" I
.., 'I n li rc tcr Ne, l\sk.
! !, ih.( accepted the challctie
' (. F .ge '. tlo; .on t( play a
:I <, ull l s'ri of game
i;.. il , i1 ',tl" htitt: l eventlt il
,, ,n.a ., f ( biili.trd; may be
S.... k.. ,. Schad fer has lost
chidren's shoet.
We added s,mic fine shes
and greatly enlarged our shoe de
\\'e solicit your trade in foot
wear: our quality is right ;and
prices low.
Special discount for a fw (ldays.
)(r Si.Xo ladies' kid is the b)est
thing for the money we have
spring sash goodl are now in
Notice of satme later.
Cash only.
3 R. R. Gi. REDD.
PHlilt'ItiIN AtND 141.R~IEON.
uice at N. E. tavarae' Dru i .t rn .
S R. ~ F. FIltH.
Panttaitlr Ik~tibogx AItt OaniaT62l~ th;
t rati.Wutdafrn( and Bnrbnah eufer. O nt a
WP. tl Lrarea' Ding Attrr.
*..3Lt m ('A?[4and I UREIRON.
and wakience Main 81. near Tenth.
/I Whitney,
ý'L"' HiDgNTIST.
i tIaet over Igr rwn National Dank
orb guaavatend and at reanonabi. pricea.
8RWIJAL ~ae ('Mo tor. Palaer and
at Itd a.N. and
tSpmY ra In each
. J Prie kRecto r.
ý ý(ý rk swumMoIkei ood and
U~f3 lM (7owCqme Street~
andat altd Da7n a pm p.m..
A.a sad A1p. He. Miwangle P o1 astar
lO t U. meata in 11
alai lc d= a i~e~t do 1.10
ý )trt and ib Fri
l4 at lr as r aL e
L Mi . 4L ?*C= the We*twos atIla wti
stag 00 of·l~g·Ir~r(
uwa;R g1PZ~~'
Four Big Conventions in Pro
gress in Washington.
It.+ -- f the* I'atrtl I....
Itk Iou.11,I
Wl.o t.ri. 'N. I"th. :2. Itlitreiaintt
ti\vs of thle ilniuliat Iarty from over it
;seore )of sitates aIre gtthered here tin ly
for the pllurlts, of taking tittil
garding tie. futlure platformtls ,of the
i.arty. IFoulr seit late Imltc tings arte ill
progress. compirisiing the natiul indus
trial alliiance. the ReformI Press asssita
tion. which trepresn.lts .ioveir I .tKn weekly
paltrt-: the industrial legionill. which is
thel military auxilir'y ,of the Ipe,,ple .
party ,proU.r. The object of this gath
ering. or rauther series of gathterings.
is tio teide unpin sire i(eiierted action
necesstWry to bring altstul i tinal triumph
oif .qpulist ideas. ts well as to atgitate
and wecure during the inioming atltil
istration the relief which the third party
regarlds is netessiary uplln financial and
steial iIprleIms. It is also prl.tsil to
seeulre sanllle lnifIorm plan upl.n which the
antagonistic lements on the imoinetary
quiestion may Ie hart.mnized. The re
sult iof twiltay gathering is likely to
deteromine ill a large lmeasure the futulre
sHu'essful existnllce of the l.ople's
iWarrilm Kan.ean..
K .'s.,s ('ryv. Feb. .2. .\ srlcial
frion Tolpeka. iKanlsas. saiys: T'hefriends
of Judge Ma1rtlin are making a tremen
dous effort to pirevent the electin of an
other senator. His rase here is int thte
hands of I)r. S. I. Neely and J. Il.('hap
tman. who say they % ill seek to get the
ilennoH'rtic state icentral tlimltnittee to
gether to take nitionl. The chatlirnliat tof
tilhe Ilnlllittee.. W. ('.. tolllts. is ailt pr)los
tent il ()klahomna.
)wing to the dealth iof Lelanid J. \W.elb.
whose father. Judgel W. ('. W 4eth. is
citunnsel for the Ilunstull re hoi iPse. coiinsidl
ertttioin of the (;I int halteWis coirpius ease
wats ildjolurnelld y the supirelme court
this morning until 2 tp. tn. The report is
general that the Isopulists are seeking to
delay the case until they adjourn
the legislature. but this the lsqpulists
deny. They declare that the legislature
will last the full fifty days. which will
carry it until the Nth of March.
The republicans apparently have no
feur of the result sniuld the coulrt ide
cide the case on its merits. BHut they
are not so confident of success should
the court deckide it on the question of
juriseiction. p, many courts of the
country have held minority legislative
lodies to be de facto organizationm that
some republicans are a little apprehen
sive of the result of the case unow pend
Time for S'aama.
l o;eor.. C'okenmbia. Feb. 2 The Co
kHnbian government has gralted M.
Mauge, the representative of thecanal,a
temporary extension of the concession.
The extension will last until the end of
March, so that the ministry will have
time to study the details of the ques
tion. There is a probability that a
coamission from Bogota will visit the
isthmus for the purpose of studying the
The Colombian government has sent
a request from Bogota that an expres
sion of public opinion be given in Pana
ma on the advisability of granting fur
ther concessions to the Panama Canal
As 'prtlgt Jdale.
WAnaxuIox, Feb. 21 -The president
will make no nomination of a successor
to Judge Jackson. In the tiat place
Judge Jackson has not resigned, and
it is understood that he will tender
his resignation to Mr. Cleveland or elm
delay it so long that the senate will not
have the time to contirm his successor
even if Presideht Harrison shoukl nomi
The («.inu *afl.jsr E.weL
NtW Youx. Feb. 22- A Drooklltoe.
Pa., eipeial to a morning. Paper on
(leorge A. Jnksh wil be the ataewy
gsrml i n Mr. Cleyelmd'a seooed ad
hralom, Hrveaeived the newe d
hie appoatmeat mara Mr. Cievelbd in
thrn teispams bafht, the hIt c a,
rivugat 1A o'lowk Is the afernoon.
w...«. am. am s ea
Prraauuo, Feb. Ht- -Hugh 01).
sell. Jack Ciderd and Hugh Rume,
hýMiin d the UtoIramd etiha
with rit. -arpib ad hum eo went
niveleinmIa.whe c4 $0, huleach.
The accused have bres is Jil tr three
mosths. They lilt hr Uomteaemd i
7! ..w 7!t ..o 1.
Btfnr." t' ;, r ,:mI ;-I I rsti4 1 ('ali
fo~erc a 41- ;-' .1 t.. k t ii e 1 ti :7111.1. r '
the stll "" 1'\I. i i I 1 t I; I C.; 'I ' 4-·. T~i- rt b·i;
isrwtfrt nl P ', I 1;," ( i, t ot it Iarp, th itt
w·C:'.ini iv . i i"..1;t I.'ll""r.
liuu wa., .i i ti : V r. i
-11,11 w its I l ? ",:; ,".. :1 1". I ro, ",-.:r
lit ¶ I,!;",r"o, ic
ct l . r- \ Inli
. ,, t ,""t,:tit '., , i"
t7lc.kti,1 Eve ill tliu" \rd ci r rthA c:L ..k t
Ii."' 1.1 i . ii
iltl ..,, 'I , .. " I cttlid it `t-il u
r -ii. - i 1 . .. :
*How" i-u in tt. l. 't t . ,otetute +:ts
tranujt nh ii -flir a shrt ret ieat
Il;! i til i"1t : ra it vi the hicken,
dir I, had ghi .I i i - utri Tr uj .
Sl·· ;j - - 1 iiw c t717 itto to I ija t w inte
tht· ik y Lrryinr[ I rrcP rnl j'Nilrh. s
le", Izt h dgv:lg Tribt m
skdsI wihIcol "t ra
f it itrar iii afev
i ck iti r 11 lolhaetoi o i
a Prizeitight.-.rntOU
li itt. ol''! htra
L : i '. di it Cit-U
Mo"r t r.' uer gr t o1'.
scttt.J "?ii \rigt' it li. i itrii ttt
ml i'~ tI'' .';, 11:t uni i.t . anti .1: n ' II?
v it lt-i' ibit afttrat Mn I rUnd h
Mr.' i .rle hiit~i-t ite Itit. juwianti 1usd1 iqt t
tha it: bit) a":" oly cesI~i anti iwheyn I
pO(NK) basis -Chiesgo Tribune.
YThe 3eesa Why
The Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway is the favorite:
it is the oldest and was first in the!
Its train service is the very best.
It is the first to adopt improvements.
Its sleepers are palaces on wheels.
It runs elegant drawing room sleepers
on all-night trains.
Its trains are lighted by electricity.
It runs luxurious chair cars o day
It is the only line using the electric
berth lamp.
Its dining car service is unezolled.4
Its trains run solid to Milwaukee and
t is the beet route to St. ouis and
the south.
It is the best route to Kanm City
and the west.
It runs four trains daily to Milwaukee
and Chicago.
It rune two daily trains to St. Louis
and Kansas City.
It is the government fast mail route.
It is popularly styled the .Old Relia
It furnishes safety, comfort and speed
to patrons.
For inormatlon as to the lowest rates
to all points in the United States and
Canada via "The Milwass." applty to
any coupon ticket suent or to
J. T.O Cnnsn.
At Gea. Pass Agt..
St. Pan. Minn.
asMawmsebst A ae-.use.
Orrnco or =as Cobsw Cams
Orn C Cons Cou
MusL Cmrs. Mont., Feb. 6 LS)
far On elk porr of bem . aid
wa. b stle bt t ohla we O
The baned mserves to aee
Sj a th Be ned at Comt
41 ' a* mo
p-i e~e;t eeron.
"'I a :carry te ;e,. sid a lady aft r
tmakine, a 1 .:',' t.o von call, "but I
ir .,;i ] it L," Lon:! • l .efores t; a."
"'Ol. ,. Li ." O1 I l e xplain it to
v.,Ir .:-. adi.'." r ;ilied they hostess, who
l1d Ib in ur ,ing trhe invitation.
'Don't you do it!"' came her nephew's
voice fro';m lt e next room. "D. n't let
her lI-ad yon into nlrdellteanors that you
will Ih Iu:ni.-iwdt for afterwar i. She
used to coax tae in just the same way
when I was a boy. and then I had to
sntier fr it."
"n.os:, Ihenrlry!" said his aunt.
•"Thait is nthing but a joke. Don't take
any tore inott ~c of it. Mrb. Dcll. lu:t you
mnt stay to t( a."
"You see, lhen I was ih school," pur
sued the ruthless nephew, "we ]Ived out
of town. andt I was exlpected to be at
home every night Iwfore dark. Once a
weein I usted to run in and call on auntie.
and she always persenalcel ma to stay to
tea and go house in the evening, and
when I asld father wonul settle with me
afte rward she' used to say:
"" 'Oh, jest .,tav. and I will take tie re
spntsibiihty! "
"Well. dhin't she take it?" asked the
" s." wt:ia tc r, ply. "she took the rs.
vispoibility. ,::t I took the whippihg."
Bostat Tranesiri-t.
Peoker Term.
• o -s. ,;nn- , \J t
i it
The (ilass Iadstry.
The por'n ttres of the glass industry in
America has beet, far from consbtant. It
has tlfferee severe at: violent flnctup
thins, almoenting aalmost to auntihilatiote
Several timtes it has needled to be born
again But the aun total of these sue
cems>e ani! vicissitundes hast been the e:
tabliShmtient of al industry which. while
it is the oldest. is also at the present
time one of the most promising and
must highly developed of all our indus
tries.-Profesor C. H. Henderson in
Popular Science Monthly.
A Ledset Idea.
In certain London restaurants each
customer is allowed to wake his or her
tea. The waitress lights the gas bumrnter.
which is affixed to each table, and sets
thereon a silver k. ttle Then she pre
seats to tihe teallaa:er a silver caddly
divided tutto coullair.ments and ffe'r:t;t
a chotce of tret:cst.l.t . teyhm or ;:g n
tea Any one who s ceu tnpelled to dri..;
tlw lukewarm stuil lcalledl ten at rc'
taurants will appre a:te the tnew idtle.
New Try This.
It will cost you nothing and will sure
ly do you good If you have acough, cold.
or any trouble with throat. chest or
lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. Coughs and Colds Is
guaranteed to give relief or money will
paid beak. BaSerers from Ia grippe
ounad it just the thiag. and under ts
oe bad a speedy and perfect recovery.
Try a saple battle at our and
lea f tyour sl just how goon a thing
it is. Trial bottles free at Wright's
drug staore, Iegg. sls lUs sad 1.
cheap aD ahate tb. lUnanearsa.
For the ilnauguration o Cleveland
and Stevenson at Wablnegtoan a arch
4th. excurseon ticket, reading via Biti
mre and Ohio raMilrd, "n Ptuw
qute Route," will be placed on gale at the
ticket aes of principal ealroads c
the wet, as well as at ti tibcket cose
at the Baltimore and Ohio coampany.
The tare from Chicago will he 17b0 for
the round trip These tickets will be
Bad foem February Uth to March 3d
inclutre, and will e rvalid for return
journey untl March th inclarie.
The Brttmore and Ohio in the
shortedt ruts to Washington rom
neeay all paoint west. It. trais an
vestiuled tearm end to end, and earry
PAulean -sping car
N. rhlread in Aieerica in bater
equipped the B. A 0. to taspet
with diptch. sedety. ad eas tort the
I-W aemwd which we viliwthlagtou
to witasas the nangieantok esset~ai
Its biag eapeleace In taaqetbg
-meds to mamer lmae!sauns. i. A. 3
cinvesm endpane g mi man.
eaeuvsin aw w E 1w ease soaks tahabl
c s and6s eas to
onst eentsluyu~ir a
1& 0 a rg
Teas! Teas!
S( 'cir Qccia
These ti as are ptut up for and shipped dir t to us
P'rcxm "apa-2.
Case, King & Wodzitzki.
V. B. J l., cPresident. G. M. M III.Es, Vice-President.
II. B. \\'l.t:V, Cashier. C. L. CARTEK, Ass't Cashier.
Draw Drafts on London, Paris, Berlin, Dublin, Christiana and ar
Foreign Cities at Current Rates; To New York,
Chicago, St. Paul and Helena.
Accounts of Stockmen, Merchants and InAdi
viduals Respectfutlly Solicited.
P'.\ITAL. ..t4,u. SURPL S .%% PROFITS. SMI
II. F. BHr iite oR, P'rcsident: \\':. HAItRIOS, Vice-I'resident;
E. E. B.iCIIE ..oI, . Cashier.
XIntrerest Paid On Wne le lpta#it.i 1
Is the name very appropriately given to shoes that lack
fit and style. No matter how good the materials may be
nor how strongly put togather, if they lack these two es
sentials they are useless to the wearer. This is especially
true of ladies' fine goods, for no lady who is willing to
pay S2..0 or more for her footwear will purchase a shoe
that does not so conform to the natural shape of the foot
as to be comfortable, and which does not show a sufici
cient gracefulness of outline to fit the head as well as the
foot. This is just where we come in. We never put in a
new line of goods until we are not only convinced that
they are THEORETICALLY right, but also have proven by
actual trials that they" are PrACr:T .\.L so, and thns we
are in a position to guarantee the fit of our goods.
Por Wle * RLent
mur i o am.
gw gI Arela A 1 im 15
aII s ... . l... ww___
-el .tsm