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THI DILY JOURNAL. EATAARLI.IhD 18I1. VIL&% CITY. MONTANA. !'tewuitur%)' II V'KLLUOW%1UL 9 OU3NAL 10 1.) .95, s us..,l t or aiy o f e open 'fa" or utuiaIA Wiol ii ..f T.,"rvss..wII a. 'C~1,,tj hIrr.,r Si iIe 1.. all wnoened that fMU YKI.Li)VWw¶ON .to"KNAI. Lzm'LLUU HIr Co. bold. 11h3 c('Olr tr to do *.II prlinin and ad 'flti1nai. o .'a.IV.9V ,s..Iuts elazp'slts to (2uss re r IrcursI"t sId 1." " Cll" 1Ia.L6Snt.dl a.d olily paer1 In I'C.nge comlty aw r'Is slrt.w.'. by wblltriton e'S 1.9' Ii'galy .4I.9. Ix. %lI idlcee publ+.hd in t pa twl.. *' cu'nu . art. .,id and e ham l...l d.xI,5i'l I.y the courtS of Ms.,tmna. '.. ,Illt again.l 'r iM YKLIA'WsToNK Jot'UNaL 'UaIlUllve C*s...ontracted b' any of the iqoploycs u.Smt p54k' W or slhr,'w 111 In. rucoguimtd uulmS su.@neatusd1 Is a writ.', uor'r risguu by th, pub. .her or hssalnea ,llanagesr Wcdnernay October lI INtb. SHE DOTES ON SPDERS. A Qurrr )old I'.gcimiij 1% :iiilai Wlotmn Who i.F ee-j i IiuwruIil oTfThei. :\ (hilit~ ,. tlt co~uplht' Ilvuiuti lone ~t~,r da: ,l,\ ii.. hlc is a ifleat (lanid for ip't fIlik irlltI auinia1s. but the sti'aill.t '.t Iithi! about her is her fond ii% ttor spiders. liarIkirili and htik ing aft''r vlit.' 'itfat of it olt of spiders has lt-'n hter hioblby fori a tlong time, and lise .:l % ilte Ibs. fitinilu a great deal o tf diii vt'ii i ad iieimtfi rt in itro tee llig gild witi'iiiig Ijir pt-'ll liar pets. Teari. ig.ii the odl lady i-it iii rt a smiall lr ii for the. liili'ets to muake their \tIs in, anid fromn that dad' to thiie i inot a sinltge wi'h has. Ixt-i *ir from the wil aciid ceiling. ( hi thi e sides anid i vi ri1"( e~~ivi ry jinch if spa:ci' is coverid w itl thei delhicate v\ i k if thi' jiidtitrioiis spiders-, auth the onle little eied biv lay' r afte'r Iavii f nut ititik over the l~'s Tihe uilaa r, u, iniIai thouiu, ti. ill woiiitiu det-cir--s that they ofti .1 slit [Ike ca.ts, aid di iti. If the spijdt. h.itlwil togsl t ito Ii sna~rl whiile s': I in the Ir. xl sIie l iol',. tht a iuuil w~ithi a kii iitjl= ziut -le, givi-s tim1u an gmttKi s1tidilmig Ittl nil~ie. llom> ofthat -ii c1 ;, ti'1 1141.~' htrauitl i ll:.. Th1en4 art' si-v1ital v.ii et(iI ttl't till thu ar if v t~ i - i . o 111: II. I i11f 11 I, \iI,"1 1 ti t i I Ith it, ' t i'II t 1 i' ,X111t\,i.l i\- \"' tt tIIt 1, Si' fl' iii i1ll. d 1111t 1 ii( " i . X\ lit' I I11' . !1 11.iti I1 . \ 1t i-a 1, .1 1 t!1 1 Its-lit itti ' II ii- I -1'111 ii XX ':-ttt Ii I. I 111 l it r " :11 '1 "'/ - i t Ii I 1' l~lt tl1 f ii. tilllt l l i'--t 1,. ! t lul titi sit- it, li p. viii ~u-ltii 1i ' alit -ltt' lyilng oi1 it.,. iiark ill the l~ig black hnhi(IiI5 wilih. It'. n luilps w~ere f(tt, utid l11P11 '1A11 'IIli la out its stjiier ill its etfi rts ti fr e itself. The spider w'as nittiur at a safelf di~ft"''' e from the, gapeaule-lriius tail, and~i for live; tmiilntu.te. tilhe ld lady said, it just sat there anid cual(- te' Iii,\ w it a\ siflhuiu' ziiiig fouil 'if the sharp WealpKJn tliat it wnas kipin, ainit eve eil. After the, s'.ider li:ed 11111 JiiitA(Iritig foe ta woiee )tilt.Hi. it sIuI(Iihitll IlitLes' let it. very tiitiii.. te11't(irl t'i~it 12l1 In thle Was,- it-, andli slowy stt'ahdleid ov'r" theý, dulete..,t,, Ie"ijete.8II k e ielit;; its p utIt teI It. alri e ti I i " I ll .Ii;, (4lIn V iPI il. V4 -0 I IIts Ill I. th 'v I ' : I I I t ''I I It , t I " t ý, Il,] 1 liii H I I lii c, ,. .? I- I I tit' a.. 11 .. i 1 ~ ~ ~, 1.:f a.% ' I I I . l''i' di 1.n~ ill I; ' Ii , I' . ItII ý 'l l : "II' I t. I I I. i I ,I I; 'I the' I.i ' It. I Ii'11( ed II " I t int' t'I''i i ll I '. - ' .', I P I I ý ", ite 1, - :., I . hug nr Tuarr uq i,.1 A ( II ,njlai('rvIil1uit 414ru end, that-, thi' hil' tit' ( IJhil ti ?i 1)3' the I or~i.jj 1 ad("ri ia thce .t -t.s Wertr 1(.&I V taill fake. Thaa.' ,~u' c(USltHIIcI"7 I1, 1 the hI-t NIX or av'%LhII yeal'l, 111l41 it i(1 Citllll(t('d Ichal.t, fiu1t of about 1(l ,I)$) turqw.ulM8 which haIve L~och r hlutl duritlgthtit~ In'ri4c41, tint more)· than 1o,UO0J were geInuinIe stouaeM. 'ire jwitatious are described amort clutu' Sclever. -Jewg r' Ccircular. TI.e Har Harbor GirL A philosophic young man from the west hals recotrdintg his olbserva tions on Ilth IBar Ilarlbor grirl's apti tude for Ilirtation. She flirts in what nlilght be c.lled thin sledge hn:tttllll.r falion he I.a VS. Tl.her are not dli. cate or leadings up in he: Ihek oif ctxluetry. She Isgirais by say iq.: "l)t0 %'t kLozw. I really \ wotder ed whither \(nt re;,ally ieant what 1 htlard yotl s.iid al.iut nut." (The un fotulllalte mallr hs prbably said nl th iig, bilt shlie is wautting oit his forget ting whlitt' ilhe did or not, antid usual Il her counti is iolret. lie '1 , .: (Ohi. really, Mis,.s I, . Ctcrl', I 'ouldh't have n.ail lllvthing, l;ti l,so she answers with her most iit tetISe IIt tl "I htliard tlhat 'ou saiid that you thought I was hard heartedtl." Thet the unfortunate, who thsn'it cau' wlthtthilr she is harl. hl.arted ot not, but thinks if shi eaits iirchi tert ije creamtl sit will have to have a dose tif ginger, rest.tds: "Oh. ,no: but you have bt n 'cruel ill not letting ite cote tear you." 'T'hen he \tonders that the grouind doesn't oI n aiind swallow him , for she has t.'en runntitig after htint day Uand night until lie has quite tlade up his mIild to lea\, the plae. If she knew I w" to be co" this would lie Iwher oil, rtuniity. but instead she says: "\'Ve I will try tand lie kintder to youl in the future. To-mior rolw you shall go luckoard driving with tn' in the miornini., you shlall lunch at 4i1il' table, and we will havea 101l., Q lliet afternoi o l." This is toto uiuch-to- muchi bliss for titie It ain. Arid si lite n0nttiiUtIcS Ithat hie is .sick anid it ltst go ihomie. Shie is peIrfectly willing to go with hin alnd take ene of him, but this hI th dclint.s, tellinig I.her that she tnust think of what I.t'ple will s :ay about ther. (lice at the hotel that wtle; manl pack, his clothes ;iad tak'es thi first trait holniw, allit when he gets there he stay to hiichinm: "C'harley, if voi l l' Y Iour l.i-'ty ianid your ctun liv l\ ri l ~.I tlii l' l :l r Il:rt.iti'r for a1 gir'l \l i iii T V' t ti ltt i f bliat:il*, alnh Thel. I ...d of Mal. Thi' 1IiV, 1 ]Iaiuull):LlS can! live( :111(1 1II'·II.1 ~ ) \.!lIl .1II1 II;1I';11 I i \!. 11tt1( (li' , II IV l 11 "3 1113333. (',3'I I I'It' de(1. Il1:I1 :3. I1It1 3:.t 11331 V.lj 3(I 3 tll; &I I li Iu .1 11' i'" tid i III. II t i nl Ii.r. !It rhlat r,., r Vauv ill IV I 4l1i 1;c IMi o, lneltrul 1~ ll illi~. lu ;1\\u I 1'4 or u , .!'i r' I Va! '1 C I it III I.s . 1I 1 .1 , l 31 \ 131 I tl I' ju ift an i 11.1 k 1. , ,I",:3 , rta ,iiu. ! i ti I t , ll'" il. l u.'1 t'e % t -at Ila ' rIv c 11113(,. ' I. It 1.334. i't!,:' u i H11 1" / Il 1 1 31 11 1 f .. iat 1.1;V"II ti. \ ii '',''n ..u l1lc t~c 11i I,? at,3(I t 1,' I 13(1. %%l l 4); alttil " Miat. 1",it 1 . oI j Ik'i' tip ll li'i:*ti VIII Icau 1i . 1 11.1t ' lit' h1l hi''I'3I 11%1t to "'lllt3it or li 1 i' nt i'II.* !itl I Ii h , tl .' II. thde i~ii roII Stilltt : I 33l I'i i' Irt I i~k I 1311 nIl l i t'ij 135 ton, IiTok ii n I~ i t: i j U I te. 'll I.v I' I i. M~ll' Ii IIi. ii ' i ul ciii,11 iI I :It,11"I.111 r.111ii, it it'l u t p 1 t1 11 ; II,Ii . ii-r? Ir·b I t", ·l ;t far lu'val''r ta,! 1 '-)d, 1;} ui. ILifI~l Iii , ' rtlH~c ,tt11,' ',, \\ ilii" ul ty 11 ;1\' h' 11 0 (Ili l r !:u11",, L"11 nl trt 1' , :unl ilr t lu jllic r; i, Necr Warnd with Him. "Gn iibii i Caswell" % Lh 01ne of ihe c rieJv settlersM of Ilarri.oia, aii* ti-ttir of f(.l1' of five giiT"114ltioulis of :iaitr f:nI1klii.. some still ,hsidimag on ale o riirimi;d liinhi.mstead. lie wasi a iv 111dtii~. viti'ra, a strong aind lid gaijil ii'ii1 oLf the oldI C()iti\ntal .411(5 1 of p"it Fi'it, 211(1 Iij iiio,1d, of Il li tV.("( iv gteiai }"IV i iat~iral .i1ii1 rlt i lIalt Ii AI.,. I tliii l ii In %:: 1 (t u liii I ' II (1 " lila iii ( Ii. t iii'i * - l 1 . \ 1 \i I. Ili .o I) y *. In I lly ((, i l hj I i"(d I ,li lt: 11 "( . 1" t .(' o 11 I:: -, ill til, (.1 I1 I l ý l , I I I. Li. 'iL d 'I I: I' 1 1 h., l 1 i t 111'. \II' \1 ~ 1 i . 11 i 1 , 11 % 't I " I1I i I 4I t, .. I " :I- I l 1 I X1t1. " lit'' L JL-. '.411 I . 11,ý, '''L" . I llrl I II 1 4'1 I I1 lugti " Ii it AI' l c."11,11 I. :o-11 LJU iiiu Iiiig u Uu1'(11'tl(7 ill :I' n, .l ý 11 Ec';r 11 11141 ( II I I t-i l Tr l tII I .'. Firwl IIi:uiuc~i''a Ii,»-Jly f itlll'r', go Sec'ui 1 '.l-I'Ie! NJI, I -11º'la iioUli in'. My fatllhe dI."ii tirlu..Ddinl' at our ruvL& every duy.--AJQttou lourwld. Prt ecuting llmaell. This remindsil nt of at story I oneI heard FIrutal 1'. Davir tell a tew yearn ago, when Le' Iwa pltaeuiitn'lig attor lit'. tl \w. as defen'dll it it, the .L,.tlua kinid of ,IuIt . .1 ant'aiesn, antd plmr tuted it so vigitorusly hiatt ha.t I won tite Sullt aitld hd1.1 juutgment c'enterd up agaltnst hItI1. " eIl." ,:id 1. "thlat was. had. Did your attorn "l' ,1 , tim" "No," s ail on, ",le judgjilent mill tMau als." "'Vhy" tsitl 1, in sourpi'i,. "' was 't all elxictltioh I,'ued zaitl t, on; "No," .u!tl hI,. with a sli:rit twinkle ill hi,, cet'. "Y'ou si the prIsul',ttig attruny'' forgott to turn it oVr." to the lhelri I'." but I lx.liCvC e paid it just the St llie. IanLy yea rs aigo whin Juldge 11. G. Hiciks w\\as nut as ipopuilr as aeo lihas I-elu ill o lter Vi.als, "o I al told, lie owed .t little ,i1il of 63 to aº well Inlow\i I irll, tnld one of the ithlm.ers ,i';ne to se. himt about it. Thie judge, thenl a lain co lonel, lat'ly artturlctl frotmi tihe war, frantkly confesed that lie was "busted" and tasked for au ex telsiotl of tine. "'Cau't dt it." said the gentleman. "If you don't pay it we'll have tosut you. "How can I pay when I haven't got the money 1" a sked the colonel. "All I wanlt is Ia little tiume." "Well. we'll have to bring suit," said the gentlean.m, as he started off. "Hold oin," said the colonel, as a bright idea struck hint. "If you must hue une, why riot give me the caset You will have to employ soim law yer." ''That's so," said tie gentklean. "all right, bring the suit." Col. Hli'ks brought the suit. con fis,,ed judgment, sent in his bill for PI, auttorney's fees, collected it, then settleh the judgena nt. F'nnii that time on lie had all the lirn's law busi ness.-M31inneapolis Tribune. A Chawug. A bright titan, citmlneutlig (till tile chaniige of I~t iidards iii ta so..cia I in te"IAIsk :at hlit); otinti, VI.AIIo Ie S~ai itiili ittdt .\te· teach~t h~iottiL,,.l hut il. fozk atn tef l:t htnli Vt lenIa aI dtsll thy tiýtV Wte lllSi) tIot s iowa ilt~'t ii'i' It) I .t 'j II I it tl' (IlL lit I leutiii 1t it Puu, I dv. It lc, . ther " li lt ) "I ca Ill V, alt tit ll I it Iof ilt ft t "im ii y Icid.'( ii . .1 few real) ll.4 cuitic l lcl lilye 41Ia\ '% e l'O if i ltt II" auit fetoiiut" ofa uih ot linbe t'.1 litt" ii 41( 11r 1(uI u. h 11: and *r'oltt Ilof ttiiiiis ^Ii: 1110'll iitcriiooui, ba:t ho ttlt !~ illhli:t'1, t tlhclS EitS iot til Clt' ilitiolt"it of lif lt. a wat~loIzjii II:t, ljtu "iw tal lid au, aft Ittll .ilt A duo c~il ll cI'i111116f. -iiitiiUi NORTHERN DIVISION. Nn,',iO4 fNorth Mtaia stettIW'o I- EItII'rt tiny. Iltuti, "ont. DR. LIEBIG & CO. Medical and Surgical institute. A1 and :04 Wept 9th ol,, anmaa CitY, Mo., slid VolI lieavy St., t'ar lranrieo, Cal. ~~T'S. -' For the itr l"willFt of all CHRONIC x i -UI'. U'lýýtrc Ar ))I t' l i ciu tu-,ý . °' IL:. . ll Lr t ii 1u 1 1 p l 1 I. r ' lJ.1 "I I ,,I ~r" 1'.r i i1 1 ii i . I .i I .i ' , I r, I I. I . t, " i i i rI i SI ii , I h' lllll ,,,,~4 ,1,,* i '1 t . 11 , '11 tii ii it tli I l iii ci \1'111" fil I~ 1 " II ' 1,11 '''. * '0 1 Ihl'. 'rl'l 'l tttII.I l tlcicltl i Iti1I t 4I i SI, i1 t Stirr. o i' ' t, ti lt . I c , s i r LebI World Dienry t h ~il n'I m li rs . eaI " lI It %U Ir, i ,'II,. , gll .i J . .. . .. , %1 " iwI *1 t ,, . IIIi .. ... I tl h , i f11 , 1 'd I , ir 1 ,l ,, * i + 1, ity , , Ipt, J r , I I llr'0 1 1 Ti. li a.ri t oe f ,i t ,- 1 . l . . lI .. I rt w t ,t .l t h , Irier Cof t r 1,f, o 11 r C asXto1rnl h I " ".I, . I* . Fr~ a n, l aI 1 1 III I 1s+e ryy s, d I" I r " Jlolr h I-c ,ilpy ig il l R I II - hlr l 1, twit .l ' ti l.t i Ia. romanu natol hPo l+| for :11! patl«l . At t 4h > i litali tl Pi lrn l..t d W1l1l Ilf. Liebig World Dispensaryf I'nll or anIt tre Kaiiea l'iiy. lo..,,r I'rlo. _Ckhdr n.Cry fot Ptcer's Castorts, U UNP E('ECIF' NTEI/ A1TTR$ACTIONt. OVER A MILTION IISTBIBUIE) luUliana MaI1te Loll t, ' II Itaearjour slat4 by lt. I eglialulre for I FAiaatina, l nton Clarlbl, pia rj" .". anda ii ama auIa.I islllll. a pati orftha'e peat MutiIe (toa lotaio iu 1a71). by mu ..rrwh.;aaiaag paopalir rota'. Its AltAM1leBTII I)ItA\t'i:.(ata taale' platt' S~t-t.,aa. mt mali y. (.1 tut, anti I Iee'te'maar.i asia I ~Iz~ laake plate' i eat-im at time other Betn ntiiiitlai Of II'. year. an(d atLt tall ditat itn rathlt. tat tias Acamdea sat oMusle, New Or eansr La. Fi1FI) FORl T'WETI YE.ili Artrlnltt' .. I ttitutw.:h W'e do harebyet (ertl y :last we alae'rrvae' tIea aitt riau'eatents for all atae Mauaattl and ata eIAnnuama a 1.Ias gs tat tLa.' I.aaihitt·aai 'atI llleay I 'aaaluaat'y. atad In lwr iaan aaasa.aaý aaln- ctnttrul t,.' rJ:aawama. Iha'aaaeedIveta. d aitha t' Mantae are tnutucletl with hotttt't. tal a aae, nod aIn gottat llt aih taiid all par. utat , atad we ant arizt t Ita'otar tly to ter thit .a iit5i te. wit fiare-ranllie'a oaf oar n gature'a at s lnll. a laa t 'aa t We th anaulersigned Bangs and Banker, will pay all Paricus dranw Its Tbh Louisiatna t lte Lotterlis attlah an., be presented at our countera. Kt.M.IIALM Xl.EV. Pr,. Louisiana Nat. Bank. PIERIRE LANAI'X, rm, S(late Nat. Bank A. 1(1 EDWIN, Pa',. New Orleans Tat. Batik &'AItL. KEIN. Pre.. Utlon Nationaal Iataak. At the Aca Bat Yll fuic. Now Orlwns, Taedal. Oct. 15. 408. CAPITAL PRIZE $300.000. Ifla,BBNaa 'l'ja'ka'l- at 'lseit lv' D a'flsa'a jIaa~ia"; jjtalta'a'.a 0N till t~J Q1t lt-e $ 'Fetl oi ~ 1~att a :: t te'l It..- lieI. a taT up PIaLItm. I I'RIZY. OF l~clU.Ill(I IN..... »........_...... l(In,(CU I PRtIZE OF 1, j.atlr Ia.....s................ :Irll u 1 PH IZE OP eaa:1 fr . I PRIZI'. aF 12,,iVJI Ie.................... nd. 1'1:I%.1$ elF be...anan"..... ............ a eas' R l'RIZ. (Ol !'.saIare ...................... are da 'i 1'RIE"+ l F1.1- I alr...... ........ ,e ra e Iii i'1,1ZE OF :,U' ale ................. ... It eaa0 a i I' ..1h' () :a . ark .. ................... it IIaa &I 'RKIZ i OF - i"ar........... ... .... Its, ea) £b'I'.'IIHA1t u:.taii lie, I'rle.' of a.. ............»... L..... liok ..,. . " ,r' . ............... .. ...i...... aii) do. .i. ar' ....... ... ............. art a. 'ta d. \ tar ... ... ,el 'rti: :7J9 do. t'1 are-....................'.. .I 'Ttariaf nfltao nfllaaa t.,......... -1,1tt a' ta ta rat al .a':.. IMPORTNT *v 31. A. DAUI·iIIIN, ~I£RII(fIOU.II. £: ?iLU' uKLEA1~r NAT'I~SAh. SlAP.h. IlANKI( of s Siflean,rn. std tht Te II kt. are ·n r t1(11 i(.-i. I1r o ae uf al111a~ua( Iili, a I'. .1.r:,1 1~ l a1 11 PO~ajiS'. Ie. ITES rý 4,1: -1.*1 -.. . s cY4ht rr has rl·\rullltt : 1Iiut Ii.. Wisconsin Central 1:., tot 'I'Iat te W'iscoirin Central 1:1, i.-lai. Ithe iir,'t p.espislar Aine~ rtiw.'. i Miii neapolis, St. Paul itiel Milwaukee .i, 41 Chicago; 'j'I...: for Wisconsin Cernral iii daiI3 ililiillit to Ita wdtl'llelt ias thel. rccr.g is ted Pullman line Ibetween Mine. apolls, St. Paul istil Milwaukee and Chicago; Thsat thli Wisconsn Central tsut~lsea tbe most jreuulwleut jielnts in Wis conuilu, and Itltit it moIsalure iljport saht tillalM a centers on its through line Ibhan any other railway in the Northwest; Tbat the WIscoein la ntral ilan made an etiviahili repeutatioen wilth t itsHrrf It..- Dining Car Service; 'I'laust lb. Wisconsli Central rusk faset trainm oib wlhch li selliase, of , mi*cn gers are arsrr-it with co odiorn usloU isnll slletinelt asenoiiuloalstl ots ofr all; 'Phuitl thes Wisconsin Central hasi relire i.*ittllVti di.ll.lsuted tlhrosughouL the e truunlrJI who will cheerflully give any inhlrnfllti u thalt 31ay3 I.e dls-reii seli thalltt its terirllal Auetist ,.ire .'1teiimlly it ctructeml Iso aIrsfe lie. 1 iou!' ri cif j.assrenigc-r" s Ailo may I,1r ' V i t Itia i t 'line. lor 5hI'itAi?5' itiitirsiiiti'n, uhl~tcly to Vo u.' r s.'i'-t 'Iciki"t AsL'et Air in re-Jre W ,. S. MELLEN, JAMES BARKER, LOUIS 1:CKSTEIN, M1LWAULf E, WIb 1' II. ANSON. Ž''uM' se'si I '." teu er :,it, Great English Remedy - , ,Murray's Specific. A " . , t' u uIa l P ol , .I , - 11. IFC l i te iiltg i h-)uiilll *II S 1 ...i y , , u l 'r'i. , I .II i. ti F i(. : n1A . Ir , ., , h tr " ,l l '|k Itr ,OF r \ It ou tiht . , oIII lt. l xl I l -xorI. z itrl lo. a l .l l ll I 'tlll l nl 4I : * 1 lLIh s e 1, 1" orie . recolved wiiit lN &l bit.t willt a " riten guarait ti I tltiolney If ouryllwc.iedoes not toe1 a c ure, 10lao TIkCl "Addrlem n1 colnnunitllooslto Ib so sUia" IHEMUiCiRAV MPDlI('It(EO'lty, It 11 . M. P \ Itl'll l4i t .ct.. % bolemle mamd Steril Asents, LleWo. Moat A A for Infants and Children. "OSdYrbs awwd adbaLphi ShfiN hasAC .s cares (Mee. O.siprtIo. truommdita.auper t"oaypumcripuc PNun BSomach. ItaIkbna ErucIaw o0. b ome" H. IL. £am, Y.D., X"M eWoaem, gives .lap. a" 3l1 b Oda rrL. Na . ushrm, N.Y. ' ir. Wgio W JurIgm m Thn CL' TeaU Cuw. xy, 77 urvray amC. N. T. -ib. Something to ITEBEST YOU! We are now ready to take your order on cus tom made suits. That is. for people who do not desire to wear ready.made garments. To accommodate those who are in a hurry for a suit, we have obtained, in connection with our New York House, an agency from one of Cbi cago's principal Mer chant Tailors, and are thus enabled to get you a suit MADE TO ORDER IN SIX DAYS. Our Sample Lines are the best we have ever had. Our fall stock in Men's, Boys' and Children's beady-Made Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats. Boots and Shoes is arriv ing daily and will be complete in a few days. Call early and get the first pick. Prices lower than ever. L Orihel & Bra.