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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
flP"_ý ;1AIJ1Y JOURNAL ,ILZ8 IT,r. MONtTANA. Fis Min Ie mIv. USen mall (earr mi throuh Salt for Jamal hwa w potao StI) sam ea lp.m. loskma mail (eaurylag wSliayll and othpew I.. *sm· mail (caying way all d other, In cluing roglarund mall) slam at SIll. m. Naae (ornti throul gh 1 Ete Helena { sd paate neat chat. t 90 5.0. pe be. d .. to p... Tasme. rier mail cam Nlardys sd Thrn. OocelS-a-1.. Wanr widrof elaom'............-...... 4 p Uo~q ,........,....S p.m ('ENa.W.3D.. N.p We. ~ ~ ~ W I.~s Fa~eVs..P. 1. Sk IL afa*I .....i. e le' L3A" NILE CRT OWIN 3*8. We. 1. Asmale u l.....»..»........:5.... .L:43. r. . t atLaLh a·l ...............:7 AU. 54. Ewe.. Fraght... »». 7: ».. 11A. M. i. Way Valght»...l.........»... 7:106 . N, A Wa y Might.»... ..».... ........3:06 r, NI"lmi Wetey. S1TATE. Embi .Ir M c..g... e.. 3. Carter, M.b.a X. T IýNt -AN...... «N.....r. lM.. Rtk i M$ I-.S. ............ laK Rl~ieale, k.. <<IIrw Awed........ ( 1 . 8..k11. 11. 3eard 0. Ulrka..".. N.1. £u assn........ 1.. R G m..., eAm Pub. 6.rt..... S O. utss, el.d. Aid Junk k. I. w.Ra-P lb Y.1.. AmIdM Ju a.....3. 3. LNa Kin Club kp. uet ...W i~ . Kmae1y E els. VbIRAL. Rrrrr OUllal.......···O. 0... 0. Raw ks V. Y e. W y.... .Jm N5. MIrlls DeIw loo. d.L Olli .J..1.Mls. fur LyslrC U.A IL.a 0.5...... A. Gremr MYl. Cei' D,*I3T3Jfw hay. rtw b J.Nkkl UlLtlrU.............. ......e N.. Gee R. Nihb.". Mllke City 3.r G.3 MIk, MYle Ct~y L..r........Sket .....T . .T em e........ ad Sebeek......MA 1w. l.r, 0 ike Cu emrn. s I.. Re auL, Oil.. - J 06.MYlaem..-.~...1W I el.Heba fI. McXay.. Ceer ubw m.......-.... -»......... jjf" J.... Mie it ........».... .D VEw.eyler A.. Kis er at d. orl flrr ....ý-..... Dw. MM N teýeýý.Nl».ýRt . d" Rorrlw ", r r·--·----,,, 14. Yam".BI~n » .A ...w II I G e v t j.. .. .i. 1 r.r »...... L It LOCAL ITZEM. Te a ambe h MiMA. leaft; hi a wik wiib aslaer ir s ls h. teasern i ee wuie.e Stawbtlrem. d oberrs N Jalk ela 's. . . . . C Lea ELrseabg will go to LvlgllaM Frsk vegetables of sit kids as Jahelse's. . Speslal meetsll of the Ire company t...igbt. Leap'. eel..raied lager beer at Ballard's. 0. L. Tray Ocme down from Helena ye.erday. 0. W. Myers departed on last nllht's traie for Billings. J.J.Carpenter of Jamestowo, was In the ally 7eterday. W. C. MeDcwell same l from tti rmed -up yesterds y. tables ad fruit. Eveything hstb.' W. B. Jordan departd on last sight' tralM for Foryth. - heal. Cow pumoors from uasy different oathi wen is tbeity yesterday . LU raros. lestordy was smother beautiful dy sad om. sas only Is hib glorious m-s of Maews. aIb Nor use d%. we asw hir ctaii s Whlim swu a $CMSI dmmnm fur t(dagav . WhIm re tdsmW $i. oh,. chagc t ('V*IB. Wham Aen ba dMm.s d6 qSY. ibm *meis Yeterday's st bound tM was B'. bumu Me, the asus of the delay belag oe the Mowsaa division. The worst -ss of a.rroful. salt theta sAd ether diem.. of the blod we - by HNed's Ilamnpsullla. m bur fnnlg will diprt to-day br gIp b tIM waters part of the stat er s MIN sAd buslusus oasetk. WillE d sr o ladle.' " Aled $BMW hm br gs.M This whk asay. tea fats . .TowumuAos A P.o ball betwsee Keogh and PMil CI I. l bling esdof, t tsks - bsb tb sidegrsuds nmiJu. day. Zklu. 0. Malde has soa olrcd the u..t of sMbr swim Invrumetj, No pNimi Wn w~bish asow uaad a arge audlence on Park street lIst nigbt Just as well as It he had old "Lisa Jane." Mrs. C. B. Griith and son Charlie returned on yesterday morntor's train from Chloago. They were on the wrecked ti sin. For an imported Alexander Hum boldt eigar or a Key West t8idenburg, call on Prof. Bach, whbnalways carries a full li6e If fine cigarm. The remainos of Mrs. Haynes, acoom. pilced by County Haynes, were taken to lows on yes terday's delayed train for interment. Henry Tuasler, wife sad cbild, re turned from a three months' visit to the ranh. Mrs. Georve Cartwright of Terry aecomn nled them and will visit in the city for some time, Hugh Chittlok, stock agent for the Premot a Elkhbrn road, strived In the city yesterday moringal from 8. Paul. Mr. Chittlok was a passenger on the wrecked train and reports hbe wind the stronges be ever rsw. A number of people were attracted to the corral of Astle A McDonald to see a wild and untamed brooabo rid* den fur the first time. After the pro. Ilminarule of throwing and saddling, the rider throew his of leg over bhi ox peated noeay seat and grabbed all the leather In sight and hung on for dear life and thea pulled off the blinds, med-the horse, whble bad all the pont ofl a hard pitehing bronobo, walked of like an old eow and eould not under any elreumeanees be made to even "e'ow hop' and was returned to the bunsb a "tamed" bone. Fur the few days that the editor of the JoUnxAL is abenot In attedaoce at the sonnual onventioe of the edi tore of the state, J. B. Collins will wield the shears and psate brush con* adted with this b foe with the ease and grace for wblich be I noted. In order not to interfere with the free dem of hib movements we hereby die -laim all respooedbllty of any thing that may appear during our absenea and bespeak fr our tempoary sueeso ser the same Immunity from personal -assalt that bas been accoreded us dur ag oear editorial eereer l this eom mnalty. We even wish that be enuld take that little aldr with Shelhby E Sef ear bandis but as e ha seet the same storage espeadty far baled hey. we presume this l impossble. ar eess morNeeu. There will be a spsls moesUting of ty emasll this, Wedesiday, even I atl 8 o'eeek. By eJter the Mayer, S. G0oa0o. City Clri. lb W.rsM ... The oell .m of the poMent day fe the predeston of evesythlg that will esedes to thl merial weliare and eermf ot mankind are amuot uatrll Iced and when dayrp of 1i was At prodoeed the world was earlched with the only perfect lahuaive kown, as It I tbhe only remedy wblob Is truly pleasing and refreshing to he taste and prompt and el8teual to eleanee the system gently Io the spring time or Io fbat, at any time, and the better it is known the mere popular It be eane.. Mr. William Y. Shpe., the gentle. ae who reostly wor $16,000 ls the drawing of the Louanaul S.te Lot tery company, reolied the meooy it Baterday. Mr. Shepe .sated that the Lottery eompamy wee very prompt in wsedig the moeey and - med after Its taporetation with as keie so llteret as he would blutmef, -r all of whblLh he ole tlhnkLl. He held the oe-tweoatleh d tUiket No. a.3I08, wbleb mw the imat pital -..oa of 00,000.-Ad-U phl (Ohio) news, May 1. Ears a eal ai M e RAv. T. C. Armstron, who left here a hw weeks ageo to take up hle done n at La Onsade., Orems, wods s the bollowleg clipping ftw an -_-goe paper: Tb. editor of the Staytes n moes JohI Crabtroe up Ia tb mountall ns. He is 90 n ol ad had l been ow 1mg a with hat year be ther IltlP be told that he hs Vlrmi teJaLeoe eoasty, M.., In 1qi, nd miwed to Oregon I 136, ad that on Jly 11th 146 be stlled Oa the lad whoreh met blm. Rim iU and amlly wee amag the lest sottle Irs Id enst. The veerablrgenatlemta seeed to -thes br of Job and Isame Oab. tree, nleedet. of $adleOlesr oensy, Msntana. Is Pdlole agWi rate Drwa's oasis yesterday Fansy 36m was sflalgaei M twO eOSUID VIs4 Giving UIsio S. a mimer sad kieping a boos.( pie. UauWtlo. 0. the fires oaute she stood trial and was adjgdgtd guilty, em the weaoa4 she plead guilty. A I.r ss belay Iprisd tr fhe Ait MW 10 forfr meoond oa theafig. pnagleel eso's sad Sues ehlag SISU& Th% mimer to wie She aarw ww g6r I b ray g gmdr I yFs sti, 'h * sIAuiqhs rý Irr S stupor yesterday mnrnlng about 6 o'cloek while lying In the street on the mouth side of the track by Ollmoer Gaylord. PROPOSAIs FOR nI VICE OONNfKCTOO8. Oevof Peat Quartermaster, Von Keuh Meot.. July . I10O. Sealed pro na. In triplicate, sub Jrt to the usual e. dit.lll . WIl. he neIeived at this ol~e until 1 o'bkck noon oe the 5th day of August, Wi, ad tIhe opemed, for tnlrhbln. all the I.b or equtred l making ervis osmectlies with water mais at this post. Speeealetiese. in. struetiesa to bidders. and blank bfrm of propes als will be furnlsbed on application to this * te. M. C. MARTIN I.t Liset. & R:Q.}. 22d Infan try, 4. A. Q. M.. U. *. A. No Lead sb Which the qum Rhines Possesses greater advantigrs than Our ownl, but thenare pornlns of the .rmt grain-iaring Wesetnd rtill south where atmesphtre les. AlOns. pre)udicila to halth qpillltate asilnat thema In soma drre, as places of rldence. ay rlraintlsland *e overlow of great rarvs whioh upla their subiltanmee leave dak veat tlee poud tothe s- elthe sum, theme belet malatal fo.s and thet atse ths halpiteuts ae perlodically oblig d to me ree medicelsal 5aItard sginan the eurge, The meat popular h eteteIrs Stoera bitters, a preventive that haer . over a i d of a c.try abrd rteliable c.e t tt, eth whem Lc prleese the futll. t, erdimary emedies for fever a.d ague Augh lto siuth.tte ,or thIm Whether later mieat or e.mltteut miasmatie eves are sea quered and aveted the auperb ati-peiodle ad fertgll Nd elseat I teyare by so lther. eL tn is tse. Use it. and sabeado imLpee Me itless. De Wilt'. Colie and Cholera Cure Is alway. safe and alwyus sure. We recommmend It. W. . HAVAan. De Wit-'- Littll Early Risers. Only pill to cure sLek beadacbe and regulate bhe bowel. Bold by Havage. DeWitt's Little Eirly RHier. Rest litle pill for Dyselrplr,Sour tomachb, Bad Breath. Sold by Savage. No Griping, so Naue., oo Pala, when DN Witt's Little Early Riers are taken. Small pill. alfe pill. Be4t pill. We sell them. W.E. SAVAOs De Wltt's Little Early Rise. Bert Liver Pill ever made. Cure tioo every time. None equal. Use them now. W.E. 8AvAOs. There in one medicine, test will cure lamediately. We refer to De Witt'. Colin and Ch'lera Cure for all mummer o.wplalmti. No d.lay, no disapponlt. meCL, no failure. We e.ll it. W. E. mAVAon. Myature.. Dmsapp..aaee.. Mrs. John A. Clarke was a ireat sufWrer luoigretiou and Sick Itedadube. hit le t her home last Matuardir to buy a bottle of De Witt'. Little tErly KRsers. took a dose and her headaoue dlrppearrd as myateri. ously mas t came. Try them. W. E. SAVA.d. We reenammnd DeWItt'. C die aod Cholera Cure beaese we behleve it a safe and reliable remedy. Is good ef. ets are showe at once in rese of Colera Mwbus sad slmilar cor.e plaint.. W. . .WAVAou. hW Mm.r. Oltibi. P.wmd a 168-1 O ain b kin 1m. 3u Mm u. u., O w ua% L in, Imlss pim M p...d bvmims Heed's Uersparlla b st ll Mmmi paw. Is ... Uinin.. allt.. sn-ms. ui mb. beamimm. smo Demme mMr.I minim Sulb" kg. Lma. mwr.1l qp, i *m1bin mm tmun mwaUb - ,smaW h ml ~nm. uow t mss.on a.ta. senar 100 DN One DOWruYY~ SlrI & lINTES' MODELw'* -GROCERY We make a specialty of Jin. Faudiylirios, Keep notbing but the best and frebsea In every line amd are contdent of giving the utmost setl. 'euti.. to our GIVE Us5A CALL The New York Life Insurance (o. In the World. Most Popular? ?;L? tiidn Montana. Auhe,$106000,00. m. U. AIs.uu, U'p Will beM pdto or e*pM1 ebembe wh a IC ma yuipele. psitcle of Ussiny. Potn wroberw e b Iwrift'. Upsle . LS.) An WI 1 0021 Uwdemm, TIt, Aul UI M- "IV Meb. owI meamt"I bM w llugunse y taue. I woe tie" by the be el anMy*in, but obtined no rmel, th e -EMWi poutin mW I osmchdai b.D7 try .Le.,md wars "lI care dfter cla. ". few boablue yoru M mycheufa! pesmlmles to publish th abase gamtast hM be tof thce aelmluly dlead." C. 3t. Iuoauaa. DomdsamTez Th1h m hu foam ha u ibee. Unan CA RTS, CAPS AND. STRAW GOODS OIIIolN&F III . No. 2S1. 21, MUS EAtr VronrTa i., Bt. Paul * - * Min. .Wrend for our ithograpb em Irahing of nw style. BIMDLI * TRUSOOTP Wholtmie ad RW II deelm .I - -CHOICE FAULT *:* Q3J~CIIIL. New goods. eentyll eedVlag.edg We beadle Wemetd wTa vukd maortml of Tobarw r 8 inn In the city. We rrsp@Isdlly .sllta lu emnes patruin.. pledging omewoev to dive the bee MI S CITY IRON PUMP WORKS I IUill, hrqdsw J.1. f IUN -am- a emwrC for Infants and Chlldren. 'I e mwrnhadrp...wmbkr m .. 3a ub .wu Csflh Oemulprte., Wibtus "M. A. eas. 1ion..e(I pv at e tsee m. L. A. ~m . gf W m mi. iD., Tar Canarm Coruw~r . 7? Murry @eat, I. T Reli abe imebep.e In all grides at grealy reduesd or'e. We have th from . Nickel Waldc up to a 14k Stadrd O.d In elaborate dgJaw. Solid Gold Rings ---sad a full lis of--.. Rioh ewe , a1°°verwaere In plated and sterling silver; also approlpriate lie of Good for either illfday, llln or Holiday PrIslt t primes to mee.t eospettio. J. BASMnsI & BROS., ferraspondane Anitlted. Mihi Mainta ESTABLIHBED 1t77. JAB. MoILLA. N & 00., PROPIIITOS Or TIE Minneapolis Sheep Tannery, AND DIALlSa IN ua hetp PhtuayrsWoo,Tallow, 8HIUP PITR ND F S08 BPIOILTT. " -s mmmi _ _ wL mb.&alr Miles Citybeat Market, Main t.. Below hase We aim to put notbiug os the bleb bu s what I £aelnt . We ae umuem to pleaw, sad all we weat la a cbases t do as. Geogm Bllts with as, sad will be gld to weleome al his old uohasam . LONI & THOIAL W.A TCHZ Our Weekly Local for Oash Dis oount Sales. 0. B. TOWERS & 00. Tb Internalamin Typewriter A strictly 6 rst-air .asblmF PFuly wairsatod. lade from very be me' seril, by .&ll(d workus, sad wiib le bet took Bthat be"ew been de desed for b. prpere. Wamasod to is aIl tba at bu b nS5Ibly uipested ot he very bet typewriter cztoet. Capable M wdili 140 words per mis mae-a m r.e--aesdling to tb. a·ity Prig . * . $oo.oo. It tbmwm.065a t In your bua, adies Sb. mmmbdiwm, Till PARtI rr0. Co., yte rbI. PAUSEe, N. T. FREE d uo* sM~ad beat of Whbses do* ss. wlt l y Ir n rn!V'-~hAmm9o ~k TARFF UUAT'IK FU ALL. The AmesuumawP tw 1nvAuwptm doewcr .e. n. n . w1Sh . to'WWý mi ur hi FI, Iataw~. mumtai mtiI Nm Barb Uguel o thin aa&kw m to tm a `M bAclatae ja VrWoll eta... AaayI7' N ýwif tr'. nt c.* !Ut. hraar u l ba a' t fw 4 em u, rlek ow rltl h· sn i `e._ .w. pt " a ow I-W~ IJ' ~ 1IS. U. a. ~ of taw MW " bF rrrr milt moo wm Y= qml Adwrahaa .w ja 1iw e-"am %lW~. &a1 S~iýýi iwi so . ...........:A v U-·I)Y iUIWý v+