Newspaper Page Text
NEIG SOM . r me He"s. an you dark ao ralr Dl blue your yta. or black ma shadows am flas lb in wodesat amlnigbl Tell wet ewser Wat form you wera-large. medium or petit.' I amy.' raw your. nor you a , 1 wean. LAd yet our verses on the met mo. seliu Are pirnt*ied I Lthe lag new magazIne I fain wo11l ,Lvl '.. tiuir utughbor, it) our song (kme froml lii. unodlands. or the City's thronl 1toom 011,1.1 taut lre ai. u or beslde, lit sea, Brerathed t Il i, :zs*,iered solitude. or from As binds on l inur. auiud tanmesylvan soenlO I pay you grow a~ut.laJt. and let u'. lhi UIrghboru In thnu:bhc si In the mayugue bmay I ua I r you ared oucy blue (As 1tothe hose. I twon) or just * true. fight ittle weuuana-nothing Blostntae-. Wbhoe ong I. i~nlc without a thought to please Aught I it cw± lngitr? May I read l tteen The Ilne.. uM.d ae. such things as thes.. doping they'U print them in the llngaziboi Did Loh(i *.ItrFJ-e-that is the wu"ry lute Dsctwzl a..ei'taumea nd the prinated tI tyue Nakte your ste. it haer like my old iitier.,. .aol. Endure i'fn; l1.fnilla gIal .i:;r the w hola Oonoounli.,l oil..' ot ..d itie whrwn I;e i:n. Cool, bhiuneg alse wou,l not at outoll1 .nroI Our ..mrltll thoughts In ti',·r twit ma;;a.ziul' And did roi luollI:ly soi it u- ..n0:1 er Ltrack. Each i _ ' n l: it; ,t" I~~ h I Lii' hiiii3cr '.ers Betwpe, ,i to .iaiu kV k f htt Id it,,- worse LoppeI."'iI lvn10t I nii.t pageaudt u: 11 I.l ped. yolur nat.e. the I. uder poet's curse} Ala&. for ll.i'tl iu i tmlga.:iue I questn- ell CiLaat:'... aui chance atone. t' il '"." )utr lily % ,t-re alld yuuir. Las throw'S B" ! l: I v v . t c -'r·I I ol·o:, Illy irel AidJ wTI.* 'KII,'ie-O111i lat till'. l. .I P 51111 By your to lZ.4 er,'V-m~ holpeirtll:. ;II. ilig motel Or tw'eet' Jd i~ii I.ou+ , . 'a.u.i ; ·iua:: -It T W DIuLa. Jr.. to The Century (treat Troubles and Sfmall. "M-i is u haidle of c ,ntradictions. " He breasts acalamity w;:h a Ismile, and flies ilnto a rage at so no' aUlnovance. When the foolish con., ict of Landor, the schoul:r. Lad mad • it nece cssr for him to sll his p, r.nmal Irp'olrty, transfer h:s real e t-,te to his eldest iou, and hurry off to the. Continent, he arrived sudd'en v :it 1Mr. )ortster's hlise in Lonol i i !e I ':lkenis and Oltier ucs1t,,lý \\tr dit -!v I, Ii U'ens h'.-tew, ,I to grccat hi- friend. expecting to lind him cast down; but the old man lIlu I.rat:d one of his no table N.ltyiiLs "Most t11h11s areI real to nme except emalitiLs." Ho at upor his bed. and talked in his most gel :I vein aibout Latin poetry. lHe went t Florence. and lived in rooms aboy,: those occupied by his friends, t:I lrowniiiun.s, who used to Iend his d, uIer up to him every day. Dinner was to him an imiportant event. 11' would stand watch in baud as the hour drew niigh. and if the dinner was a iouim.,t late, lihe would ssize the di-h and throw its contents out of the window Mr. .3rownlllt. s son s that whelo young lie remen.bers bCting a leg of mutton pass the window of his fatier's iroomt when it had bthul sent to tthe irritabl. old muan a uunlllrte behind time. Youth's Comºnpaniuu. Ge t~ln E.en Witll) 1w. In a "aul;: garrilon town in PrIits A the ohliceia of a cavalry 'oiihfI;iy idil znessed t ,-rmtiiqr. A uinewly al1paiiiLt&. second liuiltenantt had just arras od. and was eating hlusir t dinntier at the mesa table. ThLa day thtpLujaica tai dish was stewed kidneys. W. hen this dish was passed uruu Iud one ollicer aftera aother declined to take anv, as they kiw'v the captili was pasnzoately addicted to stewedl kidneys. Whicn the dish Caine to theo new Iieutc!aint, lie, not knUtwiiig any better. hcl1~d h.niself eery liberalli Next d y oti parade. the Captain asked allout ihr ohliccr: -Who is that wrItcliecl cruxture on the JIftt" th t.T hat's the new I: uteriant." "'Y"', I rinulcnleer; lie can gorg hi. j sus tU ~n '.t(wd kidnes, butI he If'It fur lolt llluud. The iia is lbire iiiih11 to ,,ti v\oue with o t:*,,r V\. 1o4 hl:iv, iiev'tr c' -h rled the suljtsct iu the light that the v - ta ri:ais d.1, thl.t our dlit is altother Itoo stl'ul II tlit l ul:tte"r of the110 ll c:at ilzg umentL. th) i:Iucli is thib tIllCe e..e that it is ni,:uuta.:w'l that mild wines do re I!v i"'i haltr'l, to the teneral sys temn than l!,li that is loaded with red bluoodl This stroing teat, silil, for in stan,,, as beef, the euatig of which, it is suld. Il oul4,ntly generates too hot hlkM.l. v.i:' Is our Irc'klcss activity, 0111' li.tenisit' and IaaioI' ef our new dis s l .ll .. te llealt.;.. Veg alhlcs, oils iuil frit-, ih l1onZ tried use..oug the ncieltIC , ar e In this view a 4 safer and whldtsonh),tr dit than that which w.e have so, hl41g cunsidetred the best to be had. -llarpr s Lazar. A I:rt'. Caretlesnes. A firm of manufacturers in Milw~ia kee had an odd experience with a rat lately. Noticing that the bills for water delivered through a meter were unusually large an investigation was made, whlieu it was found that the lead supply pipe in one place ran in contact with a waste pipe, alsoof lead. A rat. who frequented the waste pipe, hlappening to be thirsty, and divining by the curious instinct peculiar to such animals the proximity of a sup. ply of water, had gnawed a bole through tie walls of both pipes in order to qdt a drink. He succeeded in getting his drink, but omitted to clone the hole again and the water oon tinued to flow through the meter and out again through the waste pipe. (StAnawn I1a...l asrcago tierala. A Maly VIe Sery. A fisherman in Winthrop tells fhat he cught a pickerl through the toe on lUke iaranoook, last January, and found in its stomach a roll of un. digelstd bank bills amounting to $60. He thinks that the money was lot by a sporting mun whoe boat was upet Sth lake moe than a year ago. Cor .mmeralL ,A Russian navy ofoer has invent. Sa method of sarc.hing the a or tart b night, whioh doss not reveal the position of the ship. A mortar fir Sbuoyant shell ootanlong a searn buse d wbnb ap thm o hiirU a1M REMAR&KALI COINCIDENCES. Vhalebls to se I s of asp.. ssa I Mr. IaJUlwell-PhlaCpm. I know well what a keen interest Americans tuok in my uth. the late 31r. l1aihUll-Phillips.., -.d ill his Suakcsi."arean work, and also in Bol. lingbury Copse-that American Mecca --and I am fully aware how pruad he was to numibr among his friends maly of the leading American lit. r ary Lmen. Some few years ago he, in ir;rry uoilot. compiled '"a list of afew araliel ctil'rumtaLces i the lives of l..ukcslnw and Mr. J. U. Lhallwell lilip llh.'. tand upon raure occailoll t~UrL" \:tul, lew produced after dinner nld. .acid sh'ricka of laughter, in v. hlIh hlol. 11ISt lf ,llouhl loin Iost .1 toi a tlith t.tia rkahle. and . l'.'. T'ie thltrt\y-thrte pIaIrall ls dith are all irhitly true. not Cr'o!!' ct'ld al wai" l ''. , to Illiy llnd one ,; I ,: t,,..t cxt\ a i.t iAt .r"y is tlhat his ut. d. . U ;.. , I "llarrltd a g Alltkit)ltitl ,, the I.uit ouf hail. Lieut. liali. ,. I bed %,-u by t!is post a copy of the I:-t. aiui if you c'.re to print it, t/o, ar? lI,. . ctly i ehltllie to do so. 1. li uii dt.sci:kttd fomon very l;ll coluntryV farltl's. So ul I. t. With I.?? pietlcLsions to an1 aristo cratic pedlree. Neither have I. 3. : ,r withl any real!y ;_gKMl claim to t ,at n."e ul coat armor. Neither h.. ve 1. 4. l;it he puIr.e I'I- n .rant of arms froth .tll,L.La,. So Rhave 1. i. His father. not being haistiCed with the' loverty of his rural life, left the country auni commuenced businesa iu a town is a glover. S did mine. 6. L3ut he soll got tired of that oc cupation altid c(ntIillellced speculating withl house Iplrprty. So did mine. 7. HIls father had a chautery suit res!.ecting a small estate. So had '. tlhe, ctlh.:ncrv suit in which his fatller \~ Ilaultilf lasted for nearly t\,catit \V,.-. tbi did the chancrc:v suit in . Lich miy fathtr \ea, ptlauitdh. u. lie .\t lit to school to so little pur ptwe that he learned little Latin and lets G '. A,. So did 1. It. 1le uarri'ed very early in life So did 1. 11. Andi without a sixpence on cith. er ide. So did 1. 12. lie obtained his marriage license et \Vorcc:tkr in a grat hturit'y and in the midst of famuly disag'eements. 0) (1U 1. 13. lie <, as perzecut ed by Sir Thom Is. a, cuntry bqUllU. 5O was L 14. lie was ,laraecuted Lcause he tok a fancy to Sir Thunius' deer idtar). So was 1. 15. lie was ,a ;rtet adiircr of the fair .!x. So am 1. 16. Hlk purchased the estato of New P]lace at .ruat'ord-ou-Avon. So did 1. 17. le s~old a load of stone out of the tihee. So did I. 1s. The hulsband of his second d:.ughtor was ruulmtely connected with a yo:nau of the name of William 'hllliipps. So is the husband of my ecouu daughutcr. 19. A pe~so, of the name of Will isl Pilihipps owned property adjoiu tUe grounds of Shakespeare a country house. Au lndividual of the same uIame ownl: land adujining the g~rundh of any Lcounltry houue. 20. Sh.ikiespeare Lt one time of his life was pIcuniarily interested in a theatre. .) was I. 21. The ti.Catre in which he was in tert.ted was destroyed. 8o was mine. 22. Tiiere was a shoemaker by the uiane of Shakespeare living near hie S:(JU ntL'y house. 6, tlelre is Inear wline. e. le owned during part of his life a :,,.dse il Landoni, a lease of which was gr:anted to Mr. John Robisoun. , 1.n 1. 24. lie bought a moiety of soLuo "t:. , s .S, did 1. 25. ItI iou cU'rse of Lis literary ca rmr tL. ;Le a,,kx1.tred "Much Ado Abouut Nothi:nt." ti tihlere its illn mi!e. t(j. 1.o: . s it lLLt:i s W\\eilt t,. Mitll tavvrn it li-t . tr..!. S-. did J. T27. hI his jottrl('ur so ;twt .et Lolndonl no.d .ti ;l,ratld-ou-Avot i:e occasionally taed a tigi;Lt at Uxfourd. So did I. .. I _otiated fur the i;.ulhase 2:). t iud nut succeed iin buying it. : , .. .. did 1. of a anJIl estate at Shottery. So did 1. :,0. lh..ootnetunes drunk a little too nmuch at a wncrry Illec ting. ic did l. 31. 1ie bought onr hoIlue in London. So have I. 32. (Onie of his friued, wantedto bor row £2 l of him. 5Io lis ouc of wine. 33. Ili.s ldest daughter tmarried a ',gentlei aniu by the name of Hall. So did 11,11u". The chief ditferenlce.obtweeu us in our respective careers appealrs to be that he It.ew how to write pla'ys andl dn't-Earr est E. Baker in Boston Herald. Lost Time ea Shaft DVa.. She was an humble waiting maid in Oakland. Oakland is the Athens of California, and the all, therel of San Francisco. She waited upon an Athenian table and cooked Athenian steaks for Athenian appetitws. She was not all lost. She had rN latives in San Francisco, and she visited them on her olf day. It is uon long off day in Oakland. It had been hercustem of a forenoon for many months to make this little pilgrimage, and winter approached and the sun rose later and set earlier, in accordance with the rules of the celestial trades union. One day a ouple f weeks ago she went to her "Please, ma'am, you'll have to let me go an hour earlier now." "Why 1" "Because, ma'am, I've got to go ovaer to the city, and you know ma'am, the days areso short now thu. Soose more than an hour."-8F-a rcisco Chronle. whs I.d..rm c.. .. Taking all Londn's food together- the h the mat the poul, t estb , thhe fruit, the grooeris and the bread-sad it shows an annuaw consumption of close on a million and a half tons a yea. Addng to ths the drink-,4oluding the water-and dk vlded by O85, we have a daily eco uraption d ,a00 los-New TYak 'Jhlesm DOCTORU PL.ATITUDES. ps Th'ey Ca)ll. Haumor, Mlystly a UIelevo Their Patients. "Illness is always serious," is one of the stock phrases of the business like doctor. "Persevere with the Smedicine," is a stock remark worth several hundred a year to some men we know. The "professional air" which is now cwquired requires e g enius to originate. but it as easy enough to aletct it. 'lhce Abel lrug gers are dying the death. The public nowadays objects to being made ill, and, as a rulet, in the better class of practices, medicines are either sup plied free of charge, or pre'scriptions are written; but generally the people in the middle ranks of life who Om ploy the general practitioner obj.ect to go to a cheiust for Imedicines: con sequently the drugs alre di.-ps'l ed by the doctor. We fear that anIay of the most suceess~ful of general practition ers owe their positionl siltl 'ly It their proliciency in the art of plt.asing. I never contlradict a patient," one of the mos.t sta'te of our friends used to remuark. Curious ;ae the exlpe riences ot this head; e \\ ilI give a case in point. Mrs. A. caine regular ly to the surgery of a .aiofes:,iona1l friend; her disorder was chlllronic. 1 sober truth, she simply fancied that her skin was too tight for her. For months the bi-weekly consultations continued. The practitioner was aware that the lady was a malade im aginaire, and he raung the changes on tonics and placebsm. They did no harm; he argued they might do good by their effect on the mind. At length our friend's conscience t-g ani to prick him. lie henilued. he hawed; at last he told Mrs. A. in polite hlanguage that she had nothing the matter with her. Mrs. A. indignant. "Anrd have \'ou een phsicViking ime all this tinw if notihinag was the amatter:' M.1.s. A. left in a rage, and. walking straight to another practitioner in the neigh borhold, shte explained to lhin that out' friend "did not und-erstand her coustitutitn :" in l ine. that hie hIdul coim uiiitctl the ciwniiii'- sin of telliiig her prac'tit~ioner wi as it %tis' 11.11. lHe sviii patliized, he ire'.1'ijlWd, hi' is po'sihl I the uU fi n't u iat I~i I s t liers I i's aii th e skini, wlichtl i' loo tijitt. hlisi is nIIo hlistoire iII1' r'im'; it i, 'a ý oliiun fact. ( Inc of thw i~i i- ti~adcsu~u'n 'ike pre' titionlrs wt' limiuw. iln (i'f4'Idlii. w hat N\k' fear cai onlyI ' call lid el "rl:.'ait isni. reniark,: "Th'' liie' it, -Ir. Thyi v will havie it." Th is pI ;sae itiii i. Ia way-91I'- S liie ste11ºirll u i , :U~i tuna'sl~l, the pjatienIts pulse ',.it :1 ,4 ~ n g3~ipdi; lie hias the itltlrti:.I hI,.s iiis II uU Ii i't iii' patient UkfI I I;, r a v iv scienatilic mn; ii e ha:s a I:lr,; :i. aid w~ealthiy colinectisin ini a fashaiealsle suburb. IReally his iis i'rautec is Cras.,. Many ge~eru ii practitionirs see-k t) dazifo thir pa::tit by i a dashiui; turnout, a ii :.11'i iti tios ofl huf r Ii: inda said to hlve uctualli' driv'eni himself iiito p cract'e. lie wily known to hisi con.Ifreres as "JJehu.' Ile ailected a yellow bnoughain ainid a pasi ir of car riage dogs; he drove with jobbdii' horses at a r'ate of Il2mit fouri't'eI mile's an hour; he sixii kl mline talked of. and died a rich nuinli. The clever )rat'titjoner nitev'er' "ib iarirs, he aiiakes Ititisel f dlcsirred. aiid letis t Ih i Iti: it conclude that Ii, Ilmnwi"tiuts aie pre cious. As a iule, ingl ui I l I'ractice the patient is niever toll lie l:! aIutlº iuig the mnatter with him. 'lie mu-;st he ill or lie wouhldn't camiie to mie- iS the natural s igliiisti of t h. g'iii'ler p'act itioner. lie is prohably ri ii it; fs ,i' there is somethinlg cmi, iiiIIg toi the ri uerality ,,f l K i ple in t1'' e' l i re .(.iltL of a doctor. As a rule. tlis' leuis '::l In rUnii: his jaIii)tiwi t co dsinene - 'aturday H v isi w. tb aill. 'utd a Point.e iv d the hlotodhuuiud of t oun- Ia" iut lii l t'ok r' IZt a I hi Oi Inc tive, had i4 l t ls ' I n 1 fot la i i. T 11a4do a werie l ,."", t h n1Iduow s oledi thie mrea s te iutcui .pr' Ikiklh is hut Ilie aenius to ho; c1 !t11 teen jutrustd t of twhk of c. oati'r the cboetls mva~tSjimIL tl otne wa one11. t \oiiit for hkr. Ther doors wthe Iiooke, t- II ins, the mtive which \'uld area pateinct like;ly trj indle gL eni tig domtr toa open his door; and hie found it in a "pUtienit." lie drove UI to tlt- douior i & cab as a chronic but "ell to, do iii valid. Sw3athed in IlaiUIII I he tAttered up the stjps. and1( wheICnI the szniijathiz big ph~ysician ii It hinti inl and1 was aIMIIt to inquire into his ca",t, lie replied: 'SUmmIIIIIons, sir; I'm the broker's inII." .-San Frakzzih.r, A i~rnnauhl -nan r rdnihuCO sir )loaUL. A Crack Gourgil khlarlmhuuter. In your IpaIr of todlay I saw an ar ticle of the best shot in Ame.\ricus, oneG that is the equal of Carver ior 1gardus; now I wish to dispute with you, for we have one in bumter that is far the superior of either; his n.lme is Howard; he never allows his hands to imarle either his cattle or hog,; he has a trained dog for the occsioni who starts the hogs or cattle from the pen; after they have gotten firun lifty to a hundred yards the start Ig. ilps his horse in full speed, dra s his Simith & W leson and fires two shots in quick uccession, and thus plroI:eeds to cut an underbit in one ear and Ia wallow fork in the other, leaving a hole in each ear with a swallow fork in the right and an underbit in the left of each ear. His employer has been sat isied with his manipulation for sev eral years, and tells him to go ahead, ns everything is 0. K.-Amerious "La.) Republican. If people wish to lire well together, they must not hold too much logic, and stappose that everything is to be settled by suffeient reason. Dr. John son asaw this clearly, with regard to marred people, when lie said: "Wftched would be the .pair above all names of wretchedness who should bedoomed to dJust by r eso v.-ery orIn, ail the moiut detail 1 a ""_i llr."u· POWDER Absolutely Pure, I Iý o l Tn." cartr -". 'A IlaN va ol I arnil. C. a:a9. t iIIa . 1)r L . mol a.( 1aada w .I0,, ta.. ,'a ", i.!t. I. aa' . r (.Ia..a a:.' , p pox't,. ".' I '. T If Louisiaina i N le' L~bIe i t it mi', 1rhurf.UrIat4. by tuc I egi ,.tirc so lEd ueat i,,:aI ii.. ('hrLamI4 I; pr1..., and it Ii' elf '. ,,iidr pa ~rt utii e s.'ceat CtPlat, I oltat tutor In 11,77. LA an, ,,,er.he I iug laun ,r ruts'. It..H~tI~t1'I 1/..t%ºý1i. rksest gulf-t i- u31114413. 4,141 tmul I te.stml,."r.J Mli I I.1 tak Li'emai.- mto reah ,,, Ih ., ,tee h. e 3 Mond.~,, lIe t i't r. Mmu l '-.1' Bu crnt WE II pobimm l, iat fo.r A.mdeumm o llof )ui.Ic Now Or 144,31,.. 3.44. For 'Iiirpi, ,crl,tv i4? ii,. (,zt,, :q flar 1'"1'11 ~ i~ 1' I t *drl'lt of l'a'in-.,) rangwanentu for al I 4 i. 'itUt "Ivii -emi: .A m,4An at,' in ,.mcrtic IrmitarI-l:a oIt m.l i u I drA ~itu IhbernaelreR, amit thbt the iaulr tare co,,.Ia 1 t I win boueatytaimna n,. ard ii, L' ·1 IriI, wailu a'I prr ticr, and we authIitrrizlz Ihr Ic 4 44 01 3erlifcate, with !ac-.iua I1.m. four aIýr1atur,. Li ia. his ll n. 1, r It, itlr llr:r Wer t Ile smnt,.rrltjd Irutana.ud anIkrikr, a-Il pn .1' I'rtmt. 'ri.!, u i I It.,utallja ... -4ate I.4Ult ll a ,'11 Lb I . Iy I res rated at t4u Ir . 4lllltra'. It. ,1.W rI. l'4%I.I;'. . ('ii, ' tsitsxt Nat. Itarik P51MBt: LANAItX, i'm-i, tlam- Sat. ftati A. hAIt.I~lI\, IN r", \m-Nw 4)'hirttm Na. itam At the Academy of Music. New Orleans, tuesuals. No. II. 111SN CAPITAL PRIZE $300,000. IIt h0 1, 'I' l It.- t. I, 'i~t iat I) IInra I putti'/; li'fý'" 1111'. . .; tIt~tI tr "1 a"Utli. Z"; I t'" "I III (I,- f tl. "ýT n IC LIZI I 2 Pl $ *, I. ~.!i i...............«... S1'RIZI. IF 1' i r ... .................. tYi. As 1 i i'f:LF i. ar e..... ......... . ii., t I'l %E i 'I tr ot................... ...... ri 2 1'i;2 IF u ,.F a sr ae ................... liPi I ZE, d . 1 . ui r1rr ...................... 2Aci .., 11RI/EE t IIF 1 .YM' are .......... .... L'a.nrr h~s 11n 171.' (IF :. , air ..................... .'. !rl :rifR%. IQEN' P. - / l Jttj at-i :'tgu "r ..................... - i t t% t,* *. i g t r t t l I i y a ate R io ~I,1'K!%~· ,~ L"a re ........ .. ....11.1L gIo S~t'tirrv gesute ith . laur. o f,,tgtttt rtsi and 1.01 tar. :rHi ar re..t............. ........ iliy e IYI do. ."I arr ... ........... _'... VWIuc ,b Jim) 5,,. ..... . ..... ... !rl,'Y YI I' it." !.nn.'n tnr lu .......... S1.IJ1 M ti I'-I It Vgu r! d' "."lig gati itt it z, utt n c t I MPOe ,t rTMNr A.di% !1 i", Ii 'a t 1' Ii i oI or w. u ies.a, L.a.d or Mn. A. LiASPIIfl~. , .gl i" a tat,. on, I-i. C u Pr : r-'Itarv Is-hiuv. 4 aiiIINti.IsiK ~l l.iry Elesli taaus' t ti, dLsrapi d ret u' iit Iea, Sew l·Voa jUr. )'u1r hul aI~fi.%Ifrd tti' RI-At l. l At I I i.e l a' Ni i or d IY 34,. I. AA IDNAL It r'cKs ofnry Irtlurlea,, anti th. Tikita are flaro.d rllc I'realteut iiin mii Ie uttoit.nle whoa ch:srleai,- raght. are ret onalal n i Ike ighest (.ttflra; thersIgri'l, sawar. ii sIt lnstlloua or ,uonviiioitao egbrmsia. .In I; 1 3.I.AIII l 11.e Irte oflbs IONtAlleti jart N\, Krartion of e wTikel Ieal aEl) It Ihe Ict ar3 L~raguiti!. An ihe tti Ii our an IOato. o'.t4 ho e Cltta; ti tat, taur s fw·iandleo A Perfct Faoe Powder. rrcE ~OOL DOW. J" W right. % 'i NIAWATII ELECTRIC BELT* Owin ~e IWO es p. 0~ o UIM ~a V T.CI ANM BBLT In f Q~l toidlotw;* to of AR fog -2a't t ll a lam vvem ubSSI ""U s$W AI U·N Ue E. U.N. 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