Newspaper Page Text
LOVE, DEATH AND TIME. AL nii.. .Ii'.al lr rondu of nIaue- I.ave. Tinm and suet1 .i.'". ý' Ij Caw g.. me ou . .h inuing II~·~·, ·· I ·. , Ii·r 1. I it,* r ~ And NIJ. , " .. h. " Tb.. .1+ . I ',.u n4u 1, a And "i.....: ," . *.*I- I. u4 1V uu", , .. . t n1Yk . ~L~~~··· ·I ~~·I r."ý1,", · I. L 1 6. 1J ON 1,'111": :1:1,; Ii lIFN 1 S'S& The other day I saw' it intice ill a Li'verpmhtl jtaii-r to thiee e1!ec thI at the CoIIrts had tleciuitt to nu-har the' caire of Mlrs. Alla u1 hite. od a -ia.zer of Capt. TIhoitia.. 'if the. brig l.outateni. To the. gIIWl1-3 I r-ad.' tiat u line mtneanit notbhings. I do uot %tI l (i there aure fifty Po1.ti ini all Eingaulo tollay whlo can eaI the' catse of tihe' CIoUitein. al though theit part 1(lar% wern publishlied far and wa!.-. willd Hinally appeared in book f* .n It in. thirty dears. sincee the Cinl ti'.mltaie, o ccu(tee rred and as I waa the tittleturviror of thet crew. anad the one wh'' gave all the p:articulars to the Emz lisha prem. perIlmp I cal tell the adventure in a way tointerei.z You. The Couuntema wall a lribtol brig, owned in part and commanItaded by Capt. Tliontw. who waits nt only a thort1:eig wanlaan but a mial tf exzel lent hiealrt. We wen- Iminld out to Georg.retown. ill Briti.ii (.uitnea. with omen. to cull at Juatitvia. ThI, waS befomy lin- V(:t'.t Tiii Ca.p. ~T'rv full daodith fitr c u 'tit liv-ri nz-. wit, it LaudHfo ii Ise -. tnfit- sil~i \\.rha.- car befrethelest Thi wt,'vey ul After me ,.ft ·\ ;11N IN :wd v .1 )('\L in·*. abip hi K 1~~i 11 alt ýqIHiiartuulýln too hiik over flit, ip.uu al miy* %%hat thiy Hem.r miade of, mii I %%% Iit Iia~ inll nm ak ing up an v aiind. IaNav :1, I a:, thant we Inad Ailil- it~~ ia ni~l a' t Theare is alaly.s a 1aeader ill t In. fiaavoatli anad in those d:aº~ it waa. the lne-t tisrtatntr. enaaan-hiji t tand educunIia had tuo Imiow to Iirut, wtarenga'tlh. We.. were taut out tuit" lay.% lnfA arn a burn r ~i> figllow.,. whlo teali t yli theIa uiia iof "Bristol "ijo..." If hie Lad ur l th .. '.'INKI a f tihe binng inn View~ till,. 'ioi~ld Ilv.- IN-ian faor her Iml-neit. bIut it stmona raw 'ulnir'iu that he haud pilansu atit ~ii owni.m AIet Kxtine firs't nanane tiaratI liii, okuw an~&tch. whiile the utaeomd maiute staln for the cap. tairo. Our saeconnd Imnate wana' anamned Mimiaer, anid I was ian hii. watch, as was al.'a Bristol Hal, niad a couple of his chums.. Tihe first mrate was named Parker, aind it moon tranusired that hie was a good seanman but a unau of little tact or judgmett. While the captain was too lenient he was too harsh, and we had not been at we a week before the second did not reemn tiº be clear as to whnether he should side with the mean or tine officers. Before reaching Jamaica the crew had tbeen on the point of Inutinl half a downl ti.mes,. TheIre had .w.eLn blowIs and kicks and cuff : the first llate had beent kn*,kwd downl; tle clapitain had culled ti e' cr· aft alnd nIlidei thrimn a sni'chi; t! .w ud mnaii e l a,. idA given, tile nlmoll to, Itil',.t.ltid that lie sided with theimll oin raci.J111 m Jalliva 'ervP Onle of tie,' eh . %utlId IhmV de.'i.'tel but for theI. lllns of the rIliie.dle.r. lij ail ad Ilr IldIY siwli ,seed, which W1I,' tli ll I "ri'1't. Tiell c l didi exl.'t the 1111i1 tI i ( cut ýlick-. ;lind was surlpri.d thait nlone .eft. I lieullr hiui sayv .. iI, much to MIr. Parker. Whenl the latter found that the ml.Ii were to stay by he threantened to go ashore hilil t.ela hning that suchi menll could nlily be hanited by enflorilln, the se venest dlilslle. Ibut thel ca(lp.ain nsote how rl,nnltil.ld It over witih him, and when WE1 left tilhe ihlilad we ! till hull every laun alllard who haid shmipped at Britol,. ()iI wieveral Moc(alilons I had seen Bri~td.l Bob anld his chums in clhOae Ii',rsli&rtinll. iland oil Nveral other * siLions the cook had slipped into the' fohrm'Castle. wh.ere hIe had no buShin.-e, to Iee, L4t hold collfalb. I could ~-'* plain elnougIh that ulnnmetlhin-g "uspil'einis was in the wind. and I thilnk MIr. Parker also) .tmuj.i t.d the plottlll. as we had no ullnwr left iligs, lithan I iaw him ('closely watchlmn1u all the men. Iln miettiin the wi'ci'e.n aneiw, Bob and two of liis frilendll andi(l uyself were plahced- in his watch. For the first three days out nlothing unuuI:l! occurred. The nlen dlid their work as well as could be a·ked for, and were'o respectful asto crto eat.e ur pr1e. rEverything was on t hIe as rface, -however. When out of silght ill the fo'castle the Imena were growling and curing worse than before. 1ne after noon---it'was on the fourth day, I be liHve-- H.Ia aroused from my sleep duriug nmy wat.lch below by a conver t Iwt welni Bob and a nman named ikwmo. They knew I was in the but believed me to be sleeping : - ; Ihv "This is thle plan a I have thought Jout." Bob was uaino . "After we !hie gilt It,, brig we'will cruiuw to the _Wward for a pll. While I can't Uthe buun or dr3 up and get our de longatude, I Canm e a u well urs aUy one, sad the tell u how far we have ru. we bow that ll the Wands am to t. 'a hesat. Every one is down on e -. Beyod on is the Atlaaud. Island I amn after is not down the chart. It is northeat od Triidad, matd mvbe SO mile, away. "Don't Manaew bowl" saked the lTever heard o it, but Lthis i hi 4b kpthia w. "Certain,.li is to be irst, you mc ond.'" -Biat all are' tao live alike ," "('titorrect. We.O arel just (bffi('rs In, 1:,1:1 1-. We all i'at ilk t s Calhi ll, leep %V II(~l~U, -1" 11. a;ll4Lhtare aIil .Iiaaro alike. Nolmith- I, to et Iti hig f up as' bettorII a I1:\Ii' . ih ,rlll~~ll H 1,,1.111.1- 111.111111~11 11111\- el 1.~1Ie 1(' `Tlr'. iir..\11 tlt- -:111tu an "v I i la.11 1ý. w'i I :I2';I it all Itntil '1.t'sv, ald Ii "ý:1 11; 1 ;I V1O it :11\:1% h .C I aarLauti \ I II ullr ara. I a.1lt his lI'ia 111h, 11 111i- 1 11 %cl mst llt lilt their Iosi-. Ii l- ' Irce~~l h te I la o ie ~5 ptei'i poiooonl.r , Hislt I I tlll. It, t-l1 too 11fo lIeIa Ii- 11,11, r v.l U-1. I 1\:a. c all in a ttialllt"at %%l l hlao;ar4I1 1 ais-;1u11 la s alii, sill at Mia za.. to %%Lht eI0itr1.s I .111I jo IIIIItmilm.. Whilf. It '14*,,a'ol the pnrillsr \tac fear tletol .ro to. the catinhtIl oir meteao %Itli Ina inafeormation'. thee re'ader outa nt.toat ovorli 1 'k th oo. li' at I tiei4 ii, thet %vat. I sIaoald Ilave~ It''oir pairtutaity to' speak wit aiiir. P'arker during ý th watch, zand haiw was 1 to }(et beoloe too ilaterv"iow haint tor the cap tahit withiout Isoing mo"11 .' 111a4 0111%- a taVrt oaf tit. Inact hsien ini the ci'oot ,ºirleey igh ti hazevo potietvoM'o1o very wellI, but as it waIs. all eves would watch nee. They hadl nta takena me into the pllan lxeauw. I W~as oittl a boor- atad of 1141 accounat, lut if theey had ilay suaspa('ion that I haul p~ia'ked ip informoatiotn they would wretcha mea closely eitiiogh. I plannedl a do t'A n different u a~is too reach the ca'ptaitn or imiate, and that I did nost y ut the latter 0nt Isis itard was hsis eawi aultit ()ae mnight durinog our wiatchi Ito called t40 Itt'' t4 brinitg loitt wamnaataitag fron ti-i.,t~atermi 'ii. It. i t awl ha is (rio tde were foorwtu'o at the' 1a'4'1 'Of th Ito'lsiw eprit. anda tus I rai-tt' Ditt of the' ctabin Mir. .Parker wasa at thei realter cask. A'o I r'eachled limo I w llils reol to VIlloni :4 ' I4 . "1, I lirdier fr ra year ti 1i*. 1" i i 1, ; .' ed, i llI 1."lº~Iv. NO \~i dpnil'l L. 1,1111'\\;td 4.l I had~t W ill,4 Eu uli ilht t4i4 iitkt :I. . uil 111 Phinc t iuuiii &jqiluidi hiliw1.lujtit- w4 As it o)r fr(ini l4l.kii ,ll waltlIajtv to wwieak tol t (ll-iata4iuL, atul frliici that tinulle41 I felt yu1P1it4 itijtve 11a -411114- of the Wei bud fu~vuraiiiV wink will a fair ThJk)N4gi- tll tile aldK lwnl. :Il, a ilel uriiht I lwar d Mr. Parker Na to Itliohe leave the dwuIh. Mah.t Triniduad wopiuld he. Oil 4i1111 %t.41IH uiruI qularter 11v daylight. W e i I4i li1140 i tot ti al. th r. t li I o 11 41d the ia.aodi M*ill hleal top the i.EI lthsiaEt. Thin. wl i »ill »111 after IY ochwlr anic.d deck. It was a lit. starlighat night, wijtha a livei knoet b~riewy. anid thlfo'e wasI little work for Ilhe Watcil tip d. I wa at til wule.1 for I cigld take uy trick ill fhin w'.ut lair witha alav of *theº. Ahmnoat I iut'h ,k hjjsrid ol ih, w~hoi wall inl 14 hImlf. f«"t. rueal4 aift to) the fon" lInant antlt »11; opt, thoughº no~t over loud. a~ad ill a ve*ry % ehmrtful voice: -Mr. Parker. the brig neeimIN to have pick4.d tl~la lo~t of floating wftrk stuffacroai, her hwpw. Will yout Ilea~4e come forwa~rd !'' The miat growled out somnet hing and disappeared from my view. Five min utes later Bob and the entire remain. der of the rrnew camneaft in a bodly, all in their barn feet. I couldn't make out vyet what wais going on, and Bob took the heel from me and said: "Bov, ruil down and tell thecaptain that Mr. Parker has beent ttook very sick on his watchl." Some . ,f tile men chiuckle.d a bit over this riru4wc.ll and then I mnistrusted that the mate had I elni kil.iul. (in the in stanit I mnllae tilt nlly inllmd to warn tlhe captain. I foulnnu hi1º Mound asleep. but hIlf dY'S'hd. uwid uas Moon.i as lie Aa 4i1n hi, fw..t I toldhi him llat I had .)'v'rhlt"atl lnl tnhe fol' .the. med what I i 1Wnt'1Edll h:nld just in''rried on di h'k. It %wa. wolderfl ui o coolly ih tiook the eifn l1,ti n i ws. ".eI 't'lll tire Ioth w:tches re on "Anld tihe mlen have come lft itl a beo v " ",.es. sir." "Is Mr. Miznner with themi" "I am tire 1 anaw him." "And Mr. Parker is nowhere to be ''"No. sir. "Then I fear you are riglht. Go and bolt the dolors of the comnlnllionway for mle while I get miy pintlul." The menlni atoil at the elintrallnce' to the companion,. andll as theny caught sight of hme tlh.v slteqild back ia little, supI poning tilhe captain was following. I rnlannllail alnd bdolted the swiln duors, but Inot in moanent lto Neown. aril] I was boltilng the door ait tithe foot of tlhe t-ps % hen I heard thiem -rn ilg tnut that thley were bttrayed. Tilt ceaptain now joinedl fine, and in additioin to the bolt we pulled a lot of eablinl furnliture over againsit the door alld gift a brace agiainst it as well. The lenll on deck were very quiet for the lnext half hour, iio doubtllt nolling a couincil of war as to what lshould be done. The first thing thly dlid was to alter the course of the brig ti, due east, and tile next thing was to ask for a parley with the captainl. HIe said not a word until one of thiemni .niuashed a pane of glass in tie skylight. aIll then he demalnded to kniow what was wanted. "The case is this," replied Bristol Bob in his putedt voice: "Mr. Parker has been fveon a lift over the nil, and is now hodlr his trick at the bottom of tihe M. you will cnmOe up and surrender like a gentleman we'll turn you adrift in the yawl to rail yourself ashore. If o refuse, we'll make a end of you. "Are all the crew in this?" asked the -sptain. "All of them." "I don't belie Mr. Misner is with you." "Aye, but I ml" answered that worthy, "an d advise you to do as weas, if you ar for your life." "They'd murder me the moment I s d oWn ek," whiored the eap li tome. "FI be fdlld anyhow, and I might a wl die like a game Hei tinllI (':tiled 111 themi~ that Ile'd jb:Illvl . iia" It'llm N I. ,I I I '.4. 14 1-1' 11441 1baIY"ýIigdi i 4. :1 1 14;11"''41 hIlblr. d' 41d e a1d lii. IIIo pIT.t l. ill ' ti i11,' "I' from that tibI . I 4 1.% l aIcltl 1t t11 l 1 .!4 rin ut'~ U" I It4. Wu tn d.bkg 114"~ ;," Itlirtu 1u;1111f ag II '.Ut WI aidhl. Tia. brig.wile rleivviN 111414111 I Ill' "Nt 4'll l il lid buiedj. ldo li(in l·(ike( HII UbEIIJ atit J1X'.0 I1'11.l 1114.:11 t',IEellil t Ui .l~l 4 rentof te. but uo~tliiiag wa1. doiie uiatil nudatefcr· 11(41411. TI'll Iill, th 1 dc vof " t heI c"- ltlp10 asu were ltlI4 II41IC, I',, tie . alt l, I ' eW41 *agwud e·rcllh Ebthll'r tel attack th'ljt~~~i~jl dIH*,r. E~wirc hlung back. howev·~cr. 341 Ilth reu 4.A it In it Elf 4,1trv 41t t11 fiN ,! d the' l4li. i . Ith"1 l ;w'.I. t d t tll ' rI4taItl to revillve . il .' d1"'Ib!. 11 .(1I I.E 1ult C1tl l ti:41d t In1 kt1114 it ria;-, 1 Ita 'IaeI~url Iil his4tr hErlueYll i..ii4, 11114I1 tidh 4111.14 4-4-E~ Zit ut 4.tealsl, t. 4121 1. .4-e I jl ' 41111 tW hil 14 Iet %%as. 41111%4a IN,\ I.t lidi. lrlh IIl4.ik and1' DIeh i ght thl ali 1111 twob 1144. 1141... (,I i Id" thI brigE I timeh . ThI Yha te etk I ) low ill-r I" Iliel - \.r \ l , i Ni.Iu anul'.e the isla d h:l t11 , .'ii .riLht . I hi the forea.i.,Mn of 11e thiri dlI; thyere themI.Ii. all l ill ,h ' 11, mt-4-, tjll. .. l(ond IlLate \tn.; , ,tbi»d to d-a hsli"a ,ll hii hNly llnlm , ,, boat.r'ld. Ti.t 1:41lttill 1ha1 l triteId mie. vrv kitlluV. aid we hald lnot ,u1t, re fo f fr .ul .cir drink. thelr. INuill. a uIll e eIe'r of \.u;tr 111 thei 4,111 N . 1 the reu II. ,1.i. IHe ha, I ,,.ii l,. i- -.i liis' .1i.aul I t111h r lie previ-i,.i,- In Ii. , i I I11 11I 1u v. ainll wilh' l 1 -I,,',i I~w 'ieth thr,,ee I,,I1n- 4I.e ItIcen -iI\ II,' . ,11 14 th .e1. einl .i .11 IN. ilhail ltil ,' 11,i w\c ll I . i, 1h.1i. . ailtl IIe W l- I, 11i 1it f r' th.i 111111i i .1r,. te1 u'-gilt t.i jit ,\11.k -.1 111i::! IW,' nlll;ht hI c ai i-t aI i t111 h1i 1. llt t i'. th l ird daY Brl-tol Ii l-teel onl t.he- pert qluarterl . \~ lld, h'ahi:tunl-nlilr In i- I tre in thl l, k li-trilt. ;olud tln' ,:'e/1.tin h at,(-d him. l.lrnilht hi- :"u,.ke-t 1I, e:er :Suld shot hilim dead. \Ve kish-w thi, flni tl whmt %a, %aid on dock. hliif ain hulr later, as we. li-ani onei of thlel at tihe, cabihn door. th lle CItllalI nade r.aIF t iren a bullet thirouegh it. and. lhy e,'acl.uemus.. dis'charged the eail.un hrnma:itaurty and rveeived the ball in hais thrnat, and he died in five mniiutet. I was so overcome that I hid away in his stati-room, and the mlutineer? .no longer had any one to resist thellm. The first thing Iknew it was ntight, and it was ao very quiet that I knew there could be no wind outside. I crept out into the cabin, but everythling remained as I had left it. For two hours I listened for sounds from thll deck, but heard nothaing from the mutineers, and finally fell asleep. It was mornling when I was aroused. and then by men dropping into the cabin through the skylight. They be loniged to thle Scotch whaler Bruce, which was lyIing near by, and which had lad s n in view ever since day light. Ti,,. muntitneers had taken tile ll.,'t auiod ;eiatlidonied the brig. e hiich \a.. dh'ivilg at her own sweet will. .d1 1., tl hi day lenot Ione of the tlimen hali- e\ ' l- Inr ial tof. Nodouht thei-y Ine-1 .s ilth ,~111ie turejidti't hey which 1I llwi-,t, d at tsea.- Nv\'e York Sun. Scratched 28 Yrs Nddy rvered with seaks. Ireing terrlle. %suhring edlMde :Ile rliel. ISertrs and medletea tall. M.ily ured by Cutkur mal s earst p. Cured by Culcura. If I had knows of the CUtlious Remedies wety-eight year. ag it would have saved ume $--.-.0(two hundred dollars) and on tmmnes of sllLraim My disN (pserilalateo.m menced o my head la a e acnotla Irer th an sent. It pread rldly a over rr body and y ot under m mails. b mealea woulidr oro me all the tLme .nd my sustering was o. s asnd without rellef. tn(e thousand dellarn would not tempt me to bane this dileeaL ever agasl. Ia m a poor man, but feel rich to be relieved of wbat some of the doe orn said was leprosy, some rnug worm, pesrlseistc. I took . . . and . . , ar superllau ever one year and a bhal, but no culs. I went to two or three dartors, hut ae cur. I cannot paime tLhe Ctlesrns emandles1 too much. They have made any kin as lear and free n scales as a baby's All I ued of them were thrm bole- oft utOeura nd three bottlesofCat rurs Iteaolven, and two cakes 'uticlraU 'o'ep. If you had ten bhre an4i aid you would have cured lae for N10.00, you weagld have bat the money. I looked like the plure int your book of perluIns (picture numer :," ow to Cure Skin lllseamen") but now I a a clear as any person eser was. Through lore of habit I rob nmy hen, eover my arms atd legs tol merata onoe in a while, a it to no paHnme. I am all well. I )atched twenty-eigbt yearn. and it got to be a alnd of second ature to me. I thank you a tboaemnd times LPZNNI4 DOWNING. Waterbury, Vt. Cuticur Rslvent, The nwHo Purifier sed pag0 beg of eaer U (Lre. interual, sad Cadees, the great dkiL Care, and Cualerm Hap, an esqul site Shin Lea esterll aly. iistl relieve and opedily and permanently sm the meet ages and S I IMur r " a w cu n kl a D ha n, 4m4Ip moa IW. l eollo te, pa pl es tlol mod vyhere. Pres. Cudeusm, 8s.l U.e ..j m elven.. 5.l . ea y dW1P d hor "Now to can *le Diseasae," dd sagas, NilUeteaiea, and I Ulnahetle viuinm NATWI. ___ý hLr ipw, kM , eb., Mad m17 al juiuspuo r I u PuIA DW u ir hf ROYAL VAKI N0 POWDER Absolutel Pur. T'hbs moid.Dover varies. A winured o purit Nrelmgh and rbh"'.'%w~uE s , **rO wcouowr e Ihan the rdimary ha: Ii. eanhlrwut he o bi eou'iptlom elbh the .ý.rluleud o. lo. t1at emall elBhtL alum or pboeyiaate uwdena. hol0d olr it colh. hAVLBANIIN4IGP.,Wtbt('O.loWgIe E..%. U NPIKPAI YUbNTI ATIITRACION. UV1.hA NILI11a% INTIUMUIED ucepeporated by IV lsghSateln for EduoealSoh are Csirltat :a prpwu, sud it. frain chiw adcs pert .hb present ,stale hied(.sttuoA in 1879. hi aeverwholudg potu I voto. Its MA MWEITH bRA W'IN4&iS take PIN". Powl-Ai.uully (tune wood Ibeeewme.) sad hao (GRAND ) iLUILE htl.RIWK S1RAW Ih Ati lke placw Iu rwh sof Ikethel tI nouths of Ithe yjes. and se all drawn In pnltlt."at IS, Aeadem of Musde Nieu Or Famed for 20 Years I'ruiaja I'it' Im~ rl~l Ii Ir· I'i rlitrr u (be Fttr Lltl legrit I 411' it- ! 11" 'Wiugs, sud *We' di. brh~rIy cerly l ast at .aapmrrasc" t he ar rstngenthellt for all i. !.0ot11k1% saild ýetl-nnus~aa Itrawitap If the ILottalssas `trte I~lumt h uy oupana,, and tIo ersun IianrsrAndl aatatroal thai drawing, lbetuselres atd that tIaq srauj art conaducted with huewsty,faiaawm, *and it, g...l taitb otawad sIl par t ac, tan we outh,,rutI" Ithe ,anparay to use this of rtihis, e. witl, tac .iatoailiep. mat aaur s.gagutures at tn. I,.,: intu. At.sir Wethe undenrslgne HBanes ad Bankers will pay all Pris.. drive ia Tb« Louisaaians 1tat Lotteries which may be ppresnted a: our counters. R.M.WALMMIIAE. Prp Imulosiana Nat. Rank. P'IERREI LANAUX. Pres, male Nat. boak A. BALDWIN. Pre.. Nrw Orleans Net. dIatk CARL KEIHN. Pros. an:on National Bkst. 9111P 0"ITHI.A YI IA'I AlIe guuds M I 1u3. 1W.sOIes cAPýTý4, MIL :sooa000 11111,100 Ikti"1- at Twentty I)ollara JAM-1a; H,1t I4*10 'l;: Quarters $.S; Truths 13; Tweiaai-liii *1. tauT or Psllxs. 1 PRIZE OF Iai.4um 1s.....................ttaj 7I PRIZE OF lalt.fth is.................. Itau I h1 .117. 1F '01.11 is ................ :,010 I PRIZE OF 1.40......................:5,1im0i Y PRlIZE stO 1ta4pl ar "................. alot I PIIZIM OF !.4tlntsre...,............ 25AWi Ti PRIZMi OF lIlatiare........i........ .. joiI Itt0 PRIZES OF? '+4 on ............. i5o.4Ml a111 PRIMZEn OF :01tt ................. ilJt*) IO PRlIe OF lot aMr.............. ..... X.000 APP awl-t uAytog. Part=: 100 Prirs of IV"I, arw ................ , 50J 100 do. :tio are.............. .. ; 0,00 100 do. :011 are . ........ . ... 70.0 TaaulýAL P5iZ. 9!9 de 14 as .........d......... tlt.9M IS do. Ian ar.................». 99.90. R124 PHLZ.. aioeumtiug to...............{1.001,900 b'rIt -ikekts drawingramiasl Prises ae set untilld to terrlial Prism. AIYTK WA3TII. Fos flub Rate.,or any funbher inrmatlon do irnd. Britt legibly to the uodemlped,cgury slat lur Your reasdnce. With Nat. t amnt vlet. aUd 14u.I r. More rapid mo ure mall delivery w1il be aared b ur enclwosun an Rneelope hearing your full adlz.u IMPORTANT. Address N. A. IDAUIWIdN. Now Ortwem, La or N. A. VA VPNII ttfrrhlrtxwn( . C. By orinary tltrr, (Ontaininalg Nnn. Orlder lu.I by all EIIrpri; s (40" wi i Nsew York Ia rbhaut. Draft or iwtal note. Admw kima 14i Ittt iyrt 3w OKLKANrI NATIoiA urrMANI. now Orloame. Ee ,K~KNKNlFK that the gayomlt of Prti S'IJVAIA NTKS MT " I NATIONAL IANK6 ot few Orean, and tho Tiohb anr Ngaed ly the President of as Iotletlem. Vham ehaitarted ainhe u rrearg.laud tihe highet 0suhte; thwrarofoes. ege of all laltaut eo or Sesontmea .chesee. ONK IDLLASS U t h ritof thosmullahatpe sirwfraetios r aTlehs I LW ISV UTV In amy Dreotru Azyihbe in our same .'d Per Iam has a DýPeri alSwindle A striotly flrst-olaum maoblne. Fully warranted. Made from very best ma terlal, by skilled workmen, soand with the best tools that have ever been de vised for the purpose. Warranted to do all that can be reasonably expected of the very best typewriter eaxtet. Caabie or writing lI0 words per mlm. gte-or more-eoiording to the ability of the operator. Price * - $100oo.oo. If there Is no agent In your towa, addremss the .nufboturer, THu PARISH MR'O. CO., Agentl s anted. PARISH, N. Y. FREE STENOGRAPHY A cLI Flau oIdu teclclUesod bso d t sob.u. Addrm, writhtamp taoae. turn 0'm aEPAII , I Parlob, . Y THE YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL DAILY AND WEEKLY. THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE YELLOWSTONE VILLEY. IVW l! Estabihed IbNN. b1ll' E.tabli.le 1886 Any subsoribez to the YELOWSTONE JOUR. NAL who wishes to subscribe to any other publication in the United 8tates CAN DO SO THROUGH US At Publishers' rates. We can save you fkom ten to thirty per cent. on your subscriptions to eastern magazines and newspapers A REEWAL OF AN OLD SoBSCRI'!f0I Or the payment of a new one will entitle you to this privilege. BRANDS. We still continue to publah stool brands at ta nominal rate of $5.00 PER YEAR For a single out, with a copy of the AND LIVE SI'OCK REPORTER, Free br the rst year. Our Weekly Ime goes to Every Ranch in the County And otbr the very BEST MEDIUM fAr the ADVERTISINGO of LOCAL BRANDS0, JOB WORK. In thi dpasrtmemt we are prepared to ae out all orders with pomptmo eand in th IIGES? STYII OF Tl LIT And a. pi that wWl Oompop wtM th t.mes. qmad n your order and we wl pg ee to pase you. Adram telleuJoouA aiklb, Ydlna~ Mugs U,. Mes 1Elr ~b, Y~,