Newspaper Page Text
THE DAIIY JOURNAL. KR"IA BI.IbHWDl 1%NI. tVIK.F, CITY. MONTANA. Therdilu o' I 4K tFLl.]H-l 1 ' JuL:.NAL li, r.. ion i.,, tor .,V it thu ou tn itur0 or Otti rant, t ll , toiyrure ;.. I I,' t ,. r tl I isE .L Tl J.' vill "l t, l ll :Lt,, I I ti bol. the titilira, I Iii di .1,1 prii;ii .. iit A I tert ti lg,' l f .wlt , i I iit . - 1 i it't Ii Ii tereu titv.inI . . b I , I .9 II I ILi I '''t- . . . 11 Su iI 11 L . Tht J i.av, Sepr:'rt ' t: . t Il) t\ II.I I I I ''1Fo 1 i. t l'*. I . L 1 I . .1 ( i I, WHI.M \ \* 11. Ii Ei . .1 of~~ \- '-·I t .11-1·.e. W. IJ . N \. N, o - i Gl . For District Judge, W. A. BURLEIGH. For Clerk of D)itrlrt Court, C. W. HEYDE. For S.ate Senator, WxV. FERDOi. For State Repreaenlativee, C. H. LOUD, HUGH MORAN, For Sheriff, ED. JONES. For Treaurer, W. E. SAVAGE. For Clehk antd R.order, A. H. SWERDFIGER. For, I'HARLE8 II. TABER. For County Attorney, W. H. ROs. For Paub Ie A dutinltrator, A. D. M,'Al'r.LAND). For Suplt. of Pu('bli Ill tructionl, LO'I.A ('()OLEIY. For ( 'nr< In r. ('HAHILI. YOUNI' F Pr ('ou .ill ' r vor, F ' P. 11. IIAlltIS,,N. For (to ." (' u', nlionle-4, W. N. I *. L\NEs. .II1.E: (I1 T.Mll.N11HI. F r ,Iust. e-..4 of the P-.Pce, NATHAN H(x'KEI'T. JOHN GIBHBS. F,,r ('nw I). N. (.AYLORtD, C. E. WOOD. A ýcII· SI'uE :ýI\ N who ba+ been in Mont tua le-e than a year, call Wooley' R.ncbh and Wilder's Land ing old rtplIIliean cli'·-t fut4." Tnu: ('ount r tak. upon :ttelf the ridiculing tof Mr. Ferdon'a speech, do hlvered behorH the ioerple of Mills (lty on Munday uoight. Perhaps Mr. Fer don's optisent, I)r. ltedil, will take the platf.rut mil su givi * Ilk1 views on tht e1uo.u of tlie c(tl,:Iiaig. If he am rue- too h- u Iojviºotor, hie certainly -I11t. t to her able to do this. We intue fI Il'e ami our relucnlt. t), cif tihe Irr-ir r . . of Mon (t i.a *I. ,11 i e..Itli.Ihi jit oif a Iureau e f liu u a I, 1 .-J tiPlena Journal. ' .he rI. ui li i" l latformn of 1 8, whihi nomiiIte ri Ton ('irter, anld on whie'h hlie tnood III that e-uitlmaigui had ertij ldled in it ii. ,lank, and the Inlmledit". cr.dlit ,f it is due to Chap. W. Meyede, our cetlidate for clerk of court, who.,. a d Ilegate to the eiouven - Ilon and mei,,mer of the conimittee on resolutions, Intruouced this resolution to the considerat.onr of the committee. ROME PL NiKW FROM OUR PLATFORM, While we we welcome to our moun talos and valleys all honest Immigrants who are willing to as-umr the reponel blitetis and discbhrge the duties of American citisen., yet, we urge upon our senators and repreentativese in cougress to use all their influence il so modifylong our ihmigratioo laws as to prevent the influx of criminal and pauper claaume of Europe, who become a menace to our public institutions and a burd4i to the honest Industries of our country. We pledge those who shall represent a In the oongrese of the United 8tates to n:a'nt iin as staiu her I of vtdlue the Spre i,us uleia'm tlhat Ihavu, Ii n rect g aizred eat M.utrk Irflow 1ith L.tgnaamit.g Lf Nt re' gnip. th'"t til- wielfare of Ii'i txisIlaiU e!uI"- Oil WOWt., !-alul and W e*t. (I. I· . 1. 11.. I v lc I.? ~ *i j it\'m II I. : r 1. I1,1 1eti r II" tlic 1. ! ' 1 L . 'r ci , .1a . _p tir· t a il.lrru " !1." it~ tl , I 1 rI t_ !11 1 t J 1, uut'. , \\ t · ·II- ·I tiiti 1 i, .I 1 '1,I r. i I rh ' -U n i : 'cI ... .r\ \\ t :1 1.,11 111) 1, 1 T ,,. . 11ý .f '"I.\ ' ; 1) 1 1 I1 W t- a-'. nr -u, It '-it 1)l 1 1'1-! 1 -cc ;I I !- ..\ i~I c I 'it r etcul lit ,' 'c I ~ t%* , Ill- I. I I~ In 1.1? rat' I I.I ,1, 1'I :r a.i ti Icl, P:u 11 .1c - iiit'n \% c.Ic i 'I aI~ rvhl In 1 i: ei' v c1 - W c vI it II ccii -cual! M~idi rti - iv- *tlai,\' - " c t l -tc I 11n t-\1 rticcnr f.r the r, tac l ii -it 111- l Ii Im dli cIn r. -' r\' 11 .nl- cl. Nit),, it toI liii. ci cc ic-Il lt,:' 1 "t'.,_ ...V 1 ccu II ' Ic r T c c-c cl, r.l 1:1 'I 1ij.. I i'L . II - .i I .. I . ! !,, j I I ' .. ..... ... .. !. , . , 1, 11 1, ' ' I," ah II S i . I, ., 1 . '',,2 2 IN. 'CI l II'I . I: I It I I I , ' i . ,. - I: i ' N)ll)l l' ' ' :1 1 I ,e I I,.iar ld to ''itI I. :11 )')VP< I : li'~I I l i f- I , V I'" V r "* . eh:it Ih I .e-entI I with the proper evi i jl" , .. THE CRANES' ISLAND HOME. A Great Nesting Place for Them oa a Iland of the Georgia Coast. Visitors to Daufuski0 Island during the summer tell of the roosting and brooding places of the cranes on the island. Storks, cranes and bitterns spend the day along the estuaries of the seacoast and wade and fly over the miles and miles of salt marshes. Along about 4 o'clock in the afternoon they begin to collect in the matted shrubbery and undergrowth of Dau fuskie Island for the mnight They fly singly, by pairs, and in flocks ranging from twenty-tive to fifty. A gentleman who was marooning oh the island a few days ago said that he was ignorant of the habits of the sea fowl. and one evening. near twi light, he was returning to his quar ter and when passing near a dense thicket lie heard a great chattering, and mnalny of the voices sounded like that of humans. CResting on his gun he listened attentively, and flially camne to the c,oncluslui that it was a colony of cranes. lie threw a stick into the thicket, when, with a wild shriek and screech, sote 4(00 or 5o0 cratnes 1iw out, circule about a while, :and haviing recove.r.d from their friht. twithd down again front sight. still keeping up their chatter and clat tcr. C'.pt. \W. J. Thomnpson says the crane. find iin the denlc ulndernr\wthli of some I,:ts of the island a si,'cure and 'alio.t unapproa hable retreat from intrusion, and there they lay their eggs and :ear their bruods of 'ouung. Few l., ple have the temter ity to invade tl.u thick, t to disturb eggs or young bnrds, for it is not only a hotie for t.e cranes, but a paradise for rattlers and nIw Icasins, which are the only leineiejs which make much headway agnianst thectranes. It is said, hoWever, that olio( or two huniliers ago a daring hunlter, with dilliculty, forced an entrance into the thiciket and carried off three barrels of eggs, for which he found a readly market in Savantiah at the price of hlens' eggs, for which lie sold them, but as the eggs are highly prized by epicures, lihe might have Imoure than quadrupled his mioney if lie had shlipled them north. ThIe experiei:ce was so perilous anid dillicult, 'ever, that no one has veiitur d iiita the thickets to disturb the nests since. lefore leaving the Iln,t thie parent birds bring them bsmll lish, often from a grtat distance, and feed the young, and a hunter wh.o shut a cranu on the island said thit sh1 had nearly two hundrzd simall ,, in her i Much. A\s the young gr1ow older, ar'rer fish are caughlt by te pIarenit birds, which arc carrewd in bills, and the liish eal' the flight of the Kstork IIn crane, idl often Iur sues, forces thu frighten' ,I bird to drop the prey, and, w ith unerris g descent, the lish eagle catchl s thp /, hi b.efore it reaches theu atcr or the guund. The cranes go further south on the approach of cold weat her, but if the winter is an open and mild one they do not all migrate, and their tall forms and no(,w white pilumage are often seen in winter throughi the herb age of the marshes like a pscture. The crane is pursued vigoroualy by the hunter, who linds a ready market for the plumage, as the snow white feathers are popular with the women of fashion, and plumage dealers in New York have hunters regularly employed at a salary in the month Florida and along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the peninsula, and all through the almost impenetrable la goons and bayous of the Everglades, who keep up the warfare on the birds of pluma~ge and song all through the winter, and this fact lies led to the tation of the question whether a d law should not be passed to pun by .tines and penalties all who are wChVcted of asBom Telibli.-s ilog1 those' whlich are edible. A SnIow W gs fleehelor Sparrow. At Twelfth anid Oxford stlicet, four groups of iaiterested sigIhtioerM stood upou the four separitte ooruers initA~lrt ly wautciing the anitics of a stiow white Eniglish sparrow, Which aeinicd to Ile a malt of kiIIg amligon its sIoberCr coated fel~lows, demanlLlding l nlul Irc C'I'iVIiIl fromI tht~lrl an looourlllt of llo tlii. :11 it d' . t· u 1 1 ;11 '.,Ir; IIr } Ilr ý I ý I II.ý ' .. It li il t " . I .1 : 1ll it o ,, ., ' 1\t InI~ I I IIt ii6 'r ' I . I , . , I ll t l . ý ' ' ; p ''pII ,IItIIl nu liii IU" I a\ .." I 1, ! I~ I. t t, II I. - .1 i\I -. fu I,! ,u Ii.. : , K. ... ,t 11" ag. } 1- I ' I. . ¾ II that. 0FOR Custer County, Montana. FUR TIlE (,CONSITITTION. AGAINST THE 4'ONSTITI'TION. -* Eaor Re.resentative In 'earins Thouas H. Carter, Martnl Magiunis. For Governor. Thomas C. Power. Joseph K. Toole. For Lieutenant Governor, John B. R"kards. John II, Conrad. For M.cretary of Mstte, Louis Rotwitt. Joseph A. Browne. For state Treasurer, Richard 0. llickman. Jerry Collins. For Mtate Auditor. Edwin A. Kanuuvy. Thomas G. Fitzgerald. For Attorney G.,sieral. Henri J. Haskell. William Y Pemberton. For M~perlntendeut of Public Instruction. John tGannon. James Rt. I:u,ell For Chief Jlustice of tihe llluprenie Court, Henry 7i. Blake. tephenl DeWollfe. For sw :lste Juntice of Ivl rime Cou-t 7-year term. Willam II. DeWitt. Walter M. Bickford For Anociate .lu=lice of Muprreme Court -year termi. Edward N. Ilarwootd. Fransk K. Armttior.g For 'lerk of the " reome Ciourt, William .1. Ket.ndl . .;'orge F. Cope. For hi.t rict ..Ildge, Merenth .Idicial I,!atrict. W. A. lurl. igh. Gti . 1'. 'lurn for tratl' Men.lur. 1i illism frdo. 1P. t. .ldd. Fr Ierel~,t uat ivo. ('ha. IL .louwl. W''e Cmurf*-. y. I ugh M .Moran, t1. II. . I or ' ulnty i'I.i'urer. %ill E. -.%age... u.,,, . H. olt Fr ('krk of t. Di,!rict C urt. I'has, \P 'w. ., . b l .M cul, art,. For Perk slid iReer 11 r, A. II. werdl;ger., 1., ', Detar For 'h. r' ff, Ed . .I.Jotes. T. II. Irvine. For County Aiit as,,r, Chu. It. 'atier. 1 .1, Thomupot For (ou:ty ll At rny, Wm. I11. Loc. Jno. Fairteil. For lPulic A.dminisitrator, A It. McAualatd. R. (. Wear For .'.,liintendent of ' hito!s. Louia Gooley. Mrs. E. V. Lewis. For Coroner. Chas. M. Young. W. A. Goff. For County ('ommisalunerl, Walrond 1 "nell. T J. Graham. W. N . Havno,. Jepp Ryan. .1. R. McEKay. oetge Rhode. For Countty turveyor, 8. P'. If. Harrison. For Justices of the Peace. Mile, C.ty Townbib, John tilbbn A McNeil. I. Milveiman, II. Brown. For (onstables. Miles ( .ty Townshtip, D. N. Gaylord. .John uilth. ('. E. Wood. Sam Thurman. For .luatiloe of the PerCe, Forsyth Township, C. F. nmith. I'. (C ates. IFor (oralablIes, Forsyth Township. J. II. Kroeally, .las. Iliaml in For .1Justieo the of Ilie T(race, Itisibud 'lowoship, E. S. ietuven, ior ( ntla le. It at I ,ud i ii liship. I.. WV. King. rI rrltory of Moiten, ('ounty I.f ('ilter, - I, l. C, itear, I unltv ('lrl k sII, ex-oitl t', l t'( t dir. cI n ti, r rilI ,ilty nld lerriitvry, .A_ trutly than I tI .i. ti andt o.egr* ina. i a atrlu , fill, and Co I'tct (',qIy 1l tilt. Itituuit tt.c,,f Suintr ilyn tw its Ile stea Itf i;Ii I c i tun tli 1.I 1 h I . v It , l tlutiber, A. t. t.t Il .. I 1 l .EA l, ( ' i n e) I I. rl .i | i s ' v ( :,u un., oder. EIGHTH D POMINT '· :~: ji hi ·. .111 , ant .e,,.I pr ' ~ I v.ry (u.n i, I urldy. I :I .·'1 en'' I i .nlsh w l. " rc Iv;',. u.n. I i a milio a wick -;nu it vi it n the~. c t w.l~ II · I t), . I :·t a month, fii nl.tli i, -- ,?i a day. 1;,A rir :u:' tau, 1. 1 L EP I.DNEN-WP wish a few nan to sellolut ld by samiple to the wh I· ceI hnd re tal tr:?. Lari eel mnamIurn In oar ine. Esanlote ''cui stam:p. .pelr day. PermaneCnt I, A0 lt in. N IW. aIl anwefr-I. Muatianny lyan1ad t, wa , - dr er mlnt,c. CfitInean L }' V'(J (, dn. G1Idur in for ii P itcer' Cestoamp Great English Remedy '' " Murray's Specific. A pii:ii Rlttrd (tire for all Ilerroil 1uirrerr, llN h Is I.Its lIV It OtlY I o.N .,r lii I',i..~ wr1, 1,. II wlriu Ii. a.Iahr, 1'$,111 I , II,.. Ihark 1t~rl.i.. Priti .i I .II, IV . sk" I ut"+ ..I rn...t n I 1 uI r ,~ 1 ~11 .. I I11 I..ý.Itnd ·1 ,LI 'I luI'· I1.1 L;I' - oI l'R. I oltht"' .":. · ", te t We u'jklfrntco 6 Brasr?=-3 li ..n1p1'i1ý, 1..·. ;1,.. U..u11 NORTHERN lIVISION. S1 :. 1 1 ,4 l. olhl . ThRV T3J IG & CO. "?<. e * : .. : F r ic' In 1itutL, l i Eur I. .r.i t, I ,a.. CHRONIC a-d 'UR2'CL DEEASES Apphanc i 0, Ut'Un:t:e;. tsucl i ,eJtl at t~l ut ,f everyv :.rli of di a-e re, quiiring Mid'ical aid ýurgicll re.i rliat. Sixty-two new roomsl tr patittlts; bet accou. IlOu,asions West of N.e York. \Writ for illustrated lpalirn on Ik-fornlities, ('lub Feet, ( urvature of thle I1 Itl, I'ilet , 'I uiors, ('Cancer, ('atarrb, HTronchilis, nhlalltion, Electri cityl, Magnetiim. Paralgll. Epilepsy, Kid y,ll B.adder, Eye, Ear, Skin slid Blood, and al. S-urgi cal (Operations. Diseases of Women a Specialty. Book on di. eases free The only Reliable Medical and rurgical Insti tute c.aking aspecilty of Private Diseases. All blood diseases seresafully treated. Fypbl lis Poison removed front the system without Iner cury. New Restorative Trealtmnt for Loau of Vital Power. Persons unable to visit us may he treated at nome by corlespondence. All eommun lcationsconbdential. Medicines or instruments sent by mall or espress securely pucked. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult us, or send hiloryl of your case, and we will send In plain erapper our Book Free explaluing why thousauds cannot be cured of Private. Sptcial and Nervus Diseasoes, .eanilnal Weaknesr . Spermta torrhta. Impotency, ,ypbillis, touhorrhar.,Ulee Varicocele, etc., et'.) Pacie astl institute. etablished for nearly a quarter of a centu y. ('Orner of Geary and Mason ust.. an Francisco,. Cal. Di.tensry and Drur store nccupying the whole corner of block. Filrt clas rooms alld board for 30 patleft at theI anitaliumt connects i with the Liebig W orld Dispensary. Call or al tree Kansas Cily, Mo., or a Frailn eisco, (alI. NOLTBERN: PACIFII RAILROAD TRR DIRECT LINE BE¶ WEE£ SAINT PAWJ, tkhE POLIS. Or GULUTE Idtln,. Ia.lsh t,,o n Territor', And all Points lI Minnesota, Dakota, Montana, OREGON, Britil'Columbia, ruget Sound and ALASKA. NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEN BT. PAUI. and PORTLANI,. On Any (a1.s of Ticket,. EMIGRANT SLEEPERS FREE The Only All Rail Line to the YELLOWSTONE PARE P.,res. Traln8 I)aly, to wbicb'ar. attacte'* PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS AND ELEGANT DINING OARS. For foji tcrimnlor n la a to 'ime, Itaw, *6e. Addren, OhAI. S. IFE. (eo'I PssMenew A4 w , F~ar!, t" LIFE RENEWER! 1 U tmSU d If. º rl anr " nrMn tt~l11cf can 1, In NI"ýIrtvnl ttmm fl "Jllno"Rrq.ObU hnnmU m 1 o r I TEST YOU! We are now ready to take your order on cus tom made suits. That is. for people who do not desire to wear ready.m.lde garments. % To accorr medate those who are in a hurry for a suit, we have obtained, )I in connection with our New York House, an agency from one of Cbi ti SS cago's principal Mer* c chant Tailors, and are 0 thus enabled to get you a suit MADE TO ORDER r *A M IN SIX DAYS. s Our Sample Lines are the best we have ever had. Our fall stock in Men's, Boys' and Children's Ready-Made Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes is arriv. ing daily and will be complete in a few days. Call early and get the first pick. Prices lower than ever. [L Orhel Dro, GALBRAITH BROS., JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN, -Art the largest ImlprOrts uf BRITISH HORSES {s= In the world. Have Impoas iLg .- a· ~ i , tiones the number of *ab pIll Swlinlllns hores of any lIb s Iunted Sates, ao ad ve &wrl IkL for actual sale over )3Q0 IM .. CLYDESDALE, ENGLISH SME, Skfilk otPus, hI And hiekay Sm. empaneon sMNes gsw 1osueMmaj