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TE DAILY IELLOWSTONE_ JOURNAl VOLUME IX. No Ig MILES CITY, MONTANA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER s., :g9o. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURNAL Il ls ipi P4n0 e(f mot 0"1. Evry Morning EKxcpt Monday. hi iths Otf US .. . 3,000 TeiTms of $secripeioo; 3? MAIL. 13 ADvAuc CI. POUaE Pala. MIlils. sr m a. alt oths......, .... M.00 eIt7 3ltlku.s. 1,00 to ot svwmuur. C(uator, Rayq NMUImg. at 1 mute petr ooet. wISELT ]OtDlON. YELLOW PAVES. 'º0 Y ..»u..... ..............».... R's mestb. ..... ............ .........».» ......» 2.0 Thin Mouth.......................... ......» . 1.00 Advttisang Rates. TINE. I a tt Weerok........ ...di .i i E. ,t.g;I I.ut Two WLeek........2.Y1 :;2.5 list 15,0, Tharee Seeks.... 7 i 41d1 R~t 14 v.',,~d O m.8l4 tah.. .... .. :; . a, r. totI' us.I I.. L a Thr r 4. uI.d........ 4.141 2p 17..110(, t". n. '" Bis [ maIr......... .. . ( ,,, , ,,,le Intenrutwdate I~era1.r at ptortE of pracedtucl fite " itead Ig entice. II:,s Iliid. 1' t. per 11tu; nult 1.i~a..I, I ct " gLr Ilst.. E\t "+ J. LID4.E1.L. NA. AIT".EIEEYAT LAW. ltus.w5t, Moot. Practices in all onurj s IMbstate. %111 to Is tioudmast at all lerws o curt bell an (Cuser S5*01. PHI I CIAMI. .L 0. 5LDb, DL VIV"1IZAN ANDI SUIG3U 06s. at R NSq.s'sdrgU . 12.9f 'l. L . FIS t, L PatuTcuia. BaV Barr £3 Omsuaracu. 'An. Wursmd wad -Nhuflsgb.) 0.. N h s drug isv. Hi. - L%:I . X. T. C. L WEITEHi. WU wet uugem ied 4M mat "mossl vs.. 3. (3OIOfAH. iqe aL..rV. p.uay mIme mdru Iigiiig si. W( IM aw "E *s 6M.mteasu Brimnh (3 splmeu inls. its -be. i 1M11pe aa7ssi i~m Ea 3uishssMh hsnrb-sWm.1 U. b als. rlnsa s Cisre (Ilplsers )hlsr dL-b UssEsihs 11bura. OW tss * & a. mw mlap" q.sM-W . Win k. GA Pusqsla cbmb-IVYrW~tU,1B. IbWb .1 Manu Mutt wedisa.. a-wtu I9~IO ..m. hindu s~bI m LTP.m "sti"Cir M rnrN Ny. I Is f trrsptsels C~reº-401"M SNOW I. sr.,~ P. ssT. C. Amiss"a, OlevO of lss s Iis rt. Cato , . r-[rrt w s I'JJO .. N. is wk sebrl a 1 . a Vsspss N IYoekits ss ,10 . sr M504IETI bh. A. 0. H.-Divitsion No. I mes Anrt anu *send nadaysefeach mouth. I of f.-Meet Arnt and third Wsdaes- ysat 1:30p. i.,, ati Odd Fellows' Hall A. F. A. M.-Yellowstne Lodge, No. 2f, rent ad third Wednesdays. L. A. M.-Yellowstone Chapter. No. 5, secod banday In each month E. T.-Damsecus Uorumandery,'ourth Thers. 1. 0. 0. F.-Custer Lodge, No. 18. every oeday at their ball. 1. 0. 0. F.-iDentioail Encamment. Me. B, ort sad third Friday. K. ef P.-Wrusader l1de, No. 7. Thursday Velags at Odd rellows Hall. C. K. of A.-Miles City arasebh. every uoday at X. e L-Firat and third Tuesrays. 0. A. L.-U. S. (rant Post, No. 14, rInt sad bird Tiuesdays. * 10. (i. T.-dtar of the West. No. 24, every fbhnday evening. . of V.-Coi. Swalo Camp No.7. Meets seond ad fourthWednesdas eI each month at Good Tem ass Hsh .and 014 1A,* Stld toed foo*r* * Freti rf UTLu0 , ni rimu. RUIm SamWN TOWSI Nub THE POLIC4 GAZETTE Is tbhe only Illiustrated paper In the world contasliig lil the latest Pohs tioaSW and sportUng news. No oon ewpte Barber or Club R ci can af*. %k: to t« without It. It always asak" flenate wherever itoe.m Malled to any addrwe In the United 1te, secure'y wrapped, 18 weeks for Bend fiv cents for vaple copy. Wemmk~sa kuase. WOMAUD K. X 9wnM^^f "ewe Mcolntire's Bazaar. Buai Tables Today. Dla n'I Mi This Clut. Molntire's Bazaar. STOCK GROWERS` NATIONAL BANK, MILES O(ITY, MONIT. THE LIBEST BAN IN EASTBERN IONTAI INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOfITS H P. BATCHELOR, Pr.Iduent. WM. HARMON, Vice Flem e C. L. MkacRILL, as't Cmshier. FIR S'I NATIONAL BANK of &I .ZS OZTTr .ý TB IIT OA D LA1.?GT Ir II Ms18 I aInIl W. B. JORDAN, Pmridnt. 0. . MILEB, Vie Praldent. H. B. WILEY, CobL IN'IEB.~r PAID ON TIME DEPOSBTS. J. W. WATSON Is now opening an unusuilly lale aned wll sleted stock of Dry Goods To wlhih he invitse the atten tion of the ladies of iles Oity. q i I IHilli Il BE WARM GOODS. Overshoes, Alfred Dolge's Felt Shoes and Slippers, Underwear. Overshirts, Gloves, Mittens, Etc., Etc. The Greatest As sortment; the Best Goods. Cheapest Prices. Try us. C.B.TOWERS & Co. ESTABLISHED 1877. JAS. MItTILLAN& 00., PROPB1ITORS Or THE Minneapolis Sheep Tannery, AND DIALEES IN &es, Shp Peoltas.Fus, Wool, Tallow, 8HIEP PELTS AND 7FU A SPC01ALTY. s ie, Wse U uss S...oi Ueu. NeakiuWsU ai* me aslemegi aim am 1h AN INDIAN SORTIE. The Poplar River Sioux Evacu. ate the Agency and Seek to Ally Themselves With the Sitting Bull Contengent. Tbhe Usual List of Christmas Crimes ana Casualties From Here, There and Everyv where. Poeulkar liver ILuauls Out. POPLAR RIVER AOEzCY. Mot., Dec. 2.-For several days past it bua been known to those in authority her that the Indians at this agency were becoming restless. Emaiasarlie fronm bhe Pine Ridge Indians have been try. ing to work the Menslab crae fIr some Lime, but up to yesterday morniog Major C. R. A. $c'tOey, the agent, bad ~ben able to hold his wards in check. At that time all the young and old warrior who were disaffected left the reservation and started over toward. the Littnl Muddy, a stream between the agency and Fort Buford, about forty miles below the agency and .motylng into the Missourl from the north side about twenty or twenty lve miles ab, we Buford. It is thought that the renegadee will follow down the Mudd7 to the Mis serl, and crosslng to the south ,ida, go to the Yellowetone. crews that river and make for the bad leads, where the Ittag lBull sod other Indiae are l'lted. located. Major Scobev ha been in telegrophlo communication with the department at Wambington asd army headquarters at St. Paul all day yesterday and to day. The military will make every effort to Intercept and capture the savages before they get acroms the MHi souri. Falling In this, troops from south of the river will try to pocket the band between the Misesouri and Yellowstone and e*ect their capture. The oemmanding officer at Fort Bu ford beea Indlan antl white scout out trying to locate the route taken by the Indiana. Additional troipt of cavalry bave already been ent to that post. The old and disabled men and women and children have been left at the ageLcy under crre of the government, a very convenient arrangement for the Indiana._____ Crline ampart at Kaas- City. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 5.-No less than four affrays of either tatal or dangerous results made up a portion of the Chritimas chapterof local crime. Late lat night William Barge., colored, quarreled with George Taylor, asIo colored, over the former's wife. Taylor struck Barcet over the bead with a batchtt, produciong a fatal wound. Taylor was arrested. William Rocit. weula laborer,oalled on bli former mls tress, known sa Mrs. Rockwell, at the latter's place of employment. He at* templed to pursuade her to return to him. She refused and be shot at her. The bullet carried away one of her fAn gers and the woman fainted. Think Ing be had killed her Rockwell turned the weapon on her little daughter and fired on her, the bullet producing a flesh wound toIn the arm. In "Hell's Half Acre" Oliver White quarreled with Alice Lawson,spllt her bead open with an ax and tacaped. The woman is fatally injured. At a negro dive 'Vinegar Tem' had an altercation with Charles Morton. The latter drew his revolver, and in a m*uffle for its pos-eslon it exploded, the bullet Ptriking John Q. Adams, an aged colored mtuan, In the thigh, producing a dingeroum wound. obbes of :S,000. 1MAADIiAnN, S. D . Dec. 2;..-Just wbe fore midniught last mlght two strangers entered the drug store ot William Bartlett, just as the proprietor war olouing up for the night after a big holiday trade. Bartlett was knocked senceless by a blow on the hbead, and when he reeovered coneolousne. the men bad disappeared with $8,00f0, whichb they found I thbe safe. Today word was roelved fiom Winnifred that the men had been oaught, aad Bartlett will go there to Identify them. TwoV St D.owued. Axx Anson. Mieb., Dec I.-Tbe sad drowaln of two students made this a gloomy Chriatmas ibr thbe at. dents who remaled at tbe gollegW during holidays. Lat alght about 7 o'elooe, Frmnk 3. DieMktne and Minnie Birndage, l for the Umill pend to skate, tUlf their bleds they woald tmr abot 10 oold*k. Thy oW we Retrm, "wovw, Old time pased by, Mrs. irundage grew worried and odnlh, at tiree o'clock thibe orling, started a searcb party. The .earcbers found a bole in the ice and a mu lylong near by. They com menced dragging, and at d o'clock this afternoon found te bodies Hobth vistilmare medlel students, Dickin son being from Dubuque, Iows, and Miss Brundage from Long Island. A rPeustuasr Mude.rtl. CAsRROLTOY, Miss., Dec. 25.--A fatal tragedy oumurred on a prinipal busti ara street oin this town today at 12 o'clock, in which J hbm Preanti Ma thbs, the repubilen postmaster at this place, was killed by W. 8. Mc Bide, wealthy and prominent young druggist here. The men bad trouble last night, and were both armed with ridb.. Two .w*e urned to leath HorL.E.. Mo., Dec 2..-The hou-e of Samuel Malone, on Wert Fift! rt., hurned to the ground this mornlng. As the firemen arrived on the cerne one ide o(f the house fell out, uli>d by the liulrt of the tire they maw Mual ,u and John Hirks, hi- brother in law, crawling towards the door in their bedro mn, attenipting to eractl,. Then the roof fell in ind the unfortunate* men were ntideu from sight. Their charred todt'ie were found in the ruiu.. .ualone was an old rollier, drawini peuMlon, and always kept L.,'e or ler money In the hou-e. It is believed he and Hicks were drugged. the bouse rohbbd and then Mie on fire. The po lice are investlgating. A Xorthern Paerfic Neweiby hot. ST. PAUL., Dec. 2A.-A special tj the Globe from Diekiluono, N. D . syt: D. A. Shaunon, a or e armed newiboy who rune between Dicklnson and Helena, was abut by Lewis C. Bum tbis afternoon on a Nortbern Pacific train while la.transit west between Andrews and Little Missouri tn BillI log county. The ball entered the brain back of Ine left ear. Bum, wbo is from Sac City, lows, on his way to r-attle, jumped from tbe train ana ran as en n the act wa committed The train was ropped and the peaon ern gave ebas. Burs showed fglht and wa roughly bandled and serl. ously hurt. 8banoon, bo Is from Mason City. I., will die. Ban is In jlal. two Teas s nsei by oarnee . HB KLcx r., Mime.. Dee. 2.-A doubeo tragdy oerusd bee today. Three of the Keso boys visited this pleae, havig eoo bhe fro their emp ln the limber regloie, and at ee psoesseded to gIs laImoleuad. Be. eosulg troublesome, they wen pgased uder arurest by Marshall Booth. Two of them resisted arrest sad set upon the a.o er, trying to escape and also punish him for their aurret. He shot both through the bead, one dying in steatly sad the other living a few hours sad theb dying. The, were tough oberacters sad had deoed every use. The surviving see was placed l jall. They were mingle me, sad ball from Huetings, Minn. Their bedles lay so the hospital, swaitls the reslt of the eeomor's nquet. Marshall Booth gave himself up to heri.t MeLasughlin. Furnolshed by J. Millur Oraham, Powdevllk: Date. MnU. Mon. Dec. 17 86 12 clear and ala. "18 39 7 " " " 19 41 b " " " 90 48 19 " " " 2. 47 12 clody. " 22 83 25 slight snow. " 28 82 12 " " Dec. 24, a. m., tier. 19; cloudy and threateoalg snow. Total sow fall on 22 and 28. I meb. The Miles City Clul I'art. ('hritmaas In Miles City was mnit fittingly rounded out by a I.op given at the Mllef City club rnoni t by the eancing menumber of tLe cluli. The attendance was larger than at any soclal gathering in the city for someic time oaat, and everybody present seemod to be thoroughly inAhurd with the rpirit of enjoyment. Dancing was kept up from 9 o'clock until about half put one, to the excelloent music of Prof. Relobardt's string band, In terrupted only by an Intermleon for a vewy tootbheome lunch, whichb was served at 11:30, uad stlmulated the dancer. to renewed exettsa. soTrmth I It. The snatsieal teport telegrapbed trom Dtcklinse, N. U.,o V Wedae4day sad whieh appeed in the eleM Idepilidet ald the t4h, o the heat that USp FOOIMMla's tuup of gh lb aalrhuY weO aemaneia by Kais24 lathe bad bdel, k withe b Ome bell deate whatirswet ibs ofa lgeb tha say W moo" l 's.'pecial crresp.ondents" work td me their palers In times Iike tbeee. We were informed by Dr. Harvey yester. d.y that on Christmas uight LieLt. ydenhamn. .f Capt. FoutaDl's om wand, was at Dickoinon and takig advantage of a leisure hour opoe d communilation by wire with Forn Keogb, and in coure cf oonversatiel by that medium informed those with whom be was talking that the ^_m mand bad not seen an Indian sdaie tbhey had ben out. Of the ame order of news "a the sensational report tIb was current in town on Christmas U the .sfe that Lieut. Casey's oem maod of Indian mcowts had bad an o e gagemoent with hostiles somewhere In the vicnloity of the Little Mesouri ad that Lieut. Casey bad een killed. Tbhis report it was sid was brought I by a rourler. but diligent enquiry amnnr the oftioers who were in tow on Christles and yeter4day, failed tI ellcIt any lon riation thlt would eo-. stitute even the groundwork for seek a statement. The ~hai Touranueunt. Tonilrbt wind. up the ioLbblo on the first arien of mx games in (be Miles Club wbhist tournament. Tbe s.ot"A stand sa follow.: Battbelor and Savagr................... 7 Johnbson and Swerdflsr ............... a87 (:Cambll and (ordon ................. 878 Jordan and Harmon..................... $4 Whitney and Ormchel................... 3a (iGrith and Hannahe................... . 4 Oracbel and Carter ....................... $44 Campbell and Ray ........................ UT Butier and BrulIng .................... = Mlddletoo and Wiley ... ........ .i Z'-merao sand Frees ................ Smltb and Wiley ...................... 8 Tooligt the eomstUtl s la. will be: Batebeler sad Matae vs. m1lt atd Wiley; Campbell and G dekn vs. Jo.aeo sad e, rdigsd , Whlta.yemd OsaWbel re. HarmI sadleNam;On sd mad Cartser s. Orllth and Mhiasbe; Beolle ad Dreals.. vs. Campbell and May; Fome sad Ziemmsrw vs. Mid dlet.o sad Wile. st mo.k aDsUp is eap . r.iu. tU. YTLoawstous Joeasuu I mose a letter frlee the Cheryas nage, siged Johb Tally. He y pears arayed Is fall malmtand baLhs., e.eurlea me with eryta that thb Cheease backs we away a Ay dveago. This I meert a . They told whe they returned that they had eeoto Miles, bu that is at M cowmqeaees, a Mr. Tally did eot my they wre at bere, but I say they rm e mot. Mr. Telly also aid that people told hblm that I was afraid t go out la the bills. I thbik the peoepl ws one mao, but the mn l right. I smevery other ma that l4.s In the bills, am mre or less afraid of seams, apos som of Mr Tully' pesesmble people hillng eet'. Bat I haveal ways wet where my tuestions eall" ase and am hmailtar with lAgg.UI reek. I have oe oumbra ded sal theem ad them are sen two o umbras ed calves beoangig to Mr. Bloom Lat are Ia ows with the mnme brand tt some of mlne have. These au th calves that Mr. Tully speaks of ib seelag, I suppose. Now, if Mr. Tall woHbes to back his ausertion to the efliet that If I would go out lI the bills I would bad that I bad mos est any eattle let bim respond to thlet I will bshow im the bill of sle of a bueh of attle out of whleh I ave sold two eow sad bethebred awe, sad have some aIn my pastmore, als hae two on lggamg ereek, all ef wbi will not tally ot wh thi bill of sale calls for. I will pay Mr. Tally ql a head for the delivery of the oe that are Lot, If he will pay me the ai what b does not deliver. Respetetaly. Lou Hots. Ashland, Moat., Dee. 2t. TA,. opimj',' .,I ( Iar .authommam. awl tmii wrimiy faumd urchium wet ba Ity iOja. .I b -141 Ai wiUdaW tof A &WMe aM IBrtiw~waY wlija miakes a inpectialty 49 c~hrywaitithemuiuts and always makes a fine display of them. "Mh 0~* gurgwe m&'w of the girls, "ammt ~IM white chrysanthemums Just too Ov" coausly lovelyI They look ilk OW" down on a baby samel' wimm" -1m'm" maid Cutha In A Mquiresosac. 'Tab. " observed the g~W iw to hisuals. NIM wes M Dey looks a 0&b mo Mw'e h l soumalaw. "-NOW Taok 2%m At bit the nviap bekk usNW. Msmann In Jqim406s 4adIM dm".d VMS W" ^ONm~