Newspaper Page Text
ighest of all in Leavening Power.-U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, :889. o I ~sas® OdC ABOya Powder AWSOWMfELY PURE A GEOLOGIIAL WONDER. bhe Wenderftl eSeeklng me t naaes Cumety. New Yor State. To the traveler and tourist no pot In eastern United States I of more in. teres than Sullivan county, N. Y., whom .-ontlne contain more pletur eque beauty than any area of like dimhesons 'aost of the Rocky Mount ains Its shaded vale and abrupt, wooded hillk lofty ridges of the latter often taking on all the characteristic of true mountains, are the originals of many of the fine paintinis that trce the spacious parlors of the New York, Philadelphia and Boston millionaires. Picturesque scenery Is, hnwever, not the only claim Sullivan county has on the attention of people who regularly make Fightseeing trips. Within its limits nature has left evi. dence of some of her most astonishing freaks. Joneph McIlAury owns a f.U . in Sullivan county, the title to which also gives hiit th. of the famous New York "rre'king stone." the gre t curie.ity i; New England. At frst it pnrbably ' 1uhi ,not attr'uet mlore tlaumn..x 5p.in2 n, e. h:t it is whell a t.)ndl and o'h.. observation is malde that the wll l.r Il and delicate haln of natrur i... b,'th in its eanlwusi tion anl the rn slrkable pIrition which it o~ctupie. 'I Ie total weight of the iumens.e how e!r has been variouely es timated at fr ns forty to sixty tons. and its bulk at fro. ,III 00 to 700 cubic feet. It is alnmot pIerfectly round, much re sembling a hIue orange, and so nicel balanced oni a table of stone as to be eadly set in motion by a single tmau, provided the operator exerts his strength on the north or south side On either of the other sides the com bined strength of forty elephants would not be suflcient to eause the lest a eillaticn. Although it can be rosbed bahk and forth with perfect ease. all the men that could get around it would not be equal to the task of dislodging it from the pivot upon whieh it has rested sines the days of the stone age man, the eave bear and the glacial epoeh. The MeLaury farm, upon which it is situated,s I a neleated valley soom 1.100 set above the sea level. The body of the huge osllating mnms is composed of a speeles of soft smmnd tose, which has become loos and badly decomposed by asposua. all e- spt the portions underneath, which ma still intact and solid.--t Laie lepubika aIlas wL a Twemas-pve Cost Dram. It is Interesting to watch the dreel open.t of the cbeap mtaurant In this city. Altboouh there are bundreds of Italian and French rsetaurant here. where a table d'hote dinner can be pro eared for fifty cents. yet the mass of the people do not know of the exist ence of such places and probmbly car In the restaurants of the class al luded to the food is prepared in a dif ferent way to that which the majority of the clerks have been accustowed, and is consequently distasteful to them. Laying aside this objection. however. the chlie reason for the large patronage of the cheap restaurant is the matter of the expense involved. Very few me chanics or clerks can afford to pay fifty cents for a meal. The average meal cherk comes nearer to twenty-five cents. Within the last year or two there have sprung up a class of retaurants where a perfectly satisfactory uweal can be procured for a quarter of a dollar. with an evening paper and a toothpick thrown i.L One of then adds music to the menu. It is deridedlly pleasant to chew away on a chunk of Texas steer while your jaws are waging with the delicious strains of the "'4chubert Serenade" or "The Palms." played by the orlhestra, or to gulp d',,Nr your coffi, or tea to the rhytlhmic mt.*iusures of the ode to the Iuamenttd M.Giintsr.- Ernest Jarrold in New York Journal. 3low to K..p ll I'mlrrlli. "Do oul know flwci I Iiiave klept mliy umtbrdllas for iear'" saiil n a j:u1 t.. Ir companiron iil ln t lhe l nvI I a.n ''Well, I'll Phow cc':Y ieia 1wift~.Id up a fold of tijo I1. u!scri"' Cilk ''at li held in him Is loom Itigiat in the '."nter of the fo.ld was rt r' ol hule' "Finat thing I do." 1he, maid. ' %hIan I get a new wubrelln r+ tc , crat n ecilar hole in it about 11-4 i II f mL a(ie eoL, :'elo to the ge. 'Ihiit t:' siui hurt the utn buil. for u4rniree :anay. hot it looks qur and gagel,rsdv c,'r W:IIItJ it. No body at lioni1n I' [e"r '· it. breuelly ever take It *by uartarte. or. if it is taken, gl 'mijtake' ncever I;L*:' Iroger than it takes to open tle' uaullrv·lhi "It's sure~r 111::n(II)' nsuw, etleu whan orw puts* 'stckcl frotm bsfor it, b ses.o nobody ever really b.Iieveat qupd, yOu wre. auild it Ipaimeafor a iokob I bqmn putting thisl maark on may urn ubm twelve y ar' ao,. and I've es'. ab eyen wulrelln I've .Iioqbt oss Sthus ILk wrn out. And 01 em wuM ha" beet taken of If I M11 EM it IIme tshe hlns woro aem" NW Tub bukem Pu. AGED INDIANI. a--ma.lbmle Lagewit etf the Natsg s ot se.tlher Caldibrla. The eany inlabitants of southern California. neeording to th1 statement of Mr. I. II. Bancroft a$ other re ports, were found to be living in Spar tan conditions as to temperance and training, and in a highly uiorld condi tio, in consequence of which they had uncommon haysical endurance and contempt for luxury. This training in abstinence and hardship, with temper ance in diet, combined with the liwate to produce the sutonaling longevity to he found here. Contrary to the customs of most other tules of Indians, their aged were the eare of the com mounity. Dr. W. A. Winder, of San Dkiego, is quoted as saying that in a visit to El Cajon valley )lome thirty years ago he was takent to a house in which the aged persons were cared for. There were half a dozen who had reached an ex treme age. Some were unable to molleve, their boniy framel s blei ril seemingily auin ebylosedl. They were old, wrinkled lland blear eyed: their skins were hangilng in leathery fldds abemnt their wither'ed limbs. Some hadl hair as white ast snow, and had seem1n sole seven score of years; ethers. s*ill able to crawl. but o aged uas to be unatble to stand, went slowly abolut on their hands and knees, their limbs being attenuated and withered. The organs of special senie had in many nearly lost all activ ity some generations back. Some had lost the use of their limbs for more than a decade or ia generation,. but the or gaas of life and the 'great sympa thetic" still kept up their automatic function. inot recognizing the fact and surprisingly indiferent to it that the rt of the body had eeasd to e of any u a generatiaon or more in the past. Dr. Palmer has a photograph of a quaw whom he estimate to be 136 year old. When he visted her he saw her put slz watermelons la a blanket, tIe it up and earry It on her bask for two mlles. He isf filiar with ndian euatoms and history, and a easeful eros examnatiom eonvineed bhi that her inormation of old e. toms was not obtaine by tradition. Swmas convermant with tribal habits she had seen practised, sueh as the ernmation of the dead. which the nad slon fathers had compelled the Indians to reldgquilh. hemhad sen the Indians punished by the fathers with oggings for persisting ln the practies of asma, tioL At the mission of San Tomes, In Lower California. Is still living an In dian, a photograph of whom Dr. Re moodino shows, bent and wrinkled whom age is eomputed at 140 years. Although blind and naked, he is il active, and daily goes down the beach and along the beds of the creeks in search of driftwood, making it his daily task to gather and earry to amp a fagot of wood-Charles Dudley Warner In Harpers. Usela of Ovwessuea. Worrw sd Fear. Overeatin is as had as underesting and often acts mor promptly. A tllhe organs, especially those that eliminate the waste, are overworked and weak end. Posonous waste is retained in the circulating fluid. Any overindal pees waRtcs the nerve elements faster than they canI e supplied, and nerve force Is whind the normal working of every organ. Worry anrd care have a like effect, not only rapidly using up nerve foce, bat also weakening the organs that elaborate it. .ear, also. is a great vital deprere.dat. and by itself often In douee a fatal wutceptibility to epidemic disease. Tenuporary and yet fatal susreptibility .may ecaused by fatigue. Eight wliite rits, luvingRlecn sulbjeeted to exihausti :: (-xreril for w~eV ral day,. were ihcenlat.ed with an attenuated poison. F',ur othlrm in a normal con dition biiularly i,.nalatild. All four ,of thi, gc,rou l 'cries s.rvived, while P'er'n of the 6rut nriel dlied. Yocth'P (st:ipanionm. Lr'.Wf thart Wes i nkrekn. Governor Gordon said in :a -"eeh re. ported in The Atlanta Constitution: '"As I olde back from Appomattrx Court House after having uuet the con quering generals by Uthe side of iGen. .ee hle si'l to mo, with his heart woell Ing anad rdrkig. 'I wish. pgnewral, that I hadl fil..e in one of tle last bat ties.' "W'Wy. . w rrl?' mid I. "'BeeawM my eoaIftrI'im will mb· lobe aid I. ", They will agins Uaat witl& EL U0O or 10.000 viumain I Cg& wII to havs o coed the wvrir In the moant. nLh wish a pnmib t WWd fnal csec for tb. Cwiaudraie - ' '1 wham ured to ltam thou bisoa adhw Urns bet Gewn Iei bler t bmbm atLon""(*now d tbnpss rift *A Ws asaft M 0 b I loop MOL» Pertable Dek ClImp. A most handy desk clamp is being used for holding Inenidesoeut lamps. By its means a lamp may be adjusted toany desired position over the desk. or on the wallk and by ,lipping it on the beck of a reading chair the full light of the lamp is made to fall on the book or paper in hand -New York Commercial Advertiser. AbLulutely Casas.less. Sceptical Maiden-Deer Tom. shall I really tIwl you clhangekleu? Itupe.Ix1,)us Lover-Most assuredly, deareut. imuee I have found thyself without change all my life.--Pittsburg Bulletin. Keps se W.eed. 'That will cost tlds road $20,000:" aid a tramp who was kicked by a Union Pacific freight condnweor, and he lkep his word by starting a fie in a big coal pile. -Detroit Free Press. HOW IS YOUR CHILD? Swift's Specific is the great developer, of delicate child ren. It regulates the soere tions; it stimulates the skin to healthy action, and assists nature in development. There is no tonic for child. ren equal to S. S. S. Bead for our treatise on Blood sa Skin IM. :iws.. wu t ,.iEuriac Co., AtlaSta, Ge Drs. Llebig & Co., Permanently Located in Butte Laty at Southeast Corner of Mainanmd Broadway. Pri vate Entrance at + Broadway. UID16 08111 DISPilKSII AND INTERNATIONAL I8ial an S8isal ll mite,, Kanss City, Mo., gSa Iramoeaat, Cal., and BUTTE CITY, Most. U1 Dr. e ahid Co.., ar le regua .raul.tes m mid aenas sad surgeryqad spealal prse.ttlere -. Seed by thtalas of .4mee. CaUllfrla usa ONEbTANA, to treat all hiLate, mies sad pd* vte daseea , (wethereaeed by Impredese, es eemser eumtesle m i am l weahasas (mlght beass.) asusl db llt, *ssat seua l peoer) mente de blity. (lmesu sd o erre or)edlnsea of the blad, ( pl.l , eo rOrb es, int.d .Mtletrcture) eured. abie aee gauarantad wit,0 lil mm blershp. c(haupe low. hasasmt of casens cered. All dklle am speelally prared fr each ladmLd. -al case, at , aLerster. s lajurweas or oa aempaead6 and to tame I st fhra eelale~s Pastets at a dl tauce treated by letter s espr. Medlim sent eerywhere, Inres Ir w u r a ba s. In dismwn fe the bleed, brain, heart sad ae., ou ysten a well a Um r.r hldaey d Oravel cn mai, rheumaticm, paralysis, and all ether ebreake dia . Wrae for lIlstralt psper a Defermkim, Club Feat. Crvatue of the MIle, Pile. Turer, (amer C t rrh ehltlts,auhalatl,. Iletrl iaseae of Weoma a speclalty. tsperela par lass for lady patieata. The esy IRelale M.dlesl sad eurical Instl tute making aspeclty at Private Wueeses. All leed d sceutlly treated. Uypka lI Poison renmved frm the system without mer cury,. New Restoratve Treatment for fLes of Vital Power. Perons ua·sa to visit s may he treted at me sqy oreIpedeJo~ . I lemmum leatlone c.madeitll Meduletee or stlrumets neat by mmli or expeise securely pecked. ue peresoal 1sterview prebfred. Call and coenmlt us, or send htory ef your ase, and we will oend in plain erapper our ook Yree epllaling why thoui.aeudi cnoot bt em1 of Private. e-preal sa Nervous leees-, I'. elual Weslnem.., 'peusa torrhaa. Imputency, syphallls. eioeborrbhetleet Varloele, elec., etc. Jr. L.ic'4g k Co. ar the orly qiilllled or re* enslible sperltst. l ilt In ontana,s.lne the Sw umedlkal law (Soa heur. frocs 9 to 6 and 7 to l p. an. or 6 appolntmesnt la obscure and urgent cases SONSULTATION YFREIE. y Agewy for Dr. Llelg'eb Invleerst tor ol trwoom 2. 2, E. lroedway, Hiub *o000 ACINTSO( * y rr EI r 3L Sa IA.yr ýIT0 . i,4T E., uT~HI MV {et de )rY60 In t io dnay a bdCtSrb 1T n p~eap. oUTr Iwat? p hi non A yrm r$ To~n o r O uu r. 9 t wl ct. o~ ~ paiee F m? Aow. aIc1w Wo, LorUnL. I*.. t U," A l7mR.x MI f I dw Qr ST. PAUL GLOBE. A CIstinotively Northwestern Newsptper. An Advocate of Northwestern Interests. Opposed to War Taxation in Time of Peace. Opposed to the Tasatloln ,f the Farmer and lIAloreorfor the Hiteflt of Mouuupo .es andli Trustls. ALwaTI IBaIet. ('LEa AND IIUIILI. The WREKLYT (;Loan is Favorite with the Firmer and the Family. The plriee is $I.t ) a year. ,lend 50 cen Lt fr a six molths' trial. lan get. tesuides all the News ald t.,|ul Things, the Proceedlinag of the Legislature of Tour aIwle and of tilngress irbe sekveral fdlle.* orf lbe EGlbe WtoaLv Right Page. OYear. . - . . AILnv. " .- " .U BtsDay. Twenty Page. " " 2.1 DaiLT Only. Per Month - - ..... DAu.r sad SuriSn. er MoetYh. - .-S Addr.e. * THN OLOWS I. Paul. Miss. LIFE RENEWER i li l r, .0, g 4 $I t-nI' r-W ". . .i t y aleart " aa:ss t.6 I s rt at h .a : g . I f !:.i . . , , , ""L A ' t*'- M" d mm. OLUI J~l'C, ELECTRIC BELT Come .11w GemIhiUb.... 44101 .l/ twip. ksgIb. h faI. s.. .f *:l.4tl.hI. tltn tzh vI WI.AK IAk tfl. frott the.: tso mau mm.A mgIWd I a.I ýWIN w. 4inr k F46eamllp . s *. ~fortrt *hs.sllhhi, l . U4w T Wempha. 1i. and ll. U.t "w.". W &Uatmu.." h Iot..'. IIMmraint .ru 1N~ (r I ~lt l r· · 11Y y Rw 1Lu HALF PJJU I..; a by Am .w. I...,.. m . .. ls .1'.. haS 1. OhIo. "..u Iw..t over o enS* ..1~1. " .m , the wm..i W N1 pr, r.,,.. . -...r b.. t il"... uWr"..MeM o.Y. .l"r t..l., ..-o l·m I ... US * I.i5,*.,.'m a .q m t4 slus III- ~ S.C.S W'.qt U.Ueh~i tE.. U.s"no.n "l'4 lbpua..3 ýL~ .I IrI1 Dn.rh lI N. 1r1ki' .IL tr 4MwM d TO WEAKENir a. mwi, Emim, bin *AAA A Y IE aw .. iie UiUEUEEE 7 g'*r.r IEUUE A rYAI 1114r·.. u.-wm. W W I 1 x- : n. n uH.. l,,.sard hll. . an. Ild1IY h o... III Mlk ,h,.I lrhxl~ly, l. .u 1..? 11,1 ITin.m t,..r., .f.m.,.. I&r If in.. ..I R u... Ih"n ", r 1m.1I,0) 111«...j...,,,ll l If biºnm *lm.n.I.r.i..u ..nt j .,m ,d~ 1A Ir . . m ,.ul A.. *,m,,eaim, ,.r ru e.. . m .. x , ...1 ºr .)ud.. mm I L uuI·· .· I I...r." rl ,n~w .,.ek 1rlr. r r..h 11,11.1. I .l.."u ·LI Il .Irv d, Innrh· d ;.lr nrd wit b1d .. w. r... u xuwlwr ".b". 1;··I!' "l·I II n~rr (l a º.rr w I III·%E I W)I I I ' Full I.·llb I· ý L. *Al5 u .A . .n.U.. *UI am. maa..Y . 94.wm."I, minmtr s Yl nu1.. twnrJ l ur 1111. in..f~ei relallm 1and h".m.hl.,,l,. 97 u mh n IOnl E ·r . V d 1, cn r·· º.l tb .W·r flfl3 .r hwnr indi. .mw ·r .1 9. llnl . Any #WUWUU s... ,a.I..:. I n,..h. 1+.. t.. Irn. o l1Ir nl ·I rlrllrth IC*·C. We Mart 11 "1 ',llh .II put .yx 11 ·,1 . 11 I all 7 .x11 sn H t ·l· xllrt I ,. n ul NI-n,,,.. 7~"Y.. 1. .,,,g fr..mmfl * ..n. ....d x, rin. ud n.n. a ·t " anl ia Wenu undh }n l. nit m~r ·l rnl ly 7"r ' itl. ý ' .. ... .IIn ln . Ful A ;"I' f ," I, hn R.I · ·?(u L· 1m,-at .m. .. I"m~. V. I, ... m r . I .I.! ,' *~ e,. .h 7,"p', L.1 1 r, rI I t i e ., I f 1.. v." . I .. I x U r IntP ..l II. " i. III . .II,,,,,. nl. 1 ~ ~ ~ m n , .k mm. it f~J milnn 1n1. ý111 l 9l.l I. n~rmm.. (eIAl.' l11 1 A.',? inmni n,r, .I - % A. (I)., 111 MIAtlm UhIM. fbusmue~s..igu(IhgvaS Ehd in o the=, FitatMallosi ear ~MheCsr tu~rn u r and on.5 elord we l~eu~ed!p~m The~ eiae el meetug ·I .hushe'drg, the· i eeh deis 'Ku nreen, ow n he m 3 . Ia . To . j The annual hwsM of thesi knb f s Firt anu l ank siks it, fr he ar hawee fthe mjw.5dneOus t TNrway. kn. 3h 0 as. Iit k @gas.n THE YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL DAILY AND WEEKLY. THE OLDBST PAPER IN TIE TELOWISTONE V MI WIALI EthW 1878. bI, .Ai1t. Any uraboribe, to the YELIAWSTONE JOUR NAL who wishes to mubearibe to any other punbloaton in the United State CAN DO SO THROUGH US At Pubsiher,' rates Weon arve you from ten to thirty per oent. on your u riptions to eastern magazine. and newspape r Ad W.EA OF A O OIDg CIl PTIFO Or the payment of a new one will entitle you to this privilege. BRAND S, We stall cobntine to blth ttoot t band a.t the anamins rme of $5.00 PER YEAR orIa ~nage owt, wit opy of the Wari YEa sul JOmRAL AND LIVE STOCK REPORTER, Frm br the nrst year. Our Weekly Ius o to o Every Ranch in the County And ofbri the very BEST MEDIUM fbr the ADVERTISING of IOoAL BRAND8. JOB WORK. In this departmemt we are p; .,1 d tc . cute all orders with promptnem uan l thEa BIIEIST STYLE OF TiE IBT And at peris that will oomprn with the •arw. Send Ian yor orders and we will gums te to plmanw you. AddIr ll.l avai. F bCo. • -- im W; Nmal