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Lots for Sale ' • -in— • " McKEEN ADDITION - : S3.1W" Ç10.O0 down nnd $10.00 vper > month. t.Liv A. R. : KEEN r. «•. w: ......I -- ! - "• ' * Froze Up, Eh? Well, don't let that worry you. .Just call on Willoughby the plumber and he will tix you in a hurry. Plumbing and | heating and all kinds of repair j work done in a workman like ! way. : : : I. B. WILLOUGHBY A. G. TOSTO[ DEALER IN [■ Confectionery, Cigars, | Tobacco ALL KINDS of CANNED IMPORTED ITALIAN GOODS \ A. T. NEUMAN Bricklayer and Mason Firstclass Work. Satisfaction Guar anteed Cor. 3rd St. and O'Brien Ave. See that your ad gives and leaves right impression of your store, the "Pig store, big ad." Dit. A. HOWE, EYE SPECIALIST Graduate of American College of Opthalmology, of Chicago. Glarus adjust^«! for errors of refraction, loss ot accommodation and for muscular defects. Office, Knli»v>e11 Drug Co.'n Store MARRIED IN SPOKANE Mr. Harry Gray of Vancouver, Wash., and Miss Hazel Davis were quietly married in Spokane yester day. Mr. Gray is well known here, as he was a Whitefish resident up until last spring, when lie left to accept a more lucrative position in Vancouver, with the S. P. A S., in the car department under E. R. Grant, also formerly of Whitefish. Miss Davis is the youngest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis of this place, and needs no farther in troduction than that she is one of Whitefish's most charming and es timable young ladies, and we con sider that Mr. Gray has surely won a prize in her. The happy young couple will make their home 'in Vancouver, an 1 tin ir many friends here wish them much happiness. Miss Davis went to Spokane Mon day on one of t ie eki.vcd trains, accompanied- by her mother and sister. VALUATION INCREASED After an investigation it has been found that the valuation of the , town has increased s > that it can bé bonded for $15,000 more, which will be sufficient t » build a trunk sewer through the main streets, and then later on, the parts of the town needing a sewer can be di vided into improvement districts, and branches can be extended any place where the situation demands it. A sewer system is absolutely necessary to enhance its progress and growth, so it should be one of the duties of the city council to see hat this work is carried into effect as soon as possible. À report comes from Columbia Falls this morning that C. E. Clemens is well on the road to re covery from his attack of pneu monia. Chamberlain ! sf Cough Remedy is a very valuable medicine for throat and lung troubles, quickly relieves and cures painful breathing and a dangerously sounding cough which indicates congested lungs. Sold by all dealers. is a THE WHITEFISH PILOT F. R. TALLMAN and H, C. ANDERSON, l'ublish -rs THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE TOWN OF WHITEFISH. SUBSCRIPTION .1ATBS l ____$2.00 Six months.......................... .... 1.00 . 5 ® __ Canadian Subscriptions, 50c , er year extra Subscription outside of FI at Lead payable strictly in advance. county In Flutbenil comity subscription is payable at any time within the year. As m ist people in tlie county who take the paper do not like to have their subscription interrupted, a year's time is eriven in which to pay for it, and the paper does not stop when subscrip tion expires unless so ordered. If you are receiving- a copy of the t aper regularly, you will be expected to pay for it. Don't forget this, if subscription is not paid at the expiration of a year's time, you will receive notice, if you wish your paper stopiied when youi subscription expires, kindly notify this office. There are no deadheads on The Pilot's list, and we want none, so if you do not expect to pay for tiie paper please take the trouble to have it stopped before you get in debt to us nnd we become the victim of misplaced con fidence. ADVERTISING BATES: Display—20c per single column inch per week. Standing ads, 75c per single column inch per month. Reading Notices— 10c per line pel week. Want Ads—lc per word. PUBLISHED E\ERY THURSDAY. Entered as second class matter February 18. 1904, at the postolfice at Whitefish. Mont., wider the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. HON. E. M. HUTCHINSON FOR THE SENATE We take pleasure in this issue of The Pilot in announcing the candidacy of the Hon. E. M. Hutchinson for the nomination for state senator on the Repub lican ticket. Mr. Hutchinson's record as a member of the elev enth legislative assembly, we think, makes him the logical candidate for the position to which he aspires. His numerous admirers, not only in Whitefish but thruout the length and breadth of Flathead county, have urged him to come out for the nomination and we are of the opinion that he is the right man for the place. No question can arrive as to his qualifications or fitness for the position nor to his fidelity to the sacred trust his election would repose in him. Mr. Hutchinson's standing in his community is of the highest and all those acquainted with his every day life will vouch for his integrity. The Pilot believes that, in con sideration of past services, all well-meaning citizens of Flat head county will rejoice in the opportunity of doing something for a man whose past records are all on the side of right and jus tice. Someone must receive this nomination and certainly no man in Flathead county deserves the honor more than Mr. Hutchin son. His nomination should be unanimous and his election al most the same. It takes live men to make a town. Dead men are only fit to inhabit cemeteries. If they are really decidedly dead all over, we tenderly lay them away in the sleep of the tomb; if they are dead to all enterprise and spirit, outside the narrow lines of there own selfish interest and yet persist in walking around, moving their caloused hearts and conscience where real busi ness is wanted to push and throb with vigor, they are only like the drone bees, in the way until they are stung to death and dragged outside the hive of leg itimate industry. Twelve really live men are worth more to a town generally than a round thousand of such useless ma terial that lays around like rub bish in a rushing stream that is aching and foaming to run mills and factories. Live men bless and dead men curse a town. Let us hope that there is no use less material lying about White fish. We have come to that stage now when we need all the live material that can be gath ered together to get things start ed off with a whirl. You can show that you are a live one by attending the Chamber of Com merce .meeting Tuesday night. At this meeting it is desired to have every merchant in the town in attendance. I Coming Events \ Don't forget the date of the Cham E'er of Commerce meeting on Tuesday evening February 1. The Woodman of the Work! will give their second anrtual ball on St. Valentines day. February 11. On Washington's birthday, Feb ruary 22, the Whitefish Volunteer Fire department will give their an nual ball which is expected will he a masquerade. - ■■■The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church will meet at the parsonage Wednesday, Feb. 2,1b 10. All members are requested to he present. There will he a regular meeting of the Whitefish Chamber of Com merce on Tuesday evening, Feh. 1, at which everyone is requested to attend. It is desired to have a full attendance of all the merchants. The number of fake advertis ing grafts which are being work ed sometimes make it hard for a man with a legitimate and bene ficial proposition to obtain a hear ing. The country is full of men who make a living by traveling from town to town and working various alleged advertising schemes. It has been demon strated time and again that the safest and surest way to adver tise and the way in which you will get the best results with the local people is with the local papers. Likewise with job work and commercial printing. You know and can see what you are getting and you are permitted to make any changes, alterations or additions which you may desire. Local newspapers are always boosting for the home product and home trade and are doing more than any other one factor in advertising the resources of the place and worthy and de serving of the support of all the people all the time. —Stevensvillc Register. "The east is Montana mad," said James T. Stanford, who has just returned to Great Falls from a two month's eastern trip to Chicago and other eastern cities. Montana is the best advertised state in the union, and the people here do not dream of the magni tude of the rush that will set in with the coming spring. Thous ands upon thousands are headed this way. The hunger to pos ses a piece of land upon which can be grown the food-stuffs that at present command such enormous prices is universal. Don't forget to take out your fishing license before you go plunking. No one can afford to pay $25 a piece for them. A license costs only $1. EXQUISITE FLAT HEAD SCENERY E. L. Geddea has on exhibition in his new office a group of Flat head pictures, taken by Kiser, the official photographer of the Great Northern, that surpasses anything that was ever seen in that line. The pictures are genuine photographs, tinted with natural colors, and show the most exquisite workman ship. Everyone who sees them is sure to and be facinated will want to become the possessor of at least the picture of Lake McDonald which is the most beautiful picture that was ever taken. The public is invited to come and have a look at them and anyone who appreciates pretty pictures, especially when it is local scenery, should not miss this op portunity. They will be on ex hibition for three days and anyone desiring to possess any of them can do so by ordering thru Mr. Geddes. You will want some "500" scor cards for your card party. The Pilot has 'em. r THREE MORE DAYS 1 (FRIDAY, SATURDAY AM) MONDAY) Léft to take advantage of the greatest bagain feast in the county Flannel Shirts. Worth $1.50 to $3.50 \ now 1 $U5 to $2.65 Underwear. Worth 75c to $7.00 now 45c to $5.25 Ties Worth 50c each now 35c Socks Worth 15c pair now 3 pair for 25c Ladies'Neckwear Ladies' Coats Children's Coats Dress Hoods at at at Worth $1.50 to $2 now Half Price. About Half. About Half $1.15 Duck Coats Men's Sweaters. Boys' Sweaters Royal Blue Shirts Blanket lined, worth Worth $2.00 Worth $1.00 Worth $1.25 $3.00, now now now now $2.25 95c 55c 90C Odd Lots of Men's Shoes Suits and Overcoats Worth up to $6.00, now Every garment in the house $ 3.25 pair at ji Come early to get your size. Half Price. ij — :___ _ : 'SENAY MERCANTILE CO. Additional Locals A. R. McKeen is clearing off some more of his land to plat into lots. There is a great deal of saw timber on it, which he is disposing of to the Hutchinson Lumber Co. 1 C.«F. Joslin, who has been em ployed by the electric light com pany for the past year here, has started in business for himself and will do all kinds of house-wiring and electrical work. Mrs. J. M. Jefferson, who re ceived severe burns by accidentally ! dropping a kettle of hot water on j her foot last Thursday, fainted afterward, and in falling broke her ankle on the same foot, so that she will he laid up for several weeks. Kalispell Lodge No. 42, A. F. and A. M., has extended to White fish Lodge a cordial invitation to attend their past masters' meeting this evening. If No. 2 is any where near on time there will he ( quite a number of the Mason's go ing down and will return on No.43. I J. B. O'Brien, a brother-in-law of A. J. Walker arrived from Butte yesterday morning and expects to remain here for a month at least in hopes of improving his health. He reports that Mr. Walker is now spending the winter in Texas and will return here in the spring. Mr. Walker is » very enthusiastic Whitefish booster,and he instructed Mr. O'Brien to pay up his Chamber of Commerce dues for him while here. ANNUAL MEETING HELD BY PRESBY. WOMEN The Woman's Society of the Pres byterian church held their annual meeting on January 20. A new member was enrolled and the follow ing officers were chosen for the com ing year: Mrs. A. T. Lees, presi dent; Mrs. W. W. Wolcott, vice president; Mrs. E. L. Geddes, treasurer; Miss E. E. Knight, sec retary. The meeting then ad journed to meet again Thursday, February 3, with Miss E. E. Kdight and.each member is requested to be present and bring their work, for which they must pay a fine of ten cents. At this meeting the coming year's work will be outlined and it is hoped that as many as can do so will be there. HARDWARE MAJESTIC & NIAGARA RANGES COLE'S AIR TIGHT HEATERS LOGGING TOOLS, STRAP HAR NESS Universal Coffee Perculators, Univer. sal Bread Mixers, which are something new and the Horton Water otor and the Horton Spinner Washing machine. Jaqueih & Johns Complete House Furnishers Rooms soc, 75c, $1 Per Day European Plan HOTEL NORTHERN H. R. TIOWELL, Proprietor The Only First-Class Hotel In Town Special Rates by Week or Honth Phone No. 6 WHITEFISH FEED STORE LOCATED IN CHAS. NOBLE BU1LMNG. STORAGE BOOH FOR RENT. The RIGHT Place to Get Your FEED, HAY and GRAIN. DRY WOOD IN RICKS OR CORD DELIVERED. C. H. RATCHYE, Prop. Phone No. 81 Merle C. Groene ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Whitefish, - Mont. Typewriter ribbons, carbon paper and typewriter paper for sale at his office. E. A. KNIGH CONTRACTOR AND BUILDE Estimates furnished on application Jk Jk Whitefish, = Mont Read The Pilot.