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ThE DAILY JOURNAL UMTA5LIMKI)U INAM. ILZAb' CITY. MONTANA. OIutor of 'fIlm YIL < OW.TO t Jc'VktkaI f reapomhible for any :f the opt. F titerrantl ot its .oneapundenii. 1sits It heretq given to all conrrnn t t hat t Y3I.I.l)wW14INE JoKS AtI PKI~l tIIN,3 1'n I the contract to do, al p.rinti"a aud ad ti.Ing, of wh Iet at eharg. able to (Cum e. untlyatd Is also thet,- litat. 'atdurI nir b '"'ater c'unty in wii, "t rrii .TIi. b% ,i ti. ,ii 4a" I lt1ally InSIF. I,';al I.1. 1,''h I u: th r paIeps .ut .'utt.r cant. arc 1 -i ir Cr aha. tI~eil le. ti-t,~ v ci th cons u1 *o Rarna. a O tlltls al E tIstI 1' K ' I 'W'ouT,'1\ ) I 1I::'7 . etsasid Ipap.rýr..tii.Ii.aL .r..ut ea,'-1111.d11~* I,'dh .1 al l~ It., . · II' 1 i Ashernr i'.i --,.' to a Sm uriay A , I, I U, 8111I1 *. ; 1 '1 " Ii ^i I 8h .'I Iý I I ,ý .I n u-11l I i. 1 w ci. ii iaake! gookI 111 I i " I ll ..1 u"" 111:1f 1 IIInd 111 pre e:IN II 11 '~ 11.11.1:1 \ '11 1!Iý. , and 1.1 111\ . alill lt 1! I .f 'a'll. J I.,4 iuic ,111 ; A goteel -ýul Iso 111111r. \ut iI I a (I%. i I l for twn o id dl"Hn a%. u"· I11, i ,ik. thIe nrltl~ not toIN (, )LSIi~ill Ili·uI 'U Crubic cl t 1f :1. V1' Li, ul Flatti' . P live *uIt ratther :IITr le ,:1 I. viwnslll of there Ial.lº btiie II w tic Il "lIi i~ 10011 and 11w4t II' a.i'. iIk the I,,the whoaler for.11 ;tlm i. of ha11d~i',I iluli. Ought Ig a tt~l* a 'e "I_ 111111v" tictdhal- UN Oiltud a dlile p, ftI.~ti~ o .~~j zid eaAllIheiII'. It irdni rI% 'ir nilrt-a aing tItet Aaia aw. k'tvd. - borl lonL coul'* Ilka. e~u"in% ae vT· lrl -To rrpob tram "its.· Gram. I il Is V Hill.j'Is 1:1' 11 ro jutvle 11" ' II ' u ls k sf a'111i'* Is a 1' 1a t1 1 11t 1' 11 1 5. t t1Ilýýl, 111s? 1'IiI~ t ll I.\ l i iiiIis.: tl 1111 I 5 1 .5 Mtiltill r, ]w,\-.11 11f ti¶" "p. 1, I ia I w* fi'' lsis I1 I I"% Ii .1 U I sII I I.I1, Isa t'll. tun, of ".'N 1,l. 11' "1f Ili1rl111: ':1,1111arllt twelilt\ \"" 1411' !. \ 11, I' to ,11:1if a.ý it ' .. " - s1i; Jlis V . I l's . : s.1IstsI 1Itmx !'11j1is 11'i. 1 is Cs .Iua 1sisstsI ,u . 11, t sst~ X1.(i1;1 I~:lsls se~it111 111' IgIII IM~l b uc It I- 1. sj'111 is ""\11 1 1 s i ss"1 111".11111L ,zdtustir .I",Ipj s 1 .. wi ;ltn.i, 11 ss11i' U 1,11- r11 1 1s- 1'I111" 1 1 s6 1I \: t' IPlAID.g Wi th 4.uaalh..plwr.. A11 e\ "U''ti'l l Liar lll"11-,r 'i J til th us expla111,11o\C\ 1114 111.111 ý'll'ý111ýý'1' got the IN--t of tlt tr 4-1 tilj)lIty III thie It % ih ell c11N~s ossrrtiieý wcon ;o I ýli n tie1111 con 'a jIu il littiel thc' pIatllt bore.. 111 caioi for a t(sssitt latadcd ect the boysi eti'. etiu ua thei "Kt-i sikingn inwfisit t il.. viit o ori Ivt. capi tal ovaer huM Ii 'a %%w. short I Ivtel, for the driver'.ris 1l1114 ithld. Ii "It It large gramlplt wishich the-v t1d liy the winigo H' ith t a triums. and .lzteevd Gow into the~ Ilaex. andii when Mr. taruamhcp p.' grahlNelu onto, a djime they' jerked Lim husk eout oaf the I.,o-. hais %%a1 kept up for .e)nuit time' with grea:t seuc casew, until iown day the strinig brtoke and left ti' irid inthe Immia b x which Save the' stoaipl a% aly. -IfAmm-ii illt Cou" rier"J'euri:al. or iginl of Dioreul Uaem M. De' 4uatr'efagi'e the French etb. m ologist.t lis iasade public his conelu* tlons '%itls 'e'".rard totlaorigin anid dim triul)Utit of t1el hit'Iuman race', lie mays all misnk id tvsllit± fremia a ientral n ane tornollha rn Ia ailaean that there were three fuia't ta liaetyi*'pesu-blauk. White aud ,ol Tu'hem'a thiree tvpi" scat teried ov'' I. ta' aV orldi :od in terma ingled, (Ornlils~. I 1 1s',11" st.tA'elty tWO disetinct raCt48, .l:. n 1ae the. niljr Inow repre uensted rill tiue 'iiljt.± I). oNs.ulse·iaj.-t.M believese that the Amerselsi Ii .iarn eartnse from "a blend. lg ref tat' ' IýItlo aid yellow races witb a cau qyuartsiary racie"-6t. Iour RoPublic. A Tiumul Thugug the 1'.K. Tbh bat.wer onil wlhichi (. t'a. Auarab wa workmng Was cxnliig tlhrough one of the SeWfoIunldlui~d wonVqt fop *in years ago, belljd another Nt am r, which waa uwiles iheied. At the Ant( steamr piovied IiaregII4Ia theI eart h thuds, it tuuneid as -. learly And as eslauly Mr a gang of nreu would tula el through the earth. Ieeiiag thia the commandeaiicr of the ,,wenOid "oi4 elrced hllis .tueiirner ImitI. the wimiel of eist. ,aid could plainly Nee thl bteamner ebead, whlr l. pveri\~thm on tr 11 P idw was oubulrpd .Al .r' Iw i2 the loudN for Mm'lIe' hIom-s1. it cloimel m oin the ateaiier. wilhmg1 the deCvk The anwerqar a:a I i'.d :l oad of the. fug aIIto .moi. :eIi1 iii'-.inds of jp..jyl'* vis her whii '* iii lo)rt o I' 1* Ir pIhie inmeauai dlcc 1ý,Ad. -1:AJltt.uu.h. ýuacr leau. Me.ida That Were Crlnus.Inm.. Duriiin tiihe Furt..tlr l c~ tut'rv oaten mlli crowcll~l Inl 1ht I Y h~yf lI). kilhld Wbeiaever i ~ua a u. thae act of fI&*IuruI !q; UIId .º .,tý fr a Iiimt u I. ", Iwo(, lo cur ri' jpi-d. fojr a r?44*(IDIIl o' fIt~un dw (oiler 4141. Mid if after till. Illev W~ a11*n Iinllgll W C)WIIJItCr third offeou, ºL4"ir lives aIl, Bl ftliiriej.l to 69 crow u. -CCrinjirRal " ullimal, IrH 'CltediI beo :pýcl* thlir 61 .uý., likt olbwr tllu;#-t:,cLtur on the V 'illuwwl wl~L wrl~ul ut Url, and their uwllenr Molded fRouuli 1 heavy da~~gtw. All ilia Taw Fb ( ar ~ulC blal .rg rlbs next beat thing to being h~appy s melft isto be bletomido otbena. IM omp be lm ith a of 6.9* t r r aga do NO wsld. HOW GEN. GRANT POPPED. M We 311idig at NIght Through X1i Y+d Rain While Home em a Furloegl. A verc 'n-ilkiigr I iwident itt the IlNs of Gai. i(4tit wasl IiilationeI)C by an cato tlaliIjcl Ii i'dIw It1(' retlut ll to eiei Ier 4tl a I i. V1 II' 11 11W 1 I liatlaiti 11041 ' th qtt no Tailur wh know Ocu ~. 11 Grantu11;11a11'y ranintaglle hw li lel4' Itf `u 111 I"\" \441 g:.1,'ala (1,!14 h w dw It 411111 4 I "' 1 \a. I "a1. ' . 1 1 1 I ; l l ' 1 'l ' . 1 ! . 1ý 1 111 S . 111.1 l I 111 i.",' "" . 4 111 a . :.a .1~ ~ ., *'Ili. 11 . 1 a1 .1" II u r , 1 l{.1I'6 11ý "ý ~111 41 1 t ' 1. 11. 1 11 1 :I ' II 1'.111 I II a Ilalllt1 IlI 11taatiaI-' .11:d lit a-I i~ th. i.14:lilk~ilt 11'"1 \\1hit lthe b't.1V yohag 111 141Ih :ltirel and ilt 01o '111!11 111'.11'll 1 f t t11 f di r 1 I ook 111 he 4 t1 r1 \11:d11L h Ai~ 1 11 311u\ 1" 11% fa\ir 1 nIV I -Ir4-e th.llN l-ri-I Ifl .!If thil, Itli. atl "1,11.1 UIll44 1 of ull'1'tl I. ll_, ) It"VII;tltl Ilw ll'l" litc* u theu Ir 1 1.11and tItt dti. u r4ll. I o till- Ii i Lri-e It~ uºr a lllrt ItI ajailE'l Ilut buffeofnt hi 1It411 t oflight, M1.4till thi fiklllll hunt of thnuder Iihonk ill- (,r\ ijitid at.Iotls ill ther earth.: T(it-. you a u~iAet'a. who hadt t alil'l. f,1r bravel ti I h aIiitI I a 'st ttiat IIl t111 .11 i *hui t tcrris ofitll.h tiilstt ituwon %lit ill' by the trIl-m.en dI. Ie 'alhal gItHr'd 1114 unmovedliuatennt 11v v-r % le w'itl The hritign, now tili-Wuº W yield to litl\\11.~ rIntluga a. A% at Itohinkl. 1ta 1l.1 rm\l ;1411a Itlt-l IIlviaitful Iof -ti llotiol 011 1illalleaI0 llge %avrel 1I11: I/e I Dog.) oil tc~ l"" Ifi~ n of 111," 11111:ilml \ 1:'lh o'~l iiI(.1 ' iv .i ii. thej~llll 'J*.) hoIle ;L It;ti& Ie t %%4P4 i . 'I:,;tiid e~h.elvj iptit ue C u4-I" iere e2 bt11 v el t a l 'llo fi. r tl e .riauee' to, IlAiiUlftll a 111:11 . thut I e e I rI. V"tHi. drLiu'2,24, .1-l sill. g4m1b4 wen Igrlr 11II 11A %Ivelº; but :r*! hi smallu .I tlll'24 else~i iito alwi, 4 piit..d 1112 M vuhit14 w,.nY (~ut dow~n. 11j24 mslia~ter ofI the boniu. 411a' two of Ilb k ed. creU ai~eh. fajit fautill their Thddle* vi IEIutlil slwanter. all~ ~lu2 thr Ii\b4'4,. 21(141 ~i Or ai little dog' watehutiultlc~.e. ~'Vi iiiuti of )r· wtan'e. tIl" wlI4M4 a htuldt'r2 thee WIEo'lr feight of lii24u iUIrry i fortune IIeIp.end ed. wIucIl havee led jus ittimu feek the tp rID iuiice itouuiiii deathNo. That warice evehronw afherw dakeiw.ts a pieoi' hii h. gained ctaheir. A ut~ey slatdIl Iaeptlt lo ' lre , ilim f r uqe.upiwee hnlrshwhe Age udtielr IpeI.& Althoutgh thee II s W(il Mi1e rliatia be tw-eedl hj. aiadun loungspVitV. th.l durartiouz of thIe JIeritli of gnm54.tie andu IeiiwthA of life 1,1twrq. plie-alklg Ifellurally, 1401144"t Iii ti4c Is tg.ri4 u ululrAP. thene.5 isno li x4ed relation its btýr ias the t ,o. The largest orbgluisinit Hve the IossjWpet. -Aneiui Li .1+ re":ICII1tt jg a gllup of tI.tK., IYear. olld warne animal., as HlIIale- , to-veral C,"n-I turies. .Ansd. tole Inssturitv i machss'4. lurger asiv Ldir s, ryuirr e lounger times. to secure tkss" pJnsr.rvatiota osf the sl4Nit s. Tlws explan~atutse osf thisj. am j%,intsti out bIV IIth ILurkIlurt and ierbert Sfwlrser. is that "the ae-rb ing surface of all anjirmual only incr#Aa em al the ullarle os! it. lernlth. while its sie iticreivs ass the iii he. and it there. !ore followss that tie,: lonw er ans animal becontis the frsreurtor will he thes diffi culty exlNMrwiuced ill aswimulatsusg any :nourlasnhnett aLvcr anid alcove tLat hichld It requires fur its own nsscls. &Ad tiserefoire the rmore hlowly Vwill it, %.prsAdtll At- it~If. loagiianss." The Wiesd Blows to Meet a slmm. W~hen a . tuir~n is a'I'aeeiwie1. Ow~' w111d II~tIN, to 11/1.1"t I. T11 lis i 1t 1111 I.DowmI c fvomu theili ".lt elr Mau1l 1i9*a't Iiu e wo t.*1 r lllo rt111 M h cr o ; Nterrs, fri llr 011;: wept. 1111 it 1/"1 C" 11 -Xead. Ihg1weevver, the' .' u111 dn 1 Iii *i u4&inCii4Il 1111"elll tril . g Ifi a In thi l fl r'ii1 t IM 1 Iii ' j,,. -. lu i t I 1 a \ Iee I I ý(tr storm 1'e. 1i i 141l1e rIIIV ii,.' e il I, .lr ft aie l ,r..l ef111" 'lt .1. 1ef ýl tl i .r.1ei d a lld thsll. llr . ii ,Lten l AtIIJ l l. f u 11 I , nr (llerry wieth ItpSgorly lblpnil 'lt-e nr i t,IIsbop 1ef C'u Uil r l,gjri. with SIB,114$1 it y 1ar; the, ullsh'p 1f I,.ndi,u, witil £lrA$r M y year, and oilhsireeztrvab gantly ',verinaad An Ii lean Irhfl s must bhlud1leler when tre.y bieazr oif the beggvay stipenuds of thit: Sic-A&t I clergy, fheEincrnles of myn ttlo · tae in tdheior~of Aberdm waginlg from M a ear to M, while isa neigh bbwWn i theey are sigh twines SW1 and Sk?.-Ljndon Truth. 1r4 . -.. .a i r XauL., W . - - - 11t W:hL sitt. 1llt evellill, 1 :1 N pteo.0 ber', 1-. o. , at I lii liA r ut&IC tit, 1i' teriouls litlle of i'Pi- cagotl.,l ia. .\l& old tiil.termian called me rIanl the houwe whern I then Was, to lune downi ol tho riier 1ainhi tild '"i.tar the Ii1of 11,'i lir1 ullnlthll r Usl t l', l." l 1 o( caI"1"r 1''ne 1 *V, 1 1 ra1: U lvul11 ob .y the\" ti lnt I l* t 411 t t i "' hit l it. i c aillS u',ll 11 'll iý 1tI l in ' .11;111 u 11. ': i t"i " -ll cl rt. . ' l l rltl , l th 'e SII . I.. , 1'" 11 . g u tiIl'l , ' I " i1,t; f :111a .111 . ' I I . , , I 1t 1 -t II t 1 , , . i '. , t ut I I , , I .. li t " 1w l +' , , ,t, I S , + . .. . - ', I | I I.. 1 u tl .' I ii . , ,i I. 1 ý 111 'lti 41.11'11 i1ýr lII. \ r11 1:; ýl a .11 .\( r Up .... i t.- ,,11II', Il . . '11, . it, all a .u-'. I1- i . £11a.l s 'u 111 . I 1lt is aua uki l ' '. ll"t1"rIp llart !0 \ ,l.l llt ..Itll li tI l i'.i• .1 ,ý,i , w i lfll ls t|li.'1"r1"w . i. ~,,. . . i h it: 11 It u 1v*,I lit s lut al of l Wtui , IIat if 11t 1 %%A-r ri,'e alt fatll with a . :at:Idy w' ell. .huluu'ls" E. Chid Wy in Popul'itar.riut. 311t0nthl.y. Laglisa rurt eid CLad.IAIcd. Q.tuite at raiad 'to l umakea 1up. I igt of altclilL, to \\liil a the Eaagligla Uayigu lIallaa alitfa rallt fulli lll aalm we 'a t&. That I\ llt' ii \\ I' call I I m I k 1 latre aauawa Ia u"a 1xaiual. III Iaa1!Lalda ouu :,i4fr at Im.aiaa of bl-4":1 anad mzilk. Thalat \t\ iaiai i s la.wa tailp to Mx als jlclar i, Li1ra calleaid a1 jI.. .1 dou~kaev IiN bete, cahlic.l zI oke; ill 111aalia( I ca a Iaaa' ix .a1 a.:ral. 1-4KL&I ,liull-o a cabt, haaI;, is v t l awt, . at ilul,a tIlle meat ofi Iliar-a. 1s lIaaIdldad 1uaaiaa1111t the Ziv't.4-x 1r ftaeiag tom eats. [ila-% a liam- utttorlb, a Illaasicrk ka ia ler 1'111 LruaacIaaaiaa cal aela o katw koahla. \\'la~at i,' hare kaaaawu a, a aLa~ia we 'ha ll 4ii .a I all a ta'a'a. .iaI 'a' hatt a" cat l r'. Va~al I II41, lhI'akiaa'a I aI. La ahailale. 111a F i'.. ll n tiaa l l a I a ira' at I.. 'a aataa . ( 414 .al a" . at, dawl alat,111 urda-jiic ~llaa'"14114, 1 rI 'a. '.~.i oill. aira%%', gr'. Ile 1a1 It, a Inataii, it 1,'. -aidl that \\ Ilaia `II. ,.I \.l tI: "u :"+ a ' 1111IIý r of ci i sa. o, aI.4 h a I l a. 41 it ua ica l" a cL apt rt ºu~ad ý ' .. . i_ to :11,~t u I I tI Ia Liu:atl\I 1,!4-4.1 la ia .1;11\\14' t ut' "It I ,. Ill ý , \:uL lariat-. ",. l 4-ja .1 a 41 I ini proaJ itlaa~~~~~ '1.1 ta141~ .iit liI , \%,AT II'd x144\ t'.1, i!.a4"laaaaLa. ga aatlasaa.ati 2 hir. U6I11 11ar. .of I lI. ý' "I Izullivy. fo.zkeiil hlil lk ICawii kiil &arrýjI(:ý .I trll}' IN"1 :ft ato tilill Firol iu avj.iji TI t14. tl.1I e II% * r, 1 :l l The %fit :Ild voil al the twl alla hiW"o of w~.erf~!au· with Whtichr tInl ~fiAi..i WHalil t1ieuI the woarld. Tl j.! lien her rkf4IIM tlisr over Iae nuitha-: u'1oter anlued ,lllite eu" meen. Wen -I' 1114h d4Ueail k4IcM thei, u othrer wai.. A: plavful" tu of her viU or the a lanuid u1petaing of owuatiflar of ihr faWh cnt her seouleg ita~ ihrateauc. oba ar the orl. Til%- aof her nuantilal. iand then yeek her beautnh vad you will tisee that at het i anshted I-Chsicago wa y Atl. ofhryi o h agidonigo .lum lr roi l , . -l! AIaltA " Pomrr gurt l TALK 33 CERAP, ma the freu tifm* with advertmlerns. of l Tmparllasl , and other liver, blood and lu remedkes, but there ies o medicine, and l one, the claims for which. . t o a ur forl igring diPsaes arising from Torpid iver It do't do Just as Wre md's tP lr sy s te money paid forf lt is pm..reumda Thi seculer meedlel w blhro thrugbnhot ther wvl . A w. sL aould n not "Talk cheap." but Lwhen Its backed up by a pOe pwm . ..r b4yh'r,o, lafng .ata l hu l ei"ta. tion. for hon.ety. Integrity and sound Imn cW standing. then 'IiWO rmean hasstna! And that's just what the World's Dilspenary Med. leal AuelsUton, o Ruf a, io. N. V mean Ln guwinti7n theilr Dr. Pieroe's uidea Med. cal Disnve'r. Dr. Pier' (rlo Medical DIisover obeeks the frightful Inroads of Iofula d If taken In timerr arrests the marsch of on. sumiturn of the Lungs. which Is Lung. aorula, purlifte and earlicb the blood, qere'te vuring all Srkn and Sualp Diseases, 'lorr., hrv. 'welling, and kdred all. ments. $500,_; f. r rn IncurxaM tt . f C. t arrh Lu Ihe' Ncr t>]1i I - pr trHpr(mgPg X11 nrxnih Itunl~dy fl It 11 .1 Iw kthin Iln, d 1 1 1- t' fmwv, It curl ia the worm dm no mWatt'. h. huw ..g sanhding. Owl V euwt. Il0,1 Lb) drumg"tb wwywMM a!ý ewAxDasC ELECTRIC BELT wur M u66 SIB ~ UL~ur « ý' tý r~ii W!:h your nXI'U awl *1k! *aI, J.uikxl to the Swift Sjxxiitc Cv'., Atllanta, G&, !i ni'(x'ciw:ry to ui:taL:d as:l i Iu.tll"iI' *k iv. ou I lie bloo~l ....:: !wdi~caW3 Wtka ý to it. Skii I rFxtiou Cured. One nfv cut .' - I riccrtld 1{' 1~ 1111M tý ;,nr :1.f n It at. I In *iiE tuº a.h 6 ii ý ", k. G 'r I jiii.,lli ut1i4 lo .~ Bie)l. in lI' , u'.: i yI..,. fir of 1r? tll atr. tl t I.t .E r £~uLrEb1r I I. .(hI Dri;.·' I . ·~.r Ors. Liebig & Co., Ferm'tnently Located in Butte i'ity at Southeast Corner 411 MalnaIdu Bnrcacd w'i\ Pri vate Entrunce a.t Brt adwa%. LIEBIG WORLD DISPENAIY AND, INTERNAhTIONAL. Yi Id 11jiW Yw Kanrer t 0 vit., Mi.'.., M.. IF'tiimt.l-l-"', l anmd U'T'TE ('ITY. Moitt. garI)R. A. 1. STfll/'yI I/Ib, /a, E~rqnmin ia, (bc.frn--firicq, I ihauliiU/ .er (krgxH~f/lirq I/cyxciri;u~t fiti ll the v,4',i Mlihe d it A o'Jc iftlio,, wcEill hr it h at (tYi ..4pril Wit to UI.4/, Aimuon,,dlo PIth brIIIC' r g i Vlrdlia 241h.: /l'jiiivhr r2.d, ] l l :9;Ih to 2,q'Ih: fi.rl kvc/h 2_'#/t. I , /!r.fvu for. it .tcllg ", regular g~rdIuatet tiled. clue steol virgirry .1-f idhrpi itact ItlO, cr0 aii 'hcmlor- I iv the , "tact el .i i.uri.r aifw icirriia sad M\ IA NTA. In rrv.i all chmit , r e r I i. acid pr tat,. 01wcac-.. a hct-" ea' c ir-c by lmr~rrjrI.lce. ea ^r-so cl(c11ilvl "4t *. uinfld wcakr, tc. Ir 14,e..e *ez Iiat .l l .If 'i-rnI il sXiI xcI Il~swr c1crti ,. dIe ip iit ., ~r4. lireoj I 1.-cc--- .l tile 6l1i .,f i-ýpbat" ,,ion. cT-' 1-4.irIc . icr Ii 'ituilt a)vnd ' i . r,"III.-. vi .ranlc. " It il ;4," ui ."l,-lop. uili' ire- ian' ,ip-. acI ,vtlzpir 'tlv ri-r , aIwlir- l mII.~l a- c llcr.. lijintw ll -ct I,1o urla":ý".i~ntr. N1YI. o luju ( Uý .wIJ II, ,ntcccwciiouatd- uset1. \ou . "t-rni. I uni""r t ict 1'iii:n 1 a7- ' iii tance I, n vin l r i",er Nor 11,11,0(rd. c~n cl. rid i- r tr. ,, ,iz ctur le,- ,g Ikl4,cr In iIII~iic crl li.-* hd. Hw rca.. rlr'Alit lie,, ]a -ti-Ic :i- 4,- it-; . ".1, brv , tI cac iii,1 1cii cc duur 6 I . L. wcII i, ,c.cri khlrri a. I i2 'tirl %t.Sr31 lur a l',-trdtc' patr. 4u, Iiltn.l. Cliub feet , I mirall 1 1 cit thc, ~1iupio l7r.Ie-, Ii~ir-. icitci"r, "',l?4 rig. tIrn, hills. I rlswon. I ic - *ilty. Nc'li-etiw. Pacrcl!.tci. i1,ciii.! hi adler. E-e, Ear skin ri bliji. Aw l iiici gan cal lIce, at nc'. li-jat.' of %ut'4,1114.11t a ýIeriaty. erpar~ier par lor. for Ia Y 1.41atilMd 1ic. IulT ReIi lrmc crile arl n rdg1iuml Ioti tile nacikucil a ejceci ,Ity O Invite I It-.ciaicr. All , Iixcc diwrajrs se. ealulir icrieae. ly; h. oit Pt,:.tirt iemoved~rocic Ili 53e wvwlilui mer.c ercey. New Ireal. ative 1'r atwceul lot Ied.s. of \'itl Pocwer P'ersons tic i~c.- to viii u" matiy le treated at tiouke 7y c'uceapurudenee. All ciulhiuuli ic ulu o rk-libcettial M'edicines, or i wet .tult byV mi II ocr ezprc-cs Pe.Urey i.( ked. (line Iercoial intterview I.rele-rrrd. (cll saud constilt a.,. or --end hirctcry af youcr cawc, and we will retud Ic jitpain *bapp~er our 1outk F~rye p-x1.luin1g why thu-itaud. catinot ice eurpl of Private. aejci-eim and Nc-r~,uu., ucewintal wealaiec.., !-wcwa torrtiic-m JIcijueteruy, typlctiaic tc-tiborrbo-at,Gime Ur. I.Iiihig d: Co. r- lice OMtIT q dinlleul or re * *lccible sgcecimlst" tr cit Atic olatta,-cinto the Law ueicadle law (U/e hourn ftoti :, t0 s' and , to tIt.p icc. ;orbI mpjcohmcaatwrh inluhacicreane urgent cama CONSULTATION~ FRtEE. 8S Aievey for D~r. Liebhipc l'c-11iga~ra. (icr tit Rmocm S, S E-X Broadway, Butte. tin HOW CAN THE LONG :e " BE THE SHORT the borat. e t between given polat; toe Instanee the Mt. Paul, Minneapolie & Manitob Ra ilw, has over SUn0t miles of road,mg1allcemnly equip. pes and managed, It is on of the greatest railway syetw o Ibis euatry;forlh earme. sone it li the treveler's favoriteS aIl points in Minnensts. Non ad outb Dakota and Moatana. It is the nly line to Great Fal's. Ite future u6an lsecturlngea ln of theNortbwest; to the Lrie tree Isd of the Milk river sailey.aed iter a choice oo three routestotbhe'oast. MWill it is the shortest line between tI.Paul,Minneapo lie. Fargo, WInoip g, Crookston, Moortead, elton, tilyndo. OraIlon, Verges Falls, WabpIe teo. lDe.l's Lake and butts City. It is the best ronte to AlIask, (ains and Japas; and the j.urney to the Pacific Coat. Vancouver. Ta. eme, M*aettas, Pnrtlnd and eaa Francisco will be remeteend ia the delight of i Iti-tlie eend made throwgh tbhe we. deful mcenery of Ilthe ManliebPa telL route. To lab and hunt: to view the magnilweee of patie, revive the pirit; retore the dt ly mealiae tb dram oe the bemeseeker, the go.. seeker, the toelr or the capitalist, whst the Oeutry rem bed b the it. Paul, aneepells i Maniteba Iailway, Writeto F.I.WU.TKrY,' O. P. A T. A.,N.Paul, Mimn., bor maps, and guidm. It yon wata fns lfa a levely land, writ for the"ireet Res ervliM,'res4 RAND It sad rr solve to e. ae.t the e''- FORTUN E! ..I LIFE RENEWER! ý_f! . t~rg Sf« U. u1/!4 S NITV Np U 1 Yo Ir'& ..S.IL 5 * ýILY !iI.t b cmw ý r. . rrl /ft le {M I s ceYI l,51 M' W906 G7 ý MCS- u'2 C M bO L~'' Shir e. (~ n Ftch,$ ecuih for Infants and Children. "C mi. s - gweU adapted a bert dftD tha3 CasetMe enrm Mr. r(nrmw~tt-n. S rrc mmnd itasuup .r u a·i7r.i.cripfr.a lout ltJf.iofl, 1.~ flmh~i, 1 . z ka totwh ILA. AatUvI ]I Ul Llla Wo-mt `, a ~. n''., Aud pruAaow lil.. Oz t SL. iuvokly, N. 1. IWgtuUL Mjuriou3 IudiOeLb Tu ".;i:r. . ~ý r ::r t . `J LoTA3LLISHME Idli. JAS. KoMILLAN & CO., PK() MM.TuTl.a OF TIFF:· 1li~lneapoli Shjepskin Tar. ANDI iW ALEV IN EI&ZS, t F :=LTS, FUU. TOOL, TALLOW Gingenq and Sneca Root. S W PELTS & URim A SpECIALT . tot.1 t 10 lob s.. d ft- xNul& xr.I "I. LM a . ·h l SGAG4 w,,. for. l I. rschel & Bro., The Leading Clothiers Of Eastern Montana. CLOTHING, ) ur S.ring aud m lumlmer rtc k 'Ir S~n Ove oats. allJ rri\'id.l ontai:i ing -nill' ryl jIry t tv u ele l lndl rare lir rIin,. FURNISHING GOODS. -0,- The largert and l.wt Nelerted line in wig Ill l l the city. .1 twtyr aro«rrted t.wok 'an not I. foulld In a larger ity. VWe have all of the latet novelties in thi. department. Hats and Caps. We carry only the most popular Sluk. Wl, Muid makes. .tetson, Kaox and tbe Tiges Hat. The new fad, "The Axtell," in large variety. Boots and Shoes. -0 im 1UD0D1 We have taken special pals. In me looting our Spring stock. We have now the largest line io this deprtmeut and feel coafidet we eau mlt you. kp' Clot ing. We have an unusually large variety Jeans and Canvas tbli sprl.gK of children's and Boys' Clothing. Nuitn, hlirt Walte, Hlat, Shoes, Single Pants, Etc. MERCHANT TAILORING. (Our Mample ht k are now ready PAaaOU r Att=flfglU for your Inspection. We gwuatain ad to Mal 'de . every suit to nt, and cn furm l yoU with any style of a garment within dli days from time your order Im given.