OCR Interpretation

Daily Yellowstone journal. [volume] (Miles City, Mont.) 1882-1893, April 17, 1890, Image 3

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86075021/1890-04-17/ed-1/seq-3/

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rlttbr ulrY, Yt1NTAVI.
hit am Irhir.
M11 elwp.~. .n . .
21do w mI, Wiasiei gad
hT w1 owl cleg Mme"" ad Them
ef4 enri»..»..»... .. ..
clew». . .... ..... ... .....» .n.
Jac. NcrWAUmLA. EI.
mtbenr ?adk Time Tal.
Ile L. l Pele fgreee ».......«~». _.....1 2 r. r
It. LIii Tre3SC....... ...............IS tI. r
31. Knllis·aht..»-........ ...... ef.Z.9:7b A.
Ifs. 1. Atleaatle ýzms ».»......1"1AA.r.
16. Kapri Vmrgblt.. .6:56 A. N.
14 !* VnyL..... ...... ......_.....1: r. V.
WCadal IirietwI.
Usmk .1 Compete... l .74u5 H. (ottr, Helea.
GeeIYse ., . ····l..Le K. Took.
i (sM..G.... . .... lac. R. R3Ckar4.Botts
lN., of fa....... LLsle f awle, ilolem
Alwo Geesra··.··Hle.as J. IHLskll,
lia1e Tvrsores... Diehr· d (P. Hiekuan,
Mate Ami... .....3d a KInne, Nianela
ot. Pub.....li ..e Jna Gamma.. Aasmi.
Cho b Ip- l lm. C .urt. .Hrnri . Disk, Helm.
Lrrrlutr. L. Durwk t now
Clnk p. dOmt..... .W. · . Jbe.mew . Eels
" -- al ....... i.. Rat... E
B. Wwhal... .ee. K. Nikuem. ilre. Coli
]I..I-.r 3J. B. HuIa. DNile Oy
17. . Lad O rise.... A.Grww Y IH Upr
*0 be a ll { . N. Sl.
Jtry. ~ ~ U Noes.,udW ki
Os..A~ionU(....W I. 111m., MioCt
s..~,.....-3 P.rr N.L+ Nawl........
ay .....................C. I U. V i le,
New asposenwvl l U Ya-CI
e ee.f... A(. M. O.11. 'br
I'.~eI K r.N , Cutl. r
Csmetbis D~. N.Lu ( ·yo.
iapei.. .- . .i.. H.P Rs.
a., sume........ ..... .. H. 3Wi l
1 .1 M .»».lIWY l Lrss~esse
pbh A4.».« ..-A.. .). I). e . (mu
BI. McKay, Cutler
Polee a gllit ........ jJb i s. Mile. City
Cerdebl ............ D. N. Gaylord.
.....e........ ... . . R ampbe
Clu r Aitero «....-..... _ .......·e .. . .R Uen De.
N.«.,. ... . .......... ..... · .......·····-- B 'i l"
CkW of bile. ................««........U N. Gsffbrd
F~i. HsgUUMM.. ..... .. ............... .alms Gibb
Me.AA Wurd-4d. ~eb' J. a. Trrrr~t.
Nathan Hoekett I. in town.
Rebesrsal at 4o' etck thin afternooe.
Mile City will play ball at Keogh
Bullard bas some floe old port and
sherry for family ner. *
Yrighbliog w as esoeedingly lively
at lbe depot yqteniay.
Roend-up view sad Iodiah views.
* Wilnr Bnos., Pbo4tgrapberm.
A great manyof the veitors too
lit light'" train for home.
The seetin gang are e*pairing the
tlie lI Miles City sad videapty.
(abloet pottnits la oetra S leh.
* WILsT Bas, Pbotograpbers.
TwestyL.hes ears of eUttle psed
treab the eity yesterday eing eas.
Parties wihble by youn pigp
sbeld apply Sr Mrs. W.W. D. mith.
Many lee herna were paraded ye.
irds lUr the beeasd of the viasutig
stenk maes.
bIt -t. whist med pobtom Is
nt yqSSUhIV .
f0:&Tbomm ezlhbltd $ mg
nº#ert bro averyntsrsy ft
Oturluruain ym~s~iay hI-t
Seed am Mossts. bay.
GyasMs.m betidilg em Friday aI hi
by ls YoToeIng Felb a'eil Cbb.
"A .Utif 1 n am isvm aim;' sod If
n tiks Hmi's bus esruIlUm as, 1
a"m~ aet" moso peedhis seiekuew
WM Wwr Mr . as LrQ arwM
Whmr'n 'Imf eewDbrLw hw
Ike *s bsrms Nb,
We hbe" on dimpiao children's &ad
Iaubms' oh.. at pritoi "ha we so low
od tswe som gale "IFfar cub.
0 C.B. Towuass & .
As a.,.@UOod by 'dodger" yster.
yi athe drerastle OM.pemY will sgain
pee ý Ameing the Bresk@ema &ibe
lee as imporled Ableandler How.
he"duipeor aKey WeA Swdeaborg,
~ .1 ~Fre. Dbwboalways eawles
a al e tlu..If Ae gloom
Tbi 10n4-61 UP attYo N A t he
o m~eme of ahm sem. nfth Noise
*a my bq* kiml - ý , dmad ash
goUwNo am W f of aft
foodbemefisdme doo d home lb.
4~ivhe~of a dmt wbkb OWeyan
s elbeunt spmuu of an ahe
O~EM mso"" onPmkbamw
pm'me t*'0 bibs,
gSans.e gem rims ye.)
sally luert asd whe. Meers. Heott,
Holt, Neidrlnghams and B.ster, three
of whom sa be rated w eastera Mea
teas moe, spoke favoring the propoel
tioe. Various teebalesl elsee.inas to
the motion were made by Miter.
Jacobs, Harmoo, DeHart and Load,
aqd althougrb no advenmr rullng wee
nmade by the chair, It began to look
as if Helena was Ntrong enough to
win. The merits of the caee were
then entered into and the caue of
Miles City strongly defended by
Jacobs, Harmon anld Loud, with the
equities very tmuch on their ride. A
bare quorum of 25 was present when a
vole was unlly ordered. Under the
rule a two-thirds mpjority was ie
quired to c.hlangs' a I;y-law, and when
the .allots w.rt oUnited aloud by the
wree ary and it wax founsd that the
fIleaud of Helena had east but flftten
votes while Miles City warshalled ten,
a iearty round of applaume was given
and Miles City smiled visibly. It war
a elose shave, though, and NMils ('Cty
has the gentlemen onmed above whu
spoke In her favor, to thank for the I
result. Particular credit is due to Mr.
Jacob*, a hb bha no lJterest. bore, but
who, recognisingl the unquestionable
rights of Miles City, stood. by her and
with solid reasoning helped to win the
With the seetlemeat of this question
all ltereste In the proceeding died
out, sad after a motion made by Mr.
Kobr abollehinZ the fall meeting at
Helena had been passed, the coaveo.
tien adjourned din die.
Mik.e I Ky. Metas, i. I IeatU.
The visit of A. . Moore, (en'I Fs't
Ae't of the N. P. R. R., and Mr.
Marsh, uapt. of the Yellowstone dlvi
saon, to our city during the past three
days wan ait entirely due, to the stock
growers' convention, as transpired
yesterday. Some days ago Mr. Jos.
notti, when In St. Paul, called on
Pres't Oakes of the Northern Pacific,
and laid before him the proposed plan
of operation, of the Coster County
HBr er ales and Fair Assoclation.
Though the present purposes of the
aedlation were merely t- provide a
market for the bordes raised by the
many breeders of Custer county, Mr.
Oakis at onuce perelied that the p'an
admitted of great enlargement. and
decided to give to it the aid of the
Northern Padifle company In building
up a bhee markerlt atwheb the pr .
doet of not only tb entirestate of
Montana, but that of Idabo, Wash
Inotem and Oreon can be ofered to
buyers from all over the United
Statis. The grosINa of( the aaseltmlon
being in close proimity to the stoeek
yards d the Northern Peello at this
plae,. Mr. Moore was sat hedred to
tender t , the local aseeoeation the free
and unrestrlctd nes o these yards, In
addltion to wbhih the eompasy will
build at once 300 ket of enclosed
stables. with hay lefots magers and
waterlng tr ugbs. sad make other Ir
pro'ments which Mr. Ma.hb ia.er
ltes illl Ilvolve a. espeadlture of
S M000. Th., In ense.etlon wihl
the espeedlitre of $10.00.00 to be
made tbis sume s bythe leeal snd.
Mie is the onettreUtle of a mile
treak, bhen talls, grnd stead, sad
tbers adjunet of a rLat elam hi.
rruood, will firmly stablleb Mil.
City a lb. horne market or the north
west sad beias our eity to the a~te.
tieo d Uo. behe meo at the enenry.
The bkih repUtatlnt sineady ebbleed
by o M .sces hos hor en made the
product a marketable mtrel*, bet the
6ab1se orf ay plies whore berse.
oild be eoag.gated hr the Ilaspee
Use of bue.es, sad th egrit baudhip
snd expemos entaled a thse rLwh
en. bern to pIsebeer Is tmeavag
by prmItive methods to wdr aper.
s l me s I wLw .N *m et, acp,
epeuatei asbr to ea"le* an meg.
allou, whle the slipplag of boeu.
wn tesaerssnsa og eaf se he. been
aend. by brmedm i be hl.gby n.
pr.mbles, lthe epees In all seei as/
sly ealse up the ptSh4, but in
year, in Ju as d I Sepm bwr, and
with Shlro awn semn d a . s and
these. su ied b t he xe IhraPbele
uthe irI be able In euhim i
m teamned ar mauw Miimse Ind
braln orf ev variety. Our breosm
haw apeai n epese In esepepIg>
themselves vft hhebs b sea ma le
meeyr emiei buy aed spOlese
smeamsi. When is I ber udam
Ymis aed the ewalmsm eang
Pew, th esi0h of bIas, .ng t
am hell mm be"s. ke el a do
Leloos net mir, .Iles
aligast Mo # ae le *o
yýs Mr
Hore dael Assoelastlo wme likely
to aonpy em, the start i moet gratl
flng, werm ear tafey may t tohat o the
Inerporatorm It is un.ipected only iL
the promptne., with whbe it has
come about. The oubattOtial aid and
0ooenraglement ogfeed by tbe Nortb
ern P.etoo company I. n andtor e
ment of it4 merit. worth c'lumrs of
ewspalper Iwumb, and while it waru x
pe.ted that the company would lend
s as helping hand In tlme, It Wva not
looked for until we had our-elver
demanestrated the practlratiliry of the
schOee. That an lrear headted r bud
mw manas Pres't Oake takes bhe
ent,.erriw.e by the hand from the e.rt,
is enough to as..ure the moat sker thMl
that It In founded oa) ,u.inew' plrin, i
pile and muWit eurwe..d.
Itu.* Clt.allg.
Have you sent for P. M. Mayo, the
M'les City housa eleaner and "arpet
tenovater? PoatfilMes Hox No. 57. "
K. dr r. UmSh c.
There will be a regular men-ting of
Crusader Lodg1 Nr. 7 this evening at
8 o'eloek. Hnjournuil Knirh's are
coJdially Invited. H. (i. PolT.R,
Wu. FaRstn:, C. C.
K. of R. * R.
imy Mialdls.
Fred Collin.. a bny aged ffteeo,
dark nonplexlnn, dark ,urly bair and
low. heavy- figurel. Wbn lhnt meen
war riding a 4-3ear-old nnrrel horme.
Any Information of his wbercabiut.
will be gratefully rw.*.rved by
A. J. ('LtLI N,
SBrendenhurr, Moor.
A Weemdeltyl . Health.
It l a prime aesneltty health that the eatio
o the bwels bshould be kept
regul.r. Bet the way to eve aeen a tom.
prarl, iseeelutlpetie. or to rsmely throae
oestive.ee Il st to delau the stomach sad
bowels with pargalUes of visleut ald pataful
setlea. The bappy medium betweo as imper.
ttve snd violemt cathatie is Hetetter's temash
Uitten, wkleh aetajest seJcaotly upon the hew.
els to relaz then, without psal. and whieh belin
a whokle.o t ei., a well Ia s apeieant, has the
Seet of stregtheaina teth them sad the stem.
seh, sad pomotlom the well botag of the whole
nternal seeeomy. The remoerl of bile frem the
bluod, iareesed aetivity of the lirver. usually dor
meat aI cam of oestiveaese ad oemad dlgetiea
faiowe the o eof thl tbhe lest medtelms, as
tharsngh ad pgaal I its bla ets as it is alb ad
pue fu er.ape.lties. Rheemats v. fever sad
ague. kld..e traubles sad debility as ai rsouome
oiled by R.
Ask W. E. rivage what De'Vltt's
Lltt:e Early Riser. are.
De Witt's Little early Risers ge
there. dold at sa~m 's. .
Take De Witt's Little Early Risers.
For sate at bavage's drug store.
Cl.an.e your breath with De Wilt's
Little Early Roser. FPor ale by W.
E. esrse.
His tirl didn't iyt beek on him be
eau.. be o ed Do Witt's Little Early
Risers. On sale at H.slge's druis toro.
Is certain It reasaueble ert is anado
The New York Life Ins. Co.
Assets Over lO5.000O.OOO. Surplus 51 O.000
.. 09 s.. ~ UT Neo WI heliu M rw Ne LIVID. HI LAPSED HIS POery
Tw · wd r w p d W p Vi Mw ftM II iw l r 'I I1 It it i Ai. w1ý4wry _L ls
Tmr . Mlibu!r dis . ims plie inpi gS bmWd NOý .r º" ,
sý-wýA I w r/r ý / srr Wan. r
he ,.d, ' 1'pd'w . kwdlbl medrlw~w.a Welh am, in W..~ m t
HI DIED, r+.iýr~ur
M .V.. V Ubem eO~rd ks wEQ . IeIbhueUU bus lesinis ins Ms g~'.. .W.
dwýýb Nis 3 1* 1 *a.se. km. * m.agmýI luqik dA WU 3 *
r ;. , -4
1 W
·.D ,. -
4 ''.T
14 .ibA
~ '~~:
to tmtfts Mub by We tea af Do WHOt
Cough and Cuowuuptla Cute. Thi
eromady as om'mst ofa enalm In Wu
metden and mums so own tba. morpC.
able psepsratlufh. losnl upon hew.·
lag It. For ask by W. K Rouge.
Oarse 11.461
Why do''t you ours thattl o agi' I)?'
Witt'. Cough and Consumplton Cirr
will do it. Thiw ,nnedy Ia (t o.11"e'y
osfaia, lproapt and iboh .rgblI mail..
thotory. Ir you have cril it ;,uu
know tis sitlte urfitl u o a fad-t- i
you bma. not yo'u ara. 41u11j1 Vour.-1f
an lbiuutirv. Ii I. sold e 'i1' El T'...
age. _
'"Ke9r your la-net .eis I-yo.uar It.
warnm-) our Iivvr ae tiw, uctd Ia .1 in
Ofd, 'i" aile h. dvi.e of r U,«cetitnt.
lehymh~lac' I'. a ,eselend. Yo.iu eau rerru
late thi m 1IiD. of your lavrr, kidnrym
and b'ewrle by ua~h.g Di Wtt'" Strsan
parlhla, an alI*.lut. iy me rlsle Ideod
pmurlfying refiedy. F..r ril, Iy W. E.
Savage, druraln.
UMake ires 1 mar people mi e.a,
eaiuin dltres afer m n, gor stom-
sick hIeadab. heaSthure, fos. t atp.,
a htlt."all..ose' sg. bad taste, eaLe.d
lseag*e ian r sIul*s
A m gtit well. aite. It
Y , ev r."s «ran "-.ia.em.
Sittne d " les IIe eeds
I rUspasle, w ded acts esly s yetedsly.
It toss. the stameb, reugulat Ih. dnpo
ties, seate. a -oe ap I
"I have boe trouied with y.pepul. I
d but lttle appetite, a what I idat
no (distress"d me, or diS m
little good. Atr eating I
mr would have a faint or tired.
a* goin teellg, as thumgh I had not eates
anythiag. My temble was aggravated by
my bsi ea.s, pelatig. Iast
Spring I took Hood's Mr
sparlla, wheh did mW asto
mmense amount rf od. It re m an
appetite, and my food rellshed and miss ed
the craving I had previously paiereoed."
Gosoos A. Phou, Watertown, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
aoes y W ihdniss. A Pi ter. Pss.ped sely
by c. I.OOD c0., eC.. aes.., Loes, Isse
Eiqtbhig fit Cais.
Jima MeNasny Is bbblnd the bar and
will be glad to see all il4 enw boy
O.s,. .r les a.d 3dm Uratab Mis. Cit.
iJ. Basinski
& Bros.
Nickle, Silver
Gold Cases.
Siverare, Dimods, Jw e
--- ---Ci-~-:." " " i i p I
Did It Ever Occur to You
tbh,'thhe I r e nt ,'f proft in CHEAP goods I. seatar tbhe in better qual tie?
Partliculrly is h,.. true( fall kinds of FOOT WEAR. For lotanee. st ear
hbow you a ldty', t.anld-turned sho, that sells for 1u.00 per peir and ple.n be.
aide it s a'o. tIhrt reud, for x3.00 a pi'r that I. mare essentlally like the 13.00
hne- and It-a th" nsq, a&rnre of being tls equal, jet the pereeat of PROFi'' i
MUCH LA HR.ER .,, tie $ (. tn uhe! The vital polit of a sbhe is the tit. and
Ibis qualliy cao i.. f(..ud only ton the I e*t grades of goods. Will It not pay v~nu
to eo,.sider his ? Perf.-ct llstinar shir require eot only proprrly proporUtonld
aIms and eorrePtly de-lzrred patterns. hut also tLhemos earul attention to itL
m.nitst detal of nisnufeture. These lemlents do not exiat in CHEAP
iOOD.. s It." y musnt Ie celinrsatedn In oroer to mtake the giads CHEAP.
"tHreaknrg isi" heam, shoes i. an expe*lsive proe.e. It is no idGle bst w Jel
we .a. thit in our store we can uive vnu a BETTER FIT sad VALUE than
in any other stote in iastern Mostara. We bhave a very large ste in good
shelp lif,t a mid the best gtllad of shoes and O we ran eater to ever e's
taste. it will give us pleasure to show you oar goods tbhi season.
0O. B. TOWER8 &C 00.
h0eS Cq & Speurihif
Stag. Line,
Daily Stag to
lag laves Kilo. City Mona,
W~dm.day me TMWy inISlp
I o'clock. For psesag or any lahi'
mtI'w apply at "t Mih H InaY'.
Wbolmu Ie and Retell deale. In
FA ILY*:- GI fhL .
New goods e~eatea~y Seillu and
ZEr~bf Fft&
We badieotben "aad.daumtoee
TuaO add Upn
Im th. dty.
We rmgmEwt-il7 emslkate as lmeiml
..P e~rrulle.M p..

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