Newspaper Page Text
TBl DAILY JOURNAL ESTABLISHED, 18!. MILES CITY, .VMONTAVA. Thur.lay. D).*erlntr ýf, ItHM4. CAPTAI, ('n.lKIl.E KI.sN's latet OveI, "Anl Army Portia," is the that author bas written, nud t. secutred a great deal of favorable emmaent. 'The tory appears iu the orCent Lippiwluntit. CoxiNRi~sb has d.ereed that withlu the limits of the Disltrl; of ('olulin,, eight t r tickets luust tie .old for twenty-Ilve cenut, alld that no p muen ser in street ear shall ie requlired to pay fare unule. provirdeld wei t a smIt. tbhat' wbat wUay b called popular iegtelateon. THAT elcelleo. peer, the Bozeunan Cbnanile,it out with a holiday editiou tha refeet' the highest credit on the enterprlse of the proprietor, and the meebaulcal resource. of the plant. The foture capital Ia extremely fortuc ate il the poisueson of , ueh au euer gettc exponentof its resources, prus prtty and enterprise. I3AKIE KbAN, who eumodled In his aticles of oopartnerhhip the pr.º viees theat "this buuloee. is to 1w tiu dueled on ''brintion prin:liples and nit aecordanoe with the precepts of the bble," Is mwaklli a very taud howitng in the clean up. He is proiably willni ,t mske. amfidavit that the. religious cltaue in the alticlis lnter feted so miue with the busines., that It had to 1w Itir. gerde.,i. ne. I t. "DleUeltJety" I.d. tfriend d1 mine, the younger seam. haes of wl, .we family are given to uint snekea, 1 hra'se much atffeted by the youth of this geod old town. tellsie ne that, aft r miany futile effort. I- sur weedld in wo fornibly briunging thie aul endity ,,f the liabit to their attention that they have in a IumeuIre dri, pped It With them every new thing was "awfully" sweet, every soeial gather lng they attended was "awfully" jolly. One evening he caiue home with a bIdget of news. A friend of his had flled hi busines. lie spoke of the in cident as "deliciously" sad. He had ridden uptown in the ear with a noted rueanteur and wit, whom he deseribed ta "horribly" entertaining. and to cap the climax. he %poke of some butter that was set before him at a country letel as "divinely" rancid. "I should think, papa." sid the eld eat daughter, "that you were out of yuer head." "Not the least, my dear," o said pleaantly. "'I am merely try in to follow the fashion. I worked at 'divinely rancid' with a good deal d labor. It sees 'awfully sweet' and gm it one better. You will and e 'I the swim' hereafter. And now," he added. "let me help you to a piece of this dellliciouly tough beef." Ad. vebs are not as much misused In his fmlJy as they were, at least not in his heming.--oston Post. aeems sad Ge id Poets. In the winter of 1566 or 1867, I am et sure which, niy friend the Rev. Jenl Rusell and myself were returning adltr a long day's hunting aerous Iart' mroor (not Exmoor), and found our. uetes In the neighborhood of the litte vi gl of Widdeeombe- in. the - Moor. Mr. Russell proposed that we bdould tal on his old friend Mr. Mason, the rostor of Widdeouwbe. and a well known e ,entric. Being sonewhat tasertain of the road, we iinquired of a role the w.ay to Jr. 3Iaon's. "3on ye io.ig to nIn 'ter s"' was the reply: "go to wore. a1(id e'll see neaster stan'ing itt' c.rnur of t' rWoL." lie skight lia beten there wheni you left." re. flned Rouell. "but not now." "Oh. ys he he. Stop. lnneiater, I be go.i' that uay: wait till I shut this gate, aeil I'll show 'ee." With this he trudgedl .;.'; g by our side till we canime to a c, r :- ,l, and pnutinllg to the guide I .at till. "There hie IN." nald upon R..uIll inquiring his eaunirng, he replied, "l,,r'. menster: don't 'ee know -aliers pointing t' way ye should go. and never ginr' hisel'." When we a.r rived at Mr. Mason's Jack Russell re. prated the' story. "Dang hid!" quoth tim parson. "that's my man Jan; I'll give It laim."-Thomas Fisher in Lon da 8Spectator. IPrlme Napoesa Lm Sle. LA to I'riuce Nuxpoleon daily life in his Prangizl retreat. he rises with the ern, lououn or works in his studio and rlaves vitorus, it any there be, until kkbmeou, which is atwounoel for 11:45 &m aand never lit, more than half s hour Isuediately afterward, and a matter what the weather way be. he takes a long walk beyond the con. ssm of his park. Mod reta between I ad1 3 p, . to open hid mmall corre lspedece, wdah oaamu to hand dur blg hi afternoon rst ll, and which is always voluninous and very regular. This occupies him until the dinner boar. In the evening he plays chel wih neighbors or with faithful Parisian Mld. suroh as M. Adelon. Haron liru ail and one or two others who arrive ia turn. Ekac shares his csile for a lw days. lie prides himself upon be l a prat player. but shows himself a vrl bad one. espeeIally with M. Ada Ian, who vies with bhi in the witt.ei .ad most eomal umaier slmaL s. S sMira towed 11 o'elok.-Pais ý troir, WE DON'T ALL SMOKE NAVANAS. ethe Number of Peelit p the C'outry WiHe smnke Imported r('lps. "At' n.ear a'. we cn get alt it." said the eigar dealer. "we cahlulatu that there are 13,UIO.000 smok(,er in the United States. We iaven't etwen able to get it down fine enough yet to esti mate how tmainy of tlhese sIlllmok. (igirsi, wlhut pr-l-urtiou the piJi., or theo ulum ter of thiuas who i le hi the delusive eligartt,'. but we c'aim get Inrtty eke'w to the nuantllr whlo go in for iuixrted elgar'. And tilit ilumltaer lurpris.d me when I t lgunal it unt. Not onel persn in ºa tlhoutatnl would be able to guute anlywherle neaIr it, after knollwing the total aminmtr of lllokters' Ill the etln try. N.w ,out of thmose . 1:1.000.(lO omloker, how mmany indulge in 11a vann"', "Aboult 4.,0000.00," replied the re porter. "Tlumt's tlle Inearest to the number of any g.uei I've luhad, and I have a .tand ing otTer of a box of the lbet Perfectos to the. Inatl who gutes within half a nillion of the actual figure. I'm rry., bat near ams you came you have not won the bo,. You're out of the way, though, only about 4.000.000 in your gues. Now, then, if you'll tell me whether you are too high or too low I'll give you the Perfeeto." 'Too low, of coure." "Exactly. That's what they all think. I'm sorry, young man, but you don't get the box. You're just 3,34,000 smokers too high in your estimate. Hardly believe it, would you? Nobody would. But it's . soand there's no get ting around it. Why, if these were 4.000.tMJ consumers of Havana cigars in this country, how often do you sup pose ea.h one wiould get a Havana to smoke: J ust about three a month. That is. if tll the cigars imported from Cuba into thle United States were equal ly divided among 4.000,000 smokers. each smauker would have twenty-five cigars and a piece of one. At the out side we take from Cuba 110.0l00,000 cigarn a year. That is all the demand *calls fr. ('n lniuently we sllmoke in round numl.ebs 33u.000 of them every day. 1'I think it is fair to give live cigars as t-caceh -lmelký.r's daily aver.lage. so we see ly easy tiguring that jutt (*1.0(N persons i Ul aill that are r.iuirl to get away with all the importeld cigars that the i'Uitedl States cenisules i l!ilually. Aitonihililg.,'t it , Out of all artmy of 13.'m0..0K people in this ,muntry who ~amke only tid.O000 indulge hi the luxury of imported cigarsu but that 66.000 pay not len than an average of $1 aldece every day for the privilege. which makes tle snug little sum of .e.....c sa year which goes up in the fragrant smoke of the Havana in this great and glorious land."-New York bun. Truth lI Fable. A story halling from the orient I. to the effect that one day as a pious noolah was riding into Smyrna on a donkey he uet the Cholera specter, who told him that he was going into the city by coin wand of Allah to kill 700 faithful. The nlmilah Invited him to ride on his don key. and as they neared the gates the holy man maid. "I conjure you. In the name of Allah. and by the pure faith of a Moslem, that thou wilt not slay one mU(o. than the Lord has col manded." The Cholera took the oath, alighted from the donkey and at once set about his commtission of slaughter. Instead of 700. however, 7,000 of the faithful died during the period of the Cholera'. vi-dtation. When the Cholera had finished his appointed work and was albout to de part froum Smyrna the mnollah again met't him. "How is it" demanded he, *"that thou oast ownumnitted so great a ,perjury, and 'iolated thy oath to Allah that thou wouldst not slay more than 70, ." "' have slain the 700." answer el the ('h, lent, "neither more nor less. All the :her's have been slain by Iali-. awi'l not by me, blessed be Alla !"-Chicago llerald. Hp Walted in Line. .A dhiegatiHn rAnle from ('lliopee anrd t'hi(cpiter Falls one Iaturday night to ifttQenid (..eorge Keanln'ts lecture. M.ost of thm hadl already purchased tirkets, hut one worry mortal fromt the Falls had tone unprovided; ws on com Ing into the lower city hall lie beheld a long s"rpeintine line of people, and prmptly .alling into line he patiently waitedl for his turn. lie thought the tickets were Ieing sold rather slowly, but ,int until he was pretty near the head of tie line did he discover that the people we re paying their tax bills. The doct'or was made to feel very tired while going home on the ears that night, but hle knows now where the tax colletor's oaffe Is.-Bp.iagSeld Homestead. The Mewas ma. Up sl* Sleeve. As (eori H lumphrvlle was sated in car gong to lAneaster a few days ag a mouse sprang from the back of a seat in front of him and landed be neath the collar of his coat. In a twinkling tl e rodent was In the sleeve of Mr. Humplhreville's coat, and then there was conlAderable commotion la the ear. The mouse was finally ex pelled froll the undesirable hiding place, but Inone too oon for the peace of mind ,of his vietim.-'Phlulelphla bacurd. Justln II. McCarthy is ust 80 year. old. He hiua publihed eleven books sad seven plays. He s tall and thin, with a very small head. He has tsv ded mueh in PPerl, ad has an all aequmag mse wli the Ulsratm. - ud tbhai eosaeA A LOVELY WOMAN overbeard one sty of her. " By )Irnren hbr' -vpd: *1r. .Ure PthQ"~ty than ull.I lw: ". awrl vat--ring hut e11 Iry". lurk.·t aey~m / dd rltlngd t.. tll noomuml\' ve pmtv. Attu sp. n tf:IK h tndri dh of dculluar on phy.! ciaus. wdhuutl I',neflt. she trial fir. I l rrt·'s Gnidrllu Medical Diiuovey;: he~r Lmmprove·tn~n oWewson rd n.d an don ar fea' rs I.eaRil she' asplump liv and rosy lurl.7.ha ptlrct pictu.n of heiltc '.. trl.t.b. Tih ; w *. .ul 'Goldrinat ft.'Il Df r Iswv. ery."' now worWdfanud an a n~medyp for one aump.'n n. d.shich is tally au ennanfihaI I. Iot only man acltu y la'acd y for toat Terri. ýbLa n .f at a l m a lad y. w e i t a ke n i nd t a r. P rs o it 6.ihaNItilr l)W bnery; hH r inpmitKIwn I werlas lm. Fever - riwol. Hip - Jont Disease, Wad-rheumm, Totter svain.- tu. l~aitbut ofes Byaln "W zantat ndn trltenntgthA aaly sitý usty. ltced t thuhlesoat kur Om readil to Its urative powers It iavfp brt' the malade, wnihes then bnd tnd proa e afi troial btuta·lofa. It al ths olyI eer, blou k and apý Iimeahy. asod Whit ltwa'lliund.Fer. soa s Hip. jatnr t llsate Slla~lt. hu etr w~Bis (abrn. wies.d alyfl tat mIt I1 kndraaimend ts. orclss pied fadL lill be pi uroat rpouers.d e te 500 eer sh b r and ~~ineurblaFecomee b yfuatlr I is othe cDady une aoy SIWWSini h Wil oall tht s ew mmnr4to a u LI Yn Biqhi Your WIne 3qpu Study This Price list Caremly ! Men's wilts................................... ..................................from $10.00 to $30.00 Boys' sits, aue 12 to 18 ..................................................... " 4.50 to 18.00 Chilldro 's sult., age 4 to 1l............................................. " 2.60 to 9.00 Me's pataoom............................................................. " 1.00 to 9.00 Boys' kn pant.............................................................. " . to 1. FUR COATS, Dog, Coon, Wild Cat, Seal and Buf falo Skin, Ranging In prie ........................................................from $10 00 to $50.00 M 's orst........................................... ....» 6.00 to 38.00 Boys' overeao ts................................................................ " 1.60 to 800 Gents' underwear, per suit, ............................................... " .00 to 8.00 " lines and perse shirt................................................ " .50 to 2.00 c" otton and woolen shirts............................................. " .50 to 6.00 Mens' and Boys' Glove and Mitte........................................ " .50 to 8.00 We also carry a full line of Stents, noI 1aid Tier Hals. Fur Caps, $12 to $16.00. Boors aad Shaloe Bla Qilts, i a&t pa linhL bll r Goods. Respnaber that we are beadquratwr on these goods, carry the lasriget. line lu uastern Montana, uand can ,,. o iocaa ohbsper than any other houo'. Special Attentiu Paid to lail Orders. I. Orschel & Bro. THE ODELL Type Writer. O will uy the ODELL TVrP WRITER, with7M cha.rcters, and S1 for the MiI)i (ALE C'AWE OIDELL, warranted to ,o better work than any Ima-blee umde. It comaidnes a1rLIrITY with Dt'RABII.ITY, rPEEtl , EAE EIr OP: RATION, wears longer wi, bout coat o repairs than any olher umacrne. lisa no ink riba,n to bother the operator It is N.AT, ste'lm NTIAL, nickel plated, perfet and ranted to all kinds of t)pewrilling. Like a printing press, it produces sharp, cean, k lgibl mNam. scripts. Two or ten copies can be mlad at one wituing. Any intelligent person can become an operator in two days. We oler $1,tes0 to any operator who can equal t he wort o tbe IHnI 'LE CASE DE:LL... Reliable Agents and alrsmen wanted. Speeial andueomiunt t ealer. For a'amphiet .giving Idorac uents, Ac., ad 1dr. O LI. TIPE WRITER CO., 65 aned 87 1lth .Ie CHICAt(O. ILL TIi COLIEJG of IQIITAI FACULTY OF 13 PNOFEtUOR3 AND TEACEMR. Five listlnct Icepartmentlt, v154 Th4 Acu~k m -The t ulkp -The tchwI o IInein -T1 ,*.la'1 01wry ut N;l Nuuik md Art andl th "ndTmepl"l ritiln c 1111 il c'l"ZIl n d cmplc rkam .1e. H th nN~al* N nh 111.1 milli 14,1 wirer Nen~ku .hnuughuuut. Both veuxe dmittcdl ui eMual Lenu - For f atalnl e int and itnform ttion qul! to n.D. I. ECILLA W.D.D..ft5..DeerLadi, EM THE RUNS Foot Trains wilh Pullman Vestibued braw. 1mg Room ektwrs. Iliniu¶` ('mn and Coecbes of latet d sign. l.,twrcei I lsmmgu. and Mllw...k.1 ant mt. l'aul mn N Itnrtl*blS. East Traae.. with I'uIllu.uaii Vestibuld Itraw In, Rooi $lresgur.. Iltlnug tats and togehus of laitst design, bttw., tI t'hleaso and Milwamksw and Ashlbant md lIstluit. Thriough Puilllmat %ettiled DHl s lg rnmnw,*and Coliosaist seepe ria tIb North frig Pali I amiruad betweam Chieago and cotntrclict lTalus to and from Easler., W.ept. m.: nortckrni ad tentral Wiaconsin pututs. foLrding unrqualld rrerics t.. and from Wan hdas, loer. du l.4 Lc, Ohkesh, WNewalt. Mrsasaha. Chippewa Falls, Pru (Calb HNrleY. Wis., and Ismrnul and swsessear.. IMicb. For tickets, sleeping ear rr.mrvaions, time taJe, and steer nlawrmtie. apply te Apata· of e Ilne, or to Ticket AsIeta aaaywhh in the United tatee or 148ad11L t. t. MNMLIE. (ke'l YG i U..MILW'AUKEE. Wil. J.M." INXAFO 4 Lb.Ia' lTnyrar.,t.&PattlMiC M. C. SALLOW Traf. Ntg., ILWAUKRIP . Wit. lOUISB EViTEIR, Assaitamutnoenl P'asr andTiketAuset. ..hIL1WA The Greai Family Xedical Book of the Age. 10S per peek; a etme S20 pmeuedlpa ad 100 illeetrati a t. tk famo phsclma. Q. 3. ~OIY.oa .D M leedieg usil i Jose. Pale. It glium Ut 3' a old inJlme'math Ium ,aemahl. eat pa £4 (eid rmecpi .1. Agests wahMip ian t amr r sasd tes. Add 7. 39. Tll=" 'r. 25 Kest 123i M., ew YTrb, 3. Y. & d 4 ctaea hI nuap for l Istfscaa. IIISý ma 0 )leUfO'tU~tuniV itulltmr ai~nºp. w n4 for I'riet .ist of o utfits. II yO attia u rmt. i rla n jj. li titnure. Maryland. '. P.·A. NORTHERNA plm RAILROAD TYI DIRECT LINE BEI WEEI SAINT PAUL. INNEAPOLIS.' Or DOULUT Idate. Wahnlfh Ternlary, And all Poatn sa. linnuota, Dakota. Montaua, ORE0ON, Iarihiau, h est u sU ALA.IAC. NO CHANGE OF CABS ST. PAUl, and PORTLANL On Amy (ems ofi EMIGRPANT SLEEPFRS FREE Th. Only All Rail Li,. to tbe YELLOWSTO PNi w Tr Di !. " wbM ale erMa PULLMAN PALACE $LEPEIS AND hr ie sl tabsUieun N TlIJýRMi, !ItI 0r. VNt.. UN rA[FF UTERATrII FO ALL The AM mlaCA PuoWTVm vTA mm ý,1ýA1 I s uliihing heist valuable sresof Tof e dmuuots. Thes are sprepered with a view to state the fLas and urguIIt. for PreIwe. tlion. whether in the tnfcet of fl se lrutrwm rt'bchants or pwormiomz Den. E"11% Maurt o eti=eeb to rr~·i .n thsen o. aiutahfrr"al-eompnmvosn of wamgmcst o l.nd other arguumtn tswniu the Any "mrl' one will s st e of rens I s mllýýss ecet " Wem (iva ran The wholle will be nf t for alat or any twelve f'or centsor n for 10 CEntprty. pwas oI r b I f oO r L-Wag UssU Ig sa U I. A. Rsts 4 t Menu "'t~.u'~ .. I e bp t-Im. e ýýa.. 1 .W...: 13' ja ~ ij Am""........ ... rnsm~ imm,'Uau.:J::::