Newspaper Page Text
12. I.zt;',,rs ! r' I/ .. .,,*X" *%.H l +r [ .2 . i. . . A . 149 1'- NI IliIta (1L1 ( *.i,~ I: r *d ,tt . a, l,. 'l: y .ut ":* i. n " I( " ii | ',Itt . ul ....... ................. .. .. .. iii. )utter oa.r.. . -............ ...... ro. I r. . I i . ... .... ......... .. ..1 . h i. I s pre IE i I ....................... .... . .. .[ It . Frl ig t.......(......... .......... ..... , I. TIef MILL'c.'11' ,..,"... V.Ake l,, No. i. Atlantlt Excrj Y ........... ..........I. tl] A. ". I A . Ispre , F e .; ( i........ ........... .. 1 Y eighte .......... ........ ........... .... .1. i. 1. 0i11riu l Itired!nr. FE>ERAL DIREETOiY\. .etegate to fougres......... ThoC. It 'atr. Hl, H n i ovelnor... ....................Y....... I.. % Iie iet;u. e retary ............................1.. A. W alker. Ilelel*, .reaulrr ..... .................. .tr ctll I'rellll, }-IolJns Auditor. .............................. . tli vt, Ie.leri Ilef Justice..................II .I. Bla eIIk Ihlen (.ephlhn IeWolfe Asoclate Jutlc.... .»........ .... J..1,.I.rl4I Thos. ('. Bt, h. bareyor General..............R..n. 11. Gre~ue, IILt' a Superienen t of Public I.nst ruction ............ .................................. . aLol, Ilelero U. r. Marhatl ............................... cio. Irvlne. IluitIe UCOlettor U. . Interral Reveue......... iasir .4hu'il yllaatr U N. LamId Umn. .......A.I.rover, Mile-. H'ey Receiver U.t. Land .,icr.Abram laill, Miles Cilty J 1OUNT1" OFI'EK-. Councllmun ..............................(. . R. Mil. tetn 3serler of the House................. r. r iA s.rn heriff ........................................... T ho . Irvi; .. r urer............................ . ..... ....... . . M rrill Clerk .n.d R corderr............................... . . . ar iDpuly "terk of Distriet ('iturt.Jame, Me I'alalane odgel of Prot itc.......... .................. 1F. M.-ulwartr County Attorn.y ............... ... ..\ t1,iti r.;:h *Assesor............ ......................... 1. IJ. T',uper,,n eF urveyor.... ................. ....... I. II. I, Corog er ........................................ I. l averl lan County Phyoiclan .....................I r. '. I,. KeIld `u~ertatrndent of echou!s...........Minn l unnc' o~ley Public Adminictrator ........ ............... I. . Wre 1.. 1. Ilulr.i1 oAlll t alu o nr .r ..................... ..... o f;, %. A .rti MILE (CITY T(*Wa sIIII'. lastees of ithe Peace ............. .......... " 1. , N ; .e .le stables ................................. Th ,rm an 4M.V. I lifl.. (.RPOI'RATION (OF MILES ('rll. MayIor .. ........................................... It. , H.Reld City Attorney .......... ...........W . .A . ,,ur,, i.h, r. Cl erk ...................................... .... ....... ` .I onrdu n rr u urvr...... H W1 . | . Cbtef ol Police...................... ...1 ) . . ylord Police Mlagl lta t ............................ W . H. Kos ( II ar-4Es First W.rd--1l. Moran. Fl ('amsptull. Recond War I--. '. Ca'lahan. Louie Bath. LOCAL ITEMS. Ye. l! Jinr sharp i+ In tle city. StuCoke the-l I'holix )'*jL' r. Vote for 1 II Jones for die rift. Fall style- of Kinox Ihat.' utalrechuwl's." Vo~te for . oe 5werdfi&-er for county clerk. Pure msp¾ esugar at Smith & H) inee'. Vote fIrr W. A. IBurletih for distr'ct judre. White elwtver thenry nt t~iuith & Hay 1 er'. Vlote fur C('has T.'r. r for county Paul ?1eC.'rluhek ar ive*unlii the city yesterdmy. Vote for A. I). mcAuelitnd for publ'e admlhietrot'r. J. J. Packer was bher.r (oin Eureka valley, yesterday. Put ap X after WV. H. Roes' name for ounmty attorney. Tom Jenklns and famIly departed for Mikado yesterday. ('barley Tabr, rtpuhlicad nomine for apseesor, Is In the' city. ebllIrtz hoeer, hoºtled in Milwaukee, to bfl had Mt hlle Mmcucsia S Vote for l.luima Ctooley -a auperin treldeilt of l~uI lu 11141ruocioni. 'I brow pIi V -:e. to the (lug"I and try Bullard'. port or -I errv. Votp for John ( ,l1r &ind I-aae Si1 verwaan for jo IipT.N of tht' pe~act. Wadrfy 1'Iw.'ack Has in ttwrit ye-t r day, andl hit just .fIttI 4:il .-hi,0ing. tuhildiou'i Leh. of Srhele. hi P'e'bjlit (2 If. thi 3nw teathier. * ( It. r.E . & ('o. When baby wma ; err `,.I ýr When.tews a (L .'1l -I I /r'ýL"uria, Wbesb iI. im-rwll MI,--. ' n.,: I,, I'Waturrln Whoteba d C'Irh1vDo, le& .' .L c 1'.'u Cad&orl& Girl wanted to do general bouse work. Will pay $25 per month. * F. M. $CAWART7. . . W. Kirby Is a new n9n In this eouLtry, and he bhas om to stay. Mr. Kirby Is stooklngl ranch on the bead of the asebodu Jas. auloed, litry agent lor dli. trl No.1, OCutr souty, has moved bl asis tob his rlide.s e MMats s., 'I .. 4') 9! .** I. IiI Ir XI.. ii B . , 1. 9 I". IIt It(, 1. 1 . ) 1. \e1 l u 9 111 1 1" 's-1 '.f I .-!...'u i:t:l '"u li11 9- 1. i : 11: 1' " u i\* "'I a9t 'i 111. * T'l Ii1r i111i %I rei ti- u 91,## .- t14 t, li Iv r c" i;vp:J t Vii9"k (>Illltf'. I.'Iti. I if, t-- ArcI:9.1 hi*. (l'roitr." * ý't fIr J ** ý .rtfjI'pr tvr 1.iifl\' cralrk lt ni 1,.1 an Lunt'-t 11111 e p.I It '1.t' r-t 1111 tii returi)' oif the .'I u ton wI 11 l * re, ,. -iv t at I1ink ( otliftii "''Lte IF'o-,l Arouid the (:orne-r.' Ar!" 39)1 ' :1k 1110' 'A ary, o"'rr. rilld 1+ ,j'i-.t If. me'iicine to 1 urify for i - r t.-'t. tirr :iiit 119II4 Uitrr your part *- `\ +r" ei)t"Irllg I wo r.fJ91Ileltati Menat'lr" t r.'1rt)&lnr Mluonrrla at Wasbirislon. P r))f 11"' 1 1 )99. I ail '1 )' u1. '1 Iti ])ICrii- n .31I,9i1r 1t'!'rllil. nui 1 i '' '1,r" It) ik irU:! :1': . I. tiutl t,':1 I . .rl" -ui L'l t Ilrk (''rulif.'' "L rittle Ilou-" " rr -'ni't ' I1-('-'rne r." * D ,W['t I. .l ..*' an)--. whoIIi vIay that you ruu't t "a st "cl;, r otn yoeir ballot tipliiy. Ti.- Uer oif k"r'. or rauterw as thiy are~ e'yall' 1, are msaite I.gtl by the Austianii it law, and Ithy can be ': h flr4t l11h1·iut returns of the elec tion will ii reitved att D)ick Coolifft' t'L'ttle Ifitust" Arourndl the ('oruer." T'he ('our er e rratvs as i fact that the regiitrat:' n " t('.lr rr ourtuv iy k l0 As ;I usut,l with the sta'etneut4 made by tIhat -hi t, rti' tikiri s are incorrect. Tile ra na re"ci~tritin ik l"..'1, it w'hich 1. th.' urd~ rig'e ,d ta are tn hit on.AII *ulnd (J ii 1(11 doll ri, that. Tto". It. ('.irttr wilt tie.'rat '. Marlin Magi;n nisl !. t ei r."-eututtve 'n eongre· RICHARD RYAN " "BISMARCK.". F. A. U-17. who hie* iwve aetint ea m ock it t,..oor at MInitt, IDAk., dur ing the ruuiurnr, for the .Montana Stockgrow-rs as-ocwltion, 1184 rettrned to Miler for tite wiiter-nfortu nt tly too flmt.. to rirgister, as be Is a good4 re. iubllcmn. A Csnl. E~l. V Y:urowTsTnNI: JiiL RN). i.. I hiivi. n'pt rdtiili ted, nor do I now :adnit ''at I hiaute swiirn falsely to a'itý tt *'i'17 t iintii in my, nthll.'lVit phi ,it ýu your fuller. W. H. Ross.. C' all for lour Piateats. Patxt.'s have been received for the followiug uame.d rersous, to be deliv ered on the surrender of their recevl. er's tfual duplicate recoipts, viz: Certifltate No. 151-Cbae.W.Oxford. " 152-~amuel lPmons. " 156-M.H. Dickiman. " 167-Olaf Nilson. " 158-John O. Hirscb. " 150-C. E. Kreldler. ''" " 160-C N. Jones. 162-Wm. A. Bowles. tire at Butte. It was repurted here ye*'erday that a serious tire waq raging at Butte and that the Iulldings occupltd by it e Botner Meroantle Co. and the HI- ne-sy Mercanatile Co. were hi t b i tied. Thei., buildingls rn, et ilt (5Irn-r. dliagoinlly oip.iS'e rugt li other on Ilr,,lvway, a:ty l in the enttre of a U wn.l.- di-t le', w hter. a fire would, it it .ltlud htl.idway, c:luse Krcat ldan ag' uid low4. No further 1rttlcular. :e(' ,rui thaut thI' ,c hwre given. Excurnlen Iltesi. I:xcurrion th ktis toa('olumºbus,OhiI, at which pi.,int the .dereign iGrand( 1,, ul , of t cli F',liowi hl.*d1 its mei. Inv, will be on sWle by Agent (rifllth frloml S.t. 11 to 14, good until iept. 27. 'Th'le round ,ri., ticket will be ,old at one fare, lowest limited rate. Tickets for the Triennial Cozclave of Knilgbt Templar to be held at Wasbh. Ington, will be on sale Oct. let and 2d, good until Oct. 8tb, for going paslage, and until Nov. 24th for return. Rate one fare, limled rate for the round trip. __ _ The Ias Call. Voter murst remember In preparing their ballot to-day that they mPot pat a cro after thbe names of the m fbr whomthey desire to vet. Even at this late day we anderstand that hese are *,me who think that they are to mark the crose oppoete the sames of the men whom they weh to doelea Thlis mot ase. he cese after the seatladeatue that the viter ha eaNt. 111'" 4.~1 .1 II "1f 01 . · IrI,f' 111: f ItII I', wl I, , . , ill I , r it."1 4 .1 ', .1.I..1t 1r j~ '"." u IH~ ~ I 4 >1 . t 1i.1* i \I * * * .\LeIi. ;.. j*. 1- ID rr.: 11: w'*11, Iin. til (.'!r I t iie Ni ~ t i a1t& Il ' % I'. Iili I I, KB ?iy I4 " 1 '11)' wihre .Wilt tilt-lit ')f I u- lii. IFIouIIJ con h Its- fk jj. Ij'* P . will. k,.: I iig ti-ui - Nlvel titak i aia 1*ArI -, t * .I,, r l l * Agrejt. ra~y-: -,N lt1hi--t '.1 rii Ct II tii Mh1II I any tcl. tI.flt.-r ijuZag on .i-lee. u, 1 .(i. O p1l f'hm #lIUIMr , I srll (i.) ass' i 11. - liO".t. in f u. r F. ort tit tl1ll ir d tinyr wcpill~nJ plw ·I w- nr(is ii i L1'·drl.uh (ti'" rdr,,lf,'r anishv, toinq . v~l,/oe. ihfl : VIII #If(tififl ill, 1f Of', /i r ' b-i, tj e Lt. Ic '1.41 oir ui.trin.. t itar"I'. (,r (.r.v'i t Cri. ll r I Iiir " ito ii n.cru- tr'"ii w ,tKii ljuaiidr.ý. An tlP'taili .11tii-r, isherifl, ootiaiIe ori i ether 1 ee itleer is here by iitI'iir:zi anid eu r oI.. - 1, aht lit benrlsb iiaila- hii duty toe t' (ur ie pi.s. B.j."'W " V uvla hr VP lit -ur'li (.t.tiit ~iu jif aull Ie it0 1: lil; ay ,aer~on ,io otr. A I aiaaa. Itepmrt. dialhta for. 4.iU iy a- ruar. lie rea~ev sev'rial letters fr''ui& hi. friend- in fuls J~l (4tt pola like '"t *bt~f i'Truth( l~tuin.( thei rer.ort that Taui-r if Pit c"ted woulitppuci it C~ai.'. ( te aa% hi depauty andi rot d'litht w..Ik Ic i ig.rwIf. MIr.Taulwr mullini i7., " i- ;-(.it ,- fl'lIL ul~iqWVo a tIly t Ihit t 13t1 i.' no rith iiwhet-vet ea-c("tei In pt~-r-. ii. Ily p rf frn the .riisk- ad iiis .'le " 'Ail I" give it his Perri intltine aridt -aiIiru. Mr.Tu~ber h ad ni. t ..aid it wor,. :iiaa stig bhi opi. pu .n Mr. Liii i',' i in this c'am p'igu, said h ik.: Al, -el tb .tuuch a rej ort *eaou 41 -man tie 'nflt him. %3 rup of I il. Produc-,J foni dthe il)xa'lve a.nd nutri, tlou.. juI ite of (', ifforlii: ti'., (ofnlbinled with thi. Inll c itnal virilt* ,of plants kCowu to Il. moot I,. Ifiitcial to the human y ~teiu netts t tlliv. n the kidney., liver ut t hotiel-., fle,."tualy arni' h ileadahte, 1antl curvy h iual.t Hood's Sarsaparlla Thisssureeesful ni.d|.'s,,.w !sa cr. fully-prepared ultract of t:w, ot t r ,:"i i lips of ti i ,getable, lingdo... iki. nt toi l .i ..' i , e" asi Ait ratives, Bloond lurtlrr, Iliuretl.s andll Toulre, such as LSrsaparills, Yellow Ik-Nk. S.lllngla. I)dudellon, Juniper kerries, Maudr.;er . WI:d ('herry Dari and other relected roots, barks al.d Lerhb. A nedicine, like anlytlhing '.caI, n el fairly judged only by Its re.alts. We point alth lstisfactloato the glorious record Iloodsa Sarsaprlla has Oea. tered for Itself upon the hearts of thousands of people who have personally or indlrectly bees relneved of terribh, suffering which all otbhe reeedles failed to resh. ,old by all druggists. $1; iR for I1. Made only by C. i. HlOOD £ CO. pothleeaes. Lowell., Mass. 100 Dooes One Dollar . I C(>mrn nes t~: j-i of he Blue Figs o? C.:!!orna, so laxative and nutritious, with the me hlcnal virtues of plants 1novwn to be most beneficial to the hurman system, f rmlrgR theO ILY PER. I"ECT REMEDY to act gently yet promiptly on t'.e KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOTE.L -AND TO Clease t SstemEffeatualljy PURE BLOOD. REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENOTH fuerally follow. Evety oun. Is lg It an all are dallted wilt It. Ask tor drggyt for S UP OF FIG8. Ma.s lacta.. ..7r bt th* CAIFORIA FIG SYRUP CO.. Sam bauinsm CA.. R PT l Plidl~b : I, ICE'G CR E A M pR.iPM AKIN0 InMoS 4OWDEK ?I rd .tltl I' the r tr "tg d Pttt. ,t ::, 4 tI-t 11 thfl.1 hr PurLtr v, -rI lv ,u tcEtai AWTmE n LiCO..n ,erAhl Yo. Ir Srt, . iisFlav ut,, . !. T.' ni, T. .:u . . , , t c.,d1 ,:rc, tc:e, : " i; . " ! d-, u, tuin , r L, ,• PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., New York. Chicago. St.Louls. THU UTIL MAN ALFRED WARD, Prop. The Beao Ideal Resort [o Geallemen Everrvttin_ f ;·-i ! ilsr . Jimu M r anoy i. Ilthlnn the lar and will It gIld to rre all L:il to W boy frii-u di.. DON'T FAILTO CXLL. Corner .jr %lith endi Maim S1lr,,tg M Itp City MARKET REPORTS -o Fuammii.hed py Itlr ndlrniia s \ an i;:.~ken. Ieericr. In I r..h cdill MriaI Muuc, lt.n1 nlhc, Etc.. U(.. 7 ME:ATN. It"'rf .t.ak, Ia~r iauuud,..111'. 1.n cents Fr11el-lia1~, I' r I~ujual.1.#.. 1' I cent. SSalt FId I, .' 1(,. 14 Raou Mnch butter, ttr1ud_1630cotta icr Iiounl6' .. :S Freab egac, er rd'zen....1l8 26 " SIlT H & IAY REN' MODELorsc-: :o&GROCERY We make a s!pi'i.lty of Fine Faily Groceries, K_'p nothing but the bwit anid freshe.t it, every liwi nnd are e.tfldeCnt of giving the utmos't satta. rction to our patrous. GIVE S A CAL. GENERAL - AGENCY -OF THE Louisiana State Lottery. GREAT FAILL, MONT. The Monthly DrIwing forOecoher.. Capital Prize, $300,000 Occur., 0 1. 15th. TIIKEThS 9OL--1).lI Zf I1'SIIED. Addrrr.. iVy ordlineuly hlter e.,utai-1 Iug iongiy order, i.,bdl by xp reb. ent 'I)pa i... ex,,|h lnge, drrft "r lmwtal niotI , or for tidke'-. ircrulirr otll all ,nfornimtion, JOHN RENNKR, Great Faili, Mont Address rie glltered letters .onttinul. l eurt.rlnv lto Frbt Nulti.unal Itunk, (reat Fall., lM. T. GEORGE WASKILLER, MU9ROHLANT TAILOIL 9lul mude to orde alt fm $A t.01175 mad metlehuStn l gumuaated. Specia ""soon p ou to Olseaing and Bepairing. DAMS for BM1U ýM a b. .N (* .~ 'B"Mwvu Ibeg.."1 IT 4OflIoIti'. IIO .IIAIE ''P I-OOT. If vi. want gwi'r.w t ',e in fit.w It I,u fr..w (urnI,. and YO .'niiil 'u Il :twat' wear tarl Hlurl A IP4Ilutni %Im#w. .1 it at tanawled1~ed as Ow. to..t ,.,.t ,frtaItl .1he Is--i Wranlt anid u o~t .tiyIlh gvriin~tlp:mar.'t1 to n, uin. In wrid1. Don't Sjtoll Your Feet by Wearing~ Creao Shoes, Tb. Hiurt A, I'n. .nI sh,t.. root. no. nro-c than alit oilher buie -li-it 1b.,iigl iinet 8'; r-ac~. i' to All a''l.'. In Iinnd.,,ia I. Ilan'I-.w~t -'n-I Iturt. d~aler mciiii lhlitnae atil a-I I, a.. to t!'Lur{ºr &- F ieI :~t ,,w ."rati, .r'&r lS'I .11rti~kon M.., PEBBLE CALF. 1 hew- .t e. fire n. tle of , . ('a!f lMklu flul lht(I IIk- x P.bib' l.uut 1,41 CoIlI bleL tl*.," . lr ttrs aui tl ll, : of er wilh. hilt flip lht vy !11.1 ClIU msY\ H Iws~ranf'.' of oariser kiunlt of ms ok Nothing It t II ~ olAe latl'r -eo i e t o Io . A Ilew IinvOe! ofi there goods jUst I. C. B. B. TOWERS & CO. MTTIS CITY IRON AND PUMP WORKS B. OUI,I, Proprietor I. 9. BUCI .ER, Consuilting Engineer. TRAHERN POMPS '" ;'oo°":,.ik LU , InnedWrt Pintal !. STOCK PUMPS ..,," 'napr. SBQR B il gral forthe' onsrrb RUBBER -·a rd Rtbir Hlo a. PROSPECTNOTOOLS ia ,",, hiss C & Spearfisa Stags Line, 'IEAIRE & THORNBLRIUI ,Ps' ,:a Daily Utago for DEADWOOD Abu by k wr rM All - III¶313HAT3 .- jlIhfls Y* QLmmbjkC %6Y HATS, CAPS -.\ " D- STRAW GOODS * *r 'AIU, N , "I1:, The Creedmoo, !!ts. Glove of All K;lidi. SOBDON &.FERGUSON. neousfacturer and Jsobbee No, 216 218, 22), EASI FOURT S"T. St. Paul - Minn. MP.eud fr our Lit bhograph en graving of new ,tyleM. NORTHERN DIVISION. N.p, 104 North Maln H ttreet, .L -ner Broad way, Buttet, Monl. DR. LIEIG & CO. Medical and Surgical In ,titute, , and :',:i WeV t *th it,. (Ka&ra ity,. \lo., land 4te (,eaur It.. P•D Fran Isto, (al. S - C.. For the treatment of all CHRONIC a-d SURGICAL DISEASES Apphdncer for Deformlties. Rest facililteI . allaratu and equipmentS for smaceestul treatment of every form of diease s qliriug Medicsa and surlgcal treatment. ixly-two new rooms for pati.lts;lest seeom uo lalos Waest of Nrw York. Hrrit for illurtrated papers on Deformltigg ('lub FePt, 'urvature ou he pintie, Pile., Tumrna ('alcer, retarrb, Hrontltlls. Inhalation. leckr. Siivn,i, giwrt.'o, Prarlyms.. Epiller. Kada.y. H adder. Eye, Ear, i'kin aid bloui, aId al *urgt ca; tpeations. I'isea'es of Wowen a 'peclatty. Book on dil ra, free The only Ke!a'i,- .leeical and Purgical Inol*d tote making aasel,.ty of Private Di.eaus. All blood disease sie.sltully treated. tiypLha Ii. Pobsn removed from the astenm without mg cOury. New lest.rative Treatment for Lem at Vital Power Person.s nlltile to visit am lbe etnrted at tome by corinepondeoce. All eemmeum i, lions tbonidential Medac:nes or lnstrumed sultt by mautl r esprep s se. urely p.eked. Asl per.onal intewliew ireletred. Call ad sesuS us. or said history of four case, cad we will ea io plain ,rapl.r our 1ook Free etplainl gw tb.u.uuds cannot be cu red of lrlvate. ervous Dieaue, rtiulnal Weaknmss.r isr torrheaa. Impotency, iyphilli.. (iLoaorrbsaae(ig Varico..r l. e c., .te4 1'.ic ('Coast institute, establabed for early a quarter of a c.tu y. 'orner of (eary and Mam sti.. an Franrlci.,. C(al. DI p,.nary ad DheW Mtore o'ccnlpylng the whole colner of block. First clan. 'Ioris and hnardl for 301 patiats at the auitllltiuti. cIDectI. With the Liebig World Dispensary. Call or adrees Kanrsas City. Mo.. or Men Frs* ci..n I al BIRKLE & TRUSCOTT Wholense and Retail deslers In -CPOICE - F LY GRBOCEES New goods onstanutly arriving sad " EVERYTHING FRESH. We band,- the I.rnget an d rines varied. a(rtLulment of in It h- rIty.V the h.-.t autiN etu( onr For John Gibbs' Carbon Hill Coal Leawv orders t Smith £ Esya a Copt. Harmoa. Mix ltees' in the 1 Miles lW Iarpr malei o seol ean all s onat4Md sloU bo old o 6 .i .tis.betUe. With l Y I Iibb1Mr IMIaM ý