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Union Made Clothes C CARHARTT'S J AGENTS FOR—Hansen and Price railroad gloves, Hanan and Florsheim shoes, Longley hats and caps, Staley Brand underwear, Headlight and Carhartt over alls, M. Born & Co. tailor-made clothes. These are all union made goods and have made a reputation for themselves because they always give satisfaction. Once worn, always worn. The railroad man's store. For the best of everything for men. MABRY & WILDE MOTHER'S COOKING -AT THE HOME CAFE MRS. J. H. BIGGS, Prop. 21 MEALS FOR $5.00 Where Particular People Eat CENTRAL AYE. 3 DOORS NORTH OF BANK OUR MAGAZINE BARGAINS FOR 1910 The following are the best Club Offers that will be made this season. E3TALL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE FOR ONE FULL YEAR. The 1 îlot ................ ladies'' Home Journal. .. Saturday Evening Post.. All Three $5 oo The Youth's Companion. ) (Including all extra | All for numbers, and the Vene- ) tian Calendar for 1010. I $ 17 = and The Pilot..........J The Pilot...........$2.00 \ All Three Pictorial Review---- 1.00Î Success Magazine . 1.00) $3 20 The Pilot........ Modern Priscilla. The Housekeeper. All Three $ 2.70 The Pilot- _____ The Independent . fi nen es s Magazine. $ 2.00 i 3.00 }■ 1.00 ) All Three $3.75 The Pilot..........$2.001 Pictorial Review____ 1.00 ! AH Four Hone needlework .. .75 f „r, „ The Housekeeper... .75 J $3.20 The Pilot The Houaekeeper flme Ifeedtework . All Three $2.70 Th-Dajr. .$ 2.001 . 1.50 i . 1.00 f . 1.00 J All Four $4.20 .. .$ 2.00 ) ... 1.50 > ... 1.50} All Three •4.00 .....$2.001 m.....50 j I..... .50 V ......50 ilnattarn, free) J All Four $2.70 ........$ 2.001 .....»j r........«of .........«of pattern, free) j All Four $ 2.70 All Three $L05 —...... 42.001 fcriiii .... 1,00} ■st......1.00) AU Three $$.40 Uncle Remua'' Home 1 00 All Four Metropolitan........ 1.50 ) -••*•«.- «01 $ 3.70 (Including 1 pattern free) J ADORBS 5 ALL ORDERS TO The whitefish pilot MONTANA T.he Pilot...........$2.00') lectori al Review____ 1.00 \ All Four Ladies' World.......50 j Modern Priscilla.....75 J $3.20 The Pilot ........$2.00 Pearson's Magazine.. 1.50 Success Magazine.. 1.00 All Three $3.40 The Pilot...........$2.00 Pearson's Magazine.. 1.50 American Boy...... 1.50 All Three •3.40 The Pilot..........$2.00 World To Day...... 1.50 Pearson's Magazine.. 1.50 All Three ' $3.70 The. Pilot..........$2.001 Success Magazine... 1.00 f All Four Pictorial Review. .. 1.00 f no Amerian Boy...... 1.00 J «po.yU The Pilot..........$2.00) Farmer's Voice......50 Home and Farm.....50 Poultry Success......50 J All Four $2.70 The Pilot ..........$2.00) Farmer's Voice......50 | All Four Home and Farm.....50 ) Paris Modes.........50 | $2.70 (Including 1 pattern, free) J V The Pilot..........$2.00 Home and Farm ..... 50 Reliable P'ltry Jour. .50 All Three •2.70 The Pilot......... $2.00) Housekeeper......... 75 Modern Priscilla.....75 America Boy ...... 1.00 AH Four $3.40 The Pilot..........$ 2.00 Metropolitan........ 1.50 Success Magazine... 1.00 All Three •3.70 The Pilot..........$2.00 Technical World____ 1.50 lOr World To-Day) Both $3.00 The Pilot...........$2.00 Ainalee's Magazine.. 1.50 Both $3.00 the Pilot...........$2.00 Success Magazine____ 1.00 Or Pictorial Review) ; TK» Pit»» Both $2.70 the Pilot's Serial Story ot i < ■» L» is» t . 1 's l. iv;nl I.ÎÏD Wi der,,.. . Luûu 0 TOil ole mim mm m. Miles From Any Human Being, H; Broke the Land With a Hand CulLi vator and Won With His Nerve and Brains —Ole's Experience With Potato Growing. This is the story of a farmer who won because lie had nerve and under standing enough to sit down ou his land and tight it out to a tlnisli. a farmer who had never heard of the word discouragement and whose only definition of failure was that it meant "tty again a little border;" also it is the till«* of a man who farmed as much with his head as lie did with his hands, and he did an enormous amount of work with those latter. His name—uot that it matters par ticularly—is Ole Martin, and six years ago he drifted into these United States from Sweden, where he had been farm ing in rocky aud exhausted land for fifteen years. Six months after his arrival at New York he was in Alaska, aud six mouths after that he had a few aeres of land 011 the Keuui peninsula. Then he began to farm. There were no neighbors—not then, ut least, for it was not until later that a taciturn Scot sat down a short distance away and began to farm on his own ac count. Had No Dogs or Horses. The location was three and a half miles north of the new town of Sew ard. and there was no railroad; also there were no horses and at first not even a dog. so supplies had to be "packed" in. A man who has never carried sixty to a hundred pounds on his back over rough, uubroken couu try can only imagine that. Ground had to be broken and cleared. Then it had to be prepared for sowing, and the old methods of Sweden and the United States even were useless. Mar tin began with potatoes and failed. His results were watery caricatures of the potato of commerce. He had got his seeds from Seattle, aud be tried agaiu and failed again. Then he began to farm with his head. He pro ceeded to educate his potatoes and teach them to grow respectably. This could only be done by growing and re seeding. Soon he had real potatoes and began to sell them. Cultivation ftas u problem, for with out tools it wns difficult. Martin solv ed this problem, however. In his own patient way. He built himself a baud machine and pushed it himself with prodigous labor. Later, wheu be had secured a dog team, he broke them to haul the cultivator. It was a severe task, for he was alone. There was no hired man—just Ole himself aud the dogs. Decided on Garden Truck. Finding himself so close to a grow ing community. Martin saw that In garden produce there would be a mar ket. aud be act to put some seven acres under cultivation. In nearly all Ut work he had trouble with his seeds. Those from the State« would not grow well in a soil where there were 140 Inc bee of rainfall in a year, and eo be had to educate bis turnlpe. his cauli flower, carrots, cabbages and the rest to grow In damp soil. The government maintains expert ■rat stations, bat theae were and are too tow; also they ere oaly experiment St ati o n s, and the real work muet be done by the real fariner. Martin wont through It all. and he bath hie tog house, barn aud outbuildings. He cats hie hay—tons of It—by hand and riche II Ohme, ne fluds time for flowers, and thaw are bis a at use mente. He hallt an Incubator and la raizing rhk-k oaa and Is housing them In a log bouse equipped with a stove. Brer/ Mt of work 00 the pla ce every last tap—baa been done by this former ein gle banded. He has combined the work of the experi m e nt stations and the farm, and to him la due the sue cow of farming on the Renal. Now the railroad has come to Mm, and be can ship bis products in to Seward, even across the sound to Cordova aud Valdez, and he Is well to do. Fought Twenty Hours s Day. But the trials and the fight of those early days, when he was wrestling twenty hours of a summer day and eight hours of a winter twilight with a rough, semiarctic country, pushing a clumsy, homemade cultivator by hand and smiling cheerfully, will not soon fade, nor will the days when eighteen hours of yellow sunlight brought the seeds rushing to the surface aud ma tured them in five weeks. Those were the moments when he saw the things the future held. And he's not going to sell out and go back to Sweden. He's going to stick on the job. It's bis home now. aud he sees the time in ten years—no. five—when he will have farmer neighbors all about him and the rich soil will be working for the men who can conquer it. Up in the Tanana valley and In the Copper river and the Susltna, too. fanners are following the track of Ole Martin, the man who farmed and made it go through—alone. NEW MINING DRILL A new quartz mining drill, the invention of a Hillyard mining man, which is intended primarily to he used in the exploration of prospects, is now on exhibition in this city. W. Willerton is the in ventor and the president of the company which is known as the Washington, Idaho and Montana Exploration company. The other officers are: R. H. Herbert, vice president; S. Busman, secretary and treasurer. The new invention is being promoted hy Eugene Des armo of Whitefish, Mont., a well known mining machinery man of that city. The demonstrated model is run by an electric motor of one-eight horse power. It uses a one-forth inch drill with two 15 -pound weights attached. The drill itself is a simple piece of gas pipe with a hardened steel bit. Steel cuttings are fed down to the hit, and these grind the rock- The small model will drill at the rate of six inches per hour in hard gray granite build ing rock.—Spokane Chronicle. Recently one of our most fasti dious young men bought a pair of overalls and found in them the name of the sewing girl who had made them. He very promptly wrote her a letter with the effusive ness necessary in such a ease and in due time received a reply, which however, was void of the romance usual in such cases. Here it is: "I am a working girl, it is true, but I make a good living and I do not care to support a husband, as I would probably have to do, if I married some silly noodle who gets mashed on a girl he never saw. Permit me to further say that I do not know how my card got in that pair of overalls, and that when I do marry, if ever, it will be some fellow who can afford something I »etter than a fifty-seven cent pair of breeehes. The photographs of Flathead scenery that have been on exhibi tion in the real estate office of E. L. Geddcs attracted the attention of a great many people, who stopped in to admire them. They were taken by Kiser, the official photographer of the Great North ern, who took them last fall when he was here at harvest time. They portray only as a colored photo graph can, the beauty of a Flat head grain field and orchard. The panorama of Lake McDonald'caught the eye of everyone, as it is fully as beautiful as the lake is itself. A jolly croud of young people chaperoned by Mr. and Mre. J. V. Mazurie attended the club dance at Columbia Falls. In spite of the somewhat disagreeable weather, all the participants report having had the "best time ever." It was unan imously agreed to tender Mrs. Lewis and Miss Selvage of the Gay r ! lord hotel, a vote of thanks for 5 their splendid entertainment and courtesies. Those comprising the party were Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Mazurie, Misses Cavanaugh, Hines, Jackson, Good, Whiting and Chess man, and Messrs. Burr, Planten burg, Cavenaugh, Lindhe, Sander son, Tenner and Deeringer. Read The Pilot. 5-Acre Tracts Just North of the Railroad Right-of-way. In Easy Walking Distance. : : Don't Miss Getting One of These Tracts. For Sale on Easy Terms, at Prices that Are Within Reach of All. Make your selections now. For Full Information See E. L. GEDDES, Sales Agent For Whitefish Townsite Co. WHITEFISH MONTANA TAXIDERMIST I Am Now Located and Ready to Do All Kind of Work in This Line. Also Tanning of All Kinds of Skins. J. W. MADDY - Whitefish, Mont. II Are You An American? Are you over 18? Can you read and write? If so, there's no reason why you should not have a Government job, working few hours, getting pleasant vacations, drawing big pay. IN 1908, 40,000 CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS WERE FILLED And Uncle Sam is still shorthanded. Once you get a Government position .you cannot be removed except for cause. There is no danger of being put aside to make room for someone else. If you want to know how to qualify for a Govern ment position get in touch with M1880ULA, MONT. Local Representatives of the International^ Correspondence Schools.