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TIN DAILY JOURNAL M rruuruD 10I. Yl Rh CITY. MONTANA. :hga.t of Ru tlroinattoYSW JOwUNAL heumLy ob tLagl~ao eahepb'eui ýrl nýN$ ý w Ntr .. :ý. cos b N. tqa ds mt, . Li r Oy tr aa M i h t y h" +.YeIY sham huge dgeldM by ths earm of /1 r ap .Ynm.a .q of theon } Ws Il rM es, will Irmuly u1in 1 8up y awuinrm aido.. Igm by the pub rnIv, almuint~ nam e... r 1 C her +.r MMlrno Jam 'A 1 WWM11t1 r·y, bomb 2& 1849 WELL FOrMED Cn..... tN. WIht eml Courldena Inr Dtwu frmnm as t veltguateti of the ch~4nwt| The con1!m1'" :1,hl t. h finds eretly healthy childrhhu :;:" · nrarity. Uldona will Its i'r tent. of lerelassof 1.ty be found free from anyL physical defet whatever and with Itrue devel opment for their age. Of tlhree it mast be regretfully admitted that the isallest nluber are Anlºe'icans. The best formed school childrena and the healthiest are the Germans and Iihe mians, the next of Irish parentage. Nowhere, as in the south and west of leland, where children run free of as all the year round, hatless. shoe lam living on the cuarset. , and yet with some measure of school restrictions, can such specimens at perfect phvsieal beauty in fofin and face be founa. Glalce over any school room, with it. upturned faces inquisi tively questioning the thought of the observer, and but few really tlne fea tured children a'e to be found after the age of 10 is pssed. Whien a hanld,ome face, auswering all the laws that grovern beauty, is dis eovered. it is i'.variably synonymous with gnoi hen:t"h in its powiessor, and all too often , foreign parentage or birth. For t~neae two defects, the want of g:,ome health and good looks and the zadtic. one of grace, in the mla jority of pub,.e c'hool children, one is naturally Ic, te t think of a cause, but lwlead tof ne there are many. The l' rrv o, nIay be found in the folb iowg r. '..Urk- of Willard: "Wonme" everhL4ting befrilled, iwdi amned and * tlar .ý'eld style of dress is today doi e mrehtrnm tlcliIdren u n born. b,,w a nd dying than' all other manues tl. It c,,lllJ public attention." Classr e'.itautlis where pupils stand ae noti in iit ~ch'lcn~i. dllee awajy with, anld tai' is fortunate, sinlce pu pil w e .,, .o timles kept anl utcon an.,i V i, ne. on theº esiter, result lg in ,.e-i ,,,. onedreads to think of. and tatorftu u.t in that the children have all the ..ens,, long no cha:u*' of po ition. I:ut the teacher who insists on having iii trouble-sýmle. uneasy little fellowsta Lind fora half hour has much to liswe'r for, as well as one who ar es btrl' e.iy on thle abolition of the I.cess. ( )i:e cannot but Ie x sýimpathetic with the tlclhelr. If she doens not keep her pupils like so many trained du.u mies she .s a poor dicixolinariau and iabject to di.,unlis.l. If feer clans does mot know every date frllvn Adam to Harrison, and thfe hlcation ,of all cross Mad towns from Silberia to Patgonia, ie is not keeping up that modern bglbear, the "course of study." Dr. Anderson gives a list of the most omlnon physical defects found in pupils in the'publhe schools. They are sImmarized as: Head-Drooi forward: carried a ihule to one side; chin raied too high. Shoulders--Round, sloping, stoop Snand uneven; one lower than the Thormi-One side better developed an the other; the diameter at the base too short. Upper Back-Right shoulder blade No prominentin right handed people. Spine-Bends too far forward from between the shoulders. Waist-Too narrow; abdominal Iscles weak. Hips-Thrown too far forward. Arms-Forearm better developed than the upper arm. Leg-Better developed than thigh. Thigij-Iuside and buck poorly de Any person entering th exatmining loom of a gymnasium for boys would be astonished at the large number that have one or even more of teie defecta ead with girls thisis found almost uni venal. While with boys indulging in frequent play there will be found d muscular development of the wr limbs, the trunk, that part hold. lag the vital organs, will but occa rsially be found perfect on exami tIou. As every one knows, poor isalation is a common fault, and a be remedied by exercise properly tdmn.-Boston Herald. Indel Aessi Mlm isu Cram. Them are in Fran 8 associations em.oem s0 WO of woekingmen and d fuarmsn. The workingmen's as sh oms, which were foemerly po orpOigations, have become for mot prt purely mutual benefit i s late year. The agricult soe.ties do not agitate political lils oar gmanger. They are to a extent eooperative and techni The Farmer's associlation near u, for instance, owns a house at which every mem his cattle killed at very low This and other similar ao-op devices of the French farmers' a show that the French t is not so stupid and helpless is generally supposed to b. Ladon and Northwestern company has a capital of 00u, an annual revenue of O01, and an annual exspendi £Lg0r,000. The number of e the sesleu. manrd seso( a ISOW kin a inI&** agge ageas tese autuGer of tons of goods and minerals carrIed, 3,000,000 annually; engine .1mg per year, 55,586,384.-Once a oe." ren _ as _ e_._ It ha been said by more than one southern fruit grower that a fortune was waiting the manl who had the courage to plant a groveof grape fruit trees, and depend on them fura living. Heretofore there has been nosystenulUo cultivation of the trees. Two or three trees sar planted around the yards or orchards for ornament am much is for! anything else, and allowed to take care of tmenmelves. If prolj rly treated, however, their yield would be much larger than it is today, and a good protit could he made from them. Garden and Forest. Not thoe Mule Party. 'ast L to hired by,) ---So I have caught Vyi stealing applebis out of the iinrd Boy-Yes, parson. 1 own up. "Dol't you know,!Tho s.isthat when y)ou skteul Iui CoUlnit a heinousj tint Iorevler, there is aI being who all we do, before whomn even 1 bow my head with fear and trenlling. Do you know who I llmen f" *'Your wife. I suppose".-Texas Sift ing.. A hrst Cbsli.las. A novel flower has been found at the Ilthmnus of Telhuntepec. This floral chauwelen hasl a faculty of changing its color Juriug the day. In the tlmorning it Ia :n..te. when the sun is at its zeinith it is red and at night it is blue. The red, white and blue flower grows on a tree about the sine of a guava tree, and only at noon does it give out any perfume.--Chics go Times. A iramsable sequst. "I have only one last request to make," said the dying man, as he pain fully raised his head from the pillow and surveyed the weeping group around his h edside. "What is it. mny good friend :" asked the clergyman. "Anything you ask will ib done." "Thean wse. that the tiew .palr'rs don't refer to : ,s "it!er uod andmark gone.' "-Lippicot t's. A G.hal.ily N.-rktut. The wife of W\. I. C'urti.s of Wash ing'to'4 is thie IH,.N~Lss)I (of a :Iost un canny ov i' 1.tlll lL in Ite ..:lspe of a nleckrace ia:cle of Iiuai.u: eves. The eyes \V.ilre tl - . f'r)! P'rII ii nul mi.m ai , p iI4 ait li:., d in their pr,-""" t ,ith,.z.. -l'hit'a , oHerald. In the Distriet "'ourt of the eventl .Jaudicial !)itrirt of 'le Mtt1e of loItaupa, wl:iln and fur thbt ounty of Lauser. Action brought in I the I Iltreit (yourt " ofth -eventh.ludli cial District of the leery E, 1. ;:e of Mon. Plaintiff, ann. in and for lanst the (ounty of Cu. Henry E. 1.horst, to., sad thb com Al-fenldant, plaint fled lut said County of Cusaer, in tbe oths of the (C.,rk of said Dis trict Court. The tate of Monta a sends greeting to Henry E. tendant: You are hereb required appear in a actile brought againt Jou by the atove named plant its. in the Ias'rict Curt of the Aeveath Judieial Dis. trict of the etate of lietans, in and for the said ('oent of Custer, sad t, answr the (Ceplaint bled therelu, within ter days (eetlusive of the day of service) after the serve on yee d this sunoms l-if Nerved within this count( y r, if served out of this eounty, but I. this district then cwthba twelty days; otherwise within forty days-or Judgment hb default will be takes agalmt you. according to the prayer of sild eemplaint The sid ationl is brought to diesolve the ho.ds of matr.omy ew eziSnul he9 a this plain t and de&adaat, a the ground of desetle., sad forealse stats: That the defeudant on or about the Brm day of May, IS, witheut reasse* 1ti, deserted a n oel ully abhdoed this msid pisatlgr, ad departd ibu o thoe Threio of Noata wihi no lateetkm of returning has not oataemed. a will wore lly apphea by rleomses to the eeplatu es Wli herenl. Am Iymm or*trb3 a tlhd IbM II pee fll te ppewr mnd ammer ie sid .emplaint... abete reureld. the sa plalmUl wll sp1 tl~o them e for terenli ef sW d Ln the eorpla mad for ewuteof ILA, mDWIe. Given mader up had an I the mel o Uw Dim - trale Ciuit at the Mo vr h JiWlalal Die. { E3AL. } trlote f t e qflatm ofMeatama, la sed hr "vm the maid Counly of Custer, t1him ist day of February, I. the year ofer i. One Them mmmd 3 Huadilrd med V. l. RCH WATIS, C. I. WDDLrTOS, PldaWlmt AUarmek. bheelfs MNe. I tIlls. . Thayer to. Cairer 3e.olq. mndt Hsau C. Uemlmgte.n T e eld atmhll' mie on the Si td y of Marsh,. Ill. I. frostof wmt hsem doee As Milo City. at d.elenk . n., the hsllewlq deiedhed Irabt Met he w bn 0r n to the inqw mmd /iet tbareof / for e d d t oe alb. rf . carder at deosm In d hr Custer Cemut;. Dated NMarb l1b, I 1U 1 Il /ý"_ 1 IOVA# 11 MWEP TO THE BZGUT., o: e ;rpouud os by ay of the mi..n I.. 'looa rb Ilbtry$. r$: wh'ch a re loojia the werWl. ': i l c:.' oe hulA's Ipedic, al thab I. nothingq lIco It. Onr imady OW Sa. me 3¶ifruqy, i'ot.,h. Arrnvi. or may pil wear mewhlam whever. It baIY. ~'lAt dl hum fra thb OM dace, sad um ia M d lm&.i eemoatere bleed pdr ml hdBOE bm the syamw. Ie Sal to pt Ow 'bil our Odom brIow !owu wd aAftDbleine, wtl wU be m $W .117 U31WC~. M. AdILO I·n~~r K.a.r~ ;n msr-~ii g tb Infants and Childrn. " QýssbYwdabpdM____ W a .d (see1 . OmwIpsuka. I neommad N...rpreypnbw ro- e b. aaOaibs eIm .. qu bmku E.ýLwAK.TD, I11Y madc* pmmY1 DIOIIY Slut CUr kbi (nrL114 I. t. MurraU- WII et. Ii.I Tarn CmsTM· Cuurjjrv, ~ YUna~rflet,~ N. I W AT SCOTT'S I OO8Um N IW 00MUO ltle .OLDS Wonderful Flesh Produooe Many have gained one pound per day b its use. 8oot's Emalsion is nos a N. esst remedy. It con'ains the uimulating properties of the Hypophosphites and pre Nor wegian Cod Liver Oi the po_ ten of both bein largely increased. It is usee by Phi, idans all cover the wor'd. PALATABLE AS MILK. Bedl by at Dr . lft. MOwT 4 OAN . (lbmuliu. . T. - , * f',1 . '1., - ,,,, . '' *" V' .'.t 1., . " L" *. . . : 1, ' ".ý"v aril. V {. r"1ýý . ".. ' 1! t .." i.. fil"'^ 1 1.1"!'."!1:". ,"il'r · .. " ED. L J1-.NiE , ~Ol~crpCV I":. ' I·'i ~· eir ,.C vu'.i' , *.' 4' '4.(. 4'' 19 ii 44'y.e , 'i. .: I '· . u In Iii :. **. ,n . I;? 4 La r". it' *' i · * r. l for M :'" .iSoy . a *. II I;. -... . "' Crkt L.'CA k4o Wb' -. 'ý:: -'. LIFE RENEWERI 9j t ' asyrva ?AUL 131 U rn~ ELEUTRI -BELT THE POLICE GAZETTE In the only Illustrsted paper In the world ootatlnal all the latst semo tionel and orng new. No lSoom KeeperD B er or Club siem ean at ford to le without It. rt always aakes friends wherbever It gaes. Mailed to say address I the Unalted States, oeurely wrapped, 18 weeks for i1.r00. bad w elasts for eP e e . Drs. Lisbig & Co., Permanently Located in Butte L'ity at Southeast Corner of Main fnd Broadway. Pri vate Entrance at ' Broadway. LIDBIG VORLD DISPUSIISAR AND) INi' RIATIONAL Kmasas (7itv, Al.. Nitll Fiaut-l-cen, ('.1., .11(1 111. I' FEI' ('ITY. Mftnt. Dr. I.itedg & G.. are regular grtttiae. in med. iCjnrl ani surlerv Mild ilet al pr ve l It Cr. EU. ouuits..i by ibe tii. of .isssourli. slif.,rzsa aui \f 'ttTANA1. iu ittat all ebhria., swrrru. rand prl Stae !,sea.., twheihereamssed by Inapruolrseme, c esasor cut isgitsn) seninal wt kn.. ,i .tiht loses) sexual .1 llly. (ls.e ol sexual jbower) netv-ut de hifiir (10t-5 sit errr. it-re) digestes ofth Ito1 d, ("ypbdlis, uislo-rb.ia. (u e-. asid 'trli core) c- red. C'urable casts guallilied wi life lneirt-lliit. I lariat- low. huusasssdt of t ues cudl. All medicines are ss;ilty Iprepared for each tnldtid urni epe, a'a *al, fbit.. .\us aiurus u. or pssi.uf fou. conpound. usedu. No lis time t- fro In i.uqiuea. Pat eli at a .lis. tansee tinaiod hy (.tier sss.I exs'ta.-. Medicine s cus~t ever).hvtrt irs'. mfrom glue or bIseakag". I. di'ears of lbs LIte b .1,. d rt, bet arid nna - otis 5' tetss, ar acli as. IIvt VsIºilsiet anl (,rarel tow. Irtiti. rlsauwatiisu, jatalayhlt. aid all otber alsionic Jit-asta Writ. for illtuslratd on 1bformltles, ('lub Fee?, E'urralurs I iir A) tit. Isil., Tumior., fenller, I slarnls, iuroscsttli h, J 1,:5151105,, FI ea-iri. city. !.anetsns, hlral;.tsa. }:pil-p.r. Kidney. k adder, bye. Ear, i'kinr and EkK.', ans all rurgi. Cal Oplboal 5on5. Diseases of Womsn a -ieeialty. 'eparale par lore hior la~y ;.atieit. The only fe'iai.s le :eical ar d Furgleal I all lute making a spei..ily oI P'rivate lIi~amn. All blood disaease, ases "asully tratedt. la Poison removed Iron tlbes ajtei witbuhot mer I Cry. New Ileetuosatle Trtatnsst for Loss of Vltal Power Persons utable to visi sat may be trealed at bow byeo4sL.pondenee. All cowman Ications eoaadeu lal dUdfe~a or tnatrumem seat by mail or esarple securely pecked. (sea peesomal lntervew pjee teri. Call sad cemauk us, or seed bhitety eyour cae, cad we will seid Ipl aiwrapper corlek Free explainiamg wb5 ik-useuse mabeot be cured of Private. !ec Pe.ns Diaese, bessinal Weeknees, spet S temrbee. Impesmey, Iiyphillc. ebecrrbe.Uhed Vcrtesl, etc.. ste. Dr. LIeblg ACe. aretbhe qualiied or ve Oms ho. fre 9 tg eland 7 t p.m.;orby appebtact in etseurev ad urgent .me.. cONSULTATIO N FRIL WAagency for Dr. Lkbllg' Ilvigora tor at Rom L8 E, Broadwy, Butte. -A N D- REMEMBERI FOR THE LADIES I $3 Hand Ebroiderer SENT FREE rajýms.b' rmr up.I , . STILL ANOTHER PROPOSITION ! WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS ha* V L:miNa I 4ME. ONCE MOREl .er ill p s "ea w w p so CdtkeU for s "The Horse Fair!" Tgms re the gmaMtn eb e'er ,aMe by O $ T. AddrO Th VWekl Pioneer Press' &T. PAUL, MANN. J ELElCTRIC L.Tm -! 11 ,!! J| I I:JIr J |laf :JI FIJl'J fJl:Jfl l W f: r i f I I:i: l':f:i 'f: i If:i ":If :if : !:if : I : lfl L Orachel & Bra * 0 SSpring is Coming! ° Just leeelv.d I thers Friendit, ° Spril Styles of 1Hts, o Si Flannel Shirt I. 'ORSCHEL & BR0., Wholesale dealers in Wines, Liguors and Cigare, oler the following Wines speslaly put up for the Holidy Trade: Cal(fornia Port and Shen ...$&. e per Owse 80e per Bottle Carea t ....................00 0 " RBein Wds.......»......$5. & .00" " ooit0(l.9 " Domestio Champuns, Mumm's Extra Dry, Imported Cogna, ., ine Old Bourbon. All /=c ANM REMEMBERI FOR THE LADIES I $3 Hand Embroiderer sBiNT FRKE To sere pmaSte.ur.MW t ttbh WzMtr Pm