Newspaper Page Text
THE YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL. VOLUME XI. NO 1o5. MILES CITY, MONTANA, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 18, 1893. PRICE FIVE CENTS McINTIRE MERCANTILE COMPANY. j:it, ''t Itlt ,. ;. 1 l : t n c1. t: cý1earain.,e male! can nt -m cr *-tnl~etc ~t ith the,'. Tarecalhti I i the cast un ill.; a t~uii ttlcir ct i Ritnnicihcr the eate I irliiir' i -t and bring vtur 1p(ckct- hink. ft H. H.I. RI~I ;%t t, 1"H 41 1tN. C~learalei OR. F. F.FI,SH. if l 1t. 1'1.\IAi AI'i Ii:.D ANID ()..TFTRIziI 1N. W. E. gariaen Iirui Mtore. BH. LEHI'HER. M. 1). PHVSIt'I.N andl I'R(EON. -i.L anl residiIence Main St. near Ti nth. . i D IENTIST. Main Street over St.eckrn.wera National Hank Work gnarantelnl anI at rasonable prices. SCHtR'CHEN. PISI'OPAL Saauael ('hurch nor. Palmer and .-veoth etre.t. Sernl. Snday at II a.m. and x pm. Hiay mmaaio frst SUnday in each moath after senurvies i J.t T a Pritha a rd, Reethr. a It tOrsea .Sente.. at Un... and p dlp.m.. rarer meeting Wednesdny enealasa ® Rat. .O .Boylan, Pastor. PREB Tugu AN t(onoh Corner Main Street and Motaa Aavenue. Servaee 8da at it a.m. and 10 p.m. Rev. ano.ap. Paator. CATHOLIC Church of the acred Heat Corne(m of Main and Tenth Streets. Servie rst and h o l ln."m Sunday o e : at 2 p. n Ves. apt and Benedcltion at -z pjm. MOCETIEMIS. A. 0. VA. tuter Londgee LNo. t meets in L Cir ha ever Mneda night. m in alhna lras at meets rt alnd thid Fri day o ream tb. K. at P. (~aae Lodge No.7. meet. at Odd FInwaatmul on thec Iat and third Tharaday of L . . Q T. Std the Weat meet at Mauonic ha-. evey Thradnay eveig. batlku bo an .eal airs JrA d a I~ rL ateaLL uatd I kray ei mathe -II -- I nood lad lll lliw OO OMINOUS IN PARIS. Possibility of Military Usurpation and a Dictatorship. ºi i Carnot's Enemies In triguing to Secure His Ruin. ' N1 w IVlin. Jan. It;. The Suns PI'aris r ctlrresfolndent says the situatiol has as sumed an ominous phase. Btulangist and socialist leaders Ihelieve a military usurpation is at hand, and todlay signs C multiply that soll. sort of crisis tmay tor expe'.ctedl at any hour. |'Ln'TINGI , I'| - li )E.l P i T .IL (lRI1I1. N l.w YlitK. .Jan. It;. The Tribune's t Paris corre.lponldent says: The master n strtoke of the tentrnies of Presitdent ('ar not is tthe attempt to connecitkt his iasulle ti with that of M. Wilson. whos relations ( with Ml. (;revy |drove M. L(;rvy from ti thei F:l. . 1. ('arlnt was as.ked. hl en it litllis r ,,I til, nce,. to renmit a °h r i* off' i lI.(N111il1 frlws liie to ti he ttreasury it i i 't is:i;rlti )l fee i t ii the ir. l r yfi l iet a l | , , iontrtei. l. W'iir n eiat'keid this Ienti si i''i. M . (lrl'ot t'i efuset| . butl h . fi to' lln" , iutll . tof t tlhe pr Ih.ils t sto y. i 1. ('arr,,,t t! atthr refusii. lln . ilion in !tth ne urun t iini . i th e a trn.m n r ers tii l' 1. iiIll I b | 'r 'l t w s t o b e r e p ua i , I h i l1 1 " 1 , a la r g e f In " " of whii h thlii,,. go ili rn i hIhad i.littrol. fi This str ,llndllj i inarratll i not pult iii t rvtl} ol tihe Pari.s nI ' k,,t. hI t i: .,.,.n g hinl, i a h Irtl enii for l :'i 'i criial. thin nl i t liton. It oplp red i i at little tilalr of ii yes .lrdityl i .le, r th "t i. ('linit : " i'ie eI f'resie t, rtial ('rii t t il It i S i ilar 11 sp1uon ti-i llthe - ir-ll titutn st l - ti.-n sent to a n"iil othei r i pra ileiul jor ll. pmis. but they were stopped by the, rain l i isthr of the interior. His Il-gal ri-bt to tl ,stop the, I i.uin t. i.lsti enm d. his frit, s ,tf justify the st't on the ground of}:na, r1 lion a! -,ein, .\. ('arnot i ttucked in tr this way if very IFre.nh"l. .1 .("- w nial of the star} Is ixpi.,ted in the i cotiur.s olicl f rt t la e hfoaller ild tb ii fresh invention tomorrow. and a flesh contraditiion the d;r. after. it is no hangel olsilbh to deny lthat Iu there is a presidential crisis. though - t quite lossihle to refrain front predicting. h. as rime d|o. that 3,1. ('.nrt will ti erl forced toh resign. or that le, will not. It th is one llore step} in the developnon. t of the Panana ll nus.pirany and the eaten. id, siun of the coalition lt.twe-n royalists ºi said radicals from the chamnls.r to the ti streets and the pre.s. th ITth. the murnlrer of Mrs. lemuene. met death hy electricity at Clinton prison at 11:5; o'clock this morning. The condemned man slept well last night and arose early to attire himself I in the clothing prepared for him to die in. Breakfast and devotions with two French priests occupied his time until called to prepare for death. Loth I walked firmly to the death chamber, where the now familiar fixtures for ex ecution were in readiness, He knelt down facing the chair, and murmured a few broken words of prayer, the priest I raising him and kissing him. The piessts murmured a few words of conso lation as both sat down, and, more quickly than can be told, the guards ad justed the straps, and one minute from the time the man had entered the room, he was ready for the fatal stroke. As he was being strapped he said: "Take it easy." Dr. Ransom, with iS watch in his left hand, raised his right hand and the state electrician at the lever sent 1.I5 volts into the murderer. The body stiffened up against the straps almast imperceptibly, and as, in accordance I with the new idea. the voltage was de creased, it resumed its normal attitude. An interval of five seconds elapsed. dur ing which there was no indication of I life. Again the current was applied; the body stiffened up against the straps once more, the electrician reducing the current until finally it ceased, and the man as dead. aaeth Ameresa iIotes. VAs'aAamO. Jan. 16.- The Heraldear- I respondent at Buenos Ayres sys that there are 100I0 men among the revolu- I teiests in Oaurrientes, but they are bad ly inneedf arm, and have not been able to make headway against the A00S federal troops nmbed with the victory I of Moete Casimos la spit of the federal deoree to dip. arm, the lsebhl lated to only mai I ly a nmm al submiea, giving up ealy I eh arm as they ar .ompeed ts and . than gain tioe pr. sger r am use ksfridebe othrek. The rwrehattim- ( TiHe . llrll c' '( l,,: r i-ýl . rt ;it M:,nt. a i .the, telev phi ith;t cwin ic toi:: c'e Itr;c with I , era (;er i i tirm , if lo.. I la. e:marwr:Iy enn 1't get .11auser r'itrid uolri. I 'ii .c ii l ' trl'l itt M|iecii e't' a'le|e'f Iijilcce' rg, ti ttei a i hi -r r u,-,cient. cii)l che will tIkI M;,a :ii ' rl.: i;s.lie l. New at t,. k :u^r. r, im,.i r.,, Th, It.ic ;ralae f-tder'li'ts t ,I thc" i,.iiister ,f waar hua ' tl't( tltee th ir( f iRc ' tier t akI' " t, ii ll lhn l ef the, toren;ps n, pticln . Of the' 1Ute a'ai arreste'd on ae.l) nlt of the r eeolutiollary ,,hs..iraiy in Sautia go. ('hili. last )er'ee.,nder. -5, have been releaesa'l. Thi tise'al has up to this time r,'eonme.nded the- death se''e for ete idition in thre' e:aetsls. The Ch'lian government is using its intluence' with Tooth political parties in (Ien.gress to RpaLs an alllnesty law in favo')r of the Balma.eaelist military ofl.'ers. (I'alla.aadi Ietp Water''way.. "TowIa',e r. (nt.. .Jan. 16. The aEmpire (clrhieaf governmnuent organl. in an elitarial llon "'( ;v'rlllllenellt IProgratunw.el.'" says a , swift line ,f e,.'at steamaeirs is to I' es tablished running laetwee'tn Canada and G;reat Hritain and ceompletieng the through Canad.iian line frim (Irea t Brit ai, t", . Ji a'. The )ountry is t(, I I ma1e 'inell? iir'hl et of the Unitell States i le'rescli()llon up n,) ('llu ldllitan ell'l 'n l ea I) file,' e',Inui-ll i jlion ol thi' leanlt lanalil i1n|11 .tiiour ,.'a il ii , tw ' )u ' rsel ] . if the' tll l' it. t 'i. r. T"'he d,,l .tlni ng na t i ti if e' a ni , )i t1!, tt. Lin - 'a ,'' and ,l.:.'h.ire is to Lt t Hill,. d h .! ,nl iltn utl il'o"n- 11 1'o,)t te is . ao l i ts i, ,ii r-' tih.i . art . f " IMiO 1 t' 11 1 h ,t -1 w ill i,-" ::i,:-" t~ F+--:tnll rl't , iri a l ei ' 'iita ilt, L.':" Svi ri ,):r. r itin i . ithth . !r,,,it.. ..-,f th, 'Ircat Srain cc , c.- ofl ti '* e. ,tin't'(, . cithiittt t "':sýh.lipl nnt. t our :hhnit ie h ' )arl,." in the e.ether lan. The '.onse',in tiuhie part; Hill .ntic ue its Ii .liry e withtllt lolkin.t to Wa ehuingto o,, tiF tici'ing, ',ntailijji int 'rsts uel on the' ali itr oer wte ri.e'ii,' C w ,,, i ,h ip, iin,' utlnp atri , tit i ',n - tiie'lntuditn. T'ii taritf will I+ chlng.e' d. ieuennl hci and i ,eiroeil ics tilj' alteaetlan ,,r tistal laws in oilwr culntri.s lr tho ' i'hanilgic 'calitionai o otu c-n ii i an try ,.An:)nd. bits alwav.s :, , .vIry-% awhere. 'udia iljtsrests iawill Ie.- cafe - t uard h .. Ilhf ull, Hosts \WeII. H IN TaI. N. Jli. 10. .M r. laine pa ted a very g4tt l niiht and r''st.' ,eli." sail rth w't ant uthllt ie t hl r .r the - nm.. at :1 s',hw'k this mrningm. Neitlh er .f the phjtiysit.aas hail vall"d up i. thut hour.. 1)r . Jt-hlton v!dhtl at the Ilaine, re- I elhnce shortly after 10 an chwk this maarrn iln and remalainted ilnsidae longer than us : al. He stataed on leaving the hlourp that Mr. Il1aine's condition renmainedt anchangeel. He said further that the ahysicians would give a statement this afternton as to Mr. Hlaine's condition which woult Itb fuller in purport than tho.e heretofore issued in the papers. I At 1 p. mit. Mr. Biailie's condlition was reported unchanged. The doctor, post owmed their protmised bulletin until some time later in the day. All that could be elicited was a denial of the statement, never made in any authentic press dis patches, that Mr. Blaine has been kept alive by the use of narcotics. oMught M*'OlyI'ss Lfr. Asracav PAKn, N. J. Jan. 16.--Rev. Edward 8. Young, pastor of Weetminis ter church, was seen last night regard. ing the report that Dr. McGlynn was in danger of aseassination when he spoke I here last August. "I learned from Secretary Ventor." sid the doctor. "that a clerical-looking C man in the audience had mad4 threats a sgaiast Dr. McGlynn. Chief of Police Bailey was notifled and we had also a volunteer force ready to seise the tranger in case he made any more to sttack the speaker. The crank, whose name was afterwards learned to be Savin, was heard to mutter during the speaking: "This man shall yet suffer or this night's work." "aite that night Bein appeared the hotel where Dr. McGlynn was stop ping and asked to see the register, t his request was refused and he lettthe hotel muttering to himself. Theinert morning Dr. McOlynn left town." ] Wer a ts t 1s&ly aIta. N-wa Yoa, Jan. 16.-William Ziegler, a well known ral estate dealer. has pur hased a one-ifth in the Brooklyn eagle, and he intends to secure contro - the paper if the stoek-holders can be inced to sell their holdings. On Sat ardy be purchased William Van Ar an's intest in the paper. Mr. Van Arde. he. twenty shares, which made Sthe urgewr Iivial holder of the The dirsets of the Regis sasonltina held lr auls meeting hst Tuesday. Mr. Zieler made a ppalloa inh writ l, bat no aetio was tabe. The at ad pepIuty ins raied at about W41it. itiealdaEltr . ailer ... i. u o, , , , " , . '. h,, :\lf r-i ,.' a ti ,,t', 'ls t. Iar e a failt !e. Un u"r." !.i, rin wl tilr 1"1 ,"nn i, It w h,.ill ll r.u.nri itr. ,. l,,atr " s»iuk ltr, e , .",'t, l an, fe" \V illiars ti;H and.r 'fnr Sfur ti. sau rnPi". T"rh e arl hi. Loin, . Jlanl. it. .l tashinutoe lorreqiahiilent says: Tih hn, retlrn p,'stal 'na1 is,i i, 1N- a failure. It will smul run it, .'ours. and sink into oblivion as did h,' l,"tter sheet which %%-a!IF invented a few ytars ago. anl| main ly for the same reason. The new card while being transmitted through the mails brelaks in two. The letter sheet was the same way. After a journey of a few hundred miles and frequent hand lings the ends dropped off ani the sheet unfolded. I have seen hundreds of cards on their return trip that contained no messase. postmark or anything hut address of the sender. The cards had broken apart in the mail and were start e 1 back by the first clerk that got hold of them. Idaho Hilt ('ae. ito tlear mupr..e ('ourt. W- .oII .uroTN. .Jan. N1;. The United States suprelme court todlay advanced the cast of Pettits.n. et el.. the striking -(',ur d'.Alneu miners in Idaho. and the Unitte States. and assigned it for Jan. 10. O)n F b. I the court will take its IusualI February re'V s. reas.Iitlmbling oill Sh. : ... Thu : 1: - - . If - .... :' t. i i . . , i, . ,: . . . . i , ,i i" i -. 11 ." !. 1 . . Ibue int . .. , . l la, Bo Ilat :t - .i I t '.. { ." . lit.- I '. rit-a 11'hl- r t .., I., ".'no ..i vu. fIrdt nnr. YAntU a liv. zo n i; .~ur a-n lre-rark cwhat o But ' th, l cIn th 1. it . a tinwr "Air v. 'l. t itt al ul itr e-It tur land. There aontt Ilkepre t)y'. tlleetee-e--s I"i',i.. ting). f She is t!w da-a-rlhnt .tav ay heart. rmy ha a-&-a-art, And she liv tli.g, adown n itingt. ntur a-a-Ie r. ee-ee." Padere.eski. the lPose. i- all right In his way AnLd Imlosrtible munsic can handl.. But compared with the girl in the flat he'sas Jay. I And against her he catn't held a candle. The musei ain't sweet or lathetk withal. Blit the noise is Lm dit"jFret and roomy Tht I cannot help liking t Ulame for her "Il. And the Pates that necora her to me. (Ah. a lang: w'nU Ustean. "On SBndlay ight we take a walk. On Monday we take beer. On Teseday night we take a tbth. Aud trom r to year. liorse On Wedneday e play poker. On Thersdy ilght we ramm B t there is so .ls on Gallaher Whes Mary Murphy's bean." Pee inenthme a lew of the ballads she yeib. Js m shoe he snent a my pati ee. Ani the wary beest ptat my eate Lebels 'Olass this macsags at al peeples and us. /Whash.e -ss emai e. ai belees.e 1 etlen re it to the m asr e And warble amd .rbia. eslows (As- ug by Dave Martl and T. r. Coirter eer shoe we were men. uI o sash eitheraolaaptrap. C-radrs whaen Blaine 4pke at OphbI IWs ghi wer might be bdt r Whees theldad ti the l eady oli wal. Wisherei by t a e . -l.J. D sliy sIn . P Webs.A o "Is thins wher I aetetad a tdt d -T ,*Athelady otb. clark in the tie sal amba. " "HET much dots it c dP "Where to, ma am: "Depends oe the suabier atwomrd.. "And will t gt tthe sr a a?' "esm. m'am" "aie I eat it ts alCar t mrrw inSaI gt w.1 g tiers th at -r I Mai a, ta l Good ." eps"wU.l si so h eii*.* I moe a . a b. et. depc la o * a .geoa tar m algt- shest ss yea sumaia LYeak ~ ' sen astg th Ybda MU"aibi 1,000 MEN WANTEDI To participate in our Great Bargain salef ' this month. We offer you as our New Year's Gift your choice of 300 Overshirts for $1.00 160 pair Wool Pants for $1.75. 110 suits Wool Underwear for 96o 85 pair of Shoes for $1.00. Send Mail orders quick or come and se these Bargaids for '93. CASE, KING & WODZITZKI, IPITAL. ;,. . .URPLL' .~sj, PROFITS , II. ". R.:'lix . isi.itcnt: \\"i. Il \H ~l, i . \Vicc-l'rcsiden t I E I < C I I x. C b .Ler CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY. Eitoro t Paid. On T'Pimae Deopo.ýci. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. MILES CITY, MONTANA. &CAPITAL, $5o,ooo. SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $7o4ooe V. 1. J, ris, lPrcsident. (G. M.l i u. Vice-Pre'sident. 1I. B. \V .F:\'. Cashier. C. I.. C.\RTrER, ..,'t Cashier. .Dra) Drafts on London. Paris. Berlin. I)ubllin, Christiana and all o,rci n Cities at Current Rates: To New York. Chicagio, St. Paul and I lclcna. Accounts of Stockmen, Merchants and Indi- ., viduals Respectfully Solicited. 'PATRONIZE HIO.1E HY LOC.\TING \'VlR WITH ONE WORD TO OUR FRIENDS LAD CUSTOMERS The cost of doing a credit business to either Merchant or customi is fully to per cent. WHY OT save this? It will make you moneye well as your merchant-It is a mutual affair-The larger our busiages grows, the greater advantage we give our trade. This has been as unusually busy season with us and we regard the outlook for tll. future snaGHT. With eleven years of close application to business is Miles City, we are thoroughly convinced of the mutual advantage at' a casH business and on and after FEBSIUARY IST 1893 WE SHALL Bs ABSOLUTELY A CASH BUSINEss.-We want to do business with you-. We ask opportunity to prove that we can save you money --Write ut -Ask us any question, we will answer to your advantage - S.IILLýa&CO. MAI s O U11, ,. .me s W.IS, 'w asmaese -