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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
at D ILY ,O0 L WTAUSERD, IIi. MILAS CITY. MONTANVA. biurday, Octoebr 25, 1890. VVUICAW C~OPOBUION* lICUT. FOR cO 'Oum. THOS. H. CARTER. A FALEB PROPHET The BDtte Minor pav, "unl.*#* all Oecns are flel., W. W. Dixon will Ie thts next enagresrman frm Montana.'. The "sllgn" that it haeew thl douht. Iug prophery upon are the "enmurar lt reports" from eastern Montans. While this kind of talk may or d .wn in the weaterc portion of the .tat.. whlre by dint of hirhly colore.d "pr..s nIo'le" the tour of the demu"re,tie mndidate In the Yellow.toon vall .y has been rade to appear nm one con. tinned noation, we who 11ve In esnt rn Muotana know that If theestaemed l'ner hea on monre mubtantial f..un 'deties no vbl "h to ha.. Its usartins Mf demoeratic mucesa than tihee qtoed, it will find Itse the mo-t b-aly deceived and badly mistaken p litirsl prophet in the whole mnun try. In the Arst place ther,. I a total i.e*k of or.anlts in and enthuslasnl en the'part of the local demlnnrrt Ir (bis eampalgn. Take for example our own county. udge Dixon' enlrge. m.nt to sleak I ere on the 14'h i.f this mnth, and which by the way was bhl 1dt sper.h i. the campaign. though known to everybody who read th. papers, exeted so little Interest that the distinguished candidate was permitted to alight from the train at Miles City at 8 o'cl, k In the, morling without owe deauorrt ln ighbt or hear. tir to bid h m welcome, and it was et uantil the afterno.n of that day the' doedsre were circulated diving se.ree of the meeting. His apeech here did him more harm than good, aed though he was erortem'uly ,e e.ived by a fair audience, he ..ever hut oaee awoke them from the leth arry Iato whlea his dry and ultra-legal eyle of *atory plunged them. From bere he went sGleoadlve aod spoke to. a small sad chilled audiener, nor did he at lIllaeg--where there was sup. peed to be a feeling of discontent aeslast (Crter-gain a goint by bhis Iwn ezrtial., and whatever might have bees aneompisbhe4d i that line y hies Mends, was negatived by his oidd, rserved and thoroughly on western maer. Wherever be went Is this section of the stale, he bowed plainly that be was not "of the pio, pIe." In this be is both hosest and n •wtalate, but when the Miner or may other deman~ tlel per talks I f esthslasm for Dix n In eastern Mon. teas, they are simply drawing drafts ea 0 belt Iaglmartios that can never be bwrored. Aotber Itstenee of demneratlec pathy was apparent boere yesterday sad the day before. Judge DieWc.lf sad Bob Vivisa were billed to speak baes ea Thursday night. On Thur.. dey mortnog Judge DeWolfe arrived sa4 bead the ball la the psleesion ,of a siiner show. Belng billed fr For.. erth one nlght, the Judge Bought to swap dates and speak at Forsyth Thursday nlght, returning here for Friday. He urg o this chane on tll-. local committee tefore the went te unod limited, enme along, on which e desired to go to Forsyth, but the Inrsl eommittee dissuaded him from mak togaueh an early start--Len o'clrwk -on the plea that tbhere would be two or three freight trains going wett dur. Iri the day. 1Now, anyone knows thar a freight train is about aq uncer. alin a means of travel as existe in thit country. It spends most of its tilre eo e'nvenient side tracks and in as IamiIerent to scbedule time ase vag nart school boy. The train. ye*'erd.v were mo exception to the general a ule. sid is esoenquenee of the reg rewel aider of the local committee Judge DeWelfepent the day and nlght in Mile City ad lost bhis date at math. We bhve mendioned tbhee things with aie degree of detail and clr(ium. Q;ltiU, na order tobhow the Minr im-l- er western democrtic peiers rwha ltease enthoalapm there l, prc vilA In eaulern Montana over the smiadMy of Judge Dxon. It it no *mvrw olailg in Cmstr Coualy that e0IwtNa dlng the fet tht there - emIl aboat 700 votos regultered t*'Mlt ,100 easut t year, we will t Jive. Carter witblM a few vote*s .f |6 m o y of li. It as tebo 164 W gil ts. to give him 180 this fall. S-. wilml Ive lies to 100. Yellow. s ose e sbtlm , Part ajwhre fMi . 0m S It is is the fewof I' ksuI at hOe Miser pte "eswer Wqga W. t km esmott 2M1e -. W iWn wee t be a hw voske-n Si l llj Mai hs 1 a l m im tl, so* 011110t1 lI pa0ramaband i NIOMEN TRtMUMt IN MRAWMAK. hpus essi nsia.p aM asM e smase tatulubls to e I kest. Some sive years bak. during the presideny of Mr. de Crepigny at Ba. Sram. it was reported to him. and duly entered In his diary. that treasures were hidden near the mouth of 81 Buot and again further along the ooat to ward Bintulu. These treasures were said to have been left by a shipwrecked crew of Spaniards at the beginning of this century. The report was given to Mr. de Crespigny by Nacola Bunta at Labuan, and it was said that the spots where the treasure and other goods were were marked by berlimbing trees. These berlimnbing trees have been found. and have been seen by YMera. Home and ('ot. the oficers at Baram. at the mouth of Si Butl The trunks of the trees are some - twenty inches in diameter, and are very old and have been evidently planted with care. They inclose an oblong space of about twenty yards by six, as though a habitation of some sort had occupied the inclosed space. Of this, however, there is no trace. The building. If any, must long since have crumbled away. It is said that one Haji lMaslli searched the spot twenty-fve years ago. Some of his party are still alive and corroborate this, and say that they found anchor chains, bolts and other things, sebh as crockery and utensils, but nothing of Sreal va'ue. It is curious to note that the berih. bing tree is not known on this part of the ouast. nor is it wet with anywhere around; so that we are led to the con elusion that the shipwrecked mariners, at the tmlle of their misfortune had either seeds or plants of the tree on board their vessel. Within tile space inclosed by the berhbubings are to be seen several large holes. where natives have dug in the hopes of a (ind. though they are gener ally superstitious in opening up the earth. imagining that the spirits disap prove o(f such action. lis highness the raija has detenrmined to set the mat ter at rest by having the spot sounded with ia bar of inch iron. the Noil being low and sandy, and. though hidden treasure may not be found. it is proba ble that some curious old and interest I g. if valueless. metmentoes of a mis fortune which occurred in days gone by way be found. which to the imnagi native mind will form a basis of sowm romantie tale of sea life. shipwreck and rescue in the palmy dars of 8panish maritime (India) GaOette. * Iaeimm ee New Dr.eag In his recent addrmes before the Brit bsh Medical association the eminent surgeon. Lawon Tait. had his little ling at general practice. No sooner Is a new drug placed on the market than everybody rushes to tory t. At Ilt it is well. and "rubblain" Is good for everything. Then come a few isolated hints about the "toxic effects of 'rub l/bin.' " and finally "rubbrshin" gets dropped altogether, and we hear no more about t. It is positively awful to think of what some of these new drugs-say chloral, for instance-may have done before they got settled. For the mischief that is done in this way the public is largely to blame. If. in deed. It is not wholly to blame; It likes the idea of a new diseovery. ee pelally the upper classes. and Tait is told by men practicing near the dwell inp of the princes of the land and at Ifashionable watering places that the great burden of their lives is to keep up with the new drugs and the new dodge.. lie dlitruwtl men who are al ways going in for new drugp. -Chicago News. Dpredmatlous by WIM l.omasts In Tesre. The lows of live sto.k in Texas by depredations of wild aniauals is eror alous. and the evil is growilng. In deed in imany localities this. los, is so discourra;inlg that Nulne fl*klluasters are Mellirng their ftocks. while tua.ny others confitemplate the aban donmnent of their husiner s unles..s somell reliefshall be afforded theua. While .the lo'. fulls heaviest upon owners of sheep. goats and poultry, eattle and horse owners admlit tht their loss of eialves and colts. 1 qulite heurvy. Fig. atring the loss of sheep and goats alone at the lowesst esltimalte. 3 per cent. would give an arlitaul loss of at vlast $400.(JO. To thin add the Iam of olts, calves and poultry, and the aggregate lons would fall little if any short of ,00.000.-Texas Stoekan and Far I mr. I_ - Wi:h your nwm. a sl uklrdn, mailed to the Swift pldfic Oo., Atiana, "P, 6 necinty to obtain an Irntere.ting ti% Is cJa LbM blo&d tj w. dimu" loddmi ft IW RMM. au 64W IGOWW odn~h bft*m dwM 0" wif &w hm~ swI nm it sha Nom o a A wf " hoiNi % iha lowswill" 4C~i ft ohm& 01MOIL #woe*. N& Copyrigat, 11ug I ellRol Helloll Hellolll" Well; what is K " " ow is your mother, this mornlng " " ery much better; abi had a nrrel r~rtul .eep t night:she s elmost rid f, brnight. a cougrh and "ervousne, and is grow. to you for that bottle of seetnuw." tor et pa gratitude. What doss the o 't.r 1. r, "He sar he sever saw so wooderful a iamae in such a serious trouble. RB ks we are giving medicines. don't ike to tell hi." "That'/ right. He's an old friend. you khaow. I'm sure your mother will get well ow; bt you wot forget the same of the "Never! PTisere's Golden dcal Di o " ir ba words already, and it s ome to t. Po onme and e. what un Sas abr lady, and let us thank h tarSag g is a falr mpev aa of a wrrI cmmo ocsurreso. "Golde usm Dieery" hea cured me see l lTri uartad Consumption, .u of oases after dute4e eaia i other medicies Lave hber tried and abasn s useless The " Discvery " m e to bent or cure In ery c. e, it a In time and given a fair trial, or moasey hI be refded. DR. DAC'S CATARRIN REMEDY eae te worst cases, no matter or now iag mlnding. tU oeots, by druggist. 1i Fall .tnnouncement! We desire to .all the attention of our patro.t and the public In g.neral, to the fact that ur fall purchases bave been recrlved and are anow on display. In order to keep up our reputatlno e a strictly relitble house, for good and honest geods, we bave secured the beet qualitis thbe market affords. In addition to this, to eat'sfy the demand for Cleaper Gradeoof s We bave selected an entire line, enabling us to offer you a Busnumuts uifrm $6 p Ovroostsa 5 ingle Pants " 1 " And other lioes too varied to enum erate, at prices which we are positive cannot be dupiiaed elsewbere We have devoted especial sttention to our Boys' Clothing These goods we have purobmeed of a concern that received the flrst prize at the Parl World Exhibition. Deeerv. lug o' special mention is the less eor Iron Clad Sit grade of fcotch Tweed with Double Knee, Rest and Elbow. Also a large variety of Bp' fulltt auirsll An 14 to 18 We awe now prepared to take mes sures for slits oad overooats to ord r, and to posh this department we offr to make you suit at the identical * prices at wbiob they are sold ln Obi. oceo, guarmooeeing a good ft and quick delivery. -~ -1 , Al , &. Th oOIJbllGll of IONTAXA. FACULTY OF 13 PROFESSOS AND TEACHERS. Fi'c I,4eist ct I)eparttmcmtu, vilE.; FIie > t ttdiiy -I'he 4'llc.'· -Thy Ah' (If of.tMiii -'hit. £ i.urwrai£.ry oiii)u.Iy aid Au 1mild tiii. .'otmrn"In,., I iu~jaflnwit. Iii11111 itI ra.m siidtly)uw~wriuiuig.n IliII.Iii ilt ais Miii Ipl" iWi£Ni lit-at Narthnwrmi with hot and mw. slur ir~rcrvi ti Fur Catalngae and Iuifurmatiten appl1y io QteD.I. xIcIILAJ.D.D.PretD~erLodae, IN WSiIA L U Th~Oc1 rU l ftU*d7Sb Ij'" .M 4Sl UNs wor YbIe - So Clr*flS I Ureu Ibe it ad Me akr In repmtoamiiINih. .ucira1 0 r Ao J M~ aqI\IK K A. J. $TONEKE. W. I W W . . d ºVatre. A po L t satl, aUSa mmnu* fntrunu tub fatur'ugc rubbir ain;.ll. rl4nd fur prior lint of aut MONK Y-. to J. F. W. D)Irwran, No. 217 SEraa(r.rrwuanut., Bal Imorwa, I d.,U.$.A RUNS8 Pant Tralus with Pl.ath Vestibuoed Draw leg Beom Mns Cea. timill Cus ad Coshea of latest de egn, oetwe_ t Chkeapa sad Milw. he aid El. Puau sad Mimamupolla. Past Tralmet with Pullman Vestlbuled Draw. le, Reom lhepen. Dials (Ion ad lseihe. o latest desiga, between t hkleag sad Milwaukee sad Aehlatd and Duluth. Thveush Pullmnt Veatibule Dnawlag Ueam mand hleepers via the WPeth prm Patli Railroad betweon Chicago and Coatventa t TrNaa to and from gao we, Western. Poethern and (.matral Wlaeseli points, lordling unequalled setrvles to and from War1. keeha, rema dm Lae, Oshkesh, Weea,. Meansha, Chlpnews lalls, E1" Calire Marley. Wis., and Iraweed sad Ilssaemoe,, Mieh. For tickets, sleeplg ear reervationss tim tables and staer mUeratleo, apply to AgeOts of he ling, or to Ticket Aeatn aywheorne ln the Calted itats or C.asIa. S. . AIM4LI . GeU'l Mi .. MILWAUKEE., WIS. J.M. atSNAFO .'iTraf.Mrr..0.Paul.Minn H. C. RAIAWW,Traf. Mng., MILWAUK3B. WiN. lOUI8 EKUTCIIN, Ansistst Gem al .'ss'r aad Tiaket Ape.... MILWA* II - r-~~-~r A, t m xE~ #L.mot : a from M AN Fe m !l"0 RAILROAD YIN DIRoET LInE 3flEW SAINT PAUL. INNEAPOLIS. Or MLIT Idat. bbampnu Terntr KIln eoti, Daheta E tima, ORESOU, i Mitii dmhoa, hug knrd au N0 CIAIBB 01 CIll ST. PhD!. and POITL&NL EMISPAT SLEEPER FREE Th. Omly All Ri·L L ne w.i. 9., memmsuuw un a..Un. MI . NIM . UU /...6n clw.MsI r M Ts" SI., r allr *w I Ntww Or.I CIII)Y *tFF UTIM1'f NO ALL tii al Ue A Uau Htt L u a . M!lj juacnti. Thi toa pltae thte 161 loon, wMIIUV 1a 1hmmti w CPU ' t. all y k e. Ay su..ui but Tariff." wuSYW t4n& Th all, tw w vsma tFý" ow " .. r ttý wi ala i11 two 3- w .Jflt srn ii