will be n Miles City, Mnetana, on o about the 16th of ispt mlbsr, with I tS e No emg Nnae, Ieof Addlson Co., Veratent. Thene wlV~,ill:&o tr jur.1154P will dli well I') Wait Inr 111,. I). S.'I' ofIT("IIF 1.rt. w Wp% hrdrrm , \'t. I o WI I. .i~llit £ac I 1inL, trlrt ,ee0't""I II~r. U1:i1 the illy yea'rntsy. 1,-all d for 'i', .Jci411 Ii I. -ich. I' \. ,%eydl, '.1~ it'?w4'rdfl g r fit d 1: 1 11, . returlr dl~r n to tlrrr it h 141 1i' Ibowl tIi" tacl rv. 1 ls-ll ''lI4 n-tt a er il~lf lc b''a I itt-. ilt t" "c '.T " 41'11C. Idt. ll'I P'u :t;,'o.tV; !I' *wi It, . 1I Il lilh. 1! 1.1 I1. f''rm(l o a Mliii o a ntIig hI ts, Ir. The. 1i.. ,f 14eal+ for Pa~tti fl..1 IN veiY Lu"'' , 11444 if any git 0l aet11 are wt-ni. 41 till y imust be i~ricuredt ituii.. Ii-'alolieihu:g & \'411(; likenu it ve not a, yet ttic.I'-d N4etkintr that large (1byS ako. Iem11ui1aiii... f thie blond 041oteiiPas Mr'a ii? .i.£,l.t!111 Ill I ju NI4Ni4Ii~. Ho' aur.'l1 :,rIl1"e 1.tiritlc- I Ith lloo i, and Ile 1411 "'.vtI .echtieg ral.. at Kelly'. Crlttr oel 'e-.':ier'eht on1 N'Vt~clteeicty it .11 I~o *ie.ii. r dll.t ti.i fior elezen and 11.2 utlelr Ihr. edii z,-tt a14 thiree. Iturll.1 Iran. mnl .exti~ntl trip lio the f"te.0riIIn fa 4 it of th"rritnry. howr iv. & Haztv%, -l. rv ~. I he I'hei *'ne sc *nu I . l.,II,. tit 1 'I per wall oin. '11114 I - a ity Im uutraltewl. * ("-1. J. J. Hi'knianz'. Lecture at the IRanlii C'lllrh l.-t night we' lisioned to by a Imrare audlencc·. He wil leo tile a ..lo t -nlight pt R o'clock. EIvery body Invited to atltenl. A Woidler fell under noneof the beavy government wagonn at the encamp ment a few days ago, and hi. leg was baroken. (&angrueaet In and resulted fstsly. He wo burledatthe eancmp. ment. until .toa tongllht. Ed Arnold, at the last meeting of the Building aenciatlion, recoived the I-an of $1200, for which he will pay 13 per cent. ner annum. Prom all app.eranee huilding ton MI4e City li not entirely duad. Johln Knrtelik. the Miles City igalr man, returned from a buslness trip to Forsyth and Rosebud. Mr. Kastelak think. that In a short time those t~wns will be using bli brands of oigars exclusively. Manager Tully is negotiating with contraetAre fr the ceiling of the Rink Opera House half way beck, so as to make our place of amusement more pleasant in the winter time, and also to improve the sound. T. J. Thonmpsn went west lIst night as far as Forsyth ti, attend to some as. eealog. and nrlecntally to look after his fences which are a trifle out of re pair, admittlng~.f the treapatong of republicans no bhi domaDn. Margery Daw to-ight. Mr. Frank Hill, deputy sheriff of Gallatin eounty, ls in tbe city with the neeeary papers to asm theb r,. leaIe or Morgan, the man who so skil fully broke into CielanI & Wylie's saloon last week. Mr. Hill claims the v prisoner for an of of a like ohar mcter, committed In Boseman about a month ago. S.tter Lit. The following letters remain un Miled for in the Miles City, M. T., 3 postoflee, September 12, 1880: Brown. Ed L L,.ey, Fred Clark., Jerome (2) Lippold, Henry I Co-nb, M C Leitner. W.m Collins, Mumm, P H Conrad, L Mulluy. M H Folts. Wm Otey, E 8 Gifford, A Stewart, Alex Gustoflon, Frank Tbl*ean, August Hackney, Joe Taylor, J Jonoson,J M Perons calling for the above letters will pleas say they are advertsed. JoHs MoAusmtrD. P. M. At the rledena. of J. W. Str.ll last evening was attended with the greet eot suoess of all lehureh sooal.. The. programme was well arrapgd and eared out. Mr. and Mrs. tnrevfl did their bet that all abould enjoy themeelves and may well fee satised s with the result. Mr. Allerton anad Miss Lottie Allertoo, Miss Laura Brown and Mia Ealow have nhe Sthanks of those present hr their auls tenes, the Alertona emadsrlg several eleotluse on the banos, ad Mis * Brown and Miss nlowenaetUol and res4nla. BReshmbset weo sarwed at a late hour, after whlok the om pany departed br boese,aateisa with e having spelmto of the amss plasmtat .-prnflni p'eriele. A i'a*l 11(ag ftii'*i@ eaf the. ".a~gal were alsa lar"ural., which wee e.( a r thet- aaldl f ( all p-a grcwma, withl..tla al-tna t~enetI ,fA't a' lhi4.! so, 1.1a11 eat Floo-, l'a' fe *- 11 l. CC CI. fi l I N tt Iv ' Vatial Iilftri tLaraaii -ea... la,'a i*, fere a. fiat., assaiwai~te't i(a.(saa% 1" I"." ua'-t Ia'... haiti to lie .kaalli.',', I:vr ta'aA Ial ."1 'l-, * 1Ie *ezltlan Hllet -ii.- ialat-t.., :anIdi aur'laei halItual Tea lle,.ia it 1134y I aeaaee-a 'r'h l.NeYk.e t, ( i'. JI(UaaaU.'e will, via til f~ii rtl.'r neat " , lie 'n 011 Ct' tilt. J''II!a Nat! leac I a.k a' Y'ib.3"City, wle.-ra' lle'feeal eat all eepae~e : C(4uDIJ cnll hea rutetle. k'Yertia' knowinug tiieau Is Il~e iyt~ial I·C. pit-he ..C tI1-,. 1., ilf,'lea the eaavetlle GcI he. ju , rai' will t..eaue ,,e l ci S Ce Cll a'iII I.geet." ii,., CI.,,,rla CC~e.. Ie Cln',a I hurial of nd Its C Ca'- Cail Tau..5Ca I'll,, dual tqwIU ~l*·~t. ·n~(*rrrulllir is (s .e gra ndl111, 1"t.." .11*-·)0( of rig." 7", the·l: Cen sllr ,s,?. 'I.,.1 1:e.1u p I, It. ef, l t, e raf.. Cl.,&, c .,,'jva chly -'esa'- liu i f,.ý w~ .. ene. r ae,, ad Is. Clru'-il.d willl, c ~l.' lil 'a cfclllfC~l ili. l e.i: l~~l sCI. C *l icai Ittir.ih, Cl'.N h ,,Isie T he (a.,,, ais eal ofI '.5 -, .pis l',Ih.a" e ICC-I ec15,( I NC - teany ,fcwea -'I.-., I're '"-e,c t. rnv sat f 4.,.?, or. -C.u ,'i p 'e, .C .,' -. ao~ I.ea'- if,, em fi~ rth IIIl..e tru-Ib wi-aaathf :, fl,n-e. 'fs a-'iuh. \,a" %rf,,a.+,c Dyspepsia Aoe anot get wl o.f ite.*, I it requires carefu` ýer, itent attention cud s ra.-Mndy thlat will asslt lature to throw .if tilie c.aUneIi a ond ins tup the ,:Rs*etive ..rgains till they 3.erf..rni their duties a llingly. Amiiniig the agzonies ixperlteneld by thie dy.peptlc, are distrea. Iief,,re or after eating, loss if appetite.I rr.eeIglaritiea if the lIela. wind ^r ,as and patin In I th, atll.sli, Ihrant-burn. soul ittfltthete..c.ui(ni1 ,I enItail deprem.sslu nervos' irritability and .Ireele.r net. I yuen are dim' 'ourageet is oi I. cl I hleer and try Hood's 651 .parilia. It has. ured hundreda, it wlI eureyJs. Hood's Sarsaparilla gold byll daltrttggi'ts. $i; six for 5 Made Duly by C. 1. 11001) & CW., Lowell, Msai. 10O Doses One Dollar wef Combines the uice of the Blue lPi o California, so laxative and autriuous, witk the medicinal virtues of plants eauwa to be most bene6cial to the human system, forming the ON LY PER. FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the lIDllEI, LITER LID BOW1h Clam thSystem Effesall, - N esNA - PURE BLOOD. REFRESHINO SLEEP. HEALTH and STRENOTH Jlaturally follow. Every one is using and all are delFghted with It. Ask yor druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Mas. factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.. Sas Vmrsaco, CL.. imunj.ia. LKt Nw Yeas. N V MARKET REPORTS -0 earalkshed py Imadtembaerg & Van liUe.kem. Deasert In 1rrk mad ait Mlms, Pr.due, Wi e., 3Its. MEATs. Reef steak, per pound...ll6d12. cents Rq'. bewf, ". ' ... (,124 Wilinr be~f, " " ... 0f 7 Corned beef, " ... 8 " Mutton, " " ...10ý12 " Veal " " ...1016 Fresh pork, " " 16 " Malt pork, " " ...1012j " Baoo, " " ...10lO 6 " Heef, per side................. 6 " Fresh alb, per pound...~l 8 cenot Malt Fish, " " ...0@12 Rnhob butter, per pouud.._ S0 aents Eastero creamery. " ._1 6 6 Fresh eggs, per 6 0. B. TOWERS & 00. For John Gibbs' Carbon Hill Coal Lev orders at Smith & Ha.yn. sad ( apt. al mons. W4 deanr' e.zpsdien In the bueinese in Mlii City, with larger sale. of coal than all wompetitoe combleod should be a inarant.s of satksheioe. With And the Kaam o. s. operattng the Deliver departmeSl, we alw!e. rg Mthe on time. IOR H GIBl38. w Id frihIiAýifl PURE prPRICe~ DRU thv t y t 'nited Atnttq (wcrin,,r*,tn Pndwud hv thi head-irw the (:rent r'nivtr-r.: ""d .1nallt, . r, "t.t . ·-t ' P..rr4t :i t l t II.n lt:lIihftltb ti Jr Prier4 Cr 'w'I.r *rt'*%ii t ciiiai'iAir . .iineor Alum,. Ur I'ru 'Ir Ii-iciuuw I-at',rit ý.I, 1,uo , r tý.. m t. r I aui uutetc., d- tlJ trtainitz ~ uv, i l ' or CUji t ". r I. i 7RICE BAKING POWDER CO.. Ner York. Chicago. "t.Louts. WESTERVELT'S MEAT MARKET, Main St., Corner of 6th. Uin'ler tli" I".r~,n*l Y.ullrvi-irr. of GEORGE REITZ and ,tcelk -'i ' oon,. n (!a% R, rnini till, ;:atuiidly night w th the CHOICEST DELICA.IES IN MARKET. Part (.ul.r at:.enlltt pld to famuily tra.te. Why Freeze or Starve When Garland Stoves and Ranges Can be had at the same price as the counterfeits. We are showing ame new Styles of Stoves which are file. Prices Lower Than Ever. MILES, STREVELL & ULMER. TI! CilTS AL ?AllA I ALFRED' WARD, Prop. eBtea Ieul lhrt fr Geatla Ererythiug irt lan. Jim Me.anny hehiblnd the bar and will be glad to see all tIs cow boy friends. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. Cerser of stakth d Mala stesets Mika I1oy Rink Opera House F. E. TULLY, 3anager The Event ofthe Season. For one night, FRIDAY, t3EPTEM BER lath. First aplparauoe to Mon tani of the charming comedienone, PATTI ROSA Who will preaut her musical com edy by Tom Craven, entitled Marge __aw, Ioeldeotal to the play, Patti Rom and company will intrnduoe 1ongs, Daoes, Due*ta. Trlca,Med. leys,BeanJ nSoln, et*. Act 1.-Receptioe Room at trnqmyd Manor. Act II.--reabfast Room at Stertroyd Manor. Act Ill.-Exterior of the Woot Gable, Iternroyd Manor. Asm. or se bsgies l pt. 7th at asal pbe. SIrri & lITHES' MODEL #iGROCERY We mke. a .psewtl of p~cwc pollml Fier MdyGnnflas Kmp ..tbiml brLh rbl mmd ryg inbui La ·n Il, u marr mal 'ml s d l .*r m61'rrcr EI. / *', "HUrNau I-KIN" I. a Im.N Ili. lerial In tlw IIatihU'NEP~urr 1-1 gal LI " .hot.. 11 I- a 1i *I 11.1g olil r r .I_.. .,n'.-. aMid III X(Yl oil Mie er kIa.Ihrr eu plealelslty awl iu1Nhhelty. We lhair them In the Bu re & Pa."knrel K.rre. t 0. B. TOWERS & 00. w..4tIOIt r a will sln s IIFru wlbk ~rUwU Subt *the batameg r ..I .ýwb /tN11myti.M... I. tM Don't pou Your Feet by Wearing Creap iboe.. TM Dust ! Psukaid N.. .. maiN rm mlo eh Is. eN. tIbeq m.u e It is AU Myb. Is Eamluuie. Umd-web ad Daft. wk{s and m T~ahW. If ae... br ~Saa dub mlr am l sidem Is ?aebrdhi wbuthc iUU''FPATRr'I7ZN(l ise. OSO vi's sta Msota% MRB OCITY IRON PUMP WORKS -E:Z:E:Z':Zp . ::Z:/:,:z- B. ULLIAN. Proprietor J. I. BUCKNER, ConsnIting Engineer. TRAHERN POMPS Tb, .'o."w't STOCK PUMPS "7:.iw'-,P. RUBER HOSE. ý.." PROSPECTNaSrd Lbi ReS . PROSPECTNGrTOOLS.,.:l'.'..." BIRKLE & TRUSCOTT Winllt-ule and Retail de*Il.r& in -CPOI('E - FAIIY GBOCERIES New good CH, em* tly arriving and EVERYITINS FIESI. We handle the largest and mm varied assortment of In the eity. We respectfully soliclt an it-ereesm. patronae,. pledgiolg ourelves to ae he I..t stlemfateon. GENERAL. AGENCY -OF TlHE Louisiana state GREAT FALLB, MONT. The Monthly Drawlng forAuguot. Captal Prue,800,000 Occurs Ot. 16th. mnr Ws---Mn cam. Address by ordlnary letter enotaia Ing money orders Iu.ed by expres eompaiesu. zexhange, draft or pntal note, or for ticket.. elreolar and all InformJatoon, JOHN RENNKR, Or a Falls, Most Address regIstered letteroontlniag eurreoew to First Natiotal Bank,. OGr Falls, i. T. LIFE RENEWERI ae MAMA *7. cme A 14 QI( Ylkr OB G smirt%: Y WaS rwm Ui. 'uuk