Newspaper Page Text
(T' ibAIlJY JOURNAL .JIlh LII'?. MtgJI'4J.. KsIrm~ mall (eawv(I. wal mall ami othaf. Ia. dagf ttwqe mal .) elos atl l*J p. a~r *lades sal m Waitrs sdl(eief lt Ya11U sl ýtok Helen m paiLn west) eta. o a rt * a. m. hadaa- i.mre es (nra 1lut I lp.ia. Waears mall claim Meadapa, Ieamadaai aaJ teags elver sail clnesa *agday u4 Thu* m . L. ...-... ......- ........ m U~aasj eadme" c.. ess............- ..... . . I... P. me. Segatu clam··· .........-A p. in. N.('A. . 131Gt. P )I gugtbe Ffoik Time Tbl. LUASIEELU CY SON" lOI? Pa. 1. Pal l. ..».«....0 )p.r.. " 2 Psat UmItJ ............ .9.b7 A r. 14 t. Kipr ni.tlbt. ....... ..« .....b. ilA. M. * th Wa, Posight...--...............«..... A. LAYUS KIL CIT? .ODm. BA). No. LA MM .II. .....q2P. r. 4. AthsIamIe lWlmt.. . .. .. :It A. N. N. EgmmumeSkietgh . .TIA.N. W i Ws p, ....... 301 P. X. Nlhll hlreettcr?. Irrr ofCoilw,. beum R. Carter. HMoloe lJea K. Toeae. Rartg.1ý ,,ý.... Is. E. K Iloards oane M Mat.......... wt etwkt. Hol1+ £ Se . a Mwftt.Mwrl e s Ik, .o £asulmq·ltL OsaOler I.Lu Umel N"e Te.w Ubard 0. Ulk.elbm a Sht Audit..........EdK & KwaOt1.MIIS Sl. Pub. lt.... 1. ob. Oaw. Amaeuada chll Jagho Imp. (2.mLbNll N. Stke. Helols AeseN...............{. %wit mha (lerk Sup. Obmitt.......W J. Kesae'j. Solema P EUKRAL. SUysy G. 0l. lie. Helms 0.1f. Mtree a.l· . .(*o Irvl . utte Olbere lnt. iav........Js . H. MIlls, Ie Iap KLeghe U.S. bead (l er.... A.Gramr. HIhmtlm 3sslosr "" A.T.C amball. Judge Soth JudiL tuorct............ . ........ . He. Ao. t. MLlbea. MIle. ('11 Osl WUr ... ................. II~Y~wU Fred W· . itd4Nr. Mile Clt ..I.........Fv···dW.Ift·01.d1Ir,Xlfh 300NT1( Saga SIMw ......oo...... .44.W Mls ýeasp tlee y....:7"" tI. Hlarfes. Caramel.............. I. Yeast. 1-ap. .1 gisydr«..Mi.. LeulesCloslc. tubjie Admt«.......A. Iý. MeAeu ý. Hlr~wm..-. - V. N.. Hayuee. h I. Hathawa It. McKay. Cutler satlao ............. -.F. UG . KloCisty t it. Ilse". Caa.................D.! . 3.Ulddlaeo 4. ýt""""e . ....."... ....... ..ifit. lbt .. «....... .»..... . ......... . Genes las of olrIo........-.». ......LP. Jckas Poles Ms atM .«... . ......M. Wows PlW*at MM. M onu. RI. Stuat. Mmad Wa V. J. aCrowly. J.1P. Trumeis. LOCAL IT Ll?. Rams photo' 2, at W tr.y Br3m.' Wateh ir the street narade today. Lemp's eetebrited lager beer at Dullard's. * Our eeollight evenoeis now are smeothing Asa. Speial sale of plane, amltena. C. B. Townas A Co. F.. . M b wan In the eily yester day In privese Mer. Traln IN. wan on time yesterday hor the Irlt 0ltw In a week. Ms. Atlas Irelan, drsemaker, earner Pleasant sud 'ztb treets. " Film are nely a numerone these latb days e Oetober se they were ito early Joie. Dave Heater esma down frmn Rose bd nd ripor.s thbinp Anulrh!ng I that little burg. bdwelling lathe meek and all otbhe Ges of eseIetei, salit rheu, ete., are ealed by Head'a UesNparslls. Ther will be a eburrh nelaable at he lrwbyteelaa church on Tburmday evesnlg, Ost 4. A cordial Invita iMa is ertended to all. The w of et. for (onus's Mm uhsl, wM s abw bets this wmolng. b YW 10goa sod 011 tlb.e ImdItlou. of speod bousese onPessoted. Rp ma Ur at. we. gs"s Oud Ihs Ibssms Nm swds. wcato,.1 wa is (bms· . Ihsm diSuCts'I B. Hjdr bad a Ied of bea In the eity on Toesday,ons of which weigted SJ poeade, whieb we au Ibreed to admit s away daove the awvrae. verly day the week I billed to b a shIpplg day at the steek yardIs ad mamy bea of Metia mUtUe will hIm to bM t0 emtef ppepiUon. Dr. OouroWI blaqh Il with bli fteom bh lM trp, a aeple of hie pew ,a a bater, a mmestal IITe na muasle vn ha kem lip t. A 111# biNag peur has bn W ir Suandl. Mr. A. O-. *ml ft e so Wiii-al * harit w-m m Iisappm. Also urnw pars Kauoata IYabmao and Dubse Tuiki Tobsseo. All w ranstd Impnrtrl modae. Yesterday opned up ratter cloudy sad lI's.kd lilt rain bur In tbh iftcr noon It eliur.d oni and prsrnIrd beautiful sky and warm l..ep"rature wbloh onfphre lretonly known t0 thaw valley ofour-.. Tte Travelers' wt.",.Ient i Inurnn~w .aflu"sv Paid Dr. Coreor~n th.. ciiii of $28 muwrlejitt Nuid9MiI4 I h, his r." ceut runaway. wii, h vi.... to .!-'ow i hp I.cmllltn ' tv.ery n01B ienrryillW aD accldent sielioy. A u'rv, Iltsa," jit ed, ,rnrohn (owi led from v huncl ot hIs x.aeela v'.t-r" day for the g.urg.'... or Iei'.lr rldden. After an 1"sar of ledious iliklong aiii potting tee ahnlnal wae .addlend anl then le't for ns,oliI.r hour to iEt ned tohist aid'l.. alter wielell time tits. "buster" wthi Yore hi bus reye aplware.l on flb. with .' ur., ships asd all lbs mneout'clm~flt4 of a rlder, and mounted hi's ,tee. whisih wartel off with a lunige esti wils f uully tiny d aid is n a q vrtl- hir.*. IuhMW. At Terry 'in the ?2m of October. F. S. HmBrnlr r e Mlud Mlle~r, the it, it Pt. Roblnoso Mcliatioet. For one week only. Lidi-a. inre all wootl Jeray ribbed va*tr, while alnd .carlet for IMP cent. each at J. V. WVt son's Nati.. of 1iwelatioa. The firim s'f ;'irUp ' Co. Is thli day dtmwolvw. by muturl ca ant. All debt.. due toor by thia firm will be ~etthld by Theodeir Biºrug, who alote In ailt her sI to chun the firm namuie In liulidarltion. THsoDOa BoiRtuP. (HAb. W. BOkur. Ft. C'uater, Mont., 4ept. 17. 1~14 S. Hetld Arivals. ME3RCH1ANTS. A. P4iter,.. i, J5. M. ftape'Je, A. Menke, (ielndlve; Dan Md.) laid. Futonc, N. S.; J. WV. Mcrurray. He1. en.; Jobn Murishy. MInggusville; E. Tamrn, .Akron. 0.; 0. W. WLsnon, *,ie dora; Faunk Wiley, Dicklinsn. MACIL KIN. L. Naigi., Helena; (3.. V'an Dunes, 8yraeuwe. N. I .; C. R. Bloch, Bo ton, Man'.; E. J. Jefrs,, )Einnsce ols; W. A M4orle, Wwemnali; J. T. frown, Biicq'y. M. T.; J... McKay, Raneb; L. C. Peeler, Pbiladeltpba; J. H.Dole, The WeM Kavrhd. The ftetcliie of the present day fo the psoduetk of everythingbl tha will e.edure to o the maerial weitare and comfort of mankind are almnuC unlim ited and when Syrup of Fig wa irse produesd the world was oeriched with the only perfe.t lahxtive known, as it is the u r dyremedy which Is truly plesing and rlefreshing to the tast. and prompt and efeosual to cleanse the system gently In the time or in fact, at say time, and * c better It is known the more pope ar it Le corne. URier Impmeveme.. The special committee appointed by the City Council on Toague slyer Im provement', onaulaing8 of Aid. Moran and C' owle.y ~d Ciul. sbcets, Lelut. Martin and 8. Gordoa. w, re out yes terday viewing the different localitJie where Tongue river has been eneroach log on the public nd privet' property and gathering muebh nformation as will enable them to make a definite report to Capt. Powell who bas charge of t.e mattrof workings preliminary uorvey on which to base a report for fmture work. tufiolent data was gathered to enable the committee tio make an Intelligible Ieport to COrlt. Powell whleh will be formulated by CAl. Hebeets and fonrwarded today. Aboet the Wethwoeem Is. Tbh town was full of rumore yester day regardlng the oomlgt of the bli easo nd Northbwstern railroad to Miles City. While the comlng of a railroad I. geanrally a thlng that 1i kept In the dark m long as possible, the story told by parties from Almda who were In town yesterday seems to leave no room or doubt that the Nortbwester roeed is headed for Miles Oily and that Mnes sprie will I meutal work eomieused eo this meteao. The JOURNAL Is in posses. eM at In.tlmatio whske I is net at prenses at lielrty to muk publi whist telly esn rms all the rumor wrnest yesterday. O~g mdview to all who ase a b lkle sp obmoge i to lavest It In Miles Cay p.Opety, dlher esn bi or oeutside eers. bhrbL I Gortonu's Now Orlean s Kestrels givs sm smiraloiung at the limb wo might. The somsg we we billed ud jugles lbrn the pem movse" t we he be. timew i s m pub Seed, we wOth St do Pat"" .0o aw pNoe. YQ gurmateea owes wtlsof a @IA dW li ml ow nb bat atii b r.r 14 * Tb. fdll.limu ft w tie Halifax (S. I. ) RBmurd will give s'aWa Ide, of CbbL rerlt : 'I'at".. st'elit 11ls/ta1I harnlmacrd by (inrtota'. ualaa-ltl Is11 11.1 *.ii lth .mtre N )e!rrprV. htov. t r will, tit's r.%it·s ii..n eti the eooitlpiea)', esuue'd a. 1r-as r";.II at th Iju"I.t4tii 19-t #mL Sat. tilmy hlea l 'll it, i. l tt iit, .-ty ilr TI141 ;mam .,rrumluaee wNHl tiawt sf e.g I y,I,-. ug1'I full V elrtiatmeitm4.l mI I set lIina (we. to (rill eI,.gIt 111.111 'It u11dVasaC ". Ttimap Wt I/.,( vin· Irtr 1fl..rd "1 1-11 1 r .r ·u I*hll. mm'4. it f- 1. " Ie'*.. lI kit flw ''It .i e.".t.. I "1'.·& iim.' 11. *'r m.' I'm.' ralmpril lrii l o f Si l. ' I .. ". i I..'1ii1t'1 uI 1 'i w. r. Ii imp· *l a. j k *. S1 .auam. "", 1". " r mIlitm r 1d ug.gmI'"imwm-. ~hmi- tit- ('4111' - taMV. rIN redulini~ stri, ii mtiur' '.*.it Ill. 7 lee ikr.. 4man lea lisp ur d te'!l. ii inot ,* Iape-i, the one of ii..- .i·. es imime wh".ave-eke diresir st i- 'eial in heI iwli ,V~tehm. I., pnrrW. iil r sormag the ieaesu"Kgr.iime gif. mit bew~iI. he .Icrvae~r jinau t.~au 1 cuildrar'ioi. iii. eIaiunI- ' · wqll Ie h. uitai-d. Time e.,mplsii's uhirim lact u, ma. IfttKr!y sttritultmbn to t ant 4. 1 1t-iie in the *a.msInur. Ihllhr Itlme-ent u. ntlieiod by ourwlv.'s immne t hat mimic-i abuetud rrfcei.e'Vn~ ee Ia tea0oe tIltl hiulci tmmurI.h U. N bitI. I tt ar. ism ir saea Ini cm v-F-itt'!" A ahim -mme *,eloni- Namim.", *K C md, If ai. heir up. n .xjcapeiet e .n te-..iwmnmr , a, lie t.iir'" "..aluseh dat eiu U.-a.m dILete " itn.a limy. w.t11'1 40 K-lmll(imi a' eel. as far inr a. SoIn ..1 tim" diiigt.s l' a iem-t3 is n.. Cii ihe. c mmd Iby tim-s. ThrImugfh lii sgeicy ud the srus mlci ruumm, 4 e-l. ia-mii of Ilmn Ie e-im'itsystei rme' oneiithd - li'.cepit snd Illiuusrt.. re U i* r. Wairirle. l id,iy. l.'.ltdrr semi rhemmnefttic Lclulasihi Sr. tsmiirs ead by this smautsry o forwmrel irll it dsu. What is Catarrh Ca·trk Is .senly a smies.em te m lai.l S.tuuof the mueoua memarme of the head. R erain..A iL eeld. oe seeessota eof eemld. bined with tmpue bioLst ·rew em the meo. tickln In the thrat,os.dSeve bstab. pals erm and between the ees. rlaieg .d bueatidg ass to the sonea. the m eeo emmo eympo. catahrr Is eued by Hood's S.muosela. wheh strlkes direetly at Its asns by armoetagll Im pulrties from the blood. batidL up the dIeasd ulsses and v hoa boithy Sam to the wb stemi . .. Be sus to u Hood's Sarsaparilla oldby all drupglets. /p; usi shr. Ttasd by C. I. H(Jll 0 CO., Apotbheears. Lowel. Urn. 100 Dose One Dollar RinkliOpera House, ONE PERFORIIMAN('E ONLY Third y 111niql, Otil, Aplj'.ance of Gorton' s Famous N.*w Orlson. Minstrels Cmntpad o( Ntrletly Firsl Class iasts In a selBarn " d aud rtstle prograum of Gentile lislrelsy. Admtlta.l.... . . i.tll No xtria chh.rg for rrsr.ed samtt. ',, cPan be.eeutd a Catmptbll's Far. niture fiore. HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS Dn'i I'., GOliDOn&R 11WSOI. Nos. .i , A21. 220 E iAS FoUmr uh., St. Paul -' - * Mi.. IW'a.d for nour IAthgaph pho genvUg of new styl +.. The New Yotk Life Insurance Co. In the In the World. lostPopular.aeo, ,j,,,In Montana. Sm- I^^yQ* |» ,. -^^™^1 .^W^^-^Vt Covered with aedws. Awful egietmale tirnw Sm ..weksb Sthe Esre ud Ore we~~dek. b Z tanEag to .en yorn al bi extrawrdlaary run jour EiuteCnam ItLem die. performed on ae. About inte frst of April most I nticed tutue red pimplte.. lea , owit igall ,er mar laady.b it Ilthought nOthingo ait aitiail iote Usle ,.ter. whan it begang to lo~k lik spat. of motars u ,t" ted s. sand .whir h rao-t e std Is 01 1··e wups I111 e ,Ihn Ihin1 you'dt asariachi-veye' night till Iem ra., thetath newtEt faight the ,..ea m.V. twiaag rtanld IU·tl v' 'te I ' bet~ld otd mitt. loo vain dtid A (-unit iall the doator. itlb.. coolt tr, but wlt b-out ail Aftllo raig p ail hags u: ofr frrry. I hseti.nrd to J tor ali advertiaemefla ii the. urn spays r at sterut. Ura 'soitkeaa.eaua'i.. ud 'pur;lasee them front ny druggist. ma Oll )tmla' I mosa Irtoitdi. eal reief. I iryagt so lImh lste scily erup tion. gradually u driappl o6med distapeared ota ba ran.'. ontiS l h ta Istan fuly cured. I bad tbh 'irneaae thlrtana'e tait ua ' teI ei begot taking tiae ieened as clad Ir heir or ti'. week. was eOtirely taored. " "1 r wans tcglam slad I.cori weas. I knmw of yftal illu iti wha hmv take. the amet dicr, and thacok tie Sto the Stowieitp of tleiet. eepe-iell tllier. Chat bare tbate. . 'itb esiy erapui a. on their heads end to'll'. a cnmsist exprees my themhn lat you. Ms b avws. cveeredl wtlb iscla', and I win. al matu ul srpaecte to br hlata. My sail, wrns. veIr mea bat sts. l.Ei . UaJTEY. Merrill. N u. Cuticun Rmolvent, Tat. aew bion and skin purifier and p-munt of human' riuated. i-ataranly I a elsme.e She Iouled a4 afl impunilem. and thus rftmcye the eIase) asld ('uticura. the `room skia cure, modCuticittmPow, Baa exquisite shut Iaeu Inc.'. e xern SIy (to cler the sitn and scalp and estIers the hair). " a even i'epcs of ag 'lain. Itching. burnlng, semly. mad rim i dimea.e" ots~kin, wlp cud blood. `old .r-rywlar e. trifeu rt'TC Rm. f~e; 5A1r. rtt" i(Hgrl.ut.V . fS. repered by the lutute LUraii end Ctemica ('oronmtirtI. BIusea , Uses. Sdc'ai lee 'Hew to ('ture Ain Dieses;" 64 prnge. rat Iliemwtieae. . and 5 15, t im515ai. I I PL ,blsasekhe.odCsre'd.rtough. cmap "5 tf at skin cared Is (,utlcurs *OP d.L I ,'W I'iITIE. 'be ,t Pa s. Foesas. Weakn.M , II.:klit c'outh. A-thma. Pkursay. mault dwmsmm,lall rletared is .s. esusae toy lhe I uts. urs AtI-PaILm Pla.ter. thintg Ia :1t n or %. r lI.tlg, The International Typewriter .A 'trietly Art-clam machine. Fully warram.ted. Made trum very bet Imn ,erial, by skillet workme,*n. ad with the It m. tool .uh4 have ever bee* de i..ed fwr the urpl se. Warreled to do all that c.n ie reaammblbv el1teited of thle very lhot evpewriter extnt. Capa le ni writlnc I.·i word, per min. nue-or more--ecording to the ability of th.e 'p.mrator. Price * - $100.00. If there is no sae#n In yuur town adulres the mnteteettuert,. THE PARIS1 Mlr' CO., Ames. wantu.,d. PARI H, N. Y. FREE ýTSTrpiwiotlto Fars First claw faciltkie n batofd trUCSIb. Addres., w itb atamp for r. turn YW('R. IRE PARI$K XF'O Un., ! wish. N.. BILXE & TBUSOOTT Whnos*ie and Rall d aev, Im - -CKOItE Ne w g"emo cwurtutely arrlvºIy and Everything Freh. We handle the Iarest and OAKt W ut mamortmeni o1 Tobaccom 1in to the ty. Werewpsohtully saudi - lro r uui atroo- ,"v . t dive W~ RE~nEW1rI II pU, ft' Infants and Children. MinmbIamw. aU S hiWfDim~ a S3wu. 4i OWFU u(%b ru h. (P '". Cwm S. m." H. A. Ama, V D, *Kil= Wouma, p1Vu sAqp ua ' F'r btry.ib. bmsklja. .. I ILA.iui~m mhI Tu'F C(rrwrc ('vU PA. *7 urwa7 ftug. N. I STEPHEN D. LONG, Proprietor Of Miles City MeatMarket, all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meat oonstantly on hand. Chas. W. Seyde, usurance, Real Etsate and Coiuvejud cg.Agtucy Removed to Postole BelooL MILE8 CITY PUMP WORKS B. IUJAN. !rn~ret~ J. u. srnEL Cuuliu Eugimeer. wl a.. ulm)s I wrn OT61 N1== mmmim ELdSCTRIO BEiLT TI WEAK EWW I~n ITO m K. Drs. ULbig & Co., Permanently Located in Bette ,aty at Southeast Corner of Mainand Broadway. Pri. vate Entrance at Broadway. AND IN.rNUAItO AL I-il ad Srml Kan.m City, Mo., a Fral um% Cal., and BUTTE CITY. Mist 0f. t1.ubt A d.. M Q u- r iUY Is m was dmmmm. wbrnsi Omer s rnalmi - u u .~ ~. z.~Z":~W~4S- prn 5.umsl .M m.ft W ýewir i~Sir rt t r. 1ý. ý,.1.. " rs sM is .s IMi.."· s., IUIIs .Y Is1d ss r.,tl .hst Y Yse'.sep s omt.ýseempes ? rnh n11b tam Isi hjhwi Is Wk Wail~. Mat Mtns - sim esell - Musdt. uinwJ N wrem r " dshvMes l. M . l .f cael, 5J-J swit pp WMib.b Watale mdlt All NeeAss 1s S MM ~ m,. asn. ..D" ebu is THE ODE". Type-- W ~~±tOle b "s *u ofE to fa vmmY