Newspaper Page Text
TI! DAIJY aJOUINL WTAPLISWU5 MN. NILM 017. MONt'ANA. elt t Turn TuU.OWgOfu JOUUMAL of r gotuM a for rq3t$$. qtt S mmemlh Is sa 13 he s IN LJAWLrC .U UL Lr u J C.. ~ tL .OWl~tOur L )ptntt Co. " - ini. KIs soN a pebt ehai Ia r ppep of Cast, oaget , era Vold md s has hM ttsldI4 h, the sauts o ýtt 5I~5Tit T3LLtrOY5YJON3JUAL r e $wrtau Seii~lp btte d piub qtr r Mtlot Itr umisay, July 13, 1890. A FAMOUS MARKwMAN. sMU yesO Iaegerke .4 HiKs Wesee> thi Week with a Oum. Oswald von lafpske is one of the o . - brothees of tie shooting family i td name. These are l of them, says w Ioorting Critic--led. Jusa, Her ame Oswald. George and arl. With the mewton of George all ae excellent - s. (George's taste are for athletis. As the others are mast in their choice Spastimes, o Gorge is master of his. e ,Is an athlete all through and all over. Oswald, the fourth. is some . ft. 7 in. in blight, is broad shouldered, and within On last few years has become stout, weigh nme 10 pouands. The exercie he makes his fesh as heal as iron. At the traps his position is a sound one. iMthows the left foot forward. bending at the knee onsiderably. The right foot in thrown backward, bearin but little weight. His game becomes fid When he iL at the meore. As he says "*pull" the ews come together with a snap. the teeth dam like a vise, and it is ten to oun. when She shot is made that s t isa successful one. He Is good at eithb.r inanimate targets or ive birds. His be.t score at the former Is Uegtof lla, shor:ing at O0 single and 10 pals: at the latt r 3 killed out of 85 shot a. This was i,, a match with Charles Meath, of NewS' k, for IlO a side, shooting Math out ,n tle thirty-ifth bird. He has also killed as many English l_-pe on the Hackensack and Newark sabws in N -w Jersey as any man of his -i iving. 1, ere it not for the cares of a ty life he .,lmid seldom he smen without *pn in hie nand. It is not a hobby with I am; it isa a almorbing paesiou. His fav ite weapon is a hammerless be.echload r, 5'( pounds in weight, " Ighes in ung.ut of barrel. 12 gauge. Ok. wld is a firmnn believer in the light -un, pecially for field work. A Rapid Mtalllie. Brown %i a year.old stallion through .bose veinw flnws the blood of famnous nees which are among the foremost ma t s of the most popular brood mare tfam i. This fine borne is a handome, wll balanced, symmetrical animal. In UiK as a -yearold, he trotted on a half ao tr tck to a record of 3:34, and won every nm in which he started. As a -year-old e did not appear in public, but showed a allia 2:'1', at a private trial. An a4-year eM he trotted in a race at Cleveland, O., askLoq a record of 9:18S, whic.h at that Miw was the fastest 4-year-old stallion seord. He started again lter on aqd Wetted a mile int 2:21, hut Was beaten In Srace, uas he went lame. le was then put in the stud at Hickory Grve farm. GENERAL ATHLETIC GOSSIP. The arrival In the U'nited States of the hnous Scotch runner. Peter Caanon, bids 18 to create activity !i professional long distance rutling. cir.cls. Hie s known to be able to defeat any A.merican albove twc mile, and the probabilities are that he will be called upn to give large odd should he propose any match. lie thas cme over moStly to take part in the distance rac of ihe Calelonian gamuue throughout the State%. There in talk of a match at the staadiun hop, step and jump, without weights, be tween R. K. Pritchard and J. W. Rich, both of the Manhattan Athletic datb. These two cracks athletes met at t hi event al the game, at Freeport on July 4, and Dich won with N cWt. 1 lon., beating the best amateur record by 1 Ly inche, and defrlal Pritchard by 2's luches. Pritchard had Mever jumped :o far, and the form he die yed surprised hlmelf as much as others. says with more practice he should do arles to 31 feet, but Rich does not think so *d is willing to go him. After the Free port games the friends of both men talked dea match, and the probabilities are that within a few weeks they will meet for a eWol prise. Georg W. Howdon, who has been twice iaatmr champion of England for the enaing high jump anl who holds the mesrd of 6 feet, was bneteu recently in the avll Mervice gamesu by T. Jeuutings, of 4 tbridge university, who eleareld ft. 3111. Howdo, could negotiate olly b ft. s1ia. The contest was exciting. fr Row da had not appeared for many olnnths, 11d the event had been looked for tard to. us don is 5 ft. 9 in. tall and weighs 146 I. Jennings is 6 feet in height and s about the same as owdon. !h. roeent $cottiah gatheriung and ah ot sporta at Stamford Bridge grounds, tiles England, where a full prongramme of eekh games was given, attraM*d Seopnle than ever beiore in the istory Srls annual event. Althouh hiatlerC gig are old in England, they are still 3lothing can demonstrate Willie Win a superioriy on the wheel Letter than l hat of lhi having a walkover at the i eRa ter Lstates chanmplunuhipL two .ile race held on Statel IWlacnd. There S l= lown other go:d cuinstanta, ·a ot one put in an appearance. The n'1taethbmat tnhe lig meet of tie. Kinlgs ,_ltR. Wheelnmen on the same lday may had ean.wthing to do with their ab. . = at the easters heampieahipa. Win S still wearlng the colas. bn the Brske Il AMto club. OUT OF DOOR GAUE8. Is many large itie of the United States w peropty is so valuable it has been notsd Cthat spce on private lawns sad building lot. adjonlng euldenesm have been converted into tennis courts, and Im Slubes of about a dome members ve ortnmed, which in time, owing to being so favorably placed ooncernlng grounds, have grown ito good sised or gantlstlon. Many people are deterred fom playing the game on account of most grounds being so tar away, and clubs hav ug 0rts easy of aceas generally have a steady and healthful growth. It would seem as though divided skirts for ladies who wish to play lawn tennis, ride a bleycle or a horse as well as a man could not be improved upon, although at present they are o rare that they cannot be bought ready made. Many tailors who make dresses fur ladles say that they are receiving orders for bifurcation every we4, and that in time they will be thought nothing of. There is no doubt that ladies would Indulge in athletic games oftener it exercise were made easy for them. The Montreal Caledonian society's gam which will take place on Aug. 16 will have events which should attraet the beet ., eonal runners, jumpers and w t throwers in the vicnity. Many from qait. a distanas away have signided their Inten tion of being present. The game of lawn tennis spreamdl so tast through Ameriae and Canada that the former prejudice it by average mankind that it was a game for weaklplgs has almost entirely gone. There are many more tennis clubs in the United States than athletic club, although there is more capital ~ivested in the latter. Tennis be ing a game that nearly all can indulge In, young or old. cannot fail to be generally understood. and such is not the case with athlt&ic feats requiring more strength or activity. Lawn tennii in England has dor manur years been on anestablished footing. r t EAUVL** SREARN A. " The world it even ma we take it. And life, dear obhild. s what we make It." This wa the iatimeut of an old hldy t m-ndchild MabeL And ay a Mabl - ounrl It to be trte, and she bea takes care of l'lr h'r!th. she k.e.lnae hand a iup ply of Dr. Pi.rn.'s Favorite Pnwriptio, and son not trotbled with thole wasting dlaesee., weaknwa- " dragglnr· own "' rnsatihonl fuuctioaJ itrlelarities thal:t ls many women endure. It is the only amedflntu for wome.s sold by drugxisws, under a peoltlve ruaaw sabe tronm the manufactunrrs, that itN itve saifrtIetion in every ti.e, or monrey wr be refundeid. This guarantee has been prind o the. b~4iv-wrarrppers, and flthfully carried out for ia rti rv s. "Fav',rlto Pimewiption " iL a leitimate md. (Etne.,nd a here-rnr. Onntains no alcohol to toebrline: no syrup or sugar to d.angre dires. tion. .As ia It remedial imsult sal Its cemposi:ton. Asa werfuLit" : .t. ton. it im the womb and itd re. For_ e women generally. Dr. t a. 'I Favorite Pr.. acrlptiona the greatest earthly bone; being aumled ma an ppeti comdial and eojee id tonke. or st n ver. A- ooof e . aes, Wou omaan td Car Diaae their .ate, annd How to Cure them." seat seale I pin evelope . as t JA=oa Aeo. No. la AiL . saBua I. s. ear. Itdrggatied. s.eaVa e,.or thar ir. n.r.rd, ; t< else of dos. Ry druggnts, L. cntnu· vil. ftheria iAsle. 1I Charlete Rese L OGaham mand lale Urshm. J Tebe .eld at sherli' saleO or the 7th 4dy t A•us·t. a, at 2 o'eluk p.m., at the morth tra deer of s±e *' rt boeuaet Wile. (167. iLt three (8) h lcek olsty ((U). together with artmuoe thermsato b.el eg u,the smre ha tr amordtlU to the piL and . amrr of the tow. of Vite CY made the N. P. 3. 3 Co. nd mow of rerord in the c of the rerdn r of iceda in aad r Sh eany of State of .oeatems. ED. J. JONFS, Sheri. Ptoed June 7th. IWO. rmr lumllr r hert~ r Male a t 'stea p. m.. u the sorth from dwir h east bease atMles CiYO, the Gallwla seela Jameel. n -uL ,. Vey . Ye.-to4 l (bUeae eo ( ) tadoi e labtr k eihti eta e of re dedl w CIUoerk, Tod th ldat dln. ol J te , I ol. at IM th mogt fte ie h BIRKLE & TRUSOOTT Wbolesle and Retail dealer. In - -CHOICE FAILT : GRCE1IIS. New goods oon.tanily arrlving and verything Fresh. We.handle t arsrastand mort vareia aeortmoent or Whe o dly t re In the ulty. We rerp.etully ol!cit;lau iereased parlonrae, pledtingl ourelve to giv tbe bwee utiasodon. DREADFUL PSORIASIS .o.vrmlag Mtd. WIed With WhitS ab.w. Masbrig arufuL oaued by Ca.u um. iedelek. (lagw)as km ris, alue s eevering my Ie.. It nrl.o my yes, s. ue abyelela wm aret I would meess h ml* l*r. It spead all over my eoed a my hulr st, rll ous, ur I wss t ely bald.bejded;It the broke eot an my mms anmd shoulders, until arm wore Ju5t emn It. oureld m r ed,. .ayef, beed end shauldes he. I the wores. The whiMte se+bs shouldersa arms; uthe ' kL would thlekt aid bie nv r. sad lteby. sd a ould erack ala beud Ifseratehed. After sped lg a ma hadrr.ds .t d.lltaa. I was prnmumwd I curable. I bease of the Cutlearm Mem dles, asd sfr ausanl two lset tie. Outkar IMeselveat, I vcald e a chang; and aer Ihad W take tour beaus, I was al usat cured; sad wa I had used sis hetaul of CaUtlems ieaelvoat a t sae -hei of cnatlteW. sadoar ea of CatleuaNM. p. I was eoud o the dweadftul diseese barem whiseh I had suitled le, Iee Man. I e.aser s.pu . with a Iem 1 I: suwd Lsrtou alu he Cudeuew meuglw. They saved my ilt, sad I toel t my duly to ere-. mindthb.. I, bair is itered as good as oer. ilL ma. (I A ELLY. UeekeLll City. Lasw, Cuticur Resolvent, The now Bloed sad Skis Pa.lier sad purest ad bet of Hauor Iteodlees, istarsall .ad Cuts. Ceas tLhe lira 8tkl Cre, sad Cateirs leap, I esimlsu 8kklea I seai.r, esiernally. hav serd tsshoumad o ass w rem the smheddinL e seale masrd a quert daly, the skhs .racl. hbledia. hbrmmsg, sad leoig aImest bheyd hum,. eaduraam. hair lilen or aill gae. out rSrlg terrible. Whut ether emmeds har made shL c -.? 6.14 ee*rywlne. Prim. Cateura, e es I . rle, I ImlveLt. $1.. Pnreed by €be oetur Drg and tlChemlel Oerplora'le, ileetee. SPaend for "*sew to ('rao ki Diseas,"d uages, u ill uetrates,. asd 100 lilueLatLu s. IPLEL .-, tl.k-heads. re,, och, aid iIlA aly skin pL..evted by C ulrarm Mp. SIT lTL TIE hIl, Baekache, paia, weak a., anrd meurwlar pamln rw ieved a o" mimaSe by the Ca. emay Art .l Plser. 25. Drs. Liebig & Co., Permanently Located in Butte .ity at Southeast Corner of Mainand Broadway. Pri vate Entranceat t Broadway. IIEBIG WOLD DISPEUSIRI AND INTERNATIONAL Kansu City, Mo., Ban Francto+n, Cal., and BUTTE CITY. Mont. Dr. r.ww a C... se aqulee paduaw s amed jieee sad semN sod -psf p556t*1155Ob. w Iheslas by ihi ite. a c .erle, C.GUfael M! No SbTAMA. tote ate all ebrosit, ama r med Pe : .et fusses, (wheab~wsrauad by Ipsdms a Isse et~atrnief aurn) .amli vesimans (might leaes) uosa d i7. (mof mi power) agey-m do h4I it . ( uf ee.eef) d)use of lb ºM 4, table s. bu uaraeed it. li1 rseubM. ('harpsa low. beeseadl .w ceeed. ii medhisia see apseally p~me for wa ladavid. reaims, at . aheratony. * lajuikur Porsison. Iow ep. mesd. chinmis us ses. N. aw I fo r es lslsPati e DebeuLtes. Cases twatl by lattr aN sap's. M dkla. Is dluh Fas Ceeb lns at br6i, lsart es. rs,, Cu.aseel, a. well is Ublli. k Kwl sl (in. um blot, ruse. Skm~at r pad , sad all aLr lee~s dins" etait. rthe %oBaIustahta das sad Dergsakl hul Clm oteC~napselsty o PvalseI Yussse., Glbey diasnsa, seaebmsiullyhaled.., ypbu ml, 14eat. lee f.m 04aq es, sea. Prrseaea uahip to ist - qwr tesldal earnsuossp5.A sum eoo fa ud la ir liiatn sea by mirrl ser s sadipeum Ibseesd minmuapsly Meesdoat MetY rlleee.Dsaelama Wosksam Ipern Dre. Usw a Cs. see lbs .s t i fr s. Vitaloleel. l ~aw. al b wrm Vul~es hos en S tsdeailtslpym;O~ tapparnu a ebam mmy mhAll gamin. (XIUSUIJTATIOU VIU.U· WawrUenov for Dr LII~g'q Itot ust Room rE. Brodw.r l re a r tr o l w . ge w . s )r ý p ·kldrsl % k . h M ta yv aa a ldl w e u oo.wrgps, m Clw au. go w wa r" P Ir~ ruy r wrJW· law. WhUi41Y U (On bonas dmd7 .P ..t rb apklawa I. ssn ma us" sou.. OOIOMSUItATI Ilia. WA~eooy for Dr. LIeb$R's luvrpoo tar at. Room V. 8 S. Broadway, Bate, Val Aggtý l. M f SILPEM~COLLEGE milaNr.. . rsy BU NL I rr i , CM"Cq(hrm Vie fn"PuW Uk.u Qr~ rft.Al NOBUf F~aUJ RAILROAD !U DRUOT IUn 532 33 SAINT PAUL. *RNEAPOLI. Or NULUTI' III. Wto1 . Territar, AldaIwhia to i d Dhsab ft Mo s, ORESON, lCh 1±i.m rliget ieid a d 10. CAiNIB OF CAR ST. PAUl, and PORTLANL On An Cl0m of Ti.oi. EMIGPANT SLEEPERS FRE The Only All RaiI Line to the TELLOSTOKEPAUR TrI & as F, (l.hh.m. mMasb PuLwAN7 OE SLEEPERI AND SLESAUT fu :s OAS. In. Psw... U TARIFF UTERATJME FU ALL The A33cu t. PRuttWIIVUTA=UZPVL~aA Ib publihing uwt vrluable smies c documents. T S· arpe tu d with t view to state ; hn fIctR and argumeuta for Proese. tk4I1. %i*(ir4 r In the intars t ofames let wt... qit. tebinte or profess ml e. ewhb Iesue 111 the series aIs to uo.e - ia t In .,4 atP Indust'eban4lp eiseta I. hrout£< fars - o. nyar'm of wages. eaa of lir' nr, and otherauyuaeuta sbowIngt beti, it 4 of 41 ii' 1"t 1411. Aniy singl, cnIItI: will I. Kist em r~eeipt '1'1115_1.1 't:tll~ ere. .t Va iteu s . i~vi tM / '111l I. v1l:a.1 will ta..unt fur4 cents. '16- 'w oJ," l)It will 11e rent for 3U entsor mauv tw,":,. fur WU cent,. or Sat live tor .'amlt`. .a.1s,,Le I,81. Ut¶erby number. 1--" Isca livint NIAl TEAR." Z. A i RTs m *,Y .lr ... 5--"1:,,' AIvutieaa ran a 1a.a(.lve4 Tan' 0t Tbh Ij(14 uraan lul Ia.rlcs ofi the t'mti bla4v.." la'. lPritm Smy. 11147. CaAw 3-" Honer ProucionULIIOA~~r. In sap plat o r. c b"Nrfo~~ l~tles rmqttrm'I for III, I w -Uiedh catstUisem i,1troelfk o thn'El t uhmhatl1U.m Impine p witouat a n'r lI.'. traftor1." rissi SRAIM)a , t IN . C I) I,. ..... . >/ h4-il Wswb' AdMaw - t.n~h t'.auIlt re Raw Aai'atatagp.r 'Ii t. Lb .. ~ll ahlor·U nguucl~r(, s I A u~ 411u~le 4b th "Iate a sa ~s," irst Ia. Me 1141 II .c34411.u D j . U I-6"Falble, of Ynr-flod..." I 1'..4y ta a-" sm Viws othe I a gll anI n1 t DCel 14- INM. 91 / - Cii * *ma 1 a1'W~P1vibkj" unios 6 r ; ... .......... " Iftrr t mad .............rtl.......I lýY j-" r Aý&Tl ýIleowll;;·t.;;:::: "Dabor Wilo CIIU/la ........... ............ Y MAP Semi -Annual Reduction Sale. A Reduction Of 20 % Made on all Sales Of I.Orschel & Bro. iNB V%. Trais withs Puliman Vesubmlmd 'Dr.. ~I..Uhlia saCd w...b Of lar s«. g a kt Cu. II. em a " Mal fit. Palu mmsd MlmaeemIM. U TrIM with PaI'umo Vemlibuled Drm.. In. swan ire..sre DialS~ (msr mad ('esehem of IMtMdesignbhtween l~k 00 mudNiwaukee aid Ankta 1. Dult.. Through Pul mme V.rtlbuI.d Di awing Dee mmd Cand G lI s e.Prrm via Ihe Worth pri Pnb i. aulnnd betwen OClhicgo sad Pertead. Orw 4.uvuelrs Trahn1 1 and from Em.., W .mlmraeibme sad Osmrtri WDmwuas v~an. nd ugmlr ad sprios to dmMdLae. fkrom pam hash.,, Uhl da rLe ls Oehkm Wur *in7s. Wr.insM lVaw66 d Um mmmru.,» kUw., ear twofi.u, tie thm.end t~ a to Agensof ýaiiJleaaueU u aad "L gIAE3 fu StcLu Id.3 ii i IAN UF( RENEWERI am UYErff 0 Up.. erI n m h&*-,I a ·*·n* !'O 1 'C/ýt4 INM n If ý ZML SANUD ELECTRIC BELT t~hour ebUUIY.w( NElrce. mIUYIN int = F. o bIeI1 As7 ,7cL is imiwta