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Whitefish Pilot. VOLUME 7 , WHITEFISH, FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1910, NUMBER 4 PLANS ACCEPTED Dr. H. E. Houston returned from Spokane last Thursday after noon where he had been in con ference with, and submitted the plans of the new bank building, to the parties there, the Union Securi ties Co.,and the Whitefish Townsite Co, who are to finance this under taking, along with the First Nation al Bank of Whitefish and several local people. He laid the plans personally be fore D. W. Twohy, president and F. D. Basset, vice President of the Union Securities Co., and F. B. Grinnel, president of the Whitefish Townsite Co. and the First National Bank of Whitefish, and they all feel very highly elated over every thing that has been done and rec commend that the work be started as soon as possible, and stated that the finances will be forthcoming as soon as they are needed. These men, who are the large financiers of Spokane, are not tak ing any chances by investing their money here and then have the di vision point move away. They have looked into this matter thoroughly and have taken it up carefully with President L. W. Hill and General Manager Greuber of the Great Northern, whom they have kept informed of what they propose to do here. The matter has also been laid before E. L. Brown, general superintendent of the western district at Spokane and and Division Superintendent W. R. Smith of this place, who all heartily approve of the action that has been taken, which will restore confidence in the town and drive away for all time to come, the scare that the division point will be taken away. There were a few minor changes made in the plans, so as to make four store rooms on the first floor instead of three, and on the second floor a few changes were made in regards to the rooms, but otherwise the general structure will remain the same. Architect Marion B. Riffo is now engaged in making the permanent plans and specifications, and as soon as they are finished the con tracts will be let and the work start ed as soon as it can be gotten under way. It is desired to have the ex cavating done for the basement be fore the spring sets in, which will make it more difficult then, so that the prospects are that the work will be started in the very near future. It is the intentions of the direct ors to use home products and em ploy hom.i labor in this building as far as possible. HANDS BURNED WITH GASOLINE Mrs. E. J. Cavanaugh had a very narrow escape from being seriously burned Monday afternoon. She was out on her back porch cleaning a collar with gasoline, when from no other apparenT cause than fric tion, the gasoline ignited on the collar and set fire to the pan of gasoline also. Her hands and arms were badly burned, but with great presence of. mind she went into the house and secured a quilt with which she smothered the flames and put out the fire in the pan of gasoline, which threatened to set ' fire to the house. After all was over she called her daughter Flor ence, from the store to her assist ance. The bums are painful but will not be serious. Dr. Houston was called to attend her. Levi Martin, a rancher from over in the Stillwater country was in the city yesterday transacting business. DIVISION RIGHTS ONLY On the first of April a change will take place all over the Great Northern system, whereby the en ginemen will all be assigned to certain divisions and will not hold senority x-ights outside of that one division. Heretofore they have been hold ing rights over several divisions, especially around in Minnesota where men held rights over hun dreds of miles of track that they had never been over. This has been the cause of a great deal of confusion in keeping the men prop erly placed on the senority list, and it kept all the men in that particu lar district in suspense, because he could really never tell when an old er man from another division would take a notion he wanted a certain run, and come over and bump him, putting him out of a job and prob ably causing him to move to some other place. The senority rights of the men on this section of th'e Great North ern extends from Cut Bank to Spo kane, over two divisions, the Kalis pell and Spokane. Circulars have been issued to the men during the past week about the proposed change, stating that on April 1, all runs will be declared vacant, and each man is now re quested to sign up for the division he desires to work on and put in a bid for the run he wants.* He will then have thirty days to take the run he bid for, and must be settled by the first of June. After that date no one will hold rights over more than one division. That will mean that the men who sign up for the Kalispell division will have to remain .here permanently and cannot be hopping back and forth between here and Spokane as they have been doing in the past. It has put a number of the en inemen on the fence, as they do not know which division they want to take. Some of the younger men are signing up for the Spokane di vision because they can then work out of a large city, but it is liable to put them quite a ways down the list, when they can hold good rights here,which is another matter which they will consider seriously. In fact this seems to be the pref erable division from a working stand point, as it is claimed the runs are more desirable, the work ing conditions are better and the engines are in better shape, so there will no doubt be many of the old men who can hold good rights on the Spokane division, who will stay here on this account, in preference to moving to Spokane just for the sake of being in a larger town. PRUNE SELLERS HAVE FAREWELL DINNER All the "Prune Sellers" of the city of Whitefish were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Robin son, where they partook of a sump tuous diixner at three o'clock Sun day afternoon, which was a farewell to Percy Robinson, one of their num ber, who has departed for his broad acres of homestead land in the do minions of King Edward. After spending an enjoyable afternoon they took their leave, declaring that they had been delightfully enter tained, and wished Percy success in his new venture, but not to forget the stars and stripes. E. L. Geddes has his new real estate office about completed, which puts up a very neat appearance since he has had the new front put on. __ Sydney Lvle, the piano tuner came over from Kalispell yesterday. DESTRUCTIVE LAND AND SNOW SLIDES It has been a strenuous week on this division of the Great Northern, especially for the officials, who have put in the hardest wrfek they have had for many a day, fighting the elements. The warm weather and rains in this section have been the cause of. many serious snow slides in the mountains at several places along the line, which did a great deal of damage to property and demoral ized the traffic over the entire sys tem. Saturday morning at 7:30, a big slide came down at Highgate, 300 feet long and 15 feet deep, which buried four men, employes of Grant Smith and Co., the Great Northern contractors, who are doing the double tracking over the summit of the mountains. Shortly after this others occured at Paola and Sky land, but they were small and the rotary plows soon cleared them out. On account of the men Leing buried at the Highgate slide, the rotary could not be put into it on the start for fear of cutting up the men who were entombed therein, so it had to be shoveled out by hand which was slow and tedious work and de layed all trains for over 12 hours. Two of the men dug out were dead and the other two slightly in jured as follows: Henry Strong, Finlander, age 29, dug out about 8:20 a. m., slightly injured; Jacob Sorel, Finlander, age 38, dug out at 2:15 p. m., practically uninjured except from cold; Oscar Peterson, Finlander, age 38, dug out 2:30 p. m. and Adam Asu age 26, dead, caused by suffocation. both ! The I dead were taken charge of by Cor oner Waggener and the injured were taken care of at the conti'act er's hospital at Fielding. Jacob Sorel, the man who re ceived no injuries was working in a cut in the bank, and when he saw the slide coming down on him he ran into the cut where he was working and was in this way pro tected from injury. He had his SMALLPOX TO BE QUARANTINED For the purpose of getting the matter in tangible form so that it may be acted upon officially,a com mittee from the commissionei's of the counties in session in annual convention is engaged in drafting a resolution and recommendations which will cause a strict quarantine to be enforced against smallpox and other contagious diseases. The ap pointment of the committee came as a l'esult of prolonged discussion of the advisability of boai-ds of com missioners enforcing quarantine. Some of the officials were dis posed to think the matter should be left entirely to the state board of health, as it is believed little credit will go to the commissioners in event their recommendations are carried out and prove beneficial, while to the contrary in the case there is dissatisfaction to the public then they will be severely censured. I j ; I ! I j ! SAVINGS DEPARTMENT When the First National Bank gets into its new quarters they will add a savings department to their banking system,which will no doubt be appreciated by the wage earners of Whitefish, as it will enable them to make a safe disposition of their savings, so that they can have some thing laid up for a rainy day. It's funny how queer and uncom municative a man will be just short ly before he is to get married. shovel with him and when found he had started digging his own way out. This slide had hardly been clean ed up when one came down near Swinton, on the Fernie branch, about 300 feet long and 35 feet deep, so all the available men and snow fighting apparatus was rushed over there, because a tie up on the Fernie branch would mean a coal famine, as all the coal used in this section comes from the mines at Fernie. The slide was not hard to manage as the rotary plows could work in it to good advantage, so it was not long before it was cleaned up. But the troubles did not end here, the worst was yet to come. Sunday afternoon about one o'clock, the worst slide that has ever hap pened on this division came down at Highgate again and another man was buried beneath it and was killed. He was found the next day with his face all crushed and his body badly bruised. His name is Peter Hen derson, Swede, age 42. Coroner Waggener took chaige of his re mains also. This slide was about 450 feet long and 80 feet deep in some places, and was composed of as much rock and timber as there was snow, so it made it the most difficult problem to dig out. In some places «when nothing else would avail, blasting had to be resorted to. On account of this slide the train service was completely put out of [business until yesterday morning ! when a passage was cut thru. All I passenger trains both ways had to in is run over the Northern Pacific from Helena to Spokane, and this section of the country was practically isolated from the rest of the world. Tuesday No. 44 came in from the west and was turned around here and went back as No. 3. The TION AT HILLYARD dinky came up from Kalispell to ' make connections with it, which gave them the first outlet they had had for over 24 hours. i _ ! HAC ArfTDTCn DACI j nAD ALLCr I ell rittl- I A. P. Sheridan, who bas been employed at the roundhouse for the past few years as machinist, has I accepted a similar position with the j Great Northern at the Hillyard ; shops. I Mr. Sheridan's aged father, who ! lives in Bellingham, Wash., has been in very poor health of late, so he is taking him to Spokane in hopes that the change of climate and altitude will be better suited to him. It is for this reason that Mr. I Sheridan is leaving here and it is to j be regretted that he should leave ! at this time, as he was just getting the band nicely organized again, and noto with his going away they will be without a leader, and it is likely that the organization will not be able to make much headway for a while on this account. Mr. and Mrs. Proudman, of Ever ett, Wash., who has been visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. Sanders for the past week returned yesterday. Mr. Proudman is the roundhouse foreman at Everett and is badly effected with asthma, so came over here for a short t ime in hopes that the change of altitude would benefit him, but he did not receive the re lief he expected. I, B. Willoughby is giving away to the man who makes the highest score on his bowling alleys during the month of February, a fine meer schaum pipe. TO INSTALL A MOTOR Geo. K. Midzutani, the propri etor of the Whitefish Steam Laun dry, to make everything up-to-date, has ordered a ten horse power electric motor to run the machinery in his laundry, instead of the steam engine that he figured on in the first place. The machinery has been in transit for a month now, and is expected here any day. His foreman arrived from Seattle last week and is making all the perliin inary arrangements to have it rush ed to completion as soon as the machinery arrives. When this laundry gets in run ning order it will be the finest and best equipped in the valley, as all the latest and up-to-date machinery will be installed and all the modern appliances will be used, so that nothing but the best of work will be turned out. In making his plans Mr. Mid zutani has figured on the increase of business which the growth of the city will bring, and will be amply equipped to take care of all future needs for some time to come. He is also making a reduction in the prie# of the work, being able to do this on account of the facillities that he has, and the capacity of his new machinery to turn out the work cheaper than the other laun dries and will give the people of Whitefish the benefit of this, which will no doubt be appreciated. DENNIS KELLEY TO GREAT FALLS Dennis Kelley, the well known violinist, who has been employed as clerk with the Star Clothing and Shoe Co. since last spidng, has re signed his situation there and has gone back railroading again. He has accepted a position as cashier ' for the Great Northcm Express Go G rea t Falls, and left for there j^a^ lhursday night, i Mr - Kelle .V has ljeen a resident of ! Whitefish for a number of years, j and on account of being an expert I musician he was always in demand and greatly sought after when éver there was any music to be furnished for an entertainment or a dance. In fact he was the best violinist in the valley, and could make his in strument fairly talk. He was very popular with every one and he has a host of friends here who regret very much to hear of his departure, and will wish him well in his new location, but some of them don't give him very long to stay away. They feel sure that he will have a longing for dear old Whitefish which he can not resist, and, be back again before many moons. , BOYS WANTED "One thousand boys wanted to grow corn in Montana for the James J. Hill prize," is the caption of an article sent out by Fred S. Cooley, superintendent of the Farmer's In stitute at Bozeman. Mr. Hill has offered a prize amounting to one thousand dollars to be divided among the successful competitors. Corn can be success fully grown in Montana and the boys will "show you." With fifty boys planting corn in each county, there will be something doing next fall, and the state fair will look like a corn show. In 1911 Montana farmers will be planting the seed our boys have produced. What interests the boys, interests all the people of Montana. Bert Goodhue was a passenger to Kalispell yesterday, going down on [a short visit with his sister. ROUNDING UP VIOLATORS Game Warden W. R. Ralston was in town last Thursday to look into alleged cases of deer killing out of season. He rounded up several settlers at the head of the lake, whom it was reported have been paying no at tention to the game laws whatever, and have been slaughtering deer at their pleasure out of season as well as in it. He was not able to secure evi dence enough to bring any charge against them, but he gave them fair warning that their actions will be watched in the future and if they are caught violating the law in the least, they will be punished to its fullest exteixt. THE LADIES ARE GOOD BOWLERS Ladies day at the bowling alleys is becoming quite popular with a number of the women who are tak ing a great deal of interest in this healthy and invigorating sport. Last Friday about 15 of them turned out and they report having had a dandy good time. They have become very enthusiastic over the game and some of them are already talking of organizing a club, so as to have match games. This will no doubt come after they have had a little more practice. There are some excellent bowlers among them and several very good scores were made for the first time, which will no dobt grow larger as they get more practice. Tomorrow it is expected that there will be a greater number out to compete for the prizes which Mr. Willoughby is offering to those mak ing the best scores. Every Friday afternoon is ladies' day and Mr. Willoughby will do everything he can to make it pleasant for them. The alleys are cleaned up on this day purposely for them, and they can go there and enjoy a pleasant afternoon's sport without the least fear of being offended in any way, because no one will be admitted who can not be a gentleman. The ladies rule supreme on this day and all men must take a back seat. The following are some of the good scores that were made last Friday: Mrs. Delaney 102 and 94, Mrs. Ramay 86, Mrs. Peterson 86 and Mrs. DeRemer 76. YOU CAN GET YOUR FISHING LICENSE NOW Judge Garr received a supply of fishing and hunting licenses from the state game warden last week, so all those who are going plunking this winter had better secure li censes at once. The licenses are here now and no one will be ex cused for not having one. The minimun fine is $25 for the first offense and the license only costs one dollar, so it will be a pretty good investment te secure one be fore the game warden happens around this way. Mrs. P. L. Forcum very pleas antly entertained the "500" Club Tuesday afternoon at her home at Lakeside. At 5 o'clock delicious refreshments were served, after which the ladies enjoyed a social chat. Beside the club members the invited guests were: Mesdames Robinson, Geddes, McFarlane, the Misses Mahan, Edith and Margaret Roebuck. The Hutchinson Lumber Com pany has a crew of 20 men engaged in taking out cedar poles. Their saw and planing mill is shut down for the present*