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SI DAILY Y EI LOWWSTONE JOURNAL. VOLUME VIII. No. 4 MIlLES CITY, MONT,: A, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER i8,. :Eg. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURPAL The Oplfrhn l sp*,r of (',hslrr C'ouenp. Every Morning Except Mcnday. Population of Miles City . . 3,000 Terms of Subscription; Y MAIL, IN AIV N\E, POlTAGE PAID. Dally Edition, one year..................... .... .JIo.a auly Edition, sis imthbs.............. ......... 6,) uaily Edltien,on unth ............................. . 1,0,) TO CITY iU5.6 I$.iFb, (arr!er, Every Moruing, at .~ cents per we.r, W.EKILY EIITI LN. YELI(IW I'AIPR. One Ye r........................................ ...........3.... ,00 Six Months..................... ............ 2,) Three Month ...... ....... ..........................- 1. ) Advertising Rates. - i - . . ."[I if f - - 'y ...w. . .00 4.00 .00 10.00 14.00 30.00 ;JA ...... ..) u 7.00 11.001.00 18.00 26.00 Days ..... ''. i.00 6.200 14.00 16.00 21.00 10.00 s ... .1 4.12) 10.00 16. .00 26.001 1.00 .Yu 4 ..... .4) 10.00 12.1O0 20.00 8.00, 12.00! 45.00 eeks... ".1) 12.12) 14 22100 20.00 6..00' 60.00 .Mntn ... .I.06 14.00 16.00 26.00 12.00 42.00 00.00 f ..r Ie.. 12 00 18.00 12.00 56.00 42.001 12.00 11.00 W.*,ni... 16.0,) 2.L00 28.00 42.00 10. 00 .00 100.00 I- .*h 2.12 :2.00 40.00 l0.00 74.00100 0 180.00 Local ontes-Ten e·nss per inse rr eahe I1sr f Ift.o eaost per line. Addre ;~~~~ ..... • ---- :rn,.._ rI' u ICIA4IL. 3. LEONARD. Xl. D)., k'hyalcian sad Sur * gins, holocated In Mire City and nay be (wed at Wright's Drug Btore. a Dlwu o Wc nu n and Children aepecIalty. DR. x to BEDL, PHYSICIAN AND IURIEtUM. Ot.e at W E. 8avagea drug satre. 19.91 D t.E . I'12Ii. D1. TRUICIAN, NL' UN AND OlTVkIICIA lArat, Wundarnt uod tehurtaheller.) Ufce at i.'ages drug storr, &il e cit,, N. r. C . Uaxt D T Man astreet, erer t-tockgrowera National Bank. lII work guaaranted and at reaaonaule raes. R. B. ~`uUlrK*2, R" euior Veterinary t.urgeo fb cavalry. lkridencwe Mils Cily. Calls attended day or a1gb!. Ilwcyurderr· at Marv'. drug stors Cot. eapondence proptly anfyrre C b LEBCIER. N. DI.. liy.ulcan andgugeon. Offie and reuldtt ti uter hite Elephant. M aln . 8 CH C ItYD i. Emmanuel Churrh (Episicpal) Painter 1ff -iete rice Sundays at I1 a. us. and 7::iJ p. ii. raulue Rlbii.sun, rector. Stintlut ('bureb-n in. NJ. Weeks, acting ,.owur. 'rtachliig sernesi iutitay at I a. mu. and't p .in ~au ·an Praye.r M-rr inte, Welurrday at 7:45 p. A cUrdial IIIlI&tlUot, iI all. M' :i..ll nf Chun 1r1k-t1r4 :r t .,I ,l i. in.. a. p. Id.:11~ 1'r,.}tr u;~rr! i.I Ned esd:ay tv ning, ., i rN. til r. patio, . .1 Ir,. ., rry al - p. in. l i.t11 1.1 1 i1 f I TYN. A. 0. 11.--1;.'t,. l 1., , LtC.~Il fr.t and tbonaJ 11 1 1 I .r. n l Is t Ih t !1. 6. of H.-- .l,.t,r-t nd thrd \h.dut.daysl t A. F. &A. N.-t , i .u Lo!ge. N". ",, 611t jd t ir V.u . d e 'daLt` It. A. '! --Yellu'.. ~t,' I hlpier, . No . *, ec d bhurtday in rahll In I K. T.-Danaason " . . ; sery.,liinrth Thur dare. i 0. 0. .--4 lr I.od:ie, No. 18, every 1,3alav .it thir uht,. 1. ().'0. F.-N-utical E1.em(m ..,uent. No. 6, irst arn third F,.Ilay. K. of P..-' Lotge, No. 7, Thursday *eenings at Od Fellowsi, H'I1. IC. u. of A.-'.$i s I ity nramerb, ervry unday at 7 tp. n. L. of L--First and third Ilaturdays. tW. A. L--U. e. (iraut Post, No. It, irst and $ird Tuesdays. 1.0. G. T.-(tar of the West. No. 24, every Tbursdn eveninl. I. v.-Gibson C(amp No. 4. Meets Art and hir oMuasde et scb month at (ood Templar 1. DENTISTRY. Or. M. M. HEDGES t III he at til. MaCq.een Honuse Nov. th and re.mnain as long a. huslness will war. rant hn llin so dling. All operations. whether on the nIatral tech or artiflleal uultlitult., iwr'onrmea amcordsan to Ithe latest Illslpnrelltlent in Il art. tOas almllnlllterdl for Ithe pailleos eatrac tion of Teetlh. Colst e I.i L. .lw' Entrlance. IRE~DMOOR AUiOIY EcAUSLAND'S GUNs.! U VOLVES. AMMUN1TIOIN awswUb s UI.SwwS.i. Ihldien G h( Ptchr'a catar" Ae within ithe reach of all. Our display this week -onsislN! of fins Kra ies of lid lm, Bid iid 1k Lidw , ti~ Siu ah Eq We have the greatent line of FU CO~DNEY, YX, EA AN FXiF R S in Muffs and Boas. In the city. An elegant line f Handkerchiefs and Mufflers LEb EISENBERG, STOCK GROWE RS' NATIONAL BANK, MI ES OITY. MONT'. THE LAIGEST BANK IN EASTEBN IONTAN& NITEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS W. . . SEBIPNI. Prsident, WK. HARMO. Vice Presidnt. 8. F. BATCHILOR. Oaahlr. C. L. KBBILL. Lsst. ashb FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0o THE OLDIST IAHD IA SIT BANK' 14 EASTEIRH ONTANI W. B. JORDtAN Preident. 0. in. MILE, Vice President. E. . B. WBIIC. Casuhir. 8.:B. WI.ET X0'.staa Cashler INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. .':_ •~ I l ] . .J~.J -.--.-- IIl • | •m m ur!_ m Gold andSilverTurned and Twisted In more ouv~el lhapl.. thi. ..uNo han t :ver efoire. ait price, within tho reach of ait . " an he fo'n1 i atI 1 uli's e h td'lu.inell*ss next d or to Iir t Nat') Laiik. For s Presenltalions. l)hul't iat iine .n1ll i't affor'l to aIy oif u, 1ie:-iie we irrv stricti" firt l ,r itewelr" na11il v'\er lui-rei re.j t riti'l ni we -ell. All I ak i-. it- to haine oareletioin andees The lowest lprie· on uennine lradL'e. ever shown in the city. We lack space to llentin articles in stock. W'o have all that is Inew and iunovl ii jewelrv. 1. C. RICIIMONDI Miles City. - -M - - Montana DON'T FAIL To call and seethe fiue display of CROCKERY and HARDWARE At the store of Miles, Strevell & Ulmer. it is the faest ever seen In the ,rity and they take Ileasure In shbowog their goids, whether you buy or not. To those hokilug for Xmas presents there is a splendid opportunity to make a choiteo worthy of tLe beat. Lake your wife down and let her see what they have. They make a pecialty of Dinner Sets from $12,50 Up. Chas.W .Seyde, REAL ESTATE. s, Life aid AeidMent nsuurancua Os at snubgsewaee Ua"st Blee. IM.s CW. Mesm... THE VERDICT. The Crenin Jury Convict Cough lin. O'Sullivan and Burke and award them LifeSentences. Kunze Gets Three Years and Beggq is Acquitted-Scenes anId lncid:nts of the Occasion. THlE CRONIN VERDICT. Coughlin, O'4ullvlan and Burke Get Life bentenceb. CH]ICAoo, Dec. 16., 2 p. m.--Judge McC~,nnll lias just InIuilUced that a return will be made tby the jury In a few mluutKs. He has been informed that a verdict had been reached. THE VERDIT('. CHICAoO. Dec. 16, 2:32 p. m. Cughlln, Burke and O'Sullivan im pruisonnent for lihe; Kuoze, three years; Begg., not guilty. HOW THX VERDICT READS. CHICAGO, Dec. 16.--Te verdict of the lury i4 s follow.: "We, the jury. ind defendant John F. Begp not guilty. We, the Jury, find defendint Kunze zulliy of wanslaughter as charged in the indletmen.t and fix his punibnhment at impriionment it the penitentiary for the term of three years. We, the jury, find defendants Daniel Coughlin. Patrick O'Sullivan and Martin Burke guilty of murder in the manner and form as charged in the indictment, and fix the penalty at Imprilonment in the penitentary for the t.r'n of their naturlu live,." At the reque.t of the defense, the jury was then polled an reaf8rmed the verdict, Simultaneous with the an. nouncement of the verdict Coughlin. O'Sullivan and Burke turned deathly pale, while Kunze a arted suddenly from his sest and a moment later droprped his head upon his breset and burst into tears. Begg' face was lum inous w;th jy, anti immediately after the ipolling of the jury, arnsR frm anitl Ihot plri m r and walkel, over to lihjtlry b Ix, li ctllrilll the llreath l. I lull that fll.wn l1, wli. ,k Formnlci! ('larke's hlin h. artilc alii s ,hl: "'G(, Iletiiu i, I ttau k y-in. I trui' th i t the futirt liav oitirlrlu your jlrud rlnp nt, andl Ihat you will n, ver regret ltha 'iul fund nie niit euilty of thil t'r" t ble charae." A li e slhok hIandsa with the jurer-, each nmen Iowed lhis hiad in i.knowl.ldat.ualt (if the grateful worde ' f the Ihbhru.t d man. Tihe orly aouud th!at broke the stailine. was the delep ~oI, of the li'tleermrn. KiQnze He lburst out with, "G(,d knows I am innocent. I never was in Lakeview that night. Oh, Go(d knows I am In nocent, gentlemen." O'tollivan was the only one of the other thee pIrison era who found refute ic tears. For a moment they trickled down hl- cheek but a minute later his b eak eyes flashed with defiance or a revival of oouraje, and dashing his hand across his brow he braced up in bhi seat and east a long glance around the court room. The only evidence of terror to be seen in Coughlin was the inoreased ralor that overspread his face as he fully realized the signiflcarce of a en tence of life imprisamment, and hibl lips twitched nervously during the colloquy that followed between the at torney and the court in relation to • new trial. While getting their pay certfilcates. the twelve jurors were surrounded by reporters, who he!c;°dI them for Information of what had transpired in the jury roou, and tne cause of the long delay, but the jurors had agreed tbtween themselves not to rrveal anything. In the main corri dor of the criminal court hudding, be fore the announcement of the verdict, sat Dan Coughlin's wife. On her knee war the pretty little girl who has called out in the court room for her pa. The old gray-haired door-keeper knew what was coming and tried to to get them to go bome. They were kept n Ignorance until someone anme lnto the corridor and eailed out the re salt. irs. Cougblin stood smret, Oult. 5n. . .Onuia ,osu rew.a, hrieked sad Mll book Iob as obltr. 8h* barted her tfe lm ber heads sad mo.oed wldly as she wept la her sengleb. Her swaylu lrem wur ep. ported by tIe kind heared old door keeper. and the pretty little bab isod lneleng agmest bhr mothelr' knees. For moment bh looked Into her .mea than layigl her pretty e la n her mother'elap, she too began to cry. Mrs. Whasle, O'elil van'l.s s er-la-law, bhd sem over to bear the renmlt. Rel eeroesM nsd handsome thWo blrdeeed whlen os heard the news. Her ee SWel r a iement. lhw glaed me mlaest . as the Jell wait. Them she litsed sv. agely ulpn the nleuJ who kt(un n0er. by attracted by Mr. Coughhlils'. noh". ' Oh, yo.u cut thr its, yoU tIried your ti hINng iil lil and now yoEu ianui aroulld lo gloat at us in our tu'. r',," abe shout d. She looked evn u more ,'.VagP.I at III- men than bt.f ,re and then followed Mrs. Coughliu to the private r.anm. They Come in. HELENA, Dec. 1t.-That someithing of moment was about to transplre in legislatlve circles wa. apparent from the crowd at the court house at 10 a. m. to-day, the hour set for t" me-et.. Ing of the senate. Among hon.e lre. ent were nearly all the members if the lower house. without regard to party. In the I'st cf gue*ss were W. F. Sanders, W. A. ('lark, ex-Gov. Hauser, A. J. He!ig.ran, Supt. of Pub. Inst'r Gannon; other prominent citi zens. Proms tly at 10 o'clock Lleut.-Gov. Rickardacalled the senate to order, and asked 'lemporary Clerk Gilbert to call the roll. All the senators an swered. Prayer by temporary Chaplain G. K. Berry. Minutes of previous day's meeting read and approved. Lieut.-Gov. Rickards then said: "There are present this morolon the usual number of senators, together with the eight democrats who have heretofore been absent from our meet ingp. I will therefore ask tbe.,e gen. tlemen if they are ready to take the oath of ofme ?" Voice from democratic elide-"We are." The Illutenant.gnvernor Dent a eonl mittee composed of Hedge4 and Pa.r berry for Chief Justice Blake. who appeared and administered the re quired oath to Becker. Baker, Hoff. man, McNamara, Parberry, Henoessy, Thorntono d Redd. A reeesr of 15 minutes wuas then taken, during whi-b all those just sworn in subscribed to the oath. On resuming eps-on. Chief Justice Blake repirted this fact and deprated to file the subcrlhe oath with h the secretary of tat.. Adjourned till 10 to-morrow. A LDEMSOCRATIC .MOVE. As o'n as tie f.enateedjourned Milet Finlan. the paseudio '.rruetllnt-atanrms of t'1e4%.' u d' hIuls*., I.tpearaed in the c,r ridor wilh -in arnlful of paplr-. whi'h IhI ".erved" onil all reuhblie-a nlemtIers of the lower house except tile five Irin Silver Bow, to whom the demorer.tle erunty clerk di I not lsue certilleates. WS'hile thi, mlove Ihears a resemblance to tile I,,al pr., cess adopted last wee'k hy reprublieal ndnority of the senate to compel the attendance ,of the den ocratic absentees, it i+ widely differ ent. The papers are merely a written request from "Speaker" Blakely and "Chief Clerk" Pond, a-ldre.sed to the republican members. inviting themo to join the democratic "house." There is no provision in it authoriting the sergesut-at-narnm. so-calied, or any one, to co,,mpllI the attendance of the republic.n merutlu-r, and no doubt no attemi t w ll t e uin de to enforce the acceptance of the invitation. THE M~UOLUTION. The paper, mentioned eliewhtre. which was to-day served on some of the republican members of the lower bouce of the legldlsture, was In the form of the following preamble and re-olution. p sed by the rump house tbis morning: Whereas. This hi,use of representa tlvs of the state of Montana, boldlog its seaslovs in the hall of the house of representatives In the court house at Helena. Montana, bas been duly or tanitle slnce Nov. 23; and Whereas, Certain members elect of this body, to-wit: (Here follow the names of all the republican represents. tives with the exception of Dolman, Bray. Toompson. Monteath and Rob erta of Stlver How) have wilfully ab sented themselves and still ab-ent themselves and refuse to qualify anb asumetheir seat in this body: Now therefore, be it ReIolved,That each of said absentees be notified to appear wl htl the body of this house fortbwith, and then and there qualify a a member thereon, and in the event of his refusal so to do that tbls beae will take antion ubon his refusael. Resolved frther. That notictee ofthle order of te house e beven by the egeneUtt-*rms delivelrlg a esp beLr, ellwjed by tM o aLen rand i a toed by the i k eltkto sa of iad absentees without deliy. C. P. BL&teLv, bpeket. Attest: CaSu. L POnD, Chief CrLk. aodtns rameses WAsoIUorox, Doe. 1.-Cam- ges Ibthis week will move or talekg lI seal Christmas vwntio, sad will ads jeers, doubtles, from Deember 1t sutil Jtstury . As mal, fms the smItes spe this setgat bedsi the usmpletoU of emMittM geoqals atlom, the further Ilatmtetmiee f fIls avid the ,onfirmation of numerous re* c-r tl ,lptintmw n'*, there will probably Ie little t', chlroulcle in the senate. I .omwe l.eanis of rvnrmlttlug the la mediate. llztioductilon u f IrliMe L Ibe house will pIl( ly al beanlctioned tbis week, mudt a pIronligiVut eumber of new and old measure' Inow fill the pigesl hole.s of Iumewber. awaiting opportun ity. .Speculation I. still rife as to what mod llfeatlrion of the old rules will be recorlumended by tl.e couumjttee on rule., aind ia to whether any code of rules. au )be f:multed by the com riittee tefore rewºs. DU'-T TO Ul'sT. Funeral rCeremouile. of the Late John T. ItIertuua. From the Jacksonville Ill. 1 Journal we take the followinlg bcount of the funeral of the late Joh T1'. Robertson, which was s.olaenjsrd at that place oa Sunday, Dec. 8th, being largely at. teudMd by frienJs and telatives of the deeeaed: A abort time sino, the J.urnal aoc tained a brlf noti.e of the death of Jobu T. Robertist , of Montana, nephew of John l'obert.eo. of thi city. The particul- are as folows: Tue deceaed and 'his brotbher, Frank C.. are proprietors of t ctttle sinch I_ Montana. a short die:noce from Miles City. His brother ras absent with cattle oin Chicago at tl.e time. he bhd hitched up a t**am to s i'it Miles (ity but before starting he noid mounted a horse to visit some panr of the firm. A few moment' after be was found In ºen.ible about 300 yards from the house with a severe wound o0l the back of his head, his horn.' having either thrown him or fallen on the ground, which wae froz.0 and somewhat slip wery. He was taken un and removed to the house, but he failed to regal., thoulgh be lived 6 hours. Hi4 brother arrived before the Invalid breathed his but failed to I arouse him. The deceased wai the ron of the late Chao. Robinson, of Cams ounty. sad was raised in ibis seetion. bring wide ly known and rspe'ted. At the time of hbl dath he was 49 yearn n!d. He was a faithful friend and dutiful sea and brother and leaven many friend and relatives. who will deeply mours his 1, as. It seems especially strange that one who Ihad transacted buiness in rexaw. Kmtnaas and ('Colorado, where he head stff. rd manly t rlI!tip. cf the fr tiller and bad ulharmed through many daneer', should meet 1:1i death in su*,h a,taer. The rerumin artrivaed ti i- .cit,' ',tA +evening. seonlpanlled lhv Frank C. ltohert., b.rotlher of the deiPr.'.d, -nd (;. \. W. Itw:i . . ,of -terling, Dak., liy jj her- i-law a' t hIo her of Ntr-. John Ikllrn, of lhis .lty Tile ftneral' oc., rred l,'":tv at 'West nmin,!ter tt 2 p. nl., in ','rtrue of the Ms.-nic' faternit, of w,',,, M r. ttob 'rt-'l w a- a m.,nhl,.,r. F ieral seter mn, Iv Dr. W. F. %hor,. The funeral serviea orv.-r the re maiel of tle late J. T. Roer!stn wha.e d-ath ncterr i ,! " ',,,,tsrn= were held at the WeCtll ', PI'esbhy t*rian churrh on su.h vy :a t,"-, • on at 2 ,'clook. The a'diltor u i ,X "i- cr,,owd ed by the frleund- anl e . , v .f the nlueleaed. A cha.r satnr v r :a,'oeges ably and then It v.1. M. .1I. ,1,, ,a read an aplropriatea.rmt'urt" .i.'", o a and offered prayer. The pritl-Ipal u.aidrss was delivered by Dr W. F. .!, r,. a*,o spoke inquently of the I f at d 1t.har- acter of him who had got' , ..' Pier nal rest. He refered to the wild e,, r undiopg of the frontier In the mid-t f whibk he had an Long lived and to which he had always been atcustomed, but ems phasised the feet that be had throegh all his ror'h Ife preserved the Ise yieldlner i,'* fa christian. The srvlcee were then taken under charc, by the MaoIol order, to which Mr. Roertson belonged. Many rare flowers were buurbht as an nffbrins. The servieac were very solemn and Impreualv-. Wm. Newwva, E. C. Krelder. E K(emer, T. P. Dobyse, Philip Lee and J. F. Nlmine were thb rall bearers. A New thlag In Pbe.raplhy. Amateur photograDhy has for some years past b~en a well developed erass with those whi have the leaIt leaning toward selentlflo reereb, and even for the elas who do not delv loto the chemlial bath, soab lontrumetle m the Krd&e and detetive eamera have made t he art of photogaphy attainable by any one: but these lsatrameOsli .*rfeet a+ th-y are, are eeuplhsy, thrown in the shade by a delicate ats extremely sesitive little devies po semeed by Capt. Neate. whisl, we .e informed, was sent him fomh the -l oountry. It Is so mall sad sompa* it am be married I the peeh and always ready fu buanr se. ui ale only Nseled it yestserd eat was lhb d st, t omabe the isp ts by a e pertriayl of I d.lae haess, but us he Is at .euerlog with a diseoleed st, resmlt of as altessasem he had a days ago with as nsuly beum at raneb, he ks pstpmoed the his ows potrealt, salevo he k imentedla print. The is a little sp. sad It Is us ta worthain thateaue smae der why Itw s ot thoh Capt. Net is quite u tall vdsm Mm·· -;