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THEI SUN GO0. am!i till d' '--*... sia flig is W llissLs Lar, Mlitr tors brte L A ehwr e immem.barseb might: o Hs W t .houldar hlu htsquvrald led; lmwed: Parwarl hi ealr eye sad brow of ghti a beat; and, while buth band tha i roLk e bowemd, aIlft after pnue. the lyinag night. No wings pr,: 'unt t i.Lt gollike formn: ariund Il ack., hillh Ih*hld, an ever n.viulg crowd Of locke hbung gttering; while such perfect sound Fell frUll .llm hl siln that th' etheI, l dome tlrtled as a da drlp: and tach psiugii cloud ispeaded, whitemig like the foam. -Aubrey Du e'er rasmtilim arkta. Among the most interesting novel ties to the traveler in a Brazilian city are the markets and the bird basr.. The market is ordinarily to be regarded as the pulse of the town. If it be well served, clean and orderly the blood irculation of the community may safely be considered as excellen Judged by this test there are few, if any, coast towns in Brail in which thee is sound digestion. The markets are dirty, disorderly and unattractive. There are scanity and ill managed die plays of meat. The poor live on jleked beef of inferior grades. Of fish ereis a larger asortment, but fresh regetables a lacking. Even the die. l of tropical fruits isdiaappointing. -C . New York Tribune. c.ammu.m .m Ls se mm. mIr. The Comptas Rendus contains an article by M. Bertholet on the animal heat of the human body. Lavoisier, who first recognized the fact that ani mal heat is produced by combustion, raised the question as to whether this combustion takes place in the lungs at the point the oxygen is absorbed, or in theentire system. M. Bertliolet linds that one-seventh is produced in the, lungs, while six-sevenths are produced in the system by reaction.of oxidation and hydration. The ab.nlrptio. of oxygen raises the temperature of blood in the lungs, while the return of the carbonic acid to a gaseo is state and the evaporation, of moist are tends to lower it Amebut Ladu mt ee.ltsresd. Such have been th changes of time that much of the w .rlid is still an un known land, and w amre now busily engaged in liscovering much that was known before. The valleys of lihe Missouri. Ohio and Mississippi swarmed with people engaged in and agriculture; Mexico had a population much exceed ing its present one; the ruins of great eites to Central America attest its former greatness and it is certain that Peru, under the Inces, was the seat of a mighty civilization. Australia, how ever. has always been a sparsely settled country.-Golden Days. The Car the eet. Too many people live as strangers to their feet. In other words, the ooe. of the feet are not fairly appreated. Let it be understood that in the bot tom of the feet e the largst poes. that these poes should be kept op.s. and this by the agency of pure water cours towel and frequent change o the feet are "neilghbos" more remote from the ostral pow.. and working froe of the body than the bands, oence all the more shoul bo&. eceive most courteous attention. --lEahias Union. SaLs ss as aepbsed. In Switserland and other mountaina ous countries the goat leads long strings of animals daily to and from the mountains, but it is in South Af rica that it is regularly kept and em ployed as a leader of focks of sheep. Should a blinding storm of ramin or hail drive the silly sheep before it, or cause thens to huddle together in a corner b, as to suffocate each other, the traintd goat will wake them up, and, by a mietlhod best known to him self, will snduce them to follow himn to a lace of aafety.-New York Jour Erzme's sWhibtg fi PaplatisM. Europe was settled from the south, and the very small portion comprising Italy, Spain and til islands of the Mediterramnean sea were populous for centuries, while that we know now as France, Germany, England, Austria and Russia were forests and deserts, quite as barbarous and uncultivated as the present interior of Africa. Theme were the countriesof antiqui ty, North and South America and Australia Lbng unknown. Yet the two former were dellnsely populous in ages long ago.-Golden Days. A lltehil Tmiat W.p. Oeag.s. An sugraIInus machine for wrapping oranges ihali from Oneida county. It will wrap iu paper 2,500 oranges an hour. It i" 'mplliact and handy, 3 feet long Ib ;I f'et high and lS inches wide. Tihe fruit passes fron a cylin der down :a t hde. one orange at a timeu into a %,.( cup, which uxpns and drop" t,. o ' on a square- pce of paj-er cut 'y,\ ItLL manchiine from a roll er th, In nI,' through an aperture which w'upl the paper and trims it, and the' it pa, on to the carrier. New Orleanus P'icayune. Umnc.,m'ilWas of usb Es1tens.. A Mue ua,ldier, who was a partiol puat in one of the battlesof Sherman's llarh to the de~, a fight lasting s eril hours, avers that from the oa the first hostile pun until the batt osed, his conscous exitence was lo, and be was never able to recall a inagle Incident of the fight. -Lwiston Journal. In the field of war in lation meets etinou. A now Preabh invention a moke bomb, iutaded to be ired Z the rmank of the emsy who wns i. powder sad oue hi bSis b alal t bo bean otrls . big z rW that is diasse to many oaesses Nine wit ionel oeO'r ail W il will seasoned with sherful sse. ' -----Y--. SIMILARITY OF 80ME 80NOL nsamplw *e.* f Tedar Tehas u em-b. aevrt.s of fltR Years Agl. It is iltte.reting to study the evolu tion of polular songs and favorite hymns. "Tihe unwening of mmg goes deep." ~yav a noted writer. And M) it does. tiottlli, however, the original mealfning of a ming, or the Imuaio to which it is .'t ib very dilffrent from the later irltertp.tations. Take "lHoule, sweet IL. ,me., for inxtanmce. How it has .ie\lmt the w.rld's, hIa'rtstrigls since .h,bl I liward Payne. "-the man without a hlome," wrote it in 1h32. Yet i rtwas lr oif an opera which mroved a dimanwl failure. The words are not too beautiful and altogether would not be called gunid poetry, and it is doubt ful if they would have carried people by storm had it not been for the ex quisite air to which they were adapted. And the air is said to be taken from an old PIe.eian or Arabian love song. This song, however, living on its bor rowed music, won Mr. layne such lasing honors that years after his death a rich American dug up his bones and brought them to this coun try to be buried again. Other specimens of metamorphosed meaning equally striking could be quoted by oolumns. Our patriotic "America is sung to John Bull's "God Have the Queen," and "Yankee Doodle" was borrowed by our embat tied forefathers from an old ditty and turned into a defiant jingle against the British red costs. iHee are some nmore recent oddities as regards the transformation of popular airs: "'When the Robins Nest Again" starts exactly like "Maid of Athens." "Wait Till ithe Clouds Roll By" be gins as does the "Blue Bells of Scot land." Emnlnet's "love of the Sham rock" is of the same musical idea as "There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood." Any one conmparing lixey's great succens in "Adonis," "It's Eug. lish, You Know," to the old song "Flying 'frapeze." will find that there is but slight mxlulation. By a change of key and the quartering of a few notes a difference as made between the "Spanish Cavalier" and the chorus of "Peek-a-lBoo." "Twinkle. Twin kle. Little Star, or Will You Meet Me at the Bar," which met with ,s much favor in "Joshua Whitcomb." is so closely allied to C'laribel's "You and ," that they canl hardly be distinguished one from the other. "All on Account of Eliza." from the opera. "Billee Taylor," is nothing les than "How lovely Are the Mes sengers," from Mendeliohn's oratorio of "St. Paul." Thinkof it! One of of the grandest of sacred choral "transmogrifled" into comic opera! And last, but not least, that stirring re viral hymn. "Hold the Fort,"is, so far as the music is concerned, an ancient German drinking song.-New Or lens Picayune. The YFis Teleapa Dapateb. The first telegraphic dipatch was eaut in 1844. It announ ed result of the Whig convention at Baltimore, which nominated Henry Clay for president and Theodore Frelinghuyser for vice plaident of the United State. The only telegh line in eistenea extended from aahington to An. apsolis Junction. A number d people who had attended the convention were on their way beck to Washing to., and when they atoppd at Annae. lis Juncton they sent a dslptch to the capital saving 'Clay has been nomi nated." " f course Clay has been nomi sated," aid the people in Washington1 '"we knew beforehand that he woul be. Your telegram trick is too thin." Nobody believed that transmission by telegraph was an accomplished fact. Pretty soon another dispatch was re ceived having: "Frelin ghuysen was nominate for vice president. "Who is Frelingh,.yvawn" everybody asked. Nobody setlltced to know him. When the tl'ain racuhed Waahingltun the doubters found out that the telegraph had allnouncled the ticket corr.ctly. It was that incident which first gave faith in the telegraph. The first dis patch tlhat Irled between Baltimore and Washingtuni was sent by Profesor Morse frol the former city to the president ,f the United States. It read: Otory be to Cod latsLmbglt.; peacosea.;h good will to all maw. -Letter in Chicago Tribune. A Remarkable Statemet I know a .on-hysterical woman who, in her trances, knows facts which altogether transcend her possi ble normal consciousness, facts about the lives of people whom she never amw or heard of before. I am well sware of all the liabilities to which this statement exposes ne, and I make it deliberately, having pres. tically no doubt whatever of its truth. My own impression is that the trance condition is an im mensely complex and fluctuating thing, into the uuderstandingof which we have hurdly begun to penetrate, and co'nerning which rany very sweeping generalization is sure to be premaiture. A comparative study of trua ", andll .ulcouc.ious states is mneawi\\ l', off the ino.t Ilurgent import. alc.. 1(r ' ('1 onpllll 'l Ilsionll f our na ture.- 'oI r Williamu J:ames in Meribhhir\ Magazine. C.- ,,.wrative Iou.wkeeping. The rlu.t wicemsful exjlmriment In co-ol,,t i ". hnI, ,i*keeping aw in Franoe, 100 mliilI,. north of Paris, at Cuise. It has IwP in jucceasful existence twen. t -nine ycars, and, beginning with -Y persons. now numbers 3,000. Not oly Is it an expenument in co-opera tiv housekeeping. but in the ae and education of children. The association was founded by one large hearted, large brained man of wealth, who planned the scheme sad furnished the apital. But so grett have been the proi of the a aion that the work sm now own nearl half of the social apitl, and atno dliantdaj will own the whole.--Mier' Journal. A Ge. le---ma Mamma (toTommy)-Im erry .o and your siter uarselsd over th/ ge d that Jas bed to nte-e olmmy-W p t c k the whole orange.-Hespe-r LSv. 4AKIO4 POWDER ' Abuslu~lya Puy, Ths nw worm1stU. A inaml .1 giartly n~wrmr yf o .lw... *rml « ... ai *n~c (1~rkhrrr orn mem al hb sur L ·Imh. uy kit. s. sad camuse ha ash a 5 th tb aj.mllde o . 1 48L small hmK k ~Wi. Sp.O. 1Ui W rL UNP cEI.IMEuTID ATTIRAACUIOl. U OVYI A ILIUIO DIIT*IBUTKD I,,i bly tab laei .me ay rd dgah'j p r14m. mad Ito Im chie modes pert etresn t. i de(N*M. ttes l a ISH · buc11n0ý1_',r + A al r te r. its MAMMOT D UWIIoM lor IkHii-A.aaly. (in. and l[D irkL an it. URAND SINOLK NUMBcR DRAW 14 B take pl.. i. as e the oeher ter maIth at fle , year. and a" all draswn s a.ti Uhe AI ,lemit n. M nIe Now Or Famed for 90 Years For Integrity of its Drawings, and Prompt Payment of Prises, Atel*(s' .*.. Follow.: *We do beeeby certify that we onpervle the ar ngSemts for sit the Meothly smead de-Amasn. Drawlap na the Louson mate Loe Ir .ut . and I mana . e and eo trol 4 dtetiat hornlet, rebm, and a ned hith toward sllr ties, awe authorrla tn Compaly tO r neLth brtislcOt. with facsiliesl etour sigunsatgee at tOar bed In its advertisemento. We the uadenIaed ean ad laUkers will pay il Priese dnrw la T. LswaLa Mhas LMatt eem which re ayh preead t or LM.fALSr, Phai L.islas Nat. eak. PI1RMU LANMAIt, Is. Stat Nat. bak A. IALDWI. . New N e O m lt. ILok CARL ROU N, Pisn. Nhteal leak. dt~m UNmL! uimi. O TOAM Arrl 0 I)M SWITAL FUZE $300000. 100,000 T'Icket. at Twenty Dollar, Each; Hid.. $10 '0; Quarters $5; Teothe $2; Tweneleba 8 1. I YII gI 11311 OF qaa.................. Iam~O S115 OF /1 us.....Y...........«..« 1140 3 OP IAam.... W 1s 1or1 mam.................. 10,1. 1 or ma. .............. muss W) Or 1.5/n».» ....« 15.15 WIs OF Uaes w, »....._.. ...... 15~ as r1e oi rn .n......... 11 15 Or IO1w....a......... 1415 SIN P":5a OFaI~ W.s....... ... SIASS151 ou.-ahka. drsawln teial rm.s m s 11a hrled to 110fn al h ....«.......ý 00 11Fse la 0 I me . ...».«. . »....« lute ilm tion 15 s 110 r at....... with Meat »».. eta1d yaaslaL Patfss 115 do. 100 as............... .... gocio Mer. amr10 d tu.................... a e . e I.1$ Prim. wsuti.0t".»«««...... it.0IM00 Nora.-ib je r emelenlag mtal Pria" assg IQ lfl TIIT&N. geE.ur rA.llee. with St.". OSAUPUE Niest ul Numbe. Men rapid more oath ýyer wll be waal r sdsipangea in.lg bea. Audi k~ Wr rrryuL~n wl row u ir. 33W RLEAS NAI~ONAL u SAS. or . A. O now Oama. La a ISIAANTeb, 51r FtOU ATN ONA SAKES .f NewOrIleaaer, mad lbs 1ish a rI. Dral. Plda ii a. aNusa. s.. ebslsels isseamd n hhga cdW* (W Cmcly to ier aw ·. Lsl 05mW;iheebqehesa Id all iMitllas eininyusin meha a. r Prin 03s ISOLL islhpoos flsmalhstAL RAN5N st Psi 1 Use Tu bas. an r Qefrasia b.i PTlshsidUS Or D a Us La in a 9rawing. A thtin Ia set me su e hr ls h aD arla a wvml. THE tIl PIa4?vslma vliii Pullman Vstibuled D)raw jug ..vemn bwin andu MIw dlllurk anda. paulj .d uIS.eIp.iI. V&MS Trai with Plls.. VnUbolk DnPw ninudad Dalnab. Thg" ' pal a Om V'.Mld wbg Usin svm toa l mn va lmhg IJ rriwl u >MM·aM m~ar aaL het imkW Ikrl KILW IwU An.~,a M~u l k iws0 lip. ~Mu~ LAfj EoI ur p=aI RAILROAD THE DIECOT LINE BEI W BE SAINT PAUL, INNEAPOLIS, Or DLUTU Idab". WaU,.au Territory, Lnd a. teoa to1l Minesota, Dakota, Monta.s;, OREBON, AMTAi CdImA. Fg, Pm ud 10 CIIBAI OF eAlS ST. PAUll and PORTLANL Os Aay lh ofm Tkes.. EMIGPANT SLEEPERS FREE Tbh Only All Rail Liie to Ibe YELLOWSTONI PFaK Rgpms Tisim DhBr, I. .hihc an Magah4 PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS AND SLISMAT EImIUs SASS. US, fue Iabmernsm r t 110%. naow lb. hAS.L S. U. ail Pm Wa g 4?. Paul., U READ~ REMEMBER! FOR THE LADIES I $3Hand ibrolderer SENT FREE WE =0m ImUq the I tu 8TILL ANOTHER PROPOSITION i Vs "U m busts .wp e~ ,iy ..useetbw t SamLv Piwaasm lam, tM e .aU ir" WOWKS OF CHARLES DICKENS I. Tusks Laq 11gbps. l Iwdee sl..a a rhei mum the folinving wed Am." wees aeu, ernsw t whih Is J~hIIb.hl @sUPLm. tWc635 £13 £8SOL!UtlLr U I~t4sus~hd be isl V~rsd Patna bClea~~;t~Uk ills Derlt, fY '"Yu~ ONCE MORE! S.rm'.. wheII ml OO Casts M e ýuIFt f Ia lbspthi W ua IM aR. t ný.m rurr.itlru ( arru&'iu 'tewr Ll~~liSBUS u~IInqP r Iyn gukSSU "The Horse Fair!" 7 , n.. Hoshmu, I'. 3kM lum.,b The YIeetIj Pioneer rres, "T. PAUL. MINN. J THE POLICE GAZETTE 1- the only Illu-trated paper In th' world eotl~ainiiK ell the latest eeuea lobºIl and .stortlng news. No alWoon Keeper Barbº·r or Club R'womn can at. fiord to i be writout it. It always mlakt irrl. iitl wherever It ¢oºº Mled lo.rany addrera Irn the United 'a.t a, .eiurdiy wrappl.eE, 13 weeks for 11.IK). K. n i five 'wits f r mam'tce Dopy. ICEHARD K. FOX. Frank lan Squsi, New York City. ELECTRIC BELT THE YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL DAILY AND WEEKLY. TIE OLDEST PAPER II THE YELLOWSIONE VALLEY. I3LTY Miaished 1878. kIL' Estaibld 1883 Any wabboriber to the YELL.OWSTONB JOUR. NAL who wishes to subwaribe to any other publcantion n the United States CAN DO SO THROUGH US At Pubhers' rates. We can ave you Sfrom ten to thirty per cent. on your suboriptions to eastern magadnne and newspapers k RE LOFN IOLD3l SlB Cll]flO Or the payment of a new one will entitle you to this prsivee.g BRANDS. We artl oontlAne to pubWh stoo bClswO at tme mmmal ratse a $5,00 PER YEAR For a Iangle oat, with a oopy of the WEEuLY YEUD SUE JoIIIa AND LIVE 3f OCK REPORTER, Vree abr the frst year. Our WeoSky m goes to Every Ranch in the County And oears the very BEST MEDIUM tfr the ADVERTISING of LOOAL BADBS. JOB WORK. In this departsnmt we are prepared to aw onto all orders with promptner and in th - 8IIQ T STYIL OF TH ALT And at p-oe that will oompe. with th tiUe. qmd n yto or adeu and we wil earma We to pleaw you. Addhm TYib Jal h . Mn-. 0IM, MNeo s