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'Tll DAILY YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL. VOLUMB VIII. No dzS MILES CITY, MONTANA, THURSDAY. APRIL 17. :8go. PRICE FIVE CENTS THE DAILY JOURNAL Uhs e Py r of oCbfrr (btdN. Every Morning Except Monday. Pap ls.m Kt Ei fty t . 3,000 Twrms of Isbsciptioa; SMAnIL. 1s AyD cIs, sAlo PAID. es tU., as ...... »..... .» j.0 Wills. six lat mas·bs.... -..«»· ~... .« 0 uI U s..w swaah......................... 1.00 TO City SUaC.Iss, (Order. Rest Imniag. s121 web psi rses. Wiagt Ibiuna.). YelUow I Area. 11041 Teur.«..«...-.......................».... .« .. 11, is rabm... ...... . ......»......_.. _.0 l .......................... 1.00 Advertising Rate. 4.ý- ' u. aS 1.00 * 100* 10.0 r./ ...« 1' 7.0 110, 6.0 o;119.0 ........... 1i.0 14. 0, LO 11.N 11.., "r" LOO MUD I4.0 11.0 ft" 10.0 u n.08 I2.3 U.0 10.1 J .'b" ! r1 0.00 UOu 34.00 41.01 02.0 0.10 fr n .I.. I r 12O) *a0 40. s0.. . *1 4 1010 2I·· . ?91:.R J c.b ,~op74.cil08S oGSo * oacss-Tceorn" par aIts ter oh arto S'""...,.gII eltioa renli pr line. Addrni M. I. LII)ELL. . Atrt.aer At Law. Iursama, most. auntie am to l . suit. In tu stage. Will be in auadaste atall ter.s of cuflt held In (usIta Csauml. P14 YitCIAN AND I 3RGDUU. 0Mg. s W V. dsep'edrug stem. 12IfI 'Antr. Wooda u nd (blwtskalfo.) O~w at ls'mges dag stair. tlm .tty. MT. iI WIIAT.i, S.-I. asutre. ev.,tlseehrme. NeSI lank. ALI wwk gumotsai and at ,umeea*Ia rna. ~~~.N Ii..CO·* esier Veasrle ~W dml . S Issi1som " R le hI elk V.rum V 11. UCBE . D.. nrWY"I a Da Neanldnee kLo owvM'oM·L -p.. ch.fth (Epiyj) alausImt-ler" Iuhadq1.sw It... mo.Sina twCtar. rL u rc "nun W s U a. Wa. *M :It A OWh"fMa -r..Beall. . MMbpw. Cftwfans-N ag/ suiq :Ma, uaua.a. now" eam.ý ·r P . TT C. Ar r rL c/, /.Mr PmuIc*Iswtm OhmbIsiytu Uuiaq U a . grh O N Maerd Hin. (ele-IwIs MT me i ad tolud Sumdq of lbs ..H. 31gb w " 940. 0. led.;) sebes at I p.m.L " pu eMt beileUsm* a . p. VUS C. IUW33.TU. aeciunum. SOCIBTIMI A. 0. M.-Lvlsl.. So. I w Si said r'semb mouth. U ':3 u . M at Od Fel... M.ll I. /. a -.-Y .wý.. Lay, 3.. 1a .drat himel dd.. T A. M.-YWlmcm. Chaple. lt.. 0, a 1. 0. 0. V.-Cal.. Ld. M. 11. ..erl L i.O. /.--Wtsl 'wwa. so. ' ar aa I l L-rr arrrcr .w "lt t d Wwn.,:I AA-MilES CityMel ueb,ýow. softad y w. L .dumd M ss M. II, s h I.O OW. sirr M tb Vass.M.. f iss MHbti.. Swi Owe .li* It O d'[ . EMcAUSLAND 'S MREDUR AIOILT * a.VOLVERS. AMMUNMTO?4 *.'-vry deaaptsp4 Pa The L&wWV lIOMM 3l~w MbA.' hufia to Uw Iwe@a aW GUMMkb THE POLICE GAZETTEL b the osly 111ustrated Fep In" the woed aoeblsfallg th Ie l... .o llbib& and Gm fDu%1:Ws. NO lhIGOD K..,., Raa L-u ooss ma at W Ip bee without IL It alwap. oeb. win "NW a y M s mUie This Week We are showing our new Wraps. It may seem strange to you that we bought suah a large line of he Beaded Wraps fbr our small town. If you hear the prices on them you will I now the reason why. We show a variety in Spring Jackets and long Peasant Olaks . Cur new goods are all on ale. Lee Elsenbr, Miles oty. Monst. .i i n i mpp lpl - H HD • n iiJ~ • inim STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, mix Es CITY. MONT. THE LAIeST BINAK INI ESTEBI ITANA INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. W. i. . T.3MW. Prt~idt WMK. 15A3W. VI.i hwmdt H. F. BATCHELOR, Cuhier. C. L. MERRILL. Ass't Cushier. _. _ • , , , m.. = . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . FI R ST NATIONAL BANK 0o Ti11 II OL ID L&AGST BAi[N Il W.RI IOMAI W. B. JORDAN, Pmrsident. G. M. MILB4, Vio4 Pr.i.4ent. E. B. WERBICK, Caqhl.r. H. B. WILEY, Aseteato Cuast IITERZE8T PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. ! -------------- -- - MORAN & CO., Wholesde sad Rea4ll ahm I.k S ock and ide Saddles, Havsy mad Light HaraH , d.UMed. Biles sd Spure, Rawblde op.. sind RAmi-d Goode .t all kind.. (La strlm. k we have habd elees'.) W. are .ow msamuhemrl o Ill detl.Wmll. L'Ismh .am ldlesk o Iroh e hera Cmlshal tr. Ctu l sad se them We have the largest stook of Tent., Pa.ine sad Wagm Coven ls Beater MomWas. We anre gent for Towers' Flt Brand and the rlebrated Manbmttan Slickers. Call sad es our patel rumn shad for uwe oe Blekbneerd. Moram & Ce W"peolsl attention to Mail Order. TSe lad Bl tl dSt llion , oB.3,010" Will tawsk the saroam of 180 at O.o0 heo ameoa pIyable a ta m d a surve, with usual rter pr4.llB. H. B. L a Bay Horse, 16 bads bylgh sad we4ihl11h Ibe . Pealed April I0, 18. Bred by J. 8. ioll, Calenq, IlL PTDIGREE. H. B. wa sired by Dixie 8,000; Ho by 8wrlrt 60; Ot o Lill by Belliknder H. B.' du was Lady MeFtridge by Wua dbard Mambdro; He by Masmbrio ObChief , d H. Ri. e r t U 8tandaurd under Role im Wallem'. Amerles Trottlg Rsguar, Volum T. Page II. G.eo. W. Alle.rton. Miles City Meat Market, Main St., Below Postaofo. We aim to put nothing on the block tbu wbat It first clams. We are Ianious to plese, sad all we want is a Chsnoe to do so. (e.rge ROlls Is with us, sad will be glad to weleome all his old oastamlrs. LONG & THOMAAL BE* KEEIDLER & CO. ,ir CH~ar W, SINE DIE. The Montnas Stock Growers' Convention Closrs its Delib. erations and Adjourns Finally Yesterday. Bright Prospects for the Horse Sales Association Through the Aid of the North ern Pacific. asocs sowser convs srto*. rmeedtap or me Ise"mis Da, At 10:80 yesterday morlnng Pre.'t eott rapped tho coovention to order. Ru-sell H. Harrison, secreary of tbe amoelatuon, having arrived ao the previous night. the iGrt bhaines. transcted was the reading of bln r.e port for the aet year, which we lve in sub.tsace at follows: To the President sad Members of the Montuan Stock truwerm' Assooa. With this nertitgo our assoctation enter» upou the *exh year of its ex st roen, and It beenaese ny duty as see retay aid treasurer, to present to you for your alittrion and considerataio the anuoul llnancial report alled lor by the by-lIsw; e to to evew the work of the a-Iaosltion fur the rast year, and at the sense tine to call y.our attentiin to tuChI matters as need aeious on your t art for the welfarl of the assoO.ation and Its seembers. M-MBR8DZIP. At th elose of our last onnal meet. ng w bhad upoa the roll a o aders ble number of mll..' of part.s who were beblhd In ei their dues, and whoem evident latneanm t was to regard themeblves as having rSeigned. Thirteen have eatually ouled me to that eAeet; eaves muom bhve been droppd or the nron that I bhave been usable to And them by loter to notify them of their unpaid dues. It reomasn with you ee tlUmem to take aios ion regard it the members who are Il eaan one, two, asd Itre years. Unde the prmviloes of ses. 10 of these by.laws, ,veral of tbhe per. ties have already f.)astefd their mew. oneblp owing ton sn.peymet, but I bhave wwsidere4 It dvtlal to awalt edtal selle en yeor part beaer drepplu them ham the liset. Perhaps eeofm thie will dsesre as this met. lto to ostihnee to satie with as. I havoenoranrated the list of della qu.ets s this reprt, sad hope you will take some step to rid my books of the name of paris who have edther left the estrye g out of huelnem and ea tuimb .re have no hrtherlater estin er ssneatoa: (The list of delqomests woe bere sppended.) The Ifolowlir members wore ed amtted sime the oset mettir: K. P. Nave, Tbmas Onoeb, M. J. Duane, Mabnhal Kina. T. J. Oraham. Heab Wbhitrft, J. C. Brenser, RI. G. WIll Iam., C. Stoddard. N. B. EstIs, C. M. Jaobns and 0. L. Smith. while W. C. Ltndy ha bes soe .d E. P. Elm. hirnt. end J. B. MeKsy bhi late part ner. A. M. Dole, deeased. .M.WD 300 . As ther has bee beo rerlar bread hawk of the semselatie teared lees INS I deem It of th reatew Import se uat a eomplete brand hnoL abeaM be ksmed thkl year. There have be. asay ehbees Is braods, owmonebl. ote.. of ld broads, sad new mabrs will epnet to bea thr breads. sete., brought bem the C ble. It would be well als to bl ib by~laws prlated separaely the lauhrmatioa of may parties dlelgl to j oar ameelataom Ih e . te.r.' The total rreepte sad espeeditesr of the aemeeletles dareng the pet year are as fllow:s tAtNIaur Or nrpasISDtUAi. Adrtledasl, pritJndi and smO tieOer y ................................ o CUlI t bim............................ 10 a Exprspege sad P. O. box Iet. s Tele ra ..h ng........................... 00 O/le+ .pplies.......................... 144 Postg ssti da ........................ 11 S W Mld ................................. 00 Total dibinsemeants............3413 07 WRATU3lUT or 3maCUPs. Rralpteon bead, Aprhl, Ib1.l,1 34 Membrablp dufes, IS........ .. 4 Membersblp dues, IN.......... 101 TMembrlIp dem s .1i......... reI d baob of the as's se. --tal alple...-».. «.»..48 W et aM bead Nb 4, MIA.LJA you will sbuml adM sewIb =on" wes ofi raw. "m b*ass IS habit of paying for other priveleges enjoyed by 'be assocltlon. INPI tIoeN WoRK. The easncirlion, as yyou are aware, uudertakes very I thle in the way oi .tuilloyme. t of lfas#tAr' t ,lnd deter-l 'iOIes, Ue uch work is horatrolle-d anil sumt emcile.ntly conaducted by the baeid of stlok ,omms.l.noere of thi. 'tats. Au they will pre.ent their re port for the pat yearu to t governor ou the es'e and to the sihli(c, I shall not eowmeat thereonn, but leave their eoerlieet re,ort and ate showing to speak for tbemslve. We have not bad any lnpector in olar employ since George Jakauon, of Fort Benett, Dk., was disoberged wig to thbe ailore of the Dakota membero to wpond to their Mases. moet. ight hbore is a subject for your eaneest o aderstion, via: WWether the nlpeetore employed by the bard will be lastrueted not to lospect or re art upon the obpmeonts of parties in akotL who are not paylng any taies or it any other way eoetribulloe to the fund of the board. Tb. members of the amoetation living to Dakota have failed to make any levy upon bhemselves to torresp.od with our stock laspector and detretive tax. and i to manifestly unjust that we bshould nentloue to plaee our inepectors at theibr disposal. VIRRImNAtr st3O' Oe OF MONTANA. During the pant year State Veteri.o rty Surgeon Dr. Herbert Holloway has been actively enagesd in seeking no eradicate dangerous diseases amou. the live stuck of the state and in pre venting the importatioo of any aettle .kely to eause disess amngr our hrds. In this connection I would reommend every menmber of the mas roelalluO to red carefully the very able report of the worthy doctor. whieb was presented to the public by the toard of stock eot.mi.sioners when their own report is ublished. O)nCLVSION. At this meetinr tbherel ooeldne.ble work tWtore you a~4 It ba tero ny Intntlm only hriefy to allude tq a ew of the mote iLmpirtsat m-str...r fer your tteontin. I twlleve that tbhe good results attained in pat years oe ho imoruved by the work you do at tble aeetamg. Raspeeotlly .asletted, R. B. HAUmox. doe. mid TreIe. The report was as me'e aproved, n-d a enomlttNe eneeletlg of Moesr., Louda sad Kbre appotnted to esamlae and mist the eanaelel pat of it. Pert. Reont then seid that hb theah It It ked a little one sided for meue who had eat paid their dmo hr ne, twe ad l eeas me. thse yea, to be enjoylg qual priviseres and ibentl with these who were paid up to dal. This we Saelly dap.sed of by a mtles by Cpt. eroems that the amus of the dellaqusts be is rred to the exutive eonamttee for etion, ad that, If after a reaseNaie time bad elapsed, the dues were Set fortbeoemln that the Uames should oe dropped Ifem the rolls. On esto the by-laws ware them ebased, mak Ig the "seanl duewof eshb.. gSland the admmloo fee to the ,,soelatia S10, and also Iebaiag the word "ter. ritary" to "state." Th eeretary then aked the pleasure of thbe esoelatloo in regard to printing brand books for thisb year. t A lengthy disello esused i row Raid to the laeing of a new bred beak this year. It belng generally ms eded that It war a verwy esseary artb.e, bus the epss eof the Omer i bbl.iatless In thbI bUe aI t as a detereat. After a general oessldem te ofl he qustieo It wmsdseded that the sense of the seevestlo was toi liver of havintg a new brand heekand the esaoltve neamittoe were eatrsu t ed with the duty et getting it est. The secretary then prooeded to bring to the attention of the eneven. tion a matter that be tbouafbht needed their considerailon and a*c'Ion. The aeoctatlion has among it* mem berhip sowme few Dakota stook men who, by rwoo of not being reuldentA of Montana, air not called upon to pyv the wrspeelal tax of 1I mills levied on live stocik In his state for stook In spection purpise., but who receive all the benefits of aioh Inspection eon Joytd by all of the members who do psy it. This did not semw to be tflair, and the serretary thought that some plan ought to be devised throagh the woraciap of whibch the Dakota aes bern would bear their propWer share of the sipes.e laerreMd dt this he bad. The pla to be eadopted o rNet thil and pfroeW e the hW dest bw M e the savems" had so maes, @e buteht he*b mesh d&osm&. A popme" to dima the Astspg 0ee binmif of anpwio s ol ma Sa lie" hOf b1 ho** ees swed vfs seW n Imassftd. m *tM. Sub mewede Me 9h be M~e4 gpe di uesm 1th111 steob . Its Noe wNasm ede, bd boa 6 ona"is "a 0ot. Mwbtv emeades t MgAO s am aof as too*. toes e t .er"ed to ou.lh .ummarv aetion, anad suggested that If the Dakota stockmen had ao awelsation, as had teen stated, our aseoelatioo might, by means of correspoodenee, be able to make as arrsangement with hbem, that wtiid be mutually beneficial. A gemeral and wmewbhat vague discusioo fol lowed, daring wb'cb the Murphy amendment came up, was votead o and peased, though many voted In the belief that they were vetlng on the Holt motion. Tbe latter theo eame up and the dilseoslo was renewd, during which Kob. o0e11d so amendment reducing the levy to elr a mill and this also was arried. It being stated that the Dakota wools. tics were to hold a meeting at Man dau on Saturday next, a motion pre vailed that a oonmmittee of five be ap pointed to confer with that body as the su.ect and report In writisg to the secretary, who wuld therespoe prnoeed by correspondemce to the coa leetion of suob due ua might be aremed upon. The noon hour having arrived as adjournment was taken till 2:30 p. I. AtTERNOON PW3Ic3EDNO5. The convention met at 2:30. The committee on rmed-ups was the Sirm to onme lo, and its report was adopted as read. The committee on nominr tione reported as follows, and Its nrport as reed wa adopted, and the oaecrs as named in said report were duly elected for the ensinE year: Eor president, Joseph MentU: for Irul vice prmident, Coored Kobrs; hr seentd vies president J. J . Holt; for s ,retary and treaeerer. kuseell B. Harrisone. For membenrs of the eWatI YW enei littwe: Cbhte.u, Jam. A. Baker; Cs ter, Freak Robertomm, C. H. Loud, T. J. Bryn and J. W. Bm*er; Dewem, J. 8. Day sad H. L. Philip: Deo Ldge. Hugh Whiteoraft sad Joke Bnlenber; Gallatli, Chus. Ameosy; Jeleroom , !.. & Huatklr sad 1 0. Brooke;: Lwois ad (lurke, Jobs T. Murphy, D. A. C. Fiowery and W. B Huadl.y; Madlsne. Alesnder Mets. al sad S. R. BDeord; Meauber, Davi FraU sod F. . reae; eqs., Oras. villk Stasis sad S. & Hobbs; Pak, W. A. Asders sad Albed0 Myeos slver eow, N. . . oveepek sad P. J. Coue7; Yflakweames. I . TinS sad The.. MeOG I; Wyeelug ted. tory. S. H. Rrdia. Afnr tbe adoptie. of the rport sad the Ieous of the eSb usm ammsd, Prneldeat ents ld: *'lI Jaetles o tis aoeeltles I went mto epre my gwratlted to you or 8aail pleldsa sme In this bos bl psitiee. Whible la a pneltos that I wlb to be relieved of, yet I ifel gratef.l tn yon for the trues you kave rep sa In P e. I had hoped that you nwold grd anoLor lhat would Ail , elishalr m'f.r eo aeptbl, mad I h,,e the tlme will sons enmo wbhm visl will. Tbsnklrs you gSls forthi's I.narlwill it, dows but eta'. dole on mtre you that I will try to disebrge may duty dories the sst ye au I bhve for the pas Ytar. thakirE you. orsetary Harrisoc also aseeew lodged, a bAdI but paill uages, tim bho eor srred wpme bIm sad the evesutloe proeseded to eitir ba..* ai4es. SPrm'lt oott then introduepd Hrn. CAR Middleton, who addressed the convention giving a deserlption of the orglanis loa of the Caster County Hose aftle Assocation and its par pass of mevting a lIv stock market at Mile City. He itvited the co-opera tion of all Isteeted sla stock growlng lo the enterprise. and made It elar that suchb an asoclation esald uad would be beeficlal to all egaged ia the business. Mr. Middletoo spoke at much greater length than we haisve space In which to quote him, and to a elear, concise and wety able manser put Custer coanty's pet eaterpries be fore the conventlon. In esoelsaft be asked such co-operatlon and p. port from the stookesn of the state a they fit free to giv and staled tht the stock subserMipe list wouM te' apen at the res of Ate Milesow Club. In the senelug. At the seuuue sien of Mr. 111ltatnsh useminh wa a very gammad emilmhis buft mno" tam as impora" ams softl we semens sao 6e am. nw a a pamsernid toem tht se Smee "a a mill