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E Dl 'ELLOWSTONE JOURN AL VOLUMV VIII. No s53 MILES (ITY, MONTANA, WEDNESDAY. JULY 9. 390o. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURNAL _;n. (MSuN.IPpr of (º.uvc Every Morning Except Monday. Popshailes of MilesCity . 3,000 Turms of 3becription; T SAIL. is Lot Pct. Pouy&6i PAID. I1U,· em ,- ......gaoIm ýs Ies, a. r aths...»........ . J. 4,6 Misf Uits. Aosth...b. ..........» 6.0 vairye "lvyMrlga ae w gesS. t to cltT .Cacustta. (iarrirr rr Yrulag. at 36ontopsi 1..0 WssLW £0rrITI. YgU.ow ?Arta. ems Teur........«....«............-....Jill bes Me90 . ...-4UO Advertising Rates tea. I if p.i...» 0 .007.00 1.0 6 6:5.65 1.-0 10 7.00 14.0$14. 1.6 0016 Nretk.. M. '1' 14'0.000 1463.60IMU0 !26 .61 fep...., :.01 ..,.p 12.00 24.6000: .6 416.06 «ah.... ,.'P, U 'IM 14.00 22.00 1.00 3.00 1.06 NYat11 » If, 11.U 16.00 11.01111 2.00 00.00 Momi... I. 4ý 0:.4014.00 61.6 00.' 4O.06 00.6 1q, ,.. GI st 01 Ic.0 1 1er 1.00 66.. 00 100.0 New' 1~?,. ! ".I "°.n $E i O~) 00.0076.02'1000 10.1 .., a o Ollr.-Tea cont. per time for each IsPI R'nternl. it flown routs er 11n." Addnrr M.J. LI CDILL. h. AToUuYN AT LAW. IlumamiaU , emot. Prartces in all ,ourt in elh. stat.. Will 'is Im WId o at all terar' of court held in Cuat., Csu.',. PM tinCIA?.h DL PIYMAh&AA AND UUROEN. 0g. a W LV. NaRa's dreg sta. 1 If DL .I f;1. r I P SICIAN, AU 5 51 AND ORS~TaaUCIAu. *AeSr Wsadara sad (lburtabelbrr.) Oge. at hams.. drug .tor. Mil.. City. N. T. C . Whrfltt t, Mato Wres", ever Ptasgr..mrs )(UWi Bak. 4ll werk giarantasi sad at reasoabSMS rases. 3. (X)M4'tJ IAN. m £ . Daler Veterisar urgee M avolry. meadows MIles cloy. Calls matended dug *igW1. Ises ordder at Mlacsp drug sian Cs, espasdemo prmaptly amaet,. V Y- LZ3Ci .NM. D.. Physician saaadgmss cImucu. muLaaal Church (liangal) PaIwr dL -dar lao duodar at it a. aL. ad 7:l p.m. Mamawl 1 ths. 1r. YlptM (bmurfth-W. M. Weeks, sauti g er aaqvhs`ook s beaday at l1e a. . am NOW aIr~m Praye r mootng. odmodyal 70 r * A car"tai (avlMMa to all. Nalbodlal Cbuvah-dal.aas looday, Itsa.. % m. . PZamyeraaslmg w'_ Iiutthag. po . rambmribyraa Chunh-briyiu Mana. 11 a. Bs.. p..a. T. 0. Aimt sesg. peler tlufth of Itatiu Itoau. (WAtbel-4sIY Wit Oral ad third Modly et the mtath. 31g so a l1U4 .. n.. Mondayi7 so athe I p. I. .petaaa Us'adiethe Ma~t .3p.m. PAWMaC. PAOWU.LT. A. U. M.-ULeIIsla N. 1 mGM Oral sad waed *udaysfarfw mathi. £ of H.-Nelsa rstt amd third Wedagada at 'ilOp. r,~ at ld Fallws' Hll4. N ad third Wad esda,.. .L A. .-YeUoustome ( plpr. Nab, acmed 'rUd.le e at mouth LT.-Daw.nacus *,omaraderltoith Thura dy.U. O. R-C' r Ldge. N.. IS. aver /U / datm their haill. 0. 0O. P.-autlllal ineanrtot Hs, t, On and Shrd Frlday. L t P.-Cruaalr edao, N.. 7, Thuraday nls a1044 Fall.'s Hmll. U. K. -f A.-Mlos City Sareh, awe. .34y at . L-first mad third UIardAP. V.A R.-l. I. Great Peat, Mo. 14, ie sad iOTV -Mar of tha Weal. Mo. !1, Soul a.ow of 1.-Ca. h9iawduam if. .7 U j ad blWedaa.does~awk~ae Ora Nail. EsAUSLAND'S GUNSJI aIIVOLVIES. AMM UNiTOIO I "$.nº w, . w. u w...i ors==1W THE POLICE GAZITT3 L tM M- y 111 d pap., 1a the waeldo ý llt We bast .N ýt mm Nowo. NoBelem e b Soteem - t" it . It alwap inws --y~-i- IVu1L the UeJs qmyut = 1ullewd, 18 eeb rE II a~~«p. fI-i A housi Nil of B rg ins You have seen and experienced by tmlr ad vantage of our olosing out sale the past month all we can tell you in this space. We merely wish tc remind yo of the lates of the season fbr sum met goods, knowing that extremely low pricesonli will move them. o80 look out ibr your own intear etst. Ramnants in every dpartment. Ladies and children's shoes at any resonabb price. .ee em.'beog. Miles City, Mont. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, ILII as. OCITY. MONT. THE LAIBEST BAI IN EASTDI IONTANA INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS W. ]. TBINII. .ridest WML. ArMOI. Vies nPmema H. F. BATCHELOR, Cashier. C. L. MERRILL. Ai't Cashier. FIR ST NATIONAL BANK o0 -"-S CO.Z=., LOT,- . THE OLDW.I AD h8GST Bll II EASTRI IOI.A1 W. B. JORDAN, Prekdent. G. M. MILK., Vike PrmwIdent. E. B. WEIRICK, Ca.hir. H. B. WILEY, Ai.tant Cashie INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. MORAN & CO., Whblesal. ad Retail Dealusr to Slock and Wde addesr Hea and Light Huarms HaudMad-. Bi and Spure, Rawhide aeBo ea &udd oad. f all klnd.. (Lalrgst stoe we have bed drle '.) We are how userbeturlag a olil Ilueo.eI'agle L'olnb daddleson Iroon bor California tree. Call and ree them TENT S, We have thb largest stock of Tents, Pauliln sad Wagyu Cover latEratern Montana. We a. agents for Towers' Flib Brand and the celebrated Manbattan tllcekrs. Call and Ne cWr patent sun shades for use 'on Bucktbnrd. Moran & Co. "ippecll attention to Mall Orders. W. C. JACKSON, Dealer I. FINE GROCERIES Por FPIdly U.. BPRUITS A1D VUFA.ES a season. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobaooo. NRm ebtet, Sb. lme e u im " Sema. The St Ro mrel lUig S 0al i i l .3,010," WIll uske the samon of 1m0 at 01.00 the sueon payable at time of srviae, with usual tuurs privlepg. DEBORIPT:ION. H. B. I s Bpay Hore, 1e bands high and welherb 11 lbs. Foaled April 20, 1S. Bred by J. l Hell, Obtaes IlL . PEDICREE. H. B. wee sired by Dlzi.,s,00I; He by 8wivgrt 660; Out of Lil by Belltuader H. n.'s dam was Lady Mortridp by Wuoodhed Mamlbrlno; He by Mambrite ChIf , d&. H. . I regle.ud u Standard under RBue S Im Wallasea' America Trotting ngtebr, Volume?, Pge d. ""Amn TY A 1 ' wI wa J Ill II I I u In n i - im wUlM EA.KBREIDLER & CO. Fire Insuranoe. Chas. W. Seyde, c% y P s ..a FARGO'S FATE. A Tornado Strikes the Red River Metropolis Leaving Death and Destruction Behind. Electric Towers, Churches, ano Other Buildings Blown Down or Unroofed in an Instant. A Northern Pacific Train Blown Off the Track Near the Fargo Round House. Doath sa Daesseuot. ST. PAUL, Minn., July 7.-A Wahpe:oo dippateh to the Pioneer Pres is as follows: "A straight wind romu the northwest struck Fargo at 2:30. n. Great damage was dono toe city, the electric light towers were blown down and whole block, un rooftd. Yerxi'. WVlgwam, McGill & Co 's warehouse, the opera houw, I the Republican omne, Kenny block, the battlem-ent on the Bank ,tf North uDakota. Cheain blook, Exchange hotel, Cantlnental hotel and Manloba frrtght house were unroofed pad the Milwaukee depot blown down, dosene of small hboure were rased and almost every plate ilas window on Front street hnd Broadw.y is broken. The Jay Cooke hotel and the Grand Pacific at Moorhead were unroofed. The residence of the late Captain Mc Carthy, orwner of Fifth sad Ninth streets, was struck by the storm and demolished. seven children were killed and Mrs. M(carthy was seriously but not fatally injured. They were In a cellar or coal bin which was shallow and not under the main por tio of the house. Thei bouse moved over onto this cellar, mmotberilo the children. Two unknown tramps io a box ar wero killed. No. 1 paemeo ger trate on tbe Northern Paetlo go. log waet bad just pulled out of the yards and stopped at the Mamlteob orosslag. The train war made up of threeo aggage esmcaad alm ooucbee and sleepers, a party of Cb.csgo Northwesternn eem Is a privaw ear and Superiletndent oCabe's ear, all of whichle coeee sad the tenoder were blown from the track, but so lives were lit sad no one fatally hurt. The Ights wern put out so thre was no fre or steam. Superintendent MeCabe and the conduotor, brakemen and porters acted very coolly and calmed the frightened peuongers,wbo were sent beok to the city In special cnchbee. Th injured paseae.lre sad train men on far learned are: Gorge A. Manning, Post Falls, Idaho, kne hurt and badly shaken up; J. F. osMdtree, Plngre Ford, badly bruised and leg hurt; Mis McCabe, dister of SuperlOteudent McCabe, ankle braised; C. R. elmn, lle.-s burg, Wesb., knee hurt and bruised; M. Nord rttem, is route from Fla. lend to aSettle to lon bar bhumbad, badly aoutis seveal pleas. ama teedoas severed; Job Rieble, beage master, uet in the bead; Albert Lee. epress memesgser brubed; Addlesa Auger. Palose Uty, Wis., em ut; Mm. C. . Grlith, Miles City, Moat.. badly braised; Warren . Purdy, vme p-l. dent of the Bshk Island rnllned, and Imlly, reseompaled by (to. IL. Tbhompes sad wie, wer In Purdy's privat ear, but anae were esrlsly injured. Col. Thompsone sad wis were slightly hurt. Fred Purdy was sllhtly hurt, but th . ethers eaped aunhurt. Abeitagse 3 . r. WAIRINoroR, July 7.-After lb trawatsacl of some ronutne buduu.. the house to-day went Ilnto nmulttm of the wh le fbr the ewauldersthou of the bill o faorul mdi.l lands beree. Ibr panted for she Purpse of mhdly the .uoetlos of rallreads, with eb. bose uuhstltuto tbhereh. Psysa err plamued that the Pem" prevhdme o the bU piepasu M hii mmd resene to the pubile domIa all peubi hnA wbusrs'r ituare whdeh has bass ymodim eid of eumkmlleW whu tham Ur bm m. f- r mk. havebum .ML1 siq Im w Mr Ib sd b/ w rLIY 4~ad. bab... - NW M M ai iwýwi' it'h .i war hib opinion that no hill of broader cIaracter than thli ceuld evt pa;e. the senate sod beoome a law. careful .ttimate war tio the eflec that the hill would restore 7,)500,0( a·nes t, tbe public domain. Stone c Miswourn took the position that forfell ure should be madeof all lauds whiol bove not been earned by the railroad at the time Axed la the granting ast for the completion of the roads. Tb Northern Pacifel road, hbe mid, we most vitally interested iI this mat-te He quoted frem spseebeh by Paysol la the tweatylWght sand twenty noloth eosgrrsse, upholding the righ of .ungren to forfeit lade unearned a the time ixed by the granting art sad attacked that for w.h be delared wa a ebhange f front. aseas snu-Ieaer. Nm. You, July -8-The Cbhica league won this saferuooe by humeb. Inl tIeir hiat. Attendanoe, 600. New York 1, Chicago 4. Nsw YOIu, July 7.-The New Yorw brtberlhood eaully defeated Buffale this afternoon. Astendauue, 1,000 New York 18. Buffalo 6. NEw YouK, July 7.-The Brookly. brotherhood club ",utplayed Cbiage at every IJolnt this afternoo'n. At. tendauce, 1,000. Brooklyn 9,ChieagoO Bolrox. July 7.-The Clev land br ,herbod won to-day's aare b bunehinri their hits and their oppon ents' errors. Attendnroce, 1,200. (:leve land 9. Bot4on 6 B3roKLYN,. J ly 7.-The league game w.a wharpl eontested tidte fter neon and re-ulted in a vietnry f-r the home team. Attepdaace, 900. Cleve land 3. Brooklyn 4. HoaoT, July 7.-Tbe Boston league best Piuaburt this afternom o' I i fairly Intetrrlang game. Attendace, 2.800. Boston 8, Pittaburl 8. seal Ne evia. A .cntleman from Aaeudsa drop ped into a real estale oiMee yesterda sod sir.Aied his dsdre to purohase some Miles City property. He wa at onee laken Into the eOlAld*eeo o th aenot who showed him bhe l~l and, to make a log etory short, ink him a lot oe Main street Jest oeta.d of the bJseln easter ad a pleeae. Improved suburbea property. Th_ prieoe pild were maJll--beuu one third of what the sme poperty we held at il the lohb imew, but the pmr ebao.r was glad to elose the trade .3 stated that In his belbh Miles Cit property was a better parebahs at tb prloe It Is held at today than aa town or city In the state. As we hbare before tated the Inquiry f.r unim. royved property both in town and out lylu is general but resident holden do not oare to sell. Non.residenot who have sufhered the depreoiltioms of the last thre years are the only oD.e who ooer to be willing to let go. In awswim. A typleal ase of bow a wome lears to swim was noctled at the Briadwater Sunday nlht, sys the Heles Herald. 8bs was a rather large mad dealdedly baeze wome. uad nothibe bebr youthful appar aeee woldawbver freom bing de. earibed as "lat lady." Mw bathLI sail was oommudloe, bet there were ertals Idlestless. of aslan areaed sense t the buttnes whisk made them appear as teobgh led tI their ustmt, Bhe was assompaeled by a tall, this man, a good swimmer bet et troag ngh itol asp with a healthy strlg. gler, sad is wasqelte eviMe that the pupil was mroe ateise har the leso them a e teaher. Netwithuta-ding blthis st, womas like she seded smasing. The me trid hebld her up by the belt at h waser , but tblr lowered her head es that her able loaobed the water. Uhb reetded with a seesm add made him held ber by taking the bask of the bathing aep nar the nast. Thus seaudold she tightly (led her ye os d meuth, al the tahe w as least a ast anea th s rbee the waeer, mad ba to stlMke eat with her mms, swing thas r os that em ae.M hdL am them, Whe Mbat abigi S teis sethe d lppd ead she O oashe ode s ta at ts see at. I se h at them ds m. 1he t Oim f uli, I tlrm su ,ldI a im . .-,. - tu º !buat d set tam br u*sme Wes.tes u I Is owl" Sºa',ds of mlle* uway. He gave up r «trugrling with her Rod devoted all L bih attention to k.,ping hil feet, al. I lowing her to clin, to him, rnd finally, ) spluttering and winded, sbe found her I feet and looked around to ee If sbe was ull in the world. Wben she bed i recovered her breath she eemsed Im bch pleased and said: "Well, that r was p'etty good, but I can't swim as t fast as you ena, yet." Their positles in the oentre of the olrcle of foam tbag Sber strugglng and splashblg bad re. I ated showed they had not budgld m BeaTrOn x PAcrlF c AJi A.ana Iew s. a hle. dl la g ledliag, Jar tar Ltes-aIinmp. cEhagm. Is P.msse Tlsaa erlesa-Wew Anyssagmet a Trhasu car mwk.-Ad- menavn ,as -gLbar St.u. Traim No. 1, (Paefle Mall), will leave Mdlt ..ity iat p. m.. sad will consalt of the fillot eul oapment: Pullman ves abua. r in lp ear. UCkI. ealgs to Portisad, vii (Ge tral, t. tPaul. Hrldczi and Ta.eum. Pullmantourist .letl ig ear, Cbme.-a to Portland. via W *. "'.no Central, It. Paul, ma T'oma. Pull .an vetihul" a lijuln.: *aor, ltt. Psults tortrl.d, via Iogau, It itt, OGarriaon and Tanttca. Puilraas 'ouriat sleep i Ing ar. Nartheru Pacitl. palmso die. Sin car'. and free colonit sleeper, aad first and umond etla day .onabeh, St. 1P.ul to Portl. ',, via Helena and STaeoum. Tl"ai.n N.. 3, (li'l* Eplrelw ), wilU I.aJve .1.*. Ca'rS lt ,:., a. m., and will colmlist oit: Pullman vestlbule sleeping ear, CblI Eart) to Porlan.d. via ('birpgo. Nil. waukw. & 8. Paul railway. Kt. Paul. and Pullman . weplig car, St. Paul t Portland, via Helens amid Tl'* ms. Pullman vesti bIul al-..elglg ear, it. Paul to Livings ton. (Yellowstone Park sleepsr), .Nortber PeIfice dining ear and arMs and eeouod clas day ioebhes, $t. Pout snui meund clr day e.nahe, s $. Pan to Portland, via Heles and Taiass Trlin No,. 2. (Atlantic Mail). will leave Miles City at 1:43 p. m., and ill ',osaset of: Pullman ye.tlhnle sleepag ar, Portland to Cbhiago. via Temas. Helena, at. Poa and Wiseuoom COe.. tra'. Pullman vestibule aeplor oar Portland to fk. Paul. via Tacome..Oar reson, Hast and Leqas. Pullman Stnourist alheplag ar. N. P. dining eean, and grat srd seatnd day ecnahes SPrtland to It. Paul, via Tacoma_ al. Train No. 4. (Atlamul' Express.) will I eave Mile City at T7: a. im. and eon. gist of: Pulmaes e ulee slesplg re UPernid Vt Caie e, via Tamsn , uel ensa. W. Paul and Utkeae, MlUwnheo sad &i. Pal railway. Pllmsa uns-e lat. eledalg ear Portlad to Cbheg. via Ta.ome. RoIm and the Wise*. sin Central. Pullman waslke sloop. I llg ear, LivingsteM to SL Paul. (Yel klowone Park eeper). (. r. fr. coloaist sleping ar, palae diatin e·r and Arst and second day oeachel º Portland to S. Paul, via Tacoma aMd Helens. For fortrer particuler., Galping m*r, reservations, et,., c.ll at N. P. le.ket 'oloe. C, R. OGIFYITH, Ag'.. Mi. e City. SCAut. . PFar. G. P. A T. A., St. Paul. ilnan. (G,. uI AmuuaI, 60n ":.. ..Iý IAS It takes soars yeun. t&, deterde whether a mitan is it man of jenln or not; and in the cae of any given sb. JI ect It may transpire after he has made Sfragments of the deesiogue in his b glem to free hi mappomud genius bm Sreitraint that he has't got -o d al, but only am eeesmttls order of s. pluied talent Genius that earn to earth mumn eept a asLt nds 5e, a; If It dioom to run ecunter to the iaw whirb hurmn .zpsebhne has found t" be neemay to the due regulation of human ondue , It dust tak the sin asqusmesa Roasoambi t.udhtAu mot hinder IL Whesrn awl hsvI 'has realtd In nem mussrplsar so-= I sldt adrw awseare; but k It wn true that gemnis ad dert I moral usmt bopslssy amtaaI S 1 would not be amwL that tewll 1 ould betr qpam.-4u-mer ' r Umama at amea. " hIe Doaid of Ores. Coth" wra B s board ecauoted wih the rqul habm e bold of England, ha-'-- p Mrbana 'Mgs obendsruh utbnL~u,rr4i b -e fedr e and NO yud beI u-1 f Awawnt brao tie board Ord M stalmsd betiue a m~ sa t h i sould beawesd r debt. r IM 'miid bssase the u1subo d i I vYiathei.wrnof th Sboeud oeussi WIha lt SI -r horno Sr I deu om 31 Y * ae. 5 3idd · b· 4I S,'m 3w