Newspaper Page Text
HT hAI_ YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL VOLUME IX. No 36 MILES LITY, MONTANA, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23, :9go. PRICE FIV. CI NTS. THE DAILY JOURNAL the~k ~I.F I~ .~ aClrr ('muew. 3eryc Morning Except Mcnday. 'dad a of . .a~H 3,000 Tarns of $Sbsipeioa; T MAL.. 1m ACV MCA. PWAO PAI. Nitfw..C. f""r ...»..... ..« JIM pmou. ,i s . .. ......... 6,00 wly U . oft wtY.......«...........». 10 10 Cl?? 3413C553. (.ggr. 3E7r NMUIr , a 21 E3SU pe waS, WlV LTLfoN. YBLLOW lAPI6L usm .v.»-..... .- ............... «..» / 0 LI Nwths............... -.. .-..« « IN. Mouth............ ............... . _ 1.00 Advvtsleag Rate,. e K +ýyIlur 3.= ta. ý f f S ý ý ý CIg - r ·- - .· -. (.- - ce - q,.. L'A 40 1.41 4.49 10.4914.00 1161111 peg,.... 'ii12% 7.66 11.6 38.66 60I.O 66 1t- . » ' i 4.0 10*00 3 4.06 3 1. 0 U 0 1.6 Lst., .. ('a .00 12.06 40.00 94.00 t1.06 41.66 Weeks....* 4 2.01 11.00S 29.40 9.00 1.6Sf 66.66 44 oath ... '0 14.00 1L4 1.0611.00 1.49 2266.00 * r, 4... '0 I00.00 U.40 66.00 42.00 59.00 51* 43,',.... 1401 2.00 41.d042.6000.60 36 166.66 Vnesvvr.. 12.46 .60 4166 66.6 14.06 36666 1I6.0j .'.i otmeas-too aea par im. for sea snaI A a Alten 0. Per ls. Addwi "a J. LI)KºLL. L... AT~1k1o AT atLaw. rr. Buennana, lienS. Loniume seat. rattler U all iounr is ern state. Will be ln tteadMceat all mmmi a euun heW In Culver unly. _ PH YMICIAX16 DIla rN I ,, vIC i4t1A? AN!' arUNuLiuN G#s ntw V.. Pa'raga drug non. 1* if 3. a. 1. FISH. ~ PuTulclA: "t a aut OsTuwMczAm. Ant. Whnduam mua .4ariabI..) Oje. 1 Ilsas druag sta. ia. City. M. T. C I. .I), ¶15?, low. .Im. off. Flu£gflaUi. ..thtUlW /ask. III w.rk gsrsct ,I n) at rsmaabeab rMAN. s UIakr '.wnuat b-urger e S egilf. .aidne. Nh.,s 1'4. t'ibaiwue iv u1b.Ia.. .eel. *- u s(g. s drug stem e )Ig.4mm pr~..crdaiwlrN V N. LU*c. #. M.D.. O#s md . gds seer w w1 tla .M maauSIr Vbufth (Kiwialj Palmi B .-M.. J- . it a. w.M/ md p.mU. Ineal "s apLa Cbb-W . M. Wmda, .m l UIAYs wim "ala Mud MY h. us rnt dtt Vhw WM==614.= I am. ",. w. hswumawq maim Cads Cnusaim. pins,. PtsbfIý sd* 41.'.b-IUYS4U 1bada . r...., p.r .?. C. Arm u. Ps" tbrneh a' geIvgd 11.6,1. (al.."-Y I.e *ut ý~ a4 ih~rS a.~r Vuda "he a, 1 . U Vmpaead~~~~ a~p Mpt~uý tf TUUSC. V&I AUTf3 sNMCIKTI . A. U. U.-UlrlhI . I MS. list Nau ..esd s frnftwrh u(L. ofM~d.-qmhm AtII d third Wdassi.7Bat ':36 P.- i,, mN Odd VnVhuS Hall A F AA. U.-Tdrrlmmb AN. Ma. f, tint ad thiN W61um2mm. L. A. ..TmITmlmtO ChapWl, ., o aI@ su ourth t. m-mmio U .rIoetb Thuim IrU. 0 ,º.-ImEo 1.40, is U. m.Ne 1. 0,. m m mi ýtLý 'ml. N.14, m Tnd 11. r. f A.- ul City i t .MM S . M 01 11 int., ". U , /wteV -1. Q N iseMi Ms. no M m W Chat Mw T. MM wt l M.AUSLAUU S OUI UPVOLVME~ II VOLVIII AMMUN1kTION too b~i w ftme loo a% MCINTI RES BAZAAR, Agency for the celebrated Dr. Jaeger'. Santar Woolan Unlar-anentls fbr Ladirn and Gentlemen. We have the above goojs in Combination Suits, Also the Combination Suits in other grades F·;IR ST· NATIONAL BANK O, ·hsIr ' CITY~,; PQOTTT.AANI THE OLDIST fib 1 UIEEi EAIK IR' IASJBk IOIHTANA WV. B. JORDAN, 1'n~ic ",,c. H. H. WILEY, Clr:bier, u2li- kbr PAID ON TIME DEIPOSITS. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MtlIItE8 OIrY. MONT. TE LiBEST IANl In IBASTI Is ITANA INTEREST ALLOr ED ON TIME DEPOlITS P. BATCHELOR, Preisternt. WM. HARIMON, Vie Prmeluien C. L. Mbl.tRILL, .tw 't Uahir.r. J, W. WATSON Is now opening an unusually large and well selected stook of Dry Goods, To which he Invites the atten tLon of the ladies of Miles Olty. WARM GOODS. Overshoes, Alfred Dolge's Felt Shoes and Slippers, Underwear. Overshirts, Gloves, Mittens, Etc., Etc The Greatest As Bortment; the Best Goods. Cheapest Prioes. Try us. C.B.TOWTERS & Co. XBTABLIBHED 1877. JAB. MoMILN&A 00., PBOPBINTOB6 Or Tu Minneapolis Sheep Tannery. 1THOUGHT PROBABLE That Secretary Noble will Suc ceed Miller on the Supreme Bench and Clarkson Fill the Secretary's Shoes as the Head of the Interior Department. None but Old Soldiers With a Military Record are Employed in the Treasury. Clartea May rP F.-retarry of the I. tertr. WAstfl(jTox. Op.. 2l.--hiinrtly bfore his NppFointment .a n ary of the Interior, (;en. 'oble told an Intl. mate friend In Keokuk, Iowa,that b:m aem.lteneoeof a cabin-t poeiti.n was intentded merly a+, etDppineftone to a ntuition as AsuneletsJuamtie of the Supreme Court: and that there was -sceh an underta'nding with the Pre.. Ident. Thit wnuld seem to Indleated quite clearly that the Meretrav v ll ht a eCiniddate f r the ponetion verrt.d by the death of Jta.lio Miltea. and that his apnintnent l probhable. In that event it il more than likely thet Mr. ('lsr'emnn. f Iowa, will Itewenme Mer.Wtary of th.. Interlir. Certainly al leslint, itive w wrking R-nuhil. .iusl throughout the eoantry will wilh that this may he true. and tsht the result may he .peedily attained. The iVetem - Are Net eRelegaf td Ii the er. I WASHINoT tK, Oct. "I.-'"There la, not a watchman nor amessenger bnld. Ing applntm*nt In the Treeaury D.partment by appintrent under I thhi, admini'tration wh was not a Union nsldler with a gond military1 re .nrd." Rsa Chief l'lerk Fred RRe k.,t. "Iieretary WiL4orm lstled M attention to the Iw denlaring that . Union snldl.rsehould he gives the t orference, and in ll nw that law I has been ohbye. It ai our only re. I gret that thelvll servie law dose not give us muthorty to enver all appoin. menlt In the smme manner." Chbi. tf lrk Br ckett Ia a veteran I himself, and has heen 'ommander ofI t the department of the Potomac. 1G. A. R., and he has never In a single in. stance wavered In the selection of t wearersf Ihe' In. in makingappolnt. ,s.-n in thr sIonsfmnlmt I Servd 11Them Iight. CHICAO(, O0t.. 20.-Th. News'I Wabiht gton gwli.ll pnv : There . :a painful rumrr in .,lieulatoll heo toI the elt rtthat the nlnem re of Cnl. grea " hob went into a prI for the purehase of a large quantity of silver before the bill was pased have been unable to dlspnse f theihrl hnoltin snd are likely to, crry them far some mooths belote the deal reaches the quotatiom of a month or six weekLago. It is aundann bst the pool renpr watr s S1,,O I silver prb.ased Ua. rrlese renalrg from $1/4 to $1.10 After lbh pa.sage of the set the quoe.t loos ran up as hlhb as $1.10, but the speelatenrs ln New York uoloaded so rapidly and so mueh metal wasabipped to this enUltr ftrm England that the market was .ooded and the on-a gris.aee were unable to dislrF of the large quantity they had per abased. Nsw YoaRK. O.L 21.-Arlehe of agreement fir the proposed mpteb between Jark McAuliffe. tbe light. welibt ebbmplon, and Billy Myer of Btrese~r. III., were reclived by P. J. Dnoobue. eastern repreleatlve of .Le Metropolitan Athletl el.ub of New Orleae,. tom.hbt. McAulil. refured to alg them. He mid to-light tha be would Mnot ght In this ensmeay for the mest iis monthe but bhited th. it wa his latethla to ge on e meb with Jem (.rhoy. Dwyer will bask blh for asi mst auIelut the .90 . WASSINOMIo . 0... U-i.o L..b, direlor otf l. nick l3wrni fr & vist to a membe of slim to tbe 'aM. spaklg of Me Mp bessli: "Am be the pis I Mt cdi,., msling UMm * Sesse piessou" *of - w NlUN, I emM my SS 6te dlhw pui*M ft g VOW own 0 *numb* C" Idw - Ow I0 00 amp so &W1~ t rent. a I"'and. it i. nOt aurpriwing that tbhere i. lheld ie grr*mat acr;ivit* in, mmn Iig, la'Iu..ulri.., anid thiat the oUtpUt ,4ubouid 1* is*r. a eel ired ,p.Mk ISm ladlama. LOUA'SiPORT, Jnd., Ot.21U.-At tblh pue 'o day S4p afer Reed mad, bhi ouly addrev tadlani. He extolled the M. Kiinl-y .lii and use I twral tyof te FiYlly fr.t Ces rest it peni II matter. and dwelt a' lengIh upon the sllver ill and ihr fkdtrai .Ieitlon bill. Three abh u and peeple as tended the. ua.'.tlfg. Fatal mesa 1ap'rio.l MIVYKXIA Pol.uS. 0.4. 21.-Tei. lwwia. r et a it. f.hsng eceg ine near L tchtfiIld. Min~n ..xteoled and the twelve·yeer old .non ol Nnua Kell,, IP owner oHf Ib ferrns. was kIlled. and A. L T.nne* pr., engineer, f44rlly IrJ.r. el. A do z." oilher. were sr. e"r I.... w rims ".. ly lInjred. Theoau'e i f tbrexplnei' n I. u.~k~nown. MC?4TANA+ WE..ALTd. the eisa. H.ard of cquaSllsa*l .m Prw-eat. te FIurr . The e'at. itard of 'iu"'I z it Ion hol fnlntds. I It 11,1.)0 a'"d the r-llt. t ar" Riven In talil., I I u: The. tntal valve n'. all e..."e-u l Srwpe'tv i.. M..r'm'.. I $116 ,67,c234. In the to.te) of 'in.1%,I944 for re-e "u late I+ inelseed ueP.. yOlw.etV a eln tnon Iot* and ImirovenaistLt: eml.. ra'lrread prflhety. Th. t..Il of ,.er. /oiva is I $4 512t4fl. Tiet follo' inu ro um IIe. IWS. Irft.e.5 I... I 4S4 1,IwA*ŽIj .:( 9401 ('·rte..a..... . 014 %0 u I) 71.WA 7.R.c Castrf . ... -.7fl1 7.fi44.4,1 tauter.... .... 14'. 4..6 :4:,5 Dws'.n. *.. " 1.221.90'9 2.16L2,'-V .:1u4 Der Lndge.... 1 .31.0!4 8.2:~:64% )11.4 i' t ....... 2.0h5. I(1 2..11A24 4.632IWS 'e - "e...... 2,4:3t.244 .577,I47 Oil '.391 Madisoi........ 1.147"' .!' +A6 :4 W.;.f 134 Meagher........ .777.1'A I669.ll i )1,71661 'lIemaala.. 7.1192 40 °_ A7..%!! 9.9! OR Park ... 2.696.70 2::11315 5Irrr% 1 lter m ...... 0.67e,' 6,t VIMf'% 1".1!.V1t l ie g ... .6. .0.6 113 A+ will he seen, C'uwt.r etilny *, edbls the asxth pli~n In the list of taxable wealth, wh*ih I. not Iha for one of the ieeai.ed4 "enw enunlrs " C'lrer I all rliht and will "*g-t there" in rrest ahlete In the nex *wn gyears. Tw.n;y Chielen nermow. have b.en arrestel4 ehtrld with Illegrl reil.* tratloo. The Chihlgn .narchls a will ce'e brate the hanlnv of the leaders tbhee Two children 'f NiehlA. Rarc*el no. Dubluque, w* re fatlly sahlde I by hot water Tu-udev. Atleri.n 'oe"In .iv. for a ralltI.a1 front Jprua.l-nl |, Jrit have arrived at the lIt' r place. The w',rld'. falr ceomnit;lte on min. Ing. hlavin oryat'lzl . Ill m1iet a' Chbicag", N.velhber '-r. The govern' r ai Arme-li I. timell n i.r guards in E.lroansml ai pr* chrttbasts from ntuosmnt*. A freiht eolli.k,i at Jolt, IllI. killed one and injured eight aen aleld delayed traMe evOral hour.. Fred Hetrert and W II Pleu tioe are miai gI mad'it I tbougot obey are drowned I Beaver Lake, Wi.ooeit'. It Ik reparted th Adso. and Unllted BWaes eipr.i. ereo pmli. wail lIali' date and an atrrausent hU bee drawn up, but tIb report is aeutled. -barles a and repeeted eltilse of Harvard, .1, Is feund to have rubbed his cetntI eof $OO0. the fraudis eItendili over Suy years. Molkce of DLmletha. N"cwut mi hereby givvi Ihtt Ihe Mil wauktol I.r Bottling C. has iw;Is dlimulvrd by mutusi oiu'eut. Louis Ba&'h bhalnl purebaisd the entire lu teret. o( Pam in -I'tc and (ieori Buiman. ALm) the pstilt for the manuifeture of tarbonatpd beverT e. 'the bu~lou.m will lie nnatluued by Louis tkch under the Ilrtu nam. ds4 &b. St. Looul Beer Botltli ag d Nlu. vat Water Co. All debts doe The late it will\ be I aid to aIs Raab, wbo ereby =uNIO Nll ste tiabkilltim IM. BxACK, 03% BVXKAIiX. fl& G~m, IuMU ilnks city. GIP a 0 4M d t 411111111 Tbsm~ ~Iium r *J ahW ··w~' torsi. It gives the child health at d the motber rest. ' r e'rlty tatat Utlte Robblie Halet 4-ti1 Porilntllt Avon*o, M,. PUI. was a thln. ertlag teby from hir birth until he wa give n (Crmt',ri,. He *'pas to Inmlrovefr",nm h* fler w..'e trial. Has taken 13 bottles: ls perfectly well; welshed 30 pourd the day he was 7 mtnthb old, and when tble pleaur. was taken. Robble'. obsaled eondl ' ltn hu eaused many metbem to U" Catorwa. It is the bet thing f r babies I have ever knoew." FAxxit M .LIrx , PmrokeIsiol Nire. 468 Portlaud Ave., it. Paul, Mina., Nuv. 4, 1887. "This o al plcture of my twls, Chr II. and WJiliam It was takes wbhe they were 6 mouths old. .They eigh 16 pound eachb. I am Ien t' ,Castr,rl for their -nlli.em go health." Mas.HRERIIIx galcuta. 1629 I." angt mn Ave., New York Marv 1887. "I e*ou.lae you ph')t..graph: of my 'riple*..' 2 ht . saei I etrl-Ma " e P*"le and Wi'lle. I owe their h.e' ,o ,d -. rrteneh to (t *'orls. It is. ,hr ugh mny nIghteor.' urgent apo a 'has I 'mnanced It. ise,, as both my hyve were thin a-d inellard to b le'klv, At present th..* are hft and. hearty. they weigh 8, 94 and 9O lbs., and are 2 nlm nh asl :;~ays aid." aots. MAnY K roexax. 7:16 ('nrtlsnd Ave., N.. York. May 28rd. lR87. "I* errl'.' .oe pootoeraph of rm '1eartte.4 . 4 . Thew are nLw l ,-.*1. -l'9. The .msllewt weighs. pIeen*.. the, thern 8 snund seeh. Mr oth.r et.iltrin have all nlned bIlIt %o, " wr0,,h from the us of C.aela. ",d I hve already nmmeoned giving *, t,. lve e.,r little deadllse." .Maf. Aa;NA Di floorm Mtherv. Men., Nov. 16, 18"8. The Teae steer. One of the most entertaining as well as instructive papers in the magazinsm of the month is that on "The Humor of the Texas Steer." in Bedlord. by James Steele, of Topeka. It will shed new light on a subject of which the American public generally does not know half as much as it thinks it does. The wild enttleof Texas are descended undoubtedly fromn the ball fighting stock brought over by the Spaniards on the conquest of Mexico. Thus there an leath and murder in the animals by blood. For hundreds of years they fo. aged for themselves. increased till they were like herds of bufalo for nmahees. and becamne wilder and fercer with eah generation. till they were io more ib the domestic cow of the eatera stlas than a wolf is like a lapdog. The unadulterated Tea steer on hi native heath stood oftes ll feet high at the shoulder. His hbarm were so hug and branching that a man with arms extended could not rah them from tip to tip. Bisbodywasnot heavytn p. portion to his weight. however. He was built for sped mad Agllt. He could rm a three minute gait without muet trouble. In case of the stampede of a herd the mad cretures frequently weat seventy or a hundre.! mil, without stopping. ands, ::-tiaes. Mir. Steele sayl, they never t 1,,;,~" . it least thej were never got togal! r :agin. It seems as t ..uBrullets will met kill them when thL.y are ntfuriate. Ball after bell will i' t entirely thero the bodyfe f as of t.iem without cheek. lug his career it the leisLt. Only the cowboy. a speciser as unklue a th steer itself and almost as uatamle t manage him. The Tern bovies hi i orian widness was what ses sad it--"a cow brute." In this ev backward not many ematd wes have elaped till the Tea attl wgdi have become all one color if •t alone. and would ha ve es th shape and charsteadhkil of the tonic boa Of the female of this mtrmao cnuas Mr. liteele writeli: And 0 ,.aLiiio thi (has. anybody whe Iind I" hjr I-, lpe & Castle&ad WSW-l -- the (Ash imr --f r~mai is gwinspkIs im anaa rim ..r d.imvutufrs h. be mos h tba. S may n-A ufteii rmaeh tkiamo of Kana CIV IA her pranks. for sh e is ph I Issog and ha Cry l.".imuW with hawrii jan ansgag ward tin. mulIldliknszlm of har spds neve f.%j brIai and m OR ais fri..nt of thv ?anh. Of am *9 Ii foutdl on this favfEpw cad l S 144i[bly t1w uam imembdio Isad * wf tij*u~,,l IsAM. wild OYd h0 4 yuutha larvellmaud is aWA is IlsSaiy nWUiihsI' m at t iouny revorAW anof 41W o I)E~eEme7 nu1001of &Ut Wll visin vzprtnwnt of donba lk hap 6 bher k hall pgssd a pullain a" Whn the m* do I%* is ~ ha S A-7 El