Newspaper Page Text
CH" Iz DAILY JOURNAL &l.lL AlT!. MtNTA NA. Put MIte Iathu . s mall clseas iat20 a, iii. Wlsuru mall = fome atp. w. I la mea) w Has upmm from II :30a, I:3') p,.mm. dlpseufa mall closs Mandy.., ednsdadys anJ PrIy aIt a . am. Tague river mail (talae Neda sand Th.'rn 4a... ut.a... O o.............m. O1N endr g kuo.......»..................t p. mm. U aily+ Suess .-..... . ..p.. ...................... .hmn. (NAs. N, HitilK . M. sLtbrm (aidir Tie Table. L3AE UIIL CITY OOINo WNT MeI..Paellcwal....a...a.........«P..... 101. N. 3I Pacific 9.'.7 A N. '"U. Ezpr~ealrelght .......«»....5 5A. N. 6L. Way Fºreiaght ..............7:15 6. N. LIAVE CITY VOINO BAST. Me. 1 Atlauote Mall... .., .......... .1:43P. N. 4. Atlantic Lumlted ................7:104 A. N. " 54. Eapnis Freimcb...l! «...... .. I.`,A. N. U . Way Freight .............. «- .. h.· ..... 'a:4r , Nlwiel hirerrtrl. MTATI. MUmer of Coege... Thema" H. Carter. Hekl. govereo ............ ..Jes. K. Toos.. LUeet.41ov.,..... . .Ine. E. Rickards Bulle b eary of Hats...... . Iul. Raelet. uriHs &tsLrytioy al.....l. Hones J. Iaskell. ialS Turnr.r.... Rihard U. Hickan. " Ue Audt e........ ld £ Kenmy. Misoula Bopt. Pul..... ...l .Jobe Gomses. Ahem Ckei Jud.s Dup. (Lurt..Hear1 N. Biske. Heenao A e oJusties ...... N. Harwoed. Bill W. H. De~itt Bull (lek Pup. Curt... ....».....W. J. Keuemoý. Ere.. )IIMIIAL. l......... eo. 0. IItes. lintS U. Y. erbal.. .. .... .(loo. Irvine. Bolls Cnlsebr Int. Ee........J s. H. MIlls, Ii.. Lodg egister. S. LIned Oil...... A.Olrvevr, iHsClty belrni. " A.tA'aolaoL DIDTRI(T. udge SmcLk Judiloi Drb.e.... Hon. u*(o. R. Milbut.e Milk City OOda) et Ielnpkor..... . ............... S m"" graph~ot. ............. Fed W. dr, Miles City IeSU suesor............. .. 0. Nd. hues (y Oweu bareponmtaal.-... { 6. Mr lae ud. sur -.......»........t. W. Tnouapsee. impnswr.... ....E. P. H. Haarribe, " grr··..,...... ...·.. 4'. Pi. ~uss. * of slebsels NaL...Mir uies(uoe. lupie Ad .............A. It. NEAaIusld. EW. N. hlyne., Ubissleom·........ W. . $inell. lathaway It. McKay, (sutler TOW NYH I P. volues................ J Johnf t.ll.te. Miles City Countble.......... ..I). N. 4 v orJ. I ITY. Ma yor .......................... ......... .. dlrr ldkr L,w., Attorney .......... .................... V.H It. Middles. V - .. .................................. .... .-»W f' 'ordon Masurer........................········.....11. W. MII11n11r Ir or P llP . . ......... ....... F.Kd.paukr .ot Pel!er Magiatmatr........ ..............II. Browln First Waed-H. Murat'. I.!. Ka11161j* Pseed Wart-iD. i. cT'r.tWI. . 1. Tru.rdt. LOCAL ITEMS. G. E. Newman i here from Hatha way. Lemp's celebrated lager beer at Bullard's. " A merry Cnrletmus was spent by every soul In our city. J. P. Smith, formerly known as "mitby." Is nla the city. Yesterday was quite cool and iodl. eations poloted to a lid snap In tt0 near future. Dug Long turnished hib delivery team with a new *et of barne as a Christmas present. Some little practice shooting was indulged is by the sports or the me. tropolle yesterday afteruaon. A large number of our young folks spe.t Christmas afternoo to glidling over Tongue river's icy suriee. Our boteil furnished their guests with Christmas dinners Thursday soeh as Jew towns loeng the road can do. Uader recent orders from the seere tary of war the rewerd for the arrest and return of deserter s In lreased fr$ee 0 to 0. Catarrb Is not a local but a eoustitn tional disease, and requires a costito tional remedy like Hood's 8ausaparlla to eoet a cure. The movt noticeable impirovement in Basiusktis' tstaliiiwhment is the use of electric light.s, which show off their stock to perfection. Three soldiert were »rrested yester day for arresting George Eicbenberg Io his saloon. They will be tried by Judge Brown todiy. (loeorge Nelsmon, formerly a lrldge carpenter on this diviion, now a rancher in Dakoto, in reported to have b~en killed on Wednemisay by the In dians. J. J. Ryan has opened a restaurant In the rear oit Schmalsle's saloon, where be will be prepared to furnish the best the market affords at all hours. * Jas. Danldron and sister, who have been In the city for the past week to spend Christmas. returned to their horme on Pumpkin crek yesterday af. ternoon. The diary of a messenger boy Il thus suocinotly iiuoted by an unknown yxohmbge: "Monday - hired. Tue-. bay-Utired. Wednesday-fired." Vol. uwse could not express more. Girl Wlsted. A competent girl f.r general housew work. Apply to N. IIRANIDNI)IKKI. The frileds of the unfortunate ll mote of km state leamns asylum at Warm prings will be pleased to learn that Dr. Mulgibrod, the humane pro. paleor, esxpeanded some S,400 nto the purhabse of Cbrlitmas gifts for blhi pa tients. In addition to thbl he gave them a great feast, for which 24 tur I keys, 2 calves and 4 sheep were dlaugh - Itered. Men's elegant hand embroldered slippers reduced from $4,.5 to $3 .Ni. SC. B. TowEas &k Co. The ice Iark wus nlot In readinesI for Christmaus s waw autieilaled, but received a grwd t nking yesterd ay aft.rnoon, and will in a few days, be ready to leceive the lrrung of skaters who are eager to glide over its smooth surface. L um Knight, forumerly local on the YEIJrnWITONK JOU'HNALI, now aplpear at the head of the ealtorial column of the Billings (lizette a. uaesciati edi tor. '"Lou" I. a good all round newsi paper man and thoroughly competent to hold down his new porition. Prof. Bach hae just rteceved by direct importation a ensilgnment of Import. &d Nordhauer Rye Whiskey, Pure ('bhrry Brandy and Double Kummel ehbnapps. Also snme pure Kanasta Tobacco and Dunec Turkish Tobacco. All warranted Imported goods. " A strong chinook wind started to blow Cbrletmas night at atsout 9 o'lock, aend kept up for about 6 hourn, after whichb time all tbe snow of the previous day's fall had dieappeared. A iblnook I a nie thinblg at any time, but we tbaik it would be more appre. elated in about a month from now. The dance at Widow Morrison's ranch on Tongue river Christmas night was well attended, and a very enjoyoble time had by all tbo.e pres ent, and a nice spread of refreshments wa. given at midnight, after which the danciu, continued until early in the tioroing, (apt. Wainwright's trmop of the Flirmtavalry, wbhih bhas fr the past three months been Mationed at Lame Deer, arrived at K~ogh Christmas morning and wi1; for 'he present make their beadquarters at that ixet. The troop created qutea sensation pising through town, as it was supposed by many that they were from "the front." Florence Mack and party, who were on tht trail of the "road age'it4' who it was reported were conimitting aep. I.redations on the north side. were compelled to atbandon the chase on Monday, as thes*HoD«fall covered the trail and made the pursuit bopelef. Florence says there are three of them and that they have about a doz-n honew. They are heading for the Missouri and If they got across afely will head for the British possessicns. The Presbyterian church was crowded to Its large capacity on Christmas night, the oceamico being the Habbath school entertainment, at whicbloh MStnta Claus appeared in person and delivered pr.ents to the small ones, who all bade him cood bye on his departure and wished to see bit next year. In connection with the personal appearance of Santa Claus, tbere was declamation by both the children and ihe older members of the church, which part of tbeentertain ment was also greatly appreciated by the audience. A letter received by the JOURNAL yesterday from J. B. Mome of AlzxdW, states that the people of that locality are still much exercised by the Indian rumors. Having se-n Io the JOUR'KNAL that the governor bad made ao iue of arms and ammunition to this couu - ty, be is anxious that some of the guns be sent to that locality, as hut few of the eettlers are armed. He writes that at Ericon the settlers have constructed a fort and have taken up their quarterm in It. Sheriff Jones was Interviewed yesterday on the siihbject ol guns, and stated that beyond the letter .ent by the gover nor'. private secretary to Judge Mil buru informing the latter that a hbip ment of arme and ammunition had been made for this county, he knew nothing regarding it. The shipment had not arrived, though the letter above referred to, dated Dec. 20th, stated that it had been made some onme days before writing. Sheriff Jones telegraphed to the governor re g-rding the matter last night and will today probably have some definite in formation. Meetlug There will b< a speolal meeting of hlbe Y. F. H. '. at (ood Templar@ ball, at 7:30 harp tibls evening. A full at tendanoe* is reuested, as business of importaooe will coine up. JoN MAY, Pru't. ettor Litm. The foull.wing letters rmaino un. oalled for nlu the Mileu City, Moul., P<stotoee. 10. '., 18190: Klle, Miss Eva Vrt'ra.u, Mi- Kate Mabon, T H Miller, Wmn Murphy, Frank 1Hobliann, lone Welbtel, Anton Weir. W Wheeler. Win Persons (alig for the axtove lettert will pleas may they are aulvertiMed. 'HAS. W. 14ttPC. 1. M. Tke Worm k5ermked. The tfelitles of hlbe present day (tt the produotioa of everything that will ounduce to the austorlal welaje Wad comfort of jatklull are almost unllm. luid asid whens yrupm uof Fis w'a first produced the world war Iuricdad with the osnly pt-rfwt alrlxsts. icetewll i, Ml it I.. lilt 'muly r"iiltfdy whtimll . I. truly It lit kit. A'la lime tmuti' jli saflair it I.e. ,"Il.4.·i. .n IjtmBl dimllrufr .uhtI4Icr. It we ".low out 10001-l iniitstmitlea to 'ibm. smwv 'rwi tIlrn. 't(bl imn.glai't, lut.w wt 'oll aim ltigimi'ii'i·'mi1,n a tvamiagc ii.r t"lb dlilimrat." .iml cut.. " it irx..immh th.lie d-aully tire. A rse., of lirla lt'i 'I, a~e. dil.b «-a, .come t, miidg IV amid grtanit I" -.. e-..rlen terra ii.i wittS Ing mhe cat a'' roin It. `.Iuul oin-ul lit erag.. a mulurlll Itlo kilouu that thim. I. hrt.'llh'sr. 'Ivsimtilhi'd tr ll, In Mrr'l II Iu (lisle ltrl Idvir pevalll IlI11.HdIF.. To del.) juIlk iou mm-drlu al tu +lwllm I 5icI43ly * ommihal 11 mmcli cases 'lb mOcahulti urulrailriut s w I.' fouud na Iluiti tter'. -'ummh Ifller,.II- l ii Ir fi i U .lwpatl· iii it'- agm I "I the. kLIdInys Wit I m tut, ramud teliabi'e li rerti, an th I hi' ilmla comptatml I+ ut-in, at it. birth of aIim p3.wm'r ltm evil P.3mw it Ii grow * aml nilt m itt p t Its It " hi. mm-rb whitrls aomuhthales thie' gruiwImim I ruitlit', also ecadlfa a. hermeg4ua. fbmte~llmlsa~, tiAlri l, amid live, ewlmip alit Apmetile, scep and uiger era a'a. prommulot i ly it. i a feeingr pcrallutr to paess of dyspeptke teo decy. or at may be ceasd by cheagS of rltmats. saw oe life. the stomar.t Is ot ofd er, the ohed eches or dous .t feel rlht, appetite Ue. prielas the merves seem evoerwueked,the atd ks efaused ad Iustable. This co.ndities Ids a eseelnet oroetiv IN Hood's l.naertills whkh. by It. VresoUes and soeen pew . easeee nrweess harmsny t tthe sysrtem. mad iv that stumeth of mied, serves. ad body, which makes me be perfetly well. N. 3. e sure tO I Hood's Sarsaparllla pr by all drurgists. l ;s terls PIreprede aly by C. I. HStlO & CtO., Apotbcarles. Lowell. Mias 100 Dou One Dollar HATS CAPS AND STRMW GOODS m ta ht -:- lhy h; Th Crooeedtinoor IMI. Iriv Glowv, Glove of All hd. ALIOEDN ELIISON, Nos. 216, 218. 2=0 EAST FOURTH MSl. St. Paul * * * Kian, MSeod for our Litbograpb on graviDg of new styl - Vey ** 8 MSI S TIC&TSM-ftwft Ine bei "em and pffigp caste.m wris 9 5. pmIfW M.. v I IkMe Cml«.. .06. * P.~ ¶IbII M iidjfnE mib (un -^ M.Jdhub *mmIyiU MMMUtAL,-tr UruVALO. New Years Presents In Great Variety at Reduced Prices. S N S t% S K" biX14I S N K X. N S S % N 14 MX ~N -4 -4 . 14 14" % ..^'.'-*^ ^ ^ . ^ ' ^NN*i >> *''> ''' < t>M i'<lNN'~i"» lHovaL,Elli aalto a S Watches laltel Coch, Striig Smllr NNNNINNNWN S A_ _4-NN X _ _ X N~M a _ _ re _"_ W _ _ a R _ p _________ And a general line of h'gh grade W WJmy, m Apl Rluk mEr 4 The largest and most complete collection of oi to be maeen]west]of Chloago. Your patromnage is J. BASINSKI & BROS AN ECZEMA 17 YEARS ('ured In $ Wecka. One of the greatest cures ever peror medu lay Ith. Cuil At tm." mmm of three muata il, a r~b iwlalcim after. warl. lprsa tom I'. pamiuam or saI rhmeumu a tr It. algq..aerane 0mg Iytamc. IlaV.icttui at or ph1*) I iii W 65 45 'l tg. iant I hator did too any rood at all. feu, t~aml m. we .mrmu. Tb.. .iiat5't, Cos.l tinned .umasted. i apreart I., lif brmn sIt leg.. till I war ell up chat rely. and from (.mlrhUamily .111gon is tt . o.,r uol a pl;uw muy ijmbwuntmmCted to Isat 1 Iat all eontrol QI thLen, mile wa emlimy i. .lpM.t; it, iU n ler 'riamd have to 'it, me out a' It Iito tool. 1 ecud g I around 3 the beu Ola on lso mhas a suld fwt, but I culd art I get ui Ilul1.,i on at ail. anggt tad to I wear sift of dtet' g.i p iu. y b;hlf had all tuatned dawn 6or ftallen oil t tuds ii hro ,~rl~r direar continued it this -wannenruultcl I ear I, years old, ad . ·IC *o day il Joinuary 1".6, 1 reed an 11 ti at the Trib*yrute. o you (itcura keutmtlri. It eatriled m, tearu .m"g mdlt, that I theoaghtala a lact ramort to fir theut a trial. 'I fech I first appliedi tiefm I as all raw slit Ideedlsg. tromam .arotchitg mUyelf. lut I wenmt soleetsalumot lttmgIimdmittely soturtImatlI I lamd but utnr for yeart. tha elect was to smotlhitmJ. JIm about two weeks 1 coulmd mstand stralagh, but s01 walk, I waus .u wL; but tu pore. were nearly well. As htmlr ah I cram jpdge, theu (mttcurI V. Iim cdiu. rued in . aI cbout sli to a gilt week. slid tip to thIs Jet. (i. V., frou January. I;9. 9to Iiarl soy, ll.' ) I have nut es sIck Insarway. ort have ha tihe least migna ul the laeaae reptmafitlC or. We, W. J. IctOIJA L). 3':r . att,0i at , CbtCegeg 111., Jure : , ITr, Cuticus Remedies Art the oelr mafatlmle ablE ated 11 sd punier.. Imeld .verv~whate. Pile E'VTICV5 A. the great skin can. Ye; Co rtcvaa r..'aa, an taq .tale tltu punnrt sad Seattiler, V I t CVICItMA RgejIX £)T. the mew leed purhfer. $I. ereppared by the Putt.r Drug and Cheetcal Coepoealett, BuIest, 5dsed lee "New to Cure Akio MDusss." It Peg.. Ito lllustntlesa, and 1mig tsUmeslas. Aching sides and hack, Sip, kidney, me uterin pain.. ad rheomarisma te Mewed I. nee mteute by the HCut aAutI-Pal PtIsse. I me rst and osly instastamas poim-killing plaster. The International Typewriter A strictly flrut-clae machine. Fully warranted. Made from very best ma terial, by skilled workmen, and with the heat tools hert have ever been de vised for the purpw me. Warr snted to do all that can be resoinably exterted of the very beat typewriter extant. Cal sade of writing 1~% words per mla. *ue-or more-caoording to tse ability of the operator. Price - * * * $100.00. If tbere is no agent in your town, addrea tbh manuhatremr. THE PARISH MF'O. CO., Aemnt wanted PARISH, N. Y B rasonarAPH AND TYPswalrraxo las. Firs eloau facilties and best of te.-bers. Address, withb tamp for re ,turn pstage. Tr E PARIWSH MI'G. a., Pariah. X. It KM J~~ AA·lYIL4psi Chas. W. eyde, rtc't ,.Publ-. Insurance, Ral tate and Conveyaucing Agescy. Removed to PostoS.e Block. STEPHEN D. LONG, Proprietor Of Miles City Meat Market, All kinds of Fresh and Salt Meat constantly on hand. MILES CITY IRON AND PUMP WORKS . ULLIAN, Pr priet r J. N. UCIN EL Conlultiu Emgineer. TAIIER pimpThe Baut t...afa amn .:. uda of ..r. PSSPUTNISSLS Vuthahsifr The New York Life Insurance Co Is the ht U( InuwN hquj In the World. Mlost Popular% _____In Montana. Assets, 8105.000,000. Surplus, $15,600,00. Geo. W. Allerton, Kimtdst Agt..Ml|mCity Moa BIRTKL & TRUSIOOTT Wbolesale and Retail de.lerr in - -CHOICE- FAIILY :" GIWCE&IUS. .ew goods oonstoatly arriving an3 vberything Fruh We handle the largest and most varl.c amortment oZ 'obacco adi grs iu the city. We respectfully solicilt an increased patruonage. pledging ourselves to glve the best ratisfactinn. The Be Reduc0d in? ri. The price of the Omaha Weekly Bee bas been redeued to $1.00 a Year. Neow I tbe time to sobuertbe for the best newpsapr In the west. Seed I. yeor order early to THE BEE PUBLIBHING CO., OMAHA, N.BAIIKA