Newspaper Page Text
FH'~ 1AIJY JOURNAL g&ILZB IFTY MONITANA. pot IUse h kusu. C Ss steM.... (NAB . flDU .K iutkdur. Time Tibl B3AT3 MILS. CTT WOIN. WT. Rea. I. Pacis. 11al.««.....».. .......1 ri0 p. .3 Parice I.Isitd.............iI:57 %.a bt. papu.saFlsbt .................... 15 . N. 53N ay mi~ght .....-............7:.5 A. M. LEA VE KID CITY GhOINO EASY. Ii.2. Atlantic Mail.l ..».~...... 1.13 I. M. 4. `tlantic I i~mited ..................~:4K A. M. ""54. Ezufte.. FrPb. ig..;iri..... 7"5.. M. KG Way V~gt .. 2i i Offitwl Directen. STATE. Member of Coogreeb... Thorn. It. Carter, Helena Gov~errnor ...... .......o. K. Toelis, " Ueut..4ov ... .. le.,..Io. F.. Rickards, Butte Atterney Gerneral. ...... iletn J. IlaskelI. Mato Treasurer... l$icbmid U. Hickman. Bu~e Auditr....... Ed a Kenlney. Missoula Iutug. Pali. Inst..... Joihn (,aonono Aiiee'nda Cki.I Juatice hup. Court.. Henry N. Ilush.. Heiens Anemiae Jsties......{ LK' N larwod.lKi11mg. Clerk esp. Osurt. ...WA. 3. Keeuedy. Helena ýUemye General . ...... e. 0. Eate.. Hel... U. t.NYarabe ...... l.. N'i.. Irvine. Buatte Cellete Int. Rev».....Jsa. H. Mll.a, liver Lodgi. Register U. i. Load O.t~oe.... A. Grl)yerNike('oy Reesiver .. " A. 11sil. IM TK(Tr. Judge irecuth Judicial Dilat rict........ ..... *. Hun. 410.. It. Milburn. Niles City 06.1.1 esienepa r....... ......... ............1 W. K reid ler, ile.City ~)UNTY'. Sae RepraaeatttalYe...... 1 J H. HLorud llwarw. »W. iauaveg, Clerk mud Ueeorder...A. H. fwerdiger, ~irk ofi utuetk Ceattj. M. mbtehwa,1 f.M Atiereef. . . 1/ H. flam. mweap..-'---I. .P. 3.r miawsie, it . Young, Owsw M.1 Ysb Hi.. W L uiae, h11M Adý.» ....A. D ).Aal Me (V. N. Hague., TOWN 111111. a~faa 1Je Jh n Gibbs, Miles City Cannabis ......D N. Uellew. A1TT. Cit Atiernee....-. » ........ ...('. R. Niddletorn Pellee UMgl t aliwe. H. brown Fleat Ward-H. Mor,.. 3.1. maust. hveed4 Ward-D. J. Crowiey. J. it. Truweett. LOCAL ITEMS. Good baled bay at Rmith & Haynes'. Max Noel arrived to town last night. Strewberries end cherries at Jack sam's. No. I was delayed as boor and a half last night. Henry Tuemer departed er yester* day's Ho. 2 for Terry. Prsh vegetables of all kinds at Jauksae's. s The Macques house Is undergolng a thorough renovation. Don't look at Wiley Bros.' ad on the first page of ibis paper. s H. Eastminhausen. of St. Louis, wss avisitor in the city ytsterday. J. H. ihconek, of Minneapolis ar rived in the city last evening. F. V. Madoc Jones arrived in town last evening from Looste creek. T. M. Joslin. tbe Bruinard cigar usam, we. In the city yesterday. Pirr Wiboeus sad will rotor red to Ming. swill, on yesterday.' No. 2. Dr. Hedges caume up from Glendiv. ysstordmay morinlg on train No. 3. W. P. Tbomas, of San Frnanosoo, eas va ltor In the ally yesterday. Wha .by was a% ws gee hrr c Iul, Whim rs warn a Chill. she crwud fuc Caetorda. Whim is became N1r. she chint to Cag.wla, Wo he m i (hAmr . ~sheprothenCarntoria wowi "14111eW LMVIUUOU1 NI UFDDIe, Utah, arrived to the elty yei'aerday. do to Jackson'a for grocerles, vop. table soad fruit. Everything fresh. " N. J. Hall, uwaelt odeut of the N. LP. aprmr, pm -d tbfough th oily TYv. 64yh ind embesme %r th baAN. sd Wushl.... A. L ase TV. "or heay sebw.. esesrmi dU 1mg Of might~ ..esusmm by bai~u SmpMuag "d halt. so am of _besft h1pW~aa.. ,MAN >t. tpMimith uedt tohaasm i".i w. N bsvla 66 tNstlai Md I- 9rerbe t visit It and linpedt the greatest photo graphle novelty In the world. " F. JAY HAYse A Bao. Don't forget that B. H. Joe does washing eheaper than anybody. He does better work than any other lanw dry In the clty. " Allan Irelwnd, accompanied by his eon Emery, returned Wednesday night on the west bound passenger, from hbi trip east. For an imported Alexander Hum boldt cigar or a Key West iHldenburg, i call on Prof. Bach, who always carries a full line of fine cigar.. " U. F. Ingeruoll's talIudender figure was noticed on our strnets yesterday. Dick l from Urea' Valln and has a good opinion of that city. W. A. Joudan and It. 1). Stewart will leave to-day for the S H ranch on Powder river, where they will spend the sunuun.-r huntinr deer. Our eash dim Yount sale this week consot i of an assnrtment of ladle.' showe at unme-ntionable pricee. * C. B. TowIRns & Co. 11ev. 8. E. Wlhard, D. D., synodical missionary for Utah and Montana, will preach at the Presbyterian church next Hunday, morning and evening. Miss Lillie Manderson, who has been visitin4 Mirs. E1 Jones, departed on yesterday morning's east bound train for Menominee, Win. She will prob ably return Io the spring. C. N. Strevell, T. J. Templeton, H. B. Wylie. F. M. Kreidler and H. W. McIntire left on No. 2 for Milton, where they will spend three days bunting fossil. and agates. The famous Haynes' Palace Studio Car will pay its first visit to MilesCity for three days, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 18, 19 and 20, and any who desire pictures made by the celebrated Haynes. oeleal photo grapher of the N. P. R. R., should not fall to visit the ear when in the eity. Visitors always welcome. The finest cabinets only $4.00 per dos. (roups extra. Satisfaction assured or money refunded. * J. E. Everett, while on ihe way to the poet early Wedmeeday morniug, was assaulted by two tramps just the other side of the railroad bridge, who struck him over tb. head with a sand bag, ltending to rob him. but were kept from their purpose by hie two dogs. Jake paid no attenUtoS to the men, and consequently cinmot give a elear desoripton of them. After re oeverlng from the blow be returned to the city and has since that time been laid up at his residence here, be. lug unable to attend to bi duties. Sens move should bt made to rid the city of these vagrants. Probably the mest exciting thing in sportlng cirelcs at present Is the match foot race between Conductors (tondit and Rapelje. A forfeit of $10 baa been deposited with Alex Gott and the race will to run for a suit of clothes valued at R50. The date of the race has not been tixed but it will be run at Miles City some time this month. Jim Condit, as everybody knows, Is a wiry six-footer and baa great confidence In his ability as a sprinter and never overlooks the op portunlty, when his rain Is at a standttill, to put-on hib sboes sad get out and speed to mon* extent. It Is aso told of him that be has run be. hind the train while in matl. ftrom Miles City to Dixon, a distases of eight miles. On the other hand, Mr. Repetje is mnoe cooanfunt than Jim and does not go through the course of trainleg a* the aforessid Jim. Mr. Rapeije Is confident of breaking the string at 101. which be thinks will leave Jim all of 15 feet in the lurob. Mr. Gott will burry the mateb up and make all preparations to have it the event of the season. As both men have many friends theta will be con. slderable money dropped. All my accounts can be found with F. M. 'obwarts and an early settle. sent is requested. A. J. VoIoxT. * X.ese oef D aastsa esf.ael mme an. Notion Ia hereby give, that the oo psetmerebip boentofon ezIatiug be tween F. Y. Down.e snd A. K. best. to this day dissolved by utuatl oem. mot. The business will be henAresis eosdugesd by A. C Meesk, so. will enoust .13 dbs$ sad psy Au hh., Aauu 3 . Nsumv, V. JU . Doa tMW WeM U~dW awMbe ni inaahlmd we s uMll -ao She woeed wee emIedW Veit Sb.asy nrsutsS WemMy, Mnw m * Is U dut Umedy lt '1 sw u r:>` ub~s6t or In hot, at any Ute*, and tbe better It Is known the more popular It be. eoaea. . Deal (edtly With lb. meamah. if it proves refrestery, mild dlscipliae Is the thing to eat it right. Not all the Usuwou draughla and btelsee ever inowated can do half as much to remedy its disordere as a few wmesg Ias. fuhs-eay, three Umes a day-ef HIestetter's em ash Bluts. which will albrd at speedy relief. sad seautnally batisha every dyspeptic and biltow symptom. Sick h.adache. aer eeaaees, saltew" eesw ef thecemplealon, far upsa the teague, ver tigo, and tho semany indescribable sad disagree able sensations caused by indlgestltn, are too often perpetuated by Injuilelous desing. An immediatetasmdomm nt of such random and Ill advised ezpe.Sents should be- the ftret step ti the d'tieett oef a cure;the nest step the use of thii standard tonic alterative, which has roe iced the hithe-t medical annotion and won unprecedente d .Ipuitartty. Ur Wttt'w Inttle I rly itis,'rr. I.t**** pill f .r , l*k lie tsueshe aipcr Sour Stftui aiee. olid by W. DIh !avar. maade. Sca~ld iiy W. F. ravage~. Clean,.e syour lnektba aid regulat.. v'ur ls~uet- willh II- WVtt'. Little Early 1(.t'wr'. Sblel by WV. E. SaMvagIe. lb.. Witlt'. Little 114+rly ltisers are * little pill thin' (do not grril. or reinse lain. Sornl 1,.o..y to iak, mr. ae. Sold by WV. E. Savage. Mr.. Lemaisder Wright I.'furm'. ta that she wans cuared of Chronic ('onestt pation bcy 1e Wilt'. L~ittle Early Ri.. SolId by )W. E. Savagre. Whenj you all out of esorts, Bli lmi~pur.. Liver liuwlivr, Leek oaf Awu lbitliua, tir..l feelin[ sand everything gb..,. rbangt, jmm-t dome. to ow said gret a 114t,1 Ic ii letVlttei. Sarsa;arillla. It his a Iwr(.etty relia~ble prepariation said will letild ,(au up and renew yocur estrenutha. WV. E. M4AVAOIS. Dizzines, us. of,, apupetite that tired feelling, faIntness, lyspwE~slm, Ilui'ad Sallow Ski' sand amoot 'liwea.e result frobm aI imIpure conditiona of the 111ne4. Purify It with 1k, Wltt'u Sar esaparilla. We. ieiel and r..eoauancne It. W. H. KAVAOH. D. WilL'.. rlatapaarilss wall renaew and purify the blond, etmdl..ute dlae~ae maid make digesinaon easy. We sell it. W. E. 4AvAOIt. Hood's Sarsaparilla I Ie eaw.rUy pp.e"eft frm Uroarnaaib. Dad. Mou. Neadrak.. Dock, Plpahuewa. Juaipef Per-1 rie.. Mad Other welt~kaewar ma vae~luahe euta WehiM. rmde, by a pseelar cembimati. papa tw. mad pyr're... ulvialto eet's hVWgadlla eutye peer tret pe.aeuad bp~h~ e~lbe mde.. Hood's Sarsaparilla I. er best bleed peltis. It cures brehi..l Okt 3h~um, "sragle. ipe., all Mians. D/./eP si. U11keesmeeskik badmeh. I.Mdp~luae, Oad.n SaWUy Can. c Rb. bnutlem, W<~ am iverw em.plalmta.eweeeeme thMat id feel beg melee a. apetite, streegthese the ama.. eed's barsagrlIla I. sam by anl dremlIa npaqrd N~ C. L 300D S CO., Lowel. Mawe. eeem Dol@@ On DollSar The New York Life Insurance Co. 1. the b In the World. Most Popu~ar;v'.?: ___InMontana. Assets $105,000,000. 0e0.W. Aer01 -- mliMt ht.. Moles Ckq. 1t SUIMT & BATHES' MODELwiN . GROCERY We maske a specalty of NK eep nothing but the bat and arabest In everr line .,nd are e'mfldent of IinE the u~tmost "itt t'toIIa to our rust runes. GIVE (TS A CALL BINILE & TRtUSOOTT Wholasle and Retail deaulest I VAIULT u: GWI e NOW ge.O de opse'n tIv aart vl ng~as We hb .f Italgimd ins v iii. Wfth your was and mdi.. a.Ite4 to tbs Swift Spntdfl o ., Alanta. Ga. J nwm iV7 to dith a int-Ierestng bii, to It. bbde EtupUma OmLrd OW atin eilmaft, a hL1351 vmpuggi ma t*acWrotaI citizen, but who is now asmnt t rom (the city, has uw~d Swift'. Mpecic whb eactci V.41JL He myw It cured L~im of a skiu etpiitwUa that he bad iNWru t..ruws,:.i with finffdrty yu.% sod had reef"aL the curative quaaitie o say £bhtl fadK'!.. JitueLMT I i.1 0Q Drug~rit. Fall. City, NAs MILES CITY IRON P U M P W O R K S B L L A r ' k o J. u. nurEn, Coenulfiug Emgiieer. Liw m~m" ,IRI .1 "ma has. w s hwsoae :its MXmin HkTS CAPS AND STRAW GOODS vei , ý III. She I W1in IIOEDON &MIIUSOI. Noy. 216, 218. 220 EAIr Vouwru Si., St. Paul " * * Minn. /S~nd fr our Litbhoraph * psymugr of mew style.. hies I & Spoartish Stage Line, WEARE & THORNBUR(th. Prop. Daily Stag. to DEADWOOD AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stag leaIT Miei City Moady, WdDeduaq aMd rtlday ameaim M I o'flook. flot p sm .r ai stw * i. mation apply at lmtha & UsyBas'. wfI. aft V. a&Uig I moILF1hNA I!isffnto the 0cm & oth of J~yblcs! Don't 'o'gwt to, step in slid ilsec. ever 'urtasr w.motb qetab~labmeet. We cinry ev. rythlug appertainaing to fany moveitla', r well as s full line of psrfeSt Tiucfteer hi I f~t TO qa 114h~tis r(Ggal. Pla~in and Yircy R~iuga -AND- We me~tet-taern prli,.., hr. matter huow or 4'f wharjrj y"'u 1 :1' a beento tiiLie Iphilt El! biuying. PtbrNuld you f irtijo ely hi- in p'".ci.«io i of t eu~t:tivoa it-wbh "c we holes you are-bruin I1 mh'uit itd we .htl' duplicatt. it at 3 p-r '*nt I««. t':-if quotded, ho~ide. pret'aiy eha~rg"'. Tblw t ff s~tand. good all the ycer rou.4.1 .ud durn't youz forget it. J. BASIESKI & BROS., Corr-.poandenwe $o ,lr~ited. Miles Ci Mon~r The St aldarfi BredTrotfln Stailio, ".B.3 01Q," Will wake the weauo of I'kI at $I'.fMI the ca-on, syable at time of enr i'e, with usual return privilege. DESCRIPTION. H. B. ii a Bay Horse, 14; hands high and weilthe 101J lils. Fueled Alril i*, 1l5. Bred by J. K. Hall, bicago, Ill. P.' DIGREE. H. H. wa4 alred by Dixie 3,Oi1; He by i3wigert 650r Out of Lill by Bellfounder 63. &e, &A. H. B.'.' darn wae Lady McFatridge by Wuedford Mambrino; He by Mamlrtme Chief. &'*, &A* H. R. is registered as Standard under Rule 68 t Wallace's American Trotting ,Register, Volume 7. Page 89. CQeo. W. Allerton. ESTABLISHED 1877. JAB. Mo ILLAN & CO., PROP3ITOS OF TRE Minneapolis Sheep Tannery, AND DEALERS IN amides, Sheep Pelts, Furs, Woal,Tialow, SHEEP PELTr AND FOU18 SFDCILLTY. u, unsa tes esem" is. mums. uumrn s. mu. Shiemmata SeI~eed. wets br mmmiae. Miles City Meat Market, Main St, Bdow Pbstaso . We aim to put notblng on the bloek but wbat is Ar+. delUe. We are mnaels to please., and all we want a ebsaeeto doo. George Rebls is with us, sad will be glad to weleoasm all his old eastomsrrt. LONS & THOMAS. WA&TCHZ Our Weekly Local for Cash Dis count Wales. 0. B. TOWERS & 00. The International Typewriter A strltly iart-elsa . meehine. Fully wamranted. Maie from very best ma tertal, by skilled workmen, and with the best oola that bave ever been de vised for the pnrp. se. Warranted to do all that can be reasonably ezpected of the very best typewriter extalt. Capable of writtag 140 words per mm. ste-or mo'o-4eoording to the ability of the operator. Prim. * * * * $100.00. If thene is no agsmt I year Iowa, addrems the mearnthretes. THE PARISH MF'Q. CO., Ape t. wasted. PAuISE. W. T. does ad b"e of V" dw FRE W tilip qmltteqq.t Tan NUNS I mi ?uulu. wi.4 :: h P u Y i. I4 Mw .d 1..t Vista. with Ps flam YutSb . S9 me" 3l. s.*. . ý.g cwmmd cunhun d mIMhM dwlgu. Winvoo r and 3iwUta ..a Al.Mwi.d mudDulth. Thv.ugh Vmltamm %. $ .i U~imsm .Mm CeleIm'W. U rpwm wlIw .r P~iin mtnmmd hot .. -wl~ , o... I.ewmbt.t TVista to MLbw Wotiwra. %.etwn .dfhmusl WRunm . UI P oousn. muw. it. 21 ..mdMA804w 1iumdoe s a 0 U, AwmeaýN