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THB DilLY YELLowSTONE JOURNAL VOLUPI VIII. Ne sjs. MILKS CITY, MONTANA, FRIDAY. JUNZ a. :8sa PRICS MIVS CANTS THE DAILY JOURNAL 3*vb Mmoing Licep Monday. Vggm1.Im~ 1 m.. ay . . 3,000 T.m...1 Iubeeulpuiem i T KAu., a Aff sacm.N Peaa P .m (Wsdw, Evwy M.imtms. MS a mg pee eSIP. W Lv Rump. Y~. Pm.m. ?n S Adduima Rats. 461i 5.6 LU,...0 6.014.0 *3* i N 7.N.6.11' 10*22*5.624*2.1sm t..t&... 160 3.66.66p.614.6361 eIa. .lsud -T. Iflgg pst . ug a r scat I I. Adde M 5. UDDELL. MI.Am~oass A? Law. eamuas., Mee.t Piasism in all genwin to thu Mama. WINi bei. seaam agMai W trn e met hean in Cosih, PM kSACIA3s. 0. M.CIAN AND SUNDiIN. sa lna puua 13-t.iýNS bogyl. ding am Md Ooh . Yd . 00G C. WURTNEI, D mw LiU week gwarmbeu mai asmuh war~tlnos.. WA OOIUGIAN m, SIiumuuae NH.. C117. CoilS Mlee.dui da . eight. Lea.. Oudn at Uetusu din g own O V LLL~l1H[RN. D.. ldran.uowr T bit. hM~heaLt flain . Sem amma (buick Ue~tjpsIl Palmie, K .flui* im ~ ~ l ludpat1 . aad 7:11 p. M. besaw. bohlassa. eretor. MyaIa church-V . M. Week., actin`` gaatst 'ftaehllo stye.v.e Itund at 11 a. tin. sadE p P ''d odPrayer Menting. W.dmtuda at 7:41 p. A aerdial ,mvialboI.n alli. ..Mar Noot,.. poer.. lr.nhytriae Chuvrh-&rviss u ada, Il . in., p. m. T.C. Amersren./ pink Maurch of leered Howl. Calbhed,-Peeylc seer les gad third Mand.) elb, mouth. High a me l.,*IO ..M.. lead., acheol S t Ip. mt. as geo ji ti. at .,fu p.. u . FaTMaC. PAI~w3LY.TN A. U. H Dt.wA no must" lstad men~d iLWK-Neeu les's .amd third Wednuuday at t:U0p. in., Ut Odd ballewu' Hall A. f. A A. x.-Yellowaueeu LMg., Its. S. frog ad ftsied Wednesdays. 3. A. M.-Toll..waoes Chapter. No.5A ueed 0. O./.-l: meeshdl. M.., If4. er If OOV.L P.soo theaM Win. Not. ., sold McAUSLAUND'S wuIoK AMORT OUN8.1 REVOLVERS, AMMUNITION fwuryImemipl - The lanw fPtm I is M a s is lahUtme w"e TH9 POLICA GAZETTE JIbheolyllustrated pper In the world .ostalin *ll the latmnt eonss IM and 2,DhE BOWL No WalooM a er or Olub Rosm an t O tor; to L without It It always ahakes Mled. wberer It usea. Mailed to any uaddie It the United sl, sMOerely weupped, 18 wekta or 9*41. gea4 Sw wate ftir- apy. 1 Adl .nataARhr '. aWa.mknss wee* Tk lg. We are Tying to Sell Out1 We ae not ringlng the old bel for an luerease of btinees for a short time only to stoak up agpi. Our beusses takes us sway a mson as lbs stook Is sold low enough to move eonvenletly. You isn't imagine wbat you can do for yourselvee In dry goods throughout our entire line. 8ZIOE8 Were never onered at the prices we ask for ours. We mest sell them before we move. Bey your bhool shors before next fall and save ifty per cent. LEE EISENBERG. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, Mu z8 aIT Y. MoNT. TD LAIBT BAK WINI ASTE IGOTAnA INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME D3POSITS W.3. s.sou. ?rewu.t WE. KARONo. vse. H. F. BATCHELOR, Cashier. C. L. MERRILL. Aei't Cashier. FIR ST NATIONAL BANK THK 0LW Ol UIRW BAl II WRIe IO1T W. B. JORDAN, Preeldent. G. M. MILES, Vice President. E. B. WEIRICK, Cashipr. H. B. WILEY, Assitant Cashier, INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. MORAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail DIalers in latock and Side Saddles, Heavy and Light Harnes., Hand.Made Rite and peinr, Rawhide Raius and Braid"d Gond, of all kind.. (Largest stoek we have bad sine'8 .) We are ,ow uanufacturing a full tineof 'ngle L'aoch Naddles on Iron born Calif wmia trees. Can and see them TENTS' We have the largest stock of Tents. Paulins and Wagia C jvers In Eastern Montana. SU=CKCERS. We are ugeut. for Towers' Fish Brand and the celebrated Manhattan Slik kers. Call and se our patent sun shades for une on Buckbhard,. .Mran, & Co. WSISpecial attention to Mail Orders. W. C. JACKSON, Dealer In FINE GROCERIES or Fae sly Ves. FRUITS AND VIGZTARZ. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. minb 111101111 .twem Si am md J Wiley Bros. Frcm June it to Jaly It, will meke y One Dozen Cabinet Photographs and a Large Crayon Portrait, Handsomely Frmed, tfor $12.50 Wiley Bros.' Photographio Art Studio, Miles City, Montan. E.A.KREIDLER & 00. Fire Insurance.. CIIAS. W.B SYD K"'^ '^^^B'^IP^^^'&ui SS ^c S»^^ PEACE REIGNS. The Cbeyemaes Walling to OGy up their Guns and Live Peace. ably With the Whites. The Only Condition Exacted is That They Shall Have Plenty to Eat. THs wUOLE eMeRm. I tw6IamVes annes o csmpseemI £s ., t sera serrd wa... Col. Curt.s, aide de*smp to Gov, Toole, W. D. Smith. steek inspeatser, and Mr. Greelesld, earrnasondent a the Helesa Independent, arrived from their tour of invetigaetfh at theseal of the recent 4Obeyemne trouble lest night. Though tired and travel worn, the gentlemen kindly ftvered thI YsKWwU'ouxr JOURNAL with an luterview. from which the followlaf interesting fhats acre had. Col. Cub tie, being irit subjected to reportoeial inquisition, said: On arriving at tha agency on Saturday evenlig the 14th, we held a abort council with the In dians, and another and longer one on Sunday. In thee counlels I ex. plaloed to the Indiana thbs I repre. sooted Gov. Toolk, who was the great fats or In this aeetion of the country. That it wes his duty to a.e that the white people of whom he had charg wero proteeted both is life sad prop. erty. sud that they were met molested or interfbred with In the preasemtion of their hawses.. Toot many of them had settled on the Rosebud before the ldiane wee put there sad that they had a perfect riht to be there. The Indians seemed to readily understaad and appreciate what I asid to them. In turn they asserted that they were not angry with the whites anm did not want to fight. They denied ha.. Ith made any t hrests and promised to disc utinue the- practice of carrying arms and roaming around the couhtry In siall bands. I told the Indsanq that the settlers made cemplaint that large numbers of their cattle had been killed on the range by Indiana and bad said that if it was not stopped there would ho trouble, as they could not alhtrd to submit to it. The In. diana did not deny the charge of kill lig cattle nor did they admit it. They simply said that they were hungry and that their rations were too small. pmerplally meat. I told them that it they wanted to live at peace with the whites a. they prof .eed, they must give up the practice o carrying loaded guns, they having admitted that more war n'w game in the country and no reason for going about armed. If they would do this, I sald I would ad vise the aettler. to return to their rancbes, and leave their gune at home. Another council was held at the camp near the mwisson eTongue river on Monday, where much the ame ground was gone over and the aew asser eans gleam on bath sidea. After theseeoumells I made It my beimels to esatinse the tavestigatiem amemg the white settlete and ia doing as iater vieved every en I eamm scas. I bsend a well seated apprehealse on the part of the white that the In. dians were only detesed from iem ittlag sets at deviltry and eutrage by the pruesmee of the tesps. Toastl maoy was mamerees that they had made threas. Of warn I witl net at. tempt to give is detail the bhiety of my trip, but a oaseli.em.of bob gatheed by me th abis: The seleties of the tremble ia, Firet-The gavem memt sheld Iassme Il redtems to the Cheryenae, thes giving them on x.* em. hr reamieg aweemd the wontry tilling eattle and terrorislag the whites, sad AIemd-The Indians should be disarmed mad esmpeed * alai on taste rnmvatioe. T Mselee may they are tiWed ot having their eat tie msaughk*d a*4 are detsemined to pmt a step to t, sad the Slat [adiam esught ia the aet moat pay the penitly with ale Sib . Is scy lateaioetoa lay these miater. hbemss o. Teatm Aity ead mdstu is swate . Il1. epswim agr as best hel b is I .meabs mint ted*aggeouses Iiles m kacsanesles at. the Heisae we seew t w therngh tae aedaum oftms Ytal.Lw* W oNE JovUNaI. to ssuXer his 8luse th*rke to Cal. Swalse, Major Carrafl, Cap6, Roote sad Agest Uphsiw for easy eesrteeks este.edd sad valu ble aid gives bhi I pursolvg his Is weatisWlose. From Mr. Chbe. Greemield, of lb. stafS, more details of the trip were leared. Mr. Gree.a*Id's a*iry I as follows: After the enunell on flSaturday ilght we had the pleasure on Buaday of lie toning to a religious diseourse fros Porcupine, a Ceseense ladias who had shortly befor retsrmed freem a visit to th e*w Chrle., who ls to de liver the Indias. from boedage. He said that he had HSead the Dolivl ever s reamp sear PyramMid lke, In Nevada, where he wa sasrremded by qelto a ballowlag of both whiltes and Indisas, towhee he daily preahed the new faith. On being laterrogated a to the appearawes of tsis persosage be desribed bhi a a small mae, too light for sas ldian ad too dark for a white man, but he believed him to be white man. While presahlng the doetrioe of deli reraaoe Porcepine ap peared to be en rapport with the Ides, but ther seemed to bebet few f the Cbeyennes who :ollowed him, sad the majority of them declared both beaed ih6 fill. ehinkes. " he fwJan In the afternoon a Domuell was held at the rgsmey as which Col. Curtis, M4or Carrell, W. D. Smith. Mqer Uppbaw sad myself repieeoted the whites. Two ears, Little WeWl, BSuhi. Hemp sad other red ane of leoer mote spoke for the Cleyemase. IThe priedIpal faiten ot thi* esmeold was that Two Moosesp eemsd os he half of the Indiane that they would pul away their pins. On Monday we week over to the miui.te on Toeage river. Here Americas Hore. sad White Bull were the ladian orators. We had been informed of Amerl-an Herse'. anflity as a speaker and the prosibllity of his oorupvidg the whole time that ouid be riven to the anon. el, on when he was desigsated by the Iwi'ans as their spokesmsn, Col. ('urtls helefl aimonlshed him through the in'erpreter to confine his remarks to the ruutters under ooneddesation, and omit any mention of the flood or other antiques. Being thus called down and Interrogated as to the egiat ing status, he proiteedid to deny any trouble with the whitae or any dese. to inture them. He also denied that white settlers had been warred to liweu the awunat 1 That ha wer aned is an sorowpli.bed liar wee developed in this way: Before the convenlig of the cousell we had been shown a yery complete system of bryastworks on a hill near the mission. af ordina ther ough defense for about seventy Io* Aisns. These works wer enaoiprsed of large reeks. semse of whieb would re quire the sirrettb of four me to pet in position. Americae Horse was asked what these Awtlcnetone meant. and after evading the question ones or twice lastly replied tiat they bad bees made by the paposm or play hboses. Hs said the ladiaes had ws complaiat $o make of the whites. their only senplelst was leak of grub Eo said a smooe days rilee would aely las thsre days gad if they had set base very tsgh Isdles., they San 1ot ha Lm. A A n WWWWu-g mss %..v *.- U . UW. slow promised Col. Curtis that they would all leave fr the agency the next day. and In the morninog they nearly all pulled outL There were about fifty teepee there. A*turnnlD from the misioo to the agency and on tbe main road about a mile from the milion, we found that the Indians had built anot her breastwork In the bruh hal the foot of a bill which would have made a spleadid ambush. A large number of settlern on the Rosebud were inter-. viewed In regard to cattle killinag. Much evidence was adduted In regard to thew depredations that manet be contradicted, and which will be e*. bodied to Col. Curtis' report to the governor. The settlaie were unani. mouw la the belief that the Indlaus will have to be disarwed bere theW will *top. At the agency we fbead that MeJ. Upnbaw had made repeatedd applieatlow to the ladis deparitmest for an IweMe of ntoMe . Se aflewed Col. CO tet to esunae bhis bet me puasellsJh hdt s& llasweih Van m eer N- a s- spos0Me8 the-i 111 as. lso seMtas Wa" @ -i soNo to ma" tos so" e sto I llNta i 1b Node, As we quok"s low s. me t he lob"o es 11We so 'lugebd mmed, and three Weep **valry Uier Majer Caoeuf as1 Crook, an Lam D'er, seti a aboe,. the gemey. Dmtasehnmae he emmawe-dse - he P Bsebdamt Toba.. river doily sad emal pastil of two or threshave been .at eat with anwboye soenutlus ea be msae. T be millt.a, are auioua to give the asle tiers all the proteustie pomible and It is beyond question that tie pmse s of the troop. has bad as ezaeliest e6 hot in quieting the ladisas. The rounduap. have umesemeed werk agaie. As leog s the troemp mmola IS the vimlatty the sellers et eelsh bS they else hl that If the teeps sea withdrsew sed se ladimes allowed to resala their saews Nseensfn at the treoble is a.eeuitble. The uettleme het very grateihl to .w. Teols hr lib prompt msoue. We head an WrNemo. es Wies prewatit seemng the stles that the troops bad oldesi to proetat the ladism sad Wg t't omly. We /eali that their order. extended to the pes. toetion of the a well. Cal. Curtis was p rmitt.d frw eemses to am of Major Carroil'. sad Capt. Heoueo's poperm and wee materially aided Is hib lovemtigatie by this esurtesy. While we were at the egoscys wl. dier In &iag aerca a sreek ilue up a ratalemseke that etruek hi. Is the eite o the Ihs. Everybody theegke he was dose for but Dr. Priek labesud with him al might, sad labheed with bhino hhitfully that at last eperts he was emealhsesem An aememag ig adestof tbhe trp wmase.llag * Ihe read beos a ear-mau geersamM team, with three eaedlee is quiet ot as ladeis pesy. It h pramead the lest pemy, when beead, was to be lead ad Into the wages and mily eemveip to the pont from whleh he bad mwdrtd Mr. GdeseIeld stated In e.selmoes that be bad ealeeted material far a very ezbassetve article em the Chab. enne questleo wbleb be would Soetf4 by the testimony of well hknwn eitl* zees of Cuater canty whose mames he was privileged to use. Referring to the fact that his disoatcbes to the lmp depndent have been characterised by other Helena popers as seesmtisal and without fhundatiam. we do aft hesitate to may that is towe of his 90 ports that we have smes, he. he In say way eniarged upon the faste as melmh by reliable, or eedouereid t ureate a .Dme. A SI, ft. Yesterday aftereoso Harry Batabs fo sand Will Ravage, two o tb athe m noted sad sauosmhl fbbegmem la theme partt, betook ibemasle .s to th Tongue river weil equipped to lure lbs Sootbwome ebmund eat from ble Mar. They Baked up betaim and Jw sires. sand ah..s a e'oa'derabl. die play of Niegtifla ranglin they tins. seeded I. eslulsing two flab. Toot to, they eaught one and almam4 cainbt 53 elbef. The ono they taught did baot oveirtm tbeir atrosgtb to being to the Jouaau&., whene it wme left mea ddhlabo--ery deiao-e.uepImast to the edutew asit wmas oly saunt thve lach.m Ies. sat weighe Oat - te s.han eumeuisr butb telbesr .no, the anhat gat awsl bIs th that I. raebid to.t IM b eagles Will aught It aid Eaity i~ped in heald It for lbs ball bauw thyp aoo Srylsgbspal K l. LM.dbgs lbs vehubsry Nlimusp ot scab to a uitalaly Ave Mat bid and wu~a4 OhI~e m~s U Leta V-iika a seem~s, bme s*bm Ubu .ed wiab. Os.o .1 lbsaa emaa bg lbl sshNmdems - bsag spot of " thav bU yea beah abkob ___s is asalay (t a bt1I L.AT.L A small bay who wae lehiag soS bank with apin book and a pieue d string, and who with thin ~miws Implemsents hauled ip a sin .n~ho Juet Informedl se that the lbh OMg awaywaonytik.... IB The hfdljwft Won M"hrI aw a". OW, roil", I nue 1% UIM