Newspaper Page Text
I Y ELLOW TONE JORNA . VOLUME VIII. No 256 MILES CITY, MONTANA, SATURDAY. JULY ia. szqo. PRICK FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURNAL file Cikial iqw f Maimk COu3atV. Kvery Morning ExceptMonday. P~mi it o 11.f lilis y . . 3.000 Turns of Subsciption; " MAR.. IM Ain McI. Pyt~as PAID. TO CITY SLcuS*335S, taig"", bevyr UM~lu.0, MN onti pef t601 WEEKLT INTION. YZLLWW PAPlS. Advutislag Rates. Dy..» .uc 0.0 14.60 10.0 i.w' HA Wroh... ..1. 4.60 10.00 1.60 11.60 26*16.60 Muuatb ... i a O 4.00 16.00 25.0 US 42. 1.0 S V i.h ..' I IOU I%.(WJ &JAN 54.00 42.00 621.00 00.60 Dillt1...i .D '4*i o W2 .00 4160.00 00.111.00110.6 IaeaI « "ees.T ".. puv4 urn 61 6m IM N.I L..AI1216.0-T. .so p.I i. Adr EM4/Ms M J. LIDDELL, Praelm. tm all rimart is the state. Wl eI *t~tedroUat llNfB of euurt bold isCAm Casum suu lAt DLm. Wuniis 3 a (EIgbrhllr)06. OIemgs K Rvaes drugs ag.Nl Citom. It T. i . WU1miHt Mai.m rout, ever StebkgrweUa Natlesal )look all .rok u'aaraatasd mad at remashiebl rates. 3J . (UO3URAN. 0 bator V l~eale ary tarpe. ih caanlry. 5.1ldm.. Nle.k ('Asy. ECall etimadd dug., *i/bt. i as, orden at tasrepsa drug saen OUt emadsae psuaguly asasren i5.LZIICMEL. N. D.. Ah'stcaieaa u4¶wem. CEVKCN . ImmamusS Church (ltKerepaIt Poanm, IL-dee. la. udpa~ at 11 a.. mmm 7:U p.m. fImmeal Y pils& Cbgmab-W.. M. Weak.. acting. I. 'rqthlmga msrvs.Iu p uad 11 ".. m nmp. 'mte mm" Prýayr Meetln. Wodmeaday a lull P. M .A. Peiala Imaitlad N ?.hls Nattag. parr. . rmb Owser. CMhwjh-ise ls.fuadep, U a.a.. p. a. T. C. Aaeag., paser .eayleal m d ShimS hfda .1 a/ si i Sh.3gb #w a Ivfa .... ambf issalat 1ip.m., Vepm U bDsmsielsa at .0 p.m. Vi*aum C. PaUWUn.VU. A. U. 5.-iJlyasla X.. A musw flast ad ameal 1.. -bt r aMd third Wedasedeps at : 0 at. as Odd4 rWise' Hlall . X6 lodge. us. 11. firms N. A. Ml.-Ysllo..toas Capter. ls. . k l.U~a Ia each ..nth K. T.-Damauseu Uemmwar.adsryetb Than. dr 0. O. .-tase~sr Ladga. 10 I. 1sail .ttheir hall. F..0 .-Umetimal Ksaea.msaat. U.. a, firast Frii U dReays of .-Cnaesdar . .. . Thursday lt. : o A.-Mu1lu City Imnash. emery WNaa at __, _ o_ Pust. Is. 14, areS min O. T. lbs at W es. Is. 36b. emer eus Di.o~ai MAUSLAUD'S t &UNSlJ RU VOL VI, £MMUN1TIOII "m, - mPU t.. L1811 P. g IfM I3 sign ibsbbs*u THK POLIC4 GAXZTT s I. SheM1 emlwy Ilt./t paper it the WON ssWutale oill the blat unow UU4 ,i. 3.,. No . loes 3.t eeeb lee. eat e. LSwitheut It. I~t elwy. web w ým N~e UmtdW Moon mulj$ wp. 18 wesho for wa eve tr a'ow - .. ai Slous Ni of hrgain. You have seen and experienced by takting ad vantage of our kohlinK out uale the past mon all we can tell you in this space. We merely wish to remind you of the lateness of the season fbr on. mat goods, knowlag that extremely low prices only will move them, look out Ibr your own Jnter ests. Remnants in every at Lads' and children's shoes at any lprice =one 3m = "bea'I. Miles City, Mont. MoINTIRE'S BAZAAR ---will open a- Xillinery Department (On Sec 'nd Flooir) in mo-ple t mo for early fall trade and will spare on efloit to pleaee the beet trade of MNies City and Fort Keogh. STOCK UROWERS' NATIONAL BANK, MuaEs oITY. MoNT. TH8 LAISUT BAN IN IASTEDJ IonTAA INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS H. F. BATCHELOR, hesigmi WM. Awar. Vies Pr at C. L. MERRILL. As't Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 01 TH OLDDWT AI G18GT UK IA huWml lMIIAJ W. B. JORDAN, President. 0. M. MILEs, Vies PresIdent. E. B. WEIRICK, Cashlir. H. B. WILEY, Amlitant Cashles, .11TEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. MORAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealer,. in mook sad Kide eaddles Heavy and Light Harness, Hland*Made Bite and Hpur., Rawhide Hopst and Braided Goods of all kinds. (Largest stoek we have bad since '85.) We are tow manussoturlsg a full Ilneof a'sIekIch daddles on iron born Cahterala trees. Call aid see them T E .L T 93 We have the largestock of Temts. P1st d Wagon Coves lase Moutans. We sne getsu hr obwes' Fish Brand sad the elsbreated Mabhattan Slleki.. Call and ee our patent n shade for u.e on Bsekboards. Moran & Cs. I'Ppeolal atteutioe to Mail Order. W. C. JACKSON, Deler ia FINE GROCERIES For Family UPS. PRU!TB AND VEGETABLES In Messoni Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. I.. in w. ssi U.l.. «... S...* E.A.KREIDLER &CO. Fire Insuranoe. Chas. W. Seyde, a omer WPLbnt THE EDITORS. The Press Association Convene. at LUving'ton-Some Rail. road News. Montana World's Fair Commis sioners-Small Grist of Telegraph. The rees A£ssetahma. The Press Aesonlatio of the state of Montana oonvened Ia the K. P. ball at l p. m. to-day and will continue in session until flaturday evenlng. A more delightful day for the open lug of theawslon could not be had. The morning dawned clear and cool and when the members of the press from all parts of the state dropped oil at the Northern Paciflo depot, a cool and refreshing breese geeted the men who, for year. past. have written of the ravages of a Livingston sephyr, affording them an ample opportunity to realize bow Livingston gained its appelation of the Windy City. After breakfast at the Albemarle a general band-shaking was had and the mem bere started in to renew old acquaint aores and meet new friends. The morning was pleasantly spent In tak. Ing in the sight. of the businese por tion of the eity and talking, over old times until 1 p. m., when the a-seoola. tion was called to order by President Jerry Collins Towme who were pres. out at the openingof the meeting were: Jerry Coiling. (reat Falls Tribune. H. B. Rolle, Great Falls Leader. E. Butler, Stuekgrowers Journal. E. H. Becker, Bailing. Goastte. David Marks, Helena Independent. A. K. Yerkes, BRaeman Chronicle. W. W. Aldereon, Avant Courier. George Alderson, Bosean Righlter. S. Gordon, Yellowstone Journal. J. R. Feulds, Stevenevitie Tribune. J. B. Widuyer, Gleadive Indepen* deot. L. L, Woods, Weodeide Moeritals. eer. R. H. Rowley, Helena Independent. CoraelUrn Hedges, Relessa Herald. J. l. Quinn, Butte Miser. Geo. H. Wright, IAvingstos Enter prio. * Among others attending the msaiel atoon who ase not members, are Mrs. Imam Gordon, anee and daughter, Mrs. L. L. Woods, Mrs. J. R. Faeld. and Mrs. H. P. R 4fe and two children. Mrs. A. D. Hatch. cf Big Timber, was elected an honorary member of the Press Association. John . Stua, J. B. Fesbit and others were elected menabes. Daibass leak. The Rev. A. A. Brown, of Spear. lhlt, who was sent by the board of trade of that city to interview (senral Mdan'&er Holdridge of the B. A M. system rwgardlig the extenesio of the B. & H. to Spsaurh, has just returned home and reports that Mr. Holdridpe could not hold oat any fatterlgr promises of eoestroetlon this year Ia any event, that his sepamy had their hands full l* the lseak .tiles limes, when they eeseomuied the most dl eds work yet met with this side of the Miseurl. deadded that the idMe of am eateaules from New anse to udansee, whibr bad been talked a1, was eastrly out of the quss. ties, as oe pguat a detour would be needed. His company was, however, dulseus of Sidag as sutist rieen the Hill sorthwsrd, aed might Sad It pmstlseable to make audanee asd Ipsarush paints a that line. A pdi. vale esemuslesdlos melved here yesterday from Alnds at"s that the B. IsA M. .R. is pushleg its way in a southwesterly direction frem Whitewood and is now about $6 miles frem Aluads. The grading Is now te.1g does and Is nearly Smlihed to a polnt os Middle seek seur the Wyoeing lies In South Dakota. The probabilities are that work will met progres beyoud Middle cresk this seasoe. The sime eserespendeat se the B. M. RA . B. a weatiug a their beaheh late Deadwed and are also wsaking am el..stes frem New male toward Dsebts, Wr Their ceurr passe shoo N mela des south ef Albide. U 1wMMVNO I Es 'P. abu~e at lEar. L. 3.U3b LaM ue K atb. waM'h hSiubinb uMemam was a Nr mau.5h s., ad r M 1We 3b bimi~t 'Ne IS aSb hSu mW Ebb .S h . .4smsiuhw. va wi a hMelm we misr Is bulb Ans.w Mr. Umr 'isaM bs~imieuus~lbs p.1 ~Musb~mM OmIm800m1 Y t dId li Uaqs sigma sng"beabsled -tI leiwl f we 11w1 U. ~WB1rý bubiding of her own to do justice to her resource'. Tue commismioners have decided that nothing exfipt it poeesee some particular and curious uzeerit shall be pltced In the main ex. hibition buildings. lio that to bow up our minerals, coal, timber, atune, granl, vegetable., etc., Montaas will require to have a sultabl building of her own. Mr. Herab8eld says that the people of the cast are expecting Mootana to make ome of the baedt *x hibitioms that will be made, sad from the fact that mob an advertieemet will ie worth nore to the state then anything else that could be dome, it behooves her people to se that it is the oeat. The state legislature of Webas nt, will probably appropriate $260,000, and if Moetas could afford th* $12,000 used In 1876 she ean well afford to spend $200,000 for such a per. pose in 1898. Two hubdred eraes will be devoted to the stock exhiltt. and it Is expected that Montana will figure well in this department. The Moo. tans commiseioners will, In the near future, appoint rub-committees for each Induestry and one in each county. As 'he time draws near Mr. Herabheld expects to remove to Chicago with his hivllv, eo as to be on the ground, and be says it will take fully nine mouths of hib time during the year 1893 to at tend to the exhibit. There are few men who could sword to do tbhi or would feel like undertaking the Im men'e amount of hard work attendant upon the position Fortunately for Montana, both of her commieeioners can iourd to and are enthusatset over the varied resources, the reeults of which they Intoend to show to ibe world in '93. Coiser Ce.oty Eerie !air and Mmis .1uea. The .ucregs of the fAt siseting of the racing adjunct to the Custer County Horse8alei Asoeelatlon prom beyond the shadow of a doubt of what great benefit to our city this hetare of the asselation will be. Should the association become a member of the western elicuit. a. It is nil probability will, it could be arranged that the meetings of the ircult should at art from here. This would bring to gather a large number of fine bones whe would for weeks beufre the meet lag be la training an our treek and as each berse or string of herein would lve so may grsome mad inekeys. ere would be added Io oer lly a goodly number of ilter-, who would remolo here until eht the meutig. With a track superior to any to the stele, ususrpassed felitiles for the aem and training of borsee, ample a oeagmodation tfr attes asts, the bit natured peop:e and most hoespitable little city in the' world, what more could lovers of the turf deiire ? Prop erly managed, on purely and strietly business principles, with "Hooe~tr" and "Integrity" as it matter, there Is no reason in She world w .y the Cos ter County Horse Pales Asnoclatins should not be a permanent fixtue and a lasting benefit to our city and to the county after which IA was named. It all depends up as hiee la Mile City. We have eck one get be do his part to farther the imlateg ofthis hmeelo*en. What I for the lnterest of ene. Is for the interestof all, and viea verse. The stock of the sa dletel is placed at so low a fgare stat anyone so disposed may beams bhe possesser of one or more shares, and every loisu of Mile City atmeld. for his own ladividual bsenit If for no other reason, beosme a soeek holder. Or.e mass. of tab 31,.., will eee -"d Msjor NUSMm of.t of she 3Ieekf..tIKadhee. The H.I.. Mlalmg Mid Staa 3ms ebaem as Wa Mlealy opened N the tnernIsg of te l4tb. Ruameutobr Ula "om* b ste.u the etatemsmt that the pepehlmo of Gswst VibIS will moo~ed 4.13. It b uslalmd the 0e Imlim ore tbwlmg hsiu qusa~tit of pmn Ia the vieolatp of Gm iltWsh, without em, regard N abe mmot iaw. hernia Ullllymp or TeaM.,bhilag. lag tSoet by h MIa Elbi gum " two Obo n I~p w 1uhw bkm gmem paIN and I. 1$U .M -w~ he.w whe, w" -t -l~~ ,- M i bm, - Ifi - sl w so WamunsSU~, 5'u . u population to be 446,512. Thh Is Inu m exoms of ubout 12,000 over the us t asteof the looal supervisor. 3a.i B more Is something 'v.r 43,000. Ike Chbleo supervisor seant the returns te r Washlgton tisday. He msys new Chlcago'. population Ii net les then I 1,100,000. * Th.e sew Osqer. dr. PAUv., July 9.-4ienernl Passee. ger Agent Fee, .f the N. P., to. celved a measae from !1at qw Wa. tore of the Yellowstone . atianal Park, regarding the bursting out 46 the "New Crater" geyer yeaterdq. I1 quieted down swmewhat durla last night. At 6:80 thIs meralig athere was a tolid Colean of stemg f reed up constantly t* the height of II 140 to 175 fbet, about 76 that In diame. tor. The roaries has sebaldel ems. uI A ersdbly. The inemtlon to exect y tidentical with the New Crater" w ser. The old hodb a es n asb width of ab'e,,' eght feet naid a now hole I vi-ible . And ll trot from rthe old one, wh' h io shout 8:12 f" et. Very Ilittle wotr s'e' nmning our if It. d All the pin. treesein iet. neighborhoe4 are tover.-i c ib 'e Irm en'. The pew. d ent appea.sce osems t) Indicate that is the crater will go down oon. Iu. Craw Wil n giiw wiwI3100. [fair flal-Thenlda7. A'ºOCIATIO \. C.'Iunjbuu 9, Ho.*t'eut.r 11. TohldE,6 14riktvn 9. PLAYERS' JZAOUKB. Bo-tnn 12. Pi -t-burr 6. PHILADELPMIA, July '0.-The leolaup Kama thI" aftern-ann sae 4db. tlngul.'h. by. l esvv patting 'n bulb aies. Th. local., however, h t m'ft freey .md won in (ne.equesc.. At I..daoo. 1IW0. Pulledelpha 14. Cley.Iand 9. Nuw Hose{. July 10.-Tbe New Yogk 4'hlcago bmalberbimd loam, meet to day and the Ewing meem vwas afte a basd. of two asd a balf hour'. durs ties. Atteedanse .600W. Cklcag. $ New York 9. NEW YORK, July 10.-Th. bingE game fbm afterunon wee a pitebe.d battle, Is we lob betting as. sebam ewes. Clarkson -rw bMoist isi& lot at ertlrli pol'tta Is She iumme Ai teedanos 1,60. BoDe s.8 ChImp14, A ise ftr a Mew. '1 took one of your pretty Indite for a drivs on Wedaetday," mid a tarpilng 'man at the Windsor. "'It dart was blowing a cloud and eow& as up eompletely. I notieed that et noes was twitching and that her eye were full of dust, and she merwous felt in her pocket, but see-med motla and what she was after. After a whie she sneered a little birdie seeze and said: 'Montague (that's me). will you kindly loan me your handkechidf? I and that I have lost mine in mime sta pkd way.' Now I had just anived from a week's trip, so my laundry was in a frightful state of 'decompudtlon and the one handkerchief that I had in my haile pocket was like a printers towd -It would stand alone on one corner so I blushed and told her I had lo mine. Things were getting rather se.d oem for want of a kerchief, and she .14 'Dear me' I want to blow my noes am fully.' "I bashbllly informed her that pe haps I ecould oier a substitute, and shs looked as me expectantly. "'What?' she saw. " 'A-a-khei,' said I, deeperataly. " 'g1r! Takerm boeas this lnaglea' "I meekly tarled my hosee a'emel 'I was only oering to tfldl a bibind -gkncton. ]pin 3epphy O.' " he kicked at me malestlenly a eridly said: * "'Howsol' "'A kiss for " blow,' I saw. muami ly, trying to swie. Me bloassmed ad again in a almnte. . . ".'I g1 es we needn't gho ben' d sea."-Denver 3ew. What was the carigin. d h IN Ucoa ''hurrah r Ther - 1m meb ill In no whheb em boas mai a soft and wkldy odamisi -m l methis. It is oneof omsei ' isi hich bMuun.o odorsinz -- se to bays adiPei r bohtiey in ili a mahouts and adumbo _ sirW ishNte cbs. aid a1mgbr TuW dihm