Newspaper Page Text
THE OLD PIANO. See from the streage andearrow stret, mands the old boas hid by popsla tall; Wagd by Mthes their boughs and lead Tiacing odd shape n Its Ivied walls lathL wide garden lowers dream; Proud royal roses and plnks so sweet, shed In the sunlight's golden rays, lullAd by the sophyrs to gentle sleep. Up In an okl room, quaint and dim, Haunted Iy drernisof departed days, ltaundl the IJJuo dusty, still ar from the sunlight's pure golden ray. Oat on the still and dreany air, Making th . tear dr',l to quickly start, Sch.'s of .1,i time nwh|.aI1l Wistfully tuill to the aching Ihart. Year, f(a lh nl': ~t tiet , rile-I iaiy; Clnt " tir ,. I I.,Ii t l .l t\ luhl t~lr:I 'Opeln lr .**n I t ., , .c.:.l6 t a ~l ~.l . \~ .i r , ., . I.. i u i, St | I:t!' - , 1:," I,...t r ", i , rr tr - i.. TIki. '(.iE1" i 1.lf 9.3 1: 1.1.7 h Pei t' 7V 1 :.' uth Ill . l a : :. 1 I thI. 1,I ,. r 1 , 7 \I *,. ,' i. · 'a U.:. I 1r. .I \ "i. sit, . 1' t: i1 . , I : I .. . , : nit' ''i Ililill 11, J"I" ,1. t r; ., i " \1 I . ,.:. iu 1..V' t'., ii; :' . I *' ti .l I -t a t" , . ' - `i: ,. , 1"1, tr ··'1 ,''II· tat .v I\'. al i . I " 11 :,11 ,1 . t 1 .. :i 1 '-1.4 l 'i . : - . It 11 " L"Na. . ' ' 11 7\ t , I 4 to to ; 7 . 1 1". 4 " I,'. :7 1".41 :l, t 1ip ". '~ ; i a '' 'II t l.'1 i I I ' ,11 1 il td'pv l7 . i , LI I* . , W".r LIV ?" adijet nriu1 ii I.. i.'.. " ~o. hu~t 1,4, v )1.;(d' the -1111, m'1 '(, h1 " \''i 1 .t * ' iii , c~ " ',, :1, -alt c Iti,Ie skin for lbr c!. ~ f, u itlir oi thrIow it away swee rI c,t.( rds wVith al tul 4v.4', aIdll ' * Ialgiu ~ r" calk l atu 0 ryeO M~,... I lily viiil~i't niever (1o It ina.[e oi th Iu.r tuft(r. (Lark, cau( e "~lrc r 1 ".!i, ,. :utd tur ilt- , o' loc high I 'iii ; thu Lit, f iitu .l iha trw their iAi tiiriied uin (ever their kit -t I, t ra nark lighit lburn 'eniii. foer ti: v coueldn't kiuit buciausoe t ue need ;, .'ivt c' gl ImperPd iii iii,. fire iilit tl hurt their eye, the!y had dieill 'vtak *evib I)W-:fuse they z~i,t ic ii t. dlark soe much~ (.cc, izee~l tisil' axZ 11(u1h Ii i lcg.i tdi, aui ned I lelli ght IA) '"Will i thiey heecredl t he :1 eclock bell rineg tuey'd gu to bed- outc a klein1 Ut" ew~fujitor after, fe r itl i ug; nuor noe body. "\VeII, B~avtoni folk, , t tired 1' heariii that 9 ci'clock hell ,:v~ atfter it *Iiadtl 1(ii at-coiji' over tal hiit~ld ietu*s, and the'y got tirued o' p~eayite' Iii runge~r, too. Si Ueuie titliC tA) a toiwn !li(4-tili, thex~vot.d iti top iG~,t. "Now', Ihljnsy do'I Ilitfv diiint go to tOwn flieetiii s. Iuna't ivlihv h \t gout to, so thae3 kuin.("(I jifitiji Ii ),):ii it. ;1( didn't kiiuowr wiihen it rnt x ta;t ·v over go to li4! ', Iv it. t!.evi1I:. 'it "~I MA IL ý'I(Un.ll:1V ('\.(1111i i ;1, 1, ..:11J.m l ja'uAatchiii' to hear tit, 1), 11, biut it Wn ut f.ILl-r Thue 'v("ihiif are gettini ioung,' set1e~yto Bitty. ' W 'W'. tev do scteiij to b.'nay Bitty. ibIcd I better put willllcr stick Q, rnM.Ar!' " 'I iluio. Thrre's enoughI to raker uap now, and inebbe thert d be too macit tof you did.' "13o they sot an' sot, and bimeby Nugty muya, 'I'm afeared the' won't be UccoqtI if you don't put a stck on Nitty.' tJo she put one on, and it gun to blazeand sort of cheered'em up. "'I guess the evenin' seems longer because were cousider'blo tired.' mays Hitty. "then the stick nettled down and fell to urrin' and singin', and pretty moon Ilepay shje give a great start. S'CVan't be possible I ell asileep I" says she, kinder amazed like. " 'Yes, you lid,' bays Ilitty. 'I we you niod. L haint closed no eve.' "" 'eII well! I gues.' I won't cleanr house ag iaa r of Sat'dtay and gut so tired,' s:a ; 11lu.x, with a ter'bie great yawls. hleti1!V. bnitt ! would p..-realae 't III luck w~l. .., tat aA eight alay ciock had&u gut I. uI 11"V~. togand Plliio hPatt that ACt"l;tI nn I ut diat ( lu<k., in aill thait tt:n itw Il.iir't b-P*AI their, Auld il. !.it i or 1.:, d:,v Ino rC u 1 11 .. 1.` ` ' iii. !;r Sin .1 t1 .lull oult. 0,t " . l," ti 'v t till 1 - li'. It. wtd I!, le, 1 idk Vo!tt In' \%,! minio pni. 1I' Ii. t,)1 (.1 4)il 4 t i le I! wII tutd I t~i I, rn.tb1 to -j,~tet* "u1in i :, ;l ~utýný o So11 ., .. .u I.; - ' I . ! , V ,, I 'I~ 1 .' . Vit' I If.1 1·· : ·: 4 .. ·I . lit,: ill' c i t',I ' "i1' r · ~. I'1 * I"i II i i ~ L ' ' 1 "' i ::II ;~.. . . . . ..II \·i.. ..111:~ ~ 1 1 I . . ' .' \. I - ' I 1 1 ' 5 " i, l's1; I ' it: r - :* ..I I, 1 i . t i " 1 11 ' 1.I} FA 1, .' -.:,illl . tu1; :( 11 ., It..'1. 4I, 4'. I ' 1",1 1' .ý III 1,1. It i: II' " i11 itI'. All ! . 1; a, .tt · I ll y4 lll _ u'ii t tll t 't ti I a i' \ilnl' of ll( of ohltlltlt the city lI11t" uitevir ~ ji til i! Alt)l c " ~ littI lta lilt, ii (Alt I' ,1 c: t il liujir. ~ luu ..\\'. II, 40 11e ILIV" 1hu·Iaeon Peter's oldl I. uc and cr'.:d .4111 tehI&4IIl toldt how tha~t '1'111' Nt1iP4! had Ix1M1 ,eccl ridjit' 'ii it luwij Ip theu hiollo4,w. M they fIltchtd Th'll up before .1 udg1 i'eitti. lie u..iW,4(i hie Mllw rid it iNah a, said lie founid it liv the road, aind he wax Iri~ re(I he III /! a WIit f i Itchi a421d got on. anId lidi li!414!avk up to) hiN Itouse wnd M'IV I tilionl,! iL t cut uIjd ofl' it we(nIt, and that %%as all lie kiutwed. Siº the y clapped him into i ~4ratutoi j:il." '"ºl1dit they. try Iuziu, ordo nothin' to Lirt r' asked LV1I1&.. )1, 41 il lan. 'is '4a(d feidiiihits grail Itv I C,4u.! 4! was tellst t maillu sved live NA44,sn IsHfon thy fIIuInd (itit tIti truth, which .is that the I'M hoss Ix. iiIllr latin aidi tv,1 j º L' tlt u4d, b ad, diln't ei~ilj, t14e idelI'!O J)e!Icoui le'QI It t~ip, autd i..d striyed Oil' gradonal up alit ,I 1,t thille bltl. tIoI, place x where iii was IItliti/I r Is ,al414r!. \ t\ 4 tII; I i '1,t t eI i \ ' 0114" 4f ths 1i.4 lAer^ tha!t tltiiks t,4411h a slgilt if ',' 't th I it14r, 111iI! E %Lf l "it 1 Of aiii I. t v 1 it tl ,ll ' a s f 4w Or k 1 1 al : I II u r11".," ~ A tiis', tite heu'd *I'd Ititlti' K fIl u . ~l t~ hut r' .a bidsF onu lint I,*. i11 I i4th, AIleand hude '11:. ali round thu11 I11, rI floor1 ')ltA th ii U4,W (arl '.dh nu SjIptl ot 'e a ni d \II' Th ncr Iwa'n't reel useful after that, not by a lonr sight. Two week: after, sombody got Deacon Peterr's bat Sunday hat one Sat'day eight, a high crown beaver, and thnt was new, too, and t:+t it on the back step and pounrd the muole. ao s uilto t so 'twwa haIlf full. "lTen folks began to look out; but Peter's foliks thuouuht they'd hIad their turln, till lhAey htiverd, anuoitLher Stun d\ iol nAiiui, tltAR :utliiuAeifLs jun+LiA and Imov'i ta'ev1er . j as iii iii : liht tie tuiuiII: it \\:+-f \VIII there was two n'ounI; 't el-,~ "int oat lthe bnll, Iloot tackledi up ini the itaucout's double bair I Ac.S, -i Alit A's "It. to his lml tt gg i T; "3 ', in:ai!c ?.IAUIt str:}., outI of tilAC !siarotA, lt thaut tune, no11w Itell a '1. I\\ car \ Ii thu, r ho hai a -:atilt t'.lAi: LjIA'·~~ l~iv.' i'2sl:A IIdA I l..A! .. tAii A.tAA i.ts 0 ite o Is',. .\ I · ~ ' . · . i s I \· A tIr It' -out, It . ti h. t,.11 ll \ , 111 : I. *';I "1 iItý J', 0 I t'~ l ~a i1, al.1 It t 1A 55k' .! i , I .,A I I s I !s Aa.1 ,., t . i I Ii 1I1 11. S1 .1 ' LlaI ! t)' " t I ' w la ca ,I I .. , . 1 , I " " ' 1 I rh~t j VI. 1 '~ . *I H. I r , I°i . .. . I ;~ . i.i' In11. hl~~r] I(~ I~: L Ik .l S.: ij~; III LII l'IJI } . at \\;iii· 11V cC l I . "I rlrll '1 :n;;~z IcI" tl'l ·;lI I n lul .. ýIu\ %Il,' IG n` ViII~IU ; into 1":t, Xlow , 1 tpr &no U.,"" 1" Iil li ItI.ukfl" hits J I I 4.11(,1, I1.Cll lIV 11j I t sli, it. hI ru1 li tlk('iN isn liliti \\.il jit I itr (.:tell. I i l to lls t lal, i t tIn risug.t do. tinai 54lit to hav iAUbJt TII.I" ik-t ritili 1r,, Slul~ld say ask Mouey all, to fragnllt 11111 jiS of iowe11 . II:uiiag "*rs Cver fur t, ,I:C ltI'ý MAL:ur12it turiv,. Skins on Fire. A., ItclhilKg. burlllllng a Ilt bleedinl I.lercia I an it we1 NM* A tlaw a.,1', admei h|.pitai. faill. ried etverylthilK. 4 *la iyatl Ilar Cal. utrel al llaedi for $I1I Cured by Cuticura. I anu ctreid of a llathIomjL e dllseae, Lrwewa, . ll its worst I.rage. I tried difllrenl dueturs, and had rl tlhrouglh Ithe hospiatal, but all to nLo purlese. 1 he disl.e moeloed ai,s whole body, tfront the top ou Iny mhad t tu he wole Iiof y feet. My halr a11 camre out, leaving lll. arouplete raw sole. trylallg eerythil. I heard of Your ( ui1lleur tesllledles, Illt ataer uingl three bottle, of Cult cur* IR.emitellt, witllh I Utlur sll d Cu(lltlilur Itimat. I dld myeell cured at the e st of about $t. I would not be without the ( CttrIcurI ItualetIdles ia ty houe. a I find them useflll i manllly cases, mand I ita h thyae the only skis anid blood med iclone. IAA( I II.t 1 MAN, iaYirtsturn, .. Y. Burning and Itchiug. I was ick It t a ill of ItOtf withll a baorning and lit.hing sol bad that It three weeks I wa cooversd with a rush, allil co'uld not Blleep night.s or work days. Moate docmorn thoughtl t mi1ght le saui rheum (SacenusII. aid IsaI Ilthey had nYVel e. nu aniytuii.g like It llfore. I e lised lno bep frotU anIy of theIlr , or tr uc anl y inedll ne that I couldl .t h 1h.1 out ulntil I t rinedl our I uslmure Iem*auaeie.. After atillee ae*Lks' ale I was a11 le to work, llul kept get ling w. Ise, util I a:i tow Cetirely cured. I ref - ol,(1 and thewa u' 0 all i lerit.l with skin 'I ae s a. C. E. ,c\lI.I, Taft·rIe. Vt. Most Intense Itching. I hal e ,ltd fhe I cli rell Ite*llleh a. c cea* I fa+ )' I.Ir Il) lbl i), %i wa m sille tIed i it e Lcialal, Iandel had l ui lit ' iw Isthillig Iai.l li iel ai reil sli.) i ofr hlig ll, '1lh Ilit il%" I 0 g- . i s ilr my .Io) I <aret. i, l "1 ntiu ob , l iyis,n y l 'het ,l h' s b t l,\llt" ., lol I . l Ci . a lie , hK en Cuticura Resolvent, I,,, rw t11l i allllli,1 al,1 11ia.. al I . i' h .d b ht 1of it. 1.l i, 'li ', ' itt4 111t Ill. lI I-I.. t I ci, t.1 I ýl, I, o I r 1 11. :i ii · 1 'l II-r8'. t 1 1,i ' Ih l I i - 1I/i ' .. ll Ir. b i . MI l,+ ii,, . 4, +ll l', .iu da.i l 1ii l t.I l rl tiat' I a sa n e e ua.l ,l |ii.ii ,'I I i ri' b a i l i llaie Ii I iu li e:, .ih'e : "+i .ill, 'ill , J:c1h'* l t . ?1 11 ,. 1 'p'ul 't hl ' I l l, *" I r IllUess, il l l he iIi'uil t mii),,:l1i' lI, r, ter,: i fIs "flue I., I .:fa , cr h 11 I'ir 'a' s," i't i :ý, .* 1 , 'II lilll lll ii ili'l~l :t' I+ iliI:. ralll lll- i 111iVH., L'rL u ad, 5 d, r~h rla1, ou o bllly Akin pn rl,"I ) fPII urnPnl flJI id pontu, ihad. a he, a..a kr 7m y, Srhejwitutisliad tihest point t."IfrYid Iiiug ni" olaat bty I hu n It ii eul AnIl-rliPulasatemo. .)ct .1 AKINO POWDER Absolutely Pure I.' powd rcl ver IE,. A (unr illf tr, J hI tion 4 i r.1 I , I, u 4. I 1,,0 ,I I,, I , l s:11. i I l h v i\1 tý ( `1 I , , r 1 ni Mnu" b : w oI,1! , ffhatScott'sEmnwsioe HasDon Over 25 PountBC . : 'ri" o1eeki Experience of a promr.! n cnt Citioe TbA VAL10 IIIN 11. I took a sevtre '-&d ?t.f ilychestajiri ýý1"t ;, , I ýi not give It pi'ope' Gttcrn. tion;tt 1Coirof i:A ;1. Fnl1'le yeor I ci:ll'd !t. C Liv *u r I;n :,Irr E t L''ci tnki i r, t) ~ i~i ~ 2 3a0 -hitc -; *ce" cniy r,!;re tinies ?Y )fl ter,; ,1 jr,. V % ., 1uu pois tvcTrt f ufns !G 1)ot nrnfl an(:~.: c -~·_· I- a ,~I -, · j: ** - I' fl st PONT I 111l! IIiAl!V -t S I. I I II. .. N n,, t *6 l,.· II nI ,rC 1 - l'.1 ' , , . U *. i\ n( Si' "1 ,n sIto-ire ii, CATTLE 8T0'Kg FOR SALE ~I~ L ('lll''tr .ol1 "",r 11 11. I),)Y l~l~ (111 .. , . 1. I 1 1,:116 iI l 'Ii I.t ~. .U nl~'e niiict iechp u .tl Ill.' l I ' i tt rlll ntia t g' Ind l li r I. i. l - I It n ii I KIJT. W'. ~%Oit1I.:N, .11 i~l I .t " . U . , "Ir.ll A Perfect Fac Powder 3. Wtrigb. CTLETA SnTmOK UFISIAL tPtyh. * lr.-acUvzg 1 " ' k in to . c o r Im . EwnFRa -M-a 3 Ock t '"uq':n,1. f Ita o .mo A I , icn ma11. g aeo ýpmlr au - .lock. n l "" for th ,-14+11 .ay u'" o u;I l 14 ruo " And n 111 re aN pr ll·, Ib r.e " n I, rel '1iclIrll~N~p lr~I1 1t .N11,1111 IK'l'. od (''N, Atli f, M ce uvi d hle h(plul totl hepel twe byears itc l~ogt shout i ,ii-g *tii n etail I 'alp, Ia 151 IIIUII(IIIr. il u 11. kniu, l-taa p Vii~e' IA tt F~ u.n·I(. hIgr Iannt piit *n.NoIL p'I·Trl.. t i i T;,~ Al. MA" I t (U, Ill It ocU.k A Perec 0ace P IowdI inter.ta I)Of r- - -. rlr. aar~~o Ipii t 4,l' O ; I i WiI le tlu .. l 1 t xins.t lucy I uIIflt .I' ~ ~ ~ i I- .1 A1. P111.· ·. ·Il~ll hidren Crj for Ptcher's Cutorii CHARLES DICKENS' WORKS. Ii HANDSOMEI VOLUMI AND e Tim ~T. 3P,"4 wwazz." 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