Newspaper Page Text
m'DAILY JOURNAL4 1!LR.% tI'IY,..7I ihV'IA NA. marterr wail rlolA4S ........................":(I a. II'. WIete:I" wail elnw'..... . ............ "............'4.t I p. II. (fce open 14n.1dry 12 1 Qpearfimh wafl coheo M omIay , WtNIitl.Iaya rand Friday at 4 a. Urn. Tongue rivrr lua closer ,touda4 at! i I hor. Amp, at 14 a. 111. (1O1k. opleto...... .................. .....h r. 1a1" Off ce ciie ,l ... ....................... .... ...... . p. 111."' ouney order dorr... . ..- ...... ...··········. · L I. Regaatry clottes ".."" ........".' U. I JN'I. \I CA('I.ANI) I' N. iurtbrrn I'atitir Time Table. LEAVE NtIL.' (tITY U(io1I WEST. Io. 1. Pat :zpre............l1:2t P. M 1:,. Ezprex Freight ........ ........h ".':1 A. X LWAY): MII1. ' CITY t.'tISU EAIT. No. 2. Atlal.tI Extr'r t.................... .1.. IA 4.. 1R1F. Ezprel·. rctghl ........................1" :., A. M. ' It Freight ................. ............·... .. ._. 1 441 P M ot'firiail I irnrlori. Sr.', -11. Xewber of Coni~re's...Thi,'. H. .irt.r, ;tel . a Goarcrour.. J..d. T.uh1· Ltuui..'io . .» . It.u. K. IlreLarda. Iitotei ?.enrtary of ctate.. .. I . tii H l. 1-tw Attoriney (,ceeral. J. ItatO TrenIrer.. . Itllclt3' 'A 6eu sLIcII*I. Sate . unt. bIurnt lohuh *(an nun. A uaia·ud ('hitef Juitice H t . (I ft.. I. try >. IW tk, ) rit ..a A~soiateJuafee*.. F. N hlarw'w..t, htil;.ng,t Clerk Sup. Coturt ... .. N... KIeatoedy, lichens IP:hKR AL. Furevevr (;Cenerh ........Co.f ean. E 1, frlo U. Pi. Maraltal· · .·... .·..(i;' IrvIIe. Hutto Ciiector Int. Rev ....,,J:u. Ii. Millr. Lefar Idrcnr teghater U. S Laud (Iic,-. A.(;rnver, MileCirv Recolter ..... A. Hall, Judge Seventh Juth ale. .Ittsl ilu . City .... lub R( Nhlhium, 3hahea City .VOUNfl. ltsto gsostoý.......~..· .. G. Loud, MlltlCl ktab epresntatives...... I d. Moran Bberl - ' ............ ..... Ei Teemsurer......... .... . K. errill. Clerk and Keeorder.A. H. tuYirdhiger, Vlrk of Diasrict (CourtF. . i'cbwar 9, County AUorney........ W I. Pni, Asusesor .................T. J. Thoinruon. SIrveOr,... ._...I. P. 14. Ilarritob, Coron3er.... . .................I.. r. Yi ung, uiir. of Scbooli..... MtaLouhp Coih.'j. Publie Adm ........'.lc.{uiir.d, N',i S. Hiarnt,' :ontmiuaionevs....."W It t,;eI "l.i ahaway TUN'\r HIP.. J tn n e a . , J ' h n it.. ic K . ( i t h Justie............···' 11... Brist'. aYior....... ....................... t *hI Clt k... ......... -l I.. reaiurr...................... ...... hi. K I t. ('bief oh P, lit.... ... t'. ..I), *..,et Ptue .-ae i.tae M .......... .... Itiiu1t.1,' irst aerd- h. Iran. 1.-I 4 jtnj,. II. LOCAL ITEMS. Highest i'ric· pHld for Fur, tit Szmith & Hayne,'. C. E. E. Ford wns iL the city trm Minneapolis. yesterday. ?[umers, muftlers, in endhlns variety at C. B. Towers & Co. Douglass T'. Thring came in from "Lotate crn ek yeteorday. BAllarr hag s ie tinel .Id hport and sherry for famI'ly II'. F. U. Cuilbert, of HItclena, was in the city yesterday on I.u-lins4. C. E. Daniel, of Minneapoidia, wa. In the nletropolis yesterday. Waddy Peaeoek.foreiman of the L'- outllt of the north side, was in the city yesterday. Capt. A. E. Neate arrived in the city Monday evening to spend the holidays in the city. Stock Inspector Smith returned from a buslones t Ip lo points up the road yesterday. Commissioner McKay was In thbo city yest.tda3 from his horse ranch on Tongue river. John Blakely was in the city yes terday from n adie, and reports things lively in that plat e. Jae. R. Keene, one of our old.time cow hands, returned from an extendtd trip in the wert Monday. Park street has been nick-named "LU- Alley" by many of the cow punchers wintering in the city. Wh a Sby war sLt. we gave her Castati. Whim iu wq a Childl. she cried for Castard, Whoa sa bam. Mies., she clung to Caulr*a, Whims * had Cbhema. 'be ga thamaCoster Good reports come In from all over the rm e to the efbot that the cattle ein oine condition and plenty of In.gram Bob Cron, who ba just oome in from Hotcbkiss, i sanother to testify to the splendid condition of our range eat'le. U, II. Kirwan arrived in the city yesterday from the Toague river bores masb and reports tiblap booming in hbi meetieo. Buod'le Garepaulla Ia a purely veg table properatioe, being re from la barolw Ingredients. It is peculiar in Its alative power. Nathan Heokai returned to the wmek yesteeday,1 aded with every tag to sake a happy Chrietuae at the BHoeke pou ee. It will be hr the beat la.ter of all de(Iltg to pureb e eIIe wine. acd tlqmls to eall pea Profl . BD , who h etj reslved a LSe flueueuperior Imp. rti it win.s isiid mrnrllain for faIi Ily W~P. Also dlonea' MIo wi-ne( of eXCel. l.ntI tiniulisy aMt 1ri low figurew sa cnii bi a'fltrde ( DeIputy Mmcit it ('hu. leNoir depart ed Mondlny oan a t Nlve dysy' trip In th c inntry, n'tnlyiig juror* and Misse Minnie Mmdic Iurnlr · celebrattd unmer s.. whno Ias IbeenI de!mItlt;uug 11w pliy-gr' er, wc-1t of iihe raneg , will J1,rnill front Helrena to Mt. I'aul, open 1mg in tile 'at t'r r:ty for ('hrisnnin s week. L'nmt nlI~ht whi-le (lnjitt of P11-cce (;ni)lorti Wis ttkI iii two touiiigln to nill lne of titlli ixmit' K Il1ait iat hili anti wit- !iiih-iliatlely lleared '3.N thne e'lief's eI116, T'Iny will he lrriuIat up f r t rial Itmj mlv. T:I'ý c ttll'h'raceu ayWintrt vattrant Cew* les rihitiely enr 'wred Inn Livingst~u.4~ mu. eIu( ;aI4t week no les I Innin tevtn tP4FIn I0 Ilit-ytel ICrt.'! ii chel.. theIiir ('psis it if a tlsl cm Ivi r $I nitfIniiit of lt, e ty I Dumf.~) 7'Ii - *nnoe whichl eontne. I. ' at Kir c1oer'r slic ol ln.u+"e thin eveinIrag rroUw. -s oii 1w a very p1. tiant altfar. A -i'r~e "renwi from towin will repretsent, to nmike tlhlng. Ilvely inn the coountry ntecinel ieou-c. ilaqinski Br.'.. now exhlbits for the holiday trade an entirely new and at tractive line of fini diamonds, jewelry, watches and sterli;ng silverware. D)un't fail to Ino k our stock over when il need ( f fine gItds. In the performance of his duty as deputy veterinarian, lDr. ('orcoran nse or leled a hnor.e belonging to Warren Smith in quarsntlne, the condition of the animal being in hi Jludgment tuf tieient to warr'.t the action. I',,te Aitchl.on, it I, Iheruned, I. get ting very tired of ,)ktm ie FI'lins and y*arns, to he tbac'k at .Milei ('ity once a cirn, so tilat when tl(he pring moo'ns, 1w4 -hall X s.e.t to see thei f:c.e rof PI't"'e i1 'nr cllidst onile Imore. A-.le & Mc~l)I;ald yestrr,]ay r . eiveal fouir tine cuters fro.m st. Paul, oie double andl three single-. nutc'. Ililly says th y are the tllnt ever Irocught t, the town ond he is only waiting for snow to get lhi money back on Ithe incvet.tuei't. A large and well assorted stock of fresh candics hsa just been received at the City R]kery. R-member this wben you buy for ('hristmsn.. rullt Cake and Orammlentall ion We are htow iprepared to do any kind of frosllln or ornamentation on (akes, in the' highest style of the art. Any decigu or emblem reprodiuced. A large stouck of rich fruit cake on hand. * CITY |AKERY. uian .lllc Jatlc.. Tile annual mlreting of Yellowstone Lodge No. ;6, A. F. & A. M.. will be held at Mawonic ball Ieli Wednesday evening at 7:30 sharp. Election of omeer. and work in the M. M. deg'ee. By order of Ite W. M. N. GonDoN, * Bee. M.Imdar EieumI a tier. Hlodlly Excuni tn hates. The Northern Pacillo railroad will sanl exebranon tickets at one and one fifth fare for the round trip to all polots in Montana and North Dakota, and at one and one third fare for round trip to all points in Minne'tas. Tick. etc will be on sale Dee. 24. 25 and 31, and Jan. lit. Return limint Jan. 3r. No reduction for children between 6 and 12 years old. C. R. GRIFFITH, Agent. Married. At the Macq'Jetn hous on Monday. Dec. 16. by Rev. T. C. Armstrong Larry Kendall of Miles City and Belle Thompson, of Des Moines, Iowa. Larry's extensive circle of a;qualnt anee here rendered his nuptials the occason of a somewhat noisy demon stratlon, during wbehic he acted the bhoest n a princely manner and re oelved oongratulations with the may grace of a Cheterfield. His oompli. meats, In the shape of a box of exoel. lent cigars, repose on the editorial table, the oontents of which, a they are severally disposed of, will bring the donor In pleasant remembrance. A ri. Alanm. The noliy cannonadin that was In. dul4ed in on Monday night over what proved to be a in eealarmn of fire was the eause of aomeldeable omment yesterdar, whlih took the form o( a harb rlitloiem of our presemt method of givloi a fre alarm be the dhiobarge of phitol. While ln esee of a bona fide dam this wrlUalma would uever emse, It eo happesod that on Monday nllght half the ows wa soued out of a week's growth over setlag more rles than a ehive.r pauy. at whleb some umbkshtl, who theaghs to *s live the preemedioge hollebly di,. burgepd ble go, wlehi was #iowed by a IeeMde fa.m verquauer of he town. The i. sinheer we Agllty t a esseatially balle sad repres.a. ble ae while the ether whoe flewgi his lead wege to ll Il tes ad pI,. poseslag e pepW trhin. This eopnedo bas snem bseamesse o our havlng a wore g'ert. t and autheU tpi lire taltarmu, the lirat .tel., tmPlart whicl were tanken at Ia uI. lat mzu.! ins ott the ely eoouiitl1, dtur ill ani informas dl uh.ln tct t he fire depirt. Ikalmit oltlcIala a1id tp C'1 ·1y fi Ier4 Tate iWaiu ;..rpi 'wd was' to have at cleet Pj'e coil.erti in f~ rult thine.i er ft ulI di'ter'itt jt'inuti in town to the electric light 'torke, by whmichl an alarmia cran be tIrnied in alid Iliiiumla.aely there after th. big whippet at the .iLentij' I ght ;.I. rt eau it e tureatil to.n-.. S~upt. I'ilmluati o,, Ih-ig i trtrviewt ( ye-ter day at~ted that. pptari all oit' rilt aysela-li el i 11.11, P: - ly a11d ine.xpenusi vely Liut Up 1 amid1 i there i alI WPVF. ,dtitl ill ipt d *,Ittl P cHile in eltarIe lat Ii a lig.i talI 'l11 the aI. rmlla "it. ei, ijlaemt lv rre i oil. lie-iI ! t ozt'III a r ti'at Wit.wl melt 'Pe )liei i iWt14 so to %,i at :ý Ft maatter. 'ii.e at arna hexe 1t poolp II dislibl It d thr 'ueli t. Ir lt in niare 1 that aIte bc'CpOtik hi t.' all l t rm of that i1y3' me t nigihlt, amid "'.'r -1 4ia .ahlio-i (tie Mpt'qtal-em thpitmae, the(P Y'hi.'o tul'uI FJt'l{NI pt"N . fllte. aril the iter ti t a oiti ie were 'ucg.-'t'-d. 'file) of uld hp *"'(oJu trutlll pta to. be rtt fom hint.-rfereme- or ms, except f r tha sp~ec flh* pdrjpd.e of givinig atnt labrix ,til iti mire mxt wrih&-I lentit would It- quit "asu+ Ufill U. ally of t 11« high piri ed iyt)ru ut'mw l in vogue in the larger tit lea. WVmth SuCh a eeatenW once eit'lbi~ahsed a rigaºroust ordlinmance wopuld be pbsoaed pro~bhibting the use .1f tire arms for thin Iurpolce of giving alairwa, and thme terror exa lted b~y r.ich at tujilade as was experteeneed on Mton. daoy night WvsuinI titeti be done away withI. 1Inter Tourist Tic.tarl \'ia the Wisue..Iu (X,'-irjdl co all iaoutIb.rai t ao1ri t rolint. r- II raw "a ri~ at greatlV rtaIuee'rd ait. I1' 3'ojl In cUdl tolI'til IIit 'Witnter umonth-4 In th. ·nunrli .with, eriiii I..r a-ell, htfliri -tm rtrIr.t, t Ih a~dt a1ktrtML ( 'l1It 11 iv tie d eI',tral," jr ' ii ey I yo, Iylou uoe (a lgr 'u r' a tuia, 1 Itravel ing a plaa-u re. ra-ohi trainaa wvith Paillniunea i P ulace .'.t p i, l.reil ilv niIIt oeftll I. aI41l lv at I,' t:15. Il., and B:_5 p. nt., St. Pan I tir 1:21 p. ii., aued 7:1., it. f,. arriving in ( ii'a thet niext moaarnting, r aktiegc aba-e (otflhInawtiouI for all pu.'t In the -oathe. Meu's strved ean rmute ini the* (eeetrat' faaee utldtain n argarp. For furthrr iiit arreaton apply to your eeearert tie~ket agenit, or to F. H. Aramr, rnewreal naurtuweust pamaeuger agent, 1'I Nicollet Houure Bllcek; C. E. Dixon, ateting city ;aaarenger and tick et agent, St. Paul, Paul, Minn., or to Louis Eecrteinn. mawlataret general pa. wenger and ticket .agenat, Milwaukee, «I'i". Neow Mr. Ihekler Will Take Thing.F Easy. Mr. Decker is a married man and has t wo children. He resldes at 631 9 h ave., on the third fltor. For lix or evetn years he bhas worked f.r the flrw of We-el, Nickel &Airoev. of 437 West 45th st. They are manufacturers of piano actions. OnLaborDay he lnvest. ed a dollar in a one-twentieth ticket In the Louisiana State Lottery. The number was 8,174. He read in The News the dispatch from New Orleans that ticket No. 8,174 had drawn the capital prise ot 3800,000 it made his wife open her eyes. He recelved a telegram that him dollar Investment had yielded $15 000., He took the ticket to Wells. Fargo & Co(. for col. leetln. He rtcelved tbe$15,000, les the collection chargi, of $.2.50.-New York Daily New., Oct. 5. Comwmedable. All claims not conlitent with the bieb character of syrup of Figs Jre purposely avolied by the Cal. Fig Syrup Compa. y. It acts gently ont the Kidneys, liver and bowels, cleans. ing the system effectually, but it It nots cure-all and makes no pretensions that every bottle will not suht iantate. A Puasse. Why grw. mse and wma· wlth mauretd n. iecdy. pew.r. should aisot ther small &limem Is really a pun!t. Hesls of otherwise sensible people anre hu bhewildsrlg coaJaet.e.. Its ses of the thus which, a the t at lmeueted Iead Daadreaiy elr aelaed. "no kllab wa lad out.' Disemee ow loeer tbs weIws. sad, mererer., begot esaswethr. Imelptut I rrmlaeuLu, a hush of slight Iwsgartty La the bet of hfy-what esempln ad series bedily diatuib. msle, aot leal, hut perel, is thee at hgeL, if dlmgr ded? Dhe sad drire f the feeat the lnt outt with KL t ettor'a Nltaeh Billsgm ase mafia myuu preseasvge. A esrntlstole lavig. crWae. a eireulotto ertohed, a heal. ind esten soh tneqiisi by tile saa'oel medsium. he warn well sigh laygwalsaae. The PIUoe s.oa.. Iatest malaia, rbemstlsm and hidne, eomplaai. IIod'. Swarsapariila Tiewsf saudklaellearauefuuvy.pgrepee oiliest of the host reomedel of the wshulu hiagiem law to mediswllscince as Aemre *ws. wow Vagei,. DIgietlee. mad Taules, sueb s gersapsatlh. Te Iow Desk. IWYaja. Usadeilsa Juiper StemI., Ulaairak. WIN Cweev Desk sad ether srelted rus, hub ad heebe. A meillae, Hiho saythiug else. sea be fairty Jaime eely by IN reaulls. We psate wIth smibati to se geladem {sled eeied.s lesopastlla ºse e edif fo Iell pos the heaste o thausmade of -a nb here ba.pass y - bitee·ly leap parsed of gnte.tb eshnlg wbt an sawe emagese Ued to week. Isat by l rsnE b l, Plde11 rP aeeyhytl.USSA* 01 *wmdu l. ~ taws, Des..Ild rbILtMo&Dq oO.NýYor lwnrgceeltir . inrse oe ouesb.. w Wleet. I pruel" IladW '" - ktualetemeemmead r W is to an t W. I. f "81. AN1i. gPRICt CREAM .5ta AKIN FLaURIS PWDER mm it s T nit, -d -tat. v. C r rr il nt rndosedf I t!. F. , " f{ the t'.. t Tniver· . "RICE BAKING POWDER CO.. New vYor. chicago. st. Louis. WESTERVELT'S MEAT MARKET, Main St., Corner of 6th. Under tie ipej, nal iupervldion of GEORGE REITZ anal .-t,.'k "tI .0 I. I MI o day morning till ..atetl',iy night with the CHOICEST TELICACIES in MARKET. I'articul..r attention taid to fuulily tra4te. Comblnes the juicy of he Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants >nown to be most beneficial to the human system, forming the ONLY PER. |ECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDIIE8YS, LIVTER AID BOEI +AND TeO Cleause th System Effectually, -0 TNAT PURE BLOOD. REFRESHING BLEEP, HEALTH and STRENOGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using /t and all are deighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Mane. factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Sa ra.caisco. CAL. emmuS I. Iv. asw Yea. U. ' PEBBLE CALF. These shoes are made of fine Calf Skin finishebd like a Pebble Goat and oom bine the greatest amount of wear with out the heavy and lumsry ppearenei of coarser klnds of stook. Nothingl but solid ole leather used In bottoms. Anew invoice of thee goods just In. 0. B. TOWEBS & 00. iv ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. muamat N*U@ ls? rr oer~ru n rr Shoe s~. IC"3 pinrrn Oq LýNý Qiblr USE BRA R FRESH YOUR C H.PEARSON & C-.-.. +- BA LTI M 0 RIE. MD. SI IQUAITY C H.PEARSON&C°.-- 81MTH & BAYNES' MODEL- -GROCERY We make a specialty of PlFe naily Groceri Keep nothlot but the best and frehest Inoevery line and are u.ltdeut of gviItu the utnW(t Sals. retiot to our stronos. GIVE 1USA CALL. Is llkCITm L M11i1 ALFRED WARD, Prop. TheBeat Meal Rcuil fur Gcitlaei vervnuig Firnt (Ia. Jim McNanny Is behind the bar and will be glad to see all his oow boy friendi. DON'T FAIL TO CAL. Cev..r of Mtih "ad Main Utaets Miles Clt, GEORGE WA8MILLER, MZBONANT TAILOR. quiv wm.s to eiler at barn $1.0to $783.00 MW MUcAMlsele ff-r-1-4.c special stietie. paid ti Qlaning and Rearig Mup on P-ark *t« a KMteo k Sei aMm"a A P.ftft VOW Pswggr. -u9 J'.Wriglty - u13TRM-w-tMgw ^Rn-b~mM NORTHERN pACFI RAILROAD THE DIRECT LINE ELi WEE! SAINT PAUL, INNEAFCLUS. Or DULUTPh Idaho. IashuntusIn r:ituor', And all Points in Minnesota, Dakota, Montane, OREGON, IBritish e'olumbia, I'uget Soand and 'ALASKA NO HANG6E OF CABS 3ZTWEw ST. PAUl. and PORTLANL. On At Cla.s of Ti ate. EMIGPANT[SLEEPE8SFREE The Only All Rail Lint- o the YELLOWSTONE PIHi ,xpr.e Train. Dally. to which are attached PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS ELEIAMT DININGO ARS. rer raUI Informalon si to Time. Rates. ft Address. OMas.;S. FEE. eQ'l Pmaeasiw AS +r. PAUL. L? BIRKLE & TRUSCOTT Wholee;ae and Retail dealer In -CHOICE - FAIIIY GROCERIES New goods constantly arriving and EVE E 'i t `I S IN. We handle the largest and msS varied assortment of In the city. We respectfully solicit an Itcrease patronage. pledging ourselves to gave the beet utlsheton WEARE a TNORNBUR(N, Pro. Daily stq. tot DEADU00S AND STUUDMLLTq OINTI of %boom" omoo4 ..wo I, . t